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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jul 1912, p. 2

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A ÏCURIOUS'MYSI bale, gel \treet. "1Would to.mro. - ~sfar as I kiiow, it would, ibaicd Frithi, "but if you will jui oome into the-liotel with me we wi find out ilfther. la aniy messal -, rom my father. Ifjere la ni ~tiighaa erfeefyre.. ti oeibl, thogh,-hoh will hOv Accordingly they went into th i - - loteltogether,- and Pritijiof secôs Pd a waitein the outrance hall. "Anythiing ,onie foi meincê - »ent outl?" ho aaked. Xlerr Falck,' Io itnot t fIe brought forward a telegrar sud handed'it to Frithiof, Who hur li edIy tore eop e t-.orang'e. envle Cpe1> 4 beg-iu eegrly tô rend. A L? eà, every* ibid. of color loi bas face; the. telegram_-*, iu Nor vegian,-,and ita tors,'~ ma tter-olA tact atatement qverwhelzned hiz Like one in dome dreadful dreanui "Father baukrupt OWing to fai. U7 tireIceland7 expedition, ale& bs Morgan' 0 Agellcy.. There vwas more beyond. but tii »0 etiggered him that ho- Iooked uppfrom the fatal pink. paper wit] a m ort!,Of wild hope tha- hk.laur Iroundinga wld reasaure him, thai lie sbou'ld Sid it ail a Miatake. Re mzet thi curicua eyesof the vaiter ho saw twigirls inu-evening ,dreuie -croasing theivestibule.- <We ought. to b. atthe. Lyeeuu il t hus tîin'elé",h. heard Oeue of theu, aiay to th4.othïer. '.'How anneyin ilfather te b. so late 1" The girl addressed -had a iiweet; Uslunshiny face. "'Oh,,he wil soon be here," she 0ad, fmling1w. but as her eyes happened to fall on Frithiof - abe 1! rew sdeny grave and - ompas, aionat e hseemed ho glance.froni his fac. o the- telegram in hie handi, snd lier look brought i a hor- -rible perception that after ail thi. wasralwkigexistence. L a a roal telegramnbo. held, tà vas, al true, hideousry true. His father Waàs bgnkrupt. S.hame, misery, bitter indignation ivitiz the Morgans, auckng per- ception, that if Blanche had .een, - true; tô him the venrt miit have enaVerted, aIl tVils sethed in bis mind. *By thiir time h. had partly recov- ered,--was sùfficiently huiseif again te feel srso orédt of anxieWio, r6ead the root of themesage. - Possibiy- * -there was somnething liemright do te biçlp uhs father. Hè e d ' On and took i idte, nezi sentence ahmest Oka a glance. dis ocke - e'cerebral hemor- nhage'. diclths aftérnoon." tin his h Ï if h. Could_ teut iruthe bpen air hef il, h, sahould- an sd-by anÀ ct-he turnàecUtêward the door,, made a lstep or twe forvard, then- stagger- l ed ane cauight'atltoy.Boniface te R oy held hlm -up- and loeked at, "You have had beld newsl",h Frithiof trid-tespeak, but no, t ~ w v ,d oi cm~h gaoped'fer breath, felt bis, liMba failing, sl wavy confusled p icture et the vesti- no c njk m=.: md a itl oeleur» aoutgMr yreu hi. cwuo edi p mre. t f s ad re -1.,,d Izï,.attelî,then add Îhe nmes1 Por elo 4 sidaote it nc, m...,ied ft hoiant' -e VOiOe. OPli Tire val- aomething hc ~aipi rpa _ ood table Ita irheivnt."h.olied npVt een in the firet horrible'speouful 'into each pan, and hb - " saw tuer. v- ae. omotbzng shock e eai hn is ,fsther's fil n ninutes,- la aquick even Ea , Vtwong,. flther, it~l l ', ' dÀ doath. Wthdarkening brow he read 'at once. ladbi quit. tSd the rds vhieh Herr Gronvold_1iàà, 3Jpanoee ggj-Tlihard-oie Po with *trouble5aslie wead. Wege aeul n dWýgs, ct engthvise and yoikes ri " 'You'l b. late for tiiê-tyceul, soovezgidB crflysu te e ;ýhe Sthought Frîthiof, aud making aà e ofter oe d; tirsiesmuefn deptislproideIo you it grré$ODOfsioe abse. h esuk -r maenh'. Imou poilefor yu ioupon' of butter,- a' e-Wabe 0 j~~ tIi. voici dieduawain ttîme for filneral, Mv ad- caynne, onegdue.ai eri hnus amie soùda ndiuhce f oppnirher for you, as feeling will àsaçeé'i hegyeksrie hand atbisb. .troug against fàniily." ,butter sudses-' na;forni int% ho v ifed up su c-rri - a 1sy t as ouîy then that i. actusiiysix. ballsand 'place in the halves, o ~- soeviioe. . tck in 'Ve- aet that-he vaspenni- vihitcs. Arrange the reon a plat Struggling back'Vo life agaîin a s-uee a es than penni- Vnadpaete gso i e Sfew moments he fouud that he-was ls- .weged dovar by a -load of Pourihe tomate sauce.arouud th lyiug on a bed, thee vldov vas vide ebù ituhlgiyiivrog.- ~opim aud s&,single candi. flicker.dl ud en u Ve ~Pnape Seg-One smalii ldly in. the, draugiRq oy <if ace Ad etit vas out c ii e freshi pineapple, fhhree-fourths cul vasstndngbyhl hldng gass torture -cf realizatien thatis cern- of ugartvo tablespeona cf granu. ~ o vte t h. ip..With, ani effort fort at lait isprung-_suoh cofort lT igolatin, ,ou. sud one-hal] herdrauk. ci iYouae at lleat et ho vas Mt resont cap-i Cu 13, of-. ater sud viites cf foui aebotter, asil i4 ~ h.c eevn.Ti sn fFalck eg'a - Chop tii. pineapple sud pu' i~ 'axtr. "nyting ea do or h,6ld yetb, resd it . ith theéBI±gar and, oeeeuo yeu, ir?1 Any answer te the, t.1. frurnghproelbi va to ua saucepan sud cook hei] Th"gr egam Wih oyuhosrh ais he-roemîb'ed hls, fti.r'sminuftes. Sesk V-th e latiii nubal 'ýTàé4telËrtn1ý Wki ý o, oupartiug wvords, "I look te-ycu, pri.- a quP,-cf vater, àud stir inhe -the * Pian t" exclalmed Frihli fiuhif i ar u i.am uwii uopi.Strainsdst.»l as ul roeloclencie bek'V ~ yaifhave fsiled, te )ive tie 1f. vayr.When hejibegins té - ~ ~ ~ ~ C hlh uudhefc ru Ii ceuld "k h ho hav'ied"Yet t 9~e, feld in tii. viteà of eggip It Iight vitli Agroan. r hev ýdiforné *1li beéàn vien e e t ff. - Peurlu a moldanc "Tho entlman iSdP0~5S~ t osevrdihad been spoken ii. phe ce on ice, Serve vith vhipped boter e. deto," ugest4~tierecollection of tlim did hlm good creami or cuatard sauce.' wàvater te 'Roy. But Frithiof tuïued -ruhthm asi.vrs a. lcbor 'm se-,ehl ~ po-hmshrpy.' to 11if. aîin-eut at Vie saneme C ip f butteýr,, eue e4up cf sugar, ".amn better: ; cani go avay. they were the meut cruel: pain. - é988eeg, !three.tbeposo ~ Ai I-vut . tebo sen." - - rhsps lie peroeîved tii,, for ho e ,eesdtotîd uac -Tie man; retired, but Bo-r stil raised himmeif banisho4 the. mmd fleur, tvo ,teaspoonsof hsking pov- I lingered. ge boeul~e t màk, up iea pictures'vhliichÏhad asobe lmsedii, -hall oson -of cinnsnn mmdte eav- syoeei auci a long, udbegan to hink viat hiestv-h9d1cpeo bak'l: -j~u pligit, se h. creoedthe roim"n ad firat p racteal so ut . H ream i. he iutter, edd gradually Ishood ~-the ope»nudov looking vou-Id les, e lm.,leui beglu'-Vé sugr, add Vhe yoiks cf eggs- veli j eýt graveljy at. the. dank river wivth ijiat' verynmoent. 'Tii. firat tbiug boston. Sift the. tour, bakizîg pev. long .hluing -rseflecions. 'Preéautli must.leae thie Arundel on t emer- viti the. milk te he'cher miixture; 1it dubl rv. f lghs ud her mstcf ouse , etr'nhmelie ad e cinanden-tegehtersudfadd a êouud là the rooni'made hhumr. rov sud muet aeek eut Vi haetadhjn n-the vilta ofegg Fritiiof !ha'd'draîgd hiniself up ho rooinis ho.b. lied. Lyiug on the heston siff. Bake iu Wauhigton Sies foot, vithi animpatient ge'shure6 table vas tiat invaiziable bock pietins. Spread b.iled frosting b.- sho blew.,ouf th-Vieélzkernng caoàle, "Dickeu'o Dictionary of Loudon." Vveen the 'lavera cf cake sud Cover btien walked viVh uusteady itops 'He. turued Vo Vhe maps at thie beglu- Vie top wti tie frosting.- Vievluovtau drppd ~z~t aning, sd decided te ry Vihe neigli- Dolioste Curraut Puddiug.--One c hair. - borhood c ~uhl sdLmei up-cf curraut juice, oee up of i. -V' â,- xt"So yqu* are lier. still , ~gl, etc.o i questi n, cfmvork. vater, six ablespeens of cern- tit 'omtng of relief..u inW toue.. And ber.the vastuess cfthie fied starci, one-elgti teampoon of sait, " ol'tboar toibave you tilil perplex'ed bim-wiere ho turu he ene-haîf cup cf sugar, wiiites of twov 3you vere ail .rigit againi ' said Roy. had not thie lgiteat idea. :Thero eggu. Put the currant juice and 1'"Won't Yen tel me vhaýt 's tiÈermat-, 'vas aise ln Fleet Btreet a Scandi- vater ou ho coek; vien boiling stir "'yfairleda, i 'rti navian -club; ie'voiuid go there and in the sugàr sud corstarci, which geMya. 11eV cf Vie mornb.rî; 1h vas have b.on niixed ho a ernooth paste L if, lu au unnaturaW . oalm i o., possil ta e i me itiwth a littIe coid 'water. Stir until "Dead !" exclaimed Rey,-sud-is rnfarnaesuda ayr t tikeus sud tien eeok fifteen 1tene iad lu,,it. m nci 'more ,bf ave hesheuid hear cf hie ovu lauguage minutes. Boit the whiVes cf Vie And regrêt.. spoken, wiichin uihself vouid b. a eggs until ligllt sud stir into the "Ho is dead," repeate Frithiot, relief. Tfis srrauged, ho tried te hot starci. Turu inte ia.2ld, wet quihly '- - - but wit -ittie success; is mild. Serve coid viti boilýd cue- 'But io as it 1" aske % RY. brain vas toc niuch overwrougît tard, niade of the yolks of tvo eggs, '!Itriusut have been se sudddn. You, vitli Vie terrible reversais of for- eue -sud one-haîf eups cf niilk sud left hlmz welI ouiy three days ago. tune he had met vith that day, viti four hablespous c f sugar. Hov 'vas tht -Ve orrows that had come te hlm, "Ris Iceland expedition iad fail- net as od,.' -said Fithiof, 11that meaut s "Single spbes, RHUBA1LB. fatal blov te lhis business; tien, ti But in battalions !" There are nov mauy vays of meruing, tiere came Vo hum '-Mer- Whenever h4 did for a' fev min- seudlng up riubarb for table ho- gan's-'telegrani about Vie àgenby. uties sink into a- doze, 1h vas ouly sides baking lu a tart or boiling IV vas tlîat vilbci kiiled huni. V iutdbyVenothrrible viti a suet crust. Net that Viese Gooý.Go exclaimed lIOY' dream-s, and vien morning càme he an. te be' despised, but skilful mak- vwitli -indignation iu ils voleè. was 111 and feverisi, yet as 'doter- ing cf the pastry la necessamy. Te "Leve ut Vieadjctiei,~ aid mnud as before te go througi viti etew 1h, peelin'g the.stem sud cut- Frithlof, bitterly. Business is huai- Vie programme ho mad marked out. 'tiug inte Iengtis, coeking slovly lu noms, you sco, one.;can't sentimenîts- (To b. contimuéd.) a symup, i. the. ext meat rdinary liz cer old, connections." -Roy vas ellent, lhe liad po glib, couvenienal sentences mfady hto hand. And tien as he eoùtra4ted. 'Via-h biit hémely roem 'a1B0zÉeé . viti this dark, forloru hIel !î r4n in--Loonni a;feeling Via- 'h. uat etis cempaulen,, »Y lizo ýme less drejr iioèphere tok, poese- "Yoearry ged*ai F1 Bief "buI duthik. a e'- tha yt. I'. shter aftione insu lu-» Df Lr t 'Which are falnly aveet IY the -teime Vhe otiir-im readyi" Tii. Mêms are prepared as usual -and coeked' forj ashuort himè.' Tii.enorages 'aieq peeled, 'meedàr Vake*n out and al ithe vbWite removod. Tien cut up.1n. thiek aiu î sd stir -into thie nu- ýbahb. ,-Sugar -znsj b. adled, one pouud ho eue ped càf fruit, unlesa ih à. decided te have ratier sharp- iffa'vord jani, -vien three-fourth cf, s Pound, mnay, be enougi. T.SEFUL HINTS. All eookiug uteusils, should.b. vasied viti soda immedistelytif- Ver, Vley have been used, vhieli viii -remove every trace ofgreaseï Toput, à uew. vick lu any -Vamp -hurner --quick1y, .-'tkread- ,s&ueed]e finai t 'tmn hi.tread amous Vie vick 'Berax mii sould- alvays; b. fouud on Vite teoilet, table. Asmaîllquan-' 1-tity aidded Vo Vie v,, ater-viIgrèat- lyofhen it. Tee miuch v*IIi"dry the -»kn tfreo, teters Pcntforget te gier éuh. ros Jeavs fe &4: ghemcouvi 'sud j Trhllv.v hei iat efre ou qeHÉts. Terdiseprue delighhful.erces mke a ematees sud vcomanitero zako delciesacc iemp noment e riked :*i, sud hled uegodvsjtpriuked vl:h ad ton ar, oosvhceke Whsi sud tomate sae dpni Whe stiareun sa-dpuc -#ra sthe V i.kfe blae. tirougi a slip of paper. This piper sets às a guard ou Vie kuife sud 'prevents the lead dust froisoiling-tie fin-, gera. Sev a lCP op te iside cf, your apron baud; tien 1V niay bh ung - up hy Vie lcop inmtead of hy -he baud. Wlien iuug up hy Vi.e baud, au uusighhly bulge ih hie result..- - Whie vashiug Vie dishes froni the evenIng mealp put Vie cereai en sud oook 1h. Ail tiat ueed ho doue Vo, it the. foiloving niomulng h -ho adds lithie water t te and eut 1h Au excellent vay cf removxug candie-gresse frein the campet cm any other fahric le te cover the spot viti blottiug .paper, imoisten the paPer viti aicohol sud tien- presé ah once viha hoth mon. 'Wieu lsying nov flororcieti it hs an excelleut Plan te varnisi. This adds te Vie appesmance cf Vie fleer- oloti, helps te prescrire the pst- tern, sud ma-kes 1h hast twie as long. Children's dres.ses of brovu Hol1- land or linen may ho kept frein fad- ing lu Viis mannor:. Add a hittle, strong coid tes te t-ho starci ivien: pa-id $5U lmproving your wlk lkethis-S 108 Canadian farmers wilf' receive cash pr«-ri= (twelve i 1912 FAR) -CO] c0nc1 WE iii R U CM BM7kOr Lire Wator, ren»wing . cf valkîug, a long distance lun scks -tiat have 'been darned, that have be - preented ýby ~ cks as folbove be'fore e s in theni or t Vat .wrinkle long ýtrimp.- 'Tumurounbigtelre eut àhd- rub Vie foot &P. Then tutu them The. wrld doesn't, vaut ho hear' nd pùt"tliem -on. - 9f your troublés unlees you -can -tell. ~be porion vil! think thom se they viii make IV laugi.. &:proftbeBdsPyn6 ' Cern'have beenlu busluess-iu Quebec over r-oc years. Lt las lIstry, lQubec Province. Their'holdIngs ef-pulp, sud tlmber 0 miles.lu extent 'aud have been valued'by~ experts at ever I ho eî1etiarnlpziug 91 ers $448,ooo. -'he uev p mil tutoviidouble: these earlns.' Timber imita are «nuri is. ~~ 8éCo irs Ft Mortgage flnds psy, 6 per cent. interest ou ï4 pze Tliy vil! asredly appreciate in-value. Considering fYzi -acnIt~ d future lucrease lu value,' tley are an uusly vestn Oap&SUcttawe wiU gsdyon itentm Ùfsljydsçribint £huue book. VlS ECUMR'ITI*ES- £dThCORPORAITIONLNMITED Ow.FL m UUMIN ATORONTO 7 TRALugoe-HMgy Masoe LONDO#4 <ENS.> =1 I ia ur pig 'IR 'PRIZE KTEST Iast Year in'.whuii ,36 pi] mr therqlý ifl be ulirciee tiza 'or.e threer£mos ma ny ci Yoeu do net-have '-te use à n, ~fayotlae ye! 'I., Ps t a .- -4.-. 'e.. ;iQce. t, yq u large quantity cf - .Pnizeý-win, uaed nvi fiejàdsaid. v ieyreal hi n Frenchh vays amitio Lm aa aye EtlVe. pirit hî¶ blood, an ah' ho me. -Par the 'tirt fo:r disitantvount A ndon e daj poiled tV i 4utryteÇý_r infuence uier cikinmetals Aretins n Iived easilyà -heLatin az* i îAÏtoino. T -Vil invhbat i -bef ir -.vpe.y le 'man iof théecou~ Man, lie ai u n t t e g e t Vi-e people Viè -enougl ansd ri~ a kiirgdom e-i SMemàber) sud-b ]HFKING' RKing- OrelieA no ý -y iadn wîi .Araucani son ý & V ae.yi w-en raucau sd the Govr- t haï Ring -Ors buy ng ofil trouhie. GCiliains te, nountaiiîs arm iwasav yet, sud 1there îng. - !he Ci« te ng O0 e.i Vitei nsud talk _ just possible ar4nged. lette ur, ic f l e b u t e h ian gener tra îwhi h a vsr ýty, ed- Ion ; vas'ni am, i.and'va ouho becs lu~r. ME Co Ar ubaia), t an W o a t4hsof s C) k4î aerost t] vi"ehie vas '~arguer-t be itifu1' 'girl -Tal fair and a beisent toi e Tounens -eitoAr A -kl ed-evemy 1 auuned the - hi ug t of - fathor kept:e nev, ansd' î1-gher 0 cms mother stl ahh.Arundel till .l tii.-, the8L- *fe4o-. Nticing t-Vie mo al. »t-on th Virhllviuledbe"n pa lv ale-e r.Mugles, and la Vi. gecodmannye- qtrodI Pihlfw.weair 'Pln.'Ma"ges-7-oh, esai,'ES ieslyal4'rg "HeerFa-I. ha.p0~, r'> BId Id~ia' amy'i. payen ne ser, c a uglzt ew, a àu. ai M" ! 1

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