NA 1 age Bake1)âùm hieavy silver plate, plain,.--. buier finish with eff(ect- iirç border, cdeig n relie£ A raréty o grefui, Vases, afl silver, or glIass élver tmounted. A014silvcr Bon-e3cn As'olid sflver -Fru it Spplion or Pie. Kn'ife. i A beautiful I'ern. Pot.,- A handsome, Cake ,P late. .-AiU band engraved.. -Our Stock oveîfiows ith Wed.ding -at- Weë-have10'ts for 1less and' Jclots for more. AlUSo a' , exterwive ne' of Cut Gass. r-JçwëJct- Optician MiLmSL, - ia2rs 1Locl5±a#eaÃŽMgJ A very' rçfroshing rain feul ut nýght, and was oontinued tliis morn- l.C. Cardon Party in Town - Park, Tbuirsday, August s8h. - ne Martin Manufacting Co. will hcld their -annual picnic at Heyden- .frre Park on Saturday afternoon, *Auguat 10th. Itaserve August ti for tia R. Qarden Party. Good pi-ogani âporta. Baud -in atteaiance. - -'On Thursday ovening c-1 last --a friendly gamje cf led-balh waa ed betwean -Iha outh andti iL resulting iu-a score of 1ltoO0 lu cf th. South ward. pl wa fai of week Iay- mrd, aVO, A flthl inieo f laesu'whiie -Nubuck Pumpa and boots . aI Pealle Shoe I Ti gar e ty »eld çon âM. Box-' jundsý 1h. auspices of1. hhsà iladies cf 1h. Baptist. eliuroh. , - asag ewy ar wae 009L'The r;1wd lid ljustice _to tegood lthiffs pravided. fortel i > in- 5mnandtheA ýliâened. t0-a Sue program- furished by the Baud, Ms iWhartà on, re mader;.M1r. W. C. Ruitan, vocalis, sud gr. sud .Rihrs 1TOronto, -vocait. atr NaLeam Neat repairiug dois on s hortiet o ies atILM.W. Collin'ià s hoe rs.) W. h ave thé bést'electrie itou ou thé arèà with 5v. yeare ? guarantee. let, u- us ed *one an bean day. trial.G. X., Ries. - STRAYED. 7b the. pretnisc0'af Mr., C6e0. Trippi lot' 3, ôn. 6 '_Pickering, sa rüe 'ahçifer;- 2ef ysrsad. Ownei - may have sanis by,,proving pr0oÈety, sud paying e-ý Tii R , -gaidm pariy annncsbd for thbl Thmarsday evsniug, hias beau 1postpanei ,t&ilt i uesd ovening. An important btmslues lneebing ai0 1the #W.C.T.U.- will 1beheld ait the home 01 Ira. Arthur Richardson, onFridà y eveulng, ;,.gust 9,,,ah, 7.30 oatock. Kembe rae sspeciaUly ree~ested tb' b. preseul,. t To purdMas. ahouss.i oi le..hm1kg. meu -or elghtue, 1usd wfth aud for mosru- tiltius,-preloews. -Not t0 nýýsà d -*8,0. - Âpply t0'P. bO. »rwe0,Whuby-f.- 1fr. Alax. moC cal, hm.liasbeen conducling a '.badksmith business ai lJi. tawn line,. remoi ta town tbus week inii-r. John Newpor's stanid, Brook St reot nQrth. Ho wil le pleas- : Sti ta u oaihscuetomerssî khi as ne place of buiness. . * Suudtà y, *" iut Il. S. S. at 9.45 a.m The. *Rv, J. Bruce HunIer, M..,'] 'who suppliad for ti. laI. D.O. Cross- : ley, wilIlttathe. s&vicesintlie Tâb-. ernacle bath niorning.anti ovening antid at Almond 'lu, -lthe afternoon.f Be sure C and hear hum. - -BAM. LET CHURCH. a -Services as usual. Iorning subWet-e'The Christian a Evening sublet- "The. Sufficient Christ. Tii. Word MXaie Flel' You 'are cordially inviteti, and.'wlll be heartir ýwoloomd.*.1 No aMrn. fpieal eaiiga vsBn ' Irienalu bofown.this w No dvnceofpris n rparin a viitn1fr. iils inMim. i ro, wa M. W. Colline" sic, atomre. -- a. he - resulte- of the examinabion for Mr-. Alex. Tringle lian pur'chaupd honnr , nior Instriflation s-réi* cir fric Mr. Ted. O'Connom the-"L.ogan" lo. hes ---- -à ie4inac cottage on Brock St-set'-north.. aubjeet fais dicalod after -A ,candidato'é 4 . nsme-..rI. lndicating- fira-ca.. 'honora, Messra. W. G., Fred ant i Wlie oor>at 1 ti- erg0, -Wi1 Mentyre andi Walt<ur TruU, odans honora,- respectvely. --- - enloyedi- an auto trip to Buihil.> over Ont ario-.-D. Burns, »ig f., hWs. 1h hliay. Tiey 1.11 hero iSaturdaY L, ]ýat_1III., Fr. el , eM III.- H. aI midnight, atriving in Buffalo Sun- ;L. CarturEug:II. ist.-I;R. day morsing. - T.. Chapin4, Eig9 X. mah 1., Phys., Dr. Adaaes Iave, for Rosedahe, Bai- P.CG. Groatrix, Eng. III., mellth. III. m4am Lie, os Saturday mornîng for Fr. M.; H- G. Stevenson, ma'tl. 1. -a ten days' holiday. lii. offiae will b. phyo. III; Lat. !'11., ce.I. r closed çuighevcso.II a-.- '-4- n.Russell Underwood in building a )à MT SQBOL PRONOTIONS.e ine sw ho -ue ou tie lot naz ex â he, fôUoini fa ëtii.liat .cf'promno- - a tersre8idenoe. -losl i ea't cic.Nie a» -sin uonden i 0 ment. Pupils name 4 lýThe denDtal ofO ficei-rB. W. Sifflâ marl.d wore -net présen -for 1h. "'fl iechit itm Asigust 1ta 17 ' n b te t, uterîapnrobo.ed an 1ýile Dr. Siamon is on a vacation. -worik tics. durïih ê' hie - ari - - Jr. IV to Si-. - IV-Grude1ÉcTu' 1fr. ý-ernesttDeverell'a new houlle on tyre". Arthur Gaies, Gértrude Au- Byron $treet i. nearing cempletion. 1di-ewré.- This will be a is.neidence w hon fin- Sr. -:111 -te r VLn~Fa'on Keep.iFiday evening. Âugust -9,' Margaret Gilby'.--- for MXyr tIe - gardes patty, to be 'Br. lT ta Jr. I1I."à &dwortli Vasai- helti os tii.beatiful lawn -_o.- W esoky, Wrillje Loshy, Wilie ConuoWs. - Brige. - --~ jr; II le Bt. 'fl-John iby, Nomsn - s - 10Conucr¶ James (1bnnors. Ti l ëis o St. Jais', R.C. tbirol 1 Part Il b - Jr. l- -Mrgrt GaIee, ~wiI hldaga'doën . pà rly i 1h.e-uji.- MadelUne Broon, Mary Vh.qleky,, Ger- tvwn pirk -ou Tuesday, Auguiei 12%h. mnbiiBosomie, ls> liati Un Tea wil' b. sorveci Itomu 8v. o'clooki B. __eyIo ~ tJe-'sl until aIl areseorved. AgodPrrue ea~,M rc, O1~ viii .b. iuriîhshl -1wlocal anS auid ,- t- -- ' à ol . With~ proi14,~ -Tornof 1f..ani ra Js. Nchois.napeai Mis Dorothy Brianton, cf Trlao with lier parents- ier. 'PersoniMentioin.- 1f.E.W vans *was iToronto on WeNeada. Èe et hé.we fu G«rassies,. Ont. Mfr. aud'.Ira. John Neil are v.siting in Brantford, Ont. gfr. ýJ. A. Peer, of Torontaw.l town oh Sà alurday- Ir.Wm. MTit0, ol brouti vst ig 'friîd -u tawn. 'ILots .Pinee otToronlo, siin au ts, heMisesFrsr . :ra.o. 1 ý*ýKesu speul 1th. holiday' with frifnde in Toronto. Ire H.Ha~kiu cla Toranlo, waa viuiting iit ntus wsek. - Ir. firaydon Goodfellow in-holiday- ing on Laike Josephi, Muskokaý mir. -Jacli Rice, cqf Parry Sound, 'vis- ie. lis parants here las-t weok. .Mr. Aiez.Bruce> o! TpFqnio, lia' ben-in. town. 'for t1he p 'aiweek. - 1cr moths 'tp 'a Emauon, ,Ai f. Sialey , ho a- boss II WMh appondictlseisimprovmng nioiy. 1fr.~~~~~ s r.G .Hgarih, o Branýdon, lan., are vislbing wu t6wli Ift. Hierberi Janzinges ad famlly, of ro6r6oa.waei'towu over 1h. liai-. ,r. (Dr) Eaotwooel andi daugliter,, of . Pterboro, are visit4ng i r elaive, Mnr. Samuel Quigley, of Toronto, s'as-lu bown >this week calling a. aid hiende. Miss OliveThompeon 11 Idt i.- We.k fot BaIiiar. wheoe.will traifur 1fr. Dva-'W a@ash bSï honis ipà lÃŽteti,,w ciadda greallys t al Vins -Raysél Worfollc -he .relumned-, from -a wo weelm' visit- wil h mnt- lem Qoldie Jenninga fa apeqndfiig a ew set h lier b7other sud cous- ins ýn Toronto. 1r E.Warren', formerly mianager of 1he Standard Bank lier., was lu tow- laaê wesk,- YI.'Bilonsreburnedto thler hame lun' lauùcouvet af 1erialengthy vieî i wih 5r; mother ham. Mfr. aud, Irn. irvin Armstrong, ai Toronto, apeut Sunday with 1Mr. anti Nra. R. N. Bassott Miss Hlarvey ha. reburneti tram a 'lit -Withis. Crossley sudise Croasley, ai OahVils. TËe Misses Sparks, cof Pickuring lier- bori spent bthe holiday with their aunt, Mra. T. W. Bous. C. A. sud Ira. gQo&delov -rsiuruad on Taesday from a ew day. ai Bgoney Ilarbar, Georgian Bay-. Ira.. Gorge 8cuthw.ll sud Mr..*and. Uns. Oscar Southw!el, viaited lu pet- erboro aveï thee holiday. Mr.. R. J. G. Dow, who, has beau via itiug hmr for -meveral weoks, asurned east week ta Wilkie, Sask. ITaFred W.Ronsnati ate Allie eRôbiinson," cf -Bawniuvlle, wers risiling lu l own lii.woek. Ir. a4d'-Ire. Alfredi Luke sud augliter,- are .vlsiting- - wih Ira. Lukes parents aIiiLasakdala.- Mm.. H. H. Black sud ebdren, cf Ioronto, are visftlug wihh lias - for- men s, father, Ir- .ÂD. Fraser. Mfr. Will -lieBrien, of Winnipeg,. in' on W threp week's, vwst with hie par- ,nta,,- Mx. anti Ira. Hugli MoBieu. I1re. Wm.QIShor t u augIà ï11, af aonto, apci-"'the'holiday wiuh ..e. and Ms. jas. Bmit h.-, Ira. J.P. Ro Alman. ie Parisiah.. Sage Starts. Hà ir -Growing and.]ncreases i,]ts NÃ"f Posnu uar fL d Retsbing Pasian Sage. J7 Il ycu Iiaven't - enoyedti li.marvél- oua beoft daive d tro,üIs u ,ngrets- lueAPJSIA1f Sage, the. modern hait grower, beautifier and, dandruff rom- edy, you have lsseti a real trÃŽ*t. E'Ãiry womnu hoult i ue PAfleuA -Sage not only to banish daùdruff anýd alli ter .h4ir,troubles; but tb prevont fafili ~haii<. balduea, grayness,'and- ladeti lair. PARISIAN Sage puis lite sud l^'uater'inb any person's hait. -It -kevà pathèacalp suad hà ir immiacul ,ate- ly dlean, sud,-causes the- hair tê- corne i&~ tiiick and. abundant,, *PÂRlISIAN Slage iîe' fot - a dye. Il doos ntotainîaparticle of- poisôn- ous lea tol discolor lhe hair or any - a a ottet-day. I-L only coatsý hal. a dollar sud insoald at drug -stores sund, ballet everywherel. A.H;liguaranteis IL. WANT PRENDS GY SYDNEY The authvritlù s II t OÃ,ilu lis- P44a are trying 40- locatele ifriands orXelai of-* mu vuamed Sydnýey Norîho6èteý, The man was, fowïd liyiog, unconssinus ai liaS Oear 1-of AdAicle and Yonge, Streots bbous: two q,'ck- on, Sunday itornoon,. Up tPa alate, heur .las 'i nghi h4had-pot regained- cor:,iciu4ânèsd .itis puiua ii.w die. Ne in a&boult tht-fve years cof age, and only aliout two ,weeu .avo let tii. Weofem- 's ha,"ioeah Jiad beon coidined wtha fIreesm on- «tii' ÃŽllnea. . é*had -t on.'tim= 'bow6ed at.40 Alice streei and aise Those limbs that pain and ache la the heel, instep or ankie, that painfid calous, irritated bunion or your back ache. This Conditiont Is brouglit on by high heeds, mà ucli wakking or standing oaq bard floors, or walks. The trouble by wearing à pair of aur Orthopedic Boots or Shoe. Cripples and Deformned Work a specialty. 1-0Ho QUINTON Whitby's Only Bepair- Shop Brock St.South Misceilaneous Adverts. WANTED. By Septomber lot, ,woman té do gen- erai housework. SmaU fwnily, good ,wags.._ Apply lire. A. A. Atkinson,' Whitby. HOUSBZ TO RENiT.- Base, Linos Es, wlitby; 5 roonis ton, emmutes walk froue Junotion -sta- tion. Low rentai. Âpply b Walter- FOR SALEB Y TEND£R& On Byron Street, 2 lots, frame boumo, brick cllerÃ, 6- large raceus,- halls, -claet, woodshed, frUit 'tres, gaFden,, etc. Tendern wil be rs"ved till;,Àugust- 20th, 1912. The hiîhest or any tender uot uecessarily icptd I(re. Joseph Týhomnon, box 06 ,Whuby. WHE TOBONW MESTEEN RAIWAY Notiçof e i.4ra4y ,given thal a c«r- C'P,-efdth coy i . onlpuas; profie adbook o sefrnc lowzglit-r- 1usdloctIon<f h.lise of- raiway d'the . Tovuse ]P"" su mlbv is i91 Oharto, Great, mat of Spec l traçýons fori tisf ot ti. Ca dan Xâtional lbchi- btin liasjuat bex-i8Slied. i-1ea- tured by thi. L4erià &'Cadet EWview -and Cempýetitions with epresantutive Th c orps iom ail parts of hhe1i?ýmpire, andi the. t*d.lamouà bande froi n- ýWli 4";d tlle-Sco tâ- &arde -Bepd "a dthe BessesO' Tii' Bara Band., -büt hase- ares amail -pVrt cf tii. programe., There i.à enougli >vaudeville flà hali St spectace hie Si-Ëege of Dewhi, ixty nûmbers, o! Iiperialfireworks nuightle~, Welliington'sý Zouaves,. Oe Cadet TatI- too, lotor - »iat races., Swiniming 4aces, War -Canoe 'Races, MiIetio l!eetý Baby,-§how, été. Lt is- trily a vodru;programeC FAMUiM FOR SAmI.' - - To Balate oi J ohn 'T. Carter, daceaieti. 50 a6"s 1.1V. lot 2, con. 1, Pick- i ering, -on,. Eingston, Roati, 2j mîles 514 from Whitby. '.ci, 9roomaed.brick 'cottage cisl no a gooi -barn- andi stabling ; li acres or-; -ard; 2 wellsi; w fenood and in gooti uiste 0o ltivation.: H. . W2, BSTB Whitby,.anti THS 1.SIlTE, Bavonsho,Ri Executors. Toi -À B.,Chirîstian, -solicitor,.hitby. C 1Smm Vomers 9charaeterized Dur busi-, go inthe past.'-Our- ý-ýMOULDINGS aII of the newest'and -up- date à tyles sud'patterns. j _is 0WLGMS Sditi bric M,Xà clnsard roof, '-I ___________ mmn roonis, at air heaitinà g, excelles-t collar, five ecnatnments. FPront ver-I audcsh . 3 X7. Rear >verantiali,19 x7 Elactric ligbt 'and -water. Gooti stable driving bouge aud garde#,n.SO E sud pperedsevea roome, verandh ( O S HE ou a .ee, lahii lndplstaedI eat ana uasnlonable mHïPI2iSHOllE o;,:h;nW e: urSprin'g Stock is now complete. pin., aigut. noms'andjbath, rnudi e hale- a-ful Iine&-of Men's, W ola évafatwide on souili anti -West.- VurAndliahutkitchen seen u, ' ce.m n, s an dCh ildr' sfn a dhev go d - - Apply la +i71- T. G. WHIFEU, :Oft saev y latest designs. Whibby. k cali 0ictd REAESTTE.A -pleasure to showgos S Green St. Brick lieuse, 8 U U Lw u 5000'- ' roomns, b'ath, closit, antidi basin, fisished in hardwocd,. -large cellar, laundry sud -tubs, elçectric ligli: s A log, -openi pIgmbinge hot watcr hcating, _________ strette________________________________ comu="r ltsdedrive, fné lai-g. barn, le:ontion, term*arrang et.F $ 8 0Byron St., soliti brick, de. $38 0tie,-, ten roorns, bath, jFRUJJT-JARS closet snd basin, -'open plumbing, hot air hcating, large corner lot, very cen- With Cherries andi Uaepberries now claiming 1he atteu)o f&j tral) tcrmi. - pru ent house-wife, reliable seal tight Fruit Jarsa area-s necssity. $3600 Byron St., pair fi-arn. 8evi allempte have been madie toesubstitut. a- lmp pressure n bues, seven roomes, in stea c f the'metal sereyw, for 1klding dcwn the glasscvrbthy gocd state ci repair, gcod cellars, sicc iv undMu ustaicer.Te mrce em, butio h ae sized lots, gecd gardens, centrally le-o! s ocîranot iati4 or lass h i od'y kini, is 'atsde- cateti verfysieasy term5 th Dundas St., brick house, mos1 reliable .jar on the market. $P3500 large i-orne, cellar fulli Ae have ýa full lise cf these jars anti wc supply a ruliber ring about double sizedi- hot air heating, bath, closet and-tietic ickscss cf the ordinary,- ring. Moderate pressure upontstikyedn basin,, tirce acre lot, good gai-dan, ring filI makltei jar air tigit. After tic fruit bas ceeledti-thic ing elti b stable anti out buildings-is gooti repair, i-cmc vcd wlîhôutany danger ta the fruit. The- glass top would lie stilil elti fine orchard, termes. daw flrrnîy . Ose coulti turs tic jar upside tiown wîth ring oH. J-Holti the jà t $ i 6oo Fi-rne Cottage, six mons firinrnd tahneit pounci weight ta tic glass tep sud it would sot Pull it lot, gooti gardes, fruit, yei-y central.epcaaitgitrn. Kent st,- rame hose t i. expensive anti annoying te cas up'fi-uit carefully asnd later finti that a ICen et. frase huse perci otage spoileti because cf defective sealing jars. IM475 7 i-oasis, fursace, fine large lot, gooti gardes, out buildings, fruitr- largoý asti maîl, central. $30Heydnsiore Par-k,summer -.-PR'w GLE2i(f isiiet with Geergia anti White Pise,- w a two large verantiais, cîceet anti wooci- WHiTBr Y ONTAIRJE -- shedi, beat location,. - «ne toi, 50 Xi 150,- 'part, cash. ------ By0ronmS.,-brick '.and rougîh gardes, gà o repali-, terrils. -- -BUILDING L6ÃS. ,- $ 0 Byon St.> -J(% ý-acre- lot,- béut buildingisitc in t9wn, fruit f5nd- beautiful shade -trees, gooti cein thé, otherdy..agd o nice $16b0: Brock St., g6ot building lo-t, double fi-ontage, chcap. stationery-.saj h- did't know' we e aOLT y fne-fo und'just-what she watiecL SUsIMer cottage.ut HynsoePark, - awliey SOa fuuihei st reatiy for occupation. Pep syu an D.W TO M G I Wevgt it in: boxes, pads and tables Rom 5, Dineen Building- TORONTO phones > .Adelaitie ?5 - North 5684- Evoi',thl«g InaReal Estate. f - - - a ý à IOIA ý o& Ua « aN rIT.1 Sept. à -eh as Umm 3