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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Oct 1912, p. 1

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CIAL HA L19GAL tr gaillix .4 princij JNO. E. ýFAREWELL,-1.C. Barrister, Co-untyCrown. Attorney and >n~ Çounty Soli*lr. lie sIQ Office south wiiig Court UHuse, Whitby. Sohéol, Pt In all ti A. F.: HRISTIAIN li"sborn aB1 nIster, 5ultotr, Noa". Public. Etc. s&vicS hî .ffice frst door west of theýPost Office. Mr. Dov Money to Lean. Sehool Ma VionBas JAMES RUTLEDfýEI BsIrlst.e, Etc. ing Soho6< M4onoy to Loan on easyterms. 'aâl eduosi .Office immedlately south Royal Hotel,, ivOa ia t Whitbyi, Ont. .ned Hii. flîne G. VOIJNG gBUiitIIL LB. hoie i.Ã"K teEtc. Moneyto Loan. Issuer .hould , apf ofMarriage Lice ss' tlirougiout -Smithls, BWok-Whitby, Ont. Is bi -~ Ia[r. msN.4, 1the hitby. Phoce3 ws bath -'âLonien, 1)=au Ayer; 3 Laceti aIs ing counca met on Moud9y, oLtZbe il~ Içj oChair. .ifinutéëâ Of a"t nmtinï,read, r6 and oàalmed. -A description of grevel plIt purciasu- 41,Vo~ pnçparecl by W.E. Yarnaold, ~~C~9d ~a r~d, ~eI t~ ~ lialbouue1 r TI Pl ant w ,worka. one b Eiav, aidas JAS. EIIO rkI, c ~ b tdi ulic otravel, ,ad thal tbe I "asLewe;44oed àÂutoaeês'. Suces.- Iler desire ïolhae t.comm1imo3tre-i sur lto ,L. Jolrbaehs.For terseand -Tii. followin ilielijst- 4.f pUr2e o pen the mater, K--tieerý o a.sing, ksai appl. îôseltpr'G B"winners tet B. ro>okln- $cliool Fait' 1»'> th <i'P "à# ý i< t'e d.*sepizb el o G Bbb WIt lel wweuag.- be n devieed for s prviout i. Podue cf~îot <> ~ g,~toni a aie crossing could, b. procured W R. Hi, xx Oasl-, red Glover. - arrying out-th lat ps, irst subn4tted4 LIÇHNSED AUCTIONSEUR 2. Product of. opot, oO.Â.C 21 < " AND VALUATOR. Barley-1 ÇCliord Love 2 'GraceO'- I fi oe w e id t1h ,0l kinda cf sales promiptly ateuded Counon. ae -caklesdi irb ubrzd- te. Arraugemente cen be made for 3. 'Produot cf . plot .of1Empire State egier Lasoti.OL. alu§at th. Gautteowfc. ?otatoeo;. (a) Qpen tb pupifs of the *Rr o ennigla rîrîns reasonebir rooklin, Coumbus and Dryden: rabdaa4-y Term rasonble-tô ivet jideodbètireon 1otsa ' 9.1 eu tdepndcetpncues. , ': ool- d Kit Lyde, 2 &rle 0' ahsd à1, con. .2,,only upon conditions, WtHITUY, ONT. Shonlnidge, 3 Marjonie .11cAmI, 4. a ase lùouci.Th wr - -ilobis, -5 Harold Aslilon. pseli CucL heJor >ow QNTROTOS () Opn to ppis.of ~ said diversion baving- oz4menâed, 111.s sale, Sinclair And Baggoatsville oucl oiesa mmdae pro-e j. OW LL JA ES Sciols-1Kil Lnd, 2an Wlà, of agreement subitted, "or t1h1 3 reeDingmànl, 4 Eliza pcsed wrk o divesionb. et1>uc u topped. A lange number cf accouttel CrpenteV, Builder and Contractor. Violet Dickie. dhu dm n ad estimates furnisiod . 4. Pro,'duot of plot of Golden Ban- Cowerepad fourneay met.o Mn %7earAtrtçsadJobbing. tamn Sweet Corn. (a) Open te pupis Cuclajundtme uMn AltratQnsandday Nov. 4, et 1 o'clock. ueuI.StphefSOf'5 of Broolilin, ColG6umbus eand Dryden rWiIIÀ P o o19Sehools.-1 AggieBo>naon, 2 mna Hall, 3, Wilhie lyeni, 4 Douglas, Holli- rriag LknSOS dayo~ - Tiaceus'lasih e r ag7(b) Open te pup of Spencer, "Km-____ A sale, 1Sinclair sud Be otevilleý ieur fM.rsg ùcsU Schools.-1Eipli W"U, 2e 310 Tiursday and Priday cof lest week Core! driuUtore. Whithy Bien, 3, EventtMeckey. iwsne Teachera'Institut. day. lin. Part No wituseur4Ir 5. Best ,lboai of clichos raised Penny. A large gathpriiig of Tesehon, - rn ggs supplied.-(a) open to pu-'cf Sbuth -Ontario auuemibed. Te pile froni Bnooklîn and Dryden were well rewarded for the lune spenl Scioobs-1 B ussell Til, 2 Candece as .îLte. prograni was singulerly good, EoDUATION THAT PAYS Hortop, 3 Blake DeHant, 4, Reg Hall,ý and funl cf lie riglit spirit to promfle Is iust* the lind you «et under the 5 Irenu bùore, - succesiful teaciing. verybeut conditions at any one of (b) Open te jùpils of Columbus and Perliaps th@ keirnote of îLhe'eddreise bhaws Scicols, Toronto -The Spencer-i Bepsie_ Gerbütt, 2 Lloyd, ooubd b. expresaed in one word uzod Central ýBusiness College, The -Moore, 3 Govenneur-,Pont er, 4 Maud. by Prof. DeLAiry, -"ldiscoveny."- True Cèqêral Telçgrapli School, and. Kiveil, 5 Ruby Leach. . . eadhing-will awaken the, joy cf dis- 4 Cty Branch Business Sch9ocîs. <(0) open te plipils of Kinsale, Sin- oovery la the. mmd of.the adlolar. Our'new curriculum explains thecla~ir and BagÉotsviUle schools&-1 'L-; Mr. J. D. Berny, cf Port ,Penny, gave practical courses gîven. Write Saddler, 2 Doro h ~ny, 3 fQy, e splendid- addreu on lie subject of for a copy. Dingmian, 4 Edaa - Bdman, ~Gret& ihysical training. - W. H. Shaw, President, Yonge Mackey. Miss McGill, côf Pickcering, followed -end Gerrard Sts., Toronto. 6. ýa) Essay,ýon Potatoes-1 Mebel tuis ddness by.teeching a lesson i Holman, 2 Elgar, Jgogirh. wa.ler colora, giving a practical dem- eu~ I I N~6 (b> Emeeay ouM Ofitir -4-abel lcastration -cf correct methàoda cf' lui- M oV I .N 4 U IN L Holman. -t l--ien iu teeching ti.intenesting sb 6-'d) Essay 'ou "Ralesing Chickemis' jeâ. . &ud ltorual tOPt in Sto4 1 Grota Mkee, 2 Howard Arkasêy. The. Convention lihen eadjourned for1 7. Essay. on, "Ilow 1 Grow My lunciêOn. ýyôu 10 cal eat ou wo1ke Plt1--. LennA Sadien, 2 -Violet Dichie. L-pon re.assernblng, the. teachierse for yctinplf. S. Celiqtion Of -weds, re, and wrene addnessed by Prof. DoLury upon1 yaetw dcmounted, and corr.ct> amd ith 1h.eabjet of Aithmetic. To th. .~ loy Ilium, cèýnsequefltly weyoan on naine-l1 Boy Diagman, 2 popular mimd thus subjeet le consider- - alow h. aouts cmniisio, Eertt 1aky te Parka. 4 Cen- ed -to -ho dry, and tinosome.Bu L 10 Pe ernt, wlcl you will certainly dace H'ontep, 5 Keilli- Lynde. Professer knows th. wop 1derful meulaId gae by punrliaulag _freom us. 9. Collection of Weed Seeds, cor-. stimaulus of Lie> scie<ie- if righll - A CalI SolUci' d. rectly nemied wti common namre.r- tauglit. - Willie BIine, 2 Maud Shuttleworli; 31 Ho is,,a cean and convîncing spe*l- U!l Invine NcBien, -4 Candace Hortop, 5 er,'whooe sens. of liumor iluZmi;ina. VUM5.1e il. -fIe factsile would iirs Uo i ouoe MifWàwnmdwt ion thns.. dces neo-day 11se 9 qppoiteStadar 'BkiWhitby, O t Tripp, «2- Ethel Parka. 3 Gordon, Trigg, large - plâce lu tLe echool. uriuu 14 Parle Diagmaniý 5 Meredithi MoBrien.. as il did foa-merly. -Otber sübiects 0 1AAAAAAAAA 'W'W 'W ' 12. Plate'of 10 Spie.-1 .Maie. Guy, have been, added whlch are paIclMed> 1 2 Wilie ERils. 3 M&eredibli Menon 4 ho round cal the mimd. 1 /rg - for Vs Rv'emai owliuld anithanello 1» taugit?1 aid e 111 lre Fr To Jl3, Plate of 10, Saows--Willio El- I ature Strange sdipsil bn,2.- Di. Moome. 3 Manie Guy, 4 Clini.preblema about 1thingi iniknMOWu ton oreL. - 1his -onreny othen ýwonld ahold-b. a- Flouse wiring, power.wiring, 4.Pat c ppo, iiy -terjvoidod, as îLe aludent becomes dis.-1 Uhgre d u ppis lo vitïety.-I Meredith Icllrien, 2 'Maudf çotînagodwhen'Lis studies de not tally otnsad ,ransforipers;Sitlthrl, MrdilMBrien, 4 jw t lie aul facti of lis -lite. Nor _ - fYOUawafl us cali us aet. Our -Stewart MUIaoJ. -ah 'ld tic eoties and *symbola .1 t' aj15-F or plot cf '<BumPe, Elnvaihm'i leiodueod toc early in E ~9u4Ist1ItIm <~, td Otls" - showing beàt cars wile gou- 1.suy.Tieony Êbliould ewaii pn1 hs~us 5~. ýmetisi is not tLe only science bts kath oppoit, cours, is oflon laken. goiag to0 ,do ýabout il Y'LI Te nsuijee aeS om_ thel.çôeuras and -have te 319 tauglit.." ppencWed i. eupecimex -ime table- foi the Fourti. C laàie 1).056 .4-raner-eae 9.55 ïle10.90-Arlthmetîo--seets. î11.00 .0-Fliy. -& -HiYg., mas. 1L20te -1140-Pliy. £ Hyg,élans. 1.0to' 12.00-Wrn«ag. 1.00 ta .0Hsbyeas 1.40 li1.t Hsla-cas 1.50 t0 2.30-Iiteratur--seat@.. 2.30 1ta2.45-Reaé kL.-tdcasi. 3.0te s340-Spllg-css 3.40 t L0-atr tudy. l .adsussion about lilutr-ance Mx- amintios, i'.Walks, gave *sme 'valluall sg Dston. -Examinera are human, and if s elavenly paper i. pre- iented for-exeminstion, evesi tliougi- the- aaswers, are correct, it la prob1able -tliel the candidate will suifer because 1th. examiner lis Dot lime ta huai t1he ÃŽaaswens cal. The followlag offices were elecled: President -W. A. Hendensosi, Wb>lby Vice -Prs-Miss Tooi., Greinbaul. Secitar.-W. L. Plvidge, WiilbY. LiÀbrarian-Mise Bures, WliitbY.> *Auditons, Mn. Teaci, and Miss Mc- Gili. Pickering. Exeçptive Comniittee-B. EH. Walkè, ,&.E. Geazit, Mn. Hendensen -Miss3 To.ole, Mr. J. Hf '. Dalian, Oshawa. Uepreseutative ta Ontario Educa-1 tional Association-Missp B. Gamble, Pont- Penny- To mise Vickeny, of Port Ferry, was aslgned the somnewhat difficult tek cf- teacing a. gremmar besson. She ecquütted herself with credit. lla ap- parent liat thies ubject ie one that la roeiving lois attention than its im* portance would warrant, sud its study wiIl roquine geod- judgment. The. dis- cussion which arase et the. conclusion cf -tie teaciing ef lihe leasOn cbeaily iadicatçd- the«e fades. Mr. A.E. Cb'rbutt, of Pont Ferry, .pnesided aithe varnus sunions of îlte Conivention,sund. pnoved hulf kta b. an&dmirable chaimenn. If an lnstitute je held neil yeer -il is ,Oxpedoded that il will lb. cnvmd in Osliawft;, bal there i. ea leU of tek. iiig -a trip Jo-morne sud c ceah Guelph. Found A'-Cub;Beat Whofr b atraight towaîýds- ler.- 5h. picked ii in lu er arms, .pnd was debating whether -to retura home. with ÃŽt or carry it ini lier arma- while ýshe n- m tinued lier earchfor tlie. cows, but> the latter Plan, was nlot very satisfac- tory.. as the cul- was' heavy' to car~ However. e.did jo ae ln consider, for'suddexily, the. mother beair appeared qn the scene. The- cub. gave, a >cry of dliit, and sprang y"tl sucli force from n. St.' Thomas' arma that shec bat*lier 'balance, "falling 10 tie ground.. Fortunliteljv, Mis. - St. Tliomaà-lied prese'nce of'mInd enough not'to rua, and alter standing a.few momenits, both .béars went leisurely int-o-ie"forest.-'while M4rs. St; Tliom- a.went on he r wayý af ten hen cow s.. -Uxbnidg Journal. NEW CHAMR IN COURT BOM. The, Court rouai in the county, build- ings iîs now muçli more comfortabWY _wated then fonmerly recauï, of theO installation of -the new chairs oidçred- by the - Couùnft Cooncil 6,t,,its June- session. The chairs --are of opera. var- iety, and looklfar btter.than the old, etraight-backe.d seats. Qnradually the. County buildings in their vaiaus -ap-, pointmenits a re becoming modernand: very comiortable. WRITE,-SATIN. TEAÀ-UNSI BREAD AND CAKR bNAKERS PRIE FEED:--- SPEÇ')AL, PRICE ON CORN c 4Ts - -AT LAWLEIVS - i- No* is the timie-té buy Suffis for indoor =ad ont4 oor'planting. We have a niîce stock of select Bulàs f fis-st clae§ qvality. Corne in and let usli sho; q tilem: to you. -Ci = I LiineseeSacredLilies, -large bulbs, ioc each. yacnth, ouble or single érd, white, yellç;W, blue and pink, 5c each, 50c doz., i lips, doublIe or- single, red, white, yel- lwand ~n, - o doz., , $ 1.25 per I00: ocus, Aoçdoz., 6oc per,-îoo L1CISSUS, Phobi dôuble Von .Sion, 4cdz Trumipet Major., 'ô30Cdoz.i 41T0' ONT. Prompt delive iy shot. - I A Paf~I UIII~f~ ~ ~~UPA ~ i-n v - & -- - WHI1ISYi ONTARIO ~ - --à Gram" Seeds - Feed Grinàdingý and Cleaini --t,. h-

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