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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jul 1912, p. 5

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0ýgs. ,4 Wo.tham works,$8. Ln--ÂIadies, extra quaië- - ity Gald, Filledi-Cage and. Srd- Ladies"- 14. karat. Solid Goid Case, speeimi ,16 ewei bigbcst grade Waltbam 6sism movement, $26.O- 4th- 'soliti 18,k. Ladies' 'Watei, extra thick Gold casie andi 17 jewel special move- qunt, lthe best w, have at present, cugit to be $8S00 for W0.O 1Týhese Prices CGood for -JirJy'ozhy, 1912 I til ienWatcbee are good WaN lobe.8f Jewtete- Opticiýan WLitby *Ontario elTAXE àA DROP." - "'Cowinu, Patrick, and take a drop 'ýof eonithing," éai&d 048l Jrahmian b "No, Kika ; l'm afraid nf dropa ever- nium 'Tim Flaherty died." "W.lwbt about Tim l'" "g. was one of the. livils tfeflcws lala *seports. Buý ho. lipsthedrop business in Baruey Shannoie saloon. Ih vas a drop o! something out of a botat £fit. -But in a lutile vle Tinbba ew drope 100 mucli, and ithonuhodropped into theutoe. lie jdropped. bi place, dropp.d hie coat mad- bai, hi dropped hiW mousy; lie dropPed everything bLut his thirut for *roug 4drk ',ýoor Tîm 1 But tb. woret W to com . got crazy with drink one day- and klll. a mau. And lb.elast tiins1 MW him howast"king hie lm drop with a alipplng noue&roundIse neok. 1 hav, quit tha dropping busi- ness, IL**..,I1have zeen to nmay 1gond Iellown wheu whiakey had the jdrop bn thora. The>' took Pum a drop froin Lb. boitts, then Lbey droppcd nalut-te gier, and thon Lb.> drap- pe into the g'rave. No rwni'selercan lcot a drop in me a*ny more, and if lyou dc'týdrap hlm; 111k, h. will fdrop you." Who. wbisky. business l6 a lawimes des- ý,perado. Il tries to "gel usi drop" on 1boys anad girls, on mon and Women, e n Wpltidlais and offioersu The train robbeoe presents hie pistol witbh te de, maud, "Your rney or your lite." RiMa gives novuuch alternative; iLs d.rand la "tkour money and yoùr Local UoeÀrg A -a*ukfront Claremont e-mm 40 WUhby >"srday tb play' lb.héWhitby Bowling Club, A report o1 tho gane. wilappear naît week, For New Perfection 011 Stores at loveet price., go tb Geo. M. 1pc.. Ânyon. wanting au ri;ght 1r.ncènng or hoeing dont~, apply atIliais fie A l il"huefn14", wh ile NUIluC pucupssud bo-otte IPcel'es m stone. Rb aud wyUl not pliy> on the band stand*ou S aturday, evoning nwing $0 kavlng -an engagement for tie cole- bration bore on Piiday. Bae o ho lnd stand, nusîllo l. mlbeOffice. W UIcretr4 k j Lade' Blai sd White Lis!. Glo1ves 90 Indsa ionjv 'oi, je u p O&.Sal ur"y>' oy luc.aetW.G.Walhqe.' one lblofi' nounce lie teiueaet w!Iea Me. James H. Haro,B&S.- f bt b>', mof]E1r. sud -Ira. C. R.Rar, ni Cobourg. .The.nirrA " -yul 1teks place ln st. Pauls eoi.- ehurh, Bampton, thé Lest'veek- la August Mon s"d bOjs. Stiad> employaiet. Apply ho.Kinglgres. Co.-i.' Beamer mhie bis prouram cf sports to be bId at the $0wn park'on hi- day, JuIy 12, ut lie Orange Celera-' Doun notmse.'tie OPP 1 tunlt>' Of bu>'- iug LI or cloth brushas Mtlin h I holesahe price viii.. tii.>' mm. J.&. Wilit, lrùggiit aid' oplican._ WANTED., Téo puedbtle a houft. oàot lm stisan seeonore egbt moins, -iT.d vwithisud for Modéra. utilI$s, PreeierdL Set to «Mud 18,000. ppi>" 40P. -O. Draver 60, *bitbYw-hi. VOCAL PRODUCTION. W. C. Rultan, a pupil villa Mr. Ar- tiaur Biight, ji Ontario LAdies' Col- hep sud Toronto CoMiervaw ofo MUifl t&4 hkepupilsislavomiu- ing sitar July lot. Resdence Dùudas Streeti, tun blocks vwesh nf AU saints, S.A.LEREGITR On Tuesdày, Jiy'l, tiers'vil! ' sold by public auction thebhacksmîtla -shop, tool n stok, the properl>' o! Mr. Jais. BaIkwiil at-Tioratoueïe Cor- nera, quarter acre ni land, gond vell and gond frontage on Kingston Rd. James.Binhop, Auctioneer. Wednesday, Juhy 17-Auctionsao! household funnitune o! R. J. G. Dow, at hie residonce on Byron st., Wit- by. Sale at l.3Oý p.m. Ternis, cash. Win. MawP àuotionoer.- W. have just recelved!a lange sbp- ment ni Ladies', "-Msse' snd Chili- ren'u Boots, Shnes and PUMPa ln VIol Kid, Tan Cal, Que Métliand Pat- enl Lesîher a&0 Peells Sho. Store, Whitby. 50M hair and lnth bruahes-no tvo a.ik-at ma4ufacturer'a prices wile tbey hast. 'J. -E. WÎillI ,druggiut. sud oplician. Be sune 40 attend Ithé gardon ÎaLty )nî thae - lawn onitheii. PNbytsrian churci, 'Cofaîmbus, on Tuesda>'ovea- ing, Jul>' 18. CHERRIES POR SALE. Froin thoroughl ' eprayed 4'resu-and frui _eean. AppI>' b Mr. Jos..Baker, box 103, Wiihby. Ladies Tan and Black Cotton ]!()Se ail sizes, 2 pair for 25c., at W.G. Wa 1- te'. Ad .specini nîieeti.nag of Lhe Womenls Institut. vil! b. iaeld- in, lhe Agmicul- turxil rooaiü on Frida4i 1afterno.on, July '19t1a, aI 3 p.rn., t diieustle advielabiliýty of adopting a deanonstra- tkin lecture. course, eIeredl by the De- partmnt, nf Agriculture, for variou disticts .tating *b.lot -cf Oct- obe, "ovelng15 eeku u in"e icour". Thedemnstato dves lb. fond val- ue nilie fond ilseli, 4h. usefs uch fod la lb. cdiet , asuhov ows*àena- ome fond i value, Soof nithe.subjece ae- fruit, Iv.getables, m4uk, eggs, 'mat.,, breads, cakes, pudýdinge, sal- .ade, pouhitr>'and invalld cookten'. Wc- monu sud young girl.si of' towu, vho are not membene ni lie Institýut., aee invited ta attend 1ti Mee49n. Other -mallers. pertaining $0 lb. ex- hibit of- fruit at Lhe Oshava,-]air yul will alec be dealt witb at lthis meet- ing. MuNr. Oed. A.., Rose, Prm.; Miss Ken'. Ivo piece suite. lItagu.lar rice SÎ2ÂMJ1. SýAluda' sale pela.. 89.00.,aI, W. ia. Wallon. Light and dark coinçe flon!Vîfoýrêet lb. àidnpr ni lavaniof heColumbus, Pro.'yterian churci next Tueuda>' evenlu, - <u!>' 16.i Everybnd>.cone and emm' lie sîqpper. sud poogram.. î 'f5s.» Wb% BY. ON0 tb. ifuence of 'La. gospel> Who -chier- Ifi gna hunot aveun Mlad t40àa I9r. G IL.lakinner, iim, nin > lova, and le oo0duting servies in 1117 gospel lent ,*atl i thecorner oni -Centre sad Dunlop Steeets. -L141st..Thureday »Veniffl Mr. 8kilmn ààcom aee au-e les Cf ddr ~W" in vIe b.on- ticued 'for so te im. The meetings asopen 40 a9 ýWho wiela 40 .attend. OU sale SAoturday, -JuIy l3th at. W. G.Wa ter',Ldies' -w-hute vest@isin shori t au4 ong aleeves. Specia 2 foc ORAGEMEN PARADO On Sanda>' aiternoon laluîe Whit- b>'- Loyal Orange Lodge attended di- vine wservcein* the Mthodist Taber- naleÀ number of members of tb. Ouhawa lodges i vée.also peme 40 tabe part- iu the parade and em-4S. The . penession; 0t ielodge zrooms.aI 2. and, hoade<i b>' tb.341h Regi. meula i"pro 40dto -theTabbr- na*l, where 'lb. service- vas conduotad Mr. Sexsmth ýook as hi e lt, Rév. 17: 14, "Thesésae ma& ut r 'vIth the. -Lamb, and the. Laab 'shah--.oven- corne them : for. ha inLeLrd of lords, and King o! king@ ! and Lie>' ual are it Hlm are çallod, and Chose, and falîLful." H.ietracéh th, history"o religious. movernents of- tb. world leading up tg the i.nsof OrnugOisfm, wi carne fmom a demie. iu tiabease of men to continue th. ivork, com- menced 'b> WiIiam. Pibuce of Orange. R-then epoke of 4he fundaniental pýrincipleg of ih. Orange order, -loyal- ty, freedom and faith,, sufi enid thal Iif tie ilgh requiremenîs set for mem- bership' in the, lodgo er, adhered 10, it would not b. 20 :ears belons nine- LaaStemography in 20 -Leuons J oin the summer Shortband claes, to Nov. 15th, This is a rare opportunit>' to study unfder one who has had evýery' facilit>' for learning the best and quickest mnethods of shorthand from practical experience. As a iýery limited number can be mc-; comxnmodatedl and the course is short, only applications of the anxious-toc-learn wîil be considered. Stenography is becoming the highest paid profession 'for ambitious young wornen, wbileý for yôung men, it is the best.stepping stone for higiier poeitions in the business world. Evening classes for those engagedf durlng the day. Me". Margaret Yule Paxton (for severai yeare cout t reporter. roroato. and Iatry comif zitee reporter, Ottawa) Tomer 1Blsiless Mail Whïo will sparo a few minu- tes of, his time 10 the Photo-' grapher of tioday wili pIeaîse bis enire, family. Ii Portrait Produced by present day methode will be sun agreeable isurprise-il i. doneso quick. Iy. and Cleverly.' Make an sppointment tb- day at ', WILSGNIS STUDIO - Developing wadfinishing for am"ateuro.Cmeras and s ,upplie. always ou baud. - oel-u to aug taunisor cèie xned pont ou la", 'à"s r cosu ô~byyour Taroato,IUvardale ud lo u, sWeil A il loSig pe l mi your eàüure. He rodeeres is- mis at par if prsveuted axing. us nhther advt. lain tbspapo. iek- TUlE- CURCHES ON SUNDAY. lin. palpita of Uireof th. town churche. were ooepied- oÏ Sùaday lasI _by men Who Wer, iniatttendai<êe at the -Conference ati the Coleg.. Dr. 1De htcGiIvray, of C0in, ooopied lbe pul1pit of the Presb>yterian churoh ai boili services.; lu, the.Metliodist Tabernacle Bey. R. B.- McAmmond, .Aof China, spoke in, %he - enorning, .and in the evening Bey. ýj.8. Woodsworth, B.A., -B.W. 8up ntuet o! Ail POopB le' Mi ,sion, Winnipeg,, preaohed. Dr. Crait- ford addressed the Sabbath Sohool in 'the mobrning, àud Ire., (Dr.) 'Allia spoe >Lb. LdlinsB" blCam. Dr. art kF,. Allen preached ai Almonds. ln th. Baptiet hurch ai themin- ing service, the audience bearda pow. erfui, addrm sfroas RW, B. O. Peu, B.A., Who hw secreary of!- the mission- Mey gov.nent. In th.eveains Mr. W. Misceiia'neous Adverts. A Deering binder, 6 it. out,.eeoud baud. Frank Mach.>', Whtby-4. HOUSE TO UlmT. At Port Whitby, Gon081frim eight- roomed bouse, ith stable. 4pply to Nue. T. W. -RSse, Whtby-tf. COYfflGE FOR, HENT. Cottag. ai Heydenshore Par* for rent by month or for isason. Apply to WALTER BUNN. FOR. SALE. Brick dwelring houe. and hall amr, Iigibly mituated on Dundas Street, asar Brock Street, Wbitby, occupled by the undersigned. Houle pont"in 12.zooms, bath-zoom and modem cou- veniens ; in in excellent repair, aud li been newly decorated. Large lawn and splendid treou. flc, 04.500. Le T. BARRÀLY.-g REAL ESTATE. D, WATSONNMEGAFl1N 0 0 0Green St. Brick house, 8 $500 roms, bath, closet and basin, finished in hardwood, large cellar, laundry and tubs, electrlc light- ing, open plumbing, hot water.heating, corner lot, side drive, fine large barn, best condition, tcrms arranged. $ 0 Byron St., solld brick, de. closet and basin, open plumbing, bot air heating, large corner lot, very cen- tral, terme. $3600 Byron St., 'pair rm scsuus seven roins, in good state of repair,, gond cellars, nice sized lots, good gardens, centrafly le. cateci, very easy terme. $ b Dundas St., brick bouse, p3500"- large rooms, cellar, ful sized, hot air heatlng, bath, closet. and basin, three acre lot, good garden, stable and out buildings in good repar, fine orchard, terme. 4& ibo 'rame Cottage, six morne ¶11 Inl gond condition, corner lot, gond garden, fruit,_veryoentnal. i47 rKnt -st.,frarne boule, lot, gond garden, out buildings, fruit large and snall, central. $0350 eydnshnre Park, summer Itý 5)cottage, bulît Iastyear, fln- ish.ed W'itb Georgia and- White Fine, phiones J . Aead 5 £vsmythl.g i. muai Estata, - ~G ~ :of, niToronto, spmal ]" i Mthe lbons'o! Mnr. ond'Mis. 1~.BKagseelle,iTùomoalo, vas ine lo*u is -e adIgave Ibis office a frd"y ce&_ mm's. Wsle i .Augustus, vWho bas besn' visi-twn ma Selby, retumned homue Me. Jraok J. -King,'of iia. Oae- Chrïoui 4fr, l idayluît.Lis, homes iu Alliston. Mleva. sud ra. W, O., Joïuton, Of Tonawanda, N.Y. vebeen vWetiiag wfth reaiveà touS. Hoagrd',s, BuS Lins inspurehasig i BsLime groin -Mr. Wmn.Newport, uc have hou fâYored 4villa sv.,> large paW oag and v e I ,Ou rglvlng te paile gond servis. AU 'eidersM fSr teazn&ý urnultm mIovlug, eali09 frçu4, Tans for- pIonne. parties. etc., wil eselv umiVl> ha t a , nlo wa 'foe no. 89 las. IIEARD CRSONS DisneOyBros. Whritby0 Phone 99, ltaglan .W. H. Brent, aàgent. Osbawa, Phones 47. and Si 5 Calîs by day or nlgbt pronaptly attended to. Charges moderate. IE. W5 ÈVANS Pump Ianuaoturer Shop end Reudeo, Dundas jSwwes Tbre doore .vest of 'Whithy House. We are Prepar.d b lIstai Wood or trou pumps on short notice, sien attend toaiU hinde ni re- Agent for th. Ontario Wlnd Mli. also gsollue engluas&Mdt».sue (ehudmaNgnet Croi s epaaor. nione, No. 50 resideuce. MONUMENTS, ofiadDo*lnua dlatorlal Kpt la SOI Il Win psy Fou tb eau at oue works am imIlpot for youl. floal be mSie" b>' agen. W. do mElI m o>' u, cmaiumtly voua .uddo ashow làmentvucommission# l Per oint, W" ch y u lerttwnl save b>' purohaslng imom- us. A cagi SoIlt. Bpeor boher 0. Quality in the hi, est Preparîtion is-tii. l4pt, *Clean, Brigit 'snd Dry.. ,Grate,Egg, Stove sud Nut.' 'lt doesn't e ost any more tban other Deieystisfaétory suad prompt., latarusor tauou'er .1te'iy aite eî &7Zb 9said v wslu ka mAr. m .ln o ni v c h ail pe sons f t '2(l b iiites i o - -d g io . " Z auCierk, Toua i-utt b, Ivmniy-one hundcid 1sud niîu- (2m- i u@ MI, 1912.me ore rsetg Ma. ,stesly boundor>' of said lot 8lsid of. land i sd.eeibed conls.nln by su- WVN 1W' WITX~. paA48reeenlfive aud tenu hundredjis »é h a Iy -ie a liIxv l (6 02) OU e5, io rO n so èÏi i-* i have tos hàb& T avotel bema' Isaaxenb>'the.said Vompes>- for- n voteoàsby4~ th&e purpow is rail m uva'nn lr' vdbta alviij ekAndi>'c ni" Esth>' Ad. t- a ildy4ot Jul>', 1912# theAdntielLuhegvmla s bmkin ii votes of uw auho e cp>' 01J b agaiemt Ici QIvt< . W lh thl e aid 1a u ae bera d hV - ùt kb. m areî t 1, $the Coe cflis siieeni b> uxid by-law foi taksltinsid Uial1the sgagreummi notu te upoua lthe(oloving qwmeý1Jg tb 1ie 6 MM tomp the ou la f wvor of the mm0faioel ! b>isla' csu naisid b>'-the km - UoD5<ioiiigSau ralut MM xepaýabl- vitÉài W burhe>'aldla-di ersu>par liii« 5Ue Ihercof l1 in htethoi lee.abims t'>he 551dozuesm paymente ni principa o n'pr hm!utala lr in fi aggregate foi 1tà -heCourt oa or huions the. 22nd "ar a site and the erecU t' !n uut i. 9~ for 4Î&Scnla aP-- Whuby, O'nlsre;oJuns27t1a, 19M9~ lb. Board ni Educasioïn? iGB- M lI ier t heaino! Toroeato, Ont. neglecting le file a de- Slcle o ia Ouaia Neùe. ~hIosecinu354, oirtior thv & 'Cemmy.4 OT ad SHOEs Duý_abI,,tand-*Fashionàable. men PE t Weà bas prove' It bas i bis prov vere sÇov D Everi otheri vi tatnes atà Ur Spring Stock isnow complete.i e.have afùllli hue of Men's, -Wom and ChÏildren's fine and heavy gooda very latest designs. cail solicited. pleasure tý show goods. DrockStree, Sov l Uby, Ostaulo.-- URN IP' SEED- lave in stock a uew turnlp seed, lmportedl directi>' fmom Englsbs Ito be superior to the bout strains of Swede turnipu beretofora greva n thorougihy triod about Bnvi:nauville, Nev.castle sud Orono, sd I exceedingl>' satisfactor>', beating auy nf uie o.tier goond stealûs liaI dbeside it. 5LAWA RE POTATOES ebndy bas observe d that viien potatoes aeaquoted lu Toroaw,'er any lesae iuaket, Ontaie stock la quoted at a certa* prie >; Brithi pe price ; bat Delawares alva>'. higier than ceither., TWe. bave tise SsuperiOr #Otatnes in stock for dur custom, tri, w * .PRINGLE ý&. WHITB3y, ONTARIO- came in the other day wedsome nice stationery-said ah. ddin't-kow- weékcpt- any so flne--found just what,.8he 'wanted, Perbapa .you can. we'vgot it in boxes as n abes w5 j. BR s v WANTEDJ Young man to -drive deliver>' waonW mag ijnel enr aliy useful. Must- be strong. and not afraid of work. H. C. M ATC H Ly- te tog niquor Store, -Wbltby, Ont. oute betwes Imonton. vice betwesu inoctb road. l eeplng Cars, 30 a. an. 30 a.M. cet$ ro T licket suI. teStandara and ache hike, ýtut bt-on or ýli, mluci ard fioïs-- pair of d Work r Siop ith~ 'rake, liable'i les lu ýl. 1 -- 1 -".k il 1

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