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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Oct 1912, p. 2

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One or the Moset Ft4neaeut.Wll of oden TmesWaaoThat l"o! ,~Cecilfthdee "4mon iei ail tim.s & cunioue -uiut" rbeenUly-,emarked' te a *-À I an reprefentativ aun-expert, in aUi legai aaif. "Bt ho often bomsparticula.rly'amusing viie +1-k ugot his la-t vii and testa- menODt. - inny IIW4Mô. are theun in- * 4ulged ini; -&o4 ooros vipeci out- oodioîla added frein ranklyspiteful motives..,Ma.ny a carta mainti-j lution lias beneflted by cranky tesý- totons avengigteelvso e tive.. "Very often vealthy pWple vwiii ignore their relative&. and, out of' puntt'a'Wank,' leh.ve their moi -y te oyalty. que<çn victori'a, the Kaï- e.t, and the King of *Spa*n, adnOng others, ltav- t.hue reaped «a golden "lt]L TO Lz.pp "Perapeb'te jnoqt oenioal-a&Nd 1,0MMcie--will e- ma-de and exo- "ýitedw- 9j'o a etinbubaind 44ngcmpickeddwuam*;o tI,ctIIe' llaxd, iion aire tmre- » *Z16d aU4 wIL7 in a : w -preg- nant-paragraphe. Wi1lo:, have been *xtten on tlf -I1et ý1pàper, on frcSr pape, ena shutcuf, -on 6a kme leaf. o ! ,o tue moet di.- tliguiihed lavysme' itnd .buine.e Mènhave fo 1rgotten -or obWeted to -pukke theizý vile; othr. have'exe-, 0c"uted timin uiih--.aànambiguous nianner tbat cootly litàgation lia bôoun àed.d-t* int.rprettheen. - Y. terdaý P I notie4 a' Mg la- suit- about a 4--L, in whigh oortain iosforined.-the bon, ci pontcxsti>n. .L e eok i £iôo,o00 viii wa.s fished trïm t-'bottom of the. Olapnel, &W ertht.. niontlie' imerson. Ont 44 the fLinoat, f ar-rmaohng ville of imcdern turne. vas -th.t- cf CédIl Rhodey,-the founder oi Ritodesia, ru- lkely to.beeflt Imperl itereats-espe Ialy i South Ami- ca-for ail time., WrlL aWHIMSICAITIES. 'I oouJ d write a&i-eally ium>oits voule concerning- t-be viumcali- fteô!fpeplevhotlahe latex-' 3)ee âepoints titatt omxent !usy l;esta-ton-i. iate dia-posa-i o! titeïr -mental, re-aane, Sounetimea tdi.y fear prena-ture but-l-, a-nid-dircét - thalt their ca-rot-d .artçry sha-Il b. %évèee,à md thein teart puniturMd *te mae certain lieya-.rLl dcad. One meu * beft & murgeen wooity pounide for titis gruebome "1WeliI tliiqnccting i. lie ar- dent agerWho it.ited tiat hie amihes à cJd h.carriet inla a ait- can.a-nd catred:freina boa-h on ta ,surf .6 of bis favorite fiehug. strean.i. nther, afIer islating tba- hie uýemanmuet-hoenemated a- ed. ÉAq My asie.e likeIy ilu 6 tit, 9M géMlapepWS iray, tiiey m tut be laixed wih àsbuehel of dry uand andimattereon he i gassfa-- iw.. theahoan.- programmie ef ber -bùrWal, even down te the îiusie tWb b. sang a-nid the anutitm to te playe,A lainons 'e nera-I 'iuleen being hurl-e! In u - nl.even>ug-dros cuue l HoMaire -iyphl-lropiat, r. Goon*e ~srngI r0mne hathi. reni-ns thndh.bumieci heaeath a sundaatl l ie héoutny. Sa-na-h -Bermhnirt, lihefa-mou actrese, -nota only hit efi on made-yesaago, but 810 edto é0 meeip in il, Site ha- bought îhisbanid. io as te b. huridd 1wtiii d oQute icreslleae Atlain- - -THE JOVIAL BACHEL(»1. d",Swe people denlay theair jovia-l '- tepoae teven a- t h.emeemit mmnt cfxuahingtutir viii. Quit. imeontbyi a cemicl baoielbr4 ve 4' .ghliy yéen lti, -lefI £4,00 te- lie &nthonîitls <a!huemnative tevu'tot vreon6 .tourners; -, lUproeut ciaed 1 àeïr martesti attire. The' hoti wasprecèedtby s, brasa band etoion. e- m popular coin- k opera-à vae pla-yed cer lte -!The ucals termina-ed *joyfnl d1y vi la banquet, follovot hy -a- dano.. In etming contra-st te luis isiÏliteàcse çi a- youug lady o! e4igate, vit., dyiug on -tihe ovéo! -ber M arg, directe!,liat s>f sliouid le uried in .her brida-I 7 es -The iutended bnideama'" folloved la their brillia-ut vdw i attre, 4ryng fumera-Iv w -î a eteati o!fbria-ibouquets. di"e4 pegef eider, they nana-- lywaxc. nuin a-nid suspicious, au Ilag- thi relatives '&ho hope enly *oo0 17 iyfer ttuuir sa-ny demle.. 8ucet*atone ii-sma-aieelaborate relative, anieinds, lowbOýM.tiey tbme"-ot m~ezn it -oI' - a-rnmrMer in, theirvmi. Fi.- -- quently othre are ne -funde te euh- ='autisuditposthumons geuer- em4y long ago emtaaute éolici- tcr' i éatagin-cerk vas -hooc- winked àn'tils va-y. An'old nucie IQI-hlini it- £t),lfl a acèrlain buslnes4, veoulti ho hie ivhen h e do- ated 4uii l. yfr.dbse &round Ule Bii boýuglitM eut; n lected uethlng te'kioephlm> av-st.' Wihtè ie oid ehap id the wiJllias réd; »Yf4i,6d tie-.1 -" ,to ielook after-eethn.- He ido .t n d:fs?- eriiafor t-be PAi t NSHut HAor On -o i Mé t-te 0 fta ie tùme, eengr&atiag ffm on ier narrov eoapef+m tthi~e .ay evija lof vealth. Monoy, lie aàeul dthm, vau the fSour c! i Of A eU , B g nd'lie Ëieahed to keelb inempur. , -YOU çan e"sly picturée'tie ae f LthethUsi- derstruok heïra viten n.otified of tiis àvful soliitude fer thuiA vfare6! PRINOELT PRODIGALITY. "A recenit wiù. entaind zO sion. for *iping -outeeii. tiona debli of Germany, Tl eststrleft £500 for tiat- pump'ose-. HaRecalcu- lsted tuait at-four per' cent. intereet this sum would- provide, in-'-500 yeiCrs, some £mo,0, O,000-s-& cient te -liquida.te e -national debte o! a Ill te ceuintriea of Europe, iuoluding Great Britain. «"T&lk about the ruging passon atrong in' 'd"e. A çerbaàn niierly woan a on har dea.tui-bed, sur- rounded hy 'weeping imothèr, hu&- ha-nd, and- chiMron. While dictait- ing her.laat vishi about her im- ey, site auddenly_ milied, and sid : j' Mother, you've lefýthle gaz- s6m ve fiugàdovnstam. Go and tuern it Off 1' '<The arUmbroken mctler vas as- tounded, -but vwent dovu and turne 1* off. Whefi Ïo. tcurned lier daugitter vaas juat doeàiig her lait "O0n. o!ette mioat remmkable de- velo)pm4ntà in modernvil-mêing le the -gro'wig frequencywith whioh money la being lefWt ote i.ouae- keepers and, aeîvats. Not long aetvo vealthy <muld iZes, r-i ýe by lte_:e etioMXJuy fathful âamrviSof o! theirLuatler;, bit hm £70,000, furnitué, etc. The. wiU' vaas oenteeted hut the bitler's HgÈit m 14 ~pleld by. lthe Court." IMPORTAX E F HEALTHI. AnInstane -w hen Toýt'ha Cent A great corpor altiehýOcienby su Ïtls star repm eaontfve te cbcee an, i oratdeai., Pesumetof: unique fac 'isa-nid indoreeldbya anocesu nicarfreverIy. aivanta-ge coen tô"re..aet thon v oom petent, ra -h.!i,»amiilia-n wth ail thé. inltricàt. detàils -O! hie lin., poeaeeed gf a plcasig pera*nality a-nid ie poirer oe! coiction". 4Ris habite vene, orderly, ho,:- neither tira-uit urergairbleti a-nid o'iid'ho relied upon in a-ny cm.rgenqy, buti a tootita-ate unidoubtedby.,lest hMs prinipesa wPréofci$50 m.-, Tii. iooth heW ~ate otterhlMm lie day -of his deprtar-it becarne ulcratedcion bic train> anti -he w>ent an entira. night-Ivilibou.t-aIep anti i nèv-rackiig.agony., -Arrive! atIbIadestination,lie-wa-s ntterly nafztfor verr a-nd-lana-duli- ed, disletraWfia-me, o! mind, at- temple! le transa-ol business.He ount -lcogcetrale bis aattention upon bis duties" Ie liuÃœg tal1k va- ramhling aagd lituesu,'ho la-oketi force a-nid- nagntism a-iànida-de tuch a- pool- case fer hineeb1f-tat a- competiter, wviô -ntionnormal 'con-, ditions vonitihave been-disitnctly infeier, enoceeded-in u loalng lte Year hy yé'ar, ve ara eàrbeanng itov- esential le physical perfcon -not ôuly te personal vofame, __ut-t tra-dexýAncithe professions a-a veil. Thte physician vhe docsn'tguard hi ovu hea-tit canànot boa-r np un- tien the demande o! a- heavy prac- tioe--tit surgeon ybois net in the Pink e! condlition Taesz ea-dnes a-nid eteaidineas inue >rucial . peratio6ns -tho emp3oyee atthe m net'of e! a-d teett. ne mitLt' vihtlhie akili, knevbedge a-nid ca-pabiliby, cannel b. relieci - upen-tite lawyem vite shows- ne discreibf lu selecting hie foisl prey te t4i rrtation of in- digestion during -Ide most-importanl trials. - The heur lis net fa-n distant vien employer. in éstima-tiug- anas fituess fer rspmoibility. vili tae qharp acceteni ,o! bis bcdY>as- vo11- as bie braima- - LOSSES IN CANARIES. IMrparable Dama-go te Fa-moue In- -dustry By Fleoits. Th Ti.cana-ny. breediung induetry, fon vwhich. NQ*r'icit, Sngla-nd, lisfa-u eus ail ever'tementid, bas sufforeti irrepaàrable damage, a-nd tionsautia .,f te treasured hirtis o!fworking- mon f aucers l te -Heigitantdia- ttict are6 drowead. Tbi. tiva-atoti Hoigita-ut district vwa-s te contre o! the- ca-u;ry-hreeding indnstny for Y whicit Norvicith is se ,well knovn. -The tutnoyer.iu ca-na-iA taunot beénlu oi liM £20,Ç00 a year, a-nid a- large proportion of the 3,000 brecti- ors it n orwich a-re v-orkinig -mou; vite supplemuat tlieir va-gos as boot a-nd eho opoératives anti mecta-nics 1y titeaibe e! binde. Thepracètice -w&s te keep thte birtid? ta ein ; *lY cenStructei- site! iù lteé bci gardonù, &and lte' fieoda in tem r tisi ayept -hundretis cae.hoavlar;irs way anti drowned. have been W'Iped "0' 'ut, altogee. On.e' fancier, a jeurneyman baker, vit> lia-d ecnrcd',Oeue of tâheales uit'aiüsnm ulteooiÏnt&, ha-slest lte ro ôdnceOo!from fi feen tý tventy prise W -bird T- ýTe>letventy thtesa-a id d ver. anuua-Ily experte! front Nor- wiccl a-rg>ly te Amerlo, a-t it lai lte ia -ler. mcni- tivlng te èslab,- i lai a- repu-ta-hon fr thoit' birds- vho have . ferec i mieutsverely. Their .lmmýodate Ibaseshm n lI e- Ljeueeps*; Lramce's ixnrnrtal enga*- noe Zài lie "Ma.gician .oet-Suez"'; and at lut the grea-tesat engi*neering feat o! ail'tino is an a-cconpl"ahd- f a-t., President Rooseeit ro- nounced1the fia.t, -"The canal -.ha-ll be buubt' ; --iît is bult, saya ILon- dom Anavera. Thus the curlam is rung.up on the conipletion of te moet amazing un- derta-kingi the vorld lha-s seen, viii ail its comedy a-nd tragedy andi it.s gloriette achievement. BANKRUPT AND WORKLESS. It vas -wth a light heara that De L16espa, wirtait-hi& Suez la-urels stiM green, approa4ied tite taak cof div- 'îng a canal througi the mounla-inB and across te samua cf the -Pan- a-ma Isthmus.' It vas a "11baga- telle," he thought; andi h.e eti- mated ilis cost at 24,000,000-only four millions more titan the Suez Canai had oost. To-day lie total at the foot of te bill reade as near- ly as possie £i00,000,00. . An army of skilled vorkere,- fei engineer te na-vvy, invadodth lite- ti mue; millons of pounde' voitiiof te most up-to-date xnachuetery was, dur:nped on it. a-nd eight yesre later the Pansama Canal Cornpa-ny v- hôlpelesely ba.nkrupwt. viti debte cf- £700,000, and 4:nly a flftl cf -lis vork don.! , -Then il vas that lte worM board atoiy cf extravagance and incont- petence a-nid f ra-ud euch ai ma-de il gaap vit-h horror and- ineredulity- -of highly-paid officia-la, vit*0lied opent their dale drinklng cham- pagne, their ..nightsat the bacc-arat a-nd 'roulette a-blee, iflinging their silver a-nid- g1-ont of lte vindow for the natv te soramble fer; driving in comty equipages,.and im- 1portiztg an orchestra ci muaioians from PaaM4te beguile tiieir hours o! BANG WENT MILLIONS. The ooapàa 'smcney lied been equndeedvith sail more Ie.vish banad. f3t4pnri« -vere telti, for ext- oml¾f ,ruhber booats bongit at tea' timee-ýtheir inle ; Mdclo! 01W mxan vieoiti dmules for: 300, 000 dol-- bars, fer ihici lie Wha-id 9t 0,000 Engines vere importoti front Bel- gium, dunpeti do-vulu In hs warp, anti neyer uspd'; hundreds'o! toms O!- P"stly nmaciineay vere nover even unpaékeoc. a-nd phiploatis 'of coecree blSci veto drappe i imte lie &-e àte avoidthli trouble of un- boading ti-ent!1 .Wlen lte misera-hIefiasco v-a-sex- ploded, ni*llions o! pounudo' ortito! mscicyanti pant - va. - fouid rnsting, samd, in ma-ny cases, hlai aunitin lie avamps ever a disance e! forty ibcea-idreidge by lie hit-- tire!, beuglat at .£3000,o apiece; Masi enanos, for'aci o! .vwicoi £2,800 or se ha-d heen- pa-it; sbeain- ýpunipsapti remervoirs vorlt 210,- 00o. front vlicit evon lte ena-ng haid net been nemoei; entai-I menu- laina o! rusteci rails, anti a-'mile o! tiereikt wagons axle-ýdoplu inte muid! In tte sheds vene ever a- iundreti fine locomotives ruine! hv nust; at the menti te iecaniaI a tizen fine tug--bpats vere rottin-g. ait'teir- meorings. ia- ail, six Million rounds' wntit o-f material lied hua been aba-udouedti e deca-y. Anti ai titere vas te show fer titis rua-d ex- trava-gance vas seventy million eu-- bic- yards exca-vate! at a oeil O! ever £lo,000,ooo---vorit hich cer- peton-t engineers deciared eéhoulti have been doue a-t a tenLit o! lie -FAILURE, FOLLY, FRAU.. Nover vas ucit- a- shieful taie unfoltied as. -ltait vw"citbruglit rt-n te theueantis of French mia-ie- hoîtiers in lte year 1889. But il vase nly t-le prelude ho a- etIll verse de-ndal. Moro golti va-s qua-nider- e! vitit prodigal hauds as bribeste1 public pensona-gos andnte'wepapors te suppraeuea ai.evelations. Prose- culions folowed, with full pitileas expeaurea; greatname more drag- gec in-h utcnne, .Lessepe-anti ma-ny aflolier tan o! higit nopute feunti tiemiselve5 vititin prison vai1s, and the vitole o! Franco -vas ehaken tle its vomi feundations. Failure degged te stops of -later agaenapts te coinplete te ca-ual. Barlliqua-kes anti idai va-vos leagnedtihienselvee a.gaiuslevery- ativentnre - andi itwaae nîy viten lteUnite-tiStates set ils heeth grimly to lte tesk tta-t suocess came. dl Suchiz i soue of t-ho comeidy a-nti tra-gedv-inchuding the lmofo thon- Pnclg sof live-vhicit the atony o! t-he Panama Canal records. A GUILTY, CONSCIENCE., A dishouest tisae-in-a-t an tudia-n fait' ited an elepitant Morsale. Soou h!cnie arrive! be -noticetia- ma-n valking : round -a-nid round te a-m.- mal, -oxamining il mitai the moàta minute attention. Tite dea-ler inn- riedly tloc - hlm=-aide. "Don't brea-the a- word,".,h. cutreateti, "unlil I ha-ve moidth bie ba-l, and lviiil give yen flfly upees." Ticè stranger igreei, *and the. fi!ty ru- pees -vere duly ha-utieti cvcr. "Tell- me, my fniénti," lte doaler a-sie! a- litho latr-"'hov veno you a-bic, te discever lte defect l inte boit hinti leg 1 I thonZht I1lia-ciquit. concealed il." Ir did't discoven a-ny defec," anavéred tite-,olhem_ smiling. "Il iras lhee irst elqpitu I ha-ciseen lun yh!,ani! a TRI, ItULGAA TORONTO' C9RRESPI Toronto's Steady O rowth- Duff-Raolng anid Its Evils- Aftsrmath-CrItcieim cf T' A. yeLt-boere is apparent' no lot- 11P idrvluiti gtottbe runo te Torout-os remankabte growth.. - uiiding loQcal Inities kasst-art-oei cmalno permi.s imsued lmut-mont-i vais 52.050,0; Fystematio attacit. Day- -afler dan - t-m more titan fer the correspoiidiutg perleS jcolumnu contain violent charge of-,ucont- lasi year. And titat titige are -no e nreiy tEpe-,ence or verse, ile 10e bitiboards al - paper permit-s is indicat-ed by thbe repottlâ over Ohe oit-y blason thte saine message. front ail the. building trades. EverY de- Other papiers coufiue theit criticismetost praetrports rcod business- Nort1 particular sections of thte, oou.l tastè,otIo buitding permîts swollen , oesequently tiere -lu lukelyi t,<,e bu a 2 by aiyt!iituailly large individual etrul-IC ively côntOut neit Jannsry -.Dut thie sur- hures. .,-'Tii . Uion .Station and Y01190 pnîsing îiiing te, îov fov are- thé changeasf Street: ErIdg - are - sftillinl the phautoluinat-be personnel -of tâe, ConOeil, front yeat' class. -The unusual festtre of thte build- tc year. and Itin leoubtfiiV' if Ïthis year. tnig aetivit isLe- th-liget number of ex- vill bu any notable . xeceptios. vien,-a tomionsad alterat'one aus iminguished -ssu gete tocb. alderman ho go 00 muai front nev builings Ahtittare under vaY- !free advertiuing bhi iaving hlm naine 'cou-r Etblisbed ' - busînoesc are ntakiug 'tatly la- pint t-bat ie baUde, up - al, epu, mouey-. their - trade iu expauuling snd they ta,.Iou vitici makes is, e-election, ai-. are preparing te t-sie care cf theo growth. meust certain. Even orilsitim lu a àeity as, Aheady toc, titis t-et-= ail records for, hii as,- Toronto, vioee te candidates can ublic cao attendance have been bro- kuov personaaly onty a entall- fraction ef n& 'uManyyuugstcns have net- - et. Oie lectors, moomi te beIphlm. Uncon-, netuneS te -tei lue.Est-l' Lu intesciouglv h. gfets t1ie reýputahjin -!-of beWngr menti thie nov record-of '45,656 Pupils at 'a hit mis u nise e i ikes smrem- mciiool -ou, eueday. itaulbeen reacied,, take or la diîîhoneet,- vibicb raroly han-rsa and.-fi lsexpecteu t-bat t-befigure vil go pens, le bas a great advantae ov . aila over W0000 uhortly. * swcomers. Pz Il Ticse signa of t-be tines 511l businemus Neverthbloes theme oema, to-be a vague, i mou set-ling dovu fer anot-her year's! but videl y heldL ides tiiet a: comaisari opérations aften the holiday sea-son vit-i i frti of governinent *ouldS ho an Imprloe-i satsfaction. On.,itoars occasienally ex-I ment on the preaëntlecOivé sylihem; judg- pressed sente nervousuess about t-be rosi inp by the voe10s' eeW on hie ýquoi- est-ste situatilon, but go fan critlciunt has tien of establillin i si rr commission.- te beeu directeS cieliy-ote ilot-ation of a vm»oc,o ke i- ie echange .rouiSI subdivisions fan out-side Oie oit-y. Tbg1cs o a - Plebiscite. E ut oie eilstiug Infistied prices. te viic t tiis Claus cf r -icouncil vii net.likely 1.0, Il go toca pie- est-ste is raised iy boom tinete indicat-- .ct. Wib.- sayoervr i ed by the f uct that sont. necentli me-. Ibelieve tiat- the ecure for the. evils oet-de- lm oorded ates have, been ah priceu 'irrhb tocîaoy La nions demcciaY. Ji a tatnar vere ne bicher tian tiome recordeS Lu t-o b. ýhiankfni, for.i tie boom, cf 25 years îgo. ________b "Jfl)[3fl"*DUFFAS A LION. - Witi t-ho eason etoffan faire-s u Ml WRN VOUÉ TIME INTO MONE! 41 sving 10 le tii uma ef HOn. Jas. Datf, -b Mînister of ~luture tn Oie Queensa Park Cabinet to o th Oe IimeIjhLit. Tiers le flrm li t onentoho ecive han.w Ttey' say tittho ad not- get- is uiare td e ft mm and-vontern u opotuait i of attention eathOe e nto r.hbilon toesam. front ÇW1.00 te *1.0.00 ever y a li Yesm, but tiers are other ftairs itvith ut âtie ffreéTis .rp msutac Places viore ;votes oc0unt for mors thaitturé . eliable fml edee uuiu tiey do in Toronto wviens he bas becu toilet uaprepânatious .sud màni itecous&My e theo lion of the occasion. hosbl oou ui abklng povdort, Ne tat"immie" Duff 19 mah-Oet& vasing emeul, t rfttare sud- lien. Ordinal-ily bh. lea smiidmanuerodS ïetai polaleela sè ver one hunSreda as ee e tii isuis isOaPone ~t bi prpn t s tievryoMs uses every I -iiantiprospérons tarasUp Iu Simwcooday. luât oaeversos ina eilàcaiOy eau foruho, leset tceecs u - taurleiersexolamive rigli te distrhbuti. tiege 4 f« o ht. -Bst*eia muiciteseuasteakv ~préparations, toi thae i m bors. Tits,-th ef imnou lu ie sactaifer bis fulhl * m jyi n ent. commîismion Octe r ' thi, Honorable, Jantes Stuart Duff, sud hIte arns efron thOe norti ef.Ireland.os .to at.Ades ieDn.d Ones rlO. syingt tiat i. itaSupli C ,Dojat. 20. R5emml ildinw.'9 «l an Orangem4üt. TiiCilay-Ytieraoineau route. Ont.,fer fti, parilcuars orage 04Pda<the corner oe is tari,, sud- that -ttau'ku teiesotivltiseOfethOe---- -s Duretifàmily t la on. ofet-ho*montage ivn the protlito. u01Ï. u'timp SU "TR in h. Legisîsture *'Ji"éw' DuE 'Is a '>, ON 80 TIRE'." - restii'sp>oaer » The vefl roua-ded- phrases - -tht ae tfs loct l trde fie ettatp-Statement la Made, That Rs Ho b "sight--from4be-hhouldee -Woerrlea Are, Uuneeeasary. - ~Mirtit a e -b depended upon te br ng cieers front "t-ho boýys"onbh ieie 'Trco,0 r!. Wtath-a of tite HouÏso. AnS ito biau a Janty*1 lu eos trd' W-a',a dendenoe that it. veil. Strdllug dov'n indMe yen tire! 1 'Worry I MosI fronthOe Palisment buildings tboue cool vorries are ulneess-ym ct e evenings, vit-h hie bandes es» -dovu i islitfon e-t pooket bio bat isetin-close ho hime as':ficesla a t. a-bout them, bearus te - and aS lfaoe a l il s teti le iisngih ttle -betivee-ia-t makes s figure that, Oie Strauger looks Ieiét natcnetb vas Minister cof Agicutreca-n elp"I mter mb at Oviie tufongh hes mi hnteus hihl d.I ate a .h.lpediý I"JsivemiDs in tcmanayemnhofIs -yjust go -at Lt a-d ni-ma-k. lhineedeod depate . ut e vlt s a ÃŽi. 1-change for th blter. If 1there -la self a uncoessufits-mer. Pouicsars no-t- bis îret love. thougit ho has been Iluthenoitelp for xl r4,rrom g onîy ma-ko. Rouefer tourtean years. But- If you il vorse. Juil set yom m d aricit vere- te aul hlm. 1I-titink ho vouldS sy a nt t onlitn i.ai t i. lIkes t-ho ganté. Ris Is s genlal sour'h d-4 oeigYilu sp te viont band shaking sud thé. otberworry, I arts.o e eciouieeriungpcetsas second ua-.-Are yen tired ef ca-ne?- What t-ut-e aud of Oiequalification uc iyen " timben vote-geting lu Dot Oie eabnt, 1lhtng ha-ve yen te cane for tia-t yI MORE- RuE- ]RACINO. voulid bsviathoum Ntyorhoe The, 'merry-gorouud" tastmOli vit-h unNet yonn !-Mily-oer yorciilidmeii I 'nerY-c-rouud" hoein ite grapieode.-Net f riends 1 What thon?1 If yonr s1 tinapîedt OeCanadian berme home i9 tee barge, gel a amailer >1 raoing circuit, under vitose item n. >tematsc.yiwann tarie enjoys or endures, acoorâlu t-eOiehéeue. If o ncsSeygw& t rmOYmpathieff of t-ho obsorving, a veriod of yen eut, drop soie o l r e continuLous racing. iasting rfret Mayin fit reyo ,til Oct-cier. TonontTicogesabout-a s nth tireci o!.hnalnee-a1 Of vork?1 »Be1 et it, sor sd spprt it banulsome. ure yen voubd ho morc tired if 0 Ir. The tati meeting at- Oie Wcodbine i n -lied lssu orovuleul sndles. gay than te: eua àSe. Ilma-y be t-ha-t alt upringt unctlon. but iu - salin1te rai iemorefrehnbaltlebtri quit-es impréseive. ItOprovides C te ame d la-nuint lttebete crosusecotion Sf goietyrang xg frontte pn ig or more 1s ystein wvould c black t oth ie society lewer. 10 pro- ligitten youn la-ber and ca-re. vides Oie- iadles wbo go 1uý fort-ha-hsort Pra- of t-hini the firet- nportunlt-y te dipsi ehp you a-no doing some un- ther nov at-un- govus sud mih1iemi. nec.ssary wok amtiig ltt 1Havpy Iolabso wvo hae a. fr.eb ont-t fr ee o- h on.. Are engtan escla dav oet Oi funotLon. ednteoe.Aiyutaig1 Social reoonens, vho veuld. aboil resiatops titan yen neod t6 take, raciag anS t-he ganthlug thekt tlsrampvant _ma-ki5 ng ueoesr mtin i in ocunéctlonvith iti,»Mutfor th. r nncseymtinlA s ent t-o have nun -into s street vide'a elti-fashionetihonsekeepen usod te SeaS eud. The gante vam prôbably neyer sa-y t-olier da-ugitere viten lhey 1as fleurishlg ug 5 10lelu intus year otfun oskcpn,"e 1 irce 1912. AnS Oheie -stous-mlndeS von- vere. lea-nn askeig ie ,der hov long t-he count-ri i.agingte put your hea-tiSa-vo your ieehs." Titis UV vît-h IL An iutereLug n dent .u s aruisited Oie ct-hem day vies Mn. Asadvict ma-y ho applioed un man .Orpen and eue Or t-vo others pleaded va-ya andto bma-ny occupatiens. irilti In Oie police court to-taking bats oyn 'u ou oya-i ic Mountrary t-othie lisv and ver. fiue cS D ouÇ1.yu bd'ndmn 1 aci. Tii.'snuncemeut furnnsitod a vilS when the epponlnnity cores? If wutdteeitneofilvlbtirap of surprise. Net because none theopportunity dees net cornema-ko )but bocaulme auyoue, particularlyÏMm. an Opporbunýiby. It viii net bc lime Orpen. bat! beau cscught vit-i the. tocS." laet. Refresit your mind a-nid yenm Bet-innr on t-be ponies leau everydan n-. *cident- teoibndreds of Toronto voikmuen body a-nid yen viilaccomphisit jnst .anS otiers viio eau seoacely be Semoibed. as mutmiton more ln- a- day and do Iu a factoîy ots onespinutaes thés bats. Wiere ho places tien thOe otbers _more eaeîly vitlyen muet do. t.a-y net knov, nosibly do not cars. Tisi Are youà tirecil ThOn go over the -rue appy If t-i. herse t-iiy bacited vine. -itLe-ngeojvitl yua-eden City for qngantiaatleu.lig l But il. fs nawturel thattaie tvo men nev aIrekady 'densiiraMtdtietterse lt-bevice- aedeut hislehai M. piyNeel. ràîrý co Msmhalii-M. JeubOliver, souldîlia -PaY 0P.nt'vrge exae celamedIa-e, mmmZd forteW traie ute carriy. oùt harSv wk hev'ha'vt t.6< t -. -o OiOi f*10?superier. and BordheeieuerUi~ ed es] jof .aru.ut dovotion to -self-imHpose! Intrigue anSd m pt*n Ayero veduty ma-b themav-n-a d s mnember etoie earnsv.ofoesla #me quartea. Re 4sS-ec mIintotltt-zn-%aae oe 'ho Wan WhO f Boend Mim an_ :' Estate Made.a ' thé -Purchauri I!W vie. article c à r.e for ,the.mowle active Inv*storu,à 'n hem fr" 1 =partial and t' mfoqrnatIfn -ma? writer or thre» a] )ftiis pater ba, aà coaniection vit Thei othur day lDuse Lu Torýonto, iheS a f'e* quet towed at- once't tualnted vith- 1 go uhowed ultg to 'thtel lmary erpreeuion nuanoi a ircles t ýcuit for à financ rf u o àlaymaln o0 exporienoslin' rev >worda. lNov. tt irOet W, asied ;vas, iaouxh vhy h. .lù aivé ne ides., bond" 'menu meàn rut igortgage co Liu and uhat vw caent may -be d bondiiolder, 0sd Whoen government, rer wotd nvtp oéllar. I11need. Rebeillon la îthie fI 'theConfedera the O onfedernaO aaiss8100.1 a pair of bootes boughf ~for $5 in pe vite loaned tons 4,14 not 1i itr oulS-,be ru dor M miler in oe b, 2epaid in lute exiatenceti i d a p r o s e n t .1 1 -eatera -pt'loa 50 fa bond-i matisf08tion Wte ways worthii 1e s 0it -theu alone doe. not I1 a. fOu cshitpio - #-iiat doeos a1 the next questi ho investori ref '-aud lnterest7P hogt tiiat i bc ' itbouida-no on July bmtiiatda"te sort of bonus. 1-Supi»aoe robaï Smitiio erout vas s42 I sold tii. boudsa - have reoeived .t)e est lfo - o~ Jani7 coupon poooIntestedil aon for hey lOntha lnteîestj hl is 819,M0.i uremonthnaa -n Janisyman intierest fen- b, ii 815'nor 000 for ttii. 4 fiat to lauary of pocket.- Thatj bondseat i100 è 3130 mess that bo t In tii came b and tii, Inter..! or for whateveiri -te throvu lu;. b kot prie nséa 100 07 Bix ver c n0 on ii lui,1 -ai 103 on the da bacit at 20O IMP sint f0? r pic frubb sausages I1h ' "iMy dear ii te show that placing the 1ý wT ash kl used for eut' water; 4hot q I. I.OMPANY 0F mmitI.s àupÂu~ STEE CA g mot' £mply a Bopusb lt the R#rsese strlbuted iby "InvelitOtC = umome f gnldîugpr ud. If pooulle", t ma-to; basisE- mouci thr il Ia-le citais ttb bu relieS upon. Ti t-l nd su hOe publlie é r.neinterest, liely t-tismatier otiter *ti4 insu vent Into a bon~ sud, before, invemtita¶ n,-a-bout- boude, vie at h. vas enatitkïolienu- JiO:font oft investneton. tha msuy expressioi tuitted are éncýtor et every day- nue iii iaO-10is jextremneli dit- lai ss to-expiaismat Ivobas isd absoluef Inancl i afairs lu. ileoon t-ils man refes mb.ContInueS, 1, ecured by realest-ate. ulS- ,have-thongit 80il ýsnsthat thebonfd 4t talla dulelstepa- adSn la glif 1tii roam. SoIns'lear5s dce versoeustablia thOn t in05ne.T. ad!a venY ucntmspaper ecai Wrth 50 centseon the Oateslat-h. issO dâào he pape mousyi ef as 8 disenedited tb*t (lu papei monoy> fer viicih. otiShiav id. At ithat t nepe te feeli tai pora iaiS at thiematuî'tyoje unted 4-per cnt-reitq, Worth 40cunte on tie ntoney ' envort-h tdda- vson thia t hiey vu id anS -thistiéesoa le mereil sevt but-w an-47pra Worth 100 emouri ibstemn gelS n e1 l1 im a sourc fdq e ener; forieSl s.valus*0ncue udard cfv ansd 1i Ituste lanvalue, 0fal iconcened. S lterest' mean?" vsI STibe bonds tevil nul vuers quoted AN an4rly euung !ii1ès te:,tshe tint-h. E a meat', tiat vh.u ila r viome ut-erest had béar e,-po. t t-ei.ltno'i tt proeut, as ter vsmpaiS 'WJn $e 10,001) of tOhm bc 000invested sud is il efull g Ments lt-e Ibave Juet ont! Off'i Eut h.selesthint i ussay. Be bas had ïiii or3 moits. sund se, Io( et bi tereso for -tii Becan't Off hie cij reisen ithi. vile su the »baprcia-ser paîy &lud aioheie ltèresb loi ui o et., ior *M hi uoaer getse l 1u coupo-$30, i tlcJ -paiS - JohnSmith, bai a eir rcent, on is $10 mentis- front Oct6e< firut.. 10 bis L not-en la- viat Ih neasitmte Bel mi Interest.- Semtinmo bodae acd.attilt bds ave so at 10a- feor-- t-hoti'e luontha- tine It hue-a-c _ulad< thiat case tué al Iy ,Susta-> t-be lt-ena ut.bouSe. iwicit not!a- lut-eroml ýdate, aalV s befeme ti -n"t 'One., ai or,, ho* do yen- a-a fa-ct tha~t rfouud:' er lyre iinie o!fLbi tght hore la-at veeli?' tadam; i-ta-t oly got lte motor-car us re orac evryviere." h'Iea -iictha-vo b eei ýing - o]nions -use-co a-tom ma-ko ltent i a of lte 'nions3.- ê -.ar open te biy Ior 8.11 tho following 6% ~ND8 WS--LAIUS. LIMITEI UEMnVJ ffLÀit* i A.A LlMITEU '5 0 aeph *ile John (6: 17) says y- - ging o ver lie sea- un na-um." Hirnfil sendeth the m inultltudW Ma-de lte ata tical a-nid necessittd extrao, ary preesution audit as Jesus &Ion ooulid exoercie. ~, .- *on.- o! the mountaina noa-m the-meene ox- theé,r4o The netesit7r for pr yer grew eo t of !the. ud den Po- pulaàrity' viti vl4ch tut. crovd in- vosted.Jesua.!; 47. W-len -even was corne - The eanby .evening re!ermed te ii6_325 vaws fîom lirbe to ix o'clock, while -b1e bat. evenlng' bere re!errîedzte *waa front six 'ciock n4ib iglil In lie- miidst-o!tie àBoa- >About *habfw-v aacros. John(.19ma: <'About7 fie anid tçenty or hhirty' 48. Diatresed- lu rôving - The nigit vas-divideid by -tie Romans ainto four w vtches o!fir. ~r ca-ch. This va-s, therofore, lie la-st w a-tel, from ttre. te six lu tho morning. - Their distresa is evident y from lie. fa-ct lia-t liey had roved rabout eight heure a-ad liadeo-vered : nly between lire andifour miles. - Walkipg -on the sea-Thus iracbe ïsl. ca-ny net jte be -explained-, as Ir eme voulti attempt te do, by saY- > ng ta-t h.vas walkng on a - shome "a-boy. lie s'ea."- )f Would have, paased by them-It'-, v, as probabby thée deiberate -pur- Fpose o! Jeaus ta pass them te -mke, :opportunity for , lestinga di-. 2structingtir faite, ât .A hat--Tie da-rkneua ma-de Sil 'impossible te recognize Joues e âand, naturàiby they- iintepe r. Be-e-,a porson valing onth t t exa- naurlytliey attribut- W. e! te apirta hxs-Ooncbusive evi- Cdence il v-as -net a delusion.- lh- 00 Beocifgood cherit is ; be not M afraid-This immedia-te Word cf as- .f aurance is also. ecodeti by Ma-lt.- S(14. 21) a-nid John (8- 20). John et omils '"Mee f.good'.cheér." Altitougit tliey did no- recognize lte !orm, Sthey knew at once the voice'cf n- Jeans, an& titis ha-c the inimediàte Id effoot of alla-ying their fears. - 51. Went up unto them into the Sboati-We voulti infer front John's is account (6. 21) tht lte disciples- of at vere' pmeventeid front receiving i. Jeau n m the boa-t because by -the« Y' time Jeans had rea-cheid it they had or arriveid ut the shore. Ls The -wind céased-Anothe-r' ele- h' ment in the mira-culons event. 0.52. Uniderslooid not conceînig ai teboavs-Titis is given as te ma- t îîl son vhy the. disciples did not under- Sstand the present miracle. Alter Fo vllnesslng lte feedlng co!"th.oMul- titude they shoubd have had bos r.diMfculty a-t titis lime.'o at Their hoart -vas itardeneti -The iJewv oensidored lhe heart to bo the id seat of intelligence &se vei asa a- feclicin, 9Ã"lta-t the. phrase desnet refer s-e uh tb dulînesof moral sensihilities as te intellectual stu- c- pidity.-- a-53. Camee b tue ba-nid tnte Gen- Snesàret-A fertile1ýpltin abouttitre. ntiles long a-nid a- mile vide exitend- 'in- along lthe western ahoreo! the o- la-ko. The place of baniding wa-s several -miles south, o! Ca-perna-ni anti !fethsaida, vhich. le proof 'ta-t ~ -tvha-ibee n idriven fat out of d their course.- e- 55. Bedsa-Pablots. .56. Thte border o! bis gra-mnl-_ o- growîng. Already loba-cee 18cul- tiva-ted uin iiliiNorthBot-nec, Tudia, 'a-ad Jamaica, iitile crops a-ne aisoecultiva-ted lu Rhoiesia andi Cape Colony; Ther. ia n neaàot, moreove-, wiy toba"co slioui.d not h. pla-nte! in -otiter-ritisil 'tropieal possessionýs. Sai-ples o!fi -cigars,- mede frnom tobaco grovuw in Cey- - l on, eitow hîgbly prOrnlg nests. -- Ruithen, o!eopurge, la- - xtensively grown li the4l tropical parts of tbe d. British, Emp4're, ad-rbe bt fromIliia -nat-e ERbama IsUnda- wilPi'bably seon- be--ildi-i Lien: dcou a-t ýa .slîglhty 'rznalerfINgure l'epesetedtheappe ",shandI lnit&l Stat [lsbon. WRIUSOF, TIRE piin Yttle no6egayi Old-fadshxoecjgarden] ýOitaMong the P -oeolotrtoth1t - rnîraculously- with: yvitlr oeap and water.1 ze. aise imperviotas from mranaor eniow,. ma-de iiitthe usual1 wi vth snibeheelÉ ai &Rl t-h. sltuese and -~ Rssin oelf-The faç, -'nov veam l buttODe - ably. A cIepe'r rttle Mnil a e. t for a ]ouag jouru but Ule l4gageçi lahift upon an jupirat a. shape euitm4g 11e- ci i-r a-nid geùeral tY -madie up sceveral trinp hat, rnenting each un -of -crixfolîne- ba-cked, vet, whicoeuid be fa th e crov n a- win m'as a siia-Il rcfl-brir there were four bandt deau -was- cf plaiteý white, With -:a thick l1ack anà white .tulle +it: ab thr a ud us eiibn, withacca sie tla-nother ci inower wrea-th, muid wshid-déù -n with au üigrette. siaiji at the ide. -WithI Motice, the tràveller e very sarto>rial.R The nojabots gî * hor4er as the dayvs n faIL. Some of -these over the re'dne .of th-i * resemble berthag Pio VALUE 0F CA -i.nexpens-ive gowns, va.riety fer- elahborat+ na-y be trirnimed wil or eotored. -or with menterie,-aid somet mng foruis -thle out- tapon t-h skirt or p^o lu-oue gowa. (One f ntentedwit;h pearl. hi tation buttcanholm ,& miug that looks very yt quite inexpensiVel finished with a-narre6 ing. the uýndersceeae under t-le st-faight, the ellaovs. A .>EW NECK In -uhesýe dava goAns icarfs arelu4 a* in great-variety. ,on is of -fiue white haT bat-iste,: which has a - oked n atrial a These have a-good d Cuide-', NOv"en caneful ma-uithou bis meëk a-t-t-bis st-a bis wife)-" Augusta LIFESEN W. -A. Fergusc Adeepateit front AÀl1-though, imnself-ati lxad sht -dcown a ffl ---blood -and notýwl.tllst haIfàa doze-n perse: Ferguson. slayëy o HFerbert. the Cai-i inipeter, wiill esci penalty. Fergusen' afler wnçiuding,-ar Governmé u t-'sud t case went tb Vhej-ur a- lit-tlenov-hu verdict was reluarnei sou- "guilt cf mur degree mwithoul i me-nteu.' - Jutige Sosions U] sentence-az Afellows -o!flte:jury -s a -fai la Onlly ite-Seeni * proucnce_. Tite__' coourtiîs thaf. ouhbe fedralprison etF -Kansas, vit-hha-rd :Iel o! yjour nat-ur&a AIlIIIVl vi- N'TARIO TORONTO

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