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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jul 1912, p. 5

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M. are 'i W.mavke Ltum 1' ind'801 -- 10.0 ô andi -, msandi- way is - ýtween ýtweeD ' rond- Cars, - - ' ap.fl - ua.m. tste Mon- ' i tandi ndara--j' 57 pl.m- i9.lt to Iti pro- lst- Ladies' GoId PiUod,. 2rid-A Ladies' pi ui ~-Gold FIId -s.and ~'aftham works, LI0*' Srd-.A Ladies' 14 karat loliti Gohd Case" *peciai 16 âweh higbeutjgrade Wal « bam 41hA slid18 k. Ladies' Fatah, extra Ihicir Goli cae ad .17 jewel speciai move- lent, the besf. we bave at osent, ouglat.te b. $80.00 icese Pricés 'Cood for' Juiyoriy, 1912 LU the", Watcites are good Basso;# 1e-Opfti - oatario W4tby« .,. T. U. The.1 rlower Committes of the -W. 0.' T. U. (RMimm Amy Kean, $upt.,) ill meet L the home of Rus. Jon.. Kean every *'riday aiternoon et 3 o'oloch. Fàveryoýie having. flowers toa spare and who in iterested ini dis work -of oeudingi bouquetsr to 1h.sick in our toWn, ý~i1 be oorclialy welcomed, and any flo*ercsent will bo thankfmillj,-ao- cqptd.: Donat .ions of [rush fruit,- canned 'fruit, vogýtables, clothing or -muney mgy be-"leit et Mr.- C. To0d's- store any tir. ding July or Augùmst for the Deaconem Home, Heydenshore Park. Mr. Tod hai kind» oonmnted lu es thai al donations are ,delivered tlu tho.. ini charee of thie work. Il Cor. 9U; 7-"gEvery man aooording as he -purpoueth inIhie hbarrI no lot himgive not grudginily, or of nece-Mity; for God loveth îa oheerful giver." The. denal office of Dr. B. W. Sisson Pwil l, 4losed from Àugust 1 lu 17 while D)r. $imçrn in on a vacation. For New -Perlbtion' 011 Stoyes at #Gwent prIeSn, 9o10 Ueo. M. Rie. Mr. A. D. Fraser brought imb Ibis office on 1M onday mveral monster A social wiII bc hcld on Mr. Barclay's lawn on Saturday cvening, Augu$t 3. A. fun lise PuiPSMpud of ladie' white Nubuci boots aI Peel's sItdm Hoe icBruis., have purciasedtheli Ne - ILlan .block, on thb. sast. ide ot 'Brook streel. Tiis in the. block uhicit inoludesu the aid post office building. Tii. punciasepries le unJens-toodt beb Tiais wanted for railway conelruo- lion.; long job. Apply Cook's camp, two miles weml o! Whitby. - ead, tie advt. in Ibis papen for tie lsPeclal excursion to Toronto andi Nia- gara On WednoudaY., August 7ti. BOWLING' -On Tbursday, last lhe Wliilby' ol Iaag, Club playeti in Oshawa againsi lie leame Of Ihat lown,-fon lie Eston Cup. Th'e nain stonai ubici -vilet - -tiisdistrict neocuiltictie suh@ sion ,eofPlaym- andtiheb.Whillb>' b.a itadtoluretura homo Wit£out a tiSliS ÎOU bol riW TveLal;- Ou. Tuestia> aftenoon tih e4"s1 playti aaln n O bavet wne de fiasd >' emlimargin. f»gaid or a sIii sport. and -gornes. ILo xneStéà t. a brama bind will aoanyaiyo pi Ujj- purty. « Wagons wi» Ievw t ahorom at que -and"tw o'eo pmreturihg wii eave 1: 1 ru children,51mwir W. bave ust h~tu ~g~aI -lof Ladi.a'* M l-"d1CIii KTam CalS, Gui aia P ami~ ~ àw- LetJo a e.' S Whstore# Ilï accordam no. vilahliaequéâsl Of.a number o!1 Citizen., Mayor Downey h, c allaPublie meting to ho lulimu lte Mualli.àU on' Fidiy evening ç>t Itii. wesk; July 201h, for th. pupe aidauesing t e application 01 t th~e Board of Education .4olte Toiqa Oçouncil b issue'debeninrea for lte er- e.tlon oS a -,né*Hg'oho'b4 Bzg vmryÊodiy conze. Seat. i!lill b. romrveti for 1h. ladies. moyas0orelght rounm, itted.vlaad to 1M , O0.Wô Applwy to' P. 0! O0&w , W.b!îdby.-tf GIRL WANTED.- girel wanled tl. <oitpapers. rit wo, -ood pa>', ppetaIGa- Mn.B . E . -"r'o te by Bai, bas rsoeived aletieni fromi MiÊ. J. D. R._ Jamieson, polies 4age traI o! oobrneOnt., lanvitigtt Whily Bad 9bconete l-C0 ikael l&oamon of lb. viitl ea4y Aligust of 1he AmocltedBorsu Trade *of Ontario. Tc Bae i a pruaise feet .transporltton anti ail qxpeases of lhé_ trip. _Mn. Evauieba li.' malter- unden c onoidenîi4n. It appears 'liaI Cochrane has-no bandi of ils' own, and lh. malter ocf ýecuriag munie for lie occasion iaviè basa jet ti lahle atis of a comt beMn. Jamasun, wi kindly feelings "-oard, WhilbY, ,gave lie. frst 'chance lu lie Iown Bandi. VOCAL PRODUCTION., -thur Bligla, 01cfOntario Lde'Col- loe -anti Toront".flo Cnev'oj ,usie, will akapupils ia voeâitrain-. kag sitar July lut. Residence 1Bandas Street, Ivo-blocht e st ucdAg Sint.' Smnart Young man$ýt0l4r lhé hardware busineesat »singhe' ]fHard' ware store.--& BELL l'HIONES BUSIC. New phones l is heWhiiby' exobange have bien iastalled b>' lb. Sel Go. as follows :-128, Mir.. W.; oot, resitince, Centre St.; 105lm n 12, Ji Corner & Son, fariner, Dunda4s St. E.; 183, A. C. Wrigt, neidet Eag., .P. 'B., Dundias St,; 125, ring 16~ Domin ion Const. Co.', C.P.R. campiAudley; 141, Mns.. EUJolliday, residoace, By- non St., 185, Fred Jones, residemSc, Zuclid St.; 187, F.9(. Enkije, rosi- diez'ue, Brook St. not-t;,' -Brt Shebpaçd, nesideace, Gàen î; 1& Foie>' resideace, Dundas st1 wemt. Tic Bell "Co. hba-,recsôntly'gacquiret dis Kingston Rond lIio!of ti aGreat Noarth Wetern Telegnapi Ce, !ir ýMtby:,west ta Toronto. Th[s lu an Important- developait, msincek ix aý n- ables 'lie Bell. the. more effotVely 'ta servi the linnilor>' hitierlo 0liteiPPj7 hunling grounds a! lie ival Inepeati. art companlea. - No ativance of price in rcpainin-îg aI' IL W. Collins' mitai store. TH.E TABERNACLE. Sunda>', July 28. i S. S. aI 9.45 a.rn. sorVile atIil am~, anti 07 ~ Morniag.n et."b uyo ep BAPTIST CBROE. Sunday, J111 28 Servies as musual. Morunn--, iubjet-'T,.eeons ýfraà thei Sun Tie. Evenln subjet - : uffleemi ,I, À - a , anq 01-o *k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gn for onh-md it.j~Ctag o ae nBrnmiet ~ cj' e (Pt , .); . I. ong (Pt. I L o- t-. ir. B. W. T Evana aofànti r.fihabis2, frby-U Haesn (Pt. Il».Jh, GDWI .X.~ ooe t 1ie~n n Stra Ot AG F R E T. 1 5. nom~ (Pt. - 5î, -Q . > ar. J5g5 . ck r O..ne ent o ril f r 'siô Apiy ' < I fl T n I Ànboxdu d b -,p4w», no. bis prireent (P. YE . L n g- (Pt. , .); W atn (l. M na cq W uta r Ul W fLEf U N.i ' * F U ~ B iI.>;~W W.-Stad(t 1) > '.l W. day ad-r.Ri P.' e '(Pt. (PL);'.1.).nShir (Pt. 14; ia..WiIl aitto . iitn (Pt.I.) tÇ A.- l .kry <Pt.IlAHo();t IV' oa aTrsixh.p Inguot cyditon a de II 4Y (Pt.'B II.;B Wann (t.1d>eJ.M. pedig copl, !auelii twnPELOW Wiiby 1 ison'(Pt. IL) .) -.slrýp- . m" w mS L Ioth0ba £ajer M.ILi. Jot h .X hm hSed, o! iaelý FRSA RRlT. SuPeriar other <e >ô day a souooLs. paon parente luin e ton. co e siogn o! i tby. 6gie o otmale-n e r p r l eth o t I S N ' (Pt..J..); 'Ç- waIi was u Xingy and, through 1h Il ha. bien uem u Ib' sS.); o f- weI andn snixieoo.. po . bIln g.. d Ap1y 10 i j Jeonn n )y 'ibi paer halil uul b.ut nteesionsraton ii i of-T orontodem.W. iu lePio Aibe . O , or1frn GrteB E g avan Rt.S U I 0%* uIWRJ£ y, W bitby..? dke -nn't I ______to lu li rleayrm b av p bh h jf r d M . aw ns ntpdaghrior-' ' os t mr 1.Ihan aL CAre P ubn o ako lscsiuib. mp czni . anIoMs.arn at8qd nd 84,A N ? D eli ory a lu à nd p o m t. f r m a e rs C m ra a i oS IT lb O Pm. hou&W-'kzdn e hltrnoTron toff, i oiaylg ihcn esso1o tBS Eà, g '.apriu ' I onhad ut~~1 P'cpi ilSat ~ wiM arnd iWsT.& n ~. 'e13.rat i f é W ppWe away tIi !ilwjn Bura bvebem @ 1is Dra erun wh bs Ua isBY4» T.ea, wruDin trog. It h« een su este by a-réadéi of àî * J àùnýSoliti'bi hans, ansard oofa, rgý, n ý Porm an4 TechertneAv.Seatxm..dex.m. W., ý - ib A 'lfg, t exylt ST ths-paerthtitwoýd-Ra i. tre98Xt. a.~ fim, Tronai -h t,i ceila, five umpartmnts. Frnl ver Po trta yer tavng 'tie turner'..M. 4miny, 35x7 . 4 vrndhl97d-N ii d SO E aladtEis.-giLaantice and Goo stable - Aorabl sh <i g taadaMn.4dipeIof Iantiesnv cg houa. and garden. __r Borrowma .29 24 4 d~~y c-OfaTrto, *ig.m*" Kr.n- anHYI~SOE AK HTY Mùiinm irae etr n.ro rnebu. Iathed amui plas4tthare od Du IV rsCerk;ajo Ms. ibi Iôo-dpaoem41 ra oNea a de Fasio nabfleii 2' toCian ati, arestliens anof -oW.erofl h. Elvidg ta.cq1E-A-- -PAR, wm . O r pr g So k i n w co pe 140 11 n. E.fIl.orot o ! Slb, mu F RTU-fiS . b us> ni Si A LuEorgi- ý!ý-1Il- piPr ncipals T.v SO> OL. Mas (3ev.) Molud , fAvmoau i1 uglroead ah eada N v .it~ h M i. aXc .8 ra .' Geqe il wd eui ndt. fil i- p io M'ensavco Miss itchel... ....5 85 i renlaie s n o n Vea d h I klceeev n <et wd. e a h ld e'ef n n d h a y o d Forme Il and eaMrm. E.nN.A(frangernand childrenaor Axceylent Ilium Àderson ~ 2 6 ~ issbooes n Ma<GndMù tru e Flt T G. f th ve y I es For'a1no Trao ' fTront b ha v ebeng wi lh - Wbilby;.Frnt er" Miss B rnivii. a d . Jas. milla Port Wixt, 7A.ca I sol ci e d Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vea a19ge..................BITS MgGreinSt. Brickbouse 8PP] *-t Qnnis lerdSe. JaurM1&G3À ir saa elebr9 0 asin finhasd in hardoodstarge vincial~eser Guvhnué't thee ear ag, anorgSepembr 1, 1 N Miu Brarrn. ......s8li3 4brlv.lnd ode. - Id, 13, pause IeawRfomAd l am$80 ace tn oaibah portion~vrada wbcàxeddle ti~o ' fashinaii dWvidL Pliu 31 2 -parte. Gibbseond N O JC losemt d e- sin, ue luan gbt. lion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ toe am" i m tie-g1 t i r etn , lag onrlo, vr'ce _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ flicotycus, e l in. ID.taoe i hriaygzaEEÏa'I)fCf-trll lt tenais. Q r, iin t force~W -iite ae o i M êb ai. i'o&ea nalo Jala>- S., pi.. PW hv a kanw unpS.ed îo rted ,o c ' et fira p ar w ii b sl te~ i a I a f O tniu ( o m p n y h m i a d in o l b t.o nty u s e s se v n ro m s, ii d re ct v fr ai io ela d th ti e e h a h b . o n l 0 0 a p e l a a l E 4r-o l Ita B r wnt , ' ~ i t ~o , i o t t f r é p ai , g o o i c e l rn ic e a s r v d L . p n o o t c b s t a n f S e e : r i s h r o o e g o O n ro or ts was luT . C o mi i 1[à.su in o! 3zz l o d , o l A it n , vis- aizeei lo t go d g3 ardens , c era!>' h t b s b e ti r il ' r ed b ut B w a v l e N w c sî n i Or o, a i farce ~ ~ ~ ~ i i - y p oc a a io . T ti r cl - J r as c M pm. adon or i. Ll w- G te d ve ry e e yt d eonais. band w s p o ed e ce d ngustî f ct r fb a ing n> u t o th ern 'i wallo m n ... ...i5suse' Vxig ai at"ln Iadmz-- $ 50 D nm S. rik bue b'g tris ta Form II and III A ugatin us or arosi o! lantim n sanrdilàr ris'ff pealB. Ni. wl a e ltga t r a a ' a Gfkiat e r cntu d -ohsa l ag out b il i g l o tir pard sV E-N~ . deloXim and mnvrarasl.nnihrequresa eorcarTr. G .e é l home ~ ~ ~ 1r afnd ndM..WMt rs.wih ~ ( Ja. ith, ot s 1 75 Kntu. man buespeirpuaed. okfo u custonie u. 'TliabRo brcaJl 18b Iilw tnpol.. ... IandS. oaahsurélo, oshowren ot uidigs fui coam eti r de ..f. ....r.. 19@r J me fIt IO a t l d 'ie C5iire Pl ark t50 H y ns o e Pa kpum e M o C ullo i, M .' ., ofo nan ora S a8 ,. 191adia n r. U n a n d 'o. cT O N g , b R u e r l -aDo Qand orebrida vil 1,18,f ebroe Ohwms ah lst-n .W l ant an nei' e a b in ai ol n i ssei' o abrao l k2 sed, fb.st locatin- « lo, 50 lar5e Bh11. . Iveatîb e ra ret 10nti U.-y ce£> ar cah. n ube itrclgt roses. Tpe brineemiIMnc ahhen s e of Brgl o, m peamei oub3.y log n o yrn t. b rick twaeranogi -ib e â Baird wor a taaI>'~OWR 4 Sues boaaday froe lie ncrornaerange o! - aid-ec-drboue,fie rougs ebar, tebnrioi ate. carrioti pik roes, muid lo t me so17,l8. hase(1 arond eir , terns.ag %rincal Goernmet, th" yWmato-ob urg neti e -ani m0s38((21 Byron St oli- bacrlu, des paseasureawmmnoin ctiv. want w udsib f( rc t., g ooti buigthc prn'wih etneth u ouuuaryo CE.d lot ';nd baifl sioe trmis, ghot W orq fast mue or isu, lu ii vesen $60 bldriqong ie l ontitq tino h o ycuý,wn n oS lati a ioieionanngb'cvle a i heohrdy w ne on ba a & e h h . mivud t Comp a n- f r al, dt blerntgeis.p thee hal h olyoniapea in al Cui ot ut y 01cfqdis Railwthe Ad Smer cottageai Heytisod élrsie k t Ovd t ay _ finrt h e-.-ou n sof wa t ushhe Oetario coute WAN to dow4atesefu fogiei'lti n "friscc nt eaifa ccptînwPas c focfypolmt oný Ti rte oi for s e-csies asteie dyof- bei. .e A ha.pec r &o ô adslav- e350vegt il inboxes, adsandtabfuts pouaer.mterer, eq tÈilppsut e n l u lrithe r o it aio urt,1 L ennIh5d fDf el015wl s leti it L atiansap oa itu. Boom , a i n e nbti loadin oeapa, drc o1ecorofa Utiotbeom Omario au lb sin, t Oreeir oNt ood gar anàl. Tis will ae ai rei ana rt w g a lagofd o osrie pnsaleadotbidnsi oo ear E A E p deloftmead oii.or&ro@ tenrailw# -qat ndof ieocha e nr-. -Nrh lot23 iùti tbd nsa it i hoEeyod bsre ha htItacx.-cd nTrot.o buluam fr atiulrsmdrms Kv ~ ~ ~ o ., pai v rvt'. a Ctsitagan ;e.~LliIt5I.li:fu<six Moinnie a "o ut iteeyalistbe put to-il lie B"î câan on' or befâm the 22ad day Lusuirt, A.D.p 1912.' tby, Ontar io, Juà» 27th;,1912. BIGGS à BI(Me, PRAOTIO ý'£àlýçnto. Ont- , ' ci làton for th4 Nortbm

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