A CURJOUS ,f dust t I ob-l rU-WiVOV o 10(. -2Ihd:dustef roina ceutains earth: prll,-minute f j~nnt4 o elothug fibre, bitCef,,à a4id. Tskii and Pi-tes wvenu asy !o v Ilocm and- !urrnitnno; aise -mon] f'~pore, bacterias and treet dust ii y-a gréà trr lest qnantity, acceordin' I'. the oain1 T fhe daiiy éximinatiou cf thée-mil) a 'cerWalni model dairy reveabIÈ Suîd4qny 'a great incroase'iu tht bactmrial ocunt. 'Thé physician aný the,- lract.niolegist examine! th4 - remises sud vatche! evqny proeéu in 'a và in -effort te deterujîne thý Cause, until'it vas ue _ tiéctd 'that the- mnil1k Pails vere Put te Sun wbere the it blev on them. Tis cane reobvd, .the. bactenial cunut me. *uued te normal.- The". -air -sudýd- ut ba-teia &m net oesnari*hy harmful, but whenî leo - numbers are erezent thiey are Ihkely te bé s moug thilein thosie ihich produce disease. A n'rnber 01 o cas.o! 'ilinesa are on record ýd1- reetIy traceable 'te f ruit, but it il - iAcut ,to- detemmine viiether i,ù s&ach çaaes, infection bas, corne -turough duat stting.ou the' foodi 10 t rongh direct contact of thn -t frithIt nfeuted human beings. Betten market inspertien la need. ëd, better protection e!f qod frois - <uit: both in,. transit sund vien on s- ale, 'sud s m'ore id carryiug out O! exià tin g -lav, buboyé aIl, s dernand for chéan f ' Edu-téPart c! the buyer.. -~Précautions shonld-ýahso b. taken agaîiut <uit after the'loo! le de-ý livere.dat 'theé. hout,. lIii modemù cairyng mnch itreu"s lu aiden th« faet that swéepiug tue stable -.. -fore- 'iikiug fl. thé air with bac- teria'wbich are likely te infectý the n ewly-dra.yn mlk." -The same danger anises if food sudd ishes are left expesed lu kit- ochèn on.- pautry durni weeping. Tists "have been mà 4e t e ermine - low g t tus danger ju lu ordinary - - osho:ld irsctice, suc? it has been founci net_ônly that meuida, yeasta aud. bactrissaré much more abun- 7dant lu the air duning sweepiu'g, but that those utirred Up by thj sveeping do -net settie baek agalff for several heurs aftenvard. 1-evidentIy, thin; it lu net sufficieut te cover foocid 'cUshes dnning the. "ctuaI sveepiug;,,they shouid - ré-- main protected-f' some- houri. -Duýtne wi*th- dryeloth c-rfeather' dulater aise, stinUlthe mfbro-organ- if mis into. theéair; for tbus reaion a darnp cloi t te vhich they viii- stick in gnéatly prferajile for clesniug lu kitchen,.pantry sud chin~a closet; lu '!stetovezyvher-e. - Th4ese , considérations aise show the. great sanltary advantages o! modoru cleaui4g devices, of! which a nuumben cf. sorts are nov -on the rnarket, 1by vhich the dirt lu suck.d -truhtubes lute suitable recep- Bits of damp newspaper or damp satvdust ' prinkled ou £ flier vili hinden luit from i ning 'when tihé -rcla aeept, but tho vooden or lincuoi'ur-oovered flor"cf a veII- kept itcheu sud pantry shouid fur- niali littié -duat. Large particies - ho Id'l b. ightly hushed up sud tii. eÃ"m owashed eveny'.few 'days. AsOoure cf diseasé, but oeerý --quently cvénhoeked, les thé pet ani- mais oi ,the househoid. The. fur o! -even tih.'zmet cleauiy cats sud <legs Must come' lu «itact with many thinga vwhicb ve wculd net cane te havé touch.our food. Iu many fam- ILues vwiiere thé animais- are net ai- loved in the. living. reess for flear o!oilin'g Lb. furuiture they an. si-yen fne ..range ilu-kiteh4i sud n mit an a7g cupfJui'of feur; ad, W. four taýblespeonfuha o! butter vhe: jd theooughiychulle<l. Chop Unutil lii n méal; s",dd . ood -vater te malcé' È lotie dough. Chili; mil oua fo- cloth or moulding boul!f inte a r« jk taugulaim sha e; fld encie tevar dcentre, , don bie, turu' h.aif-va; ,arouud sud rolagain. Thia pas jd is a supenier one. ChilI befome moll le îug for pien. MIll the psste- one S-quarter inchithick.-ent Paî t.e a ,eîghth -o! an inch larger than plats eOnt .Étripathroc-quarters o!-an ilue plate. '- Arrange lover "creat 'oz plate, vet- edg.s vt od ae *lay stnips of paste on -rlmn- on tiu a takiug Cam. te îap .and seal thé oÉdi wivth cëold vster. FU11 the. pio viti vhate.vienmateniaila ste ýhé, uséd' r Cnt .ittie alits ilu entre o! ýupppé -ennt.' Lay ounp '*-et edgesc rial. Have'ail eçigegéveil, lèsviu; fuluese in - centré te allow 'loi shninking, Prose e 1e.-igbtly bui firmily. For thi e: For fillng, rmix lye' opfuls o! chopPede tan hennies, hal! a cnp!ul o! choppe, *raisins, eue- 'cnpfnl o!sugar, oe-e quarter o! ýs cùpful'o! water -and one tablispôouful,ôo! butter. 'Tis is - semetimés calléd'- m-eck chery pi. ' ]Boys TI)LEAVE Ifflez.- -New Brttieh Aet .Wlll Work Greai Au ondér han béen néoeivé-d' luthe South Walésciéy itrcsf non the British Home.Office orderlig ail boys uud.r thé'agé o!f fourteeu tA leave -the.mines at euei.. TiBtOfldecision, hmn eusýd'coneter- Wales. Then, 'are at préisent hun drede o! lads ernpioyed lu-th4 minen eamning good, money as leinp boys ansd helpens; but tIllev CeaG» Mine Act, which camée ibto' epera. tien ou Ju]y 1, prollibita anyeuée un- don thet age f!rosà being thns epi- ployed. It is eutiinatéd that in theê Rhoud- <la Valley alone thene viii b.ea vithdmaval o! appreximatéiy 1,0o< boys !rom the cioneii o Éwre et. jaged iu amsiting-te 011 îcai. Con- séqueu.tiy the. colliers viii be oin. peiled te empiey oi4ér beys st a bigher.nate, whulq iiuudrgds o! fam- illes yl fiud'theinr eounces fireom 10s. tem 12s. a ve.k imaller. o Iu the Rh<éndda Valley:f the min- ers' mena are-,nxainily dèpeudénlt ou thie coliienies for employsnt, there béiu-g few factonies and vonrsiops. Amoing these thns hovn out of vomk vili bé young. Rowla.nd -Mor- ris, lu vhom the.Queen 'teck smciia kreat intenest during bem visit te Southi Wales. A veil-Irnevu coliery owuen de- clamed thit mnch higher vage. viii bave te be raid feir vork which uued tobe clone by boys, sud thé incresse in thée Sst of production inut b. foliowod by an inAeese o! at least eightpence pet- ton in thé pnicé of coai. 'Thé minons' leaders aise cou- <brun the innovation, for they say it viii preveut ruany. lads frein au- isisting thein parents -fiuaucialyý. GRAINS 0F GOLD. Thé longer I live thé rnorPe MY mimd <vels uptn tth. beauty sud the wonder o! thé- veld.-Johu Peole bolilve Lun-glass -bouses ýboud drav dovu' thebiind as eli- as net throýv stenen.-Ms. Novin- son.- Hé -vhe speaki - hopestly canes net,. née& net came, if bik vends be 7ý *roWhiOh had so often >onfontma! t bok;take thiepa ge sud let -maen liem- E , i nc d on y - ho u Y<> n1.ýD jd er t t k tor~ O t, 9sshed into bis mwind- 5iD -ar0*8e- Pen *and 1p&ppiY, ne,- A- I have. had ï good educatieon" dë ýýbd(ry-your hand.'ý1 iI aid, "sund, of roiauder- Erithiof .ôbeyed. Heirr S veten!' abi îitkid bobk-ké.pi& a.nd uo forth, seenmed4atie.0èd>with tte 's"Jt. Uo3 i. but Ii-I s .'o ,j4ene: Put tl11i amo pgê t> Ger- InU$t nd "Iqui.unesast~ at, d man, h. s4d er. LrBotae"ut Frithiof worked a way' i' . of, Ci Mid get int44he wa',of thinge. My 'kas"d 'the old autIlor JAçed io snd poot wouldià towyou, etactlywhtyorfro wnth'his- pe, iti VO .o> opl b"glance. now and' thea-à ýiÈê 01'C) cere I woud," id Roy.bent head withl. it fais', osia.ing dd 'Thiîk it oÃŽ iFlack, for at anyiia4rbruà hed eiebit, iii N rw.,*« ate, it ,ç$ ou-id keep you going for a.,uio, d h~fi, Grecian pro-,,&pe âm tueWliie: youý look round,.for a f,14.'upon which 'the, dark look of Ir4 < ~bettWr opening."l trouble est strangely. The, ooxiul' i" s3 "Y« ,there, is no neeci te mûke ceout e -61 oughi$.tymu'.enti p ~s mndtonigit. -SIe.pe po toryad mved hlm,-greatly; Jead'in- itl'$,a.d et-me know how you ,decde ho was etermined n jitîddw a mr le.-mer If you thînk o .h. oould forýhim. . ang tii. ,eI Pro.M la- ingthe situation, ;then'corne sudordered' the.Norwegian mi- n ,Id andid ee mne-in, Regent Street be-. servant te bring lunch for two, à I-muti Ive twveen bal! past on. and two 0o'clock. ding an emphiatic "lstrai " ir-tilT, WoYe cse at t*o on, Saturdays. -An7d mediat.ly), which made Frithiof. woul he Iniy Ose, whether you accept or look up frem hie w4'g. *e of e s tlus . situation, - 1hoe. you "Yeu have flüished Il1askid Herr, depe: id lirai coenud spend Satuz*day te Sivertsen.~ enMoAnday with us here.";. "Net quit.. I can't get this laut what oe o >Ye"are very goed," $id. Fri-bit -quite temi, d.I don% e'tho t l atof, thinki ng to> him~self how.uà like 1ev. there te -an equivalent li Ger- duciic ~d hès pepléwer teany etersh.man for that expression." le a- h.d00, i aceua in London. - "Yeu are quite-. right.- There rooxi c sFrithief iraiked',home te Vaux- iln't. 1 couldn't1 get anythiug for hind I.1 hall ho feit more at rest than, h it Myself.- What have yen put?1 "SI nb , heddu o a Y ds., They had Good!1 very good. It i. an impreve- Jrn Sotpréached et- hlm; thoy haci mer&- ment on wliat I had thought of. ".But Sly gý 9ivei- on. o! the best gifts tht- The sentence- runs better." ishe(I n. cnbgin uthis- world, -tue e $oé ok the.paper fron i table yeare Ssight of on. of tho ' homes where aud mumbled through inl an ap- N thé kingdem e! heaven iiasbgun- proving toue. -Mn. n home, that lu, .wêhere gri-ghteons. "Gecýd 1Iyou will do!"'lh. said- at neye: n neï s ad pence andiy&W t,tu e nd. w *ile welunch te- 5<>hc r, ut, ndwhteercotr îtsthis gte e a iHsitÉi a! -ou 4 reigil of love the rare exe eption. wiiat has ele brought ine? Soe- taI t s ting that pretends te b. Geran make b CAPTR XIII. sauiage!1 G6od heavens 1 The de- ridict t: trîct economy in gas was pr, c- pravýity of the, age i., This 'German that. Ytsdb- the ýMitea - rs and sausage indeed 1 Iiust apolegize ggod- fýFrïthiol had egrope abou lirt yý,oufor . haviug 't on -the.table, rà matches. "Attendn" to i ibut servants are alU alikenew-a- ~ otaparnty ncud1 da --lialike! eu o! fthé= iitj-jpaýenly-inluedrawing y-l o tdowntii.bl.in, orturnig do n .~understind iiow te d&7 the. mai'- :,- th bidbo.d.*n.,dw tmiig properly.* A woTthièise- Ià eiu inestly inite hiWla raton! mid ]he detetdt r oolig Frithiof began te 'bé; faintly à hat urgred him te enatch ât 7tus amused'bY tii. old mân, sud asWh first chance of work, lest, with fresh wïlked away ýfrein MuuM, Street failure and, disappointinent thi :with a w:eek's workunder1hiearm vert desire fer' work shoul' die 4. feit lu bettef spirLtsthat ho had within hum,4 and h. should sink' In- d6ne forsn-time. te a st ate which hie bettere nature- With not a uîtle curiosity h. abhired. Ti..atre ege sought ont the Bonifacos' shop in - stili aslnddfrorn below. ne took [Regent Street,.he se hop wu off-his.boots, droppiug -first one an cons.cra.ted >te, instruments o! ail then -the. other' with a r gesoundin kinds, aud through tuis Fnithiof was 6 thud, upýn'the flier,- after tue man- taken te Mr. Boniface's private I -er oe!'Men. -- roorn, i The. next morning ho went te the "Weil," sad thei. 8howýoewuer, 1> Swedish Embassy 'te ask adcice greeting him kindly. "And iiav, euce, more. you made yeur deelsion 1>' h I arn glad te see you,"i said the 'Yes, sir, I 'have decided te se- consul. "I. was hopiug yeu .wvuid oept the situation," said Frithiof.- look in agaiîi for I met old Sivert- 'I forget whether I told you isen thé otbher 'day, and ho was Most about the. hours,". said -Mr- Boni- J anxtious te have your address. Re face. "RHai! past eight iu the. mor- - said You went off iu a hurry, and ing till haîf past seven at night, au neyer- gave hum time to finishi what iiour eut of that for dinuer, sud ' -h. was isaying."1 half, an. heur for tes. You will have Frithiof smiled. -oe! cojrse thé usual bank holidays, " "Re did -nothing but inveigh and we aise arrange that each of 1against the. nising generation;, and our men shahl have a fortuiglit soin. I didn't care te vaste the wheie tiiue during the summer." A rt -rnorniug ever tht1 "Yen are very thoughtful fer your &l b4 - "You. have tee ittle diploniacy haudo," said Frithiof. "1$ la few, on Pli - about yen," ssid the. consul. "You I eheuld fancy, whe would shlow se sîity,1 1do net make ,thé best o!f your owu much."1 locate - case. Hevever, Sivertsen .seemis o II den'.t knew that," said Mr. is on 1have taken a faucy te yen, -aud I BoùifaSc. "A good rnany, I fancy, advise yen te go te hirn again; he try sernethiug ci the sert, sud I arn wil ii met likely effer you work. If quite sure that it invariably an- u I vere you, I would niake up rny swrs It au not in human nature Popl mmnd te take whatever iiouest werk to go ou foréver at ene thiug--every city ef the Euglishfirm 1 But jeu unDoongeniai te yen," 9eaid -ReY. -it;begi are ail aùike-alli! Young 2men no, "Perhaps," said Frithicîf. "But age be ,adays ..can't put s decSt sentence it viii de aà vei as auytbiug cIao.,.Inu together; they clip their WDrds as And indeed," 'ho added, vsrrnly, pou close as if they were worth a mint euOe weaI-d> put np with a grea deal luý the o! money. A ecrthiesa generation i for -the . ake o! being nuder sua ttendi Bit dcwn, uowiQsit devu, sud, telrnan as Mr. Boniface. " !e.uond- me what you can do.-" teh - Frithiof, Perceiving ,thait wliatYfRET 1t11 ,had firat seerned lke beorishuesu ver. '1 vwas really eeoentricity, toek, thée119 f ~ sd'b Preôffred" chair, aud tried te shakeWDLU I.ga' Off- the, mantie'o! ooelreserve which Uo had o! late falIeu ujiecn hlm. mm Plpaamtimon f LPDgSeS -,w "Icould do'-,trausl,%ting," hé re. noib1air fod la otana pifg en plied. "Eugiish, Ge-zup o Ne- fIt4rbutar neyluîa ~ iotii wegian. I amn willing te do ceopying; sud the -iroublaa c-i Oi te hou,»wise have' mai, t1 but tfiere, I suppose, the type-writ.. tj 1« ed y' o"Uwhich -«Thé -rtjte. mou 12 u iioL ay ers wonld cut m e eut. Any way, I Bo~.e£o a upevd u aa, haefour heure te apare iu the. ev- mul Fu'u a .oomfrtlsg Bda'ta euiug,_ sud- I vaut thernfille!." ""iueb1ugbmfflon, or BDVl 1 - 1o4 ! "Yenhave ïound smre sert o e o'iIidiIbgt, li. bssa4' andstr vork then ahreà dy VI. - fbuttr vi& sBovnl rroUitO "rYeât 1 hhve get werk la iih vii ,b."w»@B or hot, buttered toam wIth-m. mptg rrne in tv*nty-flve shillingsArs I uv dellacia cà liïg h r., Wbat a n u-ià 4-n e:z " ithif fLt:ichi'e4te >c'ho this lieý pretýr 'draviug-room -_onoe a sund" bJcamne conulouis o! thé suoe of an everdresséd 'woman- a umptieus littie- man with bou-chop whiakëers sud luquisi- éyes, whese sir. cf patronage I hive heen cernicai . d Lt not' a gslliug te -hie Norwegiau Li- Bndence. rhe ]Bonifaces, have ne sensé o! ,t isfttlië2!' -she saîd sftérward er husbaud " !The ides e!iintre- îg oeee t~shepienteMeI Mer goiun L es'â raving-. a i vhutloiig t ea.v.b>- 1me à bok o n etquette." ' âho's a veli-mesning seul,"said tsHrur cendescendiugly. bt ountrified still,; sunpol- l. It'a strauge af ter se mauyý w of London hi!e.." rot strauge at ail,"' retort-ed Herner,' suappishly. "8h, w tries te copy correct modela, Lo's -it likehy- hér manuers ld improe. I'm net at Ai par- to Cecil eithém. They'lh neyer ea stylish girl o! hem with their uLionùs ideas about stays sud ,ahi MlI b. bound'hem wsist's ý (Tc e h.outuued.) remarkable instr men', inveut- Mr. Poumn d'Albe, lécturer hY5105 Bt Birmingham tTniv'èr- by ici s bliud pemnon eau eligibt by souud. The inventer thée ight. POVIERTY IN RUSSIA. lation SufferIng From Stanva- tien sud Seurvy. - David Soakice, vritiug te tth. la Famine Relié! Committee, Petersburg, gives éxtracta thé Russian préau, shoving a rable, condition o! thinge in a- ýrding te thèse' extra-ct.,' in rovince e! Saratov, rnany pea- possesé, literaly, not à nag o! Ing lu vwhich te leave their Iu thé village Feodorovka, choelruaaten saya théebhlîdren become '-as traneparent as aund anaer1 questions at lIesnse by pitecua supplies- for food, the village MarnusIr, o!' tue née Teholsk, a littie girl pen- ILy. héggéd hem-ruother for T.euulappy mothér, wvho If had tasted nothiug for sev- daysÉ, became -snddeuly de- a at thé siget o! :hon cblld's uts, sud fiingiug hensel! uponù sun guavmng at it 11k.sasav-, thé Steppêns o! Samara thé mtion, us auffemluigfroru scunvy. 6village Glushitis, as <cor,, fing toe ii.senvvy-stmicken, a- voman dyluig lin a -hnt, vas -haif-muiued-. -Net- eue. vas left, lu e h iad (ncunvy ïahi attackha thé teeth>. -The r,- five:'clidrou i yingsnoaïtionteuse W- sie. , The moth.rmI h ihe bmuéad W1is. - the.w Lue O= est .n ih thit roùbièl fter i theîi tra#veîI.Zo' c snd woekrnend ;4m lie - n01uncef thong are veny frequons, ounutrie* show reg propiortions in this'ý t0Q, Oleems te have 1 Thé anteceenmts aitl <itine *1 iL!.are 1' the finît place w.. more Oftn- affected, healthy coanstitution oral healih.Inseu ment aud prvatin noie. A ertain-d dinkr esta veli andI 'the open air. The. tomd"aleoholli every a rety , isei te The person a"dce fritirne tt Lime be te intoxication >sud lés oft. sud -leës. se e! than thé-loidian &Èiritueùs liquors,:'w cornes in,, eia ,or Who- Cenume om THE SOLITARY whvio imaks use o! ev -original and 1pérsotal Tobacc-o sIenram wçavesking o! the -0y îcnittuts a véery iana.luthe casé o! Tlhui- las certain fac rnuy observe!inu hbibt cf taking a piney - ucamely b. aaid te hi 'effecta, but thené mu à 1opinion as te whether chewng tobacc la a1 lun thia conectin. 'Methyl -alhohl,, on -surpasses ail others frequéuthy occursi pharmaceuticai pre 1 penfuines, vwhich th~ net alvays diadaxu, Il 1 Cologne sud dentifric Long Sight becej thongb excépt iu oxt 1 subjeot au se, te find1 the vfsual scuity la lel eau ne lenger read thé streéts or ahep. signs, igut o! thé sun esp& comes alest in vsat opelý avonues ablaze vith glane. Héeialiabie t sud jes fmaid te:o«, C onghfaro. dis 'gin ýthi tom ti reg eye -bac t, TRias on net vith 'toècýe bi à f isotances te sd .serah psne hav gértaüt a.rin Ã0bâ-ts an. banthese o! s det Uonni- ia~ sdecialve, rée o! équihi- 4 - wheu thé w orks hard -ln, g èssubjeot nudigostieu'4si lônslyaffect- odninkéro! than the. mat ry kuovu onr 1 thod o! iu- y leada te a ight, but -it 1 adjuvant hé aicobelie. Cquite ceru- rance; The o! snuff 'eau vo auy texie différence cf rtue habit o! i riens facter vod spirit a .texic. 3veil Irnovu, numorous arâtions or aalceholie do ich Ais eau de me cases, the hi-5 vay.; But wered sud h. narnes ef the Inu the.full Ecially hé hé- > spaces or in thé middsy ib hén muter Puie LDà WIVE-S IN ENLgAs SPulie AucIo WnA éa na- It 1$ as -long, s popular b elled - ameng tue -ignorant in Ezng1aýd that ifs iamn s mldhie vifé st publie auo-' tien, encb a sale had 'ailthe. legailty e! a regniar diiverced-Ti laet casé e! the ki-nd on -record- occuned -in 1832. John Thompion, a faïmmýiri had - been marrie! for tire. yeamFs, sund h. sud he &f grée! te separate.- Tho>mpson brounghtliis vife'lutotjhé to vu e!Z4 Ca nlile-sud hy, thbe ilman -atuovnced'he; vas about te seil bei'. At tve,ve o'cock Thorpsn- plae! hiewife on s large oak chair' vith a nope or haiten o! strav about ber teck. He thon ruade ~this'su- -nueinent -' '.Gentlemen,' I- have te offér te your notice 'myivif,1 -Mary ,Aune Thosupset, otiervise Williams, vhorn I méant te seilte ti. higiest sud faireît bd<lr. It lu hem wish as vehi- as- mine te part fomevér. _She has 'béen te me only a bort serpent. I teck hem for 'MY corufont, thé good o! my home; but she becaine my temmenf<>r, a domes-o tic curse. a uigiit inivasion, sud a dsily devil. 1 speak tuth frein MY héanrt vhen Isty-msy God deliver us freru troublésome. vives sud freliekseme vomeu Avoid thoem aie yen von-id a mad <le-g,- s roaring- lion, a loadéd .pletel1 choiera mer- bug, Mount Etna, on auny othérýpes-_- tilential thing in nature. Nov I- have hovnu e i.dak ide o!fry ife, sud ted yen o! hem fants and failinga, I vii intreduce the, bnight sud suny ide o! he, sud expait hem qualifications sud -goodnieus. Shie eau reaid novelsansd rniik cove, she cau laugh sud veép with thé saie ease that yen cold taIe a glass o!frîe, hen -thirsty. Indeed, gentlemen, -sebe eminds rue o! hat thé peoet says o! vomen in gênerai: 'Hleaven gavete vemen thé pecu- liagr g!c Te iag ,w eep, 't cheat the. human naco. 1 "She can make butter sud scld the maid, -shée au sing Moore's melodiéesud plait ber foldsansd caps; se cannot make-rum, glu,,<or- viiiskey, but she la a good judge cf thé quaiity o! each frem long-ex- péiece in tasting theu. I thème.. foré offen hem, vith ail -hon,pemfec- tiens sud imperfections, fer the' suru o! fifty shillings." Thé vorusu vas finaiiy soid te- oue Heury Mears .fer the,.sum io- twenty shillings sud a Newfound- land dog:. Mat sud vife paite! inu" perfect ge-d tempén, IMears snd the veman gcing oee ay, -Thorupsot tnd thé dog another.. BOTEEYSaFvidtien- The visual signà aa fined and almost alwai eyes with approxima1 tensity., The patient a feeble Iigh t. Ail and drivers of delive most dazzled and ae bright sunlight. -As fades theïr eyesight the evening their à igt normal' This differe worthy o! attention. Color blindn.sa -exista vith liant dyes. - - I ru affect bti, ily equal in- -les bètter in iolic cabmen2 -vans are ai- il-blinded in -thé daylight uprevI.nl e uvSion le >ombat a, resi orj eeeupation.- %il diffioulty in cie between red 1 JAismep Vre UAATVA.. - .AL j'usip« un utrikes' ai'te prs.e! ofthen-, [vo sud those 'arcuud thein, sud ey are oblige! te' seek medical [i i certain that, 'spart from the qimé sud the nledication reuder- 1adyisabie'by-the ondition o! the '80, the. special. treatnut sehud, salit Ln total -abstention fromilte- iceo sud fermente! tiquons.- Beuzole, a by-pmoduct e! eqai-t4!, ie the. noot source o! our meut brUl- Rne1te absolute 1) n-rit -sea1ed tght-and protected'. from y'-y po e'ib1l.e"contamination-ý l<n tiis ýlêç puet sue *5-Poin& Pickae s u till,-pouidg of sugar.' cleanset, Pacnroege kpr ~you Goecés frrlL 10 r- 'a y i u m m e n g t h e t o m 13-' Regave_ thein thew-.. 2 record, ±hsa thé e m7a4d Depla Io' 5ne intimetion, lbc they vere côrnrnsnded TJJ.sghM ten ie l bot-two -thousar rnstéd by Mei terror-str In. uthe city-Ger, 15W isnight rmind 1.- were. afraid!!O Iéins,pow',r which oi 'démeons aud.résulte! ltret-ecà rd.. n - v "%- %or %o TORONTO -- Oth4 1 1 ý'I'. te the cref - -farrative. --inuzz1od. -ae -as tiiongh s 10~<X.The. Greek 4: it net eon] thé Ies sheuld bee thtit aou.ld me the great, stérm' -40. Hlave"ye question ucema cipai ilessen wh intended teb tea the preoedin;g eéeflithat thés. iutimatly sD -shonld ha-ve he Pover sud -disp thein -yet the zi efulIa-ck o!fr rappesi to their' -spea.kës the diMat -then} Wien,,on-ilr The stillxneg o! mor eideta O! miracles- ,* ' faith in Jesuss -41. Feà r e x en accuzt o! tif îè -~becaupe of!-the- v hich Jesus exeyr Even thé: wind * /him-Recoe-djil 'tic Gses ni lPr- sinmadie - e.diséas. and J ~Jesus, but, the!jna 28 reads dig4 sa, or Kersa.,!rýzii -euGerasenes, - itu-a-ted Dn--thi,&eU south, sud-about shore, Thé Shore poeife is narrow ping aà bruptiy f rec l '~and teb the, wa4te theire is nther ' ign.ated. by the preper IRUZnn. a4 - - othr iand, &rne" oitysix miles sout &nd he-]1 rnuk gorge-. Gadi Sthée Pr*-ne Palif Copre -verre 2M. idely - cutLide c vas Gerea, snd th ldte th>. subsit rêin es for- Gera~e during the muv> ceý -thé invai'ntiof<P! der im thiatmore oc thIis kixnd than ac"tui - net fo und in 111Q G 2. Straightway-I luMark's -rabid s Te)mbs-cavee in A inian-_Maîthew LuIre. hoeever.,-mei LIt, à not Improbable aud acted aasepo)kesr Text Stud ie-s fox r on Dmon' Possessier 6. Worshiped hirn- Orece.Thus~ as al Swhièh clidn ------- it t thé verishi vas a conimon- ineanxE person aocknpwl-edged ktY of a 'hr -The 4