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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jul 1912, p. 3

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Regiýna Is Being Rebï' says: Thé---ty fficiais, ± îa 'U.and they geftled où plans-for tw ComnitteoMý"bA bu working.everclasses cf buildings, one a two-story ce tèb p> wth. but-a few house o, st about *,0,ts or'aeep.7wlk cbmplete carrvass Other a bungalow costing- about bIas becei macle as to thse necessity 81,800. If neýe.ssary tisey wi build t~relief. Imne-diate relief is need- five hundred of these bouses. Ton- Iedýfýr ome 100 families, while more ders for tise bouses have been cal'led iliLbôaddcd to thse list Inter, for, and work wili be startedi at Mainy whorealiy need the relie! are once. It is isoped t.o have some rbbyvncealing their needls, completed within ten cdayz. will noV appiy for heip unless Over a tiscusand ciàrpenters are kjy actual want. .H1undrcds now at work, and moxçs are pcuring vietimg of tise cyclone are into tise city on every train. Ail are lby friends wiso can l1 being put to work. Hundreds of Ilge portion. M those bricklayets are aIse busy and tise .anci propert-y werc residences which were Isightly dam- eaitisy or wll-to- aged or do net have V o be . torn , wil they havêé re- clown are b eing pth up for im- iii etback,ar not in mediate occupancy 1I remarkably chle f their own, are being Th 6board of tii ,MÊthodist housed by relatives or-f rie nds. C-ri aearne't-go ahéad- - ix automobiles are kept busy in- a, once with the re-co trutl 'of vestigating cases for relief and dol- their churcis. Theyp 05es occupy- ing obut provisions. Tise majorityigabidigo ~propor- oft the homcicss cire boing provided tiens on Vie olite, with few for ai private hous,-s, butises-e are chqnges ;n det!il.- stfli hundre-ds secping in tise public Tise. Vask of removinfr Vie debris echools and v'aru-aus public build- will be slow, on accoýsnt of tie ings and in tcnts on tise site of tiseir heavy stone and timbers, which are fýrmner resiýdenies.» wedged in a mass of wreckage from Tise .P.u. hav e4 lied a i-e- three Vo twenty feet lih npc Cord in building tiseis- freight s1b'-_ds.. tor Falls bas noV yet gone over tise These heds wPre almost a totail suinq 'of Knox Presby-teý-ian Churcis wrek ati her wisoe ard "as a an-cl could noV s.av'if prtio-s of it Lscênc of devastation. T4s yards were safe Vo rebuild iupon. -1V is as-e aI.-cady nearly cca~.a-i quite likely it will be itom down. fixe hiindred carpenters hsa-e wurk- XVorlk of re-onstruction on tise cd m--itl feverisis haste so tluat tise Baptist Church will cost about $10,- sheds are now rsracticallY com- 000, and is being rapidly pushed. pleted. Tise city lias_ decideti to -New pipe ergan remnins intact. The bui]d a corruigated hion wai-ehouse, Goves-nmont is workingen tise new which will bfe rented te fis-ms unable telepisene excisenge, plans fer whicis Vo find accommodation. had been drawn up soime months - Tise sailwny officiais decided_ Vo ago. thse Ti. andl Lu.- mnd per- ctendin~ )Pld -not - vessel Bsengers ;ble rea- ardiziig, ni an cx- agoby le Great tom e- and suc- i tinder- -when 'a -length kcy, the . orough- low tise ouId be 'ity and now_ýthe 10 Away gé numn- passagie- -Whoe Ll n hcce 0- ks with-. lsed ele- býs util- [-erchan ivai Ar- J. '-Fois-' rjuaiVies îxrked: e ne e-, thab the -, _à- 'cm thi's rC urat isa' e n* 0 - bc done sa.B. ,-- lIse. - -1- ie thingi- - ust, have eit lfoftise s.oooo- Ilionaîre- his own. pusses- bd hes, scumb- - laces aVistar, ng star - th * '1-R-PRTS F R M-E' LEAtN 1T --I CENTRES F AMERSICA. -Pricea or cafle, Grain, Chasse and Otiiet -- Procluce ai PA-me and AbrOa4, B11EÂDSTUFFS3. Toronto., .uly 9-Flour-Wiltr wlseat. go per eent, patents, $4.20 te $4.25, at ada- board, and at $4.25 Vo $4.30 for home col'- - eimption. -Manitoba flours-Firat patents. 05.70; seconid pa.ests, $6.20, and strong baker', $5 on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat-No. 1 Northcrn. $1.14. Bay ports; No. 2 at 81.11. and No. 3 at $1.07, Bay ports. Feed wheat by sample is Quoted at 64 to 65c, Bay ports. Onstario Wheat-No. 2 white, rçd and mlxed. $1.05, outside. . Peas-No. 2 .shipping peasa.$1.25, oniside. Oats-Car lots of No. 2 Ontario, 47c, and Nio.3 at 46c. outside. No. 2 Ontario, 49 t-o 60o on tsrack. Toronto. No. 1 extra W. C. éeed, 48 1-2c, 'Bay ports, and No. 1 at 47 1-2c. Bay ports. Barley-Priccs nominal. 0cmn-No. 3 Âmes-jen yellow. 78c, on track, Bay ports. and at 82e. !Toronto.- Ryn-Prices nominal. Buekwheat-Prices nominal. Bran-Maniteba bran, $22, ia bags. To- roîsto freiglit. Shorts, $24. COUNTRY PRODUCE. L ~ Beaus-Suiall lots of hand-picked. $3 per bushel; primes. $2.65 10 .$2.75. ,lloney--Eiitracted, in tns,lil te liC Per -lb. (kimbs. 82.50 te $2.75 ver dozesa. Baled May-No. 1 quoted at $17 tc $18. cn trac-k. Tosonto., No. 2 at $15 te $16. anid mixe-d aIt 8 11 to $12. Daied fStraw-$10 te $10.50, on track, To- ronto. Potatees-Çlnr lots cf Ontarios, -in bagst, $1.50. and Delawares at $1.70. 'Poults-y--Wholesale prices - cf ehoice dressed poults-y:-- Cisikeuis, 15. te17e per lb.; fowl. il to 12e; turkeys. 15 to 16c. Live pejultry, about 2c îower than the above. BU.TTER, EGOS, C'IIE . Butter-Dairy. choice. 22 t.o 23e: bakers'. laferior, 19 Vo 20e; îreamery, 26 te 27c for rolîIR. and 25e for solide. * Eggs-C.Gase lots of new.ýaid, 23e per- doz.. and of fresh at 21 te 22c. L'heýese- New cheesé, 14 to 14 1-4e ver lb. aoG PRODUCTS: Cured meats are quoted as follows:- Baoon, long leas-. 14 te 14 1-4e per lb., in case lots. Pork-Short'eot. $24 teo $23: do.. mess,$20.50 te $21. ilaiq-Medium to light, 17 1-2 o -18c. heavy, 16 1-2 to. 17c; relia. 13 to 13 1-2e; breakfast bracon, 18 1-e; baeks. 20 to 21e. Lard--Tièrece, 13 3-4e; tubs, 14e; îsails, 14 1-2c. - MONTISEAL MAIEETS. Montreal. July 9.-Oats-Canadian West- es-n. -No. 2. 51 ie; do., No. 3. 49e ;sxra No. 1 feed, 50 1-2e. Basley-Manizoba feed. 644-Z Wo 65c; malting, $1.06 te $1.07. Flosîr -Manitoba Spsiug wheat pate-nt,%. fi rsts 15.80; second&, .85.30; Rtressg bakcrV. $S.10; - wictes- patents, m-oit-e. $5.40 te .$6.50; etraiglit roiers. $495 to $5: do.-. bats. $2.- 40 to $2.45. Roiicd oass Iars-els, $505; bagq, 90 Ibs.. $2.40. Brais $21: shorts. $26; '-middlings. $27 te $28: mouilie. $30 tb $34. Ray-No. 2, pes- ton. cas- lots. $19 te $20. Ohese-i res-t Westernas, 127-8 le 13 14Be finest Fa3tes-ns, 123-8 '.o 125-88. Buttes-- * Choicest ce-ames-y. 25 te 25 1-4c-; cecondq, 24 te 24 1-2. Egs- -Seeted. 25 ti 26c; No. 2 ate.-k, 15 te 16v.. otatoes-Pes- bag, car 'lots. 81.50 teO $1.60. * UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolfiq, .1mly 9.-Wheat-Juiy. $1.10;1 8epteslsber, $1.033-4 ýo 8q.037-8; December, 81.04 1-4; No. 1 hard, $1 12 3-4; No(. 1 N 0trles-n. $1.12 te $1.12 1-4; Ne. 2 Northes-n, *111-2 toe181.103-4. No. 3 yellow ces-n. 72 to TU. No. 3 white oat.-. 48 1-2c. No. 2 rye. 70. Brais, la 100 ibs. ssekg, 821;00 te $21 50.' Flous-. s-t patents, $5.40 te $5.65; second L msi.,50 te 85.35; first cears. $3.80 to .05; second lears, $2.70 10 $3.00. Buffalo, July 9.-Sps-ing wheat, No. 1 iorîhos-is. carloas. store. $1.16 78; Win- ter. st-ares-. Corn. No. 3 yellow., 78 1-2c; No. 4 ye-iiow, 77e; No. 3 cern, 76 1-4 te 771-4e, No. '4 ces-n. 743-4 le 75 1-4v, al on Iras-k, ilsrough blled. Oats-No. 2 white, 643-4c; No. 3 white. 533-4e; No. 4 whiîe, 623-4c. LIVE STOCK MARKE.TS. Menus-cal. July 0.-The top price realiz. cd for choice Fteers was $7.50, but the. bnik or Vihe triding was <lse in good stock at 86.00. $6.50 and $7.00 per c-wl, while the common and isufes-los sold from Ilsat down te *U.50 te $4 -per ewt. Choice bntch- ere' rowgsse1od a; -$4.00 t-o $5 00 per vwl. Bisils, frocs *3.00 toi $350 iper cwt. Tseý masrket fors sheep a-art Iambe was weak- os-. tnd pris-es s-ssied îower, with sales of thse, former at $4.00 te.$84.50 per cwt.. and 'tIle Isîter at $4.00 to .85.00 each. Seleeted lots Inf hoge ai $8.50 te $8.75 per cwt., and xdlxed ilotsa@a low as 9.00, weighed off o*ss. alves, 83.00 te 88.00 eadh. Tes-ento, .TUly 9. - Cattie - Exportes-s, oboice. $7.50 te 87.75; 'belsa; 86' te $6.25; o0e,, 85.50 te 85.75. Butcher-Cice, $7., £0 toe.8766. medium, 86.50 te $6.90, oowg. 45 te $6. - (aves-Steady, $7.60 te $7.85. * tlcekee---teady $4.50 Vo *$J35. > Sheep- LIght eweS steadi'at 94 te 84.5ô.- heavy. 03 te $4; ppring Iambe. eteady, ai $7.75 to -.70,- Uogs9-8elevtI, $7.0 -1.0;b., and, 88 rafd and watered. - 'A clonization road wili b. buit1 tue eons-,ect tise Frederiekisouse and1 - bitibi;'Rivers. Dr. È. P. Dwight, President cfj thse G-s-enV Nortisweatern Telegeaph E *CompanY,, je dead. TRAFFIC AT THÉ SOO. First Tiine Tlîat Over 10.000,000 Tons P~asses in a M~onth. A despatch from Sault Ste.- Marie, Ont., says: Foý, the first time in the histodry ofi navigationi the f reight traffie througe the t3ault canais fora single month has pass- ed the l0,000,000-toîî ma#k, the re-1 cord having been macde ini June, the statistical report for whîch has just been issued by Superinténdent Sa- bin. Aithough the pre4iction that the freight movement *ould total 11,000,000 tons for the month proved a littie- high, it was close, the exact figures being 10,747,159 tons. The next Iargest month was ;July, 1910, when the traffic totalled 8,975,173 tons. In June, 1911, the freight traffic amnounted to 7,476,097 tons. It is interesting to note. that the amount of freight Vo pass' the canais last montlS equaled that for the entire season of 1893, an~d is equal to the full amount passing through the canais for the first quarter ci a century after the canal here was first opened. The passefiger traie shows cnieal falling -off in comparison, with the record of last year, the decrease beingý 2,324 to date. I)OG SURI'IVED TWO $IASTERSI Its Barking in Boat Drew. Alitention to Bodie, A despntch fs-cm Van cou ver, B.Co., sa3s-: Dead f rom 'exhatnstion and exposas-e, the bodies cf tlwo fisher- men were found on Wednesday in a fishing bpnt off Pendes- las-ber, 70 miles up Vise nortisern eC>ast. Tise boat was nearly filled witb wnter, but floating sturdilv, aàd a dog, still living, buit ver'y' hirsty, had strengtis enougis left Vo isark ioudly ansi atts-act attention te Vise boat. To tise identity of tise two men aboard tises-e is hardly a chie. Tise eIder 1man was lying in tise bottom cf Vise boat. He iooked Vo have been an E,,nglishman cf about 4f5. Tise other was a lad cf 18 or 20, and his body Iîad evidently been iashed by bis coQmpanio.n Vo tise mast. Tise men bad n'ut been dead mos-e than a day os- two. On tise coll'as- cf tise- dog m-pre initiais on aý brass plate: 'ýG-S.V., DTP., 1912, 66.! 1 T. ÂND N. 0. TRAFFII. Op)eî'ating (Chartfges KeeP Net Earn- ings Uown. - A despa-teis fs-cm Tos-onto Laya: Traffie is stili incs-ensing stradilyon tise T. and N. O. Rail way, altisoîgis beavier opes-ating chargesike ep net ens-ninga fs-cm gaining mucis on la-s-t yenrsa figures. Tise grosa ens-nings for April amoutted Vo 8142,525, compared with 8118,-181 ýn May, 1911. Operating charges lnrcseased f rom $î8,000 Vo $107,000, ]eaving a net revenue cf $50,869. Ia April, 1911, Vise net eas-ninga for the -mentis was $,40,467. Fs-cmVise iýeginning cf Vise financial yens- on Nov. 1 te the end of April net ens-ninga amouinted to $278,000, compas-ed with $272,000 fer tise cors-esponding pes-iod las-t yeas-. A cons iderable portion of tise road's-eas-ning sev- enuseViis yens- is reps-esenVed by os-e royalties,- tise otai bqing $71.- 900, compas-ed witis only $12,391 for ts.coresponding pesiod of 1910- CÂADA'9S STRONC BOX. Vanîtste be Buit at Ottawa W111 be Strongest hIn- Couiýtry. A despateis from Ottalva maya: Proisabiy th. -teavieat amd etromg- est vaulta in Caniada are Jabout Vo be installed in tihe new wi' 1#9cf1the Eastern dep,#rVnntt'al blck at Ot- tawa, -where will b. 1o.4ted tise Dominion Treasury. They wilI b. joined Vo tise pîesent valta and to getiser will hold tise millionç cf gold, sîlIver and paper curreneycf Clan- ada. in En-gla-nd, making a dozen de-aVis among -Britis airmen during tise week - A comnittee was formed, witis Lord Sti-atiseona as President, Vo promoüe an Imperial Exhibition in 1915 Vo celebrate tise majority of tise Prince'of Wales. - 1NITED STATES. Tise "D>etroit," a gasoline launcis 35_feet long, left Detroit te cross tise Atlantic Vo St. ¶'etersburg, iluss'a The new Progressive party, form-a ed by Col. Roosevelt, wili isold a convention in Chicago on or about- Auguat 1. Woodrow Wilson was unanimouis- ly acclaimed as Presidential nomi- nee by Vise Demoeratie National Convention at Baltimo re, followingý tise forty-fiftis ballot. COPPER ORE FOUND. T. and N. Q. Engineers Conflrm Reports of! Disees-eries. A despatch from Toronto says: Tise Temiskaming and Nos-tises-n On- arie Ràilway has received a report f roým its engineers establishing tise fact Visat copper exista in important quantities in Lebel Townshsip, nerVis of Englehart. On Vise ps-operty cf Vise Dane Mining Company, w(es-e Vwo sisafts, one cf 120 feet and tise otises cf 200 feet, have been sunk, Vise os-c bas been found w-el] miner- alized. Tise otiser mines showing coppes- are tise Swastika, tise- Lucky Cross and Vise Teugis Onkes. Tisese mines werre fis-st opened up as gold propositions. 1VOILD'S AVIATION RECORD. Gernian Reiains 33 inutes, Alot Witiî Four Pa.ssengers. A despatis fs-cm Leipsie, Ger- many, says: Tise German aviator, Sehirrnîcistes-, on Fsiday establisis- cd a new wcsld's record for dus-a- ion cf time in Vise air wit.h four passengers in bis machine, remin- ing aloft 33 minutes and 42 sec- onds. Tfie previotîs record under similar conditions, 32 minutes and . 33 seconds, was made b *v Hoff man and Joisannishal on Mas-ch 8 last. DROWNEI) IN TUB 0F WATER. W'oman Watt Overcoie by Heart Weakness and Feil In. A despatcis fs-m London, Ont-., says: Ms-s. Walter'E. Evanis met a Vsagie deatis on Friday at ber home on Concession 2, Delaware Town- ship, wisen, wbiic ieaning oves- a tub cf wate-, se was suddenly oves-corne by an attack cf heart wenkness, and, falling in, was dsowned. Her isusband was in a bas-n some distance away at tise time, and arrivcd tee laVe Vo effeet a rescue. MURDER AND SUICIDE. kIhîgau Man Shoôt Girl anij The;i Killed Himeelf,j 'Ades8patois frein OheSanin, Mich., says: Merritt Pas-shall, 'o' yeara qld anid a 1f. resident of Cho- &anIU9; ahot and instamtly killeJ 16- year-old Anna Xeoten on Wednes- day, and then blew ti top cf bie head off. Parshaîl had been con- sidered an eccentrie and tise only cause for the tragedy that isas been advanoed is that the slayer was mot In bis rigist ind. Forest f .es o'broken out in thse Porcupin 0 g irit Toronto- building pei#jts for the wre atralizo ted inMoread ia,- past six menths. Sixty convictions have- be cured in Montrealiin'the aufÉ ing crusade of the police Mr. Robert Sutherland, M.P.P. for East b5iddlesek, died in thg94n- gero1i~PtàaIonFray :Riei, 'an Indiaz...à!ge, is terrr-srieen verthe êPerationa of an alleget"Biack Witch." Thse cyclone which devastated' Regina caused heav4- damage t6 f&Mrs for miles outside the city. Three hiundred thousand %peop1e visited the manufaeturers' exhibi- tion train on its trip through thse Wet A compaIny has been formed in Montreal Vo estabiish a chain cf -.erminal warchouses across Can- ada. Thse Dominion Go'vernment will giVe $30,000 towards Iiegina's, re- lief fund and $i0,Ooo to Chicoti- Tise Canadian Manufacturers' Association sent $2,500 Vo Regina and the Bank cf Commerce forwvard- ed $5, 000. Tise Ontrio Commissioner la the north, Mr. J. F. Whitson, states tisat the wealth of the land there-is net known. The Dominion Govern-ment bas aninounced' Fort Nelson as tise choice. fer thse northern terminus of the Hudson Bay Railway; and that a ceonnecting line from Montreai Vo James Bay wiil be bult. GREAT BRITAIN. Two military aviators were kilied wiped eléan lrem eud to eïud-twi> mites of ri I -- 5,~'. /,~ *;--6-- -e~,'*--- saa~-a -. lieuses faeing the PreNbyterian Church at Regina. Several people one IFashion Hînts COIFFURE MODES. A word on the subject of fashions in hairdressing cannot more amiss when the iseason's fashions are con- siciered. And certainly the vista opening be fore us is a pleasing -one, for there is a charming siniplicity characterizing the new modes which cannot fail Vo appeal to artistic and cultured taste. Indeed, this simplicity is the key- note.of the new modes in hairdress- ing, elaboration being avoide.d in every way, and it is "more matter with less art," or rathcr, the art which disgiies art, that is con- spicuous, that has bc-en the case -of recent y£ars. In Paris this feeling is carried almost to an extreme, and some coiffures are sern in which the hair is plainly tucked up -on the neck in a manner almost unpleas- antlv reminiscent of the early Vic- torian- net. Leaving such exaggerations on one side, howvever, thexe can be no- thing but prai.se fù»r the gracivius swathin-g of the henid with plain un- twistcd couls. LARGE RATS. Rats as-e im-mense, and Viere doca noV seem any prospect for tise ps-e- scnt cf tiseir gowicg amaller. They as-e vesitable cart wiseels, and ae- tually mucis larger tisan Vise wheel of a perambulator. Mucis cf Vieir effeet dependa - upon tise angle at wiih Viey as-e pinned 'upon the hais- -iV is net alwnys easy Vo succeed witi tisis angle, and a hat boughit in a shep is, consequentx,-, occasuon- aiiy a very bad c:isappointmnent. Tises-e ugist Vo be laws cf latitude and longitude wseî-eby Vise pus-chas- er might iearn exaoctly Vise angle wiici Vie-brim shouid bear Vo Vise uine of tise eyes. Tisdse wiso dialike large bats hsave tise alternative, and a ves-y agree- able çne, of Vises-aViser large tus-- ban, with Vise trimming mnssed on Vise top, or one sts-aight featiser sta'nding up at tise left side. An- otiser alternative eqtsall 'v'agreeable is that cf tise "plateaus," whicis can be asranged before Vise iooking glass in as many cus-ves n ay susit the RETJR'N 0F THE G11IDLE. Tise cclored sasis and gis-dle is ceming back, this pretty fasision which bas been lost for tise past few yens-s in tise vogue f-or Empire and one-piece effecVs, will be wel- omred by many. Tises-e is, no doubt,i tisat a toucis cf color-at tise waist-1 Unme adds greatly Vo Vise becoming- mess of thqwhite frock, whil e > 1 a-mart e*ffeet on a à go wnof çhiffon1 or lingerie la. net ta ha questi'oned.1 SoIt shasuo f blue, s-ose, ecru,j green, rcd, lavender as well asj black are rnostly seen, in soine cas-I e-s tise crusised gis-die ends in a1 cressover finish at tis e it side-, otises styles show a narower gr- die with military sasis ende, that ie one short end comlmg sander tise1 gis-die and falling «ver tise top. Thel military girdie 15 quite tise newest thing, Vise ends finisse.d witis (m-ý broidery, fringe or fancy ornamemts are smart, wisile thse lateat modes show Vise use of printed chiffon in East Indian celomings. NORTHERN II0TEL B URNE1 Lady Evelyn, on Lake Temagas, IVas Destroyed. A despatch from NerVis Bay says Tise Lady Evelyn Ilotel, tise larg -,t and beat -cf Vise hree houses opi r- a-ted on Lake Temagami* by t e Temagami Steamboat and Ho il Company, c&epitalized by Tore Voo men, was completely destroyed )y fire on Thursday afternoon. L ss wiil be over tisirty heusand dola a, partialiy covered by insurance. A number cf guests %-ere at tise hot -1, but there was no bs cf life. o i details are available as t0h whetl r any personal effecta cf the gue-.ts were destroyed. Tise Lady Eve1lrn Hlotel was situated thirty-two mils f romn Temagami station. RITCHEN-ER IN DA'NGER. Four Me1n Aî'rested-for Plot .&gainks Ris LiTe and Others, A despateisfs-cm London san4:* Thse Daiiy Mail special correspon~l- dent at Cairo states that tise Brit- is adviuoer Vo Vthe Egyptian Miniý- Vs-y cf tise Interior, tise Public Pr.)- secutos- and tise Commandant cf tlfr Cairo police confes-red with Le sd Kitchener on Tuesdax' morning. IV is îsnderstood tisat ise conferen4ýe was connected witi tise diseove-ry (f an alieged censpiracy t-o aaaassinal1e Vise Egyptian -Premier, Lord Ki 1- cisenes-, and tise Kisedive, wiso is ijn London. Four pers-ons have beep as-sested, and an investigation I being conducted. FIRED .A.REVOLV Hi. AItteînpted Mursder of Coveî'nor(i Hlong Kong. A despatei f rom Hong Kong saysj: An nttempt was made Vo assasssin- Governos- cf Hong Kong. on Wed; nesday. A Ciinaman rusised at tise Governos- neas- Vie Posuoffice ant fis-ed a revolver, but Vise bulle mes-el pes-fos-ated tise chais- in wbicll fthe G'overnos- was seated withoui caisîed intense excitement. Si Fr-ancis Henrsy M-av w-as app)ointe4 Governosr- of Ilong*Ko-n -cn Fehrius ary 16 lasV, Vo, i4ucceed Bî,i-iîder General Fredes-ick J. D. Luigard. ANOTIIER RAILWAY IWRECK. Tvenlyý-ene Pleople KiIIed on Pie-nku A despatch from Latrobe, Penn., aays: Twenty-one pes-sons wem- killed and many fatally injured at 4 o'cleck on Friday, on Vise Ligon ses- VaLLe .rýo wei a 8,a8em ger rai çarylng plenickers wa backing into Wllpen, tismougis rnisundereanding of orders. Th 1 accident happened at tise Fnl grounds. Tise accident was éauge-d by a doubIe-header freiglit, which craised into tise rear coacis cf tise- passenger train, telesooping sever- j ai cars. Aoeording to latest reports, but one passenger on thie train es-I caped injury. hnd miraculous to expeet. eseapes from these bou!ses, as this view naturally Iead.e - A despatch frota Oorning, N.Y., two day coaches filed with ecr sziys:- Westbound La.ckawanna pa- sofistsa and t-car through the la.at senger train No. 9, from New York,- of the Pullmans. Schroedei, said due o ariv atCoringat .47that the impact was -se great that due o ariv at ornng t ~ it threw hlm from the cab -and land- am., composed of two engines, a ed hlm on his shouider on'the road baggage car, three Pullmans- and bed, practically unhurt. two day coaches, in the order The 100-Von monster continued its- named, was demolished' at Gibson,- plunge through the middle cf thse three miles east of Corning at 5.25 train, grinding everythixig ia its- o dlock on Thursday morning by path. It zeemed as if it would eut express train No. il, due at Corn- through every car. Then when it ing at 5.10 a.m. Fo-rty-one persons, was finally- blocked by a mountaia were kiIled and between fifty and cof debris piled in front of it, it re- ixty injured. Many cf the victims mained on tise roadbect in the midat were holiday excursionists bound te, of the desolation its plunge- had Niagara Falls, who had boarded tise created, wIfle thousands cf persona train at points alon-g the Lackawan- rusýhed in every kind of vehicleto na from Hoboken Vo- Buffalo. the scene to lift and pry the dead Thse wreck was tise worst in Vise and, -injured from the taneled mas history of the road. Its cause, ac- of weeckage' -<ýording te Engineer Schroeder of. Thirteen .cf the injured and ton. the express, was his failure Vo see of the -Iead wcre taken Vo Elinira the signais set against his train. on a special train.' The other-dead l The morning was a foggy onc, and were taken Vo undertaking rooms in he said he could nlot make them eut. Corning and the rgmainder cf «the The wrecked train steed on the injured wer-e cônvey'ed to tise Corn- main track blocked by a crippled ing City Hospital.- There a large freight train. There was ne flag corpsicf doctgrs and nurses worked out, according te Engineer Schroe- rapidly and efficienitly.- . Ail thse der. The signais, which he de- physicians in thse city: were summon- clared it was Voo foggy to sec, were ed, and many ministé"rs and priests just around the curve. were called te administer 1,st sacra- Sebroeder had taken train No. il ments and reccive rncssag es for re- at Elmira fifteen minutes before. It. latives' and friends f rpm thse dying. was a few minutes late. The stretch Most cf the bodies Iwere badly cf track from Elmira te Corning is mangled, their condition testifying fitted for fast running, and he was to the terrifie driving power cf sending his train along at the rate Schtoeder's engine ýas it crashed- cf 65 miles an hour. No. 9 was sup- through the fated train. Thse cars posed Vo bo haif an heur ahead of themselves wcre 'one heaped-up him. He ne ver had any Warninfg mass cf wreckage.. Ie1escoped into until ise made 'Out the outline cf tise each -other. Thse lait two cars on r:ear concis cf No. 9 through tise f og No. il remained onf tise track and- that was crawling up the mountain laVer were used as, hospital from the river far below. He saw cea4hes. tise lighs ahead and threw on the The people of Corning have opeyi- reverse without shutting off these d their homes te -the injured' who steaffi. could not find accommodation 'at The jerk threw tise train off the tise hospital, or whose injuries were traek. and the locomotive plunged toa slight te warrant tiseir crowding on a few reds further Vo splinter the -other persona frem.the institutions. D)OMINIONS AND TIIE NV Lewis Ilareouit .1isnoînees Centrn- 8Wbution.4 Fî'ouiTwo et Theno. A despatch fs-cm London ays: Lewis' Harcours-, tise Secs-etary t>f State for tise Colonies, speak,ýig la Vise Heuse cf Cern-mens on Wednea- day evening, announcedt i-at New Zealand's presenit c.,!siribut'ion Vo tae, Lineriai eeeb.y wOuICI ri£100,- 000, while Sqosbh Africa would give TIIUSAND M'~R STRIKE.- £8500. en Zealând is* also con- - __-- t--trngabtlspc iste value rwo Groupa GÙo but la-Wyoming £2,000,000. Mis.site >n I~,a j despatch fscm Wilkesbarre, SERUM iI (k'Ù TLE DISE-19È. [Pefnn., gays:-.One -thousa.nd.mi±iert and abrers went <>u-',strke in, Berlin Professer Claima Diseoyeruy the Wyoming Vall'éy 0.1i, Wednés. o! Utmost Importance. day. 1Five, humdred-m1n .ii1ployý6d Berln eys:by tise. Susquehanna Company ai à ge4spatch f romBeln aY' Nanticoke went eut because a num- Prof. tVilliejim "Zugel, of tise &gs41- ber of-. men ref used, Vo jc4n thbe u.n- cultural and hygieme dejpart*i',!u tOf ion. At Vise Butler Coliiry, Pitto-e- tise -tJisiversity O! Rostock, stat-ès i tôUf fte hundred minýerî.quit work thnt ho ha. not only located t aIb 'i~'emudshre baclilus 'which causes foot andsae~iki- moutîs disease, but Isat ise has'also discoves-ed a prevel-tive serum mak-: - ing cattle immune.. AVtiste present tirne, witi tise dise:ase rampa;nt in Gs-cnt Bs-iVain, tise" psofessos's dis- coveey, if.successfal, will b. cf in- calculable value. as- nffecting thse- lie tock industry,.,Of. the47E pi. vgaard'is pcQi]nte&d bead[3c te thed 'id have-l a fiood- atteër of, 'Y wçe, bat -new. ,ls s ILL FORTY.ONE- PE OPLE KI[[Efl And FiftyWere Injured ii Passengor Tralin Wreck Near Oorn;ing, N. Y. -IC c i Portion of the ruis of Smith Street south. Thfi% and Ljime Street were 1

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