be' o11sf tyear. - AftKiI- Io Iand ',souii pear ion 19aturday, IBrsndo ay wa» j1la-8,utom thé, tréi¶EI1 ;ot - parlý t . & sdd A r7edgqw9 p f, "but A leay ambu s~.~t~ twn t ebe wa htie if berewagà s ïmub ay14.fbil eaoh wrist, for 'whiclt me has jevel- led élups, <hazged to match ber1 Fahion, Rints sý 8 e BLÂCK; AND'VIOLET. A faR ionble Ise 'î acf bracelets the iI cai ehoad in Frenchi jewelry Dr'eà u'à mont aliuring this es- inumà de..cimfthin -hoops studded 'wilh1 ndto.*s0chvnot l elred étones. An .meraId hoop,, e_ le liaI flot only ovory tant ut yan;ePer:o 0 Zryindividual- figure can b. sit-ar 4irn ox>darb.u en u -e lack and: violet as regards ae ou drý«s, for reption' and- every af- 1 an , ad vo-n t lpnincipalfy in i~ Kf~ OfN hL t twand satin costumes, whiie wtïh the blaék ,cloth or eponge bai- lo-snade a blouse. of. bright velvot NEWS [B! liILpitonM E. - ý chýrmo.u1and guipure insertion -OE 'e1dwth black ninon de soie mse A"8ORS '- ýjhe mauve foulard vithhblack or In 1. bb Emerald. 191010 m,,à uve -ninon oversiirt is boing ex. ' 2.~ Pi' iteci with succeas, au la tie pan- eeI t nirceatcostume, of -black auddeep j ,mien. Ir charming model cf tuis styleo lrelvsvrels nari luthéýe ai gathered at thie waist, &c<,idt on Ghéounby D wthboit comning' bigh ùfrontan v4y Oarlig. m ê-eof exqulsite black, purple -and A beDublinurod ilinrugli ocidiug1 b u emrooidny. Tde oftIthe- 'tICP~of illicit vlli6keys t b-fronts, .while 1h. bodce pot- dit au à cauaiug aome anxi Il n is, afi-angod inu vide pleats, and li Belfast and Ulster. pearl-shapod .Bleéves reach only -There lias beee destructive flood-a- a hile ay ellw 1. ebow Oonly, owing bu th. necent rain- t may b. o heayy linon crash James Nolan vas futay injured a» a oc anyý cooId sired, but it on e farm 't Nowlia2, C lendali , Suid blined with ~contnastïng whiewôrkingonatraetion egin.. - r.A well-dressed 1'Voana ueo an lu pneîty lined vith rone pink Ti~îonKaaai ascagd or paie blue, -and, lavender lu aty- at Ballybumen vitiialeed m£g- 'a li' wvith a lining cf the. tan. A pupn.nme Wichever colon le ue.d for -t.ihe a ,a aeln; o ii4lng oftheue uzefui 10? coats u Dlaed yt Lecarn, vw'asfb"Ilu- e ah uld dover the buttons wicl fas- juieIb aiu otiavi qfo te the ceaI front and brim th6 col-uIn lb.court house., Reuli, Fir- la cf. OnenoMcCarthy vwas harged vith ongee i. aise a strong faoit he. wilful murder of .Tremiah Neil. Io the d4ressy separate summel. ,T'ne Lord Mayor of Luoidon han 6w P. ;'Any cf the ueason'eacielrs acknôwlodgâd 1h.ece 01o!£55 E aegood made up ini thisfabrie and from thq Mayorn<>f' Lime th+ lining may b. cf !satiný or si1k TitauicN'und.~ -.n o i ontrait, the materiai usod fer The' Bard ef Trade réturu. show f( lin ng serving-as facing for the col-L liat Befast stifl has the lovest per- Ir lau and, cuifs. ceulage of paupera in thé. United 7 -'Throw lie o.f black satin with-lin- 1iringdozn. in' of light blue, rose, pale yeilow Mr. -0. O'Keeff., manager of th. n or-lavender, are designed for the Olonnie4 branch c0f the. Provincial ct dri sny ovoning frooks. Bank.. has been appoinbé manager 'ý ~'e evening wrap of broadcioth of t iuatror'rnh ile stili sliown -and will be worn- by A drowning accident lw~ averted rE ms~n vo in t to raefllinos by fa pluckyý Belfat youth piunging ic in t,*n he f tiendly warmîi cf this fa- % t~ et Bisekataif *nd rsu bni ,.ing & i0-yeakr-cld gil. Tr Thé. ljord.-'eutenant o!Ireland' m SMARNES 0FWff~~ asngranted a furtier concession te e -,the- Dublin euffrdgettes in 'prison tlule * ~e -voman of limited1 income îaik 'and wa-ik loëether. Pli eh Iid not beb. empted by cniored À suesawful opehu-amr t1emperane lin n'frooks. They are not a vise demonstration 'undor, lhe auspices 1 Vstrnent when gowns mnusb niec- ;of 1h. Ca&th-my-PaI organization1 E beiv~h few in number. . They ha. been held in Ulie* Ark -r w ~ a# Ims .1 te-te fade, and even Mr. Daniel'L. Allen, the ais-man .A -'~iie teypousese aIl their original who atteuupted te fly frcm Chester * glie-y tb"y cannoI b. touched- up le Dublin on Apnil l8tl4 I'à at, bhs *apd~ variâted by oolei-ed cravat and nul been heard fsnC6' ýMbIt ai the white'7outfit van. Sucli The L. G. B. lias esanetioned t11 i. Ioimensible beauty of witle application oýftic Coctebill V.D ç tr thai even tiie inexpensive matenial for a loan of £1,400. to ho' spent in lino ni as. sailcioti, which eau b. the orection cof wonkingmý's dwel- h2 - 1ou ehit for about 3o cents a yard, 1flý5. - can b. nmade to «look smarter than Mn. G. H. Smitb, for Oeven years 1 î: ite, averagoe cooed linon. These headmester of. the.- 1igoýjMunicipal 'Ca von rjn upo cotume ofsal-éecbnicai Schoolias' rg, igned te e "c'ýoishould, however-, te make akeupanWalIres. lu N r surace o dubly sure, esee that lhe Wla ' l' WhlYacting as oficii1 starter at th ma3rial ha. been veli slirunk ho- the. 'King1s Ony aietsports O' fore à i i.made up. Mr. J. J. OShea%2yh:'handin' br n jured byhie pihto jha hie bodi-5 .A$~E BRAELET clirgin. y vw1i¶r nave sbovln nç contami'aî*ion mieux 1;2isn adatn, undérB fôÉ en days or more, ;tihse'areliriver Bii. rpu sain ia whidh apîiarontly were loug hau 'net been av up-ou.1The. 'ctjy ~av munred lu date. 'A. uroffla 1 cd'Hêalîbtb. 'nf, uewa. 'hiss euNew c M»14 t4 te 1414. 'for large, ad 14 Li te- 14 34&for' twli, Besns-llanOiîked, 3 pr ael POe -1b. for, No. 1, whlal;oMbws 2 drmued Poultry:-ao'ens, 16 to lb i., lb.; fowl, 13l. «to 1401 -duokllugu, 16 te 19e. Liv pultyaboUt *te ýlower tha lb. Polaoà s-.w,*5.50 Ipbarrals. IBaeon-08ha lsar, 14 to 1412ô ver- lb., in eau lots. POrk-flhort cut, 824JO to M2; de., messi to*2. ame-Xedlum. to uit, 17 1-2 to 18 e &vy,' 16 1.2 to, l7; rouas, 13 to 131-2c; bh-eaktast- bacon, 18 te 14e; bsoke, 20 to lce. Kontýeal,, Âuc,. L-Osta--aiau West. tire. Ne. 22, 461-te-,do., No. 3. 44ed. extra Ne.,1 b.d, 461*2e. EmrIsyr-Ln. fe, 64 to M5e: do.,' maltlng, *1.05 t 1 07. Euckwheat-Ng. s, 7ô5 to 76a. Plour- Xau. Oprlng. wb"tpatenta, irsîs, l5.80; do."-"nseonds., *5»,0 do., strongr bakeri', -$&10; do.. Winterfpatents, obole, $5.25; do, trAgI SelerOs, *405to *4.90ÃŽ do., bars,12.25te * .85. Eoled Oat-s-raois, $55do., bais, 90 lb., $L40. Ba.*2 to '$34. 1M7N. 2. iPer ton, *car los, 16. -to 17. Obees-Plnssî veateru, 131.4 to 13 34c, do., e asterno, -'121mt41223.4e. But- ter--Choleest . crsamery,, , 26 1-2 to 26 3.4c; do-, seonds. 26 lP 26 14-4e.Enog-ffloeted, 251-2 to 261-2c; do., No. 2 stoci, 1& to, 160. POtatosa-Per :bag, car lots, *1.60 VUIT - STTES x&nxwps KinaolAut. 6ý . -Whsat - .Tuly, $1.09; à o. I Northéru, *I.S 08 to 1.2 e4 No., 12 Nortberu, *1.06 to $1.061.1. No. à yel.; row coru, 751.2 to 76ce. No..'8 white> oatg', SOC. No. 2 rye, 69c. ]3ranï 2 o*0 lu 'lPiIrgt patents, *5.1 to *5.45; second patl. mule *4.6. t' *510; ol ean, *$L60 10 138;second elears, *.50 t1 *2.0 DulutÈ'.intu. 6.-Whéal-No.'I bar d . 0474;, No. 1 Northeru, *-037; o. 2 bXortbern, *1.007-4 te n.07-8; jUlyi7 01.0 ambedt Sepýt., 9514o se;Do. 97e Nounslal, .lut. 6-A temobéo e s ld '-'$7.25 to *7.60. -Obole ows sold at 05.80,' sud the - loweir grades sold et-t frm $3.50 te *5.00 Ver ewt. Oomcon büuls sold el *83.0010*2 $.50 per ewt.iSgheep sold at 83.75. te $4.10."snd Iambs'- at *7 ber ewt, whlle caIne, brougbt from 83 10 *10 eéeb. The ton@ ei the.'market for hors 'was ArMj, wlth- sales of ssleced llots at *9-.5 and lnlxed lots. ineludlnt sowp9 and staga, bnoutt*8M25te 850 puer cl$, wélhed off car. CUSTONS RECEIPTS GROW. [uly Retuns Are the Langeai Ever Collectedé A' despatci from Ottava sa-y.: iyideucq of the greal prospor- ity cf 'Ihe Cafia-dian peopie is fouud in lhe'. Customs receiple for the-, -Dominion duning 1h. uonth cf Jul-* vhich totalied $9,- !;70.Net oniy i. thie lthe langent amount oven collected duning a-ny nonli, but lie iucnoso over the corncspondiug. menti lait year, iiz., $3,018,2e3, lea-lue a record one. With lie ra-pidlv incneaelng returue the revenu:e of the Domin- io from Customsa aloue viilb. over $10,000,000 ibis fiscal year, as tie 'eturus show that for tho four nantis cf the. preent fiscal yean endiug to-day $36,250,028 vero coi- eted, an increase over the cornes- poudin'g four moipths la-st yean of BRI¶'ISH CONTRACTORS WIN. &vandedý One of the Langent Bridge Contraets In Reeent Years. A despalci f nom Lon<ýon maya: 'ho langest indiviclual bridge.' cou- 'ract pIaed in Great Britain 'asine >e buildihig of 1he Forth -Bridge as juil ben seeuned by Briti bngiueem-s lu sovere competition with Beigian, German and Ameni- ,a structural firme. Tic coubraot -emprises th. viole cf tho'.steel 'ork required for lie e W ralway naige wiich viii ho buill be cary ,he Eastern Bengal Sta-te Rallvay )ver tic Lover Ganges.-- Theý )ridger M 11 coueist cf filteen 'main pans, veigiing 1,300 tous oach, Lnd vili invoive an expenditure of tbout £1,125,000. CONqCLUD)ES uPRIS VISIT.. Mho Prime of Wales liasAcquired the Correct French Aenit. A despatch from Parle uays: ,The. 'rince -of Wales oun'Wedneeday tgit left Paria, vhene h.aa been pending a menti or more, lu tie ork c- f acquining the correct Isouci accent, for-Londen. Before a-',ag lihe -gave 1i»0Op fr4mn.cs le h anis Studoutu'- Assoia-lion.- and Iwo francs lb tlb. ,fund -forndis- -essec! women for 1dcistribution by 1. Leplueý,-lb, Preteet cf P olice HROTlD OWNIN! C OLD» LOODO ýrakeman Dyrng 3yWhile' inman ' Elu des p o -. A despalch lrom Ualgary, Alier- 1 isa-y. Brakesuiuau Bey Blair is < Fing in Bauü opla, un faurt oifabnra;ta, plae iv, <d, nd, 10b put oni icamnp suit, 1na, hurry., Te wldbud o veîre fûli' ~ bloom;,.thé. utréa, 1, fuli o fi h, b d th e _p ar y f l ! ~ h boy nover- flsetremi èor isehapp as; hex t the, camp suppet- ho tek)ë the plate ci well-browned fish that, ho had '4aught hnself. - But-'jut thon smtigsi nhemd "The -birdo aro as hungry au you are.;' And tlhený i -hé romembered; hi, boni had been without ýfood or watir-ainièo sunrise., Unlesu h. vnt hometbey wouldhave n4dtiini. aill thé,neit day. - ,o uldnot,,st bie, ;q have, forgotten ny hon.," h aid t.kis fatberîn ialw voiee.,ý, "Tho~ tereis: nly one tbing bt do,"-hie.£4atpanawered.,- ob lÃŽpÃe&,oüt a»d asked thé. oook for a oac hn.tkn .short eut acrosthe,,b1&le, started to waik home. Ho at6 ies roll ai lie. atumb ledaong lu .tbe cooôl dark-- nesa. Il vas a poorsuýpper, andlie seemed to hear ail the way, d"The hon. are au hungry as you are."- Iti vas 'ater ton when 'ho .trudged nbq the. henyard., Ho S -ound hie, fovis lying on théir a'ides andgap ing with, thiret. 'H4 bastened: to drop f resh vater fxosnaa 4raw mbnt their bille, and thon h. ted tbomà bolier rice. fr orn the pan'try. By. midnigbt thuy -wère -as bright as evor, sudeley cuddled ibb his arme as if ho er ee thoixr bout lriond. "Aind _1 came o7'bsar forgetbiag 310yo 1 Bob sid over and over agÊ,in as ho peted _them.-Youth'â Copaui cRoEUS'AD CXDell!A "Mean.eof Cupid ih in hi. happkst mccc! 'vii o i ebrngiug lie mil-fionaire a-nd, hs mouey bap tb the feet,,of peniilesn bea'uty, or danging thie eoroe o f a peeresa before lie eyes cf. thie maid cf 1ev degre.; sud se il ha. ever been since-aeid proba, 'biy long before-King Copielua vent. a-voeiug hie beggar-maid. No> year passes vitheut, bringing 1 ome such romance in ils train, -in vhich. vealti -or ra-uk-en both.w- findeis is mate in somo, malén viose aele doyen is a prelty face e: a vitcheny cf minner. Il lu net long since Mies. Pailoe chuld cf a Whiteciapelsetti, vas led tb lie a-lt,à r in the 'State cf Connecticut by 'Mn. J. G. Pielps-Shôkes, a. bridegnoom vithf as ma-ny millions a ho has finger. ou uis band,%. The daugb.ter ef Poiu 3ev,, vhose pnetty flugers had don. no better-paid wprk lian liaI ofcf g- anete-making lu a Cleveland aluni, vas unarfied-Iu, her Croosu§' hu- baud in a simple muslin gýown; but on fiernueck gleamed à etning cf peani cf remankable sgize and 'beauty vhich $25,000,. vould not buy. Within very recent yearm ve have nead of Mn. H. G. Davis, a lever of eigity-four eummera, l1,ying hi& 830,000,000 fè>tune, at he foot cf Mise Maud Âshfond, a jouÊualist cf 11111e more than a Ihird of hie years; and of Mn. E. R. Whitney giovering bridaI gifle, includiug a' -sunhurat cfdia-mondsa and, acheqttp for -0100,000, on i. bride, pretly Auna Bonnett, a heiephone-girl. One, ra-lny day Nellie Lynch, a chanming young- 4ady vho iad' a chanvoman for, motion, vas stand- ing on the edge cf a N1ew Ha-yen pavement, hen pretty eyebrevs puckered anuc!hon dreas dainbily ralaed, iaboul le venture a-cross lie- muddy strét, vien suddeuiy, a stneng 7oung arm vwas put- a-round. ion vaist, ai. vas iifted from -hon foot, a-uc!beforoe he couic! sa-y, "'Oh 1" wvadeposited dry-eiod on lie: oppoisite pa-vement.- Tii.e hivaîrous -"Raleighi" vie had Ilins uuceremouiously come te her rescue vas Louis -Agasaiz Fiske, Yale student, sud heir te ma-ny p ýaterual'millions, wli-o, befor mna-ny mccii . iad vaneued- had piaced -a iwedding-ning' on' ti' hau cicfthe' Iu Bngiand thoegodrhuemf feu -licen lie poenta- te lhe cii-cie cf h p -rgeI 4anonica ila1often. ldetoe thé eld fgk>d; and -il woul<l b. 'ne 4ifficulV mnalter tle na-nié &Sre of fair vomnen vho-ý -frorn figil- vinçial OMcior . dtti&wa tb use1 ligbt tle ' epidemi dead body'of an found-in MonIre pected.- The looas-incur belveen tb. Emi Holvetis.', *111 1 fa milion,ý gesieoeoau -vniu'a'examinà tion and aà re free to P'raotiue lier.. .Philippe Heëbert, -'lie aný"in sculpter, 1Iwil deign the monumn . King Bdwaud VII. tube ierected in Phllips Square, Montnel.. GRE~AT I3UITAIN. Excessive'speod- of lie -Titni vasý Ih'e verdict cif Lord Mersey' s 'inquiry.. Fionce strikre' rioting btock place li Leoju, on. being*kiled 7and- manyýinjured;. The. London -1)aiiy Mail undon- stands liaI Pn.emiorAsqul n Mr. Winston 0,unchui -mayvit Canada. sir George Askvith,.of lie Len- don Board c-f, Tr~i4, vii lieh sent te Ca nada by the'-BritiehGorumit b .,*study tb. LemieuxlActi. UNITEIDSTATES. --pet ferrnet honibly mutilated th. 'baby cf _Mu. Carni-o 'obb, Grf,,W., Va. 'a Thé. U. S.. Houser r ejetd tho Soenate amendn:mn l 'ietas u for lie.ropeai cf th. reciprociey st. Svorn utatements Ãlu 11ev Yor6k, venit te showtliaI tie 'police ver.e getting *2,400,000 ennually as1 l'raft> froni gamblenu. The, U. S. Senate -may rea-firm 1he Munro. doctrine, mn regardb Japan's proposed naval, base, ah Ma'gdaiena Bay, Califorula. Beat Ail Otlher Britishb Familles'in Nalter of Longevlty. A dospalci fram Londcmn, Eng- la-uc!,sa-y.: luIn-oclort- teuoa' ripe oic! aï-gol'i, uls cily,'you muat ho em Yug A' -roferenco te Youngs boa-t al cher fa-milies-lu lihe malter cf lougevity. A fev veeks a-go Etngiuhmen. vene con- gratulà tiug Samurel Young, the patniarci cf lie House, of0Com- mous, on lies completion cf hie 90th year, sud ,fev da-ys a-go Sir Fredz érick Youngé,lie grand oic! ma-n of th. RoalCooial Institute, en- brc nhlm9h yea-r..Nov frein tie Balla-rat gold field lu Ausîralia comnes ocfthe death cf William Young a-t tie a-g. cf 108. Wien' a boy cf 14 -ho loft Engiand, a-uc!ho vwas oee f the pioneer gold-c!lggemrs a-t Balla-rat. WAS PURSUE» ,FOR MONTHS. Noterions Cattie The! Caugit by mounted Police. A despalci frein Calga-ry, Alber- ta, sa-ys: Pureued. for miontha tirougi 1h. vilda cf Nontheru Can-- sa- by meni-bers cf,,hie-Nortiveit Mounted l'olive, W-. Bopp, poria-pi. tie mosl noterions hanse ' rua-tien' aud cattie tiief \ u in he',.western country, has . been a-ppneheudoc, a-undl in lie,'>local barra-eku 'avait- ing le disposition o!, hie ca-se. -The chas. ovened more lia-n . Ilff' miles.' Ropplia-s - coufesied, 'and tecrimes ho -adunits -haviug eom- ,mittecf are 1a- reia-ion te the. offi- -enrs themnelves. In' delail hoe';o1d' o! âeveral hundi-ed, an-ucmade3h uta-oent, li-t e -a-c!proba-bly ceimitbed-a ma-ny mon., dotails cf v hich -Ihé-hmasforgotteu. BEDBUOS. FIVE CENTS EACH. Experimenters Use Tem te Fit - 'A despa-Icif rom '- Wai ay:A m a-nasbeen--foi net ouly,.vante bedbugs, bul ing le- p-ay-live contsefsci1 mander o! ime WILLIAM' My .bruther home And v,'ere ,al -té Aucver hlmi11 Hi. clotiaita1 And ho ha" Andio knol ' 'thinga; Hoé', gol a.brai And al lthi. I'm' learnng fi Has come'b me. Thatimholu an] ,And, 'thon lie-I l'm making hi The îqueotl Iw &a.a- pairl -Peyton Boean SQUAIIION, Germa-ny's Rep A despa-hh1rom London oay.: The- Express p4iubsa arunr'hat- lW ie ~ups ha o for meubhi.s paut licou ma- gi nnd-u!muniti ons for, anev' 0crm n squa'dreu cf nine 'battleeiips, fle vhici lihe armer platwi have be woedered in Eu*gv la-uc. Il le n erstood- 'Ihat tie squadron, whic ma-y be completeci lu h a-ye-, e'ermany'e reply let Wi Yen Churc 1l's seches a- the tihe bokei o'porhfolie .of Finit, Lord' cf lieAd "na-lby. Ilma-ylie' noted- bat thi Exprýess iscona- bentiy la-ucdlin:ala-rming ma-uner PEACE ýC LEBRATION. United' Statès Segate' Favoiýs the, A 'despat-Ii"f nom" Washiigtoný ay:Tiihme et tece1ebrat lie. ouieund ~th a-univora-ry of thi'- trè-y f' Glcut vas ad'vanced. 9p desay'by the Sonate Fer.- agreed te' Seuator- RLou's bil t ioize -tie- Presi- 'doe aôtppolni a Posce.Ceitennial 'Comisio c Ieven. te couer viti' Cýonianisoni c"0GroatinlI-uand Catnada, snd mppot'teCongrées a- plan feon an. pponi-te ,elebra- lion. No salea ,gqî vitle jobs but $100,06-vtud, b. appropria-- teà for epees A O BCTI6RI ANl.' 10 cR phyoMcis Pir due'efi44 Patients or cfZ r man ami 9-VACATI- S ACTIN am ue o0tm. j 4,ion lie. illi us, ekled'half-.bu death r.'uake a fuse.. Ilookes sogrand, rebjst theo'swelieet bhe ýcity vays- uit eut ho're, 1Ibot. mmnie. is ha-ci from evun ýi lots and~ lots' of 'evlt'f 'elang, t hitl e ~ osiuig,- ,sand by thielime k'hie.gip 'an&r go4 ~es and lurkey. trot bles is hoart 1 spend'a Week villi, rfiu liard-ln bava, .'lred outl- you see,, 11t- fit'cet some tarts aid eheyll b. a-treat, &in' lot o' tog&- ïgaudy 'bad, thâtla fIl cf -fnillâ, ugly shoes, . b-ut w iere, ls Pi? YWARSHI-P& , actiionen el meinmle knuptcy cf the. nones.", liaI. they -b.e elen ra*, .eut smail 'wfih auilver ied, like 'a ma-codofine, Wi.enT eoked- hhey -are anmong the - ment 1nutniticus' of dur escuients,' 'and. .deserve' a&.higher -,place u pon our mouluts.. Tley are éà sily di- gesled and go te 'tie genoral mûking over cf the, systein. Spinaci - hae been apbly cai'ed' "ho broom cf th. human -Sysben. Il cotainus alternative salIs and in eèlgity axative. It in ai t ilsot whn ceoke&vitiout vater (afer -vashing ilfrcarefully) 'u inte uer veSuocf a double ,heolen. Asi a gentle corrective cf constipation, il je bétter. Ihan any patent catharllo pills. Il aise acte ' li-ghtly- upon the kiducys, nemoving effete secre- btiens. Asparaguls acts'directly. upon th' kiducys, and should b. indulged-in freely lu' the'- flnst .varm days cf spring and early summer.- The. ýveody part cf the etaiku éhoulduiený- or be eaten...-.ey are like- 80mauy'1; boied spijaters orliax tbieade. Celery ia bh' prince cf v-eetable nenvines. It eh nutritiou s a- vion cooked, ' but lie chef mnert remains writh thue raw, criop -stlks. The juice expretsed frein.,tlon. la effectualinl scllgand tening -tbenerve, in alyn ervous-dyseppua and 11k.- vie li bempening' nheumà :eo and" neunalgia pains. Il siould, 'b. -clewed freoly andthe-juiceextract- od :froni tie fibres. Thon 'lie lat-. ter ahouid b. lirovu away. A nerv- cils woman wio carnies la buneh -cf oelery-cool 'a-u ccisp-t,;6lier room and, spends hall an heur lu masti- catiug if, ejocting lie pulp and&lÉbre le d"nig a cdourse. cf medicine" ton limes i-3î e efficacius lian 'any lad4~ y lie physicia n wlo de- pdsorie toole- upon the,-corner. Youn'g beels arç goe4. cookec., and makë red b1ood. -Tii.y are' bettor for thie purpose if on, eau. learn te like thein when peelod-, naw, çut-intoeliredi a-ud eaten vith vinegar sud cil' as a -saiad lu comn-- 'bina-lion vith celery, lethuce or cross8. Tomatees are a prime regulator cf the liver and a hlood cooler. They contali a minute quantity cf a voe- getablo -equivalent for calomelt that acte directly upon tic 'biliioun se- ceretioÉs, but n0 gentiy limaI ne un- ,cemfortahie effocts are produced., One acknowledged auhonity upon, 'the virtues cf vegetablre-'xneicno . says that toma-tees should be eaten awif eue weuld know their reme.-- dial.qualities. "Cooking," accord- img le hlm, '<neutralizos' the vege- 'table calomel ebiey- carry fer the- iealing of c i e natins." -1' .1 uhidren shouid ho epvouraged to esl as. fruit - the pnetty' egg ai plum lomaloos,. use foi, pîckling. They îare pleasa*at tte e 'baste snd highly inedicinal. The s3kiiis cf toma-tees arno unwhooesonme and. uhouild aivaye b. stripjwdf nom 'tliefruit"-when il is prepýared for eallng, eitier coold or rarw.-" Pineapple as a curative. agent wae cempairati eiy uuknown. - unhil a- '<wndrous vise mna-n" diecovered bliat il isa spocifie in tiroat disoas-; os and applied ..ti iîhnmarked sUC- ceas iu cases cf diphîhenia. The pulp le. abeeruteiy- proof a-gainaI 'digestive agoncies and' si ouid ho bannedhy siék 'a-nd veil. The l'uiee hc>lds al limhati vatuable- au th. tropical fruit.- Il han lu il something' of tii.' principle lhà .t malien nelnn ,'a na a a for, dies - 1 ar.,