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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Aug 1912, p. 4

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1 sdid xîn ywr 1911, in Pur- IsuÇa of tMe CGoasolidate-d Munci- ýWIIKREzAs tis Councit f! the Týwu' 0f1, htby had rior tesayear[i byBLaw adope thse Local Imàprove-' Wn ystem i:resp ote iba in A 3ND WKÉRAES dUriag tise,yaar [911.- theo Counsil of tihe sald. Town cansruct- eldewalks of Icement sspoa cigW1hteen uItr ets Withln theè town, thse sanie being - ctIadinglor principal or residenia tosp as set out in schedlié 19WA to t7w" By.Law., 'Thseproceedlntgs for the construction 1ý he, sa itightècn pori o t.1suie- wWiks n mntlaned inscsebdule, -A" were -cqmmuenced u nder. ihe i nitiative 'plan, a*4 animously adoptait iy the Couaci et, ie .Towna ai Wlitby, thora being nýoré tbisn wothirds etni l the membars _tl reof presout and.voting therafor; AND- WIf*mità al afthsesaiti works d$crbed in schadule."", 5,5.., werc perforqieti, un4,r'tfia sast-Local ft provceeait»Y',-Law,. wherin it was pOvlded. that 4Q0 Pa c'ent of the cost ao *cqnstruc ion et-tise Idaiidewalks should bp p - vl dndborna by- tIe Murici- p itîy and, thai 6o par cent ofthtie said crst aoi icousttution iboulti be borne by i4cal 'assesusent upon th-c lands- ta be -nefited tiserçby, AIt» WH!cazA5 tihascisedula, hemeto, atahed marked d4""- shows thc streats og partsof strocis on whîck' sucisraide ujalks.hav-e bra laid, the-total ýassess- >1 Ont of thea properties- benfiltecl accord- agta lbc aitrevised asasment rili, 4. asamber affect frautage, tise total, eai aof mach impravemfeuts, the amaount tl be borne by the Corporation, Mie anoit t tabe borne ' y the owners b-sefit d, and tise annuai amount ta be dif by- tise owncs for twenty years, iu okder topay tise csi ofi-te *dimprove- in cnss, tisa said tweuty years beiug th ç estimated life oai mmd impravemcnts as 4~own by the report af the Chairman on; - îreets and Imprqvements ai tise Councit et the-said Town af Whitby, and aftem due repart i t ft committee an stieets 'andsi impravamentsa$ ta the coit af' tise - i 4d works respectivèly anti as ta the 4ssment ta bhé marela respect of the and alter due revision'of tise vi.o isld under proper"notice bMai1 oeéncernd; Ai N» WHEREÂS no petition by auy _fthe owners of tse lots hiable ta- be sp«iaUy us fo r sucis work lias beau pj'esentec tottlsCouncil, of tise Town cf Whistby net teocdih the wiirk; !AND -WHZRE£As .the- aid 'SUot'a $1,580.00. kas> beau raised by -way of * tqmporary Ioan, anditth* said several, sidâewalks bavç beau paidfor by theý procceda aifisÏcis an; tAUP WHER2KÉAs, the probable", lite aI * ~ ~ ta\ad iewalks s tweat7ycars = romn th~e 4ate f îtiueo sedenur; AM<D WH-ExtAs is nessary and eýpMdent ta '"Mlse tbc aum cf $5 58o.oo, bpsng-tisaamôunt of the debti nteudeit t4be crcated by thi' s BI-Law,- ta pay tisa colt of' sucis improvements by tise * , "isue af debantures, by that, amount *bWaing interesi at 5 par cent par an- n 1 im payable annually, cf wt.ii'sum $6i3.ig lu ta be borne'by the Munici- P lity and tise balance cf $2,959. 19 by .1e ewueru be'nefitd The said suin af 558oboo and intereot ta bc payàble in twentiy conàeculiie annual payments cOmnclng witis the ycam 1913, and esding with the yeam 1932, and totabe * pýyabIeian ccis anniversary of tise pas- sing oi' this' By-Law, and. ta issue sucis ,dé6bfit1'ress ctisat the ea'gregate amount paybe for principal andt intemest in any bu 6('such Yearst'Iall be as nearly as may be equal ta wvhat îbauld bc payable for princiç ait.uti intemest lu cacis of the. ~dm ,cmdArt@ Jormlt - 51w BIIduWSwmt itemS ygluleeq',p> '4 Meti. o.ulnlCana- TPool, SbowS »-A &-,Pm eab 'âtnt5 1' i t -, Invisible - - 1<" BIa Focal Tisa ona *la. for- #eading, 'range purpones, the otiser forlong range.- LU'KE lnesi.. TOJRONTO - kaid-cdulç; AND Wùiicits e portion -of tise saiti debt laitvi4entianed. vir, thea part theieof ýp4yab aby thse ovisars, is creet- ed--on the'secassity of the gpeeial rate seitheti by tisis yT Law and-' on tisosese- qsrlties only, bit tÉe dabt, and deben. turcs hsueit tharefar are isarabýrguara- îed by 'theèýMunuIcipality at laàrge, sot. wthstanding aunyting cnane_ clause D, sub.-se9 sf -Sec. 385 ef utsa consolidated Municipal 'AcS 0f19031 Towa of Whitby ctua qlv, s. aid Sclsedu.I.: "."_.n.W sa be rendos artettssy-m 2., For thepurps of rââ in 1 tha'sai saus et- $S,it8e.oatmenty dbeuëtures of tise'Corporationi of tise "oa i WItbyîhail i b e sast6,b ;he isa14 à- niauteof $ý, 58o.o0 lu tie wsole, luu o g lmq auïtan. 0100 aucb, nui is smre shb4Il_ ba 4iued on, tisa- Tweity. Fift il4'ayaf !foveasbar, sil, eacb . Of, day oi tbime, tisaraaf, *ndslsal;,l4p payable-on ts tweuýty-ýùÉisday<i Novamber inecis * Ye4r fqr îwçnty yaaraj viz., lu tist yaaru. aneutj4l; tl1 nexi enuuhag'uccesiveiiiutaii -ya5im. 3..~uc~,ebenurasshahbaar inter. est atf tive '"Pe reent- per antium payable yar1y inucalch -an4 evçry. year turing, tise cuirren*' onfpItise pd'debantures and-t hiall hava'attaclsa4 te ;4010 » GQp>9M tam, sait itebanta 'res sai! bc issucdi lusuçi mae*nuer that the aggregge amount pay- !able fer principal îCud, interait -la respect to thse debt in any- one rofscspar. lads of twent'yye «j -0411ibe equal ab 0nearly gas may be t10 wbat i4 psy;ltsfor principal and intentI igaqy of the suid yearsas forcmaiti, as sbhOwn ju SÈchc4- ule "W'"to tSis By-Law, Tise asseunt I each sanual -payment of principal eu 'adinterest baing _0447.75- Racis af ,sait dctelutr s ssal he'argneti by tise Mayor ai' ftise a4 -Corporlion, or orneê 015cr persan aatlisorl:d isy 14W sigP 1tise smai, ansit by,,tlise rcasurcr,anuit tis Clark sbtl aU tia 1Son!;,of- tisesait Corporation tierejo, > Tisesait couponq shah h aib c 4 bj> thea Mayor anditbéhpTrepurer a..'ths uai, dieben;tures'anuicoupons hh e.yi1 ai tàèe office ailtisa Tream 1u rer oai 'wmit -C.orporation aofiseTown 'ai Whitby,j * -The »M;yor and Trreaicrer -aiçis sit CorporatIjon .r.I)'eby authorizied ta negotiate ark4 eil.i sd debentuiets hereby atWrizait té ba lsù,ed*:,nuito1 use thse proceM5thertaf ln paymeut ýOf saiti &Wb, msd fo>- upptjber purpose e*_ purjioses WIsatsoever * -.For tise pUYpas. cf paying tise sltdeisanturestisera sisail 4 îW-land, hevined lu aitWtithitteail other,-tés, iga;ai andt haies i.cacl year ao t é _eu1aitpetot af tweaty years on thée .hcle-'mstaalé property oft tIsaýsaid Town e Whtb IiabW4-o be ratecifor tie-se:mnie by ang' 1anual upacial tata therefor asâuim ufti- dient taéaytiesaiitàsum a01 5na9.70, a part o et aiI -a: of 8447.75 requireit bo he aiaii unshytoietire tise Corpor- Sations portion of ma ,id dehantaras aA. by asinual spacll rate -on :tlisa réepropcruy e- f 'tise wner ,bcneiitad by sait improv- -ccoiting goUe trontage uhareota si 1suffiient ta psy itise simo! 838.05, baîane-ofthtiesait sain ai 847.7$ as a ýfaresaid,-by- way of a Local Impjrove- meut taK lu -respect af micis imprave- ments, wiicis spacial rates sisaîl be aunualy lusertedithetsa-Cllctar'sRaol andt collectadi th ie sainie way ai cuber rates iu ths me. - -_ 6. Jiuriug thse twcnty' yeams corn- mencing witb x9a.3tise aboya mnetoneit owuers' -property assessed* for thea saiti itebt ai a Lacal 'Improvement shah! be .exempt trous géeieral taxes for ulmilar improvements to tis a auosit oai ua% thareof anhy. This By-Law &hall came into force on the finah passing theseaf. SPassadinluopen Cooncîl--tisis a9th day, SCHEDULE "A" REFERRED) TO IN THE ANNEXED BY-;LAW NO. 825 0P THETOWN 0F WHITBY. i- Commauciug on bthe Souathisidiei aif Front Street wiscrc it intersecta tise -Eat lumit of Brook Street theuce alog thse Nothsîsie af Front Street to tise East.ide of Duffanin Stieeb, poduciug 1,200 fet hiable, for assessmeut andt 1,322 feau by tise Town z. Ccpimencing ou tise Soutis sida of Firît Street thse distgnce ot 994 tact 6 incises, produch9g 477 - fet hable, for assassment and&3 i i f et by tisa Towp. 3. Caomencing en Gilbert Street whcme l it ài ntersacted by, tise'East site cf ReyuoldsStreet, tience Nartisag dia East ub ideo Reynolds Strel ttu isý - Norths site 0ci Dunias Street, praducing 2,844 feat *- hable for ussasment eutd 2,398 fèet. by tisa Town, - 4- Coinmenciug ,oi'.Duntss Street where it is initensecteit by tfiè-ut'tb of Pine Street, thence Nantis along tisa 'Est sida -etFý-ine r'Strçt té, t5e Nprtisr -aidé eýr eP.am tSreçt," mducing'It,5feèté hlable for aagàsimeut'elj1 , fuelbY ise To'n" *'-'- -- - .Çoinmeia4ng on Use-N<rtissiitq cf Dunitas -Street wbere 4 itersects. tisç East site of Kent Street, ta îise Northl site aifisIary Street, pretacing 1,674 fietIiablïé'&r -asmàesnarâh&d;'0 î-&-br thseTo"o.. - - -î- - 6.' Coumcencing on tise, Eesb ulte o? 9reernStrecu t tise ,intersectIon u~ ts North site- of Dunlo-P, St"et, - th-edé ýWest aaug.tise Nuth-ite-of Dunjoqp Streét te bthe Eat *uite of King . Street,1 preduding,2,588 feet'iaishefor assasu. matnt anti 2,39z by bise Towu. 7. Comrnencing on thse West site cf Broak Street et tisa intersectien of thse Narti site ot Cohisorne, Street, bhence Weub aloug thse North site of Cohbornel Street t te iaEst mite, etKing .Street, producing a,33 6 feet- lia'ble for as- meçnt assit 2,2Ï4 feet by tise Town.1 ois. -Cemmeciïnég'- on tIse Westidae etGreets Siret' wbere il lutersecta the" Street, .pmeduchng tÉ,si5 feet Bable for l(-onday' IInI a4>sgbso ausasient addit778 faut by UiTown..-ged. Ile eu t 4t iawst 9. Commeucing1 <ýn the- aserth sida lthe stove anut-iytîade a -Muma of cf bandas Street viseait- iterscts tise kitchen. '*'~ J eat ite,,et As Stï,eet,, . ieuce cOsai aloug thé ,ortb rida 1of Duntas strCeat ta ,Ons Frl&sy haust Dr. Procter wasf; isa weuît ide ef Garden Street, produc. te attend tva workmen; who.bad -fi ing 4,193 (et Iigble fgr Wnmenansd rom a bans rôgf ou Ccl. FÇeUgtt'a 'i !ijl'leel btise oW - na suest o Wht2" They were n of-Dundas Street- whïk, it lu lutersecatrelcsi aogtt ofas'9 by the'_Wet- side -of Àsh Sret, thjencê way et one andi and let thse mé*ail nantis alg tise wss dafAh et tise roof balIthe ground. to-ts*seti uitetiMry, Streetro.waj- r n crd'sçonsçot tM itucing ;5feeiap otsasiateVrbm~wqb auit î,a4lly ieIII . Bots men are ffRçi 4ý sji i.Commýnenuçàug nth#secagt#idet B, IH Breaçk Str ", ,Ït tise Ipersection ef tise- naeisthiite.of Mary Street# thp;p partis Ts lcrcl trgo1f along'tb# ecast sida ', Break Street -te :ng was respousihie fori n ties suts g$140i ohf$rot poicing ToWnship oai'Pickering Ie" 1,308 etact -able ogasss»ateu 8:Heasley, a young Imlism 511 rom feat by fieon ait, an emnployec on C P. R. consi 12.' Coamse ecing on Use wast smiott ion work, wau, struck by lightning gym ke~fppt, wbere it-' intersec ts-thIsutautiy kileit. Ha wai barait aan nprtis &ide ief, Mi',Frj reSt _ecWest Churcis of England burying gri ajong e nqFli s idp q ~yserçeelto Plc4efeIL ehp waotsî m4e cf Centre Strget, prqtuc BgoIjGHT B4CV RM LS Jng 497f(Cpt lIqblg fgroçgmissppnt 4it SF IN pRM CONÇ è6 fet by tise Tovit. ION F IRAICN 13. Cammanclasg aontise east site. of ION _O_____ Broclc St. viseme It luintersecuait by tise _JoisiMumrich af Uxhitge, vhî soutis bide ai Dunlop Streau, thauce going wast on theC PiR. bamvestes soutis along thse tast side of Brack St. cial yeteritay, fçil off tise train bei ;q tihe soutis sida af iGlbert Street, pro. Midiusrt anti- Caiphurst ' nd ducing MW7 lest1141Ç 9for inse.sîent ggverely lujureit about tise iseaitandi assit57a fecet by tise Town. kc s'as broughs-t tiste Union St 14- Comrnencing on tise wast ite cf lu an uucouscloum condition ai- Brück Street wisere it 18 intersected by tiis M aiing on tise C.P.R. trai tise Northisiiteat St. John Street, thence Muskoka under the came cf Dl. W. soutis along tbc west site ai Brock St. Adams cf ['ilîsitale and talion toaa ta t4 ogqtJ1 sj4ecof front Street r-jJa uth oIelca1~ ducing.8. 1 e. ie 4qa~smesptp - Pr. Mt. E~îjgsp .P u andi 59s feet-by thse Toiyn, le pt 1ett. f Cbq~. .9. ur f *CCpM'ap4cig OP -tha sgrth S 0dcii - bas sustaineti oonoussiau o1 ai-daoStrieaetvlbçro itIllt u usted braln,- by tise west sIda ai Centra Street, tisanca - nons aun tise ýat sida of Centre Streatu LOCA1TING Sft)ING TO INSA' toUshe nanth isdie of Mary Street, pro.- 1'lQSPITAL SITEZ ducing 1,$tg f! t qable f4r aqeqsipeut ~g eç~1erg iePi an e e$ by ; p Tqwq.. - Rlway -0ata- ay inspectait us t6. Commenctug on tise vest sida posait bocatîýns of tisa Granit 1 of Bock t9jdp ee uuop Seretts tise sidiug to tie site of tise'Ontario 1,îjý4 1 Ide-o DulopS!yet, tence pital for iaéI0sane, praliminaryb moulhiq.lo»~tisa e oi4 f Bmock- Boarcl's issuing an oimier for is conj Ssee t tsenpr;#' 5id5p jf, Q-týrio fjj4'- Strpea, pr9ducing 1,;97y feet hiable for,.Tise Qovermment proposai ito .aswummentit.st#,96j fept iy bthe 3'ovs. thse main ljpe oppositre the,,static -17. - Com inencing ou dia ewast -site Wbîtby Junsnion anit run scitbw' of Byron Street where itlu s,,utarsectait ta wbere ts ulig r eh m by thse soabhis ida aiofSt.,John Street, on tise blulff overlooklug Lake Oni thesng slong Use weit ite of, Byrou crousing,,an route at grade ai tise Street to th eoift 4 4cf Trent Steet» hue rond or Victoria sîreet, andals, proiuc;ng 7.8.9tact lialle for saeniqoen oi t4q gtt tsr ait49caby ts'T~r wiatis ou g.r etise aWagrcea't -4a. Cas méepng 99 tle enast sitie it wiî coutiàùp *0 l4e ssed as t4s et Byron Street ivisrgpil j jý fisfrseeted qvpnqe t f pQ-4. p tisiittiqtic by tse go»jh s#da- cf St. Jq 5birt, 4n1pnweTMes rqec tisa ce sat 41ogg lIsp çgst sida ai 4ltogether qvids &be creStjon af a - Byo"» Street, roding 521 feej hiable 9ossfgjrehngls ostl fo sess.~-and j47 ted hby tise thse town. This rmus paràflel ta Tm- 1- umwestard lonr th %nt*lici SCHEDULE "B" REFERRED TO IN THE WITHIN ATTACHED Y' je u Dam Ps.lusI0II qpm aTOta 1913 $279-00 $168,75 $ 8.44 $44Ï7.75 1914ý 270.56 177- 19--8'46 a" 1915 26t.79 -î86.oS 9.3o 's 1916 253-4e . 193-35 9,77 1917 242.63 2o5. 12 1.26 4 1918 ;932.37 215.38 10-77 1919 211-69 326-15 11.319 1920 210-30 237-45 11.87 1921 198-42 :49-.33 12.47 ' 1922 185.96 261.79 13.09 1923 172-87« 374-88 13-74 1934 159.13 288.63 14.43 1925 14470 303-05 15.15 1926 129.54 319.21 15.99 1927 113 63 334-12 16.'70 S 1928 96.923 -350-83 17.54 1929 79.38 368-37 18.42 1930 6096 386679 19.34 " 1931 41.62 406-13 20.31 " 5932 2 3.2 421,43 1.33,1 $5580-00 $2 79-00 NOTICE. - Graund'i'ruuk untîl tisemite rond a refermait te su passed.- thenca seul] ta, tIse building site. Reprasenting Govermmnt werO ;- DapstykMit, 4rmstroug andit rarsJ4Idanager' also Engjuaer M cCiqiocis of tise G Trunk an4 f4ayor qýowuy.-qClQbe in the ý ýBel- tr uc- gand n thse io wai lwcen d aite. nation 12.20 t fram "F.M. -Sean, Di the ANE Inion e pro- rrunk Hos- to the Istruc le4vre ion at @ terly' ,upeit ltarie, e base clqe ouly ion. 6 ansd f tise above .isamly Ig tise asister Toit, Gmaud )e, G43oIic Etifa for S416 becs runnlag'ste4dily tll idusplaced by olectrie power. Iw »U for 1ou. à. A 6-boras Power watr-Coold englue, made by Gus .power a"t Launcbea, Llmited, Toronto. Corn bo Ieem worilng. A splendid englue. Cost 8300.00. 8150.00 Wl)! buy il. C. A. GOODFELLOW, - Gaztt, anti Chrodele. *The aboya lu a truc Capy af a By- Law passed by the Municipal Cauncil afi-the Town of Whitby on the ninteenhbday af August, A.D. 1912-i And all. persans are.barahy requimeti ta take notice that any oee desirous of WANTED applying toisave, such By-Law, or any Ne ohuefl u tmaille& 1 part thareof, qusabeit, must malte lu neW en *MW asbt Valne foS the Mme,. application for tisai pumpose ta tise Higi. bblgte-oqu&ionse aeiad Court of justice- witisiu irea rnonthujs adqmtuies ve aa -next after tise putblicktion cf ibis notice &t saaot Ilao red hrm smalt once a week for ibrea successive- waeks g, 055iea1) e -pan. Apieauta ioudlei in tise ncwspapcm calleit tiseWbitby îi,'rMEOUMbdl ofIe a' li Gazette, or ha wili be toc, bate ta be =t baaidln heard lu that beÉisai . 1'solitêLOiIti WhitbyJOSIPH If ÏTEI Ea. 4ttCr.laS 22nd Augu"t; 9. Town Cleris.iVIOn 44,91 ea ion'ç1-q olTe.iy,-sp t,i,3rd. pe sJ. Rose iitdwitb friçpdm in .4~~Jn'frçons boraareatedn the EîîhIbjt!io] in Taron$oý, .v Xr.o;rne. Due vàiUIId with friends 1pý Greonba k a n- Suday. I3EAVERTO1N. The Beaverton Egy.teu offers $100 t qy the boqd of th ditko l3tmooe %ea sef. pent., Dprs the cd itor want the head as an omnarent in bis s4nctumn, or doas ha, propose tb make a dlsb of heati cheese. A meeting of the Library Board held Friday" cvi ning nwar-ded -the contrnct- for the new public Library to Mr. James Snelgrove, of town, and y'ç ~4rtn the 4xj£k Rnq1 Mascin.wôtk geai ta M essrç., Halward, oai Canningion. When conmpleted, thé-building>fw1li bc anothar ornament to the to " adwicb wel have no douùbt will'prove a greatincan-, tive ta tIse liÏerary -tasitee < qr p~e Work is to bR,çoqp4 4 4 cp nd it i*»bpç41ti vb nY e- tlWU14i11gcïyarg4 A ursal Mail Delivery service is being inaugurated théJatterpaàttpf ibis montIs, stîrting out from- Bo*nmnville,"taking in Soslîb Darliigton, Tyrona andt hç town lune, Clarkcanud ~14g9u Among tbqs.ç t@ p stçped e thej- lingtn4Clark'ta.wp'Iine are Frq4Biaïck- hurn, W, Fogg,ý H. -J.SochHnr Kailey, H. PL. Rowe, WW. ýS. Covile and Neil Smith. Mr. W. Edgem bas*buit a fi*se Wagon for Bowmanile Fire- Br4q~ .~ ycriq b4ndsgrnp1y pwlute4 andtlook$ to 4rtlstiç lo'ba te4 yt Thé bu-i. gade is n,iînrlly ver>'- Proud- of tais valuable aiiis etar'aleu ment. Drap 1-à toseý 1t. -ALMONDS. Remember tbe Harvest HoM,ibirt qn Septeinlier.14. Harvcsting jýj radier a slow- joblthis scasqn, n 4cçonnt of tbe wet weqtli. .Mr, -ArtbUrMsey1 pnlgoe of bis holidays at Muakoka. - Mm', R isnvisiteti In,,Oshava lait weck. Miss Leta' Baistion and Mrs. George Grills spent Sunday at Mr. Parsqa', Darlington.,1 Miq Ma)bej ioWe Is borne on ber vae#tloq. Miss Nettie Carruthers is borne aI Sqr'eet qqryogsig Moq 4MInkini of gîtifitaut'wese. Siatv with qm,' boys. -Mr. 'Brnce :Hqn'ter will con dqct the services hema on Sunt.ay ne,çi. Miss ]F4ç of e, Landau, MiAs tece 4Ù4 Miss McÇ;magc>r, of ICedron, vlslted ai Mmi _Wm. 1-ali'a on Sisnday Mm'. Kemp, sr., is visiting ber'daugh-« ter, -Mr$. John Draper, Pickering~. Wliat moigln baye proveti a very ser- iauî accid ent, happaned at Sir Henry Peliats farm tise other day, when îwo men fell fmom the rooft; but we %me glati ta say tbey are bath ecavering. Quite a number from here attended the Audely Garden Party Tuesday. Miss Phoabe Orvis, of Idaho, who ha been enewing aid acquaintanceq here, bas returned to ber bompe. Mr. Fred Rowe hba psjclad Mrs. Gold's famm on the tawn linc, now accu- pied by John Ailman, and Mr. Al1lian bas rented the faýrin '10w çcupied by Mr. D. Bath. COIJNTY 0F ONTAR1IO. Uxkbrldge-Jan. 12, MercIs 6,mai L": CANNmNGTONCrr, oe Smlh - a gt6ft-.'a.IiiMari -2,Ey15, JuIy' 26, Spt'2 NV 21, JIU.. 1, - 4. B EAVERTON....Lrk, Js . GroBeavrtaja.1,ari le,, ml'8,loi; 29, Mal7,'_July à2', S.t. 5 W TOrder> LDIR UHLIL WMIc& _% NL'on BROI c ppaaiy-ti arami ani able ta- Io: 5T. sh co n - - cct lciwQi4 w co 'y fron a ra -ref ~ ncé teoneof l*hvis tturlu tise pait yCATSis stèaitily ait. lion, lu tsaa' -andi in ramiei te tise ttia Kick,is sdan bçaauîy, rpnaze ef'tise ep* ears. Sis Sbar af Auna a 'New Yenk f f e uýo t b e a u ti - nistage. Shar est -beautiful forib-cemiing iler &rsb lu t II >ie-- Plate e quality aiship.' 3rge Ba. aývyvsilve m 'border FA Wl ITBY GIRL rang pe4u e fraye ,sciseol; rents' ime influeusce bQ brouitw wIdtoiundrtake i duties! !er~sesevcu, aiways- i- tiseir1 -Wien eur yç andi leave -tise- go eut into bc Iita's vork anà aur mits acçoj records etfa - fui acisievema uvibils cont , Mivskçç 5119 Psut YonggP< pUblic layer--s 'Vida Pari, 'Iho Matiuhetnent et tise haad 1%IL Mads, lus neyp i *tçb elied" kgc b9 te, C, Isvugs'on u~as eounia'y-fIor c - i haï beau a fë, ea m HeId's baanty boys ar msas vpickatdIm 1uý byt managffloasnet tise t' (ni wosien on t en nos' is known as 'the- woan inluvaud Yi He. Hf eppeanancaei viii Milwaukee. Eu .Wf EV Pump4anua, Urer -bop sud Meut Threodoors 'i mear propane iou pampa3aa attend ti PueetiMsget ..Phase, NO. ii louca, D 5mau 5troat rait et WlsiIby i1euso, I10 maliwooit or cshort motice, aise ifUiktlu4 f r- Oatar,'O WIDd mai. Crèe Sepu etor. n rltauo AW( carpe in the other day. sta Ïonery-said she di T he deman& _for harvesten -froni points 'along'.tbê -Gran~d Trwik Pacific very acute, andth Ie rail waycompany bas sent out an urgent cati for. more men.. Maximum wages are Promised,. and railway -rate-& matie Jlo and ýeasy. WiRËLESS AT MlDLAN1M Thse wireiess station at MidI aba .beeu compleved somç weoksanazd bas ýn ow an opergtor and ùaà -si charge Whro are- in, direct ý consmunicâtioD with New York and other-pèints daily.* Mid-- landerià, May sOW .h-ave New York news, teQ digest whie eafing breakfast everX WAiRREN.-At. Whitbyý o.A 1912, HenriettaFtzaboth, 5 Praiuk Warreu, Mi)D., ans1d àli 1 g O thb* late Thomas Burns, of St. #x1nses, .in hb. O2nd 3>ar.'& lE cilden ae abiwo t tacke,ôtcroup, ttaclc m h j ptralioasensai ive 6adears Canadian Pacific Ràiway Ho.Me Seekem _Excursion To MaDitob, Bsk&tc5xewan. Alb -onsa. Koewatia Aluguat liasdMW2"11 Sptshs-iri awlits canada ana Unitedt Statek.- BY Rail» anti Lake Routas. Tonnit-'ripe tâ .Mo)ntreal_ Québec and Chicoletimai, sud int,emniàite pbrta. For TicketsB Math~ft ail infrato Write or Call01on E. R. Blow,- Oioerl Tloketo,Telograph and Express Agent, Whitby, Ontarla BOeu Phono 9. P.0. Box 608. Home Pisne Imd. ii. 55. a - - - - - [- - - - -wanted some nice id'tknow we kept $ an s' 5 fine-.fôund-just what she- wanted. Ierhaps yoýu can. Weve got it in boxes, p4ds and tables. p J au, i VVI5IIDT p are geaîl tIe chaapeweels. We mieàk by thIsas *heels thsi arechceapiy madi, nat , those tisat a e soid at a "rçason- able'prHce; ar4ý net va A mal Nej 'dviséçl, ind it lu Wisecià tcs, casts lse tban jiséchp t iseveul 't sbblity, iurabiliuy.:, ad Second M '.sale LA variety o~ Vases, aI1'sHÉ silver moun &solid silv -Dish. or PieK-nif A beaùutîful F -A handsome Ail banid.en Or, -Stock with- -a We have lots f lots for mhore. extensive lne Glass. Jeweier- O Whitby w.c.-- L Springffi loue 0, W- e viil ltely retu me an experence 01 prOl - at.hr pl1aces thse liqu --condacteit under tise ealhed 1Busines 'aind Àamoition, -whieh -pi o- o1 strict regulationa foil, if ilwera Te!nsta tation::coftie numbl not more than fifty. and thse alleged -asu nasa .- men neo-lhangari ing oni tie present' ec Issue sayg "ýDmrïng the dry reï -Sprhxgoeld complaine t"lsg ta do, and .us- - <O vote tise town wel -- plain a! Seing overw( itepartment askad for, trolmen and an(lafi tise present facîhities Cauncil granteci tIhe- extra 1p&troînien, ar - nints to purchase là1 ",The argunet tv~ vating backÏtIser. sml tise tan rati, -vet. wl collectait rom tise 10 emationl in thse city- t been materially:i- mea Yen eau ngett-repaî or range e e. :M. Mr, John -n auto. - - Men's navy bluew $20> neduced te 1. -' Auguat -31, at w.- j M, mage Sale, allize The ahmost daily r. ve-ekâlbas ~ety-i andi bas eccasioned 111 basa'n t iss> county- Attie ofaiwritinl betterin tise -weate Par biargins in' window lu Mctn klsBeruba -Wor2 111 ai 5cr fatise'sha weeksnit--appeare bai again beaut force A fu in iOtfla store. -- -WA1N Tve apprasitian.'l ig .Apln' RES 0F ONTARI( TORONTO We J. ff, Ric hardsoUn Leqdig B:ook6eIfer 'and, 6tatîao - H,*O FAI r! LADt % no IERSq-lLft. WiAUUp Ai CGOING TRIP W cV" j's RlZIPA&T. la fsLe>G O igmyor Udasa. alÀetard moftc uto pego vUUS e, dfrmTqrout t uabuclt t . 1 su aUC.P.r.ant AVGUI 38,-Pro TorntV'nd al a ToronWto ýa' 4 jldIlngwý Gsn '~ ~~~ýat ï(ru k MiniAn. t of osrth. nd FsemToeota dst" 0 u ÀUeUsrS6w8th-rom Taranteoad ail stations, West, là Ontarla- Norhs Bedwxm - uulgCP.R. siatlos, Sudbury t té aks t.. 04marte One.way second dan ticket# ta Wpupeg ouly yulb., ticket '.111laclude'sa WdtfiatIon cembfiate. wltis an extensio copon . i tqem4 opon busbem asignal etWlnM i5ft~.WfLeb a !t" bler ta . ga- h s s i=s1tu tis I euupawilbe hanored, Op go bptem ýifrticket e atém. f et -bal! eu ent Bai (nmUMnlfty cents) t a 5i sttion iai w laups nts Cn4safde ~no Nrieuor Grand TrunkPldc RaNOaral sildsSuktbanrAsi.bt o -Wu cdEdmouton. Casgasy or MLôu A eclcaewm1 bé lb.a.d imtktugvuala m .u 0 4Chuaticket tobOUu lmW at" stati hé du ts mdian lBlfe ,CIUila 4etbo 0 Ra i:nAiberia, &ukaieisewau sud Mgieuauili(st ed - veuber Sks19 1,on Iayinent cf Oee b'dut1n~uaznm.~>P tie ticae a den oml et tdestInationsdm cetlattIl aua nsd5 -ý6 lozapntl m ot A gns t . vîé ç a- - - '51. ; ~ enur q____________________________________________________________________ .L-i1 -L a 1 ý ý -- ý,,e ý lý,--

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