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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Oct 1912, p. 4

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I i 'w mai Has opened--a hg Shop n fext door Batik,'Whitbyý. A triai cati s( -Satisfaction p I. TilWIUSY GAZETTE - aadCIRONICLE l'h. Gastw e m d trnllhave ti laruetoIoultI M W aypaper a ite* Àomy dv«ùjûsîll u mthime papur pM., Baise ona aptirïion. Subo&-ÃŽp- lion prS ias ayer.; 01.50if »t Paud EdioralComats The Bammauvilie Raviair sys iii.' bbsinen ouof titt tain 'ane daing "more - businesstitan any îowii -- lang ltee ." Wi.re is Bowama- BDowmnanlile - barried lte mater- wrikiand, smeérage brlairs hy ai- mop/A nanimaus voie, titae ei ýnW '16 volas againsl aacit. -The mapi. Ireas piesat a mongt beaulictoure 1 ta 9Oejuil mlow. Titey aie yel mail covarati- with ;au Wh"citbavo been lingat i mt- litaloy- eIies caloring. T'he adveàt a! colti wealhei haî cauied an unusuai activity- amouget lislhuu teaatsova anti iuruac dî'aJ- are.Sa busy, are ttey Ãœliti8 im- ol Y ,sài he.W~~,au y the inutai Tailor lu, : aaoosi00ded by lr ýar aiood ita lie Itarmanai ooo Oshaa) ropely ommilea~>è naî~&ctd t pr0ocure )suppliesfor ltae Science Dsa* "bl âe îghScitool, As »iýêD eh ciasà Tailor t iof't zqunu the it .0 S endr osl not tb exodt$Q. Carried. tý SantiaThe rep3ota t2jazosommitee wuaevd and. a4<op$od. Mr. McClplIn priated theo report Ofiâte if ite î3t"nding Committe on $choc] oiicite. Managmnt whicit waa adoptei. -Mr. Harper, seconded by Mr. ltug- a fulrantetd. gard, movod Ihat. froua and iuter the lot day of January, 1913, ihtii.luh- a auai ltaheigit and Public Sèýhuols would bt, paia in tteu monthly puy-.a, mme, inetead of twelve payments asu - doue ai presant. ti The Citairnma inquired if ille socre- ic t"7y had reoived any communication, - of retient date from lte Town Uoundil re lta& Bonas application for a mon- A ey grant witit wluch ta, build W DOW Public Scitool ?- The Secretar>.rpl% ______________________ ite negitive.. Mr. Rosa,i the absence aofr. posuilo $0 gela rwait rder filCl&Whtitflad, ýtie chiarman of thc Scitoal Thà i twrI.ouharvettunem.,Property Commuitee, reported th" thlet 0 large fumnage atîhe Model scitool is *EdMti l rmer, aif tae port perry pr4ctically burnt out. lu the discuà- star announmes hi.intention towi sion uhat follov<ed, Mr. Starr staled a history of lte cjilrîct-, and la pub- Ihàlt hoBoard could at the preseàt,' iish it iii bis paper trapu iekta 10 l ima procure a second. hand furnaca aiýd laler lu a book. - ram lte Motitodist church. Mr. iRoss e e * mvodsacanded hy Mr. Starn, ltaI ,The ai lb.thesale-:aifthe aId fai r tii. citirman of lte Scho>1 Property - ilay ___Committee h. instructed tb purchase grounci. prapaÉrty, - lid ta a uewsfacoo hfuacin- itiàinths mu,-reada he-sto fr ltoe m.iScho h u emn itemý, 38 ttis -but1h. ioned- by Mr. -Starr, or some other ai tome . westone o ad bl uncpoie lt rsenwl lier Do 10boom haroî, just a --eioady lite m, soit icudnt h. epfuairad.w sudest anitaceml a rai elal Mr. Harper gave notice taI atlte' values.nextt regular ,meeting oifltis Board - ho would maya taIt e lHenry Street DR. BASCOM FOR . MGIBTRAR. scitoal building h. abandoned ai tén A To to:iteàiutl»,1 KlilandEm-Jan. 1, 1913, as a scitool itoufe, for Air Tofl itmlhu litea su Etwau a!f funtis -ta .put it mintopropan pire 'Attre y ýrâa epad trépair, and Ihat te Dufferin Street T1 h a ttçrnv e y Gear al'.Ottaw a r me" 4 and M od l Schools h. u iiz d as far bas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a rovewodfottaaoftp possible tb .accommodate tte appitmilt -9f Titeadore MeGlivray u t as Cuut Jude f~ Onari cout.y upown pupils. 8.1 --...... .U0 fOr . . #6couy Tite Board thon adjourued,. promotion: tlte Bondihas reigned Iram tIhe offices fj ocal regitar of the 'igh Ceourt sund $uriogate clark. It. z. undmrtood ltai ,Dr. ,Horace Basosnb aiUubdre, Wii b. ap- pobuted. a&hît BuOcBBsO inth b.~e iouo* offices reliquiltd. At itrcent W.C.T.U. coavas"on hala- in Port Parry, Mms. Chalelo- Tod gava au exolleiii paper a O' Tbjs reroaenativi t bita Advisor> Caozn- work," 'empkaswiziui.the imPOrtan:cà Of home rainng -and home' influence as a help la our boys.- No Reason fo-r Doubt. A STATEILENT OF' FACTS BACKED BY- AS17RONOGU AIT . - We guaraubie' complata relief la alC sufreis tram conaipatî'Ian. u veryi Ca" mitera me tail we wili sUpply lt Medicine free. g l&xall Ordanlies are a geutte, affect' ý ive, dependablp and safe bâwel. regu-i lator, slrenigthitner .sud tonic. Titeyr .- estbàbliîrh nuabur's functianS iii-aqie easy way>'. Tity do pot cause anyi' cauveniauce, gnping or -nansea. 1he are so pieassaut ta bake sud woiltno 1 easily hhait hey may h.e taken by màny- anea a ny lime. They thorauglitty loue up ltaemitola esaem la itealtity actîvity- Rexaîl Ordenlias are unsurpassable, andi ideal for the use ai ciildran, aid. foks aud delicabe persans1. Wa. cannai lau, highly recammend ltem totaalsuf'- tarrs tram any faim of constipation sud ils attendant evils. Twa a"as, 10c. sud 25c..-Bameniber, you eau ait- tain Rtexall Remedies iunttis cominu- uity only I toui store-bte Reýxall store. A. H. AHin, Druggisl, Wbithy; iHoiRTICULTUUAL SocIEIY NOT T Gurey~Oford -is Promïpt No matter what corne or, go«e-Meabs w. muet have- Tepreparatio6n of m"al coxïes r9und titree . imes a day. EveY hous.wie wmt kn tat.eh.eaumdepond on hr 5.v.absoutey; ke wante b know tist tiere! coldg ranemt; h e als i b. - r.cady The. Gurney Eoomer ean.~~rneaa~ à aidnaimhap lmtooing t i- asmpedvc amond euly en the Cluney-Oiford. On" lever otl.veryh eg 7 Ti.fi. an 1,. sowed down muk« t üMey4l OrdDeualways ~pio~~' .~ed-heGureyOxfo rd Oenle eer telmtIt wiI aeagoco etrok it doesore ib is alare towardis iodu very mn a SoeSS ami a pleaure. J. -clntre IWhitl ont* t. Thea Horfeulturai Society Board have titis ,yýear serd teur bulba direct froný the ,groirin luRolland., anti ara t.itreby eabledti laditribute la te meuihers a. miucit largai )tumh.r andi fluai, '- hber bulbets ian alter- misa. The varialias are mixati calons in ityacinlhs fi house or gardeiq cul- ture, sud ltae paper whte neraiesi, for house culture. Tkoase members - mita have ual yel raceivedtheu bulbes may gel, tem by calling aI the Miases Powel's alaore. The Society arm iook- ing formard zta a diaplay ai blooma as the. resut o-ai ii.generaus distrïbu- liait, sametiie lunlteearly part of, lte nai Yeau. The animal- meeting' ami eleclion of afficar i l beha itaidou Friday, Novain- ber lotDlegatas ta lte annuai con- vention sud plane ion minIer mark mil be deai li ihaIt tis meeting. Auyane Wmsbing la ljoin tae Saiely for 1912. 13 sitauld do s0 noir. Utt he people af Whilby shotoir ouintereal in beau- lit>iug lte -tb by uniting miii 1he Society. Ses notices latar oa- annual mnetlhi. il. V. POWELL, Sec. SCHOOL REPORT. Tii. .uioo.uin lt, report ai Sin' elair scitacifothé it out ef Sepleur- ber. Tii. naum sare u inodai o! menit. -. Bi. IV-Homard' Aritsay, Willie 9W. Sr. IHI-Cora Dickie. JTr. III-Anule O'Conunor,. Sr. ~ IEli asca., Grace O'Connor, Roy -igan Edmard Pascoa. Jennie Sr. 1I2Helan Arkisey, Harold Pasco. JTr. I-Eu. Ihngman= l Mord Bird. -Br. Prntima-.l" rPàscca. JTr. PinrLt ace Parents sud "frieude o!flte pupila Thoy MakoGod wokeçpthemieves -.fis :hY-0 cpcnciuon. Rokgulr,ý- boesatie-kiducys and liver, godigsin 1sMd à ger natu4vir £9flW ~flD rai~s-n chool Dordtaly inviled -la- -vWut o D1 an ltazlit rida> aiberuý JENEM lCPE.THICK. Tasobor. fI00 REWÀRD.$100 The readérs of titi. p&Wlr will ha plissedia 1L i:t an. sd Iorolli leara thai ihere l i t easi one dreaded dtles tiit science has beeu able -to cure in anil 5jâ 'ade ~ywa4,Ms ai I.,e ouly posiIve ecteeu kuowit to tha ea tedical (Ta eerty. Catarrh ueiug a c0uOtlt*u' Wnieach - 1 ï à%aIoL0- w plendid at; iouai dîseasereqtsires a couanianFeiiUreat.a ment ist, l bat atarrit Cure la taLkeu lntcrusly, 155BJ5fl'.u* 1 acting directiy uipon te blood sud mucotta sur- is~nt yhrnnaly~ toudatoof iledî¶, a ivithe phtLcitt, TsieUg' ambof a it th o,6 etreugth Dy building up the. constitioad alimtig nature in dutug ia work. The pro.-~ l t XSiSB sdP*4 k pretors bave u mucb fakt4 lu isa curative powers L«11 gave a ,li. ddr,S um g ood bhat tbey oSer one Huudred itotia 'a for h The ami lerail cinsas i.qt. use ltat ILfaits go, cure. baud for 1181 Of e.adcýn4 î àa ijâ Addresa: F., 3. eCiIRNxV & 10..-Toiedo.'O. yet iteld. Sld b bta£U Druggi&tà, 75e. tske Maii's tMaunlly pille for constipationi. as p h r WIIITBY MARKETS Aisiko clavai, par bus ... 88.00 to.89.0 Wheal, ted-----------.......0.90 ta 1.00- Wheat', mites-...-...-....---080 $0 0.85 Wheal gose--------- .....0.8 $0 0.90 Whist, sprlng---------..... 8.80 $0 0.85 Wieta, [aIL----------.......0.8 %0 0.90 Bail> ..'... - 0.70 le 0.5 am.... «. . -.- .. .....- 1.00 $01-00 Ryemt................ . .....---------- 0-7la075 pou...... *.. . ... . - .85 10t0.90 Buekwhoat-------------0... ..65 ta 0.70 Oa~- - . ........ o 0.505 Red. Claver-------------.. ... ..8.0019.00 FLÃ"UR AND IFEED. FIM, per ewl ..... 17 e31 Cotra . ...... . ........ 1.00 1.e.80 Bram, per tamL........250 to 9u00 Shorts par ton... ..... ... 27-00 to 28.00, MEAT.9 POULTRY AND PRODJCE. Bef, pSet i..4. Oto1150 CaIlle, Uv. weighl . ... 7.0010o7.(» Mullan, per-lb............ 0.151o0-015r Iambe, ea _-.. .. ...-- -00i10 5ÃŽ.00 Hogu, dressed. ... .....11.00 to 11.00 HOP9gb-gt msd fat . 1 ... .75101.00 Hooislit..... 7.0to 7.75 Chiches., par lb .... . .. . 0.16 le #."8 Duak,- par -Pb........e15b .18 a,l Osois, *oni, poulb..8.141100.18 1uroy, dreàsed, par lb. 0.18 ta 0.20 Butter,, ýpar lb. .... .. 0. 6 fa00.9s eggspèr doo. new laid'.0.2à la 0.3 Lard, ...l........ Olt09 Pot)los, arbag..... .80 toij », Oin. parbag',......... o .2 1 1qi,port-tom. ...14.te$015.00 .Ca&f skint, -Pw- ..... ai U8.au lAub.mklàuusê..... .78.IS10 es theréor by Pubitz Xes, ai the rbyi BPK Part N W C Part COUNTY Ui1K ONTAILIO. 1. WHITBY-OlOrkMise E. L. Mac- donuil, W#tbY-Jan. Ibo FOb. -5,ý Marci 4, April 8,' May 29- -Jumel,1 JuIy 3t Sept. si Oct. 2selo 79.1 Dec. 7, Jan. 114 1913. OSHAWA&-.VlCti, MssE.L. 405 s;Àrl4, IMay 83Juao ,_J Sept. 49 Oct. 8, Nov9t Jan. 14, 1918. - OrgenonoOf-JIL 171, Mar,« N ay 6, July ,Spt 6-"v , a. 3. PORT IPERRY-clOEko i..Buta- haIX4 Poert eqJa. 18, -Mau. 79 May .7 Juy S, sept.-&, Nov. , Jan. 17ï,1913.-L 4. UXBRIDGE.'-ClIek. R.J. Moapa, Uxbtidge-Jan. 12, Karcit 2, MY 14, -July 2,Sp.13, No7.,MY. Jen. 0. CANNINGTON - Clotk Qoorp ýSnith, C.annington".in l. 11, Mat '27, May 15, Jaly 25, e pt. 12,NsoY. 21, Jam. , 1918. 6' BEAVERTON-ClOtk, Jas.-î MI Gardon, BMav.tta,-JiII. 10. ma" le# lay 1,lô Jnly 24. &e. 14,Nv so 2,j"u. 18, 1913., 199,-May 41, July 93,Sopsýt I.40 (yOFrot)J.a _ ARz*ELLý 1 Datëd" et wbltby, ýOct 10 DII -WANTED, qnxart reliablo ,otuon-to selu obr iweIl-knewn fruit anid ornamontal tracs in Whitby and'uurroupdlng counrtry.4 of the fineat nursery stock -g-own. Stock sold sud delivered to trade. Early and good delivery"uarantoed. Thirty-five years of business exper. lance eluableà us. to offer the bast agency lu our line. Write for Lrmi.. 1'ELHAU NNURSERY GO.-Toronto- Y About twpO aX%.ý* iaedtile, >4tfair. ,cosuit E~~~~ _Laié1"u1~ ~è .ong for te nma t- ir ta?ý140i'jri lj". -t has givan hlm 84 100 for lïùariglit 0ol way ton titein nadityatthrough. lus naopenty. nd M M. £aidlaw àai jpal labaiy purcitased bte ramain- den of the pnopenty- for 41,1,00. Titis imites a dlean 'gain in two years ta l.r. monin of e2,250. Mr. Laidla'w bas inca sold bis portion for 81,6W0, a_ gain of 8600-niaking a total incrase oa lthe 25 acnes O! e2,750. TLHE HIUNTINU GUOUNDS 1N L t- L -Ni7 CARS. Train Arrnxgemtus ;capleted by Ca- nadian Norb«n-raOntario. Special Qoncessions la Spcrt8mcn. liunIers wito WÃœI visit the awildg Of )Dbario 1hi. aU i-n searci t ofmoosa and dean, will ba ampjy irepaid for -the journey accand'ug bu bte reports ai sablersj and obthens, Who have recently. beau aven btae grouud. Tii. un!avo'abla weathtaîa01ltae Pau stzmién las a.ppareaflly itad no affect on iteuQritult g azne, and mooft in parlticulan are saiîi 10 . on lt u ae, luinfacl,, tio,ra prpebors witb ,arrivadin lu Tranlaozeculy slated ltaI titey sar ax taaIhàd n'lte -Opick-- limfioka Hiver alone.- Theé ets 3355 4aobtahe bst flodseB aud déër 0.ouhliy. alang tite unes o! lthe (Tian Nortbern- Outario Rail- way il as ppeal l ie uir andi p11o daubt -be lte means af in' duciitg a, lange numüber ta ,go up Wita hava ual gone boforê. .The districtin .bteviciuxity ai Ruai,_ -wherelauncit connections _are' utade- far lte. Opickinimicka -River, -Meteor -and Shkiing Trea Laites, (bte best moos teýri1Or), is eaegiy sud conivesieuly *e d bte canadien NorteritOn- baria Railway's superit service, and hunIers are assuned ai a maximiumr ai travelling comfckt. A itbri,' special train mil leave Toronto Uuion Station at il P.= m.c Oclaber 301h for lte-Nantit. Il mil] carry sleeping cars.-Titere - no doubt thal many hunIers wiii take adva nt- jea othiis aud i'osrvauitair baillis ià advane A gra n auy hava already doua go. Aucthai service- arrangement bta mil ba ai intenetto, hunters, conuisti in lte holding bacit the departure c ltae 8 o'clock train at Tononta Unior Slaliasi for aunitoii. Thtis miii h. ii affect ou October 281h ta Novembetl1 inclusive. ¶'his sitould mark out tb the advantage af sportsmen hita ai changIng cana at Tononto. 33»1 47 :7-3Y'4, 3 1 3 1 0 0 : - ý 6 8 e. 2 5 0 7 3 2oo-: 6 01.- -a,05: TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE7 Lot -Con.Acres Taxes -Cois i 4 10 2 69 2' 3 7 3- 1 38 r250 TOWNSHIP OF BROÇCK. 1..af Cà,. Acres :Taxes' -Caste 14 1 ~ 12 2 50 TOWNSHIP OF REACH Lot con.--Acrq*, TamesCas K - - Co. Bldge., Sept. 24. 1912. --Total 5 6,1 3ltor U apat Pat Fat Pat-or Unpat. Pat' Pat or- Unpit - Pat Total Pat or Utipat 176, Pat Couùtl Traurer. SciatonGoa E. W. EVANS EST ýdmestic cea i nuo. Fum P anulaturer Drken to suit aIl stores & fuesaces. B uy scranton anti get satisfaction. SspsdRsduo uua ho jIKED by &Il hoîusekeeperês. *aste 1 ogr ttazn er coal.WITB -Zge ruble in eepiagfies lité Tbra doors west of -WiitbyHouu-. fRDEXgitow anti get it wien manted- o jUr prompt attention- ta al orders.1W.' are prepaîed tle Inala vuotor O ur delirery mm i-tacareful. iospupuoushort malice, a -- ~... . ~ tttito a«l kinde ai te- e have ilt i 3noother.- Bell T l . - *o~ Tel. i. R. R.BLOWO - WbdL Agoni for te taOmarlo WI m iII. almo~ ~ ~ t goleugieluéb.aquaro Goared Magnat Cruam Sepmraor. Phono,No 0rudi. - I iWW W ~ t -e WRITE WHIT13Y ANTED Straw OIR TELEPHONE l'ees &4e204 AL A A Worqqq- came in the other day-waned somë nite sationery-said she didn't know w kept any 80 fine-found just what shewaned. Perhaps"YOU can. 4 We 1- L W. J.h, Rchardso LeaingBook8eIIer and Siationer BROCk ST. w& w1 I Wkemls That Are Leif eli are generally thhecheap wheels., W C Mea by tii wheels i1at. are cheaply mde,-,mot - able price. OUR ICMCLES ae ot-expensive A suial ahiit grade whqel,, tôo, cous 'Very lIittie more thath e citaap Macinés that haven't!tability,, rili ability or durabîlity. I p 'J -b b b b b b b b e Sandwich Butter-P Macarooii a1wa ' 's a, of- Cut G 'ýSilverP Clocks, et -we excelo Jew 9 -1Wkitby, -- lthlie Kiig( àz - ative just hfa agitation.D cause are taki câlities ta stand on ther $ion of thé 1 whieh took v- aidurnadeel, 5,450 votes ai (1) the f sent ('Onditioni ntinibr of lice hibition Thé. -For free sale.. For existiný* N~r pirohibitio For reductior' RIS M( Dtuing ar _~ptin t change te membier.a1il day a-ofthe f should be C remained fr wauld cait an-IRe ha box: "Vote- hsled ile 'set Sam an til 1ust then -at senge bey, n.Samn.- andtiaretb message an( men1t. Mol The N otint by ch wîr a - - Dre2ýt uns]i r: clieeU. Re compaiiS sVjdder Andi ie wa~ _tteWideJ Loc Sitoes p M. w. Col -The su- - oom -on largeiy a ing.spent and rffl '4 Savenu ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO 1' t A i s' ------------ - = , ýr r rqumu 'l ý& ý& ALd&ý 1 T TS Ds ney 1Bros., Undetakers m ség'em Whitby, Phone 99. Raglan, W. H. Brent, agent. Oshawa, Phones 47 ad 2115. Calis by day or nlgitt prompdfy attendcd ta. Charges moderato. ANSULENCE 1% CONIUCION Hleard's-Bus Line cauhage a&id Teaming. Since Purauwdlag the Bus Lima front Mr. Wm. Newport, vo have boom favored with a, vart large patronag ad voi voe weare glving lb.public good service.b AUl ordoris for t«ailng, furnfturo Èmving, cartage of frelghti, vans toi pleasuro partie., oIc., wlU receve- Mr TO!y boit ltttOL - 'obno No. 89 _'*hy We Exel Wc have tIce moat imodemn the mout pracdcal.and4 the betý eqùipped scitool in Rasuteru Ontaro. The cogue are tho=fnd facinating. 1An entirely for thte training ofëthe ambitouyon people o6f our couËtry. Our Graduii.. are ucÇes:ifui. Aska B-uden~rErsu dent. They -are our best ardvèwtsmo C. R. Browar, A..Spto Principal.HSotü ."ve got it in boxes, pads and t4blct&

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