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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jul 1912, p. 6

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* S»fl n in e very common * bIa,6 A Sovere bruise 18 accompanie ýnot only by discoloration, but*b pain, tepder.nese and local swe1ling, sud in som4 cases by severe clic) r end miental depression.' The 1aQ> ýqr'streàtmient is directcd tfÃ" limit lu the escape _c blood.- If lie oece the 'Patient aoon after'the accideni ho@ applies ýe¶astic pressure to -ti znjured -part, and gives it a gentl4 -etroking. Lâter on lie uses a mor , vigor6us fernof kneading "Ma'&sage that wcuid haveý been u seless, aný evenhariul, at firet. Even il a biuis. ie not seen b th ti.doctcr untÃœi uweliing hai airea ? Set in, the appliction cf th e 1lastxc bandage iz u ùeful, for itV tends tc * i drive the efused biod away frouz the, irjured part, and Bond 1V bach itre tho joulerai circulation. X heemuet b. deiay in the applica týo n of the bandage, -the interval is - best fill.d, by gentie bathing with ocld -water. - Warin water is often used,?but thaÏ,18s à mistake, -for ai- thoughw*arin water niay reijee the * pant, it; WilF not check the bleeding -qitée'hsccntrary,g in faet. R- memibertit blood inthe tisseus 4ýatter out et place, and any t eat-, * bn t'% at invtesît mustbe wrcng.ý blood may- have-collected that ab-i *cQrptioâ .15 very 1slow. Tixueandl trouble'can often lie saved by ta'-' z ing- the 'bruite with a -hollowt lee'*le but that is of course a mat- terorthe physician to, decide - Youth's Oonipaiiion. HEALTE AND FOOD. The unwisdom of eating toc, much s9ait-la empjhaseized by Dr. Alexan- - der Brc in "The Laws of Life andI HRealthc'" Spices snd cofdiments possesno nutritive value," lie writes, "but. are used as relishles, and are supposed- te aid digestion by s timulating. the' organs to- pour forth more gastric fluide. But -ae _ hs îl chiefly mucus -they do more han» thau-good. They are also pro- ductive cf many cases of chronic ca- V1rrlio!throat, on account of theCrLocsi rritant qualities. Helhcannot lie maintained vitiiout a due proportion of miner- il aalte in our food, but thq only ene which need lb. added Vo nur dailyr menu issait, or- clitôride cf sodium. ,Thliq, corntinued. in al ti.juibds- nd~uucfteI jPving, réehhVothe fo n proves hs tite. Ma are inclinùed d temuhsat to. our fôod c , ý ooking, and proý'1 * bably ton'ties'too-xuch is already\ý added during the procesu. "iWhere any -sp ecialmineraiin- gredient is required by the. systemh It may b. nre a greeable takeni in t O.en f, food. 'For example, Ifron in found- in prunes, appes, let- tuee, figt, beau., peau, potatoes, as- Paragus and çcabliage epou , . nbea, peau, rnos;ÃŽ chronine in miflk, lentils, aspargà and cab- bage; sodium in = 8nt,..fige and asparàgu ; 0ýpotassium-in beans, ien- tilt, PeaU ,and petato.. the gftof8asmaill brgan, fo~rth4 ,of the patients t eIieve thé-m'në- tony of their> lives. 1'Te Lejýer Laz- aretto at Darc-y Ilan-âd,ý B. C.,. haa not beýn ocupied-by any leper ine the last one -'was depýore,! rei ous to thibs yeari. prv w -w e "1W%1W lwt-- y_____ Fols -"FTOR: A PRESENT.' Tii. children. in Miss-,Wre 8 rscliooiroom ]ikred the littie nflw gin] ai cn 1a the s 5w er.. Bei naine was -Fie'ra Axnie Pi-ne. At.lreoss ah. aliowed thé girls- a.ne*', garne hat w6as.se amusîng they pliyedi 1V every day for weeks aftenrwand., NY4e-twas tii». tO go hiome, Misa Ware walkecLto Flona e street witi .her. "Tii. Jittie girl rn into tV1s lieuse Vo tell dier unothér- Vhs: schcol, waé* Vii.înioest -she had ever ibçen in. And tien Fier An- nie bu ried te put. babý¶ broitleerin-, to ha -carniage, Vto givelii aair- ing n the near-by,-paGrik, sthatý iiothen couid have a littie rîst. Aiter & whuble baby breiUr fel asicep, ind FlJna -MLni. 'atI dewn îen a park bencli Vo reït. Oh had been thinking very hard about *somethi»g she had heard inuEL h0. >"W. girls are all màkîng S?ýmehing for Miss Ware," hs-.girl had ssid "To-xnorroaw ,: lih*.birtViida.y '-and She doca n'of lue tQslav uï1lier apything, so, we are ,al. n glen scmething, insteà&d." -Fiera Annie wisied Vhatl'siièalad knewni about the gifts- soopiez ;sic ouchve . edto-makeë ie Ware. a bag,,sand embroiden lier initiJs on iV. 8h. knew how, .and 1shé lad Made herîeif -one -with hei cwn lu- sewing-basket ÃŽe h limauny ,retty remuants of slk. -Fiera Anni e mused regretfuily ou Vthe park bencli; aud she wag stîlI- tiiinking about'Miss Wàre's birth- day whe>- ah. wenî Vo 'her-littie bcd- reom at night. Asg she openeA~er buùreauè nawer to !oid sway her bain 'nibboui, her glane. fell on Vths bag she'had mace. She took it out sud looked'at Vhs initiale F4P"-Just a, piÀi bag without Éer monognam -,.eud have been suitable, Vo gbve Ior î!a present. "FÉor- a present." mie ne- peate4out kud,.- and auddenlýv sie broke into alau-gh..- Wlien.Miss Ware's birtliay ea4s what meast surpnbsed - and 1 ~sed her was a pink 'silli bag that waa guven Vo her by lier littîs new yLpipl. XV -oontained' a noe that said t& Fiers Annie -wouid .have 1ikEd Vo -unake lier a brand-ne'w bag,..7bu~t did nioV have tue. - BIs -boum d when Miss Ware saw Vhe 'iniVtals "1 .A.- P."that she. wculd tiiink o! them as meain For a !esnV- lier ovnFinMn-ePin.: *Ail Vii. happeneda àlong ixue1ago,1 but Vo this day MXiisWàre keus lien .11k bag.-Y-ouVhos Compaînion.~ SM KIGAND D-RNKIN, Revne ens, Show that-Consmto fCg arettes 19 0' the incrae. ipatol - from Otawau-iaya:even, tunm-s eut te ýo i ony-;74ý31000. bail..! head.o! population, I Consumption o! splInits las - e- ans >are -drinkîng -mers beer jequalled L0à0 gallons -per iiéa4aa ior aud smoking more cigare,. lagluast .959 gallons mlu -thec eqre.& be and tobacoo -year by year, 'I sÈoudiug yeau-. O! -béerj#le C'on- departmeat. Thie incréase, lièad, as -compareil wîti -5.4à4,$asd rj la pot se muolias. would of, wine1 .114 gallons as againit -108. by ComIparison withlIat Heavy grawt-h ïal s indicatýd ibu -This il3on account e! VhseViie tob-ccO. habit. -ht total eqaàlled Ai! million"-i-n Vhe popula- 3.011 péuuds penr- lead o! popula- Tho onsmptin o Iiuo~ ien Ciarettes entered for von- 'accoislabased- on--the popu- snxnpton-,aggnegated,782,663.&44,.as ka otinuated by the census- agauat sgba5 o b»inthe npit LU& e eiebratioýn of BisiiOperqd' Gait lias tograndniotlerj; feur great-grandlmetlera liv- -Provincia 'ovrnen Èh Hon. -I.B.. Lucaswiil in- 'at Public ownerahip'cf Ve14 ei ini Britain.- -GREAT -BRITAIN.- Xing went down a almiliî riel4ed a pick.' Wim'bledon 'oupws-on by 'ommunicated Vo Vhs Uùnitèd States Goverumeut Canada'a proposed oh- jectioris o Vhe Panania Casnl regu- Sixty-five, -including. tire. Gov-ý ern nnt inspectors, weýe killed b- anepoin in -Vhe Cadéby coiliery, Yckore.It i. !earèd thatth numbrc dm &iy reac h80 G-ENERAL. Sîinr MascagÏni, Vthe composer, eloped with a. chorus.girl. 'ii.« Federal forces drove Vhé Strike r*Ots brokd out at Zurich, S'wtzeniand, and Vhs tYoops wene ciled ont. - The Portuguese Parlialnenf clesed' its session.- -oni ! Long live thue lepuiblo," The Ro latfonces; Male no hèadýwsy in Nortiiertn. PortugaRl. The. rising apeanrs Vo lisfizzliag;out. Georwe Gôulding of ýToronto woi the 10.0S0 metreswalking championP slip b» Vhs Olympie games at Stock- hlmr. WIVES AND BAMlES STAR V1NQ Terrible jesults et Vhs Londoit -Transport Workens' Strike.- A despatcii froni London, Eug- land, says: The distress due o-tii. 'transp ort workers' stnuke lias be- comeo keenest in Westlam,' wherp tIers-15 a population o! 187, 000, Vhe7 majorîty c! wliom .unâer normal conditions .aziebelow Vhs poventy. lin,, In such a district as hs Vhs nbp o! VI. atnike is felt immediate. - y sud there are now tome hundredu o! men, womieu and chidren literaI- ly starviug. Thousanda o!f men ans eut o! wonk, who bave recebved on an avenage $6 of lstnîke psy since Vhe sti-ike began. -Tii. paw-ushops are filled with pleilges and Vhs pawnbrokers refuse funther ad-j vauces. The landlords have given1 up hope o! collecting reuts. Fortu-1 nateiy -Vhs ohîdren of achool age are supplied wth two meals dairv, but Viens bs uo food for the. youn'g- en chidren sud Vhe mothers. OPERA4TOR'S DIEATH. Tragis End o! a -Vaneouver' Tele- - - pions Girl. A despatii3-fnom Vancouver Savys: Tii. second suicide cf tiie week by. a youug weman occur-ed eanly an Thutnaday mornng, -when Miss Olive Smith, aged about-eghteen, died bu Vhé citv ambulance on the way Vo Vthe lospital. , h. hsd taken car- bouic acid, sud lier groans were eadby otiier noamera bu Vhe housewherc <lie was ata.ying. -Ac- cordbug te wituesses at the inquest ou VIe body of Misa Màud Harrison, wlio Vook lien lite two days ago by gas-paisouing, ah. was suffernug mental torture because a telephon. -subscriber liad aworn aV lier oven thie telephons bu Vhs-Bàyvbcw Ex- change, where ah. worked. She felV»exée.dingly hurt at V his 'inci- dent, sud on the same sveuing toek her- own lite. i Sinse TWIN SISTER DlýD. .WhIeèh Time' "Survvor Ras A despatci *ow Landau, Eng- lâud.' says': Ti.relieviug officen o!c Vhs. Clirtscy, 'Board"o urbu reports a pec -uliar ease-. A girl nanued. Beatnicq, Etheniuigtou, Viie da.iigtero! a laborer, is i'uw bua ieadling urnsing -hou».undér treat- Ment.'- lé alked su'd hIsrd until thle was 2 years aud5. monthe ûd,- wIenher Vwin aLitr- died,-after wîlh asebeasin 8,f sud duu»b:' Siir' - -ot Vi.noV an intelligible ,ývor,bIîaspaýse4 -iie±- ips., Delenidin.g tii.lin.. on which lis wnoQte this arficle, he «Baya: "isever- i menths befere Kig- Edward's death tlie')resent suppiement to, Vhs Dicticnary, was under weight, 'and Ishouid hsve'bee ngravey iïnjunring- a great natio4al unde#rakibg,,hàd I contented jmyseif ivith aperfunic t4ry Il!. c' f 'RJS Mâjesty, whichby aVen eotyping emipty ec hoes, would have fail1 ibe-I9W1thç oiy :~St hus-- tonic and biographie-'standard."1 .'l '<i.Dictiàhar,,"--addS Sir Sid-, ney;, i"is 'designed for -the futu .ré.use 'Of sehlare. For Vthe histOnian iere- ly oaocepat the curren't estimate wlien thorojugli investigation~ f 'the facts failstoce justify iV . wouùld be disiieet, and I a=» happy Vo, thinli tha# ny reýputation is quite secune, on that iiea. ST-JOH[N 1RRBOR WORK. n'on'. W. T. White Pressed ths But- ton lu Presenee. ýof Thousaude. A despatoli from St. John, N.B., Baya: In the presence cf Vhcusands o! spectators,-Hon. W. White, Min- .ister o! Finance, on Tiiursday offici-' aly opened Vhseliarbor deveiopmeut operations at -Countnay Bay, Vouci- jng, an electric button, whicii ex- ploded a great charge e! dynamite some, di 'stance* away, tearing off a section o! huli whbch lias te be ne- meved. ýThe great enowd cheered when Viie explosion came, and ,speeches were -madle by Hon. Mn. White; Nou. J. D.- Rebd, Minister o!, Customis; Hon. Wm. Pugsley, M.P., ex-Minister cf Public Works; Lieut.-Gov. Woods, Premier Flem- ing, Geo. W. Fcwler, M.P. IMPROVE VICTORIA HARBOR. Government Will Spend s Million on ths- Pacifie Port. A deseaVch from Ottawa Baya: 1V is undcnstood that thie Governmeut has decided Vo cliii for tenders iu the near futurs for tii. construction o! important liarbor impnoveu»ents at Victoria, BOC. Tiie work 'will probably coat o-ver' a million dollars. The contemplated improvements wbll do 'mucii Vo bucrease the impor- tance o! Victoria as a Pacifie pont. BOMB-THROWING 'TUBES. Alto a Maehine Gun--on Latest0cer- A clspatch froni Berlin- sas: The. Techiicai -Monthly givea Vhe parti-* culars o! Vie new miitaryv)iiru-' ser, Zerupelin III. The ship is fit- ted with bomb-thnowing tubes- sud au observation turret on top o! Vhs, trame for a machine gun, which has been apecially constructèd for a minimum recoil. WOMEN BURNED ALIVE. A&trositieR Marked Co nture et Cif- nese Town by Tibstans. Àdespaýtol tram- Ohaugliai says: Horrible atrocities -marked Vhe re- cenut capture of the CitVy o! Litaug, bn the Province o! Sze-Chueu, b.y theo Tibetaus. - Mafiy womeon and è4lidren were burneil qiive or other-- wise slaugiitsned. The gaàrnison detended Vhs, city for -au heur, &aUd.. Vhs» fled, levin 70dinluthse streets. -- Asie8aF,.om PiuW-Started Fine That fBntrued Rer te DeAVi.- A despateh -tnem Montréal sava: ishes tram Ion- pipe ou Tiiunsday nivIht Set fine -te e lotleîr o! Mýs-. EIizabethlioudresu. au a,4 French-Canadiau - woman - residingil, -at-500, Stohurs Stree. St. Heunry and before nihos-culextin uish, - fam the f sunc a waq, »so, sdlv burned tha£ -her -lite b; despaireil-cf at Vhe Western Hospital. 1; tubl .Whea;t pateutu, a frta, .580-c, econs, $5.30; do., streus- badiero', 510 o. in.e tan iptento. oboles, *$5.40 toi, *5,.50;',do.. traight roulers. *4.95 to,0500; do., straight -rolleïs, bagu, *$2.40 te *$2.45. Roledcaito- Banx.els. 4-0;dobags, 190- lbo.. 2.321-2. Bran-$21. Shorte-826. Ulddllngsý-*27. Mlouillie-*30 ta 3. a-N 2,- per tn car lots,.$.17 te $19L Cheee-Finest west.. erus, 13 -te 13 14c, do., .easien, 123M4 ta 125:80. -Butter---Choicot cresniery , - 2. te Z5 3-4o-do" u. sooénds,24U-4te P26i14&' Ugge-7Beleoted, 25'to 26c. No. -2 stok, 15 te 16o. Potatoeo-'Per bag, car -lots, 81.15, 1 MNTEDSTATES IMARKETS.. ,MKinneapolih, ,tuy 16&-Wheat-July, $L.- 061-.;September, S*111 te50$1.011.4; -» oemnber, ig.02148; No. .,bard. *1.091.2; No.- -1 Northern, *1.083-4 ta $1.09, No. .2 North.m cru,$1.07 -te $1.071-2 No. 3 ye11oyr coru." 70 teo 72c. No. 3 white oas, 47 to 47 1.2. No. 2 wYe, 68 -te 70c. Bran. 820.50. te 421.00 Mlur, firsi patents, *5.20 te *5.45; seconid patente, *4.90. to *515,; frêt'. ean, *$3.60 to 84.65 ; secondi olears., *2» 0 1- *2.80. Buffalo, lTW ',16.-SprLuug--wbeat,, No. 1 Nortbern. caricade. store. *1#.13; Wlnter,. N6-. 2 red.' *1.13; No. 3 red, -*1.12, No. 2 white, 1. Carna, No. 3 yellow. ?5Me . 4 Yellow, 761-4c; No. 3 corn, 753-4 te, 761-4c; No. 4 coru, 74 1-4' te 743-do, ail on traok throngh bm.ed. Oats, No. Z white, 521.2e; No. 3 wbfte, 511-2c; 'No. 4 white, 601-2e. lI-VE STOCK MÂRKETS. Kontreal, July 16-The top. prie for bést É' eens was *7. and thé lower grades tram that, down, te *5 per owt. Pnicees of bütchera' Oc.wç rsuged from *3.50 te *5.50 Der ewt.; bull. sold at *5.00 te *03MpDr owt. 8heep sold ai *4.00 te *4.50 per cwt.,. and Iambe at *6.00 ta $6.25 each. Sales of ealves were made at tram *3.00 ta *10.00, eaoh. as ta size and quality. Hbgs sold ai 88.40 te $8.65. sud mized lots as low as'*8.26 per cvil., weighed off cars. Torontab, July 16.-Cattle '- Exportera. -oholca, *7.90 te *8; bulls, $4.50 te *5.25; cave, *$5. te *5.25. Buteher--Cholce, $7 te 87.50; medium, *&.50 ta *6.90; oows, $5 te *5.26. Calves-$760 ta *7.85. Staekers-$4.., 50 te $5.75. Sheep-Llght ewes are steady at $4 te 84.50: heavy. $3 ta $4; sprint Iambs, sieady, ai *7.75 ta *8.50. Rous- Selects. $7.50 fo.b., and 87.85 ted and wat- ered. PLAGUE AT SANTIAGO. Steps Taken Vo Rid theCOuban 4lty of Rata. A despatcl tram Washington Baya: The plagias alsnm lias resoli- ed Santiago, Cuba, aecording Vo adl- vices Vo Vhs -State Depatmnent o» Thunsday. Que case, suspectsd c!f being the plague, was feund bun Vhs business section ou Wednesday, and the discovery o! VIe suspèot osused great excitemeut. Energetic mea- sures have been taken- for oieauiug tii. entire oity ansd exterminating the rats. A lieuse Vo Isouse eau»- paign o! eliminatien lias 'been in- augurateil.- BEEF FAMINE IN LONDON. Prise Rises PhonomensllY, Due to Foot dnd Menti Disease. A despatdli from London says: Tii. pice o! home-killed bes! rose $7.&0 s canoass bn London. ou Wed- uesday on, account cf the foot and' moutli dises.. wiiich prevailsé among cattîs. Two !resii cases were discovered - nean London. Ineland exported 121 cattie lazt week, cou»- pareil wuth- 36,290 bu th, saine wesk last year.- 8TRATHCONA GIVES $4,000. Cables Haudeome Addition- to Ber- A dspa-tci froun Berlin, Ont. says: The Young -Wou»en'&!,Ois- ian Association on Tliursday. atter- noon, under wiiose'auspice. a cani- paign for. *30,00 for tIc-erection 'O!f' a new -building was seceèssullyý 'Closed Tliursday aiigi-t, received' a ca&ble f nom L-ord Stratheena ln u g- land, -ooutnubuting - $4,eoOO Vo Viie *26000FOR A-À, IL0. El ght Feet bey pire, but of Persiait A deýspatch froni Landau gays:- At VI. sBale cf -the ceiebrated 1Taylor 0 colection at Clirý day Vte best pni relzdfor a-: siglit feet by iv( i lias a _quatref& VIe centre on p: gree'nborder sud tonr2,20 -A despatcii from ottaw8 saYB i The. financial statement for the lirsi" threc montlis cf ths fiscal year* closing ,on<June 30, shows total re- Ceipts 'of $37,838,110, as compared with $!2p,239,86 fer tlie sanie 'period sat year.- For tiie month of June. M ra 'an n m o# a nrt eature in !ash- J n , 1 1. T i i n r a e i 10e I uline and-,for Vii.re-a- pratically ail due toeinrease-d'ous- go 2! Pniins are scant, but let it toms collections. -The totalý expen- bE under8to>od tliey are by ne means diture for t-he thiree Imonths,-, ofar sipie or inexpensive. Bénie Cf a acutý ora teen i u thi ornamie nts that decorate simple was *ÃŽ248 r 1,as 1toipend fiunh iking haVa- ru» lel int gures. $8893b,732 fer thé luke period in ,ei re, pitunage and costiy fiowers 1911. In addition, tiiere hare been al laces are macde into *giowingepedtrsci~beVcatl oramut tatpecl hgi a ~l~account, amouînting .te$1r3M si eor fontcf te orwn. as against $2,303,730 for the- iri Qne- cf tue smartest,, shapes reo- tliree menthol cf 9. During the ently brought eut formidsummer 's- list quarter cf Vhe litoal year,_the. of soit tagal witli'the, crewn deep debt liase been decreased-by,,$6,o2î,., cre ni ceoo and -the rbni acd with , 8 as ompared' with -3,73Ã"9,960 for Bas pbire- blue velveV. Tle.tinm m ing th.. a i e i d~ at ye r cor sit -o!a huge aigretteresting a -dir ity infront and te werng many DRJGHL-P ime es abo've the top cf tihe rather àh g crcown. Ths model is worn lman and W'omn Attaceld by Ru!-' kii ail hàts - tis year with the brim WCi Over tlie forehsad and temples fa»l otel an pu ahig le h ir o er the sa ns A aeptch frein M o nr a a a aupper part <>f the-cleek. Atte: Five4-,,ùtrly riuffians, - beli4ved -Vo be ail ssi and don, Vhs grand chicO frelgnesPiP- one armned wit]x - a shot- of V seaeon's hats Io the trim. ng, gun and wo arr igrvolvrs, wle lier it bý, a wing, aigtte, held Up Thoms Fi»» eftBine Bon- o!f iowerao lo o nets and Miss - Grace Brow*n sPr rlbn Montreal on SherbrookïeStreet ,on- the se, muet, be juet at Vhe nîglit Thursday niglit. F» wa noe angs aned.,ve tiorteefect down and held by tlireeof the gang, bu bld. he-mor seercy ~whie the 'other twe dragged ths drea, coat 'or hat outlines Vhe fig- girl into a shanty -on VheSside tfVhe un hmre st'shi.s.A ne road. The screams cOf the girl- and' auth iyexpnessed iV, "Skirts the -shouts !Fn erassac alicu i fit the -body as feathers cover uttra-cted' the -attention cf a. couple Vhe , id, sud Vthe ffttbng should b. o! men wlio camé aiong the 'road just è close and just as neat."ý The in an automobile a,7few minutes tufts of flowers, featixers or rilibons laVer. When the. automobile rushed that , eft inilliners are making are up te VhQ epet where. Finn ùwas beo- ail ci lied- aigrettes for the. reason bug held the Vhree -Italians fled Vo- that ill these- stunibng littie con- wards the shanty Vo whb<h.the girl- ceits eOsemble bu shape the natural had been dragged. They gave the aigre te, and ail are posed very alarm Vo their companions, wlio highr and with a straiglt up and, were-strugglng with the grl, and down center. The. pert clusters f -the fivé escaped througli Vhe fields sial fowers arranged se close V- owards Montreal est. gether that the vivid colore menge- in th most fascinating ianner, arec HEESOTI IT amen Vthe smart oraments that HE SO PN10T decx t al knde o!mblinry. Trouble -at Toledo Bctween Bo'. When employed on big shapes, the Uinlt n ties cluste bu proportionately large. Uinseai tiès ahees are agamn in fathion. ght P'utty celer which was s0 n fashion b» France asat wbn- Iwbich plesfeared would b.- ashienable hene is fertunate- ring. AlVii. Russas»tans in P'umpt, b» Oxferds, sud eyelà ties. ýBuckies stiui ecedeuce avené riblions, ex- Vhe Oxfordsesud on pumpu. a wide numben ef wemen bheiore or les huge buekle Ipump sà but -yo will notice e wcli dressed womnan who Vly Vluràed QuV bu every de- Rwean the plain puuap, wbth bow o r corded nilibon, sucli men wear, ne matter wiat es rigiitly belngi te slip- t~~~U Khr sn Moac o good ~r o! japanned metal on a duil kid. If one wears pst- er' alippens, witî Spaniali heu thei buckle may be o! ,fgilV, or of eut steel, but 1 e hepeil that Canadian woý- 1l go baek te their original nietiiod~ud keep Vhs brilhiant foot- couidn3-t de it; it would kilI me." Tan That 1: mucli i1 Ver an 1 come j lyý mis are uni in twc( take p: cept un Iprefer jon thei that Vii is bmai I ail wil bts flat as Vhe its lied Buck' pers, bi Vaste bu meVal, .Pump e: sut-lest lieds, ailver, 1V bu to men ,w* Qara A despatch* from Toledo, Queg says: Tiree men- -were shot, two' seriusly, and eun'e was sever-ely. hurt by a hrown brick onThursday ight, -bu a nioV between non- .unio n teamters, stikers and sympathiz- era of the latter bu front o! onýq.f hs stables o! a. truckbug fi'rm,- wiose men -are' on &a tm-ié. The- police have mae more Vths» fifteen arrests. Tii. injured -men have bee» Vaken to lqapital. Flogging in the Army was oally abolished. more Van Virty yers ago. So fan bsok as the teth entuny, cottèn wsrs grown> aud manidactur-. ed bunSpain. -The Coo'nei -was !ta kiug o the private, soldier. -- "You are;s -a' - màankably dean man, sr,,ai i Colonel. * Thank y-ou, Colon el;", ,sid, Vhe pnIvate. "But, ir, you~ have bad habits." -"I amn orny for' that, 'oo é. "You drink, ir." "I au» spry for* that." "Oh, I' know yeu ans s 'ory, but why don't- yeu d.rink like me 1" "Colonel, I EASE -ON_-EVERY VESSEL ntIc -Station -Reports'a -Bad -Year- Among_ý fnm OVtawa sys :rTlree lunded asud absxty-Sev -IL Miitr o!-Agni- -MIvSsesuuderWéut -quaraino. .G . & a rtin é a , f t h I s e c ti-o n d r l ug V,. h s --.y s r s ud i tat-on Grsse- lleMaÏchi 31, 1912, adecreaseofci cev 8 thàt the. yean suded 1I halr stnikes in Great BriVain ýd1 ýi lhs becn a lied'oes]in g.Vie surmer. The total numi nutinable disease ,is o! passeu- gens ,xamve éd vras 193,al Stx Pâssenger veaàsit a.n bcrease in Vhs yeam- of 11,14 aràntin-e Witli amal- IufeCtî#ior. -ou oatagitûs diSeab two wuitchol.ra, and was rep>orted'o1 J; cvrdaS m-feéve't> T*co births quarantine statiOn in eveny pasze athu occuweid in hs e boat8sailin t.~ h t~.-Vc ~the, year. - 11e doc- or nmore ceosens wiVI - Vhs 'exveý -A4esjjàtch7 a' i suit ha Bank -ol mer baï WlIY IT Money Con in TW e - You The atIliueul ptre for th.e p - is tram-w heu artia n - S iis Vapunbava -U snneciion wltb Uuse b monedel -wuy, if ,investi; sdîfknuli taek,, e r Dr bn ut h i io-aeiby nam' TOU -kno., et com talentsî boy- the i ati iterestIt vas bkpleseg f v bo of -silier Oluina - -ibir -on.yo km à.erves tao.gst tt - It ope -bas moue # av-ýngs bank, and p r cen *. There i-1l timeir lu i wenta-tlhe same- time if in l dulté'as easiW.-if 'If ih vers bnried i That-is on. saùýnd be buried. Morso gater than- a bolo - 8cuLiles.y-i& e«aY aver hMslà f.d ta bave Ih fol ttake i tl. On the oU'.i -of&fol Ifb f....A.I n -the 1 ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO' TORONTO T4N SHOES IN VOGUE.

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