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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Oct 1912, p. 3

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lier h.ýad up~ drum-ýbeat,.. O ut mo th 'ostop and: ÏCIc way you motherUbi Ion r gud-by6. wc right wheu- ot cross thie bstop in t~h way ihe ha-d m marched and through there wae*, a ýro0 instea4tý bands âil ight when 1 d-oor. Ti thi the lit high' finget,. ;ight cf iL seen a smal ea4ing np t )r was te b7 ma- conie cut' bik middle of ~a ited'. She 001, and -$ho e cloctr -ic-car ne car lin. îer in amaze- JII9V th en S4,~ approaching le clown Lthe e a.chi).lyard. .te and rouind On the harth (1i'ng, w a s t iw stepa. Yes, ab, t[[IFNT. litit It IVI be. 1n 119 f Pàelia- eêrtain to, b. The lâter dat £of<und irnpos. gr4oc'ery -store *lld -in her :nr te "Se the clerk, '-- 'iig te card itis an ex-cel-- t js, 1 ng& .,ca 'gand the ,lad to throw «en't hesitate fora moment. fjii .Woyk will bi easy, ae d ee will b. t.horcOuËrhly 7knd." X <'h. han a bad Leèmper," &aid 'eHow do TOUr know 1, 'Becatise no sw'eet-Lemnpered wo- mnan -ever had sucli a s'traight, thin-. 4Wpedmouti." - "I Lhink yen are- very -horrid Lo pieck holes in ber whenïho hau, been skind te s ernyef ni 4opt. - Sut how. about Swan- "I bate Lb. thought foi eitiier o!' you,> said Fj'ithiof, m"ohl. "NwFrithiof, don't go, and ba a gole -about it, " aid Sigrid, car- eIssiMgy."I we. are ever Le have nio oczli nie e tgether we. must certainly work et something, and wo are net iikely to, getIigbter, -.cr more congenial, or botter paid, wckthan this. Ooïm., dear, yeiî have gcL; as Lance wouid sayj,;to 'grin and bear iV.' fin any case,' w. Must give Swa- bild bors4U a voice in Lii. mater,"p h. said et iength. - "Âccept tii. cf- fer if yen lie, prcvisionally , and let us write to hem and_ tell hem -U s 'ery well, w. will wtite a joint -letter -and give ber -Ail sorts Of .guý"rdianly. advic.. But, ailtie, "meyen know as well asJ'do -that ;Bwanhild will not hesitate for a Me- ment. Sh. is dying te, corne teo Engl *-land, and eh. is neyer ao happyas w'hense. is dancing." * Wben ROY came home that even- 9 tnhe-b mater was practicaily dé- cid Frithlifand -igrid had ha4 a.- long talk lu tiie lubrary witii Mr. and Mrr.'Bonifaoe, and by and by in the gardon, sigrid told hlmn glee- fnlly what iii, calied Lii.1'<good "I a afford Le laugh now et my * aluinuninpeucils and the .mbrom-' dery patterns, and thio poodle-, * slaving," sie. eaid, qayiy. "Was! iL net lucky that w,; happened te go te Mrs. Horner'a party. and that eirerytiiing happ.ned jit as IL didl" "Do yen rëally lii. tho pre- pçct?"lasked Roy. "Indeed I do. I iiave'tý feWt go happy for mouLut. -For now 4We need.,neyer again be parted f rom Frithie!. It will be Lie bort fing - ithe wo rld- for- h=te hbave a con- fortabl1o littie home; and I shahý tae[. ôod came that he dcesn'L work bte ard. 1fr. Bomiface has beon s-o goed. H. saye that Frithief cen have, some eeta -verk te do if h.e - -- e eau attend nmie o! your rts, and arrange thie platfom I^W nthe pieces; and Liii.will "niely te ssalary. And thon, - 'oô, when h. hoard Liat I had quite decided ou acceptiug Madame Le»- cheertier'e offer, be preposed' oine- tiig else for us toe." "WhaL was -that 1" aid poen "WThy.- b. thinks tlfat b. migit geL usengagements tLu play etcii- dreu's parties or email dauces.. Fmi- Liihiof's violin-piayiug je quit. good enougii, he says. And don't yenu *ever Lhink it wculd be-. mneh beL- toir for hlm tban * poring noe'long mer Lihatolul wotk o! Hemr Siverten'i"V Roy was obliged te assent. <'Frithiof ih rather down lunLth. de1ithi about -iL," ail -igril. "And I de hope yen -will ebeer hlm up. If yen bal knowu what IL wac -te liv. lin dependeno. on relations for no long, yen woeJd nudertanl how happy 1Iam Lo-night. 1, tee, mii il b. able te help in paying off -r l!, aloo te b. given up tdesperate -attempt 1" kht 1%Y,.despondeitly. -' HAPTER XXI. l3'umfng the neit fw. days Sigmid wsabsorbel lu deepcaciltos Hhe !eund that,, exclusive cf Swan- 1 d' muleamning, howuld b.abuorbel -by behr .du.atîen and Lb. Mir extras that migt bo nord- ed, their â!ua yearly income -would > be. a ba£5. Frithiof'c womk fer 11,ér -iveraten, andl what sene- Liiey nmght eamn by èvening engagementseould b. laid acide te- "ward the. fund 'for," payiuig off the debtÏ, and eho thongbt that tiiey inight ponhapi mspfle tWlive on 11; ros . "Mis. Igoziiae seomed me- ther -ghat at Lb. notion, and said sie thought IL impossible, qI don't -suppose that w, shall spëud as littie -ou !o1od as Frithiof '- d14 whén' b. was alone-,"sal ig Mi "for he icamiy starvel iei and 1I do't nean tLu qllow hun te *$~ t~atagan.I geetth iearoa Tii. gr.aýt lie aspha] ter,. thoui, "At prei let, sir," quii7. almofft c 'well, t Iikhely il&.V- country fai would let y showiiig h4 th -isitdr pletsant-1c> ward and,. bit untidy ha, lust gc but now t< b. fl:itting, are going'- Lbh. Qoswel 4'1 wondi teck théni, of theii..gî rweeping a and wheth scrub outit Yen. See. 1tý pôsuible view ci thie Sam e.oi q e'àd'& PxncWl of mace,sàeo - ken withi operation th.engn.on. tabldsooziueutter and one v*ry strange appear- tiahléep6onful cfAlour rubbed -td-; hieiuactÙuaJY, rftn- gether. Add- Lb, saWiisif- 3ýust d the action of ýthe befor. e »Wng add th4 yo6-f-one 1 il wouid be c onsieè egg, -which bes been well beaten a.nd LLhus country.'-Thei. en- blinded ,with a littie hot ýmilk.. to run backward to o MckO6m i.Li apie ur- cylinder oompcu nd, plaýithwrloh omit and bake. 'Fil lodn P, ,gd &ig.à in inad&oithefolloýw- ~~~e 'i' reint: On,-:cupful *f rsiiaing knonone<ci ugar, two tablespoon- hig bués wththïrlus-i -ahand 'warmly. "yoù bhave only prefsmu eyl.-r Lb.theother~. hig hucs wththirgeLt olock .-Up ycur rooms and cornle ý ùgiy color, -the, endiese down here te ut.. Theme wfill las h~unkers, lu :thé ýndows, ail préciuely alike, cawicm edyfrL, h. o héie E ILeur-ar - h Col- !you. Don'L forget that." èàIin h eh tidy and clean, he.d a "Let it be- your second. home,»" Ci' tb "said 1Mr. Bonace.-fe: ment w'have ne, rooma to, Cd wowsLooet w.s the - ansWer o!ý the mout, said lest. She merefy shokonkn lé' of ~4nt te-Fmthic's - hndsWith him, -made, soin.trifling tii. futur 1thi4; though, W6 are remank about the ime o! Swan- miet'horadian tai t bae . st acnt. hild' train, and wished hlm gcod- energyL4& bye; tiien- ih»r, heàrt, w teh- t un -à. we eft ôver themll1-they, .d -the brothier aànd ister, as thiey Minerai i4 ýW ~4int the carrnage and drove hausted, t ihae eare nii, ndl<Lre L"~ ~j~continued.) - o ehamnee» the eun'is raky. Ac- I4, odig te ,caloulationa, cf Sir rcu Iook iu. There i o uaeaegone~ honofly700hr. dred -AanHereËe L. J <3emonss'k, as7,00hos Ire ,,Rere,-_Xesse, nsk W dkhipower Lthé. a<.r4eor about 4, 500,!- ,or ift'he wuld mid juê Laxi ,ia .nds. 000 horse7power L e b.quare mile, er moins, wil youV1' 'The. Ch!è î ' ihaýnoreaches Lbe earth "on aclear day, in ý, glancing- ouriousy s twelve'partîs f4è$Jous euh. te form cdf r4dint heat. of c- eokini aoked At Ire@ old m 1 ni a, te Co Il Roi or,"J hbore nd,s<c or 1 Ühese -ront ficulty'lu*-tÉat," ea thLb.woman; "Tiiore'-s a LI- t wouIdilbé thani-ful te eamn a il, e that way, aud Lb. esaine - with.laünndry -work'. - "De yen kno w, I bègin te like this groat court-yamdj" abê <aid teo éè.; cil.- "t firet ItL îoked to--ie drear.y,. but now. ielooks te me like 8'a gret, derly hinanve; tihère lu is6mÏthinà about IL ,thât mak.s' oie% féel industniou." "IW. -*Î11 sie ,down 'hem.,- thn"said Frithiof, smig "sud yen s'hall b. ýqueen béi. "Yen thinkitiLwoild, nothuint -Swaniud " -ai.ked Sigrid, Lurning te 'Mrs. Boni!face-.,"Tii. place sooms te me boautifuly aiiry."1. "Ide~~said Mme. Boniface,, I tbink lu lnany,,ways. Lb.,place is Most confortable,. and-certainly yon boul 'net do b~epli e gave a very muc-éh- bighex'ren." As for Sigril, alie wae now ilibr- element. A fmue w4man, mise de.-ý ligitel !u the - Liought of-!'havlng rooms -cf her owntefurnish and arrange.- - . "Beda ;are ruinously dear," ah. sai, aiter, m4king elaboratecal- culaLions. - -"We inut bave Lhre. realfy conifortable cnes since- we Mean Lu work> hard all day, sud tbey muet'ceitaily b. _new; tiie tiree o! then witb ail thlr belong- ings 1 * 1 net bave very 'Muc- eut e! twele peunds, I foar;- But thon as te chairsî and tables tboy nigit welI b. ieCodnd-hand, and we w-bn't. goï lufor, a uingle luxuyy; IL will lcok raLlier bame, -but thon there .will be lots troublé, about, cleaniug and-duîtiug." 1ý "Tou will becon. suc-h a dones- Lie character that we shant knew yen,"1Y<aid Fnb!io, laugiiing. "WhaL do yen tiiink w.e au pos- sibiy fnmnioWhei, oonms on?1" "Wait a moment, and l'U adI up miy lit," .hp <aid,- eheer!ully. I never knew befo'bow many thinge théee er mna -bou». that oeecan'L dé *ell witbout. Now that mnuet sur.iy b. ail.- No, -I have forgotn bmuiies. sud ,brooma and suc-i tiig.New, ,thent_ for tLb. adding up. Yen . c-hec-k me, C.c-il, for fear I mie iLtee olitle-this in a ter- rible moment.).; "Twety-egbt pounds l"-'ex- clainmed,'boti girls in a breati.' " Yen ,can surely nover-do iL on thatr'" aïd Cecil. --' "IL c seois à great deal te me,," <aid' Sigrid; "stilI IIhave more than that - over frei n nule'. f ty- pouud check,,ieven after Dorter Morris iis paid. No, on Lb. wbole, I tink w. need net worry, but nay spend as mueii as that wiLb a dlean cen-scieioe.Tho Ling 1Iaman aui- eus about . i m weekly bill. Look here, we ,nst îoineiiw manage te Jiv. on £1485 a* yoar, thaL wiii leave ftve, un>d oi l"0csofe! ues.or au>' grat. need. -, ForClaniit àleavos nreh-ing, buà w.1c-a't give ywbiie W* are udbt Twe pounds,, ifLeen shillinigsa wee. for three of ai Wbhy, por peopleêlive onfan legs." ", "îWith &,:éclovér manager IL wi11! b. poosslki." Ffrithlf maid, "aud Siicé ê.the MTtank ie d.ter r is'. Bruce Ieniay and br, ister, -who are. dauigbters of George . R.. Scbi. élihn of New York, hav" abandonèéd everythig in the way of plceaur.teektng or entetining.- AU the time 1hey bhave been ahi. Lu spar. frein *heir own donieutie o bliga- tions hm. been devoted to an inve?àtigation of- theý need& of those who suffered through the. lom e of the. iii: fate'd steamer. They we not, con- tent with..he knowiodge âta & uigesm-of money b.dl-en eub- scribedy rthe. philanthropic publie; they decided to me thinge with their wn eyeG, and personaiiy to relieve distresa. A list of everyone in Liverooel and district who had suff ered in sny_-w4y waa made out for Lhem, a nd in cases whero they were, 'not able to caU bhéeelves bhey sent a respcinoible, representative ý-with sufficient relief te meet immediate needs. They also senta special, investigatfor th Southampten, wh'ere the great -bùlk of the rolativtu of the. lost seamnen lived, and sceores of iiones tha* ocould not àffor~d te wait for the officiai distribution cf.tLb, iîg London- Man.sion -Houa. Fund wie, ee bled te weatherthe ýcriai.s. The most coimnendabie f eatur, ô'f Lhejk phi&nbhropy is thbat ther, has not been 'a .embianoe of ostentation about it. CATE T RES. Conitituting a record, the. popU- lation cf New South Wales heu iin- A '.lisFun Udr'd creaued bv over 30,000 during FwRthe[Fun ndrEdn hast. six mentis.- A bte of <"i.and aiais teo! <bat, .1day 1«Cg, daDa th.appetit. m sud v-muioea Rest re .r stamaeh te buuthy Vgs, IV taldmCgaaNa-Dru-GODi"esi abe liter em cl-mAd Mt out thspie.~ Na.DrumCo.'Dysmppua Tabhtsb are tha but frl*ndafer sufÎerer froma tndig.ul.u tub dyspoWps'. ..a Box si jour Drugï1st's. Ma&. by the: Malent Dfg a&f hem o. a. - burgh Ple. lmpo>rta/ut discoverles have bien mal, at Edinbumgb CasLle, largeiy owing toe i.wok o!f1fr. W. T. Olîrieve, Sc-ot"ie Director o! Works. At present a Royal Cen- miasion is investigating tue'bistery cf thme caiLle uilllugs. -lInLb. cours. o! an examination o!fLiie vaulted ossements under the, sonth end e!- Lb. Hiai-Moon Battemy,, there waa notic-ed on eue o! the willm a shot bol., wiiciihowed that that Wall ,must have ben Liihe oterÈ'wall.' Thue eveuýtuahly, led te thé. ground beaiug opeued up, aendii0 walba,- lng be tra=codwn -for a dise. cf 33fet4 vanîted ebamber was beztr point in ediy, EÀ b., vat tb.ai V and vanilla' to fla;or. (Jook, until tbiok, then fill the cruîL with Lhe. 43r05flL <over witii, a meringue e" f theLb.Whites of two *eggs and, two tablespoonfuls of augar, and, -place- in the. oven until a, liaht' Chooolato Sponge - soak 1lYS ounoce cf gelatin in~ a littie coid irilk. Heat two cups o! miik in a double bcilier, add L o tLis ,2/ ounces of meied chocolaté and five tabbespoonfuls of granulated sugar. Wien ot peur over-the golatin and atir ntil dissolved. When cool add' one cup, of thick creain, oxpe-haîf *cupfuY o! cruehed almonde and one r Leaspoonful of vanille. etlt geL .cold, but befomei ets whipligiitiy - and pour inte a, wet miold. t1 -eNvr, Fail Cake (no creaming of k bâtttr and sugar la r.quired in'miz ing this cake)--Oneand'Lhree-quar- ters. cf a cup cf f1our; Lwo 1ev.! tee- spoonfuls o!d baking ýpowder ; on. cup bf granluaïted sugar. Sift to- gether iÎnté a inixing bowl the. dry .Ingrédients. »reak two egg"ito amu and fi11 te brin with sweet miik. Pour, upon the feur, etc.,1in. the, bowi, and beat-in Liii,, ta.ble- apoonfule o! melted butter'. ,Do.mot stir until ail thé ingredients are, inhei bowl. Thon beat bard and long. Tis. will mak4, a Lwo, layer cake. - *Caramel.Tapioca ?uddingýý-Soak ZA cupful of tapioca ln twc cupf i.- of -nmukoyr nîght._:In thLrnorpnig put it Into the. 'innèr vessel -cf -a double boiler 'with two more 'cupfuls of milk and s"mer iintil iL là clear: - nd tender. B-eat in Lb. yolks cf throee g swetento tasLe; add - a hall e upf c rdy or wine,_ and pour intopuddin dsh te get cold. Carl Sa theo Li.abeve U-Bmrowna smaIlcuptul cof sugarin, apan over tLii. ire. ýWiicn iL je melted and dark ýadd A cupful cf boiling -water and. boil down te a thick syrup. Then add,- Lb. whites of tiimce egs béaten Leo a standing froth and..pour 1over-tiie pudding. 9pple âand NuL Dumplings -, Pare and cût Into thin lsUces ripe, tart appl.s. H ave ready'a gocd -pastry asloer pie. Bll- cntandcnti - inte -runds raLlier larger than for cookies. lu Lii. exactcentre'e! each ayfour elices cf- apple, sugar gen- erously, and upon tho top arrange a'tablespoonfal cf cbhopped-nuts-- pecans or malnuts or blanched al- mend-4ugar thein and ]ay aà sec- ond round o! pastry on.tiies. -Pincii the. edgels Logether 'and stamp with . handle o! a spoon or la "jigg'n 2ron," if yenu have iLte o prevenât Lbé. scape 0ejuice, -and-baie 'to a, nice. bmwn. Wb en hait *doue ,they: shculd b. washed over lquicklviy nd witbcut taking.tbein fromthe'oven -viLli wIite o! J egg beaten' light' with a littie sugàr. This makes a beantif ul, runt. Eat bot with bard or liquid sauce. WITH EGGS. Creain.d Egge.-floll haif a doz- é.n eggs very biamd and ýwhen >Liisy aie don. drop at once, inte ice cold water Uc.. prevent, tRe yeclks !roml EleetriE blà,ckening.-Leave Lthe M thème-n- ti tbeyear, dead cold. Meanwiil. ca maie a ýgood drawn, butter, using death o 'nilk inntead o! water, aiid -adldiugt ee-e 8,littie funel>' miced parsley., Peel or nare Lie sieli care!ully f rom Lb. .ggs. electriei aud ent timon Mulo quartera.. Ar- eften é3 range ther n. deep diii or lu -unap- body se ples, pour the sauce ove.rthein, aud tom o!ýI set thon lcovened) in Lie oven' for ýthiug m five minutes to -heat tie eggs. Serve .ýtiiaL -b bot. o harged, Sc-alloped Eggs-Prepare as rubber, above'and strew ever Lhe surface ahoeele. o! the disb cm tii. nappies wben Yet- t fillel fime breal c-umns.. Dot, With c-omplex butter and pepper and mlt et dii- >that eve cretion, - v opd oc Scaibops o! Eggs and Fish --Beil like it1 Lb. -eggs bard sud let thein cooL there 181 Maie a nice drawu butter;, anil lY sM when yen have cbepped '.c-old fOr'ii8 a eèggs.- quite. mail, mix with Lb. peeiticu sauce Tumu into baeie 41mb c nap- pSsible' -pie; filliug the,three-quarters a -metal füll.~ Cover wij'th auy - cl 1t- yen Lb. orlo 99 Arnawureo. le mixture il imon aud -b Wb.n Lthe crej whik, add the i, an egg.., ,You *i wýhipping -the cv When filling f. battr, bve ni ty ýand fil iL.wtlI will -brewn niei 'In heating the ,siouid be cIose welI started. Ii fuel plan aheac dxaughts.,, RusL ean, be r by covering iL wl lime an~d polis! wA..ý- waeb very amyr, then nangtiinmnthe about- Lu- leave, Djavrid Bey - taýid, shacie te dmry . (q"iWinl acoepany you on,- yeur -A bruis. should b. bathed im- way-" The.-prison> doors -were mediately and !roely with -vemy bot ojenèed Lu him without the slightest water. Tii. ceng,6stio will tiien- demur, and half anm hour later -tiie ,b rlivé- and ne ugiy discelora- ex-Minister bade tb. correspondent -Window -shades, that> have 'been Le stay ont late andl that h. was 1 orck4 au be, renovated lu -the 'returniug home.". fleugway: Lay Lii Shades flat on tue floor anil paint them, with the NOT AFRAID 9>F KAISER crdinary cil1paint. -- .-Wben a sponge bas becomne sour Pilet Refufss L Take- Ondmi Prom, rub a !resh leoin iâto it and- thon -Emperon Wheu on Bridge. uni iLsevralLies u lk.wrm A member c! Lhe German Yacht, wa.er; IL will, becomie ai sweeta' 'eposbéo't flW- Ifîeanawr ie é u&w. rongihi1andi g isresosby o h fiw: ad Où, day when the Hohenzollern etic"ky Lie-a.pi "?. ýo!f'wax uina olotii wa à1e eutering a Norwegian port the ,andl tb, Lii. irpi over lU. After- Kaiser, impatient at the siiip's alow- wardi8scour ",o'n u&,paper or progrese,- himisel! rang the engine- thici- âot [h %vered wliicoarge rocin telegrapi bell aiid.,ordered lu- .Salt. i -- creased speed.- To'his stupefaction - Silver should neverbe -allowed te --Lb. pilot 1 l oweinnmi îtand ever night withont wasbmng. 'Nordbùîns, jumped Le thetolephon. Il iL le net'poss'ible Le do Lb. dish- and cailed te the. engineere, thtaie e Lake tine o t asb Lthé Silver lu- no lotice of-ýthe signal, but te slo W warrn ,water, wipe, -IL dry,. anct put dowià.again- - Iaway. - --JTht >Empror,, atter a glane at -Tiiere le no better disinfetant Limeman wh dared't pa isi Llan sunusie/ Letot ILf1ocdti1 hie piresence, ordeiýed tii. pilot toi roomsa wbicff'are ccuùpied,- let itJ go andl put-blini.]! under arrest;_ sime Inte your bread -boxes and but the old man, without moving ý tin wet."I ihl net blave this spot. Tiio - oarsne cen b. eileveil by -bip ils under my direction- and no-, - mxngeu easponiful o! glycerin j-ey, net even.an teinperor, àe go- to Lb., well-boéateu whte o! an- ogg in#-gto give me a-ny-orders." - the, juicecf: eue lenion and eue 'h The. officers present, Irnowing that* sugar te makè IL. palatable. ugtILb pilot bad fmaritime law on hie, Taklng cold céan sometimes be Ju4,loe n-l 1ueadwr prvented, by breathing de. ý srpied t e s..the Emperor quit - corn mui wamerbocase eepcharge of -tue ship's navigation. Crû brethig sts he blod crcua~ ii.foiowig, day bis mood passeil mreaiy. t h 1oicltUintand'he decoraLed -the. ld'-sailor, at, more rapidyLb. t saine Lime appointing -hlm bhis -A very b a ndy apron Le wear .41l officaI pilot in NorýWegian waters. naking beds has two large pociets, s into, wbicb -yeneau slip Lhiugs Le- - carzy dwnstâirs or f rom -room to In Germany there a plan û--4l recin. An apren. lik. tiàwill'sava, consideràtion for giviuthLb doctôté many stops. on ee day'. rest ilu sevýn. If beore, pnfting doçrn a ape _____________ Lb. focor is scrubbed withb bot water - < macle very saWy, sud* i- afLer Lb. carpet l-idn L B priinkl.d witii. saîL euc. a week beforé eplng, ~-- motbs wil disappear. ;MZ 1 O - A INCREASES BLOOD PRESSURE, CarefÜllyUsped. >ely a day passe-s wlthout thb, of soe, poor fellow wbo la d ou work in coonetieu wltb rwires b.avily chanrged witb ity cur.rent and- wenler ln micpesed tiat tii. iuuàiau oulI be*se -reàdy a .conu- May insulate a worker, ô-, e au haulle even bmeavI a. wiree with* impçiLys a, gleve will do itl, or wb.n g, thme Y-Qiring - f. ii soki. ekena lt otiier min Le A wU'%m utoIII à%m JIknufl

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