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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jul 1912, p. 7

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when suddeuly ýon hse-ri-sejn lua de-ck and soured me fleet at s speed A! the mwiltest ve-s- - >ei have -Seen hlm surface . obs,-erve nha waters, dbw >W th Me sea - e reýstîug g' race! nI- and ready to b. or another recon- ion.:,- ruer e man-oeuvrffl r .13.5-in-eh -guubs 'thieir invisibli- fflans arc te take e manoeutvres are Iy thought, that a« developruent wil - lu the science oi .aREST - beir preut price - ,e on 6,ooo squaire )vlnce of-Quebec. mu fire. Th.0 earn.-- ind wiien the mill Il be enommousIy La there la a reaciy inveutuent of èxec, J -LA IMf l EC QUEEN STR5ETS 14 TO -HeLI Fé'IX-OTAWA dPackcage ir.riuIated. ,ounds full- a's flnest you fresh- ery', and n- ny talnt £sk yOur NIONTM~AL. r- ~h na. rend adviaed tlWilliaine' Pink Pilla, Ae4I had found a. cure 7 epn i n ilar conditions. ier'ad vice, .got , a suppiy of 15.s sud took tiiei. regiilarly fr eatîme. <lrsidually I be- came strong, and in- V1e course et a montli or 80 I was fgain enjoyin'g ~the he.st±6f health,- a.nd have nôt siuoe haci theîleaut rpturn (f the Pol symuptora. I can heartily re- cQUpnend Dr. Willianis' Pink Pille to',ili weak girls."' i. 1d' by al !medi'ine dealers. at 56 cents a box or iiix boxe for $2.50 prseti>' mil. pont paid, hy The ~rWlllalus' Medicine 0o. ýFLOMFED 750-MLLES ON. 10E., é f.thee Tansa 1tlvéd Eight Xotson Icebeèrg. -S ÙI2eécf the ill-fated .Titanic', passengers or crew.,imi.ght have pro- fted b y - he .expirienoê of the èrew ci the erjsn sbip Hne u -.aken refuge oni the death-dealing 'h itslf ûtil, rèscued fafxt <>14 ould have been ^ ecuùred opl eslippery mafl. _Thé Hansa ruck an iee ieiand in Ilattitude 52 Êgreesa alittie bIefore in.idnight in î reezing gale. "The impact carrie&- lie bowi far up on the -berg-and em- edded I nyin the ice. - Uer ak wa 5 brçken by tii. force ofh heIieoi -ud' before morning -was rqhe'away. fromn the forward prt by tii. battering.'ess, and Whén ^t.e !Tn7* mstruçk the wer lcwerdbut enly one- àoaà, being 1hwampedk. after pull- îI g away'f rom'the doomed ship. It bçvae ýon: found,- how&ver, that this h<a- L aI leakking, and ,thvt -no otmoethan a fewhours, se the n te inu bnimmnd of it miade for the b ýr8, and àuoceededinu ciijbing up o i àto. a place of -temporary ss.fety. Frem the. broken timbere cof the- ans&2, bow the 'îcaatawa.ys buit. a : dgIieter, snd snared ses. birda eke -out.the scanty.supheaé they. hbeen able -toe ave from. the ship. the- ce drifted furthcr Southaintc> w rme r waters and began percepti- h'b. î6 hrink, -the - hipwrecked men thie Iting mass miiht turn'utr'tle any îmeandprecipitate t.hem"ail ltho se& fromn which it Liad so tbe feredit igh "calve," aud n bulk migh'lt carry thein with it o èntruction, The constant grind- in~ngroaning cf Vth eaic r, t fiild their-heartif with constnt te and the, desertcd sea added heir despair.. But the berg held t er,. for cight meth-,and ii R sa amon 're.yellc 7mxilbe- f, .f -tlhey were finally picked up in la ud 43 Àiegrees, suffering f romi fr t bitesand hunger, but; other- î ne wae for their long expo- À>su e. -Got Lifflo Sloop 1+- 'Thm ewhQo bavs muqered jour sud hope- -les4rem torturlnt 51"meruptkmns wlflread chu ftereat tIis lutter tram Mr. T. wis.nt 115 Pacfia AV . sIupeg dated Ian. x14 11) "Tii.Cuicura; Remedies oertalnl <dd ýork finely, aud i1mam thaukiul that tier la ïich a remmedy, snd that I ulmd'1S. Aboui thrçe . menthe ago s terrible ia clmg cr - - ineced on my bôdi'.- 1 couldunoruuderstsnd k.I I raually gresworsnd.pevered a eag o t ion m y body. Ihras am h igteruptioi of the ak", Oort o'! a aab 1 suffred greti lstitý the ltching sud aSt zigtt ime I W dlîttie sleep. i trlcd anc or two reedim ldduo cgod,,*ud thu' I 4dCuticurasoàp, Olntment'sud !te- sovnt n.abouttià days 1 cas completely.i cured." FRe more tie a generagIon the Oticurs r4nedles have aftorded the speedlt -,nd nimýecanamicaj treatment for thlnt hum- lng, OUcay ud-bieeding skia sud sclpimu- mas iyung u l Sold by 'tglt and eaers everywiiere. -Fere lbrl-smi t mSpap and Oiugment, 'sisil 32-p. -' Lfl'e teciee t kU aud trealumezi o It iffectianB., moud a postal ta -the Patter Dr~~Chem. Corp., sole propa,, DZ 011.. * 'IibisA efaoU sund you1 with mMd te d butt the, ýws ru z..:. w~_%uow ir, iuer nee.îr, TRY.TO'OET A NAF EýACH DAY, «il but for*tai n minutes, If uap. arc not te hididusted to, u' i! dt thongh itue adjusitintlissui possible tian- buey' wcnuen imagine, * get te bcd.as near 10 oeoka Mauy nigits iu. &a week &'s yrou cau. t6 bed ammd mise eaw. That w'ý liesl craukinces, arotiier .daýzgr. tQ b fongit *w-heu age. locis near. The. woiuan Who Insists on -tunng out hem igit five mninutes- after toén rO'clock- oaci ýnigit**pute he.rslf. ta nervous - strain lu -hemr-desire - r rou'tine. GeVto -béd eariy wh'en yOuý eau;' wh.n you csu't do* net fumfe abbut it., it iàla shy futile toe bel, ou. mustistay up until ib. o'clock, liowever .fstign&l. Retire' aý 7_ o'clock if, you arc dragged cont, eyen stay an ýentire day lu bcd when yen are Partieuiarly.donc up,. "-Many"peso he i', grow eider fiuid it 'Iard 'to leep- ltc.lu inte mo.runlg, 1ici if 'you are aslepy hid- 'be~thnkfl fr l. o net set, alam..ciocks-wheiýn ntiig -pre. ZCSe yà-ur. lepn-or uil n scesy tii. thougbht thi t sne muet ýb. up at a fixed boum meç'and broken roat. Tbe worgt kiud ô!flusomnia to, osei!come l ic carly momnimÉg klnd, ' shen ce's eyo - pop- open long before daylighit sud ntay copen. Tiereïare otiier wsys th rest be,& aides sieeÊling. - Adopta s mestfui out- 1ýýto lite. -Yen inay b. the, worst- sort cf. a"fusie' -overipartionlaS about. your heue,-or chidren or iclotlies-.but yen âan becoi a ay- geiug if yen try. Leamu te -chut your eyes to trifies sud, te tare'blg- thinge çaiuxiy. Lfe i-s tee sheirt to fret it away over nou-'e'ntials. The. woman over the danger lino shouid- h.ve AN JEONCLAD JLULE, te stop hnhmmrves beglu te wiggle, ber. akin tpoprick, ber head ta feel too fnl-i sud.hei temnper-te get ou .d»e. No matter iowù-I- perative Vthe tamnk, hos imaportant. you may tblnk-youýrself te bé -sâtop before yen are stopped, sa-ve time sud decter billa. The. weman who carmot mule'hem own iiburd fide Vtis stepping diffi- cuit ;-but, it, lsecconcsy ny uthéend net to dirive oneal., Often - j'ut iroppinrrg your ýwomkfo * a ffiw m-in- uts.seut iitii cosed eyes' sud deep -breatiig by an open wlndow -wihll reat yen -go iat the. task ecau b. , comtinucd without nerveuje jW-heu over th-e 4nger Ino ester to the stmach. L uo tbe a food faddist-wich .màkes yen a nuis- auce sud de. littie g¶od-but de not play'pranke withyuir 01'~et by -oyveatîngor-star ing. -.-tr 4è-there 'ls satendenuc1 te deÈpôud eucy lu woDmen, sud nbthing W s 4e.premsing as dlysp.opws*. Fresh. airla s ëentil * te *those, over .tiheUe. You ,gét afraid, et dranghts," leap 3. tfÉjrrema, ' gleet brisk walksb; you are soon sensitive ta -boldzs; yoxrcirculationi get4 por .and wilkins -becomes a iisrdip. IU only-for: suaity'a maie a woman .shouldkeep 1u tiie open- air, for nothing as vmi away age amia psntlug WaUL It , la the. exceptit nal woman 'sioce hair do." moVt tdui y the tiMè the- dang& ,in. ls -mreaciied. Baldnuais amcii s, ta ete women that uestleeim f tiaiumla, uuusual, butit -oc m- i opliasie CMINESE SIGNBO.ARDS. Poetic Geins to Attract»uaies toi Pekin Bhops. - W. Simpslnin l1"Meeting of the Sun," w*rites: -"I eSaw -in Pekizi --a liat Df siguboards. suad'a- fèw sa'm-' pies of them, w*111 illustrate their gZeneral charaeter. 'Shiop .o! Hea., yien-sent Luck,.' 'The Shop o! O-eles- tili Principîco,' 'The &n eii tics Prolongé.d,' 'Mut12on Sopo 'Morning Twilight' 'Tii. e n 17fr- tues aill Completei,' 'ýlewers Risei to the: Milky We*.y.' the Chinesoýec ombine the souilof -a pot wit he.ïpoket of a -shop- man. Oontrast such efforts» with, 'T-he - otèd Eeh.pie Houge> of -the London streets, and onie muet feo. ths.t, we areutter barbarians. Car- ye, .qoe hn Seignboard 'No Cheating Her.?. but- I conld.noV, fin<& an.ýtjhing ',likeè ftiu.theiât. 'Gocid' sud just-according to , a- yen' onght te .atiify the ideal no-- tions ci th~e acitlor o! 'Bator Be- Eartus. ýt , - - 1ýý. >ý "Tii. Hfonest -Pen Shop of! Li" implies thab t oter peîn shope. are not <rnst~The "teel Shop of the, ovýkarked WangIl"'snggt8 Vbat any peculiarity o! a ohopm,-inMay ha Used t6 mprffl thememory of custome. Snub noses, sqîuint eyes, ,lame 'leegs or. unbsk iit'ail b. neýed i l ths way. A charcoal shop calis itséîf the 9"Fountain cf Beautyý,?" and a plaSe -fithe of "Heaveuly Embroldery1. -An où hand wine eetabliahme-.t *in tii.ý ,"Neighborhood. ,O! ýchie! Bçe.uty," a deription the. rea1iza- ti.n -of which it àl. hard l»,conceive ayWiicre in Pekin. "The Tfhrice RiOitýone woGuld Scaîcély ex- àpect irom- an opium éhop.--London Globe. _____ 'GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. NeomeceiVo Bmeliial te Brain Lying awake iiights 'mtkes it hard. to keep swake sud do thingsluda tine. To take "teÃ"nicos ad stimu- lants" under such circuitances is lîkeeetting the house. on fir te see if' yen can put it oQut. I"The right -kind of---fod- promètes tefreshing. sleep -at nlght sud a wldec awake individual during tiie day. À, lady chinged frein ber ohd way ol eatiug, te Grape-Nutp, and isays: 'l'or about three years- - had been a great anferer f rom indiges- tion. After trying sev eral kinds. o! mediciie, the, doctor wouid ssk me te drop off potatoes, then meat, sud eo -on, but lu a few dsys that cre.v- ing, g'nawing wouhd start up. sud I would vomit everything I ste and drank. "IWhen I started ou Grape-Nuts, vomiting* stopped, and the bloated feeling ;,which was se distmlessing dis- appeared entireiy.- -"My mnother was very much both- ered with dle.rnhoea before cern- mcncing the. Grape-Nuts, because her eternach was sc we.k ie could M.<t . digest- her food.' Bince using Gp~-iitafood ah. la 'weiIansd gays je. .on't tiiink she couid do without lt?. "It is a great brain restorer And. nerve builder, for I cari sheep aI soeund sud undistunbjed sfter a Sup- per qfGrape-Nuts as: inth1icMol dsygs ivhen Icoifld not 'resUs. w1hat thé-_ mant -by ae.«"bad stomacb." saxiA tahavermore, Pikris ,under tico travelIi rescapep the attên;idanïce Of theýp0o1ioe -'hule under - the .s strict gôris'o! .inegmito th' do Det,. ins dardwsfrequently annîoye4 wbeun 411é;Contiîent by. the. failure o!'tiiê police mnd Fresa to ýrespect hlm incognito. On oue. cedasit l e wamned M. Paoli, tii, .hiead o! _th. Frenci .Poice, thet, ýif bIs wiBhes w*ere 11t, -espcted, ' hi wou-id neyer visit iaia'agaîn IZing'. Io g ias1seldcm feund,-an inco niéo ecsnay,' 'tiionà'gwheu* Dtike ! Yrkla u Qen.Mary v2slted ý he ,South.; o! Prance as -the Duke,' "'dDuoheos of Killamny. ]But Kînig Eclward'was accustosued to incoeitos from - hls s-boyiood. One cold uight, whe,-n '4ightéen, lie Waa walking't.hrough tii. West End with his tutor. A- bakcd-pDotato ste.fl étrùrck the. Royal .and yCoUtbful fancy, Dd a uopie o! hot potatoe h. wmdaerinnedte o 'e IbB*tmew. - '- aif. a baron may not e"t baked potatoe, wli6 wouild b.) aà bar - ?But il sste rneOf Waies who bhad <indigestion next1 mormig,"' was -*e ending of the1 Another - incognito zatpeÏzence of wih -hKinusEdward ned- tetei aiBse claed rei hi' arhy prince of' Waies' period. H. was lu a Paris .- pietuire-galey witi hie ýquer-ry;"1 Tw<o Ameéricaus-kept tsing' ro und î at hlm. lAV hast-on.ecameupasu addressediim 'iti the:bhuut que&. d"Bay, a ir, are-yen the Prince o! ' ',Mynane i's Renfrew," was Vihe polit. answer. S"Wal, Mm. Reufrew;t gus yo've lest me juet twenty dollars.' I bet yen *ère. My lu*!-" STiie Duchass o! Counaught la fend of travelling as Vle Duches..of Es- sex. Another 'seil-kuovu incognito in tliaVcf Princess Louise, Duchea -o! -Argyll, wlo ofteu cahis herseif Lady Sundridge.--Loudou Auswers. Tii. firet ceusus o! thé population took place lu 1490 B.C., vwhen'the Igraeltes were numbered by Mes«. Brandi establimimeuts of the Qpy-i ah Mint are situated at Sydney, Newi South Wales; Melbourne; Victoria;~ Perth,I Western'Austrahia, aud at Ottawa, Canada.i Mothers caui easiiy know wlién tuçr -ehllreu are troubled, with Werms h, and they'lese ne_ time lu applying the. best of mmdcfo ther Graves' Worm Exterruinater. Tjpwarda o! 825,000 nilles o! râïl- ways are lu use lu the catir. world. * "O, mthe,"' obb thle young wife. "Il've dlscovemed that John doesn't trust ,me." "Why, -child, 'shat -has h. oete ,Why~ know, 1, oooked mfirst dinner for hlm-te-day sud he iîivited i frieud té dine witii hiuim 'Ti.siroke, eut'afresi .And,' h,'ý,thmthe No one uaed !Jirciiolera or amy eumet'>,eomplainut -,!- tbeêt havi sïa bottwe-of TrJ .K lhega Dysen- teryý Cordial- ready'for. use.- It cor- rects al l Iooeeseof the.-boweis promptly sud -cause's a heaithy.sud-1 natîal action.? 'Thuà s'andie adapted-foir the young sd eîd,. fici sund ponand su lrapidly..b-ecoiulng- i the Inie popular midicine - fi chIrdymeutery' -e..,iluticeruar-k R AS SAME]) îo'LIYES. Charles ,Willams -a lighter' n mox.e geflial nimner ute diferenf froM the disimi,i onesof 1909 "and 190»1'~ Both these shUtv,'were bula'- cyes, but whlat of tliasflimer? Ha,ving di WuasÏd tic yalüés cof the salinities .at the three athtiens as'!- fecttdbythié:nhf StÉeama'drAiftin Decemàber, 191aud on Febïuary 1i4,1912, Dr.: Bsesett wm.kes the fc>l- hewing predictiou for- tis year:,. " have little heaitation lu ssyigthat, the summer cf 1912 il probablyh1é 1k. ueither--the brilliant 'dry"1ne o! '1911 for the ,glpomy-wet-~en.o 1909 aud 1910,- but just 0une ço! tha scipcwhat variable.-aud 'unçertain inininrs wih1,re usûafly experi- euccd in this coun ry. SUKDIEU .SEIN TROUIBLES. Sunbumu, 'blistering, snd ria tion are tUe . oomnxo'est fo.rm of summer, akin troubles-, and Zam- Buk enda thçse,,. ' eyolicky. -It- inkelu two wayg., As sion 'as ap-, plied, its àïntiscptic, Powe*s met to, work sud, kil ail Àthe poisoin lu, wouiud, a sting or a sore. Thie gen'- erslly ends the smarLin-g and the pain... Thýen Zam-Buk begins the. h-ealing Ëre>CCps a, dfreBh hsatthy tissu. z la u p.'_F or' sore, huis- tered feet, acre handa, heat'ra-3hes,' .hahy'a. 'heatspots, mo re, places' <due to pÈrspirationý. etc, yen can't equsi Z&_m-BeUk1.,Druggists'. sud stores cverywhere sdi ZUm--'Buk, -.à ox.Use Zam-Buk Sap alÏo, Bu.prtalt I st r or Zai- BkCoTorout6?. Thë.minuwho ýsingé hie own pra 1ise aeldom gets an enc ore. -At tiie hast .céeus of -the Union: of South, Afica't. . figuires showed that there were -ever tire. iihion, more natives -than, 'Enropas Comm coripple tic feet' and make walkiug a torture, yet:esure -reliefT lu, the shape c6f Hohhoway' Corn Cure, k .witblu mreaci ef ail. Persia's ,-national debt'ameunts -te $30,000,oo000- Ulnard's Uniment Cures cargsilu nCows., A mass never feels *comfoýrtaid lu a drose 'suit if he rem'6nibers that he wflh ha-v. te -go back tb6e.work t4i next uiorning. Somaetimes a woman en cys hav- ixsg hem hUsband' stay a'way frein- church ou' Susiday se i.au throw it uip te hlm' ail the rest -o! tii. week.- P'ila foi Nervous Trcubles.-Tlîe stomach i5 thýe centre o! -the nervons systein, sud when the stemach sus- pends, bealthy action the. resuit Is ma nifeat ,lu -distumbances, o!ithe, nerves. If aihowed to -pceàst, u er- vôua debility. a dangerous:alIment; msy ensue.* The first cousideration à- te mstore the. stomach te, propei action, suàd there lu ne rier rcadfor ti-than P1armeiee's atteet 2the virtue ef'théÏè pilui cnringjiemvona disoidéise -New York',lisas u orchestra o! oue-aried .en. e minarcr. LInhtài C ures Dipitherlo6 -brcaking a, chair over tis mass'as -hIead. ' Prisner-t didn>*t méan 'te- break the chair, yer Wrhp Manager-«' 'Seyen are leeking for a job. ,What'ça'n yen do! . 1". Nor, E urope has -an arcsof ueamly 3,- - 00square mile&:, Mli aàrd'a -Liniment cures 001dmd, Eto.- -- Doè.e -your wifle ever admit-that 'SUis -awmong.- ilu-an argumnent 1" -,']o, thc neareet se ever coee.te it la te may that' m inot as big a- e amp as 3I heek." &rvnt-lcae, irthera's8 à m n at the dorwit a bihl. Mm. cuns-,Tel,li4hm wO- are weil sup- plied. -Médical Need S$upplied,.-When à.n laue g oundr that not ouly a'cj upon tceemo;but le so30 ICPo ee h t -tin ingredients ofi t pus unaltre.d' through ùte St4mach tû find action in the bew- el àa thenth e ofavaiaeuga at ness. Parmuelee's VeÈetaJble- Pi 's are of tuis- haracter sud are -thi best e!- 9il pilla. - Duming the, ye'rs tat teyhlave been in use-, th1yLaVe etablished tiernsaea ne other pill he.e doue. - -'1 GOT IT EASY. aper-"Did- 6nitLh lherlt bie Me yP or -make iIi"- Snapper - hem. - le isa.-corporation DYEINQ gyxciay with tsec loan DyointG0o« ami sdwe are mi"oto .gaeafg 0 ~O Z 3L' OPUOSOTE I vo 'bcn calâling on her for isev- ors .menths nos, sud uéarly alwayas find lier >daruing eue o! hemrfahrl' "itcaugh me, toi, nuti 1' feùx ontut i 'as aîsys tbc Mina d'e Liniment Co., Liàüted. ÀGell.-I cnred a valuable buptlug dog of mu Igo sitil MINRDS LIIIMT after everi 'reterinaries 'had: !trested bis. witbe t doiug bis auy pprniauent ',good. P'rop. et Grand .Oeutrti HRotel, Drus.. COMMON FRACTInô]s - A toothiome dainty for Salid cr Sýudwicli at Plcnic,, Luncheon or Gardon? Perty .... PFrom.youýtr Or.r o..'"Kin nazedte ýtake a hý coneiças orf tour and-& atc sens.Ho -do - yen acSonuIlt MEis Wife-_"Oh, -thail is i baudl" - Hn Timtd I,..Dr2iT Eclecrié 'Oif haà been ou the. IL.w &£ ofthimty years and- tlme.w bas Proved-:-b e. is thous nde. If la lu higI tire hont 'Canadàansd its le. as ýcarîicd- 'its fane -1 thei . -.If las ne equal, Wi9lelE t o! linliets. If, do0u9bieltiie price it would b. ourtin

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