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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jul 1912, p. 1

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In. Combo. M1EDICAL rHALL it nt. aWhltby. sayor and Gouncil wlown BaraterCouny Cruru «oray sda do ) to the poiition of p Cony SOlcisor. s"d by appointing two ne, 001ice aouth wang CotrItue WibyOh IYbud. n&r ilium ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ fanes I dlnetO et as P Urdis«. SlklterHom7 Publie. E i. atuu s hir.i Gfs.fr-door west of the FPot Office >. oommit«tee . niic Moncy tW Loan. 1 . 1appoiatauezs of o1erg for i on-. the -school by-isw, »Pli IAMES RUTLEDGE, BaWrsltr t. g ~ a~ 7 MOney WLoau oeasy ternis. not'tii. sligbtoat tIioagiet Ma, R"bb Mr. Robbes tiame 'Offie lnumdlately aouth Ràyal Hotele thi 1 =WhuIby, Onc: p Wntiena fr ?f ma'5>isu ang tÎa i s orne oi , ** OINÇSMTH LLB -Robb' - arne sd lie was. âa IBitealtc. mney to Joa. Issue& Beosuse Mnr. »Bobli bd fWod1 o! ?dinnlage Licenss0o . ILR. O.,hO i.ps a *~eýW4mth'a lock, Wlh,~ Wii~h. ' obouI! alrss . __________________ 1 e dduotcnrsto act as - 3)~IITA - hz~m as dome-stomeonoesOW lgr. Jackson losrelE ,W.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c QDM1 lea$ Bs.Da htm h. r t nli Orge uaanvi ok, 1UPUIJSO5Jiei Ini Ith e s'a 028boy, rnouâtd on a P4 um.-a snIng ngWiiani Dli. W«ie tii. MaraLý J W)hiiby, sud ">~>B Wintloc btim the o d s sM tii.Iodge , lot LaYTuBus of!0) 168. e&Whitb>, LýLJ.Pi O.L., Utoupb (W, a p l - Pue I ýe5l t0. là the net ten'om S r.~ IM 19 quit. qual to thia M f ~ 1 i't d a n d I s til i h a v e tic han 'liagh wa ol J buildings.- exptndïituie, rapid advaneent, à,-Yeon rom i he town. red tor re-- tedeA, sucE L'I1St "Q Ri HIgfl O.9rwUAS, s uiy.anumuet on01the roll, ý M ân average tattndanou Xad & . : - .' mn, 1 er. A oCommunkation 'Was read ifrom J. - eolrctuinding ii. B4ard tah ti m1r besu Wn ged pnt bi *paid hmvs xc o! Rda. t 80, notl 8140s ho7jýt Minister b -ad pa'id.- Soet PÈ-ý Thar gui.110.ommittea pasod tii.w [V ýA f *Iio41 W4 ga cconts : a merles tun proVig the. plat t4r, i A -- Keniicy, Hardae Harware! ýWHU« pro pt e-i- V PORE Uý,NGLISH PARIS GREEN 2eper lb. ~wreB, yre 8.,Whlby.l~ AUCTIONÉER Jas. Bhahop,, Oshawa. Licenued Anc onei-. Successor t6 L. Fairbanks R. obb, Whutby. LICENSED AUCTIONR- AND YAICUÂTOR. A1 kincis-of sales promptly att-inded i.Arrangements ean be made. for Teis reasnable. Hus Worslup Mayor Downey: BQ OW bAd adpSdent phonos URonored Sir,-At 'a recent meeting .1-BV -ON1. o! the Morticulturai Society Mr,. R.L. WtIITBY.Huggard oallod the. attention of the. members 4o, the condition of th&. shade 0ONTRAOCflBS troeu on and in the Diamond: Park, and On the street on the oat ide of *l.HOWIELL JAMES he.Par. -Upon motion of Mesorî. Huggard aud Starr, thii. secretary WA* Carpenter, Bulider and Contractor. instructed to bring ti. attft to tho t>ans drawn and estimates furnished. natice o! Yaur Woruiip anud the, Town *Repaira-, Alterattons and Job.bing, cOuricil,, àdcing that said tries repeive omipoite Stephenson» cremful pruning without dola>'. 46 -O # WOOt$ITbY Phoii.1492 Tru«iug tat. you will. bear this lin _____________ mattor in m$ucl wien again -in ses- .$ <kt Rlddafl & Taylor aion, and 'fSft sure you and your areteaàuilders, Contractors and colloaguou Will' gvo it Prompt atten- Cabinetmakeru. tion, 1 reinain air Pasdrawn and estimates giveu. Yuatuy Yepïha tproperties and furniture e- (Miss) M. V. Powell> cve prompt attention. Seoretary t x, s"3 or co Geo.- Davey, M amana. -Levy sd Thral, engneera, Wlitby. Byron Si. wrote tLi, Mnyor asoliitiug the priv- _______________ilege of Preparing plans for, a aitem o!1.oMage for the. town. Theipasa future ne rmn0e.da D.R, Xe asked XMrý. Eobb t. -ailow -ii. nami to eisi aselerk 'for *u re Nayor Do"ne),alao mtreatod Mr. utb . o, aaauredhlm that no Mr. X.obb, however,, aad ho oould niot ve hMalter lu tii. m"--a7, H. fu ~iaih.-hadbeen delibeiat,1ly turued dowxn, adpositilfly d.4ili.,d to sot es clenk. Returffiug officen white vilii tiierer 511 ti.vaucy. Tiie Scetry of the Honticutural Soci.-addrcaae*tj tii owing lbiter to the. MaYo)r; whicii wèa refenred te tii 'Town Propmnty Committ: 4 Imuer of x4ariage U .eum « arc snd muler cudmta,,will taka ad-ý' 1'aatauof our'gummor Tomnud maüy, sf11 ontInue until graduation lu loue or a m oths lj«&athein dlreiillutoa .100,4iM édpoition. -Lot un moud- 'joQ Parteulis cabout our courses. W. H W, Pros. Pisst IS ca mpCll, Tome- -iMONUMiLT 0 D*mudIlat&k 'pt iutok w-- w SUd pect for YOMêsslL ' hb misialby SaeW o ~PI05 thus, ~Ss~pmtIy -.cm woukld cout #250 but, il-îhey we-ap- p*lt.d engiàora, lie Le. e!ve pir cent. on lhe'- couirsot -ioe vould cov- or the, ost !tii pan;Tua.vs !erred ïte b.Fnance Conittie. The. following -coznitîeo *reporte yae submnkted and-4iproved. R. Piskets#, vork...8 21 Ou Tiiui-day mormung lasi nealdont W. Billa, vri........ 5.60 o! tho tovn Who use tWa vte -rvai &. Iý.B... ..iin ... .. 0 -er. unable to obtain wter fi-cm th, JOhn MIaccai-t, woi-k.2....275 -tàpe durnug the early howur. Tha' D.". luuon, ieI.~... .00 auch an unumual occurrence liainmauy Cia. Wastaf, ii ., 1.00-theugut lthe absence of lie- -pressure ompHao',gravel. ... .70 due tte ifuel liaitithecitizens. hýd Ja..Savdoun,.1iiaulingý gravel 35.00 bien- allcving th.1aetepnni T-i committee recomrnnded liii their laavu aligit, owlngteli R.h* Psktb.pd81s .k orvery varm temperature, sud liat 1hi Ilalu~i et- aeaou atndpipi iiad bien empîied. neTii.al TOWN PROPRTY. - ~èause, Loeer as qaicky disoeveiied -H.R. Burdge, -oloaniqg leho u peq5rI iUtendnîv.ry. An .ight- J. I trs...in - -- ciivave iad bien PUt lutiihe ïrg C.A. G*dfellov . . ~ - iIiiI O'Brook aet atie hui lÉ - - looend the 4i.nii, lovb BY-laiw Ïvore pse pouig Mr. ii. vawter t uaoi u tupp n:Y t'ies n ugitwjati lu*i mptied- qnickiy, suad -.he. ltoim place o! -the laI. ë, Wni. MeO6ut, sud depi-ived -teuiponrl o01iater up W.J.' ~ o 'uo nmro!, ire engi. i j. - Tii.alve wab PutiluPlace a Pla", of Mr. Na1j>n arper, .woMignd on-aspsilat h up Jâ&$kotiBstmman mov.d tiai - us plant - sooni mud -the tnpl. m Tré, i b a Âhuhoried Uý Pay -U -ry e nlie: te tbluk tiat sousIE faniy ! ielae mM.oourt, aigu> person tmiei lh ovia, ve. dt *Atehmn - ter vn 6! OU 'as mkarY iiad Ired undéi th&. torQ olof "*wa' lqe Ml fruemdtiofJn1 ati.proasure for somo- day4r ,,u4t a-éi T. aor vas:s-athoriud jto~ - bç ii ae en~~jiIi eiaim -Ituday, A gu i ,A c vi a on fosà i. hauve -he 'usx.iei"ý .U-. 4d&W" -f. L 1 ia«rteeu 6dt. ta 4lo bAnY Mea»,Pat Iiie adaysoI Uàukaefales. -,Ee delivered a trougad Cirms on Oranïgoim. - A y >slarg ,crowd was in attendanme aut4h. park su tihot veatiuer proved te b. a gneat business gtté for the le croam sund r6kefeimnt booth. Tii.4 gi-eatst uoc. ol the celebration qpaka higiily for the euergy sud loy- iaIt' o! the local lcàge, .Aud it la to h. iioped hhat anothen evout o!oflte kiud wiIl - b. LaId here befor very1 manY unnuversaries o! -the. buttle o! the. Boyno have pasmd. Tiie athletie oontemts resultod as fol- 100W yards daah-l Hatcli, 2 Stepher. son, -3 Hartricli. Rtun, Hop, Step and -Junp-1i Ha? h, 2 Bic., 8. Stephenson. 100 Yard kace (boy'. 16 sud uzider) -1 G. -WlutfieldI, 2 C.- Hodge, 3 'S. Wilkinson. 100 Yards, Ladies.-l P. Waid,2 B. întyne, 3, R. Smith. Quarter Mfile Hurdie Race (open.) - 1 Riýue, 2 Halcfi, 3 ýSlephenscu. Running Bnoad Jump-1 Hatcii, 2 Rico. Fut Men'ms Race (200 lba.)-d O . Ban- ner, 2 Il. McBr'ien. 100 Yards (boys 10 years or 'under,' Orangemeu'o son),-l Thompion, - Wigginm,- 3 Brown. t Tirei Iegged Race--Brovu sund Ge.. rard, 2 Meelier spd Bell. Sack Race-i Benchsrn, 2 Hantii. qairîs' Race (16 yearu, under) -1, J. Pearson, 2 F. Ward, 3 B. Mayne. Ruuning High Jump-l Hatch, 2 Fetterby, 8 Tiiompeon. Tugo! van vwon by Oshawa t$cam 1.0. j.. 1267-R. WÈein, J.IQlbion, A. Gaun- eron, T. Bell. G.Haion W. Young, T. Powcra, P. Fettenly. Judgs-H.mouea. ".IMqem. Stantr-Sam Gran, Port Ferry. Clenk o! Course-Bd. Brovn. 2 tOt SPoýtton -lad -aasouz11d the,. B6exdiý tiiai -i i.buildingb.retdl e- oordnoê iti - tênulVLtby - Would have ono o! the.. bestigh Selicole in the. Province. 5. 'Your Board Sud tIlitin- adoptlng 1111e achool. policy thay would eofect a reduotion lu the.ontoftô!maintenance, Of the High and -Public Sohools; ther would improve iiigrading and o!. ficieucy Of tLe Public Schools, and would aucure at -themarne' tira. the iiigheet grant from the, Goverument for- a HRigh . chool. aud this grant vin b. duplicat.d by tfLe -County Counecil. 6- Your board Sund that thîe plana have bienm 80Prepared, asto provide- apeaccmmodation foi, ail departr- m on theti.igi Sciiool ; aIs. for a& ClaBa room for pupils in Agriculturet'O bo tauglit by the, Qovorumeut Agrieul- t'ral istrict Repreentatjve for viiich a pcial grant ili b. aecevd by your Board oeran sd abovo tho Hgigii Sohool grants. Tii . Aricultural- 1e-, PArtment bhua lieady three, teachena ,or repWemntatAven iu town. Thie clans for farmers sud farmrneW sono in a t- tendance at .thie inter course of this dopartmont in rapidly irncreauing each Yean, iu view o! wiiich'facti in uimper- ative thataecommodation be provid- ed 80 thut thon. vili be no removul of! thia department te moome othi- cen- tre wuere accommodation eau b. fouud 7. VYour Board believo liai it in ab- molutel>- uecesary -that î nuev achool building hould hé ut once .pi-ovidd; Iliat in' viev>ýof tie zeeds of. the fHigh Scioi, lie demand o! tlie. Department of Agriculture foi-accommodation, the. increamed grant tb s new pHigii School,? theo incroa.ad efficieucy whici would remuit iu the consolidation and grad- !Dg o! Publie Bciieola ; tiie saving lu salaries o! heachers and- caretakers and maintenance b! an extra achool, it- yull b.a mnsure.,6f true econ.-my if the Board ai once pi-ocaed vith the oncýtion of a* neW1cbool building, es- Peç*a in luviev o! Inopector Wahks' Ia8f report appving of the 'consàolId- ation oe,! lmýi pblic -acioolm on -the. aboVe grounde, or, etliervls domad- lng exteuaiv t ep inluti.he nrïWy St.' building,taj eÂpj once proceeded *Iîth. The- Bodàýpneeuted tiis fes . fore lie, Tovn,-Concil suande up-è pIcation -for- the smof! 25.0Thf, ITovu doubdfl'ors,*alz rr"sn thein Wius yiptiy ti,4ii SOOO Barlal hm ffrt, -à4 viiilt t'eruonulyfoable-¼té the pkoapect*te ýbuildia iDow XI#h EtjîooI, dedé ,It s0~aI i ~gustion. should b be, at~~oeci al thoso -,enthtloi ýbvtê. 6u. ey. bry-,j lava lu DU4s Ut! -of th-1 Council tie 9-ýw dédir ta -F-direct.. The ue chanm sIm iiïrovintinl TUn. Rard Macoed -thé applicio- o! ili. C am , s t o u ch er o! m a t h am a - 1cm u i.Hgi o, la ssliry of Mise Leonard'c application, fon the position of tcaciiof !"Mdas sud Ecigisiat à cuai£ý o!f Sm, vas alO e.oopted. Misa Parkiuson vilb. a new pub- li ehool toaCier. Salar -845 Tu omuotin-lo M 1.'BeRl &a diosead, but setion vas -dledý at a ubseéquont âmeêlmg. lvIwo 111O'Ue fuot that 1h. qjuestion nf * novch ol'building is to b. 'v o ed . u p o n o n J uIy 31., o ni il e s were appointe for tii. varlona varda o! the tovu, to heatie out the rate- payer on voting day, su ad- lu the meautime to usa haein power O! pu%- ouasion*lu the, righbt"direction.-- TOWN SCHOLÂRSHIPS. Reuben Breolin, 481. Albeîl7'Browu, 477. Stella-Ostos, - 477. COUNY SCROLU2SmIpS. Editi Cronk, 484. - Muriol Pettit, 481. Bu-di. Falcouer, 480. The iollviug candidates have paue- id lii, Entrancà Exammnalion: W tb Majony Allem , Eleen -Ash- by, Acilia A. Buckley, Ruiben Broumi, (lut cholaraip), Albert Bown (2nd iciolarahip), Minnie Colvii, Gladya )avey, IHarry Fleming, John Gales Stella Oate@ (2ndsoholaraiiip), Helen Gld (scholarahip 'standing) Liis Galpin, Addi, Goldriug, Marory Gold- rng, Mina Hall, -Edih h ailock, Feru Éenderson, (mciolarship -standing>, àa. fluemon, Helen Harrison,Anthur Fubi- (icholarsiiip standing), Qoila> Fenninga, Eda Y. .oneS,' Ruby jv- ll. (mcholanship mtaudinÈ),'.HeRlen ýJ.ý hitcheli (ociolarmip uitandiug)i, <beo. KcOilivay. Mabel McGroaty taoholarahip- -Standini),. Lizzi, O'Con. - or, ohuyek~Porter, Arlfoigh Bic., moiilarsiip taning> *,Wrlten ILich- d o n v a R i c ia rd s o n , Ve m a B is- . y, mcoriip tanding), lRoy. ;zDiii, -Viéto"Siuîlwortii (mèolar-, aip eaud.mg),, James Trotter, Ms G G ri 08 an[ Bunc istenc M. PRINGLE -' Whitb 4 -4 V s ~sTAIù~ 1875 0- --4 --4 S AVINOS dmposited i is basia idmg -W"&wàluci put oetho 01Ws de&edwimugda7. -I 's--- v -s CiaeJuice iLime-Ji Fistes FritWlmes To 'keep up the- appetite., ýct and Sour. By' theQar Rida I c h power, ~Oyearç dlean, this, lE Mle wiIl tr., electric ng,. e -- v ehone tais 1 water sujoly - eut Off$ ý

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