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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Sep 1912, p. 8

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theU* of bamedWo 8 Uk 6-L sadgKt a 4e<ttle oI0 eâvÀWUN' S' age 4&et qi d ara~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Ù sp Iwh.Sd.l r~iydrug store ortl~tgoaoi. --whgk . -of- oào sud'diarrhoéa tir. Uei.a ice ihyu ll a hth krÇ i& 4lêit lhm, fw inla aio4 etfly »Ver to use ord"WjtOni s aÙ 14 e .-.. d ozt-the floor. -u ~Id .o- it a w.iVr 0O1! U doae~.1 > bouri nd , dthe tw*,'4vu i nouz I lp k,.ô pîno fugr o Is4,no aI--"the rerof the ïousê and taw B$ fPip iuaùirizv ti i.P.J pâe!ooking out of thq io i4 .J lYBTL W N e. m iP, N for i>411a$4N Wi44k Jppbi ap L*fvg, Mrt and -mu e.oiou whua. *» d t43fl 9n4 ;$ýy witbmokte ig havï bise aurcpest 1 iltteoi rasZt*Jieit. lo4 . hom. for-the. past 'LAW, sâàÏÏMÀD wen ou- for mak id toc, Toýio q on day. andoe»s._ u<am~ok@ lvas âiend,-a à", mm i.Wm. iglL¾ - -üpýXOD ftomithezr at -cd :oss M ayant~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h andi tiifiad e. i.snual ci4kn pie opp C*~ olbourne triéd çe6 ud1'zd K w,. J.N . flêan - sd on, of Bv-ook - the auspices o L & huÂl onde , L êr * e i , t i o r an i d w b u . S I& Sp.4uuds! ê.Ut homes of bM. viII. eheId in thRe churcl oauIvludu*a,., broke a .window and, 5iW Mm. BatSel Ja. fday eýveUing, SePt. 18t1h. -A gaod pro- mm., Iy Ing on thRe- floor ina a pool 0f ifyo p. e b.raiva~ tgr u3si.being arranged, including bload with ldamea bursting-up arouud Cbam-infWq l~s t,iw*m1= la a Z, 0wcbUîî ? iV r,.64Xt iBssesLa.4W# of ber. i'£ebc. bddresser,co4mmoce, eilp-, oeo # am .9 ti m à aýpaisansd îpiuMt, 4lmdadao Qchoi r#, ui4, bboi4, and oot, me aablaze Ai'4 -the dmat :p~fai, you would wver wiub ngs by £muss lpresice Whartofi, A. T. tire ýwas burniag the - xlead womau'à té bd vithout it. For "-i 1 1 ., eo_1 initTronto; adtiref.stgfeet. Couaty Constable Steve was deals, [byR.va. Johato, Pickering, taid 31c. cailed and had to force au entranoe. isa-Visa Tudbil, of Q#Owa,_ in Leàu,'Wlitby, and others. leu il There were #trou#,,, videncea thrit holldyluzulti barparat... j bserved from J5 o'clock until ;il are kerosene hàdbenprkld rey 19r. F.. W. Hodicu, who lius, bee served., Adniision-Adultâ# 30c. child. 'About. *ouln lb Wst, bs l5tWS$d. f ie,-12 Years and under, 150. P urins Ie*ctesto putting lit.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~]s suXie .Wloo rs ialabeIl 1kwe -bas returniudtl t out, the fire, Silvanus Luke, abuhe psitviitd tei mn er.e où Su»O'ay. Toronto,.akter sjleudint ber vacation encountereoc- Bateman 4.zturaing ,wth' Ir. simi'i vitint r nl l Ia.. h ilk, sud told 1dm Ii*shous. was ToroutO. -< ms, > a~t.Bateman îi. slleged te bvo sponiug a ew 'day#à with ber friend, ~Pe ls ur a oSe u OSUÂW MisaEvelyn McGregor. IeaVi gthe. nilk ai tbe front sto8 TIi. plans for the. W 111V MaSmefryfaflSo f ~~- roeded calmly doaàtown. Bew&5 reaobed tousa this awe.k.1 Ti.y fail1e twhvebefaiu e tîele ,At the' town hall,-wbenùi e *as errait short of heii o pedto$uafofr 'tÈi. tubWi u, e vst"ce"'ek. . id soute t1molater. ~tn aP~t~.re re~. . ~ ~ i~rfahI 'Bâteaw n W aid t* bave berna fine arcitecture b. novi"tid1y tued s04 14r. A£nott, alLof Whîby, spent ag. Ttatt- i >copl tisai have: bàe Rin I uh.s niad. At Buuday ýat ]rt. Watel. MeG eos 44nget, qu harsioitouly bas boni Iiat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a mooo otjtios .J Grtue30secret. SoRtIO..tinte ago Ba£temll lubà noé o , t ýgQýintothej". K wàrdKemup enteritained alan. aid toh-ave, toid arund tiAsi lbis uit Ilwty a tbug mr rlesu tu *w o! ber trieiids on rida atte- -r e ti h a m -,u for -a Une11 he~~ iat Ical Ïysicana ta exameieras à theee6pe.wh.ýý àV bin I&- iunàber,'from thua d'drjct brmna pae kbmw"t kùd f a bulq , ould . 'bde'sern c is > y ' nd-b. heIdiQahý A nwa -ýs -Hall svais, on - ~ Weât tr- W gît ag. swun 1. t ,sept.->.' 4 Dpt -4lli1v. B. G1,aet-L"- Dnueuistt t A wxTrr SCifooL IMARX. 4z~~e<i4. .numq~. n S0 n*ay a-lest,_aaiaiu'1elnen u I. " r ne brandàd mi wboseonarae l e asfânliar éyou se, 0 ~ ùî BwQrîh rè tolôta ~a~rwar ~t1e~sor.Ju'belled' by ' makor, oU whom yo bave never heard. Teasalsed lu (pai cet bosrÏing, the -h'k> fmofareput able-fln» Le to lie pré. ot ferred',totea et wbr hîe> bepaokér i. .th not ouMcientlyýpreoud to advertise its quslity. --- Lie dyer tif -~t I wo rthy,-.ni Preet of -lot 4!"j WHITHY Il i i.IXY »Aeio mra muTy. Tw hir i hemt, e ...-..... to' ?oJR 1 depenida on the ilu it for somt. kindï ôf bia "'Sut an, oven thut je muy ilow siutply ruius and it is uslees for anay etoveabak.besud&âlfrm but nttm tha-odbe. 8.ye répamd oth.L :4;l t E;~ ~l~J> Cjaimiit univeraaly",a alplcs1.stùdy ,o L_ I a jnal. chootl life la heigKieaed: by 1w; reéog- J t"' n~~~iiti*u1tiart'.uatr-b. i uncie ithIis day. * '11. h. mm A.MsoLiIu ats t o J bd.knce wr esdacit- 1ýwIioo. parents wr aeyvutr u êd4 Cosiuuiieatiaua séeareld from 'Wb th Lse U"1of friands -who.1 ~CoL J~E. PaewellKO laira 1ke t atibe#ote ho st-tained luis Bâwmau & Caon suadkesrs. itOBilu present celobrity ?kxu&Co. Mi_ n St os, eondja1 by District -Doings. by"aw o apoit acolnotMrs. "7lMison, relit cf the. bat. Ani- for the ya 92 anid rwklison, Ided ~ r tocks, secoddb ir M- Dunluarton on Satuirday, Auguat 310t, f L~uuuoedhuit a bylaw u PenuLI er 73rd year. ,np bigwayupan lots 13 ýand 14 in ji.i cto lrmxt a theý2îdconuisin b. read. Carriud. Iae i amt p.Oueoo Mn. cKenLzio,. secanded by *gr. Cli!- lmeMarkham Township. for, mvd-that s bÏ-law ta open upU> n .H el fCaeat lp s06lgway upon lot 2 *in the LitaInudd Mwhil'. ea ofrdxaK raint tsipe- 24concessons b. read. -Carried. pdwiebadrLatana h r. Chiford, seconded hy Mr.Socs Union Station' on Manday lust, sud xüoved for Ieave ta latroducea -Iaw lurdhrsbe * O tlevy àand.callect atoney, fanr<ant, A ý reoent wind storm tare off the, fîôwubiP, rpolice vill agesdedujes as ai Wm. Iansaus wmndmoitia hioai purpose.sud, for aIRe support Gremlbaiik. 'oftiRe-pon. Carried. -*. cean, seconded by. Lr.t. kg IIIIlI0111On tuivdthat, àns. Garfit b. pail 812. Im fIor 50 rzoda w1re fence sud Alex. , ic. __' ' $ ~zi 6.00 for 40 roda. (ara. Oilt VÃ"TIO Xoved by- 1Mr. MeKeuzie, -ec.diby -j1 1n toktatMr. Looby b 1p.d HTB Y-OIk. IUw . M De 81000 sud Mr. John Rasae850 an duiWtb-a.1 e.5 i -bridýge accouaI. Cs-Crried. 4în~ , Aprij , )ay#J.eG, Xbmo 17y Mn. Cliford, aeconde-À by jely ab _ Sepfr. , , Ocet, 29 Nov. 10 Mr. rStocke, ltaI the foîlowing ac- Dc ,Jn 3 98 ëooUts rb. paid: OHW-lrMi ..M c. Bgýend ai Health.-W. T. Stevens, 83.1miWIb-a.",Yk ,Mi Roade sand Bridges--Canadian Iiapf-e-à~, Apru.4 » yS um ,Juy4 Den ab., 86.56; J. Bailes. &bons, sept. ,Oct. 83#NS«. se DMel0 .88.26; Wm. Garrard, 81.00; Wm.J aa 1, 98 I Jewal, 81.00; ,G. !Dnew, 85.50; P. IVil- â. DEOfUGMAU-Clark,M.G.om c0aÉýon, 85.00; C.' L. Vickery, $9.63; j , wo àJ .17 arOÏ, a [.Deurboru, 81.50; u. S. SLIOI Fzo--6, j-ýj se. 4#JL d4ueCa., 810551.70. Carnied. 1 uy1 et , o.1,Jn On -motion of Mi. Stocks 'the cun- 3. OX 1818.ax jw cil idjùrnd t mét, on'Ploi-PORTe. fER1IY-OIoek maJ. . D7. T lbr7h t2opclock pm. May 7,,JuiyS, SePpt.GNov . 12, Wni. FtRV'E, Ji 1 98 .Tawuahip CkLk . uB1meË.cu Rk,14. moire, Coru À ma, Aguat 3191, ù#12.UXIIPJG.1,Mth2 lyJ i.Jety -28i Sept. 8& Nov. 8,9eu LDE STATIOÉMiy. S.CANNINOTON OlC1@, Ge"oge ItîÎs ia 11w te height o! sebon g ,5ycmmmg.goa-jma.IlMat. baýve1 -note paper sud envelopea initial-' 21- a. ,118. t me id cnthe. canner.. --eBAETNCe~ a. M W.1 baye put-Lalto stock achoiee. ai. Go VRTa, - '% 0, Ma". o- sotina boxedi linen etationjeryp 28, Mq 16;, Ju1y-2Ij"ePp1. IlNol, 1 d~ waslpitdwith -your lui- go, Ja.8 1- 8 - ~ijon lte corner aI 50 cent» peF- 7, TJP'ERGRÃ"V1.%ChÊ1 Du"ie biox o-24 aheets-and 2 UiepeLout Itb Js. Mt .0a§4 wit1h order. Juil iety sa"niple 8, of1,JIy , Bt , 1~Order, ladies, end you yl ,b.' <lôight- Nov'. Ju ,î1 > OC A box O! titis atationoty rmakea- 9Od,)JLAEW L,- or table sud acceptable prement. 1' 3j .- _ bd uer .. --g .800 te 9.00 PLOUE AND VEBD. .. te.00 ,horta per 'onf.. ....2700 .i.0 §EAT- ?OULTRY AND POROD JCIC. Beef per cvit.......... 10.50 tb 11.50 Catt, liv, .weight. 7 . . .00- ta 7.00 guttn, pt 1b 0.15 té 0.16 raad.. .... ....OO11.0 0 'loge, ligt n da.... Io 6.00 loaalet......... ...750,l .7 >D, I. perxb. lb...-....... 6 e 0-l ..14 0 .ai T'rkeya, dreesed, Pet lb. -.0.18 1,0 uùttei, par lb...... ......28b.3 ggu,' per dos. eu'laid 0.23 ta 0.2 otatosa, par bag..... .....50 20 Poamal, pet bg.......0 .10 Fsy, pt ton.....4.0 1.00 puai pe t..-... 8.00 t*.000 ou.~to teu.. .107i0 lie iSd..... .....2 se te M FLOUR:-.. WHITE-SATIN CREAM-DUNS BREAD AN» CAKE MIAKERS FI£-£ SPECIAL ýrPRICÉ FEED WHEAT c (j and ~icclel t~teJik thse oter sd: t h~yt~ ~es tai money cn~y Us. ~and UETAl Jno. 'Phono 'iii. 8j This, mii r a Just ti POwers r Water to fr Has 'I Feed Wl nice ta look at.:See tiheni 20e to 40c. ~S FO0R PICKLIN'G SiiFOR-PRESER~INqG., V.ATERHOUSE'ý WHITBY Promt, elitrI IORSE POW ER. OUNEESM engine that. wil, just s-uit, foir cutig feed, rýunning a fanning' other uses, about the farm home Fr any purpose, where light, This niei-arccld o [s, thé eore >of ýjuiredi, nhfus for two years-, aid is gnpd. teady,'wO$re.s tè$~. /asben Wprkiqg 'Up to Ilt ýas replace :by 1ectriéity,. and art a1: almùost a ;moniît's notice., The:, Firs jcorne first chan~ce ' 'Sqtath' of t1t --The Wlit Iat and ..DICAL I WMrea" e _hoo os ', rit. TORONTO lier LEGÂL r .NO. E.Ti4"-F Barristèr, Cottnty Çro couuty ÉSoÇ* 'Office south wing Court' aaatr, sollctor.N -Office first doar west af Money to È DMES IRlJLEDGiE,1@ -1.-Maieéy to Lagn oni Office immedwixtety sout ;WhitbY,O Bèse'r, Etc. M6ney of Marriage L Office- Smith's Blocký - W. ADAmsiS, Dentist, BIzrut, Reaidonoe No. 4 -ee" S.Ï, Whilby. l' h JAS.,BIS Oshawa, iAcenlsed Âùt *dates apply :ta self, or -.-Wu. 'U [LILGENSeID AUGi 41kinda' of sO.es -Pr ase theb.Gazette o0f Terme reas.onable. Bell and Independent~ WtiITBY, o COOTRAGT Carpenter,: Builder an-c Plans drawn. and estWmita Rjpairs. Alteraticnsla - Abpposlte Step!a Box 467 WHITIuY-' Masuromiriage Lt IssuerofMa5 No Wltuesses recauired. TM EG operating anid station thoroughly tauglit in - The Central Telegral road School, Toront( book "-Guided- bith, * explaifis our -work an did chancesC) oi-ope' _W. H.L'Shaw ý Presh and Grrar- sT If. willpay you ta cil * iid inspect for' your 'sell IoXLt *be mis.e b nali emploi thèm os snd -do slow the -agt 10 per.oent., which rou sans by purchasing I res A Cali ,Souici Officeaand LoNair, of w.n. i P r beau., dom, wmlk bowels. lpor y large- rte, Whadtima tb. holidAy.. MIchiRgaun s anh..sd( RI' SALE BY-ý

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