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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Oct 1912, p. 8

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- hiWoM via iad -inOshiawa -aviAit1ig :relatives in >Iorria, aI Toroato, i.avisiting 'X.aud Mïa. BJitson. ber *W. B. àoson isviiting mss Cro&ashani of Ocliawa, Iai Mxclu. W., J. -Haycrait tuis wet Perumnan ainin wfth --a saghtat- ola grippe- Xu, IMatlmswson, of Havelook, bacl -,stins her-brc;thar, x. Le. K. x». -Chas. Biit, Who.lias benueMr- jouuly 111, underwent au operation -ta ,j4w* Ont., asud la now msking catis- IMWryOV PWg»«testWardc recovery. U .mt i@iii, Mmc John Lan2bert, whu hma beau witlu ber,- returned home this Une, Dr. "cly, who buc been via- iaWg for lts p2«& two weeks- nith fiands la -Tfiàonbsurg, là expected %ir.-h'red Bowlecof i Mioigan sa hIe home hure owsMg toe sris oondîtion af isifather. It in 25 years stn. Mvg. Bowles visited Ice home. ad by the ladieso! the W.Y.M.S. of the 2mnbytewiaui churci ta give -lte, pz.epamdkscs aýi t theThank giving festival. Furtlher, particulars aut îMiss Edth' l'ardiff, Who lbas beau bollda>liugwith lier pareptc here, loft on '?ussynorniug ta resume lier <luttes.lu Ami Ârbor,-Mich. Mr. W. ML. Lawrence bad the zr.n.for- lune 10- iprain bis subie while runniug AoIci ha train, aàdînisconeequcutly awsyaya bm iebusiness for ,'a few *dams, Mr. W. 'M. Lawauoee opeming sale wua a grand sucami.' Many uew, uno p weilas the. aid customers aifVthe store took advantage af the. gruat bargtiins y&s. -ArthurCOaakwelI entartamaed aumber o! young girls on g!onday -~ IUàor of iss (l'audace Hortop's birth- day. A very pleasant time W&» spent by ail promeutCan each girl brought a&-n"l gift lot her friend. Mv.-Sai. Bond, of Bout Whitby. foizérly of Booaklil, wu kicke with s horse jusi belaw the beart, and i. in SOk headache ua caused hi a dia- ordered stamacli. Take Chamberlain'@ lTablet. and correct t ansd the. hoadacla wil! disappear. For sale by On Wedinesdsy aoflait week- Mr. Wm. Harris tied hlts teamn in front of the P týfflee andi lait hic two sons, aged' Ifour >sad 5v. years, ini the wagon:' sSmetng frghheiwd the- animale and they broke bloue and started down thé street., -Ms «. . Holliday, who was standing iu his -blllce doorway, .ran ont anud attemptod ta stop the horses, sudlu oln u~was kuociced dwu hiles srJcn thi. pbvement, rend- erng h ni unconscl@ for several hours. When Lr _HalIliay was Piohed up h. twiscthougiit Io behrt veqy badly, but w. are gilà .po:- tber was nothim# more lisp a aU on his rend sl.rIkig tii?.pavaenta, reund- ir, HoUiday il itili feling -the . *ots of the. accdent. The. horsea'lhen dasb-. ed dc>wn the street, waying from ana aide oi the.rond taoh tizer 84 ascr as mx. UzOito'cg tale, whea Mr. Frankiali got themx stopped. Fortu- nately neit]ir o! tii. itIle baya in. ti Wagon werehurt 1dlog - Hore m'sam woman who speake tram' persanal knowled e 'ad ogexPoeiý enoe, vie., Xra.- P. H. Brogan, of Wîl.. son, Pa., Who càys, -"111miow froni ex. peience that chamberIain>g Oough 1Rcmedy je fer superior ta a"y other. For croup tiiere is nothing liat.,x- cèle Wt" Par male by ail delero- >18. misesElva Irwm.a and himesBelindu Jues are ýoIiciayiug um Toronto. Mtr. W. Uaýy to'ok .& busumwas trip tu Toronto Uiý ore part' ol the weic. Ja abirliett shîpped a car ut hoga to leterboro on 1'uesday. ',4m. Day viaîted lit L. oùwu~ » Wmi. iMwards, paid tise burg a vis- it ocpe day lat' week.' John .Uoider y1uitad friends in lrovàdin on Sunday. Air. Albext and. Mise Maud iLalden' have been viitiiig at tha aid home- atead for a lei. rue- Uarold Riule liao, bout dightly india- pôiwd and là- takln2g a Wea. Vacatioun visiting friendsi. n 'Àoronto, iat Jas. Redmmn,-ancl lady frîin, va adI friende in Brooklin ans day i t week. John Birkett has' been bus>' during the. lat week at 'Prookin, operating Frea lHolidy's cornibntv Iid V. ilowe aad-lamily have mov- .4 to Torontoi where Mr. Itowe huas a goad position. Oseai -Barber has. engaged with W. E. -J oues for a year, sund will sh4orti> move into the kfickizgbettaminoiuse.ý W. Birkett spd Petor Robinson spent Suadsy at theli respective home. W.?P. Wilaaz-and K., C. !ortop a51.1 tendied Guy -Bron. onert'-in Uxbridge 10u0day night, and report a g"d Day Broc. hsd the. misfortune to seriauïly damiage their 'endilage cut- ter whie fihllztg Frank Harbron'w silo George McDowell, of Glen Major, had the. miclortune ta have a couple o!0 ca*le killed -on the. .P.R. one, bei eacI o! here on Bunday mnorning. Owing ta :tIi. wet weather -the farm- ers are -heving, great difficulty in bar- -vecing the corp and'buéckwheat. Eob0rh Sadier and Wualey Black vis- ited friende lu this burg on Sunday. Jas. Hortop is manulacturingr pure aoru syrup thumetinte«.. Supday being Sabbaik Sehool Rall, When buying Gaàsoine for the Motot Car, Gas Engine or Hcater, bc sUTC, and ask for ýpéeress it coss no mg .t and you are sure-of -a.high ,standardl. -FOR SALE BY- w. :s~ ELV S. .1 -Satiafaction? Daoyou want a clave tisat wii bah., bron, fry and 'doeer cooking operation equably well? -Do- yo-u .wan.à suave diat. wi pve you thse last unit of heat' value fromn every ounce of fuel-rigisî wlire you.want ik, at the lid openingse or iu thse aven-a suave tisat will pay. you <[alur every mouds by'tise fuel savifiég k effects. Ify6u do, tise HAPPY, THOUGHT la tthe stave you will eventually choose. Do not be deceiveti by tise so-<êalled <special features " of allier stovea.- Every detal 'o!. HAPPY THOUGHT'construction re- prescrits thatts word lu stove ùiaking. If anything be-uer cauld bc doviccil, it would bc alrcady incorporated lu the HAPPY, THOUGHT. 'flc HAPPY THOUGHT.bas la speial-selln"1o0ts Its record of- success for uwenuyr-flve years p cvesj'sailrund, V"lu as tiest. maleiceable save ,uhat you can,,buy. GIS M.RICIO Agent, WIITIY TIWIL4IAMDBUCC STOVE cO., LMMZ. nAwrvomD, >* autr Wl ter Ward's résidensoe. Neith.r' orexpense nor ,trouble is being ispared in prepatring- agood pr gam ,aüd -a good tinte la pj*>msçd.M a aulctioneer; VWà PoQt ms i ox ea clal of lie ceasan,- Parisian Sage Is Your Friend Use It and Ni lair ana bcai p ' rou-bles Quzckiy No poisonous augar of lead-no sul- phur--no dye in PARISIAN Sage. TJ.he cleauet, daintieat, inust reiresh- mng nnd delightful hmix tonlo in thse world la 1>AIISIÂkN 8AGJi. If yuu do not use il you are daily missing a gloriaus treut. Ih h. simply splendid ior mon, womeu -and chikireu. ài i sold au. drug and teilet gouds couat- orn for oniy 5U cents a largo t>ttle.- Âaki for PIRSIÂN Sage tur 'your owu protecton. The girl with the. Àuburný hair in an every carton and bottie. PAILAN 'Sage drives out aIl dan- druf sund stops hiair irom falling la two weeks, It stops itching scalp in 12- ox.. it m.a hair nouriaher and prumptly puts, lii, lucher and beaiti ijuta duli iaded sud il-looking hpir.. Edgh D, -McKinnon, ai Brantford, ont:, writec :-"I conoider PARISIAN Sage the, beot prepaïation for ltae cura af daudruif, f alling haïr andi itcin scalp thet i have ever used. It is an eWient bair dresuîng and tocic, and £ hieI .lwyWb. pleased ta higluy reouimengd PARISIAN Sage." A. H. John andIre.ý Diekie, will leave i a few days for Caifornia, wiera hhey wiil spend the. wlater. The. Seymour Power Ca. purpose- céuding a representative liere for a ,couple of day. ta salicit ordurs for light sud powerý-News. Mesi Dolly Ketr, who bas spentlihe- pat lire. years 'aia nurse in trsiningý iu Toronto, spent afew ,daysuah .t'b hanme ai ler motiier Izere, prior. ta Leb going ta New York cie>' where cie WMf speud several. suontha in ona of Ahé leadigg boepitals ta complet. hbu course. 16'c Pipe TVaràil Stove Polish 9c 63c best 3rti Door Bank $1.25 Food Choppers 98c J Oc Potato Mashers Sc 50C DubleBoilers FS Exëso Straiers - tocBwhs l16c v -J.lýýMCI T -RE en oor SO utli of ?ost ffce w w w -~ ly wuue Joan Unsvert was ariviug 5A ______ long the. Kingston' RoacI West, hie 7 > ai ~> ~ -j/ team, got buyond bie Conta aa orraahe' . a h. a liecauaed nmuçh exctèesnft, ' 1 lajs"ecdeie lstiig of Broôxdin, Las bLxe rau at a m si -g erdaught.r, bre rve baloÎ g ievo"fad -- ua ntsd despile hie. efforts la lMr. -andi Mrs. Tardiff -opent îý-ndav iravl' oâ a lùgýthe oadau tuf. void n.. collision withs them, lteir rig wilh Brooldin friends.I., ning into s elephone post, brakeire glsi-uek hie.. wilh such -force ltatis Mise Margueritè lnaýifârd, 'o! W:hitby, off . Oier- han a broken tangue, a h-.on.'iharnes -broke,, setliug ilfrîeeeenlsweka erimj>~ harnes. no dantage wac don., front the buggy, and lie was» pilcieti Mr..,F, Beurrai - of Torô1icho 'visiteti The m ail clerki on lie -C.T.R. chould hea i rut 0o1t over the dashboard, luz- with hic ,dauhe[lr.Ja.'.k- speni cote ime u sudyigthe ets- juring bis lue, sud taaring iei. laties, son, receutly. lione Along lln. e.On severai oc- HI. iors.-rau home, -andi he, bAdti < Mr. -~aec SaddF'r, of,0.4liAwa. casions recently lie Pickeîiug mail . hais habile ltôo ,-tw4 iere lie'-ccurati aspent wit biacouinMr. Ca. 1buen thrawn off st Dunbarton, cauaipg. iîvâsiyto týi'hius,.home. _ndy wt ls oé s day's ceay lu delivering l Jtii, JW. Oopeadi, o! Dayton, Ohio, Thnge. -yScolil ii h bauch ta thse annoyance snd inconven- ucae a baIlle o! Chamnberlainrs et S. Sayhool on Sut-vxayt 118- eneo! 1' he businessneno! tii. tawn. Cougi Remedy for hie lboy who hail ft quentty there witl be no tisiernoor. The carpenters expeet la complets colti, aud iscore lheb. otie was Ail service here,i1 Zthhuir- work luis week aI Ms. dd' used lie boy's colti ws-gosSele Mr. Harry Lane ;a moving un tho hanse outhie callege-hli.'Thq decor- l90ul1e30-te a s Sr adHbbl a nuwc !tcvlae alors are no-w busy âh wonk. Men are dolar oc tr Liii. Fo saly a ieodH6l frnws oh3villae sIcao aI wark excavating on the site dolar dctrs. il-1Frsae.ya of lie aid college for a, founlain sud daes-8 For Bal eads. flawer bods. Ms. Ruddy'dos not ex. BASE LINE WMST. A 'TREATMENT THAT COSTS NOTH- pect la occupy the. hauce unlil esrly ING IF IT FAILS. Mplg --1r. John Willia lias r ented r. jas. We wanl you ta tri' tire. large. bol- ' If you bave young ohiltienya Tweeciie'c i&nt* î les oif lexal "93" Hair Tonie on aur have à perhaps noticed liat dicarders A Ilock of wild geese weul Southi personal guaranîee tisaI iie trial wilî of Îh., slomaci- are thhir mant com- lasI Frids>r.nlcah yuepny icpsua pion aliments. To correct thils )ou. Thse G.T.R. switch for thse as> lum isgive oust outaa eny faýlio sn.Tha wIlî iud. Chamtberlain's Stomaci sud huilî as far as the Draper barn. proaiaraiintts edysu Llvooe Tablets, excellent. They aremay Mr. Wood Powell- is busy filling silos il shouid indisputabiy demonstrete aud pleaiti ta tale, sud milti sud for Kemnp Bras. tn ekowwa 1.ae aka , geullule effecl. For sale Ly aU deak Anahher -cargo o! coul arrived andi bout wheu we say tint' Rexali "193 er.1.in being -uloaded for E.R. Blow. ii oiwl rtdbanesov- Maer. eyGo rt Ryno, of theI ydrbcorne scalp and hair aliments, anti if OSHAWA. as pare t y . t unday xili 4ny bunan ageucy cen eccomplisi liii. Te ii a Y.M.Q,Â. Itult a ban- Mis. Blanche Reynolds -was a - recent resul, il may aiea b. relieti upon ta Out reina -tre as avsgeto r.Hrl ero -promocte a new growth of- hair. qulfro agshr eo days' ce.aira uu iMs.Hrl erto s Rentember we are- besing aur stale- for uw mebers.5W5.meute upon wiat hue alreatiy been Apetition conta.ining 700 signatures The Âs>lum teants are plowing ou accomplisheti by lhé use- o! Bexil ha. been.presented- ta the coundcil ssk- the. Willis farm. Theyý are ridging it " H"i - Tniatiw av b iug liaI a local option Ly-law b.esuh- up in ô yard lauds. ngt aasumeTnetnwh as doue mittedti lathe. aeclorS -ah nexl muni- MY.~ Peter Goodwin andi Miss Su'4,rah fa thousande of others it wiIl do for cipal elections. Goodwin spent Suaclay with their yr- o u n auy event you cannai hase The assessor's returu show liaI Osh- lier et Pickering. anything by giving ita triai on aur swa ha.sa populatiçvu o! 8,009g, s ta- Iinj saiçthtint sew dry bricks put libéral guuruntee. Two sizes, 50c. dnd tl assesintent of 83;142,790.64. in thse gr4in if damp wiil draw thel00. Reinembe)r, you cen obtain Rex. The Town Council in considering thie moisture.ont of il.1 ail Remedies lu Ibis commun'ity only Ms. Ùdngof s market, anti is secur- A"fv.ix crowd atten.led Mn. D Bath's uat aur store-The Rexal Store. A.H. ingopin on propérty for a site, sale last rflurdy ll,r--ei anil cat'.e Alhin, druçrgist, Wiitby. M.Albert Mounce claims 83,400) solti well, Lut thii ments, bey aucd fxam lte town, Leing the price of bic buckwheàt solti p',»-y.1 blacksmDith eioç, purcheseti as part af Panner. are. complaining Vint they - East, Whitby Council. te arinory site. csn'î store their grain ut Whitby. tlauncil moe:t hue cIy. Reeve Gifford Ms. Lau Germond, who cucceded Thee sa-e tsking iu ahi corners aI lun the chair. -'Minutesl were rend anti Msr. E. Motiersilî as isuding waiter, Freucinsan'a Bey. *ltIecair. Minutes were reati sud for~~~~~~ ~~ Mi saaCsac fie ein r. T.G. Colwili informe us tisaI il 1adopteti., Communications wcre -read' ë d-iis -positian tlii week,, anti Ms. F. was Colwlll & Hardy who furnishusd front the Rayai Baul, Col., J.E. Pare-, JE. Euis' amelias been recommendedtihetoc-.h o oo n sd Os-1well, K.C., Mss. Drew, Inspetr' ak Illesit M.Ger- 1borne, stated by us- as haiig .got Robert Morri, C îHaMtthews, lie -Itoud' reuron for resiin s a tie nt ajTrono.Inspector ai Prisons sud tIse Reformez Ja too, rmnesliepsto cxid-Mss. Hall, of Peterborough, and sis- Office. - t ter, -daugiler a!thie lata Walter Coul- j n tcs eondbyM.M e- was~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mo ue.'ylad eeeliei i ae-ierieSocks, hat-ebond givMnr.Msn When you have a bailcold o hr eesaldo.Î BeLiezmvd1 wanh hihe best- xaadiciau-ýbtainAble no sea; thei Asylusu fans for soveral Beati, coîhector o! taxesb cett. su cue l .lhs a ltîl dlayasliaeswalting for repaire- §ront Oghawa ns Satisfactory tota ii Council. Car.-i isible. s in a druggic',opia.. for thhir auto.. -Mvt yM. cen eod t , ion:"i hve oId Cbaanberlau's Ms. Donald Canteron was calledti taMr., McKenzie, that 1h. Clerk ie W u. Couh edy fôr fflon Vmr,,-" asysenulon -Falls al we.k by lte deati etrucletit Ql> ieOiw oa -£Ruas Lollaio! Saratoga,,Ind.ý ,-' sud of -hie irotier's vile, Ms. Â.Â. Can- t re ta.li rthe isi dumpdon liy cocdu l i huou the markel." ý.erou -Weexled b teLereavotibue- 13> cou- 2;- Anti cease dumping titer For sai. by al dualeiii.-iS. Isbad oui, de t- nptyiaiiihe latiefuture. Cr-rieti Agi attorney G. il. Canant wac dxiv-- o! hic. beloved vile.,- -- !o1.y1i hc.at eoneii the hnte rot li Btuan8 r iai, a-h--W.uoticed, yoàr- Àudle-y correspond- Ms. :Stocké., tliaitlie-planfled by -G. -4,t -hl asie ondsy ulgit, b. eu=ayathe taxes bleyear are le1.Cnn .apoeio y II quit m el cupe»at mu nabgywo1oes yeffl. Mine, on tIese ama Council; su-ad liaI the, Reev, sud 'lurk .q haitdstl id ,bee uisdrng aeseé.meut, la tie higbiet-l i av&,ever do -aigu lite mante 'assil'causethi.sa soýhB ic ni ae mâd9*em ejsaxedj, vith eigt dsys ,of radad-thgiicorporation. se aflxt brl 1h14 hey bd lb ex@Isl~~ hl -o!- wshextra. Qixsd .- IMved«by Mr, Stocks, seconded býIy- Mr. MoXenzie, that-an orlder b b,awu lu favor aofiôrgeor Armatrang,, for !6.,&7, -wien-- he delivere tii' - bidge irons -aI Coluuibus.-Carried. g oved by Mv. cl-ean,* secouded by Mr. Stocks,, titan ordur -IÈedrawu on the Treasùrer for wire fenoe erached --John Brum-e1, 05 rode at 150.; WnI. 'Hobbs, 103 rode at-25 oe»ts,-OGarried.ý Moved by Mr. MoKenzie, seconded by Mr. Stocka, that the C.L.-O.. sud W. Ry. Ca. Pl"unofaioverheact bridged Le- tweeu lots 4 ansd à and between lots 5 and ôI i lot cou..i. East Whitby, suad also plans of suiway ou -the boundary betweeu Oshiawa andi East Whitby, be approveti by thue Couacil. Carrled. - Moved by Mr. MeKeuzie, secouded by Mr, McLean, liaI lie agreement fer establishing a higiiway on'lot 2 con. 1 snd 2,. witii hie Trustees o! the. Sevenuli Day Adventiose accepled by tis Council. -Carrietd. Mr. Stocks, eecouded by Mr. IcLean movOdthtIthe. illowing accaunts b. paid Rond. andti 'Bidgeoe-C.S. Hoîm -an, 813.75 ; Wm. Ashton, $27.40 ; W.- H. Thomas & Son, 814 ; Ierbqrt Brout, 77c_; D. Thiomson, 82.1,1; Chas. Brawn, 84.20; W. Scott, $80; Jas. Trevail, 817.20 ; Frank Wilcockson, 82; , Levi Ellins 84 ; Obed Wilson 85; James Beckett, 85; James Moffatt, 83.25-; W. Gerrard ancd O.13ascoe, 850.55; J. Baxter, 82-50- Carried. . -I___ btoved by Mrý. LWelhn~, aSeonde -y ]gr,' Stocks, tha.t thiEr Councîl do now adjouürn to mneet on the second SaturIý day in November aI 2 o'clock. Car,, WM. PUEVES, ...Town!hip Olenli. '188IBD 1D811 Tract"Iomn between \ jtronto and Montrital,- and Toronto and other, principal cities in- Canaida. Aiea Double~ Track and SoUcid Trains betW~een Mantreai and Chicago; also - bé- tween Ontar io p,ýoints,.: New .York and Philadeiphia,. via, Nlagaîà -Falls." SMOOTII ROADBED;I-ý FUNEST EQUiPmEN1 ELECIRIC LI1GHTEUJ PIJLMAN SILEEPIERiSI F-ull particulars, berth reservations etc., <rom Grand Tru n k Agentsî or write A. E. Duff, D.P. Ae Toronto, Ont., and. especiaiîy ta E,. ST M~SON Town Agent for Express, Ticket anaRý Telegrapl ieL eoppoite Standarà Bankc, Whitby, -Ont-ý Tefrphoe 6 *'- a oi. UTTI ey, o - M t? i a' if Il at ail h net BarristeCa :C OPffice sauts ~Aa Office, Brock IAIWE9 RUT money t' - Office imrned* G. VOIJ of M .t.uet,Bs 7, - yrom St1, 1 datos appiy io -LICENSE 'J - AND * Âlkinds, of to. Ai-ne sales ut the OG Tethu. reasons Bell'and- Inde coN .J-ew] Carpegnter, -Bu v Plans -drawn an, Repal ,Alte ox 461 osi mla r &gà NJo \ltùeiesei requini EDUCATII is justithe ki very best con~ '4 Shaw's Scho. Central Bsi Central Telej 4 City Branci Our- new cuirr practicai Coij for a copy. W. ti-.Shaiw and Gerrardi 1wllpay you aud inspeet for Don'l be mâsled ua- enploy thein & id-do- show tI 10 per cent., wi -cnave by pureiasi~ A Coli ARCHIVE OF ONTARI TORONTO -Open For Buies very Ni9ht Do- -Tou Want 'Real -Store. t. f .L .domhLýý Iqqap"

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