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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Oct 1912, p. 3

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&kt W21 nOsegys, Made up Of garden 1i1Ow.r, aM gthe. ?leatbed f nu.oa nW,, &4Iing a. charniing Iwear there i. s. DOnw st~urdy etýgoodlooking, ng this admirable chalr- ~a pwiped from t tams li.y 'wth a sponire wet »a4p mud water,. -The. leather ras or itiow, and thi. boots, e in Ètue usual buttoned style Wih, oeiible heelora.nd soles, have au 1, tii. séfnem ii>euppieneu Aof Ruo'bian esf. tii. fashionable <>ild weoros a buttosmed boot In4vari- *bly. A clemr ttlmiinrpridg ibêt for a lo6ng eourney upon whieh utlititie lu'ggage oouLd h. carried hit upon -an 1inspiration-»e fouud & .is.pe euiting ber custbmer'e face, 4îar ami, geiioral typ,'pd hn %ade up oeveral trimmings, for the _at; mountng each upon a bandeau >fcrinoline-. -ba.ked rubbWm or vel- 'et,' wiicould hofâstened around cérow'sLuain ikliu-.the hlit ~vaaa aailroli-;brin m iiorand - e were four bandeaus; one banù- ilaW of plaited tulle oyer hite, wba' thické ruche of tii. 1 s4 cndk white tulle encifcling thet a" antr-band'wes o! gros-grain ~bo. W'th acockade rieiuat on ,ower wijfnth raried a fiatu 'trinumning; okndtii. fourth baïn- au W" hiddeu under a véry, cdo e tici featiïer wre&tih 'tii'senaig rette slanting bwkwards th tiside. With tbose four trim- tfo, h travéeler- waa equipped or"tev er'y sartorial contiugence. The niew jabots grow wider an& shori»r as thé. day p move 'on towerd - Il. Soine of thebse jabots. -reaci" vr the. odge o! tue ehoulder and miii. bertias mnore tien jebo4s. VALUE QÉ CASHMERE.. Cashmere is* well te -the fore for nexpeneive gownga sud lunits silk a:rieiy for elaborate dregseg. It my be trimnied wit.h braid, black ý r colored, or witlv'g-on or nass- nenterie, and- sometimes tIi. trim- ning forma the outline of a coat jpon the. akirt or portion o! an ail- n.-one'Sown. On. o! these Le orna- ent.ed with pearil buttons aud ii- tion buttonhboles, & mode o! trini- ing that looks very amart and us "eiquit. inexpensive. The uneck Le naished wi th a narrow.,yoke matchi- nÉ, tihe pnder&leeves comîug' front inder thé straight, plain sleeves to A >IEW NECK SCARF.- in 0~es.da". o! Dutch-neck 0txWv»jefs arein<contanit requi- i Io cl, conaequently are aiowu gie -bavariet.y. One o! the newest a c Of E. white iiand-embroidered atiate, whicii las an inset piece o!' lcoord nstrial at either end.. ~es areve a eood deal. oi wàrmth, jand p'roeut tiie advantages of a jwashable articI.7 which, in sum- jmer, wbes one i. far' from the clean- jeryz sho>p, is an item not te bèdis- ui n il colors; hemstitcb h epe ik iet .sdti.atl -t hou4 - orthy e!f.a' king. Havethe. coufr- 'age te admit tihat yen have been Gide-"Now you will have tW b. wrong sud yen w#il.l ct.ate a desir- careful - many.,a ton rist bas broken able impression, insteati o! an un- bis neck aht, us spot. " Gent. (te favorable one, iu tue uinds cf oti- hie wfe)- "Augusta, youi go firt." ers. 1LI~FE SENTENCE. FOR..URDERERLt' W. Ferguson. Coýviçted b>' Jury at DePtro0it for the Murder of Hlerbert, .-e was auùown'te the ' w6r'za&as o- sepb Spitaberger, the miser, And hi. life .o>zndt~o juetify theé name. Fer many y,èa sh. livsd in a mûis- eraàble roomn j a poor îtreetLn tii subunbu. cf Tiemia., The rooimhad no meana eltiier o! heait-or light. To> ke.p warm whenh. wà"a not st work, h. gxuted the muteums and art-gaileries, and to Gave expese, cf light h. went tic b.d, when Lt grew dark. - He meuded big own clotiies,-and hi. whole; wardrobe couseof but êu4~don. sohirt, -aays the i.VeInn'a renpon- dent of tàie London Staadà.rd.-1. '-uring hiis la e yes.rs he lived ltrl' 31dry br.ad aud,'tea,- frsi"l'onae. one,&aweek, and ho drank tUs M ecoction ý,wthout milk ot augar. To aIl sFpmontanoes of ii.frionda, fie r4plied, '"Your plea- pure iza'teo ppnd;-,mine la ticsave. Leave me to my'pleasur.; it i al for a goc>d purpose. HRe'neyer mnsrried, sud wlth the. exception of a few imalIl egacies te relatives, aie b4qiieatied - hie whole fortune for thi. aoeompliaiiment of the -design toic wbchbis 1f. ta~d bee,-n devot.d,---the founding of1the 'chu- dren'.hsptl COAST' PLANS OP O..R. BIg IjadertalkinÉs. Stâtemients recentily made by Col. Davideon'and Canadian.Nortiiern officials l tint. wet show the. com.- pany'ae ilteiozis% iegarding it.i Pacific:, ermnltaîat Vancouver and, Port Mann. lheformer La tic b. thé pasfeug.r, terinu, izhile Port Mfatn will : be utilized for thie freight end' of tiiebusiness, pand wrill alo e>'.the.-site of the com- pany's. car and -.locomotive repair shop«. In add'ition t -will llkely h. the. steamer port at sueh time as the. Ca.nadian Nortihern decidea teý operate- a trans-PaÏcifie' service. Notes s. ur 1tan teuù million doillri l tW b. epent on taieC.ýN.R. location st False- Creek , outésde Vancouver' sud ti heé-ennetion bo- tween the station there aud the, dowuntbwn depot, wiich will 'b. by meanàïs f 'a tunnel.' Work tiiere- will ,begin 4 tii.earlieztpossible moment. Thïe'fouudstîonso!-' thlt. machine ahopga a. Port Màn~n will .. started -withiu e mont saoordi*ng te a astateient imu6 by'Col. Davidsýou. MORAL COURAGE. Wiiat a grand. acquisition le Mor- al courage, yeti how rare ! -To tuoe of us who'lack the. courage tec face a diffiulty àt will plre#ent Lasel!, more formidablethan befor.. Diffi-. culties, lîlkç-_tiéives, oftuen disap- pear if' one ýlooka 'st tiem. W should' cultivate morai'ourage, aud' tue Young especiaily ahould do so. Have the courage te %pe&k -'your, ,nind *lien ýit#"-L desiTable you should do so" and te hold your tongue when t in btter you should bo sulent. HRave thé moral courage to speak te a poor friend iu jeedy- elothing when a.rich one la near. - eapatch - fmm Detroit aeys: îAltihot)gh, bimsel'f admitting tiht h. 'Siad ahïot down a fellow man in cold blood *ud uotvithstanding theit the -murder was -witneased by st leset haîf a dozen persons,- William -A;. Ferguson, slayer o! Herberti H. ,Herbert, tiie Canadian 'immiigration inopecter,, ill escape 1the death ' penalty. -Ferguson's trial ended at '1 5ocock :Friday a!t.mncon vieri, '&lt'er çoncluding arguments by thQ jGoverument sud. the. defence, the. case iwent tei.jury. Deiberàting j a little moe, than. hal! an bour,'the-. verdict vas retumned flndLg Fergu-. jo so'"uilty of murder iu tiie fir8t ,dge itheut capita.l pUnie}- jJudgje Sessions tho-n proueu-nced, iinte. s.Mfolio ws:-' Tii. verdict i f he Jury la,, fait 'oeeasd there lus ônly one sentence which I oaa< pronounce.. ýThé eentence -o! thel. eourt le tiat youI'h confiued intme federal prison st Fot Leavenworth, ,Kansas,'viti hard 'laber for the, '~kesôf ounat PO 1 l1e. Tii. pris»ner displ ayed net the, sligbtest aigu o!f feling- RHis hard, lined face, 4vhch a. 16everal day.' growth e!fbeard only mecle appear the' more -dogec, vas, tuened to- wards thie encii w-here tith. judge est. Hlie guarl.d- flugers twitehed oonvulsivey once or twicei, but be- youd tuhs t'ore 'vas othiug te lu- dicat.-'tiat hbo iad -a full apprecia- tien O!hie, position;1 Iu uis clesing. plea for tue de- f.ece., Attorney Jamea H. Pounti paiued s-word.. pictume o! the. cir- duxiaaleewbieh led ýup te su whicb icaueed Ferguéen tà také tii. 111 .!-Ins"pecter Herbiert. "He was a British subjectilongiug to geti baek te hÈiw native laend," h.' salé. "But as" etuiidf>tupen Can- adian shorýes 'hée-vas mnet by thee petty officiansd tiurne& baek,. re-' jeeted and, insulteà.' Fortunsd' fetieýafteOiË6Ofhoe howed'iis coun- tr~William A. Fergu»on Le being, put btihiadWalle o! -ste'el anti'Stone for the rmainde of his ife. " The. mnain argument 'of' t-h. oounsel for defeuîce was justfication. eD&oav'of r .r.w.eiou ero!taie Bell, ga i PlanaCoin- paay, was -found l'manled on ,taie G.T.R. ýtraTk'near Guelph. Lovd- MiXner a.ddresed Hall! a. Ca3nadian Club Friday nigit, con- tending for tii. absolute 4divorce- ment o! 'Imperiat f rom local issues. Montieai 'ipsintis mmnpreaeuted S.. H. Osepenter, for sixteen yeais i.ad of th ii. etctvedeps.tmeunt, with *2,ý500 sd, a-gold 'wstebh, with a hand-bsq for Mrs. Carpenter. He i. beooming cOhie! of polio. st GIMAT BRITAIN.- gatàkld,' tâ4i. gieut wimzuer, br<rke-'the world's",reord for 400 metre6;, tn., minutes 21 3-5 ec'- -The. pnneipe-, governinent' build- mugs in Dubli în ,4àrdediiy po- ic., '1et suffragett es àtttuk,.them. .A deapatch to theê L1iodn Timtes, f rqým CQo.ttinçople, mnsys 4bth it Turkiah' trops. mi-thei~ sland olf' Samin gc>t out o! baud and kifl.d ma-iy wome n and cikIiren. - TYfrTTED STATES. ,ne-,poice captured a, man aib St. Louis believed 'to-have been mmpli-, <catied in the. New Westminater baixk, robbery. Db,.. ~ Yr -pllpmanwho errested 'Harry Tba, h> hie wife snlil meel! when -su.mmone4 te court.oui her, complaini. Btit4hii snd French esaure have boXnlanded on the e làoiad o! Saàm-.; Âsr will hold 1for tihé timeb. iug, taie tim.-expired men, Ln -th. Boenia army corps. 'monk, a teacher Lu phyuca I-taiy, ïas. inv.uted su au àtemat i rifle te fit. 354) ahot&synnute. BIGHT WUDE>AT< LECTURE OCbmscipta St4rted_ Free Flght l'a Parii Ral. ,A despatèha. from Paris.Baye:« The announcemeut thati Prof.. Gus- 'tave Hervýe, theê Sciet, wlto had jFa"'. been 'released fomjal e causecf thle'utterances lo!' bis-paper duning the',rilway ,-hreike, wo6uld diver a etre,. onWednsay 'nighti on "Oi, Country,'-'-s'iTred' up the 'miitant Anarchiste, who re- gard -Herve as a backslider, sud Ith.y determnued te "prevent the de1 livery- o! bis -'address. T-hey gaith- ered lu large numbere Lu tii. hall and - tarted a diaturbance befori the -time for the. lecture te begin. Chairs fl.w sud revolvers were flred, sud before the pro!e.sor stiarted te speak: eigiit wouuded men bâ. been -taken te.tii. hospi- ta. 'When h. ýtoé6k tii.platform and. faiIed te advise the ounscripta te desert, tue radical anti-iiitaiist faction sud Anairchiste, w'ho were presçnt in great etren.gti, raised' pandemionium.> In spite, o! the racket Prof. Hervé proceeded et deliver husasddress. Tih. noise sud. turuxoil wére 80 great. -ho*ever, that it was impos- sible .t<e hear what lie said beyond "erniug that .he exrplained hia !am- cu-s phrase about plantiug the. flag -in a manure'iesp as a reference te an ini*penial, net a republican flsg. He declared that bis sole error had been lu allowiug hinmself te be dubbed anti-patriotie. He denied that -ie wsa auati-militarist, aud said h. believed tibat Lt was, ouly psoieibIe tW effeot a social revolutionù with tiie assistance o!'- the. amy, auid te secuimre thisithe. chools muet Wili Proéteet Fereigu Proerty -Oh the Island of Samos., Conatantinople, Sept.; 26.-Bi-' tiahli aud Freucli. bluejackets have beeà J-anded s&~tii. Islad of Samios eigu prope#ty during tiie flghting between tue Turké a~tiie- rebele. The. &wn of Vath'y Lunew apparent- ly pea&ceable. the, insurgente baving. withdrawu t'tii.hebills when taie 1Turka I&aded. !11LÂWF GRIT WEST."fJ he Settraa Prpets te the North. A dépatch f rom ObLawa sy: A ruskirof. »settiers a.nd prospectra over thê tailfront Law 1a Biche toc YForti Mcmurray, tiiasumnmer je re- Poote4-y S.H. larli., of 'the.For- uàtry 'lepartmnt, wlha hmjust re- tiurned toOttiaa. 8rt,McMur« - ra.y, whhie i à,the AtliiRi.. ver,, is over ý two *hwid-re<1 miles nortih-eae-of Fdm an&e, udthe Alberta capital ià tbe 2iail_ wa.y point., Deapfite tui4 tÃœre, sc>me h<> eer ~~jetr. a re prssn otW&rd a long,-tih a two hfi re mle*iaiL.,The Tort McMurray oounty, oUgL-ie >P'Ã" ar noi'th, i. reported'to have good-,ag- ricultural-1amnd, while it'is esaid tc b. rich in emienrals. M.'lr. with a party offretrh.bn investigating the timber Opeasibili- ties in thie e»un.try betweem, Lac la Biche and Fort McMurray. , "It is thickly overed wikh poplar and pine, which would inake the best of pu1pwood, but the tihnber là' not large ezxough for oommerial pur- poses. Another party ftom the. Forestry Départîmnt is exploring nortib along the- Ed---on Trait. Pre- 'li-minamî-rporte Which have ben reidY thedepartiment show that there i is plndid timber in the. Girouard'dietrict, L Lsser slave THG&~T iEWàS IIURDERER cobalt "Yonth 'Commits Suicide as7 a Itesuit. :A despatcl from - Cobalt says: After Ïhooting, three turnes.-at George Wilkes,,pro>prietor o 1f,_tii ýOttaw& House ber., i i. -,evenin g, and thinkng he had killed hfln, J. K. (Ourley) MCDo6n&ld, 'a y-oungý America.f roui the Adirqp4"k r- Igion, Stepped outiaide ana liot hlm- self through. tii. brjaiu, dying.n- stantly. ýWilkes had'garnïi4heed- *MeDoxaie weges st.the Nipissing Mneand McDoade' grievances rOSeý over thée action. . Wilkes tltre'w linmelf on the floor' exclaiming, 1"I'm gon," When' Mo Donald flred the -third shot. H. es- '16aped- the three shots, one ba.rely burning the. akin of us uhp. The affair .ocuted'in the Otta.wa Houa., aud the suicide wasco>mmited a -few feet f rom its door. Mcocald- caine tp> Cobalt aud lived for smre turne under the. alias o!f H. -0. Me- Carthy, giving 'tha'ýreaaon'confiden- tially, it La e«tated, .that lie had for- rnerly commiîtted a depredàtiou. He waa well , educàted, aithougli in- clined to act strangeiy at turnes., 850 SHOTS- A INUTE. New Autématie Bille Tnveated by An'Italian MSonk.î A despatch from Rome saya: A monk of* the. naine of Marico Bon- tempi, a teacher of physies snd m8theým&tîcs iu thé"_mnastery -st Laneia.no, iu the. Province cf Chieti, Êtas aadcned monasticisantoteex- ploit 'an autamatie 'rifle which -h. bas inveuted. He. daimas thait the weapou wil1 fire 350 ahots a minute. Boutempi wa.nted to patent bils rifle and offer it to the Italian Gov-- emnient, but is superiors ordered him -tic destroy the plans and speci-. fications of such a murderous wea- pon. - Horfused t<e do this, anüd is now negotiating with the War SEÂRCU Ff OR WE-APON-S. Brantford Grand-Jury Advlses Per-' -, idle Examnation.. A despauticrein Br&ntiordBaye,: Tii. Grand Jury st:the-Assises lier, Lu itis preetinlent k- Mr;, Justice R.ddel. thé preildiung'judge,-'matie thé'. olwing recomnmendation: Owing to tii. prevalence o- cnimea of vWolece irnongsVtihe for- posssino firearma, kniv'e, sud- tracir *M quo ted 'Buckwhest-Nqominàl. Brani-Maultoba brani, $22 to $23, in baffu, Toronto0 frelght. Shorts, $26. Baba H ay-No. 1 new 'hay. .$t2.50 ta 813. on traok. Torontoýý. ýNo. 2, $10 to $11; clor; mlxed. 8 8 v Ba 8- trïw-2ýbe market la quiet with pricè&,of good straw quoted at $11 té OUM,50 on track, Toronto. COUNTRY PRDUOQEU. Buiter-Daire relIs, oholoe, -25 te 260; bake)ra'. tuferior, 2L ta 22e; choice dalrr. tubs>, 23 to 24c, cramory. 28 toe 29o for rolie- and 26' to 27à for solids. Etts-OC'selot. of new-ald, 27 to ,28e- por doujAireuh, 24-,to 24c.- 1 Oýhëeese-Kew obeene, 141-2 ta 14 34o for large, and 143-46 ta 15o for twins. Bsans-Hand-plçked quoted at 85 'perý huabel; primes. 82.90. Hoe-xrcted, in tins, quoted gt 1. to I S e lb. for No. 1. qholesale; corauu, '82.60 10 $3, wbolesale. Pou1trý hicekeno, 16 ta 18o, per lb.; bons, 13' tO '14o;dückUngs. 13 ta 14o; turkeys. 17 te 1Oc.- Lire poultry, about 2o lower' than the abore. Potatoeu-758 'to 80e per bag, on traok. ,PROVISIONS. *Baoon--Loiiielear. 141-2 to 14 3.4o per 'lb., In case' lots. Pork-Short eut. 824.60- t$25 do, me, 81.50 Hams-Modhuxn.-to i -.17 1 12eb*eary,- 15 1-2 to 160; rls14.5; eb. fast bacon, L%; backs, 21, ta 21-2. Lard-TIierces 1.4 1-2o. tubs, 1454.e;pails, m5e. BUSrINESS IN MONTREJAL.' Mouireal, Oct. .-Core-American :No. 2 yeliow, 84e te 85e. Os)te-Conadlsu west- ern. No. 2Z 64c ta 55e, extra No. 1' fée& 64c -;to 54 14c, Birley-Xanitoba: feedi- 60o to 61e; maltint, .75c te 80e., Buekwbet- No. -2. 74o to 75e* Flour-Manitebs spring wheat patents.,r , 58;seconds, $5.»0; strong bakera!. $-510; wlnter" patents, eooles.8.26; 'stralght rollers $*455te '$5.. 40C o. bags. $2.25 te 82.30. kolffeC Oats- $arls 5.05; 'bases.90 lb..,é$2,40. Mill- leed-Bran,- $23; shorts,, $27; niddllnge, $28 ta $29; mnoiUie. $30 te $35.'Ray- No. 2, Der ton; car lots, 815.50-to $14. Obeese -=Finesi westerns, -13 1-2ô te 1334; 1meat sasterus., 1314<, to 13 38e. Buttér-Obocst' creamery, 273-Oc to 275-8c; seconds. 261-Se to14., Egts-Selecte, 29o to 30c; No. 2 stock. 21o to"22c. Potatôes-Per -bas, car lois. Me ta 70c. Dressed. hoge-Abat.. toir killed, $12560 t10812.75. ,Pçrk-Uesvy Canada short eut mess,, barrers, 36 te 45 pieces, $28; Canada short ont backs, bar-. rein, 45- ta 55 plèces, $28. Lard-OGompond tierces. 810.25; woëd yale,- $10.75; purs, IT 'fflM. MÂIETS. Montreai,, Oct.: ."-God steers., 86.25 to 816.50; medium, $5.256La8.7;commen', $4 toe v5 er 100 pounds. Olxote.butcher o*s sjold wen an 8.t ta8.5;rau mat 44 tao -$5,. -sud cmmn.aIf omthe ihable ,price.down 10 82.50Mvr 100 pounds. Eul, Dommon,. -.0 ta 85.50 per 100 ponnds. Lambs, 8550. tÃ" $6' per 100, pounds, vile sheep vare. quiet sud nnchinged -ak 83.50 ta $3.75 pet 100 ,pounda. The trade lu calves-was active si priées' ranging from $2 tô-$10 each,, aseta quality.- -bos, 88.75 1$90 per 100 pounds, wèighed-oft cars. Trouta, Oct.,L--Cholce butcéhers, $6.1te 8.5god,, $5.75 ta $56 mod umu'- 85.25t' $5 commoiýn. '84.75 te 85;inferior, 83.75 to l":50- gôood eows, $4,50 ta 850.25; medinin eows, $4 ta $4.60; eommnon,$3a4;bis $3 te 85$. 'Stookers suâd--Pedersteas 900 to 1000 ibs., sold at 85.30 te $6.75; steers. 800' te 900 Ibo., ai $ 5 to $5.25; stockers, ;'$4 te 84.75,' Mllkèes sd. springers. $50 ta $90 each. Vel' caires $3 ta, $850 per ewt. Lambs '$6 ta $6.10 per cwt. 'vith- an odd lot now and 4aan- at 86.15. ' Light oves, 'to '$4.40. beaivy ewess'sudrams. $3 ta 5.Culls. $4,80ver -cvt. NAJICONI IN AUTO ýWIIECHK. Wireless !Inetor-Suffering PFront Serions Inijuries. .A dýAptcai frein Spezia, Italy', sa8 : -William Marconi, of wireless fahewas Lnjured iLu-su automobile accident' near Botghétto, 'lu tie, valley o! the Vara River. The. ex- tient o! 'us -I.njuries ias not been di8eed,' but h. was brengh-t back with bandages 4round uis iead. He was sufferiug.frein a wouud of tii. righti eye sud hi. -right ciieek sud temple were badly bruised. Marconi was uiotoriug with bis Wi!e wlîen iu tiuruiug a sharp.curve the machine came inte collizion, witi another automobile. Both cars were overturned. Mrs. - Marco-ni was n<>t injurêd, but Marconi's sec- retary a'd chauffeur rec.ived sîight injuries. lIn the otier car were five womenrrail o! whomi were fouud te'«J b. auffering fromn severe bruises sud shock. WILLIAX BELL'DEATU. Temporary-Insanity Caused -Tragie End et, Ouelph Ian.'- iA despeici f rom Guei sys: "That Willi&m Bell came, te île deatii on Septeinher 25, while ia Mtate o!fonprry iuaanity, by.be- 1-run Zonby a G.T.R. train ati Trainér's Ctit, sud that ne blaee be attached te .any one,"< was the verdict' ariv ed' at by the. jury who inquired into the death of William Bell, -eue o! Guelpli's most -promi- nent citizens. whose body wasy fouud manizled beyond recoguiti"n ou -the G.T.R. track about.'two miles est o! the citylasti Neek. D ESPONDENT1,. SEERS DEATU.- Hangg Uhuself on 1Ufiaring Uc nad A deapa teh f rom Mc e'--" Despondent because h. ha-c learned' jtihedt h. wýss suliering f rouimu suim ptio6n, Jacob, Atlas,, wh.lo camie ii.re ree.tily f rom, Sudb'ury, Ont-, the B'ç -K.eth iý hed eeniý suad ïiel. 99T kue' tlnued room ien .Wh.n > always' lightful', 6"The1 tiie firet I vite, 0ii Tom- 'Sème - On the: ber 'everi grove. - romped; -were 'del4 B'Ys d&eI. -Butw cause ü 'frindei ueed. --- '<And werdeV" "Build grove, w the. pr<x suoceas.-J A Aman. eut, at i boue. -.< omitted I bon.se, andi seel; 'ngaa)nal ly iuto. th sud brou 'greund ,,il weke up'l sund poini they rosi Bathi of 'f LAR Lord A despe One o! th~ sales eve; purchaser Lord 'J.oie owner, ai [,$eral P4 has puircI hda &Nilu 1 c&n":t iiav 1a, "'because ,ny one- wa8 sa tought of «go0 bud oshha elape hed ih&nds. Ie thke-ti.cae f nthet Ub iucest p5~o i Mieale gÀmd nc,O0 oen .suppoe ur brother -'for us to eatl [aie . sai<l the '1*-betwIeeeî ,ry softl y me othat no 1on. i-ii.ar. :fAnd Nis dauced. delght.: She ha1l fçlt thiat 'psrty invitations were n .heetà o! note-paper cuti rsvn wrtpplug-paper, but. i h-emlock tire. PMists BlaIe îp -in one ormne~r o! each runique. Acroos the bot- e. Lvitetien w»e witten.: wil-1 an sd - for us te est fire aituaypSeem one of the.B s eme tete' 'thre caike and ,61enade cloueasd every 1eue o! the' WredNisspy was thé te "The flefrienders," be-' y'rytosek ,îut 'W be-" ýr on. tiliey a üwlio is lu w.bat wr i.i-ew ail1 tii. hildreuiad asked. s firene ",'c"f op" suÈd An<l tilat, don. in tii., rere te gic'1irl co-id w&tei 'as, madie 'ins.'îs party.a Yuti"s omanOn. EST DÃ"G ,'STOÉY. wud dg Wieh a1way feet stjdinu. sud eda ne day tii. dner. quit.ý give tii.- por o i a!tr. wtigalong timer, ghieImaster! 'taking hus tii. 'tyk *walkOddenture.- gatdèn' plucked a flower lit and',plaýed it -on tue front êo!is master; thoen h ecruel or foîrgetful'man -d te -thie littie. flowr. It Frget-rne-unct.". ose two loveiy men were Lu 1 you 1". "Tes&.' " Au4 y ,fough uelabout me tey 'ode'or ' "No wee ioe. -lidren grow very tuai; lu otiiers, they are fat, but tiieflesi-is flàbby. Mu-eh car b. doue ticpreveuti de. formity'by keepiug the. ciild very quiet."' If lb le al1lowed teo reep. about -or stand, its' boues will cer- tiaiuly become creolced, for. they arm ne-t stronug eneugli W _do the' wonlc demauded of thein. An abtaock -o! tickets may b.e o mid -ftibei ly» an -lnstiucted "ad. watchful -mother WouId noticeý it, ori e sevore that the. Chuld is left a 'mishapen dwarf. It ii more cern- m o uaong tii. poor, *bevmae itieL caused by in8ufflcent or Lmpro'per dieti. and ulade worse by bad hy- gienie eondietore sud lacit o! care. 'Wieu it occars'in a cliild o! well-to.- do parenta, it. eau.often b..traced te the. exclusive use of s6cm. patent. The firati question -in any ..ýcase must I slaya 'b., '!Oun 'v-i th tle éhild being fed?" If, a good wet- nursee au b, 1obtained, ah. wiUl work the cure. If the ch~id is al- reudy.being fed at tii. breasti by au' overworked motier, 'or eue who hue - nursed' Lt tee lIong, -i-t must have a" change -at ýance te properly. dlluted- A, nickety' chuld ca.nnot'lhave toc' much -open -air:' Ifproperly proteet- ed front dampadcold, Ltnmy be- .keptf outidoors botb day sud ùih. The. sensitivene-s o! the. bcd-y nluy. be-relieved by watt baths, sud rtub- -bing vithlioil.'Auny change* u iotA should,. o! course, b. made under the ad-vice .of a piiysician.-You.th'a Compan ion. REAR.EJND COLLISION. ,sFireima;t 1<il11. ,Cenducteor- -ud Engineer Badly. lujnred. A de&pateclif ront Kenor.says: A rear-end collision eausing the. deathl o! firemain C. A. Clark, aend posai- bly fatalIy injuring Couductor J. H. Neal and 'PesseugerEngineýer G. H. Olst, occurred -early Fniday monmiug-west of Bueteed. 'between YExtraà No. - 4, compo sed o! ý*- deati- head coacies runninýgeast, sud a- heavy fregit train aise geing est. GE"ANI DE AL IN -WESJ J431ceY Obtàlns -24,oÃ"$ Acres of -eiied Farn and Ilry Land for $450,000,1 teh erru ý -Le¶ýndûn Baye: 'of. large t inâdîvidual land lai effected iu thîs Country , fer e. completie herc. Thff- ~y, tii. famoùe coal fnime tii ee o! the we'altuiest tir ors lu <,are'tjBritain. lHe ou a sed ne-arly:L24,Q00 'acres âea] viciitiy.c George,- )00. - nanit ni i Ntwt ARCHIVES OF ONTARIOi

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