aux -Wsneewhest. 90 j310 -t) $385, st bow- )unà (themequotatiofli luooMtub 10'1 $. 5.70-, 8=17oo ' a bkr'.*.o tarioi. Il -t lic.O tid '500 ; M 43 . an"'4t4o,nto 1 1aa u.I oi* it lb. barley -Quotýd Att 'tn fc n traek, To- le, Bay. Oorte. to .74, -ontaide. maL Wan, $2t10*8,$U nbaga, horts" *261. 1 to 220; eoolo.dafryi eamery 28 10 29o for 3 fer oli.. E .w.iaid, 27 to 210Der n 14 1 to 14 34o Io r iofor twixns. 8d *3 per buh bi1ldin~ bcWoiks, iat the. new dy forijmu - L913. 'It w11.1 nt over t*ie u insize s.nd rovision h.. re -of the. na- 4deuts f romn sew quaer« and - Pion,l be jus ,eded jur.d in port, Cou One of men injui On board utroyer V Thero. gag'ement Mians. 1 tatd ti breà o ut the. poe terminati ~g, on lrack. t»-ýtfflto duvomniti'g uimn&,- aeurium oen-i ~~ ~~vulsions, an.d lh"y oa Uromi xnayb. ither aoute or euhcni. Te auteform, coming W7 uddenïly in the. ceurs c a'l ness, lasti only a short' time, and t5 -Ã T> Segnerally ends'iu com& sud>de.ath. riegligen4ýiioperatiug the - ~Thew cihzdonIcA,6rm oomes on01gradu- hiEspeed during smoky 8,11y, and the symptonisare lesm sM- causing tto e-raddvere. They ýmay, indeed, entîrely ýdisappear fr a t ne, d then . JKITED. STATES. - eux., There are cses in whiéb ure- ver.killd su ûfmie» on42la-.haelasted for',long peiri- i. rilwa smsh nar.Wst-followed by recovery; ,in a smashnot r.omnton, -nd coma. Ecer ~~~~ ~ËAý aa ildadcgi '$nd usually. a fataýéign. Ber ws iedand eigWhtn-bhies-mtoma c f Uemýi& irdthrouLgh anexploeion ,.-,s;how- -the 1course cif the U. 8. torpedo-boat de- J- ddney- trouble,' the treatment mustî Walki. ,,, V 4~~ b 8_energé.-if it la to b. 06 aDy rid in L. &poisn thathekdey >GENERAL. 9toec i.~idù hc~a~aI.t<odiecharge from thle thireatens William KaIrcon,,thê l- fsem n uet ba removed in somn,& was a fierce frontier eni ventor of wirele s telerpy Bedn fenrmve t.between Turks and Ser-, While motoring with hMs wite. in à 01, eaY it, and anuneto le. situation show. fno 1i 7Italy, the inventas met with ýan s- > solutionii ijbte whal - ~t.cident which. threw the. party ont m;n.Tbe. pat*ent shoü.ld b.e sr1s~ ~o!.gn Mijiiter Ã" the machine. Mrs. Marconi es- thr,own*nt<aprfuse perapiîrýaton - at ýwa iithte Balkans May capedwithout erion ijury. Mar- az soon se possible, and this i best' Lt at » ar'mment, but that onia was badly hurt and inju'ry'ta <dnlp b1w tUe use of the, hot*w-et pack re ~wer'e> 1intein their de- hi. e.yes at firet gi$ves ground for the or a hot vapor-b ath. - inmany çases ion -to -prevent' a-nY--teri- fear that h. migiit loe, is sight. must be stimulated. Bach Langés as the. resütýf the rs Marconi i. nursing him in the sym.ptom Mlsirbe. onibaoted as: 't hopital' lu Spezia, Italy, viiere he arises, -but onl1y undrt. drcin vas'taken, immeciately after the. -ac- of aOeômpetent-phy«ician. -Youth's kIY IND -TURREY., cident. C(XflP5flof.. Mfay be -Bronght to a clouie LETHBIIIDGE'S NEW CHIEF. '---] ~. ~Former Inspector oet Toronto Po- i.- ltaly sud '1 Fashin HntsI RIE ý1 PARB.SSHOPS. o.Inew.bay, $12M ta $1.. Tonto; No. 2, $10 '10 pi; $8 to $9. -Good raw, 11Q.50 to $Il.. S,.-Oatt-OCanalau W.mbrn > mec- extra No. i1 fee. 54 to r-Uà 1tanIfe d, 60 ta 6a i A despatoi f rom Lethbridge saysi William R Davis, ex-iiapectèr of the'Toroùto,' pe1ice force,' viii b. the new chief cf- police cf "hu- ci'ty, Mayor Hatoiih ýaving: wired - him tO eome nimditel. TEsTIT4mc 1 H4a9 emporarlly il teniiisg ,Emùii À #satch-ifrin Fhat h. Titanie dlu ly epe rts Osau ls one cf fEat s cf an interi gation te cana Bn lui. The tata, rro ý Oreat Britain, 'ear, up-ta theend ani, rease1cf3,825. the. iat1v f*li e Ki cfilaaVýyear. RAS MONEY TO BIURT. 8ce Apifi I 1,000000 luInSi ffl im Gùe U inSrokî ~wIWa, . auWger Icoosed thToùVDD railing; aud, "Are y- ui c thé Three BearslI I you.r- fathar callecl the .Big Bear aud y0us moltier called the. Midde-gia. "Yos, w.e are tihe Three Buis famil,"l said LittIe Bear. -. "Then.,open the gate, ana ooB) with me, " aidthe. stranger. C"1 amn Mr. >CQreus IMia." -Nov the cirons man vent jubé' 1ô fôrest où uýîpbsete catch Ikbb Bear. In is badind ho oarriéd la ehain and a 'col . Iewisiiéd te ýput thie colIfrround' Littlè Bear'a rà ock, and âdr&g -huam by the chain away f rom tii. fereýst. ]Revanted teo puýt Little Boss in- a Vent wlth, tus sigu:'- - *r 'Side Show 1 1riug the. children toe ee the Lititie Bear, wh<>se home vas viuited Sby GoldiTocksI1 Only Ten Centg Admiauon 1 "You ehould go Vo -the cirons a.u4 -hea.r the. baud .pla.y, LittIa 'Boas," said the maire."And you-sboui4se the, cirens Vents! You should me 2W o. oatoeoF-voe bsg, oae lots, 65 tc. 70c. X 9a ,t 93 3-4à - *No ibard n0o;No. INortiiorn487 Ã10ÃŽ461-26: No. 2 IÇotber,. 84 to _Z?1-20 ' No. 3 .1vor.69 to 691-le. No. 13iwhite oatu. 30 t050 1.0.N«. t ?le, 60 to 63 1-to Bran 1 *0"Pleur, trot M tnts *435 te*ÃŽ6; ueoond patent.. 04.- o q9à , fixi class M to't$ 350; seC- ou lelasu "UOo *iïo Duluth. L.8-Theat. New No.-1 bard. Upk0ouNîo.I1Nortllern, 85-8oc; No. 2 North- 6-W;5.Oibçr,883-o; nominal; De- o .88,O 34- le 931-to bld.- ,LITE St OQE AREETS.,, ' Ct. .-Ths boit ef the cattîs 6 1-4 centa. but va ex- 2evmaes - atover 53-4c, wbIle the oom- Id if,21-2-to4é. Coita. $3610 ,J -o 63c- sheep, 3 1-2 10 33-4e: 't 34:hors. 83-4 t0k. ~ ~ otj --ate--hoice btber, M oOl!mn. I$40O * 5- ccvi. U tb *6; ils, I03 ta 04.50;-cosunere. 02to 03. .VCives --Gcd oi. $8 te 19: commnon. *5.60,ta 6. Stockers andISPeedra-Oteers. 950 to 1.060 'Ibm. -ea $6.5 5 o *5.6Oý-Xeedlng bulle, 900 to - 106Ibo.. at '*2.75 10 $4.2.ilkerusud uprîncers. aIfrom *50 10 *75. iheex, sud lambe-LigilI ewes, -4 10 *4M2; heavy *qa, $3 te *3.60; Iambe, $6 te *6&10. Hoge 40o lover aI'*$8.6. ted"hnd unies.*.5f.o.b. Owen ,Souud may have another npe. on Vthé repeal.of local option. Iton. J.ames Macdonald, former 'Clief Justiceocf Nova, Scetia, died et Halifax. the c eroffl been.1 men haveé ýove]. terra. Aui Anim Ducbeps ami Frinee- Ate Sainie Fooi as lien snd Enjoeéi ItL A despatch f rom f~icVorla, B.C. sasys: TVi. Duches-of Conuaught aud Priiicess Pà tricis visited'alog- ging carmp Viirty -miles avay lu Vthe mountaipi,,. o Wedneq4aY,su vatched the. men at vcsk. AV uoon their Royal-',HIighdess ste ekaetly tii. sanie far. as thé loggers, and professed tb enjoy 'lhbingly. Before theylefhthey sok hauda with ail., 'FIFTI-MIE _PEOPLEHURT. And Oau Ililci When 'Car Ran Away amd Rit TeIeélhone Pole. Adeipatch f rom Pittsbugg asys:' With sreor 1k. a istoîsahet, th brakes on a city-bound. street car* gave way on ThuMsay moruing as it piýsa e d.v the Qreeunfleld .&venue ped along Vthe grade for eight squà re. Then it leftu1e!îsalle-sud -colided v ith a telepiione Éole. One man -was' klliod sud. 55 other pas8eugers iu- jured. *SMALLPOX.:BEING Wl PEB.OUT On y, Four -Cases Reported ln Ont ri- Dùrn h flonth Of .Sëptémber. A, bdeispetch f ro>m TorouVo s&Ys r &nallpox, tii, most dreaded -of al - infectius diseaes.obas p"al been wvipod out cf Ontario.. X, ' L 50 mfnuy yeass ago sanailpox epidémies Useaented s serios problen fer the heIth authorities of tue Province, but Vthe vîgorous campaigu v aged againat 1V has îtoadily -reduced the. number cf cases anti lait menth feus 'People vere ' affiicted. Ts accosdiug Vo Dr. J. W.S. McCuletigi is héi.loveet reord for 1any mrnth ilu-thethirten Yesr accurate setursshave boom coin- piled. Wlxooping cough suad messies were prenaient during Soptember, Vii.. otai beîing riearly four turnes that et Septeonbes aset yeasr e.bnt on - .-the, viol.. the.province un- proed bill f othdti. .*ufentieparalysie'i. s-h' 'a1m ing a opaà ratlvely large, number o! icime -Tvelve cases ve r - mrted, three l 'rotfours t Hasbor, Wiloughby Tvuhip, sud] York Township had eue cao eacii, aUl wiVii lb:e exception of tii.t at Celtiugvood'reeultlng lu d"th. 1h. nov provincial reguistion se-' quiriug Vii. uctifiction -o! alcases of tuberculoiis has been in 'thie oad f local- officià laý foîr more than a mentir pov, but se tas tue retusue .do net'reveal muchr' added e norgy un ntueé 'part of phyaici&ne s snd local ,bards. lu réportiug. The-tabulated reporfré'ekhw:- Ce. Dths. Ce, Dtbis. Smllox 4 O 20 O ScaletFors.92 6- 174 I)jjitiri ..115 -il,225 28. Wh. Coughî...'-109, 16 31 Ty%"hoid 297 31 327'_ 34 Tubrcuoés..110 -60 94 75 IpL.,Paroly>'..a 12. 6 -5:2 fipMonogixs:-~.4 - 1-1 à in -the "w favor.ý' vas tile preëseuco o! S -Vimaafl sleeping lS in retMfrtero.' Th. place as formerly. used -as a bt- cher hop, iu conuétion vitii whioh a iststlnry refrigera.tori ad been bnilt. Iu hs t4e lau.ndrynman had his bed. THOUffAND$ SAW ]UMN E.' .Airnin KlUedi WIle <iving an Ex- hibition atTrenten, N. J. A despatch'from Trenton, N. J.;, says: -Plunging frein a ieight cf .nearl ïy 2,000 ý'èe.t u-n biplan., Cha ri, F. Walsh, cf San Diego, Californis, vas.dashed 'ta deatii in sight cf 5,000 people at Vthe Inter- state. Fais on Thuraday aiternoon. The brcakiug cf the. lever plane'as 'Walsii vws. t bogiuuing _a, circulas dovuvard ffight vas tlie. cause cf the accident. Wahvas breathing' faintly vben Viie firit person seacii- ed hlm, but died almcst immnediabe- ly alterward.-- STlRUCK DERiÀLED FRLEIGUT. Three Fatally Hurt sud 28 Cars HurléeI aie-the-'>itch. A despatch from Bufaîlo- says : Tiirée persena',ere- fatally injured sudfifteefl -otiieri more. or. lesseri- oul-hurt in 'a&'collision cof a West ",hioreê .passenwge- train sud .a 'freight train -at 'Wendë'-,Station,,- ,20 miles eîist*9f liire, on IrËursds#y nioruing. The frelght train had b'eendesailed at a caurre -sud thie passeu ger train' crsshedinte lit at fuli1 tpeoll.,Ton passeuges coaches vere derailed -sud 18 freight cars vexe hurled in- Vo the ditch. TIIINKS CITY I'S LIABLE. Ottawa Soficitor, gays Typhodi Vie- timi, Siirivors Can Sue. Adepatch .-rom Ottawa laye: That thiicoy f -Ottawa i. hiable. for damagesfe every case cf ty eid fever iu -the two- local epidemies is tbq opinion gironby City Solicite>r McVeity in au efficial commxnica- tiçn te tii. CityCOlerk on Thurmday.- Iu Vii. 1911 epidemice ire re 1, - 100 cas s iâd Q3deathe. In the epi- demie thî6.year the vcase numbered -eoffiaR - effectve on' a plain black, -Or -;whtê.gewn - oÉà e <;f-the. ne ctoats cf black. tsftts sd t~tî'areout va aha"- y .-f roui the bu-sît vitiia slong peinted tai -&ttî,e bsck. Bright ruby, 'à carlet, brick red, mulberry, gersulunù, carnation and cherry, are the brigbt splasliea cf ,celer used on the.nev vituter mcd- Tii. ovelty colos this season e ' yeOv, sudmy .eveni' ree eh Ifyllw materi al, toned d4vu by lace or cther subdued trim- '-Armleta iu an edd colos te mûatch the. brighlt colors used at the vaïet giv. su original touah Vo somre cf the more elabo;rate -toIlettes de aoiree;* Aigrettes cf f eathers do, net stand * plu-tisi seasn, -but are posed fiatly - in s?éveral places on the lest, oe generaliy sÃtanding veleut f rom ~ilfroks il!have cloe-ûttliï, guimipes made t6 cover the neck np' to theé rs. For those mmcii cf tiie uleialli -biread and embroidery yuil b. tIised. New muffi fer-tue vinter are erni-- paeed entireBly cf f ur. 'The,. ombina- tien--pf satin sud fus, vili vaa used emucii lait vinter, la Vhing of~ thepast.- huiiattention la being siiovu te- blae -ites.iii.especially true of the handsome.Cbsntilly bauds' and fleuncings v'hlch are used oves coloredsilîks.- IIEDIOIN.&L PLANTS RUINE». 'English- Stock Will Be Very Short This Yeas. The. growing of peppermint, ]av- ondes, camenille sud ether mediçi-, nal plants, a> littie kuowu, but valu- able English-,lndustiry, has^ been' liard, hit by the. receut tosme u:ad fioccis wiich lihye devasted the. 1evw lylu ce-untie. of Engisud. Tiie Eish cdI& oflpeppermint sud lav- are- exFported te lil parts o! tueë vorild viiere Viiey bsiu'g >srger une..* mthan othor -v&asetes b eesuse vere inutantly- killed ber. at eleven 'clock >oiay uight -iu a motor aocident., Hall Ny., a local man,, wai- badly injured,' 'and may die. -Dr.- Quick van drlving the'- gar,ý 'wheu" some defect iu thi ehanm cauted it teo.ewqýrv anud' etiko a vatering at FELL IbEAUD WH~J OI Widow et St. »honas Man Suc-. cumba te Heart Fallure. A despa-tolh fson St. Thoims-Baye: Imri. BeLl, widov of the. late 3ehu wDell, cf'- St. Thomas, feU :dead "on Wednee day'* morning wviiiironing abth ble iuse o! ,her son, Fred C. Bell', of this dcty. Todcae vas 60 year&- o!,age,- aid came iVo Ontario -vith, her huab'nd _tventy years sago from, -EngInd c heart .faims. e ýwas ýthe cause -of deatii. Her sou sud one sisVeS- liere. '.survive hes. U~R~~~ICEFOR TIxBER.' Rcfewfan Pays . Pro0vi»ce '$15 Por Theusand-i' luBuying Limit. ou rxepýacocs- vut/ý crisp, u-ew, an sauitary bills. TIWeTrsçy sreaiîy lost notiig. But, i,« a 'urative sense the Goverumeèut %y be truly saia te1 have<"money ' RE E B R O T H 1 E R 8 T O f 9 " . ,G Und GuiIty of flurdelng Mlan During -an Altercation. fA despatch from Hà lifMi, N.--S., sî -The' tiree Gdrave' Èrothers,I cused cf the . musdîr of Kennetii a, ver* on. Frïday night fcund1 ilty sud seu'teuced-by .tie Chief Ltico to-bang on Jabu&rý là uext. k-Jiuie,-.last the- itree. accused- otiiers, Alfred, $rod an~d Harry raves, ceame along th«*oad' usas d half initoicate4. Tiiey wr fred te desiat by Lesa s I:they sp- cao1 hed us lbouse,' and, stýpped -in ut thercof. Finà lly, LIea said :t if thgy 'did_ net stop lie would o.Thy came oLc'grounids dlu a fracas wic follQved oe the meu struck Lesà witithe- butt tg gu n sd as l>. diel go the vasnnw disçharged sud -LWa'îwas Yly wounded' çdmin *o, days tes-'7 -A despatoli-f roffi Noxýtb' Bay tos 0h05- ay;Th ii-lgh .st prîce eves paid- tien] - BecUS for pin timber in Outarie, -$15 'per- -Adah- L000o f'et board moasîre, vas ses- FAlleving, the-de, lized f rein - the- sale' by tendesr of À :f grcùt limiits ou 1the Jeck6 River, Nipissing e'iras aPos district, - to 'J. J. MoFaddeu, c-f tâto canker whic Renfrev. -Tenders vere ssked'b&ote ti. Ontarie -Gove4rument for tii b Dprtiu pine ontii. limite, sud tiie saleha8-si È" n rer just been cencluded. signedrt - a. h . tiug thei u JIlilIA lUflUJ'ua nni, fi gimn w tni Europe, S8alute et Thirteen 1Gune. Will B qjxelon. Firci bit Pieu 'Batteries. - d iction A deepa;tchfrein Ottava siys: ai*d dis The Militia Deps>rtmçant vil:asilit -4n. lu the. natkional ceiebra.tion -of thi e a annive.rsaryM fthe death l fGenoeral icted ton -H9cights. iMilitia . 'rder - have 1 been.ismued 1di4~cting ef <i battecries i 'at ail thé mlitia cent'res throngb.-- oui Canada Vo fise a,-salut. cof thir- '- teen gunis ou Sstusday Oçtober 12. nd KITCHENER 1E.&VES PARIS.' .e ist.-1 ehould listen te Um-e lions roar, sa boa à the tigers grevi l' WIII YOU cor0ne with me te tIle circus, Litte ;ý"'Thculd like te sce the- circu," spoke ltl Bear, "but 1I çau1t bgo pntill y father aud onother comn back f rom the blokberry patoh.- .M 1 .0 rcu# Mân, I should thiik yon 'would,.è.ýfiýà id cf the. big e1.- pliants biggertha.n our houa. i" "One,"Yans&weed Mr. Clircus Mà n. "I ana Se b-rave iaer net' afraidof )tthe elephsnté." - "I s'iiould 'think," vpet on Little Boas, "t-hattYn oùuOIld be. afra i dof- the great à hippopotamus" "'C ,no, Littie Besr,"' ti. cironi *. - geI-ami eso th.t i arn flot af raid cf'a;nything. YoU 'cons :with me. Yen see, I.aMn no4 afraid of-"';- 'Mr. Cirous Man neyer -finished that speeéh, bec-Àuse attht i- meut Father and Mo>thei Bossr .- turned, -sud Mr. Circus 'Maii "odi- Forhaif aseod le red at thé. Middle-Sized Beas 'suad the - Big Bear axx thn he tu'rned:aud ran ý se fat'that&hua ceeutaisle stod straight ont. behind'O Llttle.Bear.--iaughod until 'ie b.d " Wha.t is thêxunatter wltii Mr.. Cirens Mait" asked Littie Bear, né "H. v as af raid of us," ansver.d. ««Afraid'of you'," exclalmedLit- tle Bear; sud thon h. laugbedL harder than> evex, becaufse -4 'tiic'g-hý t was go, funny -ibat auy ,one ceuW ,be se afraid cf hie good 'fathèr'sud. metier. ,ý ,&A Me4.. ni.. t;idn i ttle 'a.r Ompauxon. Ti.regu. -he Act4o Pte EL r Sfadii Was îuung 1' -i 'STOLE MONEY TO STUDY. imteen-Year.>Oliý Clerki'e Irgeni' eus )iethod et Stealing. OF 4 Il k -1 ýWn4fj