optbI, mer am- YourwrI TUE SLEiep9e 10 KIvo.. eshh W@ni&tWbo.spentTfrtwy. 1 hréhve, been. seveacases oc long Clepequit. apanL fs'om th. ce]« Rip Vaii, Winkle. , On. of thé. mÃ" rçM&4rk4le, vas ie long FSIop o! Germnan Gove>rninent officiâi na'm ed ÂrýwheM1 Who liad an accient in Mwhh hie ead vas isjued in 1ON, mud suuing aseep was sti< ncen- .sOiOU. fueyrs, aftervazd and b e.-Ieeiug eâtW 0, Say*e'the *But the 00m6 1 inerestiog exasnple "Ms that of e& voman, Carolne IUs. *on' living in thé Ittle, i.and of Okuzo, off 4h. ceoet of Seevi 111 aaleep li,1875 sud did net w&ke up -till 1907. - Dr. Froder.tromof the. 8aitpetri.> Aayiu.m inParis -h». made a detailed examinition of ber -experlnce snd nov publiehei the resuit. of hi. inqunhLes-in h ltensthatm "the. eleeper of Okuo" vas -hem lin 1861. Tii. firet fourteen y.ars o!flier life vas pas.. ed in jierfeot heaituh, altuhougli ex- traneous diffutues proented'lies from sattSidg sohoo., It vas nef t114ý just before h.z.feurteentis birthday that she received auy oehooiing. At the foJlowins Chriat- omsahe fell ill. On thbe aIl eventfui day êe. came hoe_ efrein -the wshool, whicli va4 three mle, off, à .nd complaine<i of lootbeohe aud indisposition, ýand vas put te b.d. A very fev houre inter ah. feu into a fiance, uttered no word, eesmed te hear noluhing, aud".howed 'no trace of feeling any-' *hiug when needles &ad sucli like things vwere run inùtoelber armâ. For tiiirty year and more, aocordlig te ber mother'e evidence, Caroinme ni.i.d in thiua e6ndituon vith'out'&s o.ign of eh". e. Oniy once in reply to the. depaînn' gory of bhr mother fori prayer dd se move ber'lips and 0 y1 'jeau. have mèey -on 8"i~e three or four timsdid'tii. lnvalid lesve for a moment lier lied, on wbih i il the rest e!ft_--thesa. #he lýy ini a crcuchibg postur4 wrb tii. bdelithes dravu up',over lber liead. k 2 aa id' that, ber viole- nourii.btnenW oubsed of tvo cupse of -uxilk a day. Wbeu ber motuber died Caroine musi hav-e been oea- meous te some extent of the, tact, for - he buiat into tears, ,'thougli offierIrise néochange w.. nlioable lu ,her condition. After the, mother'. &&&th a -brether undertook tiie charge of 'ther sleeping girl anud ier food,t but after two'yea&re ho vais -drovued,' and thus sud ,vent coca- ined &a-seonùd vioent fe weep- 18ý'ei r. f er then devoivêd 'upon à houzeIi«.per, sud Caroline eemo to havel shown moere inteIii- ence ý&ùnd eh*npnesa in -noticing lier presei0o. It began to be notic.d that bier hâii wasaivlays kept tidy sud tbat hem iiaîlgdid not exceed the. USUAl ength. As the. resuit cf an -experimeut in Ieaviug ber alogie fo>r sonie houris o! 'the day a s uzji- ciou airose ihst hýr trauce could not have been ge complet. and unbro- ken a .formneriy. At 1.st ther, va no dobt aboutit. Fpod dlsap- A feýv sonthe later, Caroine sud- denIy lasked -for her mother, sud viienlber brother. .hurtied tebier aide, aho -wave. heisuaway, saying, -Yu'aren't. my, bTotbera; tliey vere qit. amaiL," Fros that -moi- nment ab* vas a differeut being. The. trine e d ceased-.and left lier quit. wefl à -id bearty. The. scet careful examiia4ion failed te reveal te the docter #te sllghtest trace of veak- -nesa t of- e!mental ,defeet. 8h. re- xnembeed every detail o!flier ea.riy T>eFood 7eIIsIts Own Story one diah that a good maarthouandpeop1e rel- ish lreatIy for breakfast. lundi or aupper. Pbst Tasties, C4e4 wafers' of toast edinldiazî Corn-a-dainty - sud moôst'délightful dish. T ,- with cream and .41à n, s e3a 'CtmQe ioc.,Lûtd. wil.Iý force lu .Oçt<ebpr, the- mnth iii whidi, everyyear, the numsber of, iiome1eu poor begins to> incr.a.e4n London. In the. firat instance U i propoaed thatthVe scies. shall olly b. appii.d an the, ares betveeu tlie Thamesanud Oxfiord&treet, sud be- tweeu -Vauxhall Br'd4e Bo"add the. city boundary. Wîtà hi tuat dis- trict police constabies on niglit duty vili carry tickets to e bhianded tc &oaelees -persons iu need. The tickets viii - contain -direction. ito > apply at amn-office viiich 'viii be aituated near the Strand. . The office viUiinlutelephonieôoOmmuui- "otin vith s number cf voluntary agenciesviiieb have cousented te furtuher th. aches,, as veil as vituh the. 1ealvadaeof the metropolis. The r ffinlucharge viii keep is- self 4nform.ed as to the amouunt cf acsoation a, t the various vardéand agencie. sud aise decide te wuiiii cisse o!institutionu the sp- plicnt ougiit to b. 'sent.'- Methode viii b. adopted te guard against the transfer o,! the ticket. Possibiy th. ksignatures cf. those who eau write viii b. required te be made on-the carda. The. experiment vith tii. ticket system viii b. wstohed vith close. interest, for siiouid it b., a isuces,; its extension'to other plaes vould follow as a sa.tter of!-course. It ie anotiier devéiýppent cf :the- Meturo- politan Casuai Paupers- Order of lait year, thi. objecte ef wliich vere te secure uniforilty o! adiÉinistra- tion, te prevent the scandai o! de.- titute persena sleeping *ouitesud vsuderisg atunigitu, and to secure 40me classiîtn o! tube casual pauperea seaie te diffrentiate the. ýooasion&l irom Viie habituai vag-_ The. True 1ýVayto correet'Neoeu Nervous troubles are more ofteu cauaed by --imprgoper fond aud indu- gest4on tien Most people imagine. Bren doctors sometîmes overlook ths fact. A in say.: "Until two years ago vaffleo6;and butter vith mçat sud gra-vy *'ere the. main features èf MY breakfast. Fiually dyspepsaac ame ,ou sud I fouud myseIf in a »bad condition, verse lu the morning tien auy other tise. I vould have 'a fuhl, saiek feeling in sy stemaci, vitul pains lu biy beart, sides sud head. -"At turnes I v'ould have ne appe- tite for days, tho'n I vould féel rav- euous, neyer f'ssfled vhe Idid est sud se nervous' I feitie shrieking at thie tep o! my voice. I lest fiesh badly. sund hsrdly, knev -wvich vay te tilmu unfil oue day I bougit, a box o! Grape-Nuts food te see, il I could est tulatu. I tnied it vithout teliing the. doctor, sud liked it"-fineu, madle me feel as if I had somietiiing t eaet that -vas st- isfyiug sud .tii I1.didu't blive tha.t heavinesthat ý iad fêlt sfter eat- ing any other -foo.d * "I hadn't drank any coifgeo thon in fivo weeks. I kept ou witii the Grape-Nuts sud in a'menti sud a hlai 't had gained 15 pounde, couid est aims a ything I vanted, didn't feel badly' sfter eating sud my nervou-suesvas all gené. Lt'. a piasaure to b. well again." Nase given by Canidian Pdstum Co., Windsor, Ont. R(rad tic bock, "The Read te Wellvilie," lun plcge. "Tliere'a a reason."' Huer ud the abova lutter? A <1mw oes appears <rom timo te Mle. -Tlsy Mc gînuins, <rue, and full of buman InterestL fee;nîuïg sue at tor Tablets-are sold -by; i ers or by mail at"2p frei Tii. Dr. Wihlia o., Brockvile, Ont. inau a' a nx PLANTS 1DIE 0F OL» ÂGE. Reason Why 01.1 Varleties Are Re plaeed By Nov. r Aocording to A. Schiuer-Ti-etz, )vio lias reoeutiy completed soine i Interestiug etiudies, tube same gen- i -eral biologleal lav. govemne the. blougcvity o! animais sud o! plants. >Some loy animal organisme repro- .duce.thiiemelves by simply falllng s part, sud the. different pasrts thuus )formed are individuai, life-sustain- ting organismel. Ultimsitely, boy- eveër, if éiuch s species la te b. per- petuuated, tuvo individuels vili bave 1te pair off as parents lu order .te give a new life impulse tovard sucii s perpetuation, sud.ther progéey viii be hardier sud more rebuet, ibecause created in tie normal, vsy than the iudividuals forsded by se- gregs*ieu f rom the. parental organ- The same râle applies .te plants, aud boeause this mule bas been dis- regarded lu cases, certain varieume o! plauts are dyiug o! old'age. Oôiiebuius telse thait 125yema&ao a traveiler breught t'romn the Orient a male peplar, vhlch ho plauted iu the. park at Woeriitz, Gemmany. Al the. poplars te b. found tshrougholut Germauy are descendants o! this eue -parent plant, sud vere pro- dnced by cuttings. A. Schller- Tietz therefore regardsail Vihe pop- lare trsclng thisir enigin ba.ck te, tus oe, sud tb. sain. tree sud net as differeut t;rees, sud thioa ggre- gate lo'ugevity caunot exceed the. l<lngevly !au-y one popiar. This is th.ým eaon that ail the, peplars lu Geimgny are dying -out vithouit any apparent reaaoi-without blight, dîsoe, destructive insecte, sud'in gond soiu. . For the, saune reaaon tiie La1 France roses are gradually dying eut. ýTuaî beautiful and pepular variety o! rose i. propagated solely by cutting. l>tu i. ouly a itti. over fifty yeas ago that, the.firet rose bush t! the variety was sold iu the mark-et, but its il!e impetus ie al- meet exhauated. It caunot survive miucli longer.' CLEVER AUTONATON. Nov Near-Hfuman Figure Casa. SIng and Ilake a Speech. Que o! thei st attractive exi- bits. at Vie show of toyms snd inven- tions jiset opoued at the. Grand PaIais, Paris, France, fa the "Dis- donc," a epeaking automLtou. "Dis-donc" lina a isdsemie, 1f.- aizod: figure, wituh bLack satin breeches, blâck ai tucekingsansd s acarlet dress ceat. Wiieu voumd up lie wvhi slgyen a song, suak. you a speechi, or. de- scribe to yeu bthe quality e! amy cossodity you have to «Rl, aces-m panying hie remaria witii sppr<opri- ste geatu res. "Dia-donc" can "~ek or aizigal thlugs, aud et thi eiho! hi. ovuer viii dîspsy ii.talent in the, streoit, lu a ehp rin s dravng-roonu. He lias no preference iu the mat- ter e! clothes, sud whether yo dress hlm as a clown aud oblige hlm> to.tali nonsense, or fit hlm eut lu the latest triumph o! tihe taiilr'e art sud aak is te, recite a pees by Rostnd,'it is ail.oue te bis: "Dis-donc" vii a ppear on the platfors or leave it as you desire. He vii 'change iii. cotume, se that yen would net recegnize lm, and lu a fev minutes more, viiesi hie SCOTTLSH JEWELS FOR QUEEN phonograpisdi of geatures ha Royal Famlly, Wear Speelal Orumý- viii deligît ai monts at Ralmoral. - ith nev, orig The jevdllely us.,d by the. royal fsmiiy wiule uey are at Balmoral Castle in qui-t distinct frein tubat vomu ile they, are at Windsor or 'Tia a Març Buckinghamn Palace. Wiiie lu Vie ti. hecures effe, Scuttih Higilauda tbey alvaye use Eciectrie 011 Vie spleudid - collection cf Scotch speedy and >u ornamentes oolected by Queen Vie- bougit to ti tons sund thbe PrinceConsort. T-les. it ha. b..'n ust -are 'ncver removed from Balmoral, cd as a ;marvy but a-ne taken eut o! thi.e ses. sud peteut a me'd s selection la made frein the stock f nom the. sixi viien tie ourta<nives there.,every ter into its C4 fal, sund are idcked svay ag&in vwilicouvince v-Ion tbe royal famiy eturus ' is -heaiing vii London., Beitultue King sud Queen aivays show a piea.wing ;ncoogiti<>n o! na- LT WOULD1 Vinai clianseteristica viien tiiey are "Wliat nefoi vislting lu vsnieus part& e! ther.ir. unowVI2 do*mains; LIn Sotlaud they vear "in advoci the Stuartu tartan. A 5pe01&l gik i dul e! file pattuern i. mauufactured <> viien they don Vie Queen'a aiiirtuvale<t sud tiec sashes wh'ich Prince«. Mary vears ever h.r vwhitue friick in the even- Quean Mary'. passion for simpli- city lu flnding moat prononnced ex- pression during lier iieiday sa4SI- moral vliere ahe is practlcaliy liv- ing lu &t oatssd sk" t tithe even- ing diuuer.heur, viien sie chavnges inte a demîi-evexung govu, cûà t- hlgi in the neckan t ifltransparent yoie asuedlogéeves. Lady Eva Du-gdaie, vioseaccôs- PanWt the QueSn o hel, visit to' Neu Stmelltz, eshares ber royal mis-*- treas' tai" eilutuile as veli as lin %>tier direceone. Betwe.n tuiemý th.y have'beendoiuig muci needi.- vonk dun* -tue' raiuy véather- visich ibeen prevailing lu Scot- lsnd. - ED.-4 se and lue reperrtoire ave been modifled, lie kn astonished audience ginal sud smusiu-g pst-. veiious Thiug.-Wlien etcd by Dr. Thomas' are considered, the ermankent relief it ha. he suffering wherever 3ed, it muet 1Se regard- 'ellous thing that 80 dicine siiould resuît ingredients which eu- .omposition. - A trial the most siceptical cf irtues. BE APPRECIATED. )rm are you interested ating that people b. for the work they do n't feel like working."_ ISSUE 41--9i2 celer, o! ever'y tThat's thse (.anya- ugar - vay vehepe adl u cm e iedmNMilýto p.. themwu op.To mi utoSsbulu n hp st onceMst lu., nd ny Jhaïr, wlsc zabe Complete Maus ot anaes andf'scurt mm >a begin te look lu eddcodt h 4 D h a box ciiui"ca t : ibis cbsrèd uni a-ýlnerfWly. In afew' Umei e alt fthe ecaleuptiou bad pltely dlsappesred. Ifov $yal la cluezf and healthe, sudtiauke WII'e CIU-s cuira ReedesI compltelyý>,cured ci- eciema. Ail my nelgbbours veruossdd Tise Outimwamedies arewrthb veeit ta fold, snd one tablaI o! Cuticums SeaP gmo se er thaour cak et o! heaper &oa50 - It haa brou ht bapplness Imi-m 10dîe.( ed) r&. Butler 17 Francw vWh 'oWstetry them raw >C5irp, .,Y,2"l&Iubuo f or,&Ilberalleample DAILY. MDET FOR tSÇHOOLBOYS The l4esls Shou'ld e Regular snd ÙJsqurrled. The -ubet o!, sohool. feediug, on viieh _oference i. te be held at tuhe Londoà , (Enugland) Guildhiall, vas kliscussed'receutiy by a promi- nent London physiologiet. "As te tiie actual amount o! 'food a schoolboy needs, the appeitite ie the. safest guide," yh. stated. "Four meais a day are recqulred.- Breakfast is alvaye au important meai vith tiie ecoolboy .(particu- larly if bch.ies ad a liglit supper the. nig4t before), and it siiould b. a fu1, licartymeal. "It -may begin vith s moderate dieii cf porridge, vitii. pleuty o! 'su- gar snd rich mîlk;- after this eggs anid bacon, or fiah, j- plenty o! bread sud butter,-.veak tes (made witii hotu milk) ansd a zwdes-ste amount o! marmalade.- A rav apple makes an excellent endiug fer breakfast. By Il o'clock s rush or 'dry biscuit snd &* glass o! coid milk vili proba- bly b. appreclated. "DIinuer At 1i o'clock liould b. tuhe iieavy meal o! tfii day sud should combine a generous amount e! ail the. thre, important food ele- menta-proteina (meats sudchees>,, fatâ and carbôhydraites- (atarchs and sugars). %eetablje soupa, roat or bolled butcher'aà meAts, greenývegetabies sud peitatoesn&d a pudding or cold sveet formna~e- senable menu. - Tiie child ehould- drink vater vitul hie disniér, -not milk, as the latter viien taken vi iiesvy fond retrds-digestion. "Tesaiihouid be eerved about four hoursalater dinner, asud ahould cen- sut of. very veak tes, or cocos or eeld miliiiitu se much bresci sud butter as the. child viii est, sud penhaps a little cake. Suppeir shou-1< b. coïifined te s glaêso! milk sud a biscuit or tuvo and served at .bioul- haîIf-pat seven, te prevenit the. chid f romn goins te b.d vith an empty "Regulairity of meai tis, and plenty e! time over the meals (to prevent tue 'boltlu.g' cf food) are ale o! the. utumost importance if the ful benefft o!f the food lý te b. oh- taiued. ÃM A LITTLE TOO LITTLE.- kore failures resuit froin adver- tisimg s 'ttle toc littie than s littie toc muci. Dr. J. D. -Keliogg's Dysieutery Cordial ià s speedy cure for dysen- tery, diarniioea, choiera, summer complaint, sea sickuesesud coin- plaints incidentai to chidreu teeth- iug. -t gives immediate relief te those sufféring frcm the. effeots cf ludiscretion iu eating unripe fruit, cucumbers, etc. Lt acte vibli von- derfui rapidity sud neyer f ails te ooniqu.r the dises,.. No oee eed fear chçere~af they have a bottle cf 't» o pvoSy epema.uy uID mO <ri, 0a1 top4 ear c~re among ~the ýworking claýia ýù&Iial.utto div0o, the . latter -being toco ex-, pensive. for. them to obtain. The. -eonniequenae il they have no real f reedom, sdloena fmoraleis the. r.eult. 'In.'-in4ustiaicentre., viiere both iiusbà aind ud if e are wage-earneore, this a especially thie caee. Lanaahure aioie ha, *2&,D0 people separated by Iaw, but. uot f re. to re-marry. WIBELESS WITHOUT SPARKSE.à French Engineer's Diwï>ver~y *0l Uheapen-Present Syotem. The. Paris (France> matin. an- ,ýmounceethât a eystiem of wirelee telegraphy without epaÃks. has been invented .bya oung--Frýenob iengi- neer, iulien B.th.nýod, on.e of the favorite 'Pupili cf the 1.4. Henriý Poincare sa 4apereona f riend cf the- wirefea. pioneer, Bran1y-.Uy Betà be od s inv ention it is ï id to b. peesible té etabLh violes. stations in:-clos. proimity -to oee anothuber without the. messages Wo ing confuaed, and th4by antauto matie eystem cfpe rf>rated ;,bande,. it le alao possila oee necm muniain.a a mium Of 200 words a miiuute, ton tne faserthn y .ubmai ecable. and ten times leéseXpenuively. *Other adv=ae are greater- eimplicity od instlation and cheap- neas, eaoh vireleas station co.tng liardly more than $200.000. The. diÃŽ- covery also makes virelesa tele- phony etill more possible.- With a spark, only 2,000 oscillations per second eau b. reduced, whiethe. human voice can go to 20,000 vibra- ti<>ns. By aparkless wireless telîe-ý phony, 20,000 o:scillatione per sec- -bnd -eau be produced. Â Safe Pili for Sufferers.-Tliere are pills that violently purge and fi the. stomacli and !ntLstines vith pain.' Parmele'. Vegetable Pil are mild and effective. They are. purely vegâtabie, ne minerai pur- * gative entering into their composi- tion aud their effeet is soothing and beneficial. Try thiem and be con-' vinc.d. Thousauds can atteet their- great curatiýve. qualities because thoueandi owe their heaith and stre ngtli to timely- use of this Most excellent medicinie. WELL, RF, BECAME 80. "Ohidren,"ý asked the visiteor who -waa addressing the. sehool, "how many of-ycu can tell me whit it vas that Napoleon'.oldieris used to caîl him V! Nobody answered. "Think s,.moment, 'Litte-" Stili nobody spoke up. "'Little Corp-' "(A littie corpulent!" shouted the. children. Balimore, Md.. Nov. 11,.0. Minard's L niment Co., Limited. Slrs,-I came across a botule of your MINÂRD'5 LINIMENT in the hande of one cf the utudents at the University of Maryland, and lie bsing so klnd as to lit me use it for a very badl aprain, 'whlch I obtalned lu training for foot races, and to say that It hslped ms would bputting it very mildly, and I therefore ask if yqu wonld let me know of one of' your agents that le oloseat to Baltimore so that I May obtaîn some of It. Thunklng you n lu5- vance I i'emain, Yours truly, W. C. MeOtTEAN. 14 St. Paul street. Care Oliver Typewrlter Co. P. S.-KindIy answer at once. -not the bey on the buruing deck, but suother.) "Zere,.my lad," isaid thie skipper, ',yytake the wheel. L'l h. back in s fev minutes. Juet yeu steel' by that, star up tiee n.,sd you'll be Tii. boy did se, sud for a fev minutes -ail vas well. Then, o! course, he muddied thinka, 'aud pro- eently the appoiu:ted.star vas shin- ing at- the Stemn o! the, boit, iustead ýo! ahead. .-I Tiien the. lad-raised his.youthful velce, aud. siiouted excitedly.: "<I say, sir, corne sud givenme an- otior star. l', epsssed tint eue 1" test' -LUV dueini serv' aIl di petu duât loLareî soie 'dus NOT IT0 BE CAUGHT. I ust becaua. it kili mas. gms. ý bnigitî; home sud saveet. Nol vile eeig ur Dealèr for lf frihutors ifer Onfa0t s p.Co.,.ILI p ~' - ~oUi.lC~o EASNi~ ~~ri DLR~ smuh!RCêToRNTO.CAI "Nov,1 auctioneer a ospicicu "«Wlit off fui chre;î Sound ilu'w çd te, keep Even ho te ssy aboi liug. "IPlease medest yo the. baci "Certain tainly 1" rn ligbtuediy. Ail eyes spot wiere innocent vl insu comp< good-uigit! Sieepiessi meterer ari vital Ias. cause cf deraugeme a cours < Pilla. By the stema lies, they ditionis an-c loy. The~ upon the, is unreet t entlemen !"called ithe~ h'oarsely, as i. hel'di up ns for tuil-tii. beà uti- îometer I Guarai teed ind sud, li-er-vwarrant- gond time-er-anI-" couldn't think cf tbings A th tiatol he vas'sel- m&y I bid 1" caled a îug man quickly, fron Ethe. moom. Py y dear sir-cer- plie i. auctioneer de.ý turned quickiy te tii. stood the auctiou:een's .heu," said the. young sedly, "«Lil bid you-, ness8.-Sieep is the great id te b. deprived cf it le Whateven say b4 the it,- indikestien, nervous it or mentai- vorry, 4y ,f Parmelee's Vegetahie regulating thc action -of ch, viiere the. troiuble wiii- rester. normai ýcon- healtulful sleep viii fol- exert a sedative force îerves sud viiere thene ~y bring, meet. I:z UNLRD UAORSB-CUVITTxK GL. ood -Rouse; Buildings; Ohéap and on easy terme. s EENTýsI' ÀMlo -WITH GO1 buildings an a&rZS orchard; bu five mllei fron~m lton. H..W. DAWSON, Teronto. YT -ou <AN EÂBILY, BARN -160 TO $8 LmouthIr after attending here six* month. We teacli rallway, station wo]rk- for (anadian Railways. Pree Book 18 IPlaine work and wages. Dominion Seiio Zalroading, Toronto. - I I8CELLANEOgJS. r1ACB u neSLUP.to 1 &l, urua 'hom ee Aai came- wltal fordpai t te-Dr. Bellwan KdIsal Ce.- Ll le iiîwoi.Ont_ OLEANI'NG LADIES' WÃilWALKING OR GUTINO SUlITS Oui be I mj psemilby cur PrenoS prom&.Trj&. U~I'UE rltlsh- AmsTIoan DByelngCo Voi li 51 on&tre!,TonoOfwasdÇube ded 1lu tl4e< I,-tawsadQ ee bool, Ger - ..iii ]r sdduhtrspond- R C. SX »alOn, Pris.ILResT i Proteot -Presoro-Bat Bamle an B«a teon Applicattu l WisMuypole 'a ilsBC Sehor miuret. 24 colons-WinlgiseUS shade. Color 0. A Blc 5-tyotw REGARD.0F APPEARAfrCES. Caller-I %ÃŽniderstand there are severai vacancies in yc>ur working. tstaff , and I. eboculd; like a job 'as so- Presfdent of Life, Insurance 0cm- pany-Begging your pardon for my- seeming rudeness,:young mnan, you are toc skinny and ca.daverous to be a -good waiking advertisement for an institution hike ours. Good morning. That whgn you put a' salIve onto you*r childs skinï t paâmes thrmgh the. po01r«s- sud entcü. the' blood, jua as sueely ~as f yci put I1t tata the Chidm stomach? - You. would nt pt- a cearme Mass ofanimal fat oeloeed by vatflusmlneeal poisns (Such as maay mi& de alesart) 1nth ou cbulds blood by ,way of tii, stoumh? The why do- so by sy of the -pome? Take snois".Us.always ttus- ~heub1 esencespeovdd la Lin-mzBa centa"a ne tracs.etair antowial or efat, "d no poloncuaminajral colot- mi~iattet. ,Fecan aart te fn0" >It vil hesls,fe, tslkgabs..- qukMi, las ay eusse nowi peqmstOn. hAs- nlsprc qle, , stops lthse satgf a uor etI4ctsUcspl. tls comishuat oof &&Sunlg owand- uclntils Z t=,«,.I ,svis l-svs oeefk M*. - I. - r7 15. -Nothngý btween the sa mquialîy deïn syaffects tii {tlgeti net i~ - t the: very cen~ wvhich ,lascZpD (verses 21-r 3) 21. Evil tho tat are eil. cpovers a- ast ni o! the mc hi Bcla-"He men or die in-ti ,' Teill -'-B-ell -i lsurance, sud mother." aend eyoui" g1 Why, liq= * sght juetthe ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIC TORONTO engsmin hiti O)and ass ervîng tiié tures. Thro ing. tii, ser 5, perts-iu tiie thé fine Po ed careftsily. vere less-n 'vîth tue s& Jesus of _i< 2.Ate t tha l, unw gjivei the e ;referuc l ere& Sorne e.d, activity Pharisees ag indfcation ti 4 erred mat presence *9 -~Ports -conce Gaisie, >dre tome priiçti punctijlius P 1aIIy been' geuerafly. Diligtiy cf the Greek ously reuder te the elbov,' icouveys fiat cf ee otiier, thus r ougiily. -Traditiono -' guls tions sud vritten law, cd dovu'o tlrcugh mani 4.Fros thi they bath. hands before * ~ - rom the' mn ."baptize,"- tii Y » body. Tiie cb ech instance * filentdue r fane things- - ethet .mors was uecessary 'Washing, c xig,-"extepde iiousehold ut. srp-ts ýadd, 4 e'= taccordauce interpretatio 6. Elypocri te, great virtu Ron'oreth nm quotation la conditions Lt thé religieus, their Sell-oou the divine- iaw. rebuke vhici te the faithiesa b>e fltting att 8.1 Leaveti - od-The-,rules J;AgcaMitob vorthy ecbsib the wîten la1 19. Honer th * * tier-Je'us n * . tus vell-knews Moses, Exod. L2 trate the. ma kave perverd Die-thle da ineaning ,an o pronouncing t .qab - tum-