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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jul 1912, p. 3

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d1 d1- fot. 1Iiad- neyer 1"ý elI ioâdA au da rely be., oweg-hea:rd of':)>r, jI 04 bu" food' .noue iout of '0 4 t wis the naMeo! a Frencl.H--ý-OW TO IRFAI> CIIfAfACTEI. ma-Who was kxng'.not..5O years Look at a Woman9s Mo,ýth te Sei Kxngl' "Yes. - y e . neyer jyjat Shp. fReaI.. heardo! the. King of--Araucanla t" I hÊd heazd jokee about unim. I ro- Wheien you 3udge a 7<ýnanlis oe -me>nberedndat g i . e n uais hraet s notfairi there wa-otalk of aigwindîer in to 0oozdem>n or exalt the . aubject b-1 Plaris whoý made innuie.rable dupes Cause oe feature ià bad ' r ânother by selling decooration's, the nw-beautiful., The f&ceailas &whole muet pàpessgomitjes Mentid*med Arau-. be onidred. . or, exa le, a re- ýi& nd-cedig freLhad s a gmfor mental weaknesabut' a strong chin Y.XINQG ORIE -1. w111 T&ldeemi-th, reeding 4row. hwaa a very real1 man,' my 1,~ o i,. be are of ;the rose-; fz4ond aaid. "i. àkingdom -wasa, md moùuth,;.that meuththtis so '.yreal k'ngdom,' and >iîghÉ.iaveti tii2 iouth thatis foriýned after nFrenech now if welied'under- t)>. good aid _ptterns of. the an- înstead cf làughing. ciente, w'ho 'gavd , their Yeniuses the, '2'Antoin,-Touuens w&sthe, > <f moutlis that werè oÀ the rosebud or' abutcher, cf Perîgueux. He was al- der, and- fit only ifor the ficldevo,. ways ambitious, and. as bis fa4ther tees" 01!1-an iueonat ' goddee.e gave. hlm a good edueation, le b- 'Women- with. icsèbud menths are, came a lawyer and did pretty welL Usualiy ývain' frivolous and un- b But tihe spirit o! adventure- was j<jtriitlifÙl. Wi blood, and h.o ouid flot reai On the other hb'aud, the larger p' àt home.- Paris drew ùilm firit, then meut)> with full1Ï- well-proportioned d the thirat for, the uuexplorèd.. ad lips,whh whei> ,osed, foi~m almeàt distant countries acrose- the ceenu. àlhorizÃ"ntaili witlithei corners ]k And one day ho and a few friends neither 'eievated'nor' d'epressed, îe sai& good.-byto their I.gal stuie.,the -indication. ~tiruthful"La, loy- - pold ti.litiemoueythey P',.. lty; firimess a.c!jstike.ýî -This 1 éitsed, and after somle adir-ntvre the.moutih 'fodr aan Voé4iè to.> iancled iu Araucania, a strip cf 'The enoi d~outh hai a short G country touching, Pategonia. upper . 4p. WeiyOP see sýicIi a "'They very 'acen aoâquired great meu'bh'you a aeu -p yur'niind *influence 6lIere. Thé country WUs that the. surst w t-aiýh rich In metals'ând li aimost every- will ociiW poases !alit<> natter lein lhiug. ItU je, you know, a part o! Tii. goesip 's 4uh$Ï ~ c witht Argen ina uow'. The.people in, it do<wnw&rd,çurveal e ê' .corners. it8 lived efasily and simpy.. hacl the La- li'f<>und '0n 'lthe fakes.fpersous who in' i1nging for. deveiopm nsd tell yen dîsagtreeb.tiga bu the. Latin ldziuess which prevented your oommon acq an lanes, MWeil tr 'Initiative. iii~ n'as of your imrndaefm à e "Antoine Tounen.seon ehowed Mon WV gsîî~ isw~Inegleet the niwhat iiiaiewas- worth, adeveiýy uty l in è r uesake cf iM befôre ve.y long lie waa the. greât, etting Out witii frésli budget -of ËP -;man cf the. country. Being 6 Frenchi- scandai. I -man, lie .,es flot ccètteut with an f untitied greatuess. H. persuaded AL1AE the'people that Araucania was big enougiand no)> enougli te hec meOlen Caused !b Tea and! Coffee bn a kn.gdorno itseif, drew up a con-Dnnkng stiutof lwyryoi e- m4ny' perpone realize tiiet ni * mni1er an beem it kig, tea and . ed.. se disturb digestion tio THE KINGO0F ARAUCANIA, that they produce a muddy, yeliow ai xing Onelie Antoine I. Until then complexionI Iof ncb4y had min'ded wiiet h.od&d A ten daye' triai cf Pestum- has lin with Araucania. There wàa..no réa- proven a&ineans,-inu theusanda of be son that anybody ehouid mind. But cases; cf clearing ùp a bad complex-_ when-Araucania became a kiugdom ion. aud tihe 9overnmentet Chili heard A Washu. ;yourg lady telle lier 2 -tl4at Rîig Orelie' was thinking cf .experien9ce: 1I1 - al buyiug oi building a fleet, tlierè was " IAil o! us-fa r, mother, sis- w& trouble. ter and brother-ad ueed tes and "A Chilian- army matched across coffee,-for axy yeara until fin 11Y the mountains. The Araucanjan we aill had 8toma3h- troubles morebe Armey WAs a very hs.lf-fiedged arxny or less. -Min r't, 'and there was very littie fight- 'qWe ail' were saliew Md tnoubled ing. The Chilians made an offer wVith pimples, breýth bad, disagre.- toi King Orelie. He was te mee able.aste intemuhuad&lo theni snd ta.lk matters o6n. IV was us tii. no mnt)>, ndeil of jugt possible thatftihings -cciuld hb. rs.mpysefaimudeso f~ernaged. W. didn'V reàlize, that ea and ~f'Tie ltter addesse hlm&t offee caused the trouble until on. e Sing sund as noyai majealty. The -son day we rau out' e! càffee -and went -ef the. bùteher of Perigueux Wae, te borrow tome from a neiglibor. fLattèred. - Re went to meet theShgaeu-o osmadtl 'Viiién gýnerals. Hé fel-1 into tihe aTIe sm osu ndVi tmp1 hîa ed beemn laid for lis us o L1trtht. ~ vanîty, nd Araucania w", no «"Aithougli we stsrted toi make it, longer a kingdoni. Antoine Toun -we al 1.1V sure we- would b. sick " eus' wae Antoine Tounen.once f e nilssed our-s nog cofee.-but ' aâ«ain. iand was throwu into prison.We triea otu zd etsu i est Wié ie h. beceme' Antoine T<unens te find I iciu. again. hîsý countny, France (net ". edtetlteento ti Aranuia&); h>ught o! him et i«t, pkg., got more and in a- noàUth and and h. wu.s liberated after somne a -hlai! yen wouldn'-t have knèwn ne. 'monthe of e Chilieni prison andseût Ws ai1l wenç able Vo digest ýofr food 'Our" back acrosethe seastote France, witheut auy trouble4, eacl i e' s akin of il wjÏhere h.b was trea.ted ae a joike. 'became elear,' toniuès'cleâned off. ind "ýMa!eguerite *as oeeof the meut adn n. u ine co nditiçrn. We tii. besIutiful -girls I. -have eýver eeen. neyer use anythiug-'- 110W ;but Poe-i beit .for ' nuràtng ers because they d Lfeot thse reo f -the n.Mldbutsute.2S x at your dz'ugglsti&e 8 HVE THEIHLIN Mothers .whe keep a bxe Baby',o Own Tabism'h.~os ay feel that thi lives ofýtheirlii. tlê-cneli are 'réasonable safe'dinàg. the. but weather. 'Stomacà tiôu- bis, llra 'iufautum andd ar- niiosa carry off Vliousands of! Uttle 02>eery sumnier,- in most cases, because thei, motlipr do..not. hMv. A Sae.medicine -At hand Vo; giveý prozuptiy'.. Baby's OWn Tab ets cure VIes. trouble., or if. given c- caiuaily Vo the. Well elild will 1 re-' vet'tiiroming on. The Tblt aire "iaranteed. by a governm nt anaiys t te b.beabsolut.ly iarm'i'ss, even te the .newborn bab..'Tliey are especialy good lu inte sum9ir ýbecause tliey reglate the boe- a9ud #oep _the, stozuadlsw.et 4nd pure., The Tablets are scid by iýie iicine.dd.aier« or'by mail etS 5 -cents', a 'box' Irrit Tii.' Dr.- Willams' MEedicine C'.ý, Brock-çil, ont. ýWO»[N TO RXEPLACE KqEHA. German Pat Offce Experte ýte sievW. Oçusideratione cf «ecomy hv iduced the Germen! postal authoni- bes 'te 'approve a *Plan by wbhich "M6 e irls and nwomei will ýgradually ;upplaunt me u on the etaifs 8 Oftaie lifferezit bra.uchiezo!fVtheadm'ni ,ration. ' In Tiie innovation Wifl e«pecially iffect Vii. mailer post offices pau:k.d: n thi. tuhr! clse. Iu tiiesè3,563 Ia8cei lu the'-I'wer grade& hiiero6 ilied hy men are destincd Vo b. gra-'* lueliy p.ccnpied by wcmen, iat an rnrage saiary of $190 annu4lly. iu 'addition, lu ether postai Tenches Vinonglieut the empiré 500 offices, hitherto.lield bymnu riil be filed in future 'by 5,loo we- cun. 'I)espite Vthe nrn.nlcàl addi- [n té the staffs, tii. Womneni'eseBl- ries are so, muchl ower Vian thoS. 'the. men that iV le fignr.d e ssv- ig of ever $i,soo,ooo annuelly will a e!! ected. No suiýgical operation le neces- nry lu removing ,ccrns if Hello- ay's Corn Cure be .us.d. rakiug a vacation usually -means ,tn Âprtdat exorbitant rates. Inariea LIniment Curse Carget in 'Cowe. "I geV e new ettechuient for Vthe uily piano," said Mr. Grocer, ud iV's a wonder!ui improve-ý 'Wiiat lu itl" 'A leck andkey." rh. Pil Tint Lende Thezu Ai.- Ile are 'the moet portable snd maet e! ail medicines, and whi sy te tae are Vthe most acceptable preparations. But Viey ussbt- i thieir power Vo b. popuier. ' As ,mueiee's Vegetable Pille are the-, >t popular o! ail pis lie'_hy muetý yý meet ail requirements. Ac- eteiy comPç,1fndàedsac! COmpeSedl ingrédients Pr'oves Vo, b.effective. Agu!leting Vthe dý'gestîve- organe, ne e B ne surer m.dicine te h. à aenywiere. 'If you don't stop usggiug. me, [lY, I-shail loo,0t mysci! Vis'very YTes, VhaV's jÙBet uc *you, Wienu kueow iôw nervous I arnm~ er.eso.' ri yeiu put Vthej abàwled the. it»ansee WcRoi6 Rau e' Ijioi a Iir '~ ~' noect bites and stings, -~ ~ ~ ~ r - e upy ~ feet and Snuburu 1, The -Te totl cotiiipg, or apy one, o!. Vi cI.pr"dnoeion o! th. spioil some days o! youx Wonid for 1910, .aecorýdijgfe taiâi-'or make youir work a ben tis.oompiled -by -the- Srftish BorjBuli '8-the- remedy yeun o! Trade, .was 1.035,O0,00Vo.Ti.akp i,"hm onoE chie! COl-produciug cuntnies oéu-infiaxed patchis wherethe tTibut.e s tleir- share, UnitlVe got lome on you; it eses . Statesâ,' 447,84090Wo tous; Great -Bn- quito bites, and itac>othsa tîain and ,Irland, 264,40,00; Ger- hlit.red feet and, hande.', many; 150,370,000; Francè, 27,255,- l In .lo theê-yi 000; Belginm, 23,530,000 tous. sufr-getyfron hetsi Eng land proDdn.sd 8 tous for éacli' cae!pi., ere., agai inhabitaàt; '-Vte United 8tateaN bukwl gv~ame i tos; Belgiini 3ys- tons'; Gerniny, Bkwl ieàmés n.a 21-3: anud Franc. less than oeeton. or uskin 'Beases,"andma The epoduction of, coal l in h ge à bloUS akiniese,, sc)> as f year 'Waa by oeuntriee a. "follows: bk>o-poukisornnge., aud United 8SteVe.,434,8I5,00oý tons; 'Za- Auk is a'bsoltly il Eugiand,' 170ý,00,000; Gennany, ,uî i mgisa 130,230,000; France,.-4,0,0; rbo rZmBk(o" Belgium, '23,M5,000 ons.,T Tho. coneumptàon o! ceai per lu- HEU EIR. ha itamt . a as foilows: U ited &,tese, 4.72 tons; Eiiglaud, 4.01; "Mn.. Jin4. s gave a bald Genmany, 2.03; Belgium, - 3.17; f0r going homeic .0early.' Fxance, 1.40,tons. . "Wht *as, it Ji The. United &see, Eglaud 'and-"e bb. .Germany -are. the culy, imnportant nati-ons. Viatproduce en ougi ealSTUNNED HMM. for Vi 00o 'ompinFrse Jie V inpot bot oe-hid o ls e-I eau trac -e my anet TUGKEIT TOBÂtcCO C. Meredlih &C. iie! n clisse Assete.o! Ol! Eotabiahed Anouncemnt heu been mae! an offerng of $2,000,00e ,o! 7 px cent. cumulative. prefemred stoc and.82,000,000 cf comrnop .of thi Tncktt Tobacco Company, Limiîtej by C. Meredith & Company,-,Limil ed, o! Montreai. There Will b. ný bond issue and helders o! preferY7e, stock Vake, priorlty an ail1eesets o the.- Tnckett întenests. Thi& Company le consolidation c Tii. 'Geo. E. Tuckett & Son' Cô~m pany, Hamilton; Tii. Tnckétt Ciga: Company, .,Limited, Hamilton Tuekette Limited. These tires companies have beei purdliased by C. Meredith & Cern. peny, Llmit-ed, and reorganize under Vthe neme o! Vthe Tuckett To, bacco Comnpany. Limited. The man. agement o! the. n.w firm will remair in 'the.same lande -as the. oIc, Mn. George T. Tuckett becemiug Pr..1 aident. and Messrs. Witton* and Lamoresux Vice-President -and secretary-Tneasurer, nesp.ctiv.ly. The. properties of the company, consisting -of heed office, factorice sud Wareiiouses et Hamiliton, Lou- dou and Montreel, are valu.d by Pie, -Watenhouse & Company, Jliantered Acownnants, et seme- thing over 82,000,00 more tiien a11 -The average netprofits-for tic Paet tWo ycaru--ies $300,8,41. This mens that aften pnying the 7ý per cent, on the Pref.mred Stock, ver 6 per cent. wil lie left for the, Dommozq. IV le expected 'that thc ,oceruse Peretlng, nder Vie. new couditionar With -Vie -profits wili bow s natureal luereese duriug this reer- sandnext. The capital'ie $4.500,000,,,divided1 ito' 82,000,000 7 per. cent,. cumule- #e preferred 'stock and $2,500,000 eommon.ý- O! thie culy *ý$4,000,00e le )eing. isued, Viipirefe7red et _$95 &ni Vth. Common aV"$40. IV may 1otÀd' that- 'itla letilpàlted that sny' )eson igubscriing foi, the prefer- 'd stock muet ïalec subecribe for a [ke nuzuber 'o! shares -o! Viiçom, aou. -hs't'W 111h be gen that ici-e lea 'ne obôionu f!<nminsok -os oteu the.ease ,wiVi-fiotàtioneý STILL PEAR TO lM.- she--,Yenu esd Vo SayIwst> earest'4*tIe woman yoin ever-knew ef'orWe' w~ere marriïtI. RÉe-Well LOWISay that yOen Aýe the deareet 'ropoisitiOn Vint 1 eve'r heard of. A WANT INTEIIPRETED., >f, Viat dcg o! yoursa nnoys me SIcuffItd,-dit? 3feybe.ýyez ppme ,to get s trained\haste> that an play on hs flute-. La-te b saccount !oýr a'lot of' àee«atur, wnlnkles. - ,Terpu to. wex cuse sheS-what eiiitryll backd Tien le, blinkiied eud oWledatý 4 r au if ie, W odered ho, far lie - ITof gentlemen wene diecusslug thVe quietes 'o! their suburben' homes. "IV is quit. refr.-sling," said ion;,"fter 'Ve iirly-hurly f,, th c ity yen eau almost hear Viie- tars twi nkle. "Il e s-the- are as% mine," repied the otier. "Lhave- ofteu Wke up t. niglt and -had the- bd 'tick. 'And, Vhe- slenc Viit folloked was se proound tht' m narteaLiniment Crps lphthg1ra. E WSACCEPTED.' G.ra clin -" m I Vthe o uly girl, yen ever ioved 7" Gerald-"II sonld say noV."j 'Gealdin-1 Well,- yen are he only ionest mnuwiiOever proposed te me and that's mast Wat Vvye been iplean Stemeci, Clear Mind.-Th4 cstomec is t hs e okehop of tue vita. functieng and- Wheu iV gete ont of oder Ve wlole system .cogs ln sIympatiy.- .The pirite fIng, t mimd droops and Work becemesim- possible' Tii. fret caïme siould lx te ee>ere halthful action of the -stomach and t)>. bet' preparation for t1hat purpese le Permelle's V.. geteble Pills. Generai use' fer yers las won tlem a endiug place in medicine. A triai 'wii .ttet Vlieir vaine. FRIENDLY IHINT. AtI' have bouglit.,myseif au open- WOrk liet."'- "HOw ice, dea. Yen eau talk se mucli better tlirough iV"' WonMs e'use fnetfufnees s ad roh Vthe infant cf sileep, the gr-et nour- ishie. .Moter- Giaves'-'Wo.rm Ex- terminator Wl11 dean the. stemaci' and intestines and estoee ieath- Au -egotiat inveriably makes a greet hit witl i hmself. Mninardle LinmentCures ColisEMc SPEAKING 0F HATS. "Caroline'e new het is a b.euty.- I Wôlidèr what milliner desigued "imaner, ludeed 1 8h., ad it] fi A WAY OUT. L'r (o wz -Welif you are ee ed tOesue frdivoce, at least 'I ns keep dowlI Vieepes as mue ns possible. Iwieta yonr neel.' IV Be s Pn-.-Ask any druggist 'or deai -r in 'medicines Whàtt je Vhth meeot P'"ulàr o emedicinaloele fcrpa' is i ii ointe, in ti muce Or nerves, on for neuralgia and r' meim 'ed ilti yenO thi Dr., Thoinas' Eclectnic Oul ýole lun eaten demanid Vian.any ?tiier. Tii. reason fo ls la hat it pou ffess greeteniieeéling queli-' iesV tanya#otiien cil.' Yen rever se e girl -hîkefor.the. kitciien hen ÃŽe.wante Vo kili time. M.InarcrsLiniment curee Distemper. WAJSEVER THUS. A, pair f, she]es m &y hurt'likesin For"- eeks, eand theni1.about yI> t'e we geVti 'embrokeu'-in, They, Stant Vo breaklng eut]4 You j or edW"14wala- îa BUIE aook. in4imue-abptui lx-MU1014 by Drgla 4"ooe*~.T utei ".» CARI4FUL NOW,, 'ong wîfe iad give huain- dauýce. 1"You've impnoved niyUJck," sihe eaid, as The3 baud',a Wendez tiiey u ber lie' dres Il jChois their a Ias the,] cumberý persens these t need nI J. D. I and tek cures t] remerkî As'F' RABHE WOULD< "flic! ler father g1ve tiezu rnoney R a Wvedding presentl' "Ne.. He didu't go as fer as ',ier hlinud e tiiethy' coie 'Gent ai n,-Lait. ugutrip bO heaied ' e; but the'otbera 'beossae iud rot' sud Iougis 1 tned mauy ot medio ,theýIà&b n o beuefioial r, At Isat -Sctor advWd e to50uze. ARD'5 IET'and in tonr w.,ke' *veiy m' 'wsb an sd thse bah rovu oý r ea.ch nii-la fSue oud Thse Lin ënt lu etaltl7wouidertul1 working. JORN B.R. oLD HO ;NAONsMOUEN. ]Rach-' ati.ouj is ite Own peci manpner Ct mournlnwiz ts de h.' rcplied. "Iwesu' j*l ne. moi-bue, creampesud km- etT eniplînzlts nnueiiy makes ~parance et Vie saine time L Uo eathetir, green fruit,-cu- 4, melons, etc., and many are debanred frou' eetiugI.~ lmpting thinge, but tliey s<5 t abstein ifýVhey have Dr. Eellogg's Dysentery Cordial se crampe and choiera in' ble menner and ýle -sure Vto 'ery disturbence o! tii. boW- F1. get vait son vi-ote tii, life of a bor 393 Argle St. FEAÂTI *RITISH AI I E 0f Sanada, M . . od.n - SZZl 3i.0tauc3 UaapznaadBookets on JAMES LANCMUIR & 00. L'nIte -1814 B t ~ u z -S tre e t 0TO R O NT O Suppose OSCAR,, SARD INES this Saturday. -Then yo u can, make -a Sar<inè -Sae ou evertstdmc lore desirebie-thals lSet ýthis hot wciLther.1 Thl From Tour Ciopor Td nu l .John~W 1any that. o TIL 'i . Fi sou i ;CT STIN l a ý;77 77

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