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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jul 1912, p. 7

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;Vith 13,79,m o' 1OLD-UP9ý Atûivcked b' Ru!-ý s, beiieveid-îa be med vith sa ulot- 'rig--revolver, ian of Blue Bon. ýrace Brown of 1brooke - Street on Eiuu wan knock-sd Ltree o! the gang,,- ;ve drae -lthe ou the lid of the- isof the. $Irl sud Pn for assistauce chien- of a coupole k &on&~ the rîïad e a, fev' minutes Lutomobiler ruoWe d ere Finu ivas be- Italianw- fledt- 'te v}ich the girln Tiely ga.veý -the- oulpun 1 ne vi»o' 11h thée girl, sud hroughýtho fieldes West..- T IN RIOT. -Bi'twe Non- id 'Strlkers. m . Tciedo, Oio, vere siot, 'tivè c , wae eseverely rick on Thuredày,' t-wfee non-union andi sympa-liie Lfront o! o1ni. o! Irucldng firin ia 'strlke. - The- roure thai 'fifleen lmen have"been. rmy, vas totlhy an lbi.rty. years ie, loch century, and.- manufactur. italking le the. 15uare a re', n, sir," said tèie- you,Cooe, - But, sir,yo (il amn Aorry for Voui drink, sir.' ,but v'hy don'h Ioîd killme" EÊSS-ELý y ear, Ampon-g aiid ,aixtý-seven l quaraiie in- - e yea(ý_endiugl Wcrease o! eloyen 9ait, year, due ho- - %at Bnilain dur-- ho total, number yearof i-16 aLg;ous ctiq'e ae uevcry paute.vn IliaI ;Jirt oun onio witli 111e ex'e p- patients Irans- l o hosputaéhs urhto un, tb. nevepapers JudiciLai. tgot hým@<lf m .lot ahe ivôIr of one b~ fr- its bidding. It, boette hmhr~ les_&tt&ckodmojut au bittenT br othero. 1 Itoa Il griot for "TommÎyWs' miii. Pu- î Ity et auy bled la lb. verytirht Ibnhivea bout on. DiMeGS ON TEE ' TWELYH."I Thi. ýTwfth cf .uiy lea aiwYs entofthé bigIrest days ilu theear tn Toronto, The Rardo le a reai parade, partioipated fia biman>' ,reminent citizen$. A censU#' cf the Cty EHall ofceg taken during the coew >ration would reveal 1h. ,fa Bd ual th"ý .vere -al largeli" desorted, :for the. ourle service ln' evéry departtment la -fun o f Orangemnet. Itl as neunoommon- thingte Iiear ciAylaborero sthey go, about their work whfstlinq "-the Protestant Boys.- or -oe suhettrrg lune. Thi.e ooalsarfl 'Crave , adau eux.nrafly >&£-mijert7yof thb. ouncil are -Orante, as are aise 'the ,beads cf dePariments. la form, if rtot in spirttiî,s the nearest approaoh te a miacuiu, poiiically, lu ti ~oiiy. TRAVERS AND MR. RYXN. The. lasti.ecboes of the Formera'. Bock romth' te be as unsavory as vsfi 1h. ;- .inningr. Iu ils lait days the inquiry goàwilidled, as for as Public internestle 9cnoefted. te 1h. destination of, a P83M chequs, regardies, cf what laste b. dont about thé. million dollar losseo f sh'are bolbe sand depositors. Il inu sale te ai' hat Most people wouId $Oep-Mr. ]Leter BRya' words auas glno% lie unsueportod assertions 'of Mr. Tray. er.and, the iret effect of the latter's tes- limonY vas,'thereforo, te lusi furtiier b.. fttddle tthe situation lu iii.>publie 'mind. Mr. Hysu a. asa 1ev wReItrar wlth Beattie:iNoubitt, but they neyer pulled io- gether *ell. The latterseenied le have a'croqch##agInst hie o-laborer. -1r. ayan _Csplenty cf' othor enemie, .for h.e bats nuè4hie influence ou mani' occasions L aiot-vlitical eandidates within as wonl ra vitholit isown Party. Ho la aloo dis. iked- bi'oiibankinw interesîs, slie bas benuU3 artl 'ryoutipoken Lu liii de., flunulatiof iheosuCaadist anaetem cf baunne, Prtloularly msnc. a bit lav- st - hob, bA oome -vearsadae %iith the B, anki cf Montreal. Thora vas. theroer.. iikoly efflquiet, obucklint when th. for. * Mq baub manager gave iei videuo. quiren in.the wpospmo- -o ho honas.and m0Omtilmes rides' with Club. -ie euJo s. tèoc a quiet at, therace t1rai. Hie irainiug. i"ba- eesucd sympathies oug>it- te b.-'vitb 1 Bay bb thne olafw7er Éhs eVer rente more emce ntservie Au tl Iu hi. nov le d, owvQver, hiie vWll b16 judicI'a1,rathMor itinu Mr. ]Draytcon4'a ion Vf Mi. ton. aise o arister. a*,d'lu-rem a nmebr fet ~Toronto ]Board mont hevirion. Toronto'@i vaterw"rkdopartmd let growlng pains. .ùasî ummt gallons, a day, ithe »umpng plu city,. vWa s uOpougte s,.upp bt wetber- nedi. 1This yeaz lias '0x,00.or 40,00M urepol plant bai 'th. stabie 500.000 g* Capac#ty. Teanîver ln easRy.*, bad to suifr.,,Ei uni ptuný 1el ah.Plant vi .bit'1 snus The th cmciial Maror tended te accoeksnyj itir Treas te England fer 'ho pur>oie.cf eu ue n- a :fltàtion cf., City 0 bonds.- roused more3 idaélr-ui diam Ahanau oi'preytous aet of ship vie obasdurlkt ig i Iv"o yei near lu omce eulo-.dunusu support for &a i@ispublic se vas Utile 'Of pieocla feelinga Mayor; but' péople wereuerv having, Cetrofler Churci loefA' job; they vers nervous, tee, vainr suppiy. and'about tome QI Amporaent public vorkostaIprez conslrnotien. .tUnder -the cir lhe %feeling vas ual tie mai have forsgoue, 1h. trip- hie] thonght, ccuid:b. utIle kcli. Il mer holiday._ MÂKINU SÀFBNYESTE I WI IT 18 MORE SATISFACTIORY TO 11V TEST TRAN -" LEAVEftI(-NET IPLEO Money Compounded at 6 per cent. -Doubles-' Itacif i Twelve Years-If Yod Are -ùneasy Ovèr Your Money Leave It ' i te tBank. Vbe articles eontributefl bi 'novestor" eacbý year. At everi' change there leaa pu 'TOfr lthe scie urpose ef guldilng 5105' lot etf ground tbat hai te b. gens over itirs Aursastors. a . Af possible, cf o*P agamu 'and mujb lIme and trouble Ata av. Ifvr1o1 fom1 lowioal utpreu7. Tbc Bued b n'efto>i hav.e au Ides that b>' fInpa?flaan sd rellabia ebatracter -<Sof ovthsea Iuforauation mai' b. relieS upon. The mcviug ai'oupd& the.gei betor treaiment Witar cf the.. article. and . u ublimhe# -h~i tbi'offeeeitng cee bouse ugainsî an- tsPa r have Cne intereemtoteserve ohr byma, et. bou4i cheaper. Thi - 1Ln et on vith Ibis mataIother t .xy'b h eé,@ l e ccaonally,* but as <ho.. 09 the redr. -rvie lnvesItme t bousse do net 1mb. a client cf Ibis - Ort. sud if tbey have ani' - -"Wb, i lnestng i mneîlu ncbbargains lie 1 tbe lait man te heur cf owby If nvesing Y meer l su Ibehm, r if be vanta te oeilis secunties adiMuit lash. obouid' 1 ber' il lu the he d'ou'tJgsi eeconslderatlon be fardon cr put t In a bauk?" làa O ilies' veld bavé e lved if b. bad becu cen- ion saked bi'-some people. stant lu bs eaingoý Thile natural sud The reason la simple eeougb. bet raiber As buman natut,. If :a bond dealer ubluki bord te explalu le a concise and cleai. a client in sel fur bis secunîtios te buy manner. those ofet ucîliq' hoeuaeb A hinemeans Yeu n uc, cf Course, the parable of -hlb ielyte give lihabetlpnre. -Ifb. Ibinlko talents, boy the man vb - put.h is cul a mue hua trieS tei sli 'in several oîber aI- intereat vas. commeuded. vblle the Places- before - l=ng te hihlm b. ev hopleusa wiit vbo did bis cne little talent - Ihai hg vill lot bqve tegi'. hlm heat cf sîlver np Au n napkin and bunied l price. - If ion Lne oiiled vftb icur lu- got int trouble. -Weli. iu these dore vesîment -bank,ý r stick te hlm. It pays onyone vili- ne more sens. than te bury le lbe long rui . Of icoursé. Ibis dosa net lhir money or. keep Il in lb. b6uîe .& de.mue that YOulsbhoUld net buy tb. Issues serves te gel lute trouble. ofe ani' -but ibel bou"S you Seul -vlth regu- --if ope bas meneyiti can ho put lu ai larli. Bei' cîbers il iyon lsb but. au a gavinge bank, sud there lu vii reulîze 3mie. ynwl udiimr1utsatn' por cent.- There. if tiie intereat ls aîîov- Eti e co bd e teo cmpouud tb. moueî viii double ite lu t enty-lbree years. AnS ut lh. GET ACQU4INIED -WITH YOUB tomee lime If t ls required., mai' be useS q qumle as easilly, If not iucb easier. than-XlD O S If t vers hurleS lu a-bole An the grcnS' T That le one scund reason vby il sboulde't Il you are groneel lui appearauce and b. burl.d. Moreover. the hank Aimucb curtecus tu yur -auner, yen yull b. ester t#ian a bole, even AIf carefulli' con- vol zomed in ev ry býme ine ur locality, ceieS. - vien ycu are Mueiug samprei cf Our su- lit a hank, bovever, the incoine ls net perier - teilet g ds ousôehold necessities, wu'o on monci depositsd. The mau in ii sud- relIable. iéà -Tre satisfaction - M *1.1 geaul> 10a erofnbvvr blhcngo4 ie laces the usera 14- -nvested that cm in sale municipalndir su oblllotn te you. vbiob vina bond@a isIi ncome could ho at least $475 for -youen b.silore1MeCt', esteem, and lu- -snd vithhcars ho mighl inS several,,bar- 11vaté. friendshp qIen'lhe riesi. phyal. uaines yhloh veuld mail the. roture *boenl'-elan, Or- pp.atcn-anS :70e vil Imakes mre 005 No, a 5Ver cen.' i e lureeS meeei'from -'~u r ieia bAu -inonie. bis 010.000 vuld hecome M, - ream cf. beii4es, a. eocf fnleuds. 00lu 15 îears, vbiie If be -bought Indus. F A iour < ppz ityt for a pieutant. bil bonda te relure 'I per cent. bie mener- ercitable and perm5uont,'busiueîî. Ad- IulS double lu Il îears-and Ineble o ..îpousThe Home 5pyîî Co.. Dept 20. -Mer. -tuî-yaa esn i10feoot.Ot That s onothor geedmng should uot b. bermeS. The latter facetsuA- 41cale vitlbas better te put meer A________ O f ýýceun»ieIfa man lis.g obb.nu-- easy aren is mousi'. and vo d b.salis. 2.d te havo It in a bauk, b. vcould be a7 . fôol* te take AIt eut anS bui' bondi vltb ton the Otlier b aud. -ho veunld be inore of', a tedIA' he ver. b vlithdrav bis D1DBTF8 ok In tuda An lie ee f dgeîing an abeor- malirate cf f ntereot. ton lu that Cals -bu w-il probablw-'end bhi'.ng il aH, and L E Auetn«. 1 1' lADYM Of courseAin Avestuag. »Auleauklngi, or. le tact, luairbusiness, one mut nehi'M 9E on tlb. Word cfqemeboedi'élu.. No ý'man .- .LI ïE vbo lu net An 1the in-retmeut business cou a ltigate l.codtin nrendn meus oi r-aS ebenure i ihtiani'dege of 1sU&cts Tit eIs viii u ' hae40 b % boftde n'oui 'au ntntaileut bank-ing Vrig~on f4 use.Tiir hae iv.s'4ald tb CamOo Si o ok), v&pITel mon.7. .-. -voived. ' Alter 'tlit t.i' bur tie bon à.i £f. hybave 'bon idb'bondcle i tire avenuS anS - ssiitia e-ii u vetn lla a regular business. mml s -É e ubm reeri' ,business or asur other. The Lèàd dealer boesfrem lhe. piodceor. sd alm te theeociuor. If. teibeoyu S- aut te inveet lasbosn* yen bave -te -go ttii. bgn d dealer. If y«esn mt trut, Cui»u.sstu Ibis vii', Se'l do bualuss- l -bee"-,Ur nionglî.the bank. If, boy- *!uv$ er, o reae. Ms? 'ýte plcD2olit Priv NU. i-lpartieulare TION LTD . - - i - I ,,, assis~ ~tanteof rates w6nld 'man' h,ôemi8 ucasno ed al~ l# tecret proest lgrmxa o. tI5ro. tion aud developinul3 li » t l y r e - ý . . -B e a r e t hl - 0 r ý_ y -e l d e t h . u t 00fher1l-ThIe soil itself mmi- th nl e emoatur and nOcurihmeut iied~db' h~gro*th cfthe -seed.' bat pbieThe, 'achiîug of 1the pàrible Iilgei ý' Ils Io.the thought o! thi vers g ivo o. Bl e..ea r.. uizrin.. bhis regard. -i.ot r pcfo a functions, ThBýt5ige5 growha aria, as lie processeà of! nature are or- el".nteans b, i The normal -metliod by ofAo-fhicýh ie kingklom of heaveu i46,o b- established a.moug. 1men- lu that PÂN. of graduai devielopmnî, both in ient ls hay. the indiývidual hlf e sud lnusociety, "r. 50",MM at large. lb. tri 29. -When the fruit i. ripe-Liter- a , dthen ally, when the fruit alloweth. ralon.a.day. Putteth. forth the sickle-Literal- Something ly, sndeth forth-maies ail the. ar- ve are rangements for, gathering Iu the ii. harvent i - S Aeary -lu. 3.Eow shall; weliken the ýkiug- mO D4ydom i-There aire stili other, aspects or Troule'of the K'ugom whick, Jenus sets- ,read cr11.itti n i z- ueeun prr ,and a hait ables.' ai.' çooa A grain--of mustard ueed-In etan ThereaIl Proabi.tythe- seed'of -the oom- voui about mon mustard plantis- uesut which teý bot he . 1I aothIe in warmer c-liluStOn grôo-vs ho 8a d th. oither height of twelve or more féet.* =st undes Len than ùIl the.. seedaý-Thatlu, yo"r might smahier thau auy ctheèr seed famil- h. il vas8 lar to thon. te viiozu Jeaun va. upeaking, not iterahhy li maliest -.seed upon' the earth. S32. Greater than ail tiie herbs- Those kuowu ho th. Jevesud cozu- mon in their fields and gardens. NTS Birde . . . lodge under the sha-1 day thereof-Fin&ing renêt and shél-1 ter, as weli as fod, amnug tne1 Ibranches. MATTHEW 13. 33.'- Anotier parable-Added here becaus e co! Ilsiemilarity lu thougiit tte eparable o! tii.muetard seeed. Like unto eaven-Or, yeant. Three meanures-The vord lu Greok denohes lihe Hebrev scah, a meseureo oouaiulug-nearhy a peck aud a hal!. Till it van aIl leaveeed-Made ligit by fermentation. -OREENLAND ICE CAP. Ncv Map o! Island a Rem'Iinder o! Eieen's Tragie Fate. W1ht à aid ho b. lie firet accur- ste map sud description o! uorth- cash Greeuiand, shevlng Ihat th1e greal island etrelcien furhher cast- yardý than i*n been geuerally as- sumed, appoar -in 1the hast Copen- bagou Geogrphical Journal. - Thc authors are the Dune Capt. Koch sud 111e'-German Dr. Wagner, both e! vhom sBurvlived the ill-faled Deumark expedilion. t11e leader cf vhich, Myius Ericheen, met his death in a hragic manuer, as did hie unfortunale campanione Hagenu sud Broenlund. -Hagen 'fiuished hlm sketch .maps -cf Deumark Fiord and Indepen- deuce Seund vhile dWig o! hunger aud exposure. vhile Broeulund ai- ter Ha-gen's doath dragged himeel!, vit11 beth feel frozen, ho 111e-depot co«n Lamberîsa Land, vbere ho ar-,; rauged'his v'ork lu such a vay thal' i - could be eaeihy hocaled, thon 11e laid dovu sud died, tee. The ment vahuable fealure o! thie Deumark report las the map o!f111e 82nd - paralleil, aitiough the enhire work hitherto uuexplored regîcu e! Es-st Greeuhsud betveen the 79111 and; thecovere liee land - etween '75 degrees 43 inutes te the ueo-rth- errimont -point o! Greeniand, 83 de- grees 30 :minutes. There are as lie resuls of Mylun Enichgn'eu'x- vumsion te Shannon sLnd sud 1the Peudulum Islande. . Dr. Wegener tellî o!f1the peculiar le. conditions iu tiose iulieupitéble regiS. Elsevhere lu similar. higi latitudes tie ice iw.'ltà evc? um mer for a brio! period sdr difts a=ybut the ice, cap lu'ý Nortieru Geland neevr meits.. - 1h le uly whçre the -fulli force-o! lb. -polar curi.eÉt. -trike.,beao£tnck sud Outhyinýipslanehiat lIme le. 4s broken i-lu pac.,.nd ar -at .Aog h hh cat-sc iobetween té ti 7h àsud 7ti de- gres, kmove as Glacier Bay,--bo-Ih land sud'zoas are cover.ed by euee cotnosice-eêheet. ýThe ,tides -stres, but'the., permanent lce.'cap prevents the formation.,ai icebergs.' Gabe-C$Ai -men ..are heinfre. "And equal." Slteve-"Yee, but'that ouly 1Ise about -i0 dasys." ' with in the varmous th ey ôoeer-a -great d4 al of whioh indicate isteady progresa lu hi thIis Natonal Fra.terin Aascio.tcn.The cf Order- hbave been able, îyear te uindicate con their repÙrti.-B.atîsfac in,' certain directioho, 1911 indicate progroas partment cf -this oi i lions. TheC aadian1 Ire, iorley Doualison. - tedium o! daily duty oe! muci o!- ils monotouy sud duhi routine.- He -be- gan hie csiéer sea ,dmaughtïmaàn, sund han vorkedihis vsy te tii. front by abilily. application, sud euergy. Mm. Dan.aldson le an eulhuelastic acoriculturint sud horticutumist, sud has haken an active iuteorestinbeau- tifying tie national" tapitah. Near lii. resideuce on Albert street, ah tie bifurcation o! Broneen avenue, ie a triangular plot o! groundwvici lias ahvays been . au attractive breathing reort. This has beeu kept green sud artintic for years at the'expenne o!i1the Douaidsen family, v-hile tiere have been fev ýmore invitiug haves than lha1 vhich surreuuds t11e Doualdeen home. The nev general manager has a keen seune cf vit. Somo yearn ago a janltor wae engaged to keep dlean the offies le the eld depot near Sap- pers' Bridge, vhicih as been . r-- placed by the nuagulficeut Grand T-unk station, vicivas receutly1 àpened. The janitor vas lazy, and neglected is duetiug sud sveeping. Ho vas spokon ho noverail imes vith ne good effeot. Finshly, eue day 11e vas told ho go. Ho openod wide his oyes vith astonisimeul. '1Why! What have I been coing 1" Eîe inquired. "I ain't doue - no- Lhing bat I knev of."'ý "That's just il," replied 1the eup- enintendent. "You've doue ne- ing. I hope th1e next fellov viii da somethiug. That'a viat vo are getting him for." ANCIENT BRITONS' HEATING. Hot Air Furuaces Installed by Roa- .mues Kept Tiiez Warm. Tic -disccvery of extensive Roman romains of Great Chestere-on-hhe- Tyno has demonstraled Ihal lie Ro- mane, tvd thousaud ycars ago, en- joyed a muci boîter systepu cf bon-a ing bouses than Englishmen a thie proseut hlm. By 1the Roman system -thie heat vas dietnibuhed evently througbouh lie v-ails and fleens cf lie house, vherea. lhe usual British syntezu le an open fire, ah vhici your face roasse whihe your back breezon, sud by means o!fviiich t*vo-thfirds o! aseful icat actualhy escapes up the chimncy. ho- 11e vasted on lie outer air. de - Great Chesters vas 1theeie ofa!no important Roman mililary stallen aiong 1the greal vail vhiich lie Em- peror Hudnian built te kecp back the barbanian desceuding.on Bni- taie frnmScoohand. -1' -Rot air vas generaled by 'a ciÈ- cular fumuace, vhici iieated vater sud gave ouI-' sîreanîs o! hot air iu- te a ciamber under- tie gneund 1-0cor of!' 1t h use, eoutaining 'r rangements o! heio: ilé 11epilas. Prom this ee i.hot air-se"disîni- buhed hhroughout thie, bÜilding by a series o! val sud floor flues. giv- iug aneven- lemperature hbrougi- out the ins.- IN CASE OF-SIUNSTROKE. Remnove te aaihady plae. Lsy hi. piatieutdovu, head loyel vith body," sund icosen mgitclohhiug. <1-Pcur eald vater -on ba&d-dface. Rub -prSrýA-tion finilm nuri, pl ha o he ie andadf Jy sôe Dnei±iemumof Canadsa, -and if oue may iièe'ýy 'Îluerenults attaiedy the pl cydopted lu lis regard, ah the- incejuhiou of tie Or- dem, ln 1879,, would appear tla have been a, vise oeefrozu s a.prudeutisi,, as velI as a patriotiç, peint o!civiev.. Te dem ivti- sfev ofe! 11.&7ints .broughhr '-eQuh by 411. reports--o! ý-the vaious-roffieiv,, firs etmht b. mon- tioned1the -factt hat luig 91 9,3 3 ei 1 members vere ,initiatedý lute the; Order, arge nmber' than hue been ainîlitted ln azy pre- vusyeamà .e! , 1 . Orsrsxperi- ence., .The net lucreasin , luhie mez- besip, for, lie, year under reviev - ýwa ,022, bémng 903 nexcs e i previaun year's net additions tee Order. The total membership aI the. end of 1911 vas 83,,126. in respect la 1the InsurauceFuud, 495 Death Ciaims were paid. duriug the. year', amouutiug teO 8500,570.88. Wheu Ïi leconsideied liaI lu 1910 thir. More Death -Maimtsvere -païd, amunling a a sghutiy làrger groep, toil an tatpaid in 1911, suci alfavorable shoig reftects credit- sbly on th1e' physical- sel' tion nuade of business taken bythe111. der. After payiug this sum-of'overý hahf a million for Death Clainu ou- o! the Insurauce Fund th1e Order vas able ho add the very substan- liai nuzu o! $330,754.64 te ils lueur- suce 1ýuud on baud, beiug- a larger additioko2tohis Fund than Ihal madle un auy prevîcue yesr. The total a.mouuh istanding 'athe - eCredii e! thid Fuud oun1the let o! June, 1912, vas* 3,740,359.97. Iu respect ta the-7Sick sud Funer-ý aiBenefit Brauch, 1111e departmeut, aise, han ehovu eatisfachery- pro- grenu. There van a net incre .ase ilu membership lu this departmeut for the year of 4,120i shoviug a total -membernhip on th1e 31st o! Dem- ber, 1911, euro.hled lin1111e depart- meut of 53,448. -The net amount added o the funde cf this depart- meut,, afler paying 6,638 dlaims, amouutiug le $161,485.95, vas $38,- 460.23, -the position e! thîs !und on the lut day o! June, 1912, ehoiviug s credit balance o! $$51,769.26.. In- trmtearned by this Depa.rtmcuh $9,716-16. Il viii be secu from 1111es fact that luterest earned la becedm- iug au important factor le this de- partinut o!the Ordcr's vork. The General Fund of thek Order ie aise in a good -position, sud outhe lI o! Jupe, 1912,. sheved a credit balance ou baud cf $24,127.28. The fuudue! the. Order are ail iuvezsted lu the bonI securihies prc-cursbie, bciug ai-mont entirciy le Municipal aud -School Debenturceo! the Do- minion o! Canada. The average rate o! interest 'realized f rom tic Iuvcutments in--1911 vas 4.62 per cent., a rate-vhi-ch, takîunglutecon- siderahiou 111e gilh-edge nature of the. investinènts, le 'a very advsu- tageous ou,-sud i is interestiug i6 note that- interest earnéd -oun111e - lu- sursuce Fuuds cf tie Order, for 111e yesr. 1911, amoucted'-ho $149,- -"5.60, and paid -29.9'- par cent.'- of! th1e Leat.h Clainus on 111e Order. This in also 1the hargent .returu, in respect te icterest, iu the Order'a experieuce, and 111e largeat percen- tage o! Dea-th Ciaimr. that it vas able to psy from ,,hies ource oe! le- cexue. Tii. important bearing.t1111 revenue haq on the stabiihy o! hi. Order may be iilustrated by,,t11e fact liaIt tn 'yeare ago the-amcuntî realized from interent on luveet. meute va. $38,f8.34, ehovin'g.-ah incresse lunhos&ten.-yeaisnrê urve-i plie frozu Ibis sourýco!$11,472Î.2à. A, featuire o! generaI intereet te thée inàùring'p iblic, indicatin.g àu il wMcn -was nrewise- iumtr4xteeci unto -Périïa during the, reigu o! Nushir-- Aà I ludan 1philosopher thus de- abrib', achs... -"It lsareprenenta- tivc content, a bloodiesa cobat, aný lm e not only of actualmilltary 0 per .ion, but cf thatgreater vwar-- fare'lwhîiç every son o!f1the esrth, f rom the cradia -to the grave,, is coutnualhy vagiug-hhe batth. of life" Que nees clearly that, 'even goicg back'toits birth, 111e parallel- sm betweeu choe suad mecexiste, for doon aunybody know just vhçu,- _Whe ansd, h 1e firet maxi -&p-: pear0d:on eartbi Aine, la il not al .fact tit maus attribu tes sud usà-: ture h ave .reraiued -unchanugedý throûghoiit centuries,,_- aud 'hi'at ches& vas played muchinuthée sne vay,; each chesmIan moviug lu itï a1iiutted ýmacuer even ý5,000 years A1oing b Carrera, theprinci- pies bfcbess oouid-,be appiied t'O the ga.me cf; lite. -The -board may be co .unidered:1the'fIeid o!f!,, fche- quelr&i with good sud evil, ou vhieh mac'is t plpay hin game sud-be'-re- wazde AVICORDING TO -HIS PESERTS. The ipawns May bc looke'd upon as 4epiýeseuing-'those feelings which are first, ercited by cîro .uma ,tances sudewform barriers la those st'ronger PuassiousI hich vouid be repreent- edI y ,tÇe:,uperior pioces. The~ cas . oviug on the board iu di- rect linc, représente that iunate neunsp-of jusàtice .peýrvadiug-every hu- minI brest, îhich, however, attack- ed, Wheu propery maintained can- cot ho couqerd.Tic kuight ec- ceàIc luimemeu-,but regu- iateâ. by jfixed principlen cf action, po(rtrsys' that- féhing of houer wvh<.dh, deviating 'from nthe beatenl courueé, seeks for adventures. By the Wakicf 1h. bièhopý may be cou. nide7àe the religious feeling ývhich is contiplusihy crosned by th. meve- meute cf ordinary 1fe; as .they' neyer heave 1thecolor cf 111e square they stait frozu, they are hypicai of a firin faith. The queen typifien arn bition, and the king, moving ou ly eue !square, at a time, while every direction in -open te his choie, le higb, y charaeterintic cf prudence., He seldozu moves uclese ferced. sheýters himself behind, aud cdaims thb. succor cf justice, honor, reiigior sud ambiî1on. TO SAVE A DROWMING PERSON Tuduce Artificial Breathing-Àpply Hýw t0 save s drovuiug pernon: Svizi Up cauticusly; do not let hirr seiz. yoù. Grasp hlm by the hair if possible ; if net, then' by the shoul- der!, -Sim oun your bsïck, resting his :-head upon your chest, sud. tev- hilm aieng oon as you -get- hlm ashere clemi is throat aud lunge of, vater blAyiu hl facedovuvard ever. a Yb àlrreipýr f*i, or eh.. clasp youir hsu~ ui113.hsç'tmachsud -raine hie Vd. FeIiow vith'artificial tes-- pir ionel for vici this lu thé. pre- cribed 1-method:, FfrOt, tieki1e thé t ro t vith a feather or a -vinp cf grass-; if i this fails' te make hîm gaie,-removè bis' -coat aud' shirt- rol emî,up.and pla.e'them n nder- hie ihoul ers, 1ettiug: the,-bad drop, backw*ar *d.PuIL-fitis ltongue and' ie~> it outbytigitehmlor jav. This Inay be doue vwith'a haàùd-' kerchi ef.croseedunider ho chinand iedIback o! thie ueck; ae a last ie- ortl a long pin. may be stuck right hrough the Longueé, beiug sure il-lu et htng 'euôugh -te rêM- sgainetthe ths àu k-cep the longueut bean. The. bridge a-cross lhe Columbia River ah Trail vas built by the Provincial Govemumeu-t sud coul Tic cihy council oif Merritt,. B.O., have fixed the rate, o! psy for labeor- -crs -inithýir empley ah $3 per nine- -fiour day. SA 13-yçar-old boy scout c!- Cal-,- gary showed. conapicueus.,bravery- in rec 'ut~hree-year-o1Fboy.frein the flamei. ' TiC"~adian 'Nortiieru hasr- contiy cheted -a deai for 40 acres -o! 11,ahor frontt aIKelovua. Tic price statcd is1-65,000. A bieii&tIudian ou, ticMauleod reserve <Aiberta), nucèceeded hast year lu ý-producing -68 'bushehe e!f wheat froura 2-acre ficld. - - Laat moul 631 immigrante were recleivcéd ah tic immigration hall,- Edmonton, cf *11cm1the largest pro- portion vere farmomsE.-' Noe e!f -ie hotels in Nelson uned fingerý boilia tventy-one yegrs ago, sud atht tim ue the le-ding break- fast food *as -bacon sud eggn. frring 1he pst '18 years, Resnd as 1 eod4-eed 8,00,000 vo orth o! mé:tais,, iudprobabhy lover four timon -as much miung #stock. A man 'iu Lsdysmiith- vas fined $15' for eWearing ou.1the etreete. He should take to'tic green timber. sud- drive a -string o! meek-faced mules. i Trout 17 luches Ilong. sud -an occasionai viihefish f rom- tvc-feet 1to -27 feet luches- areý beiug taken ï1rom th1e Similkameen by local fish- prmen. iFoâr huudred Chixiese se&rs i asseugera on their v.ay te Victoria aIe 50 pige they ha-brought vwiti them sud -vhîch vere -kuied oun board ship. A number o! farrncrs near Siin, B.O., lun111e upper N2ooksack Val- loy, have put, lu peas for-eeed pur- poses, sud viii 'gel $70 a Idu' froni a seed fru An -English syndicat. han peur- ehased. 13,000 acres of fruit land laé the-ý *bead e! Nicola Lake. -1h viIi b. setticd maiuly by ex-officere e!' th. T3ritish army. - Wile drilling !oiwatér Adoiphus Wilson, living, vithie eue a'nd a hai! 'ues cf Estevane Sask., struek s lieavy flovof- natural gais ah a depti o! four huudred feet. u 111e-ime ia flputs onier, k )nug diesse eh glu. te '10eo h 'ridesmads. If politeieusc , ,nge vbys it that ne fev menj*ouAt Mauya Young !elhov vho marries inu haeZ, neyer has a chancete gel hie bre.é1i'a gaîn. 11 -If 7a-man hasn ovife to find him t-ut,->hie sins vili. The àvemrage. man eau makea fool of himsef aiment as easily as a v-- mn eau make a W foo !hl-M. Mtauy1 a man cau't even -do ie dt7 'ÎVithoutfe~ingthat ieisdo-ý ing more thon hi. share. The. emaller a man's mind, lle.e longer it takes hlm te make it up. -The 'man vho tlks Isudest dos-- n't alvays have the largestk Audi- cuce. - -Thone vho eau guess right soo' gel lie oredit o! havýiug excellenht- judgmeut. - - About 1the ouly *sy l geit whaê- you vaut i. le sask fotIie. asn PRCOP - - 1' - - -' -i -~ -- I 1

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