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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Oct 1912, p. 2

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,WJth-on eue pion t, e 0. io 6ntracts were awaa'ded -$0 *2,695. Ldian Car ',Foundry CJo., In addition, tii. Pýre Ceacli <Jo., of 1r.ato mai. Those awards te this beenawarded the Wo6it voie baggage cars for th,& itional steei-framed box*700,àh ), $1,210 eaeh. 1 i5vl b. recaiId rt convertible cars of 40 largeorxders for box 'c ,ity. mctives have preoeded bl underiramed platform annocu'-ncement.-- JFashion Hints- BILKS AND SAT][N8. Erocaded isatine .and stiasvii b. 'tii mode for"'next tal and wiiteêr. Thete 1wil;of ëoeurse, b. m'any plaie, ulike, 'such -as eharblues.anid eto- mani, whicii 1-é 01 ver>' fiat' weave" aùd suippie fitish, thie vory newest of the ottoman silka being finiah.d 'with & woolly or downy face. Failles' of decided gray>ý weave, an.d soft inoir es,- wiiivh fiùh and aintilste inu the. ligà tte auch an extent that they i '-seeëm te radiate iridescesic.,- are very ï1ashuonable. Ail tiiese -iliks are.'yery soft and pliant. NMoires wilI be ver>' mucli used' for fu Il dresses, and partÃŽcularly for tailçr.cl costumes and ceato, and as trimming~ for dresses and -ciealc. Moire ribbons wiil be in great fa- vor for millinery trimming for -the flu ànd-winter ueasoii. 'Tii. ver>' newest tafFete silks are --in brocades ot large design-on taf-ý feta. -grouna,' and -ther,&, are aise, swive ilfoweérsfen tii. pompadour or- der 'of design'and coloring. Aong includd - ottoman faille, gros de ,on dres, satin charmeuse and crepe dechine. The. collectiôns,. chiefi>' -show large designe, although-there 'are somie amail figured effe<ts. Tii. Sreal nývoît>', is -ýbrocaded -repe do * - dne. 'Warp-printed *taffetas -witii1 ;fiewer designi or- randoin effeèe i colo 'iicueem te meit one into1 the other'are very handsone As te colors fashionabie for next faiL. and winter, many diffo6rent.] shades cof gray wil b. mûch fa.vor- J od. 'A-kw shades et briglit bluesý and re«~ have already appýeared, witb a seriez of ,;'eJow,, mcii as& -1h'ampagne,. eand, mandarine and Mousselines a.nd, mouîseline.-do <oies are printed in Louis XV.* and 'pompadour, stylos, and show large i roses, wreaths,- baskets anid eveir crownset1flowers. i 1 ik. in iieavy rýbbed weaves lu bisokon colored& grounds re -novel- tics, especiaily. fer opera capes and as -trimm ings." Ribs in' ighter weights ha'iing, a black warp émi- with colors -are .used feritaillor ma t -ad erouter garment- Col- ored stripes an imcin luwidtli, al- tertating wltii white, are, ncovetes for akirto- when worn w ith a- bcdicio 'or coat ' in selid colora, gen.ral matc-hing the. coiered stripe.', Warp print taffetas in botii iigl a nd' ark materials are seen. Dark grounds are ernamented 'witii amail fierais in clark, eft mire. and, pomnpa- dours are'-used te ornament liglit grounds. Backgrounds Are beau- -tifled b>' dark, -ricii cloraslu .fiorai desikns. -- REVERSIBLE. -I Wiiat- more applicable enin eau1 b. usec inlu alking. of revero than ievonsibie,,I The ver>' zneaniug cf Viie word 'revers împllis a doubleq role, sund' lu ne séasn'a setyles Jes iV exemplIfed'more apltci> than l in hefaîl modes. -- Long coats are msklng -1use of the . ,ts obtaluabie b>" turning over 1onue jrever, butt*nipg_ back - another style, or detaching a seemingi>' per- manent cellar and changing its ad-' ---jratment with an entirely nev ecf-4 fect.1 For the- stçrm ceat tii.?. are mhan>' -buttons, sud buttoniioles thatA -u tip ' i.roles to e b.pja>ed b>'. the coat. « A long double re-nor eau be uufastened-, turued over'te one- - iîdead fiattened' cown in*te a pin. prote etiye collai. - A. single rover is, looenecl, tii. -under portion pulled ont and lo, à - veat ilarevéaed' that vas neyer guossed at bMore 1 B uttoniioles, areplsced iu unusual place,but if you -luvestigate,.yen will fidthat the>' have s use lu the' reversible ýactthat _s pls>'.d b>' Viie happy'-vearer.' Oue coat cau b. tranefornied inte, anotiiex b>'tuis-r'vermbefeature, ýwiii iî ciiara-cteristic of the nev Tii. gain la the. veman'i. -Style has been kind te 'feinaininit>', and- Comfort pluscharin In lin. sud or- namentation are features itiiat pro-ý mse satisfaction te ail. PEACE- PRELIKINARY SIGNE». Paria Figaro .blars Turkey andi -Italy,,Agreoci on Wednosday. A -despatoh -frein Paris - saysb: Thle Figaro - aunonuces that Vi' ýpeacè picliminaries -betveen Tur'- ke>' sud Italy - er. igued on.Wed- THE NEWS- Il A, PARAGRAPa BAPPERINGS FR011 AUL TUÊE GJOBE iqI À OVED à@aa~ I Emplra and the WerId in Geaerai l-efor. Tour CANADA. The- Dominion Govemmrent wiil build, a ae , *nlegial observaktor>' at Vitèîàa,.BCocst800. Two.hundred new rural .maii de- llvery routes, have 'been estabiisiied lu -Ontario and Quebec this summer. JfAnBS Bruce was acëquitted ut Hamilton oettthetharço, et murder- ing Rosm Ziepe by ipoisoned -canidy. Mr. Marmaduke Torrili cf Tien- ton wam kiled b>' a train while en biis way Vo meet a weddiug 'Party- James De>!. 4iedat Beileville, and -Thorg&a Hs.rdinï&, 'ield foras- sauilt, ima> face a more serions charge. A sensation lias. been cased i London overchargea- macl, b>'City Engineer-.Geo. Wriet,whe bias re- A six-year-oôld son cf Geo. Mer- ccir, Hurd:ville, died trom Vtbc et-ý feots et falfing into a boiler of bei. ing water.- Edward ýBrsdtord aud, Arnold Ebrtsaed'.their way -througha panel iu tiié Kenora lock-up and es. caped. weilington Tpliffe &-Kingaston farmr, kl. eéd"ff is wagon, as he as *dr1vnginte' h,-4.yard on a iead'oo! grain.- An -auction c ale of Federal Gev- erninent lundsiei advertised to b. MiId aPortage la Pra.irie) Man, cIo TiianksgvingDay. Honry Johuston, 'whe <ied, at, At kineeon, Frontenac éounïty,- was re- ported te havýe been çee iundred and- five *y.rsetfage Trustees - e tLGrc.Methodst 'Clinîchi, W inipe rfused-an offer etf $1,000,000 for th prepeit>',want.- ed -b0 a hotel uyndièâte., The. international suiv.>' part>' inarkdng tbe. Alaikan boundiar>' toeh a idi lutiie Arètio ocean -viien t. eaéled that distant point. ',e -nand -Revenue, Deparment îns]ectors will be aaked toeoxplain wby> W0 ope êt. ofthei. cheese'- -weighing scales lu n Eastern Ontario and Quobec are giving short veigiit. GREAT BRITAIN. Frank Boetock, the noed animai tramer, is dead in London, En'g., aÈed -50. .A leated debate i heBritishi Gemmodns regarding the. Marconi contraet led te tthe appointanent cf a cemmittee cf inqii' te ' invesi- -gate ailegations 1cf, corruption against Miniters.' 1UNITEDý.STATES. A wltiýessi implicated. ex-Lient. Becker iVin.hemurder- conispirai>' againitthVii.gambien ieseuthal. Ssceno. et great enthusiasin voie vitneed lu Chicago on tiie cepar- ture cf (reeks te o: in -tiiécoloe -Ma .Tii. Nobel priz« for-'medical ré- ..arcii vas saadod te, a French- m s_, Dr. Alexis ,Carrel-,et tfith e eUer Iuetitàe2 New York. Duluth.,Ceuncil wil--annul the streot railiay trancha.e if tihe c'mý.- pan>' dcci -net .provide -"honeet, éapabie sud sober" creva of strike- breakers. -Wloc yaue Mis.' Maude-WloofEyaue '.,,ar rested "lu Chicago on chargea ef shopiiftîng luinseveral large citie eteaid oile iad been edu- cated lu an -Ottawâ couvent. She fays csh. iad te steal- te live. < - GENBRAL. i5-i.eal catch 'lutiie Beiiring Boa vas 4,764 asiins leus than asat year. T.u:tiiusand poundaet fpowdei were exploded by,4,fire ,at, ,Tanipico, Mexico., Tii. desthIiàt is .plaeed at Aust-'o-Hungmry is making oxten-ý 'sive warlike prepsiations tilat point, t, 'possible lîterbational rupture e-ver tii. Baîkan situation. -- ILLE» 'AT FOOTBALL. WInded b7'- Collision, but Plale& GAime Through. -ýA d'.spatcii feiïn- Montreal- says: Anothýer 'football v tmha ben tounci. 'Ou- Friday Caivin -McCal- l'um, aged sixteen, cf1 - Grcsvenor *venue, Westmennit, dieci-.as-a -é' sult ot injuries received iii a foot- bal match on Thuiaday.Inlua col- lision vitii another- player tiielad vas knocked cnt, and remained uný consciena .for tweuty minutes, but ait'erwards- -' 'plsyed - Vthe - igame' t'hiougei.. On.- îe4chinoe home. bey- beoom> asàd&îed are iiiedwth au -exiidaMqnoý,,f '-fbrizi and biood, - Thus tlWe.Ioii&-beèome a souid mass, liapervious todair. At the. same-time th. poionis absorbed by the bloôod and-,causeo tiie syinptm otcar-. acteristie oft thedisease. Lébar, pneumonia begins sudden- ly$ with a severe chili -and usuaiiy 'th a shaip"pain»inthe.aide. Boème- .times there are -no premonitery , symptome, and the transition fron health to serious illuesa 'cocupies only a few hours. Fever begiuis with tihe chili,, and quickiy àttaiùs its f ull h.ight. It remains higli witii littie variation for séveral dayé. The. patient's br eathing i labored, rapid-and shaloôw. 1There is an <Imost constant cough, -with an .expectoration of thick, muotia tinged with blood. The. p isl very 'rapid. This condition persisa-for sevo:-. ai days-from threeor four toïxiIno. or ten7-and then, in favorable cas-ý. es", relief cornes aimost as sauddeu4ly,, as 'the.disease began. Tii. lever begins te jall rapidiy, the. breatiiing becomes easier; the, puise drops nearly. te normnai; the cougli grows leas trouilesome;,tii. duski nes of tii. face disappears; deliriumj,- if tiirewàany, 1 ceases, "and the Pa- tient ioénis aimost weil. H e la not e't ,weii-, io weyvr, for the lung is stiI filled, buthtei system has eVý -the upper hand of .the. invadingý This suddca .change, caiied the. "ci is,"l ie usuai turning-peint -in -pneumonia- but otten the remis- mion, Of ti . symptomSa and the. T'e- turn- te emfort are more graduai. Iu mnany'ý cases, tee, the. patient succéumb te thie, poison, and tihe hirt givés way under its burclen. Physioi*4ns are divided lu their views as tô treatment, but ail agree on the -ralue etfged nursig, quiet , fresh air, and measures to, sustain thie heari> in its struggie,,, Som e hospitalà. keep their pneut6onap- tients on the. roof, weli coveredai nd protected frein ramn and snoW. That seems heroie4 treatment, but -they set wel.-ýYeuth'ï_,Cempanion'. SKIN INDEX.TO DIGESTION. Tii. akinila an inex te i ige-» tive organs.. PiMples, a ruie, i- dicàte that there ila ueinethlng wrong vlth te tii. teaciicr'a per-.- sons mode cf lIvinsg. There. are a fev simple suggesatioù s v-hicii, if fol- loved, umual>' cuëzËie 'Vile pimply akin. ' - Firt-Exeicise vigorouslyeneugil eacii day -te perapire f'reel>.'.This ls a splendid method c6f, îidng ýtii. akin et .ýpoisons 'secr.eted lu the pores etfVthe akln. Second-Keep the- quantit>' cf food eaten, daily, lu seme relation te the ameunt and sert ef vork clone. Remember that iieatl-Produc- ing-teeds, lu abundance, are not healthfnl i tiie smmer time. Nel- tiier la IV nece ssaiy foQr Vile person who leadm an easy lite, ,vith littie "xer'e, toeaet as mucii as tii. poi- son vil takea a large amount cf exercice. or.. works at manual Jabor ail dày. Thid-Keep 'the akin ver>". dcean. - Bath. tioqueutly'. 'Rubtue akin vigoroual>' .wth- a reugii tevel. Trying te cure pimples by ont- yard application is a poor. poiicy. -Tii. metiiod suggeïted takes trou- ble and turne. - go ces anytiiing "vbhla saccomplished wveil. POLICEMEN DISMISSED. Sequel etf aillir. te Catch Nov Westminster Bank Rebbers. A cleapatch f rom Chicago says. Police Captâin John J. Mahen>' and 1 Lieut. Blernard Burns were dis-, chargeci frein Vie Chicago 'police. DopaiVinent b>'tii. Civil Service Commission on Wednesday because of the. escape froin Ohicago ou Sep- temper le of two et the members of the. gang-,'wiio iobbed tii, Bank 'et Montreai at New Westminster. The Civil Service Commissionera decid- ed that botii officers vere guiît>' of 1incompetency' sud negleot of dut>'. Tes Vears forTw K -RvIl Al01kg ilound OÃ"ver. A 'despa tciifrin Port 'Arthïlr" as:Justice Middieton onTù day * morning ý sentenced Dosnlni&o' Duprenzo- and Nick Duprenzo tc, ten years' imprmormient 1,ach ,hi Stony -Meluntain peniteniary, for having asssulted - hief -6f -Pelice MeOlolen <nJii1y, tiie-night f -the- io ehev.ot lîllt 29 uthe coal en 'A IM in thiesum of T - -- KES TERII. era Wil Èffmea -aVear Extra. A despatcii from Londonsasys : "141, almostý certain that theDuke fo nnagit' term lin,-,Canada ,n -etdanther year," saye Truth, which ia genoraliy'reliab;le in such matters. 1"It às ver>' desr- able that h. siould be at the. iied 01f the Canadian Goverinent viien tii. Prince of Wales a"d Prilnb. AI- bert visit Canada fin 1914.I Duciiesaand'Princesi Patricia 'are co in i April for a few. w4elSe viait to:.EugJind aud *willyisit the: Orownu Pýinc*a3d: Irinees of 8w.'- den at -Stockbobn. Probably the. latter wil Visiît Canaaa uext au- tumn."- FRIQT HFUL BLAUGUTER. Explosion of Dyna mite may"?Cause the D eatb *et S everal.' Ades atehIdroin NorthiBa>' gays: ýnstructioii of tIi. Algôna 'Eastern aWilway, near .,Sdbgry, on 'Wed- nesday- aftWiu.oonxfrightfuliy injur- éd ix ltalian iabôror.. -'One, man- iiad 'botil a'rme blo*n off--aiàd'an- other Ilesti,.both ee'-ansýu ûerod sover e injur.iés te isua'iead. - Tii.- others'had a rmacilegs' broken.- lii heinjured men voie . îuehed Vo 8udbury Hospité.l, viere, it i. stat- %d, seea idie.,-Tiie explosion resulted .fi rom tie.iiàndhing cf a box-' of- dynamite ýcaps b> ' laborêr. SIX STUDENTS ARRE8T"D.. Uunning FÏit lVith Policçe Follev. A despatéh' frein Montreal says:, Tiiere vas -af-igUthtieme on 'Frida> eveulng:*-betweeu "police sud stu- dents of MoGili University, reanît- min lu aare staand tii, wonndiug o! s bystander, -who vAs', atrnck b>' a fiying atone sud taken liuùcnse- oui 1ô theii. ylVItoria -Hfospitai. The 'rov follove e ii.4nual fnl- versit>' po)rts, te tudents, viien tiieywere ordered b>' the police netý tO follow tiieli nu'al practice Of atepping tiie stre«t car trafflo b>' pulling tiie trolley poles frein the vires, retaiiatiug vith -rotten ezgg aud atones in a iunning battie ail tii. ay from Vile athietie grounds te, the. police station.- NATIONA&L INSURANCE. Aimtrlian Liberal Party' Commit- ted to the Sehemo. A. Melbourne despatcii 'te the London Dail>' Chronicle statès that -the inoat ignificant outeome efthVie iParlizmentàry -discussion of Pre- mier Fishër's; maternit>' grant bill (viiich provides for tiie psyineut of 25 upon tii. birth et a chuld) is the conimittal of Vie Liberai part>' to a national- insurauce policy en the lies etLloyd George's acheme, whicii ombodies 1h, element of tiirift, but tii. Luberals decide.d up- on a vigorous insurance campaigu -duriug the forthcoming electiona. -3 AI~STRlA. HIJNGAI< h. 44% -% t -~ 6(LGR.40( x BIAI:> 58A -4 34~ to t5c Wr t.ilui Besae-7àand4lokïd, '3 Da bshl primes. $2.90, lu 'a Jobbing w'ar. Honey-Eztracted, in tins, Il te 12e per lIb. for"Nê. 1. wboleae; comuboi 81.5qte $j3. viioleàal. - _ SPonltry-Ibeesle prlcesof eboice dressed ponitry .-Ob1hckens. 14o per lbp fowl. lb, 10 ta b dolpg.10 to,12e turkeyu. 16 te 17c. Live poultry. about 2o lower than the above. -PotatOews-5 per bag. on track. PROVISIONS.,- éÛred meaiis are quoted as fo1Iow.- Bacon, long blear. 15 ta 151-Zo per lb, Iný case lots. Pôlrk-Short out, $26 te $27; do.,- meeï 21-50 ta $22., Hame--Medinin ta lIgbt, 17 to 17 1-20; 'beavy, 151-2- te 16c; rals, 141-2 ta 15c;, breakfast baoon, l9coi backs, 21. to 2li-.e. Lar&-Tierces, 14 1-2c; tubst;44 POIS, 15, B Àl ED, KÂYM - -n 1.5,on track, Tort7ýINet*lt; DeT ton, car .lots., l- e $1160. heese- Finest westerns, 133o 135-80- do easi. oins,.13 to-13 LAc. ~Bùtte--0hoioest - èreaim- Fery, 28 1-2 e .o;snds, 27 1-4 L 27 1-2o., Egta-eletd 2 30c; Ne. '2 stock, 21 ta t.Ptts-e bati,.car- lots. 665 te -UNZTED STATES KÂRKETS. - Minneapolis,, oct. 15-Wbeat- Deoemxbei,ý 99 te 91 1-2c,;-M.y, 951.4ae; No.,-1 hard; 921-Sit-; No. 2 Nortiern, 89-te 12c, No.- 2 Nortbern, 86 te 89-21c' No. 3 '7ellov coin, 67 1 te 68 1-2ô. No. 3 ýwht-catu, 301-4 to Me. No.' .2 ry'e,-5ti-2- to 64 1-2c. Bran, $19 to $20. Plour-P-Fret ptento, $4.35 te-q4.66; sec- ond patents, *4.20 te- *4.5; Irat--elears, *3.- 20 te *8.50; second olears, *2.40 tW$2,7.10 Duluth, Oct. 15.-Wheat--No. '1 bard, 91 1-8c No. 1 Noitherli, 901-Se; No., 2 North- sm5; 8*14c; .Otober,. 90e:' December, 8914e bid; May, 943-4 to 947-8o. -' - LITE STOCK- MÂEKET.. - Kfontreal, Oct 15.-A fev choice. teers mold as htgh «a7*$6M5-but tb. baik of th. trading la gopd cattle val dons at $5 ta '*6,.n h sid iiim n otand Inferlor seld at from *3M t010 P',per cvi. Butchere' cous -brougttfromu '3.25 -ïto>$5 per eut.. as; 10 linality,. sd the -bulls soiS at f rom $2M5 te $3.Zi vir w. - Ontario Iambe sold ai *85f4e *o 6, and ewe sbeep at $3.50 tO *3.- 76 'per eut. Seleoted lots of h3oge :scld ai *8.5m 0 $ 8.75 -er cvi., velghed off cars. ",d ean for caives va.<daSai prices. ri1nu , ram $3101 ee as to ise anSý <sli. -- p Ta1n0 .i . 15-attle--.Chôieeebutcher, $5.75,te *.15; <ccd-medinin, *5.40 to -*5.60; common. *M50te *5; ,,cous, *3 te *6; huila., *3 to $4.», .; cainnoi. *1.50 te $2.' OCaives- vea a roi.08 to #9- common -03,50, ta *6. 9 rce s -and feedes-teers,'.950- te1.050 lbn ai 85M46,te86.60; feedint halls, 900.10 1.206 lb... ai $2.76 té $4.26. Kikers aud apringers, steéady- demand for -toaS stock., et from *5» to -*75. 51'eep and Iambe - Market i mer; light oves, '$4 te 54.50; heavioes. $3 te $3,50; liïmbo, $6 ta $6.- 26. Rogs-Mdarket 15e bicher ai $8.40, Ted and wateredll'and *8.00 to $8.15-f.o.b. PEUL 170 FEET TO DEATU., Bîidge-Workor Struckon 1'orebead -and l Hurled to His Doom. A despateii from Edmonten, Aita., asys: Whlle' clisging rh-la footing on 'the top tier etfVthe im- mense- steel bridge of VlieONU over the Pembina River at ' Eut- vhuatl. on Thursda>', Joseph John- atone, a structural iron- worker, ac- cidenitaîl>' tonched Viie riggei et Vhe pnuniatic rivetter, whi-ch re- bouuded, striking hum on the, fore- head, sud he vas sent iiurtling througi tiie air, a terrible drop -cf eue hundredsud sevent>' foot te Vhe river below.. Tii. talling man struck an out-juttiug beam on-the lover dock et ta. bridge, and thej body'"s drop vas' deflected trom the opeu vater on te a raft,- upon which lie felI, alightiug on his iead,. sund being iuatantiy killed.- 200 RURAL MAIL ROUTES. Carriers Will - b. Supplied with Stampa and Postal Notes. A despateli frein Ottavasasys- The Poat-Office Departuleut ilas during.the. past aummer largel>' ex- tended the rural mail -deliver>' ser- vice 'in Onitario and Quebec. Tvo iihundred new routes have been es- tabiisiied'in-tiiese >Vvo>,provinces. Begiuning next, month, the inten-, tien is Vo su'ppi> the. carriers>on Vile- rural "mail routes vith ataipe,, Pos- tal notez,;'etc., for tii.- convenience -et 'fariners.. LIVELY TIME IN LIMEIOL (Jro#d * Returuing hem"Auti.He~ -Rule .4Meting Attacheci. -A despatol ifrein'Limerick sayo:, 'Wie thé-pPO pe elee leavlng- an autiHeme "Rule - meeting e herée. Town for the Chi A despatch froni. The. Steamer Meilvilil bempstèir-Lins, "Ï night,.,,er Cape-To-l. of 1,0 arl IL.'. The' expert trom -H ,has been luited; teo o '.>ear. Tii. Melvileie la ef prize stock f rom e cit IV for thé dCape e, INA- Q'uAIIREL. ShaH IVas Fractured %y Rècover, . -A 'deapatelifreni ,Lenclon, -Ont., < su>': Daniel 'EeWiat,,viiosé skuli- vWas fractured 'by a tal,frem i. r Thames atreet viaduiùt,. la lmnprov- -t ing 'and ma>'recever.-, IVwas tiiought at first the accident vwas fatal. His biitjer-in-law, Geçorge t Willianson', and 'George Neili havýe 1 aince'been - arrest.dvfoür>drunk-.n- theii.ugit of the accident.'- "Ne 1la1 on bail aud 'William"sen-- is heid peuding the. outoome 'of Ste6wart's injuries, Thei. liee.believe Stewv7 art and 'Wifiamisou' vere- quarrel- lug' at the ime Stewart fol-i from- tii. bridge.- - L'ERISIED M A.CA.NOE.- Blizzard Fatal t.. Member of Duek ' Shooting Pa'rt>' in the -West. A despatci i fnm -Mecs. Jaw sa.ys The. des-cl'body of.,Dougla.s Uoodi vas found on the. shuorebto Lake Johusgon on Tlinreday, suid hua coni-' panion, Fred Williama, nov at Ex7 .pausO, i.lM a, critiçal cniin H1ood and -several ýcomp anions'lef t ieeMonda>' for W rla arncii for duck. shooting. . Tiey were dn the. lake wiien aà blizzard cam'e up, sud l e..tileir wv1ay. HoodL Cerm- plaiued etfvoici, and William e gave hlm his ceat and took, charge et the canoe, but.viien ha reaehed the. siiore Hood vas dead. Williams waisfound unconsoùs ln the nori- 80, KILLS-ýI"E AND' SELF. Âge4 . Police Pens3iener Ends Two Lives wiith Old-Revolicr.- A ctespatcl I'frein Buffalosasys , Phillp ReInhVI t, aged8(, a- for- mer patrolma", shot'his vite, Sc- puia, ag'.d 85! "and thon sent a bul- let tiirougii hi hiead somo turne dur- ing Tueïda>' hIight.. A milknian found thei. b odi het-i.aged couple lying tuil>'dsased -on -the kitchen fioor of their home viier é the>' lived. alone. fleaide Reiuiirdt's body' vas, hia police revolver-vitii tve -shelas expioded. Reinuhardt had, been a pensioneýr-of Viie police, force for eixteen years. IMPORTS $Ie,000000 A DAY. Growth et Canadian Purchases lu ,tire UQIVed States. A despat.ch- from Washington,. D. C.,- iays :, Exporta f rom the United States te 'Canada ati nov averag-. ing on. million dollars a , day, sud a doeen years a-go the>' aver- agecl a quarter et s million dollars a day. This large gî,owth in the. expo4s te Caniada ocura chiefly in bitumineus ca!, auLtomrbiles aud other carniages, Manufactures et iron -aud, steel, lumber, coirn an&l uniManufactuied cottofl. the. and look dame saidy yen bor te se-wcl deme, Tiihe hild rigilV!" down'thie aVe -he school-yard. 'Il den't remembe c sry-stýre acroass 'h bhought. "I-I thin Èorse-_ciestnut tree t Joasie lelcinp -h Lcokecl at lier fingE said-te turu te 'the came ont et the sci la: my rigiit haud'. mole ou My 'tall ma Tis iis the 'way for 'Jeasie took a few street - and then a] looked back'at t4é mile iAt b.d corne-i it. 1'4ow ne smaii'eeoor wa seeu. The dooras se iId ;c o! were, exactly iu the. m, the. building. She 'walkeg back te the scheol and sat -e tiié upper stop. -- 8h.satst aili and waitel knev thatcil. va-s- net loi vas at tiie 'Hal-e Scileol,, ilad only' te fellov the.eo< liue--Wiy, there- waa no- Jeagi.e staired abi ment,' rubbing h ah. veir. noV 55104 heard Vile' hir eo electioc cr. It street aithe end SW~raiu o th the. cornrer. -Thei aide cf'tiie'acio-ol' ,am ail deor vlth t] across -tVie stre-et chestut tree! S gaVe, turne I te Vi few, minutes more .-Youtýh's :Compal n e1 S'h ýn amaze te see i tiien ahi uroachi beutii y El e- e e r e if e g e ci h e 1, OPIENINQ 0F PAULiAME' Praetica1J>' cr4tain That It 1W 'Xovembe-or e,2L *despstch frein Ottava The date cfitii'. openi-ng cf p menit la Practicali>' certain Nvovember 14 *or 21. 'The. later to-be gelec ted if it is found ii suibe te- arrange Viie openifi-gi 14tii. -.-DESPERATE. Shè euteieéd Vthe - gocery vith a ý-jar-'of imarmalade i iiand and, fire luii er e>'.. ifer.," she saici te the cler] bongii ths tuif becaua. the lu your vindow sa>'s itýB an lent substitut. for bu Vr,~ "lYes, mà'am, se iM, muat*sa>'! -Itri- Vaste vas ao awful'ifi4& the fiAh' ail away.>'4- 1*ARVE ,ST FORIl- S5uits En.tereci Agginst Otta Typhoid Feveçr "Adeapatch -frein Ottawa says: es1 Ottaw's second great typhoid epi- dan dernic, which se far thfisYear-ha~s wag aggregated -11,200 cases and 72 9reý deaths,1 proàmises te prove aimost. as thLe> good a i1arvest for.the iawyers as it tut bas heen for the doctors.-The. City age Solicitor .ha. given.'anppink>n te -clai tpCity Ocoun Il thatthe cityis, on" tact -as. 'YeDU 70ti and suit Mr. letmeY Dloon tes- shalb~ show y4ýn Whe n L d ta tlbe- cried Man eveir ]ipped M cl thin pickiicle' no0 kind 1I hat essingly. anice ce inust ce or- lpe hate got U"In an hdher friyo -let -use about it.1 <'Very S leftteran guardian samfe, 370 Swanliild ment. Iand ýan w'ýhen she ing tiei. cided. F~ * --az long-t >news."1 <' an t '. aluminun shaving,_ it notiIu gio M pect?" asi * happy Rlir ne <I ney Frith-of in the wor fortable li J tap goed~ *to.oar. have somc, Uies;- he n-_ add nicely, towhen- devided_*o 'chertier~s thing else 1 ( 117, . 1 *buring hlild's smal -would be work forE -pver-they ward he f debte, and might-, erl tIrest.1 ther aghas she&thoùgh spend -se Vdid when .and 1don' try that ag ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO 1 A

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