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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jul 1912, p. 2

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- e salu.-* ly far drom bis, -The wayside d rodden path 1 deoured it-ý rn parte of tis 'a -found 1 he' e te> sea large ciose thi, -Drioue IitaIMtL *WJ 15 5ae.prsforred. .1A4 enufrvalent of. 304 for h1io tok lu t b.#180 a rear lirtoad et*100, 'sa lhey a It Peoeflt, o er. u80s a 5D5ulator -auq1 t w lu Threlvery obvious mita. hairma-Domiio Rallway' Bord-Povert the City-4lotiàfàg the ýPoor-Echoei lo'.W.J.Has.,provincial, Lcetar oomnmlesea al.ce-of dinomecalsad ~È thaIe liae lghtinlu onneilon u 9aiet n..uwr. sud thl Iiss 11h- ~ ~ ý] l.banaulo!heDomIniéo etIecfVs oi'e, W yl oo b ailwav Board., h liuétirons t4 notë-hou iapereL Abutlg.rc.r~i sur.- position@ Mn. Kanua'. Dame ban 290for -thepriviiege- cf teanlng tbe ton ausociat.rl with -moimE theévaupâliive pac Mdown. Th -gro.Mnude - have sn onreçurinug. &bout once a month 'Ibat i -, bore a crash nipple' lu Vine lé si-s suskni gels,-aDominion politieu. Thneon ., ailR Toiontoes -'e ewre usd Upe~br £911. ame a%Ù& pansé, sund Iti tb ewer",4asdisappqs.re& Th 'au- il.ebraüne uho went.lu. Oenne0c, tiful old ehna bavé bes-urnd lotord. î ica tth Iis incident thére llu anInter., yod. ."a t. heists sous varies uofiai aiu Mtry, tliatMn. Kaonna could: bave, &ifrmthaït viUimaylie msieny,? àÎe wu olt«euttbt ai- b il ' Ilidi ?.Te uidinraei-olrozn arn Thoithon abave t u eilsiiàt W4iu Il wtat onsitecié ls a'a.Ite untht-h Mn. Fodi sa ulé ne: pu aud miinets, af Ohuce'n- Weuntu , Iin.Geon. And il hae ben'goeaiflt bne Pik ii'l~ uy- Iii- it ans lime lie taeoftensé dhq"pong Ilion cfa Oor.Par Counsl cf nonte Bay, US Eh tce a e cf is n.e ~srs uutte n.fi-bu aOmloIis thie ouaiblnabsvdloi tn Vhs#l aPu buelAnd Ieit baiuess b ibe E. frllyCheleyards.. F miObi si tulnti- a -iené dat su interiw lh v.Drbel-ton. hi-nirs bolmn uét fio of rbslat ivConutdf.> onto lb resson Vothe routirtbut 0bnSvldth. at poiin 'mhafe mu-Car.ols.ofhu.,igtrafins.'ki lee wrIe l .aytnsu bi s, hih oandlo. aktle wge r 0Ih. tio s lneregi-ethe -M roenan cf bia. anonée. et lb. Kauus'&h ho éde aî-i n gooé dhue W mlon b*uh. u 'vbes, btnre.las nt 3aroup.ellltlovssngvoie val-i@gm okWit.i cerer of a ué trins,. 0.1' a nne bn lsans taed o rlh aw om 014be lis ne e At Gin-; m' sas~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Iitr thelt aiosprvt fie ei. ui u12 ~S WliahOaup s4shtsus1~I hid ahal.hore nederlnCI &.sa nd'lub, urvive rt cf M. astIsuariema and cS umermtlbell, te bnkCtfIn 'h ite iab. coneto Lfbi seot.sle lif as ' revewal bis Io %s; aet bisuto iliono, nomeEIGERORS ba ~t~iofprovisiaî e b If i-ôou 'are entee'lu appeàm a mp -i lu ngmini etfor ibo asiens hs'-uan lolgsci sa u if 'i Oéleups tlloéngbasr sn iteé îoiél vn-hm u1u ilenièn 111te thed, 'bouseiTb@ xieessflLl.s LIn'r u et is-isml < im. au n. belmoreseule o !nbii- a- for1îsthe. a p leasaut. ui si n s a - A.  m5w&c -ue a"$ W ohsntable..work. Ithe is for beusinig the G 1lu Eniané ' hou&' ow' "ome; sud wbils ' doue goodlalu hoi it 1thei.... avo e sea. ba"-sbeon stmeé st. I gume ther o' ae pi olai- out afu loS'~naolandl r te 'total strar tin.i ~to iot,, as-àh 'er'i e wo.rd ce, a Ao! tifrasVstê's eaiu vhich vas te take , o jects. sud sceues tamiliar Vo his. heaaýrs andc use them te illus- _#>t ti.-ruVl. hs vb 1hugh 5. On the rock round-Tho ioppes o! the- hillaideï about. Galilea, te- war-d whicui Jeass vas looklng^fro m his Position on the a4g.e, f --the lake, vwith but a thin- 'côvcnlng .'o!, boa. ceatb. These-àlopesve 'i.it th assume the'r covenlng cf green after the eèarly raina, but Were the finit, aIse to become parched and- d y fer the raih j season ad P::$1ïog the thorns-Whene the seeds e! Vorn's' sud thlstles had fallen. A vaniety of Viihor'nana est conmuwpu in Syria an4. Palestin'e vas tIi.ý Xalibk-of the Araba. ',It vas' cf thMs aa arty doubtýees, that Vhe crovu vWas-wvyou hÃŽch Jeans vas fereed. te vear at the ime cf, i, trial bbefere..Pilato. -'Cheked it-The .thorus belug bar- dièr, sud cf mo«re r'apid grovth, as *elaa greater lun uumher, absorli- ed al-.tbe' moigtura cf -thie' eollsud ebut ont: the. sêuneblué a, mking IV Impossible freu ii More 'tender .sprollt8 of'grainu Vo týnrve sud gnou'. 10,.&wsked 'cf hlm- the parabls- Requeated Whlm1Vo-interprôt thesè te them. il. Unte jeu la given the mjateny cf the, kiugdDm-Tb-e pover te - n- deratand 'lts. deeper hiddeu mean- "Thoin that are without-Those vho bave net. :enter-édtVilefelîcu'- -MIp o!bliavers. 12. That aeeing tIiey May sec, sud not peeive-Mark bore expresses lu terme, of puipos. vhat Matthev (13. 13) speaka of in ternis cf result1 The lasson in cIther casa la that 1V la thé receptive attitude -o! mid vhicb' makes possible the. under- staudiug'cf ChrIst'. eaching, whlla 'the refusai te recelve the'trutii ne- suite lu luability te appreciata itI. 14. The vord-The message cf 1the 16. Str4ghtay... aketb vayý Vths vend-Soememouarea ,se pteoc- cupied vlth their ovu temporal. pur- suite and .60' duiled lu their sanie cf moral ýdistinctIons that the 'ne* tige efthe kingdom cf 'ighteous- uss snd -lové tala Vo fnd auj 'par- mauaent,'Iodment iu the%*r m or 16., Reelve.ý it vith jey-Impul- uiively. .'accept1,the. atatements . cf trut 2vthou .nalzing theirip- cationi lu couduet. II. No rCet' lu themnselvea--Shal- heu', unustithlnatures,- net ind4epan- dent'- lu thair cnnvictions. Stumble--Lose eut in Vii. race sud coufiiot, discoueageil by thoperse-. cuions sud difficulties iuvolved. 19. The:carcs'*of Vhe Würld-Literý- aly.thej, aga.;,the. concerna sund p ,roblema o! thia presant h!., 'mat-- ers o! business sud pleasuire..ý lies lu "the, tact that ,výealtb otten blindé those *ho are seekiug te eh- tain iV Vo the highor valuas ocf otiier -hinga. To such iV must lu the end .picvà,a iappitouent. TRUE ED1UCÀATICN. "The forma.tion o! . habits a âthe trua educatiex.: The cultivýation e!f the habit o,! detestlnt a&l tht:'ù 1ev an' ea , ehabit of -adnmrng siori h gjobd 'and the' beauti- fIlan undv ati'ttsdbment te 'ruth sd jsticesu- hs soinexa afottbring oui cenduct>'into-agi- cord' wth theae ideals constituto tho, îigid dlscplin c f tiimoral bpile- sophy, se beautiful that "vilthout lt 1 .. . .. . . . .. - One-AifVh'cf the 18,00. atui the lutJnv-rty o!.Paris are THAT JýMPNGHBT Thôýefiiret4opin the tra1iling Pro- par -sà eradca te thé Jumping ha- biaud te ý ve in -tru oni alk- in. Tuila ladon. by ý>guîd'ing hlm over a sheect of white papai,. I plan out- =y routé, and insit upon bis itant -lie jumpas, -Ilgv a savage- jerk t6hi. châil and compel hlm Vo Coannencé e4&1an f rom the 'atarting point. It takes, as a rule, several d&*ys befèra theirnstinct to'jinp la coun- pleteIy conque red, bùt, Vue time vaoscnsiderabliy. Sco-tcle fleas. Axe ,hwl5tuay 'dour and- diffeult te nuasteý,,ut they- bave great ïntelli- gente, an&j be6COmô Very - *ihling werwe ifiýndhe Yorkshire breed qu ick and br*'ght, butinclined te be a bit ted tricky. . 'Thé only 'cih&p Il compuetely f ailed tobreak in Came trom Dublini. Try 'as 1 woôuld; I1'wadiravarded bynotb- iuo but 'dszoediene when I - was ieized 'wlth as.truly brilliwnit ide&.I ecteda Miniatu 1 lmp-post' on- my ghow-grouÃœnd, sud&tied hîm te 1V vet i's spleen'in-vid jmasd- geat ielatiôens, Vô the.great»>amuse-" ment cf the apectatera,, wli read the- tin y notice, '"ýVotes for Woaen," at- tscb.d -te heý'I amp-post. SOME '-EXCLUJSIVE EFFEOTSA. But thçi, flea is net a Marathlon rneAnd-làs pace inust.be accel- ertdbetfg?%ê-an âppear vith diâtinction 'before the pblc6 make Whlm walk acros"aplate held, overý a aail as-s.4to-ve. As tha heat groeaôre intense, ha starta i ust- ling Vo gèt. off. I. ailcu' im n<> short- cutsi3 however, but insist ou -the staxgbt road, vluch ho takes at top- upeed. If >auy sluggisness is sub- aaquently, chown, the hot plat. vili aiws Seffe ta cure. The theatre proper for displaying thé. dusky liiputians consista uimpîy cf a saial table vlth white painted tep: but the "lprop' and acces- mres'- are genuine littie modela, pe#rfe eâmples cf craft.manaliip lu miniature'c*nstruction.. I maka ail My ovu modela, and croate ex- ciUaive "effects." -My fleas driva motors, fire off cannons, ýset wlnd- mille in ,notýon, draw vater, ring bella, etc. To be perfectly" truthful, I Must admit that moat cof the -triche ara 'lonie nierely by' the fleas walking, and by taking aclvaxitage cf their great afrcngth; but, cf course, dur- ing my lectures I amn inclineci some- whýatto overatate thelr mental at- tributes. FEEDING TIME. I feed my animais every night AL- Ver tha final performance by placing theni' ail on my bar. aria. Wben tboy have hed 'sufflcient neurish- ment, they fâl 'oe- 'oentented and tired, leaving iny punCtures wbera '-they had dinèd. It ln strauge that a free-lance les' makring var upen me iirritates.ime beyond measure, yet the evenilg imeal of. my littile breadwinners causas me no incon- venience wbatever.- -Ther bcd con- sista cf a weli-ventilated box pad- ded vi.tb cotVon-wvool. PopulAr opinion, regards my prio- fession as rathar -a -low-do à-eue aed my social-stàndixig la inet iithý; but, thonl, great -tiiings coine f romn zmal begixniings, sMd vhc' -kuova but thatthe hümble trainer, having achi'veci cnasderble auaice -w'ithf fas, migbt, end a brllliantj,pae. by subju'gating elapliats!1 PEAULS OF TRUTH. feet, but~vo ehouldal, a- thig eh.,ý idete-at Neryuelao!hepoe fonegu- enmak li. aofn thé'ypfi- Ic.Ulture. I t'iepcture il i s' ov* a mos- plea wtiaul ité gloeiolisa'o1r -of i GAVE -HlM $100. nci But[ le lSad uo money. He vent.th to London and . ffèred somnaofhina - sketches foroale., -They were M a jècted. iHe bad littV1.xnoney, but-< a lover of art and'poatry, ha spen4 pl almost hi-lst sàlling Vo oece ]Bern- hardt. fMe was twenty-four :rears old. than, but yet a boy. » He aaw theaBernhardt, 'but 'waa 1evel- la He à Rêcriticized lier' gown., Re.idàlod o some you ng men in h oe:"'Thet'O00UuiO a sup b pedtb.that cf a sea ýsôrceres; ar 1V, C, lkig in detail.J II1 a Berniha.rdt; ah. vil lsten Vo mýe; 1 yI Wil duggemt" i The ga'Y,-fellows làughed aý t, th raiX .presuming young Irishma,' wlio vith-threadbare cost, ,would see the mt divi ne -earai»in hbe rd re ssin g-rooim. of They folloved hlm Vo the stage door. He vas.rebuffed but' nlaec gained tbe'day. ad th, actre"ý cail ed,1im ilu. Théra mleistod,' with * tbree grèat-pier-inirroré uibout.ber. So 1 SThe yeiflig man -took ueaof bis carda2 -and made >a few, rapid !"' trks.- He sho*ed iVt tihe W4_-~s max. o'4alked aviftly', smooly, ' ~and in twenty mýinutes she, vaï àwith him -in.sentiment. SAheacpe i > suggestions and presen'ted him witb di $100. . v as vild vith delight.m "I know y*ou are a4'reamer, and pa I'know that dreams-ocme true. Did not my baby'and I lîiv. for montha h -on rnlIk a1one whbn I vwas a. young th moth r in Pari im;6wkn ovbo bard kn 'it 1-8 te get along,'asud I beliee yon ag have genlus," eetaie~d the actress. va, And. .8, laVer, wlien hoieùiade the ed1 great painting cf the deptbs of the'-AIt Pitcifie, BernhaMt bought t. haE PRACTICAL PREPARATIONS. tc0 While h edescendis thebotrCa of the. sea and paints directlyfrom, vesI3 nature in tibat woxiderful quivering <ici1 teritory cf light and shaodeý his ita' i preparati>ns are eminently practi- f 'cal. He lias a huge i-ren -eaael,"-a gre a large place cf' heavy plate glass, sel double' elepliant drawiungpaperedp soaked in ccoanut cil, and placed thé1 on the glass with surgaciu's tape,an solid colora in a glass box. - With thea. lie descendis, baie- 7, handed, but witsh body vloped lun the usual divlng suit.. He first fite the, box te his lace by ,holdlig the wvoden edre in-hisý,teeth; -and-silnms dovnward and.along, ail the whuleli Jooking for bis sketching ground., li11 Wh-en ha locatesit lie arises Vo the, bull surfaceaf&d dons bis outflt. He de- bul r soends and bis paraphernalia lowered te him. Anid ther, lie ita be-c and dabbles ini the elors on bis iroxili palette. -bIgo Re uses bis tlhumb-nail in working l& up bis 'lake'tch" ; bruâhas could netfo b. used. Trhe oiled paper combinea o with the pigment, and the. vater liasi Ig litti. efacet on î1iReHend j4it tobu- the surfacl in fine shape, and laVer W' works it eut in detail in hie studio.,.. Hae staya on aea-bottom but.forty- ad live minutes at a time1 but lie now test 'is working on plans te conotruot àa aide large diving cage, macle cntirely of te glass and steel, in v'hioh he and bie P pupila may ait and sketch tVo their Pr-) heartas' content. chu' aud thei Véry Sllgh( Ca Use for Eeheasling ath man la China. Although- China bas become a~a 'ho' publié, the v'ia f the sanity <> ,11,Staa bizunn 1f. that prevWîl in Western 4'y countries are flot yet, esta.bliàhed in don thatovercrovJded land.. Thiis storv T] uiaIbe -in dxscusaing the paper, -WheVhaethe bulkhea#ls ara. îng- enough or neat deeisnta matter, lie sad, "because ther. notï eneugb4f tham, uer do y go higli enoug ansd -Vhe ques- o f wlhethier tý,,iy ara stroug ugb - raci aly noV -often It that- time 1V' as urged that chant ihips -shoid ha capable hotlngvwhen -a y eue compart- it-vaaefilled vit 'vater, (The de-, sl-WOUI4 float ý, n aujVvo partments werotfooe. 'ho disciaion r sulted lu some )ortant ',vrk iun igland 'by vhat nown. as ýthe Blhed.'Cm aee." 'ThIa .Committea okd eema, prindcipai aloug VIe lhues ecuringi greater ýwate-tigbt sub- sItiÃ" n f e r i s e - . e ll , r e c o m - fding a Igr'îéfflr n mbmhr of cern-I liey teateci bul ads -vitb a -O o! vter aomet distance abçvs les-c _vater. lin ,because tbay 'w that viien a> este vas dam- d ee ýwouId siu deeper in, tbe er, sud 41that tejuiain increas- greatiy vith i creased depth., lîcugli t4 -nV~ States Navy cointlnued i.practice, and sl- ugl the reàult of ihevwork cf the Ittnicter a mspu4ilshed as early 1898, Vhe Ibuilder ocf merchaut sels iunlug thi largeat linera pot yets eeom bave realized iLloyd's rules uýidar vhich tbe t est numbor cf 1marchant ves- ar-built,. "tho4roughly.rais for. 1910, ovar tça- jara. after publication cf Mir. Woodvard's' Mn. SmiVh'ýs pa.pere, wfind- Vhs wlng: 'n ail c9-ses tha fi ramost cf col- en bO.klEada la 4o extand, etc. suad, its water- ehns te b. ldby filliug' the . ieàk tank vith e t t i.beieg ~of Vthe ' ad- eaftarmoat engina rorn had Vo exteud, !t. .. . Tho ead Volia Mode 1vatcn-Vight, su'id its vatçrtightneasis te sicd by Vhsea! t4 .compartment gAlod vith w' ýer up te tuee ber requirementîs thon folîcu' other iulheadm. 'Àhie-rlemaiti- reiiremeute. eI tg t~estiug ca aie l in .foiloving lsucb bulkhe oabVohocalked adeý wtertigt, aud Vo be by vater ficia aice. if cou- rdnecessany by the survëyors ure Vbeyara watrtigit."._ fessor .- William . Hovgaard, S!,ir of Naval.Deaigu, Masa tIbs Inatitute o!Tecbuelogy,- lormeîly .a.Counsructor lu VIe .1 >ansl Ny,. probably, more> au Aiiîg.ani 'bas' 'touud 1 variug cf ,tha ;.nadequacy lu grength cf -bulkl eads.ý. I quotO hie -paper wrîttE n luin1909 and. ug it&thii,,-.eînking; cftthe LnnEpBlé' ývsult*mate- e t leiaiu a4beaking cf ulhads e probleun o!Vti trengtb of heada basbeen I -utsi neever tho introductibn cf steaùIo- Many. diff erei't', systeçmas. of ructiom have .be-n, umad, and rai me-thoda 'Ti esiMating 'tue ugth ,o! bulkheaa l ave bée se& but it caun ).,t lieaid 'v ejet' reacbed.a. sat 3factory, solu- ~The most stril îng ýevidence te -Star. Liner lâepblie, vlich, man's ) umlnk -bulkheads cf existing lilrsa1ioî<i. b. axamlned aud: steùgtbened when found ncassary. The aboya varuinig la cloar. -Ând Vthe remaa*nder cfMr. Hovgaardi aîrtic -le, earefuily prepared, pointedi eut the; remedy lu unmistakablo terma. -Whetber' Vth. buikheads of thea Titanic vere tested up te Vthé ioad water lini5, cr-above thle loadi water liue, as ýthey- sheuld hlave beau, to-insure stability- lu a;floodi- ed condition, la not aàinatter ef publie record. -Perhaps they vere. The peint cf this article la te urge> public opinion V o deli nd that néw vessais and axlsting. vessais sha,1' meet such requirements. Many ships are fittad vith a '<double-bottom," but this ila lit- ed Vo the bottom of the slip, as may lie noted from the plans o!-tha Ti- tanic, Olympie, Maurettnia and Lu- Cargo spaca is Preclous, and per- laissfor afreighter tIc custom fol-P lowed by naval vemeis of extending the- double bottoni along thee aides' te'- abeve ý the, vater line w.ouid net- b. justified, but- vliere. the vessai le engaged Lu carrying p iassengers- there seema Vo be ne justifiable, rea-. son for unnecessarily jeopardizing thelr lives by departing f rom an ex- ample set- over fîfty ycars age by th.at marvél of lier time, the Great Eastern, whoso double bottoni ex-,. +Vendec aboya the vater lineand -suc- oeeded on on. occasion, iV la under'- steed, lu saviug Vhs vesseli when s terof one-sBeventh. of ber- iength ocnrred lu ber cuVer shell. Since doors are selikely toe le ft open lu times' cf emne 1rgency, VIe' importance cf prasarving thoiough- ly intact, vtotopeuings,.ail vatex,-tight' bulkheads balow »the vater Uine can hardly bo overesti- matod. Such. epeninga aheuld -be limited Vo, absolute neceésity and should net ho made, as la now the case, as- a mattar cf lionvenience. SThe ship'. force should, tbe se,ê ganizeci, penbapa at tue kýost of a feu' eddltional men,- as te do away vîth th. uceci for such a large uum- ber cf passagewaya. Such passage- wayas àhould ha :ovar -the bulkhaad instead. of throughIV, evein at.Vhs oost cf çome lnconvenience Wlere sary, ivertical e6cape t runks vith ladder runga, similar Vo'uaec' ce vater "ahaft-s, shonld *be' p-rovidei,. or aima ceai bunkers shouid lo util-- ,ized by arranglngaeparate vertical escapes froun the bunker.' ýn 1907 lu a paper, "'Structural ._ Ddvelopmeuts lu Britiill Merciant, Slýips," read b.efoe'-thbeNaval Ar- chiteot. Society .'lnLouidon,J'.-Fois- ter King, lu referring Vt, the double shahl 'and otber superior- qualitias of-the Great Estern, remarked: There seema te b.eno -es- cýape from tho, conclusion- tbat the ' fessons' te ha derivcd from -this nlanmeutcf uccoaful utructural design <(thé GreaV.-Eaater> havé nolà been appliod liubquentpiac-, As deplorable as la VMs tardinees and as srions as han been itî re- that thora e nûicmh'that"can ha dôna toi make é se1,in fact'as ýwell as lun Mnma, i uninkabIe.-Chas. ýý- Brewer inSeayrst's Magazine. WHAT WE REËQUIRE: > The thinga woactually .rcqu'r are 'notnea6riy 50many as the thinga v. can de vithout.' -W. aust havle aleeiop-ù sudfood 'sudair, 'but, boyou. d a 're' alrecady r 7evehundred cai ac"fhfeveris sheds- are- ne' pletad.* 'ha éil bufld pcorrugai .vhich ,will be re te -fin&aecomm4 The - ail«way, PRICE~ 0F REFORTfS PROM i Produce at Hi Tàoeùto. JulY . 90 par cent. patenté, - -board. -and at $4M0 *5.70; second pagen bakers'. 85 on trac. Na-nitobaWaa- Bay -Dorts; No. -2 a 1 uedat 64-to- Ontario ea- muzed. $1£605. uad No. 3,at 46e, outaide SOc, on traek, Ter9n teed. 48 1-2e, Bay por - Bar porta.' Bar1ey-.Pricesno 'enNo. I3: ns track. Bay p'orts, a' Bre-Frices nomn -Buckwheat-Priceso Bran-Maniitoba -b; ro efreight. Shor COUINTEI Beans-Omali lots~ bnshel; primes. -$Z-& Honey-Ertracted. lb. (3embs. 82.60 te Baled Hay-No. *i on- track. Toronto. and mixed at,8SU tô Bà1ed' St.ra.w-$10 ronte., Potatees-CarIots î9L50, and IlelaWaroes -Po'ultry-'Wholeaale idreased poultry :-Ch. lb.; fowl, il te 12e-; Il tpoultry. about ý2c b BUTTER. -EG Butterý-Dairy. choii Inferior. 19 te 20c. -rc rolîs. ancr-25e for sol - Eggs-_C-ie lots of-! and of fresh.'ýt la- 1 Cheae-Newkcsei * ' - OG'ýPR Bacon, -long elear.' cama lots. 'Pork-Sh 171-2 te 18e; heavy.' teý 13 1-2c.; breakfast Lard-Tierces., 13 34~ 14 1-2c. ' MONTREÂIÉ - Montrea.e jnl -(ý er ,.i No. 2, &1-c;' No: feed. 50 1-2c. Bm 41-Z te 65e; maltîUg, -Mganitobia. Spring iý *5SM; seconda, 85-30*; i Wintar patents,' ýcb straight rollerA,.' $495 40, to $2.45. IRolled. bits, 90 Ibs., $140. B HRay-N.,io. 2, per '-ton 'hee-Finest .Wes fineit Easterns. 123- Chokcestereamery. R 24 te 241-2ç. Eggs1-S 2 stock. 15'te 16e.- P '~lots. 61.50 te 1.60.- UNiTED STArr *inne&'MIîs, J'nly Sptemb r, - $1.03 3-ý4 -1j414; 1Ne. l ha; Northerr4 112té si. 111 2t 1. 10 3-4. N~ -3'e 1white cata, ra.i 10Q lbs., a; - Muèr.r ,patents. paet.8.0-40 $5.35 *0;second,-elears, Buff-ale. July.. 9.-S; Irorltherh, carloads. test sese. Corn. No' 4 yellew. 77c: Nqý No j 4. orn. 743-4 to trongh biiled. 'Data' No,. 3 whîte.'533-4c; LIVil STOCK ~Monfrèal' July 9.-Jý- àd for choie iteers _w of the tràding-wss d4 nommon- and inferic dowir to S3.50' to $4 pe en», COWs soki at $4 Balla. , from- $3.00 te' \market, for slreep -a orend-prices 84-GO lb. lattér iT'84 *00 t Io0ts'or hogi' at $SM5 mixed lots as low cari. Calve@. 93.00 Vo - - coe,. *7.50 Vo 17.75 '00W, $5.50 te 85.79. Eto $7.65; medium, $5 W $6. 'Calves-SJ Mght owessts-ady ai $3 toj'$4, spring laint f8-70. ors-Selects, - 1.4-and vatered. ada nt' 'ithe ii "s b. ~1 "'---I -I 4 '-I i 'I Zhti ml. rý 1 - - 1 141 1 1, 1

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