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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jul 1912, p. 1

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'ices, fran fAime extra value le C '~ ~ L J., I.-WILL MEDIÇAL HALI -Brook St.--- LEFAL. JINO. E. FAREWELL,- Barrister, County-Crown AI County Solicitor. Office South wing CoU-rt Hous *L-Te RABCLAY, Barriate 3oficitor, Notary Public, Spç !ner for %bc Higb Court oi succeimor to Dow &moeifl r' Brock Street, - Wl __A. E. CHRISTIAI Ofice Lumt door west Di the1 *Mcbney 10 Loan. JAMAES-RIJTLIEDGE,- Baio Mcney to Loan,,on east office imxnediateçly south Ri Whitby, Ont. 6. VOIJNe SMITH, L barrister, Etc. Money to0Io oi Mariage License -DENTAL 4"m Strast, RouilhUcoNi Toras, Byron àSt., Wbitby -AUOTION»BlE AUCTION E]E jas. Biahop,'Oshawa, Lipi :oneer.* Successor-to L.1 For termq and dates apýIY 1< a~. Robb, Whtby. ~LICNE UTIN AND VALUATOR. AW-4inds of sales prompti, '. Arrangements can be- sales at the Gazette office. Terma reaso-nable. gjm al Independent Phon WIIITBY, -ONT. OONTRAOTORS Carpentôl, Builder anc Cou ]Plans drawn and estimates f Repairs, Alterations and Jc Oppomite Stephenoe B« -467 WIIITOY I Buck, RiddaIl & 1 Carpenters, Builders, Contra e Cabinetmakers. PlWià drawn- and estimates1 Repairs to properties _and fui ceive prompt attentiat Bex 132 or Go.I Wbitby. >Go i MKarriage Liceî Corner drugator Summev Sesâ - ro in!d irçaiento cur a tornetu & uguat t.Many mrs&0u4 esor .tudeeits will ta - vatage et our Summer Terne and »i9i continue until graduationi or six neonties lead tiseesidiect goodasalarled poition. Let ua yon Particulars about our coure, Write Tb* Centras Ruinest aloge. Inyi.bi rasýge ç urpopsa, I forlong rangé. F.~~~ E.LUE, educa- rewelU, a NI - oilage, d -Mr -o M.i l>Ie ub- . Wid t'h. te-- andi .%we'i bag, Lé culture,antikeeey ýppeciat t. I lir anti ra.M. W. Colins are a Tcî at an 'd anti keovlege J their'cottage hrefor thse u e. sary. l'h. heathen vatch tise 1hio. uwn camping at Hfeyaenshore. ary closely anti'iittO hun- To them -Ainumber of towa boys are emplng yeading, 1~ aiflIb.rJa hesamys h. muet hme.. et' close aadby. Ilseh"reoa,,tbe uof o! ak- Mr.-Geo. Rosa anti famliy are ca- ej »1,~~- - pjlng- their ottage. The T.miasionar> mnet Le splrituailY Km. ant i ia. Harry Thomupson. a N- uled.Ethi. ld. ad arality yul noS bem- forta-u ar LÂOTIG suce, nly- àa liamrabelw-ile 'i.A amw nomr kd cher uSama off OA Poor ai the. 1 pel «W shaitii. *teu Pain. zu eiag mmais t. b.p1" l Am, moe th 081W 4 -- - - ' bede c had pas tionti irotte th&e City, up-hadý ai~~h hona7mor- r-prepareti esé for ti oe Di>.~ye ifrsa eod th ht -tismoasàis-.tise build4ig' ;blockse wid b ip0dm > tg it e homs 'hadst.bd.5j pue 'o ".. - ; sa uabrick cara isi riksnot bmdly gt up andb 4el foi-ce cf m wearw th belie Boarm stheuiiu *-~tà i amb. de.H d. luat thé i1naggurmiJ on 'w.e&J m0tug WM onItlsesubject. "Wîtatgat6s .pa Aid il.orrn ,es tnd ," ndwaeo0r9anti roomean- à+ 51îwj:6 U*l r oudtin as of !th d hlofyeou.ifoikH..C. ptlclau le she cutoteConference- Tii a, ». bpesn etdIUs Lmoreing of eacis day was -devotedti vsi, orKolon, ~eibr n earnest st'y Of miasipaxy _probIns other dniràoe is ta beeld îb>r a, Wlb. under capable leades;the alternoon veek, bsgissningý to-day. wms.givee, over tol rest or reiireat&C>n,* thle eveuing výas devateti *to sarneat tak rm ed nnmion vorlt.Prmti e (~aris Ti. peakrs ati ubjeote ver. as foi.VW5 SS Iowa day by day. - Wedn.sday- evening -,2ev. j. S. SIGU SCgoL PROMOTION MKoodworth, Supt, AU. People' ia-1&SL Bion, Winnipeg, "T'he Probiesa of lithe 74P ingi isUeat !ts K. C. Foeiner, and. titepolm o he ~ &olPooto xri4 Ltorney andiCity.>'* 6 ercent. i. ,tii.mak eirdt *Thuraday-Rev. Canon Dyson Bague, PO-" .Aocrdng -50 Deati.ns ise, Whitby. Tronto,'"e eplacel-ofhe Bible itn 4daid. -Marks 'ý0n the dle~tsui- Missions.,,- l.Y béobifained -lrom,,Iio pry w at LaW Friday---"Muioet Work l fic.inalç pliain çciai Exam. 2ev. Volnesy Ray.* i Africa; ill Tiia . Eetr'aece"reiSe it il b@ publai )fjustice. ted addxess on 1 orneMission Woxk, ais ooa ath. w ork 0ofthe Mmm-*. Livrty. Rev. C. J.- Cameron, Toronto. 'ing oadlsbenprodbyte iitbyo Ont. 8atiýrday-"The Tenth Anniveraaxy *riïn N met" = 1utrtt by .]Kr. C.V. Vicis-1 bo.o>'hY Holliday -66, M. Willis 11'2, 111k. Soirey, evYork. ".CanadienWokl.f 60HaltLiusMto PostOfse. o th MoeàùM,1# Lïyne-ý;,L.7dtephe..on 56, Roy Lick Poa Ofice of-ii. Mveacn," y 2v; .E.Are- 0, FedElvidge' 51,. Wms. Meeker g51 sogToronto. j~ae~lb 0 aodHdsn4 - d Sunday-Morning_- 11Gna Wn " Ê utiis 5 uaroldHi.lgop (, 19eoEt'b. C. V. Viokerv-.;,oanme 44.lhn, P-J ù IstrEt. veiiig"PflegPo k'Luk 44,- George O0'OonMr (, cem l own andti buildigBarnsý, Boye.. Dr. JlIynia dJoliton 43, JÃ". O'Connox 41, oyai Hotel, TD. McGflivay. Gordot' agms 8Ruby Rutt.ail, =,t ipr e. On tise beautiful - FR I pRoxoTION. L. B. -aAa-athie eos4i Of thé main*-hall1 . Àuecôs 'xL.Il 4,I about three Isundreti and fifty gather- Baroay,- 7f), W-. Broya '68,ý B. Bre4lle, àn. Issue, ead. Thse service vas held at8.30, as- 74,7P. Claiyo 5 .Crsc 6 2 es hling a large number of twnspeoiple Go 6iig(5,_&. fitidgson 5, .Jopea j ~.0to attend mfter4sreulr* chsu" 8, Q LawrenS -le, G. Lia'to 71 Il fonir service, mierviich 'Dr. Brown, combe,58, K. Nicliolin -a,T.Po introduSd irDx.làOillivxay to speak 1%, M. Pahmer .59, H. Palmser 4,M on th. work lb china. Dr. McGillivray Richardison '79, K.* Richardison, A au, Dur- told of tise great avakening abat i&. Richardson 47, E.i Robeton 58,-R qo. jý te t pinces slu nd t e-Shsirley 42, D. Vipond 59, . Waugh pies that have besis for -fenturica asac- 63, G. Whitfield 48. r.1ba ed to.tii. vorsiiip of idole are nov in WIIITBY PU4LIC SOHOOL PROMO.- morme cass being oonvected into ex-. TIONS. amination .halls; tise vallu around .TOait. -IV. cities are bg1nk. remnoveci and linLieir A. -Stani-,I. Baker, G. Robext- places are being- laid- modern macatit son, D. Bell, R.Plnx,.Elige amlze' ond; îvlizt4s~usavae-very, C. Wigs ' C Qita, *ing svlftly le tua -ýcountxy, anti thei. ' Bradley, . Meke, . qRice, A. snsed Aue progressiv ideas of tise leader» mnd, Jubb, D.. Thsomson, N. Neil, V. Ward, Fairbanks tiseir followers -have been crystallizadILR.Harri. J.. 0 sef orto i therecit. utio. Bu inspite OJBIv sel or ho il tuis progresa and- intelleotual M. Sturgegs, M. James, P. John- -___ nligst-enmnent, Dr. _MoGillivray show- ston, M. McGilivraY, N., Brown, A. ed how- greatly China Deetis the gos- Hialop, C. Neil, G. Colline, R. lise. w-* pel To some of tise peoiple it aeenss, Carl, W. Ellison, W. pellow, W. Chan- 4ÈER vhen iseix idole are besng removeti ning,. Wilson. t. ros tise temples ansd buried, that - l'O SU. InI.* y attemded their! whole, vorlt ini gone,' anti they. Model School-L. Btly J ik -made for haven on. 50 viom they may look e~3 K. Webster, H. Richartison, B. - for help.' SuMey thiB je a great OP' Wigs3ton, H. Wôrfolk,. N. Rosa, S. portunity>. for the churcis, - and. tise Wlklnson ue. speaker impresseti upon tise gudience1 Henry Street Schooi-E., Wiliama3, %ho neeti of woniiere 10 seize thia great J. Sawdon, G. Wilson, F. 'Augustua, opportunity. ne closeci vith anurW.aca, .ely gn Ppeal for men and vomen viso TO JR. III. -could devote- their lives to China. Mode] School-L. Johnston, L. Bs,0.- MES MONDAY EVE)-INO. lin, G. 'BrantQn, G. Bateman, C. Pal. Gahreil >opso is . nier, M. Becket. ýntractor.. lgate IJed in o th"e e e Henry Street School-E. Charton Eunied. fcom Siene tte e ettalk oWn'h .lmye .PiiL furnshe& fromDr. Brown on tequalifications I.raughy, . Hall, R. Jisbb L ýobbing. of a missionary. Re shovedti tit 1'SI dey.-TS H S . Il. ýon'. vas a aerious thlng to offer ouiea lueflenr TreeSRho. DI. ,~ Phone 149 to a Mission Board for au-vice le nrPa tre aey, Cho. utS , BLd rayor figlfeld- ' Amissionasrywasm aa-ctyre.D.toîîoving - actGisoneanSasen4ia nssaonary to the Pae in1Miss. AdW..lej given.re lough. It required Y-eari! to acquire a j. Meke ~ 1'~L~e. nîtureg keovietge - of se Janguage, 1r, . B ll, F. Beckk-. Cor- f rtue.manti durixsg thia persod the. Missiônary macis, J. C00%., A. - 1io>0sspeon, R avey, S vaà of Mucis Jus efficiency than viien Cormack, P,. 0k., R. iHazarc ni ByonSt té a a s aàcquired. Yet tTO10JR. 1 _____-expense vas - Ijtacticaliy'the sarne.T 1 Tiem-1naysoli ae on Henry.tSt -hoo-Dn'.-.~ ,M.Ei-- Ne~doue the-Y.M C.!and Nle diartheparsgo r.eria u "i Re. . ins wIn Ieva.id. oVr t . juoch lx.Le erout j mathse iroom ola ini her hed.:Mr. lavis carried bar h.arma -t<ôwards the - back atra with ï4i h. iile, b ouse Il ring .ar .a bisa. Re.-could not goS o-ut antMdtii' maie foîr th.entan..The a bloWked. lRolding lir.-Lauze in.le arina, Mr. Lewis Bat on,:, mes tafrwa vile heyvatet fr whàt taoy pêcti w'udibe i- t"4ns expectegils ' irealitI Tv il ho are y.5uncfm iwho» were-caught in th. park vLan stora broke, rushed 1, Mr. . Lew, hom for aheter. They gots as far -the ýporoh, but wers bit thm eby :9 zng brick m-pi"lc4 p di other man who sought helter at aiguo oM r. Lewis' home., w..a&I WÂS 1N MEMPODIST(WC. k Aimonwt thillibg aoà,mtat in, hs clubroom -at the <ramrof Ii Kuthodiet< churoklob" healm broke. I raà to leasve tii. buiàdz4 wheu 1 mmv brickââ ighhojh ~ air througii the.dooÉ i!Ïàôoq*i back to »se if anyon ue je ' bodyof lthe cmxrcii.1Né- one tiserc. -1 starteti znadly t %h. Sun mnight stili b. tise. Homevereï 5 empty. The noise vas abaolu. ýdeiening. ne ,whol. ohurchr and t 15 aemeti as if the. worldw oming tb an end. 1 ran back o the. rear entrance and a11.mnted o0 open the..door. Thie lwaa hi - mng so etroegly thos I1heuitated thi it partly open. Plaeing my rme a- gainât the door, le thie poeith. 1. atood tii. fraction of a seond. ~h whole aide -of-"the" ohuroh ýcoIlip gnd f.ellin xontof 'Moe. brushing . a ii' rî àd , ceb t m a o atoae "Ircki lb.q il ew1dut-, -oler the dooer iat a aoted asa uh7ield,, over thie ruine of tihueii. How 1 eacaped 1Ieceot éornreed. -It was mnvloue. Au I look et thi wxeck e Mding !t'u sem m~A ble L - ot i gÀ t alb I icet thisA fteére vas 01y- .1..-in he eh"xAtohé-SSi. Rev. S. J. Farmex vaws ulebat;mIg 'to hiniasifthe, advisaility of Iaaving th, »aptial Ch"rhmtrSna epl and going hom -e te t«n provions to- Ma evowmin evice, o« whetier e'.. bay (Continued on page 8) WE UPLYFAMIL[Y TRADE _WTH- HAMLTO SINGiER ALE -AT $4 PRDOZEN QIjAP.Ts. ÂLSO BELF AST 6 £ AP 4MPORTfD) AT ,I75-- DOZi fNTS (Dei-exd> WIES AND LIQUOB.S, -WHTBY NT?. mu' EJCphasit -Sutt ,IiîtJeys'Bronze Top Jiagarts JnIm NE- PLUS 1,ULT-R-Ap the- A. T. LAW: Phono 47. WHITBY, O1 Hardware! Harware! at, Rock' Bottom Prices. PURE ENGLISH'-PARIS G-REE 215e pele lb.- W. M.PRINOL ST B»~K O? <ANADA N.AY~ OPp~~ TORONTO - Whitby. *li -- -q SEN m <yto MY pu .i- amm a"o-da u uu WHITBY BRýANCU,! C A. McCI9hn, mnug Sm er Dinklç Orangede L4monade, GrapejuicelnéeJuice 0Flnest FritWmes-, lieint Z'Pckes, .Têkep, upthe appetite. Sý:eet an)d Sour. By thé QuarorBi HOEGROWN SoeÂWBER rFresh Daiiy _ New -Potatoes, Cabbage, CucuaiWer,. Fruts of Al KiGnds.- This store wricise every Thursday aftert JJLY and AUGiUST. A59bf~LIU~I~~ (~ fiRITADIfI wer# vee irovxr downj;-,; "windo'ws trees lors up, tnciecatter- ni abo',t-thiim on the-ediea of 14"h. cyloe ilethe centre of the stor-M area, of0o1 ,tise destraction vas COIlsPlte--0Otiing being 1,f t'worâi So iieaývywa 1 3tisaralel mccomi panyipg tise alorm thaS viiere tise gu. toexa mdbeEn blooketi with tiebris, the. BUWre w ere - smoe kiedeep um vaSer.- Only a few mnsusc elapseti miter tise destruction vas wrouglst tu the, (cti?. soe living ceeu- 'thie stores zone m or heard oV the diamster that h",,b.. fallen, and soon huedreda hati bague the. voxk of rescuing thoôse who iaqd- bSn caughit in fidling' buildings, or h4xt by fiying tiebrla. Thse death liaStvas les han flfty the iejureti etiesereti upvarda of twoý hundreti. Boy it came abouStitîAt the. fatalilies diti not number hund"&I instead of Se= nsl one ot the marl'el Of Ste catatropsa. So mary a,' -0a UM eeqae re tise escape* Irons 4deaStsa -t looket i k. tseisanti of 1Provjdenoe diroCllY ieterpos?d le scores of cam r0 illustrate tism nfoilwing us imjss ao reported-in l Regina pa- ,ers may b. clted. >1 "'BOY SCOUTS NEyER CR.Y.'P lus cee of -the. ar" at tlhe Gneiral-, Hospital lies ,ittI golden--aalr..id Kon,,-. ,uth Dune et hardly live years cf ion - of James Dune, Dewdney etreâtS.' E4tie Kenneth vas -playscg wth .. neiglabor'.i boy on tIse- Sunday- afteÈ sos le in is home. 'The-ccoei zic lsove home anti lifted iS »o4ily on .Is' cee behovas li, crushieb it Uit. wei.t as buriet in se -i.ruina asd, wduW li.a e-v broken. V-Wllin igiboia. 'w # soon on thse scene at ofour-4a=mand a half'shey-wi « 'iug to e kèimw hlm. He braveBy nover eu -ers,"by'-sous eve oy. Ail~ ~ ~ h thwileh as "cedex th. ~rekag le ceeetionthe vorker. li- .bsentered 'tise hoapital, ai- r~. gel ~4 uil f ur the, - ---E- fflo - - - - - - - - - --- - - - dKÀdLý&À ý - - ÀL ý m

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