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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jul 1912, p. 5

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are &lid li' niia or Cicago., ad returm, MO$U mi Peturu, $2f îood fci 6o-clape. NGE OF CARS yull 4cave T ôroao o lats, via Chlcggo ' ig tiroqgi coaclhs x Sleeping Cars. runk Paçltjc RahliWy quickest'rout-e Ibetwe At oon.-.Edminto press Service betve et4,ina.."Smjogti i.o ighted Shepi#g car. :ar ser.viçe. nlipeg, 6o p-. Iat, '7-00 a-mo cateon, 8.30, M . antan, 9.0Co a. m m'nand tickets fropm PIIENSON È xpreta, 'X'icet au S-opposite àtandan ~t ory," moe Comùpany c ut a new isae Ono Dlibéor itral Qntarjo?, Il flteiflplate, bçcu 1e#4h, wileh ç:, Pry sbogld place Wp Mlanagem'ýa: ini titis Issu. Comipai, iddtloas sand cii icribers, eitier t d=ec ttie,Sf *CQrnPan' of. C4 nôw. Il your ývo becaule of ick of-a brake' 'AIR stiop 4t ini Fèliablp k< erder. Fr t'a mnodels la learu aur fâIui' L season whee' )Ilcalurs snd- v whecl. kê.A. ades'xtaqui& ilrGOld ilIed Caeào qnd 'WaItbam works, $11.00 Src-Â Ladies, 14 karat Bolid eold Case, soiai-la eweI -hÎgbest grde Waltbam 6 oiii movement,. $26.00. 4th-,& solid 18 k. Ladîest, _Waïob, extra- hick Gold case saud 17 jewel, spe cial move- ment, .- best >vo h ave aI prosout, ought tlu b. 880.00 liee Pirkçcs ood fôr JuJy oniy, 1912 Ail IeoWabcbea are good R. N. Bassoli Jewciler- Opticlan Whithy - O&t&ri@ W.C.T.U. I. ( Md JI41hWIf U$s,,W@t1 sat"r auleprico 39C. 'W. G. wàl. - KNLP WANTN.I K.adbc". Steady empIy~t Appiy io Kiiag r Bx.Co.-tl. ni.e mersof oyal Oriaug.Ld No-. 168> LWlitby. dàufe-simttank tii. uierchants and businema mon cil th@ tOwn wlio so kindly made donaations, toWard 1:ýtbu oaebration of Jiiyl2h id iii tiq .way aided inain ing ti. -cesthat It provsd to b.. 3. atuda at W. 0. Wit.rs'. -à To .& p àdi.ahoua. oflot lama th" frmodirj tjkprerd o to»W oxsi4AOAply to P.O0. gWhAtY.t O~ ~burdy after enat tii. choir cot e. .aflernoon: wes spent i aietsc., aller wblic a -vem'y dsluy tee, w»srved. Xuch ..credtin s us Mm'. Branton for titis Vary, pleapt VOCAL PEODUCII thur of ntaàýio col- legs sud Toronto,1Oenei4eo4>;y cfÉ lae tu aké pq impilslpvocal train-' -ug ol~July lut. Ileaidemice Dundag Ehiset, Ivo blockia wes 0f,411 Saint.' ne leYower Comattes af the. W.C. .AlmnOud's anflueagadon sa rly wrn T. U. (Umis Amy Keaa, Supt.,) whll I hld on lie evenigof Fridy \%Met ai tie home of-ns. JO£. Ksan UY'grYl-On the spacbaus lavu ai Mr. 'every Pindu» siternoon ataI 3o'oîoq. WmOIn. ii. neprograin -Win be Pro >"»enycin e-g flowers, tic spare anti1 vided bY Ibm foll'owing able talent; wiio in interestei in the. work of 515A Nwcrelocutioniant, Wii u.ning -bouquets to l.the ior i Usses Haycrejt and Rortpdu" tçwn, will b. porlally welconed,. sud Brookli; the Almout'a àaie, Quar- abh flowsresosnt wlll b. tbenkfully'ao. tetle, assiatéd bybte Whibby .Ciligens qYt .Brasa Baud. Tee serveti lrom 5ao- cepteti. - d~~~cock until'ail aresrei diso Donations oi fresht fruit, cauisd 25a. aesre.Am'lo fruit, vegetables, clobbing or money mg be l1.11-ai 1Mr. C. Ted'. store any W. have just rèSelved a lageoshp. lime during July or Auguat for -te a fisaonusHome, Heydensitore Park. muii t 01Lsdiesa, iseansd eCiW4 ren's Boots, Show..dpampi lu Vio r.-Tod bao kiidly conseitteti te 0KTnCIf u ea m toi ~it ail donatiobs are deliveredti ao teUe iFo!.S~eSa, l'finlucharge of titis- work, il C or. tm - P:7-"Every man acordial iVilb' ~a~guçg~glor -pi neçpoty; fpg T.4_ TW1TCR duIss. hp4qIveý4 ler fui jvp." xi'. W, l.Watson, a o rtfihy * i ~I'~PrO pm o a sigd cWop cf fa~bniP98 4sye4r, b4 1t t# 1C4 Pût Nev Perfection ù011 ovS c.,at T»e.auction cale cil bouseiold'juri. hure su Uts kome af Mn. Dow, who je golug West wluli4er son, was au, teaded yesterdlay alteruocia by quinte a crouti af kos bidmers. Auctanee Maw coztducWthe ssale expeditioualy. A lU Itlia p Md st 0f la"dieteiisNubuck WlbyTownship Voton.s Li *nov in-th fia sdofcthéieprintens sud vil bu cwuoplebed.next veek sud wll! b. postetiup in lbe Cls-office on fr- day,. July -26. Ba* tg the cut stand, next ho G.Y. fimih't fcu. W..BUIIN, carpesto-6 urt ip of N cl fndyay M elp-fçsp'ontbe lIvÉn cf n g. .Y amnluli'. residmncemasa aImai by llghk Pliu and ea1bif mlver -borm o9f owgn isa "Iui ongli. Spocial pria.. on fmns Navy 'Blue, luns ail wool WoratedSuite. Wordu 818.6o. Saturday sale prieW 12.9'0. W. G. Watsrs'. l'h.- Whitb»Bawlers play laDi. a the Pha cub1$g p - mirezZ i I WeI itsa but tbi , Dougnttothi a oice Iait week se- al staiks of twit& -grasm whioh lisolied plu*ed trou asfield lu bcwn. Tlu .11k »mauredý- cose te ei~st -E uin length. Tiis Int ne meo!fte.frt 4 W t CO0 O F0 »!WUTOEU. Mr. Tonyi Baptipi, «Wi$mby, dug 'A a411c p9batoes in 'the gardon ai Mr. . Obert, Rrookll, oce day lest u'eek es 84a expenient, -tases witat the tubera 'wee 1k. Ha wassur- pnised tiI got 24, -Veryfine patahosinl lbh . lIlie remit would b. bard ta Dindi. dam7ryocwiront le promies et Chus. Glovir, KyrIli. Plader will 1e r.warded by riuinng to owner. QKAB. GLOVER. xlynie iwn 'Puno1es ouniSg, 'lgonr- aus tess. Qe aly ;.pninle "0Cc '810 Ani~ COSTS. Polie Magitrate 1HEarper iIton té above penaluyv ounT sda» sen-ý lug ta 1f. N. KoitmpM,vihovas c'OnU. vitt ikepiug unsanitany promme. Evl.snllig ides uthe.celler sud mno nboes à lunt4, shedti ire.tep pealold hovati. o psy 't, fddclrdiii fu zlgi as el hvebeen 10 The Sanlian lii.mpaétor. otly dld Ise duty Iu layblâk this complait for the bealtbai 'the- cl4m lho uaIbe gudod. i the. mahotiat, evemueg ei9t: tle lau nh -- - - - Jr- -- - ~iih exoslet ojpdértîmfty .ýt?,û- in ta moat' attractive icnio re- iorthe usnegotiatio$reault tgv., oalPrinted announosmmnti willIbe ditribýuted-. itisweek, and fiirdiel no- oice publiahed i tils pgper next lgk xcuriion, rates woald probabIy, inelude *bitby, Brookinansd Picker- ing. Annouûnoomeuts-willalso bho made ai the achools, and chur>eaon.l1un- day. KUSOÂ RDE. CHd favorite ccime'-J"ckto C.N.E. ini Luke'an old fin iia uew esuit ol clothes the-u sial 'Bide s 0=14Ï , backto ta Caadian Nationjal Exhi- bition titis year. Ail the gro.oelul horaerenabip wbch a.dlighted the. ttiouisanda. of otiier years wflJ b. tiiere but many of the . igurew. are new ancj if POa"bi, more Pleaig tiau the old olX-eïs.he tii yalW au " DiW, 1 g0oos have.notheen ýidleduring theirJ -Years, of absence frImt, Ehiiton. The>.ae aaaure f retreweption eni theiïrérourn. { ofi iie wornenvotera--to lteheot hiat their vote will ary it cuool by- laW'. Be prepanedti t vote on July 391. Tii Scioi Bardleprepare t ta d- vance sud ta diacua te question wjit you. Gooti sohools add ta t.e attractîvenees of te. town, sud te tï value oý yoý zr propqnty, thug, inces- mng yo ur . comne. Be sure anti vote- for the nilhus cil te Chilcren, snd tue igtofedueshion. . 1 P. STAxR, Counhy W.C.T.U. .Frai. -0JD PAPEES FOR AL. 014 usewappse suitabls for wrap. ping and other purpoas may b. had ah iti Gazette su" Chrcle oceah 20o. par MO ALSAINS' CHURCH. Next Sunday, .July 21st, ltera wllî be speiàl musical services at AMl Saints' churcie. ms. Dunn, ofl Toron- ta, *ito iaBacitelor rof usioansds dia(inguished organist, will play ai bothit orning anti evening services. In the evening MMi. W. T. Graty, ai Torçantci whislaalroady, vory layon- 4pNy itnown bore, wlll sln;g Gounod'à 4'0, Divipe -Redeenir." THE TABERNACLE.- JuIy 21. S. Si endi Adult Classes9.45 e.m. The. nan's cia.. will lie tairght, b» tii. paster. Clàasahtte close of môrning mer- vice. Movning service 11 a.m. ESubjsct "Religion Ealtetit a man.,, Il te weathen lusswarm as hes' been the, evening service wilîl be l.ld on the6citureit lavu egain. Subjecu "«Légsons from Nature." Ever>. one corne. --Tlers will be lots1 of raom.1 Persona] Mention.- .Mr. Stednmu, of Monireal, in visit- lug Mondaei.town. Misa N. Smilit, af Toronto, waï. 'an overSunday visitur in tovn. Mr. Leo S=nitýa a qitp op en a, Mm'. eqd N10. W.H. Sjqili - *r- c4repop 90,91 cf Newcastls, 4pept sipaday viiihIe Parents. 1fr. Wn. Pis, ef Port Hfope, le itolidsying viti hi# parents hers. Mr. incent- Baston, -cf_ Niagaa Feus, in viuiting bis parents in lova - is ibson, Toronto,' in a gnest at the bone cf 1fr. anti n.. W.E. Bico. .Miss EElEvani, of Toronto, viatsd ber cousin, Miss L. M. flvans, on Sun- day. ls.carle4o .1cfCinçinelti, is vis- iughpn parenW,g, Mnud à(.. A Mn. . E ntyr. snd baby, of Tootare Vis ting vitit-Dr.. suMd -i. Adamu. -n.ant irmn. , liciolsoni ef (JOldwat.er, are viailtiiÇglte Iomo' Parents hern Mn., L. B.And isDorea enon, ç Toronte, are enging bj upia lichos on Jto trou .ad T.a um mie oeil.i witli i e «fcr.!M d Mise Leurs -Parns ie Piot aid-:ti u, i~A1uce New. por ackbéWititty. orchra 'têcâ Par>- in -the ½rogram giron a$tî Baptistga;rden ,'party given iiClare- mom1t lasit 'WedùpQàay, eveùing. Ir. nti rs. -,deàr5and: twc B. W . and- M m w-:~: eves ong~ ueeà.o dY.. Ïan16..fllrdhae. monhsu Mwlltierefore beresidente of Wiitby for titt time.- ' District Do g. ,Wood, sMd wio leabdcharge -cf tteý 1 ralu Exobs5 âOficé, L fr- mo te Iaae o ie~PR.Ta. ,gïapli luToranto.: .so;îa Ernest Riley, JO.eh o 760e, snd Ereu dwar&i, ehsrged 49t:1hn inboxieted l ini. e loca optin. illg~of Cannington wore 1cuie e i-b~a. justIof bte pa w » tao a vilage on, bte Ato- àeeneraà1,in vIlIng liti -tIi cnv lion Sbould be quaabe,. s'ad it was 10onde ed .Natielan ur"" giv t t 1.e eau- *diau Notiu xasi iiaj ~ePsARY. pawti'uo'tb. Uouaty-, our cibisCouty i (_lnjro, ithe . "m 01 SiX Rnndred sud Pilten hou- la asoop uatlzi£or bte IoIow- glandis > AhaPu«eovrpan<,sof land and Premises fonming te. ighl cf W&Y ci1 li Cana"ian ontiieru ()tania Rail,- va7 as Aocted or quonuots upon Oz arOaslb t orhii tbnhe-quartsrs af lut 2a3,in thothir OOoeeaz ionbofte 'ownaitipof Pckniig, la tii.Gounty and Provino. ai Ontanlo, and desorli- tia nsiy s may -ba awcetaWc Wait rer en :c e ritin s lot ines as FOlows -A stnPof land ame huadrsd 100) fast iuwimlth, ling fifty (50) Sel ou emb 944s 01o1 lhe ontre lins ai tbw CsA"dian Nortbsrn Ontarjo'R a-i vay, whjch saiti centre Une la dssonib- ad as lollcws: Commeicing aIs point, oa te *stsly boudaq o! lot 28, twenl>t&ee hundreti andtitly (Me3) est meeaured southusly aloug salid boundga7b mmthe. ortii.sslangl. cf Mid lot 23 limace soubl i mghtees (ff [ogres. forly-six (46) màinutes west tweuntone huadrSd and nity (2190) pt more or lesa, hto the. wetey 'ouadry o1so"dlot 23; bisMA i 1 i4 land as d.scribecl containmng-by adi-o nueurement ve and tua indrdtha (&OZ) acre, more or les., Wh" b ave b"a taken b>y lthe saiti Company for tb. pmmrpoae of abs rslway nda, auth- onity Of the. Rslway Act Md notice lsfurthergiveu li.t an aut..ntio copy 01 tt eagreement for "I cf the snuda sa hmbien dsliv- LOI tu, tii. Clenk of t e ud -court, wd thet te said agreement constitu- ing the. titi.l us te ompsuy te lb. aid land- bas bien obhsinsd undS thets sutlorzty Ofl bhe Railway Act, and aIl1 ersona clainiingsu aintor matit- à to the saidlands or an7y~ âimeof are iirsbycaqw upp94 u (M ie emr 91a" q tii. &Md cqnlpouist4op " ~PA#p hiierso! wth-*i. Mark o!, Ci;d Cpn on or before tii. 22nd day . & Uguât, .».," 1912. hbitby, Ontanjo, Jue a2th, .1912. MIS **~BIGGS,1 - Toroto. Ont. Bcuialiciono th& Caiaad6au Nortiieu ntanlo Rallway CoMPsY.-4. Pramue bouse, lathed anptrefirblN ata dF sho a i î ad papered, seven roma v anw .-N s o eeefetwide on sou-hi aele RmbiOurZ AR SprigStock i o o pee inr, eveah rooma anti ba, uia t-'î&We- have fulueof Menl's, Wo-b eevnd fet wia on sufan yes Veradahet itc en -,"-,,id]men's 'and Children "fine and heavy od T. G.W thDZLe very laLes t ueslgns- A' cail salaitd ___REL ESTTE. Apleasuet show goods- De WATSON E FI bai, Green st Br! 'ck tausEeSO, L O IN D e lla r, la u n d ry a n d tu b , e lectr i li g t. r é l a . . L u L t U 4 d f ' ing, o>pen plu nb ng, hot w ter ting , i W ~ , ' V ~ n i i y i i l corner lot, side drive, ýfine bag arn, best condition, terisarranged. - $3800 ronst'd dMT U <I S E D tah n rooms bath, Nm1 closet and basin, open- plmmbi g, hot air heating, large corner lotJvE.en tral, terme. 360Byron St., pair framne h3o o lou e s, seven ro on s, in W e have in stock a n w turnip s c , î p r e a e t y f o n E g a d u goodstae cfrepirgood cli -, niçe ham proveti to be superior to thc best strains of Swede turnipa heretofore grown. Sined lots, good gardena, centr ly b. Ilt as been thoroghly tried-about Bowmanville, New-castle sd Ooo n c a t e d , v e r y e a s y t e r m s . h a-a ndec c d n l s t s a t o y e a i g a y f t e t e o no t a n h a . d> Dundas St., brick bouse, aser Owed esîedeigstifcoy etnayofh- trgidsrag.t $35 00O large oins, cel ul " esw dbsd sized, bot air h Utn g, bath, ci t and basin, t re acre lot, g od d e n D m - A 1 D ID T stable and out buildings in good epi0 E sUV L AN .~ K .J I ~ V 7 fine orciard, te'rm!6 0i 6oo Frame Cottage sixromoins cv:;ZOd has observ:d th:t wlcn po quotcd MIonto or any - lot, good garden, fruit, very cent n.,- tatous ut a. price ; but Dclawarcs. al"~ys iig'an either. vstitea $ 14 75 Knt st., frae ous, superior potaoca in stock for our çustomers.- roMoi, furnace, fi c large lot, good garden, out buildin, fruit large and smail, central. He4ydnsuhore Park, mer. cottage., bulit lait ar, fin. wolreveranda, -closet -and wood- W RI T B1 Y N RI thd bct h-ation, ffne lot, 5c il50;,i part cash.------- $6oByron St., brick and roui t6ocast bouse, 5 - moins, cellar, garden, good repair, terme. BUILDING LOTS. ..j w m i $500 Byron St, J acre I bes building site in towjn, it and beautiful shýdç_trocs ood bulîdi camzelin thé otherca-andsnenc $150- Urack 9t, good blg - ïlotm ie double frontae, ciap. StationerY-sW a bmedidn't know _we kept TO LET a Sum er ot ae t H eydnsl oýre Park , 4ff e. 4o n n t she wa n e l funibed andi ready for accutinPrhpyoca, D. W ATSON eG Il W 'e gti i o ep andtj '" - MIRT0 A 4uke1 a253 Mloises .. Ive'yuIug Oeumoam "4 Y Li t%* -rh 01uiaisfa ite mase usoreoi@of. abuilding,-for a Bfla -ciio, aaup . pllsdfi*byztMb. oaN of ducauon?1 2 . i A n rti u t i a I th i. us a s - Cd mae od r, ngkoss tl e ,cl&u laraicu uruuut -c sM4l. , qi ti -th a 2 oeO 4oor. P~l~ W ~ ~ 4f71J gesi. WJl illi pare x. RisW iy-t.ItroWD I eo bslm b ht- t by ~nuith ortor A~i1y ftOD Ko. lisfiamf bis tifa l Lit~~P o m eN o .'nin 56j e h o d ay b e n la e e le ; hoPilr, ote -3 arI n. ~ME- an7lethry Ri ianeywl1itby. AB EflA 1.1 Çrouce e )Ut dwi n o uasn. ù iu , ueir to tierCoal dy a Bméthod ShootbWh* ~aî~naj< Rene tai. Prepratio is lb boul AMYma 1, , Ou nad ~ Glan r eityn w iso'I0 uS good coal. ~ad everl n iib F.OR. BLO.V 'uppi alwyaon han. roometi bo ar eain, èUu roo, i throomatnt. Pr t - ARCHIVES 0F ONTARlOi - 1 111,1111-Ilffl

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