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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 3

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great ah olci on me 1f-Why àai t zno otiior man in th e wrl Mo te' me *.ýrth a thouglit, even ".àeMay b.-bâtter., sud may -live a. lnober1. than Fiithiof?"1 "It ]la alter ail ely natural to fltii. going .way, " aie reflocted. "Like thietree, 1 sl>ali oongrow eteady agai?." Andi then she isaýrd LUpc.'jS voie. cali~ rher, aund, go- in te th rseryound a chfId- *e ea ispu inueed of uettling, and tiny *arme to ding sbout,-her, 'sud scft kisses to-oorfo'rt he - > - - Meauwhille, .Frithiof sud Si'rid lid.reacheci themode, lodginua sud, key in isiçl, w e"toiàîg -Up' the long.flis-hts cf s s Ai had 'been, sriange4.1 prévi- o*is day, sud now, ,e'uulook- eci their door,, thenimoment seemeci tâthem a grave one~, foi they were. amut to begiu aneew.auc unkuowu *Ife. $igri<'s hsart beat-quickly as they entoered the 'littlt isittiug-rooM.. The door openeci straiglit iit it, -.*ihwae a drawback, but Mnà. niface', present of la four-1o14 o ~s ureen -gave warrnth auci csted ýe ai in1 for -ber ny lattAe, roon have madel piotuûre of1 e: Ireadulyhm afraici te get felarit-shouli to go- s80cire erythilpg:le in "Tnpoor starviug'f" el sud t:ake yei She really k pale, dces she he Ëaid, 1augi "'Ob , Ii explained S'. Ï2e econ weWreane eeafrr uerel u rnis agfainet kuoeking ix. a'l# but the. picture of Be rgen .stoo on tiiee iùantel-pi-.ce >etveen the photographs of theiw fathen sud mother, iuenvmug as,& continnal ré - mnembrane. c home and o on tryma's kindu'esa. ' Faciug' the, fine vas -a cottage piano lent by 1Mr. Bouifabe for as. long as they likeci ,te keep it, sud on the~ open shel ves aoea cerner ouphoaàrd vere rangeti.blue wilow-patteru ýcupa -aund saucera which Sigrid hacid d-. "«They were inuci toc effective te Lb. -banished tb -the kitchen, 1 er: t.hey .net?" h saii. III am ue tbey 'are fan prettier tha.n a great deal cf .the rare olci cina I have -oeen put up in drawiflg-Toeýms.." "How about the. fire 1" saici Fr1.- 1hiof.- "Shal I ligbt it1"' "Tes; do. "W. '-muet 'have a little né to 'boil the kettle, sud Swan- cýIdisl sur- te cerna in colci alter that -long Jouruey. ll juat put mteue £oweru intc, Cecillu little vas- Heow lovely -thej' are!1 Do yen ,,Frithiof, -I - think oui- new life lu ging .to b.lke tiihe malcf 'thie. cirysanthemums - healtiiy anud good, aud a sort cf bitter- 'Ineyer knew tiiey had auy ~Mer," he sasic, till itent on his. '"Liv. sud learu,"$saici Signici, jaughingly holding out tô-hixu the ,basket cf beautiful fiovers-red, -white, cimsýop, yreliw, russet, and iu evary variety. .IIohoulc-i k. to come to.King's.1 Cros toc,".eaid Sigrid. "IButýper- lisps it la better tiat I shoulc iqa ifaction t(> ay. th. 01afs were hfll. Si.e puV evrythig You think se.will ,reaIly b. of' are lttlekitchnusç to you,-inada.me" skeci Sig- tuer. *as not' on. iici. "If she ià no gooci w. should ee of furniture.- pt of' course 11k. l -ier -ttk n ird the ooorhaudie mouey." n thi-O 8 voce. , ye,"-sai Mme. Lecher- er quite.,a doâmeai- tiev. - TOU ,are' independent and ry ho wa ssylig prend, 'Iknow ila welleneugli. But mlinute 8&U]I .1 ,aauure Yfou, -swan'hildwill h. à 18 . , thé -'w<, ft r t-T&te httfle teaelirsdî Leamn pour eyd but hïed te have lier. Therq le ne cares asand.-u _ý li, er to come th i red witliP 4J hI ing, ferI have "wlîat a dear in a it ali3liùtwh- viiiat pre- And cw owozy ycu U 'i' o ou iyovî are -iu Why, there'. thé. ,'j &oit with lier m nd ohwh M 'DEPToi1. florai sud pont car tomBel,* Sae I. et. n& watch. au charge&'; TOBLOq "In eonsequence04 cf which doeen't get-through hall au mu~ worÊk for me," s..,aid H'err 8iverýse ..HoLweéver, you are qute riglit.-J nieded mocre exercise. la h. qu: vell again' 1 bupposehe willèver be so atroi ahe oncée. was," s> he said a& liti sadlv. "Xo k . tu better 'ruake up oui- mincis te at once,"y saic S igric, vien at leugthi they noie. "Since vo have got to wait on' ouruelves, we may az veil tny, toeneuoy it aud get"wbat fih ve eau e ut of it..Corne, Swanhid,. I yull vasithe tes thiugs and you' shall dry tiem. "-, "As for me,"' saic Fritiiof, sud- deuly' appéaing at tih. kitchen Idoor îu his alirti-t leevesc, aI arnsoe- blaek te the. establishment." ci Au ýFrithioffi" cied Sw an- hilci,'etartlec injte gravity.. .1 'i asuurejyeu it is in the bond," h. said, siling. ,"ISigrid is Cook andi heusekeepen; you-are the ïadly help; endi I'arn'th-e man for fte veals, kxiveu, sud boms. Every rp&tble licuseicici has a man for thaàt part cof tiie work, you kn.'w w. .èYeu, jy.., ie ieuitated; "but you-" "5Sh. clearly 'does't thiuk me bonipetent," lie saici, laughingly tireatening lien wîth hbu bruali. " IOnden 1 orden!1 yen twe, or there vilI beie tea-cupe broken," said ilgi- rid, isughiug. i believe h. will do the. bootis quite ucientifically, for h. 'has really studieci the. subject. Tiare, put -th Aii c inluthe. itting- roomu, Sv.ýuhild, on the -cerner shelves. anci tbheu we yl cooensu unpack."> r. ar. noe trong is it'aseerns tO me' lthOi'grufflyýe eujt sooner oër ltèr- te race-s worthleuu Swauhild prosupared NI w on that frist' Saturday afteruoon, aud. Mme. 1Loeciertier vas quit. saàtisficci with lier littie ides as te ti. Norwegiau costumes. Tliey liaci only jüst. ne- turueci sud takan off their walkiug 'thinga vien, tiere came s locid knock at thé'deen. SWan1ild still in her IHardauge, n des rutoe e wbàt vaa vantean" sdcoulci hardly belp' Iaughing at tii. fàny-lookiug olci man wic luquireci vietier.Fni- thiof -were 'in. "Stii out, you ua,"le panted;' very prôveiiê.. "I specially waut; ed te see ha ou a matter. of ut- geuey.i 'WilI you net corne in and vaitïl" sidi the chilci. "Fnitiiof vil s<xj "Tîaukyou,"Ysaici elci ert 81v- 'ertsen. "Theue stairs are terrible work. I iehallie glecinet to have té climi tiam again. -But bouse's are aIl ai. lun Loudon-alli suie I Story after stony, tiil they're no batter than the. tower of Babel" " "Frithiof basgene' fer a' vslk -witii & frieu-d' of hi, " ah. explain- eci. " But fhe vili be heme ,luna few minutes. 1 alvays persuade hlm te taie a gooci valk on Satur- day if possible." .4' 1<, il"'-.. 42 - T-h handy paste lui the big, can. Ready 'for insitant tise. A few mubs -brlug the -shine.'- 'and'RriZiassii Era Dawtss ftr Madame yapn. have- hai a'ver fine' titoln te have' rocoveneci se f la Sinci Stil, I feal iîthern af rai d, sometie'c hie deung toc mml agaan. Were reu going te .ug'get sBom.- mOMore 'onfor ..hlm 1" "TeIYs, I vas, but peniaps it i v-orn lu vbch yen coulcIdiialphiirn,' 1 said-n Hem Sivertuen, sud lie ex- plaluéeci to her-'is projeet. «'If ouly I ceulci 'make- time for, it,"I she ciled. -'"But-yen oea ve ail have busy lives. I bave' te se. to tue bouse almout entirely and there le alwayseaithier mrndiulg ormai-' lug in baud. Andi Svanhild' sud.I -ara oiqt.every aftennoon at Madame Lechentien's academy. By tii. bye, tht islewhy 'we have On tiie- pea- Saut coutumes, vwilch muet have sùnprised yen." " It i.sa pretty dresu, aud taies, me back to my eld dakys at home," saici Ha-rnSiverteen. ."Au te the wok, -dc vint yen eau of it, tiere- is ne immediate humny. Hlere cornes your brother!" ancithe'od man at 'once button-heleci Fnitiief, i hle ROY, vho ha-c retunned vith ,hîm, vas neady-enougi. te talk vt.Sg rid as ahà tci~y'ti lr a- iug toast, IlttIaed vanhild in 'the' meantirne -ettiug e ,,thble for af- tennoon.tea, lightipigtii.1 lamp, sud draving the cuntaîns. '(To îb. coutinued.) CÂiiDIDAfT'8 ODD RECORD.!ý Kembers ef, Family Have Llved,'lu same Houe. 0M0Teare. Tii, obtalfling éf s Panhismenta-y vote forWilliam Gocdfellow bas ne- vealeci tii.fact that-, Gôfellow livee in tii. louelieut part of Eng- lauci. .He ile i.over cf _safarm on -a feil betveen- Neveastie- auci Maltvwhiutle, ou the., border of Northiumberland. Iu an aneu o f 30,00 0 1acres lu thia districet tbere are but four cettaÏes. -Mereocf GQoçUlflwv's family' bave live4 i lu tii. same- cottage for ,600years, sudý iti-siithatïhkthe en' ire bas nùeven hbeen extinguisieci for 200 yasGoodfllov v'il haire'te Fwalk 14 miles te caut bis vote. he me b arre i orviv'.ai. ~~777~ .theh~ with ia board, and, VAINT DISRAS.- weight upon the to f Caramel Pie-.-One. cup of, sour ing thei. *inter tÉe, ,lI cream. one -oup cf s'uga.rj balLa cup dowIù and leaves th., p~iooped. raîinia, ap4eth - %,:posed, Pound- &11 down -soda. Put over t'he fre and: cook. t-ato beetie. I tI. until thçý mixture ià dark If ake keeP the urraÏt a paate o.61aaiapýsoonful of foeur JurieO. i:wth a hlt.tle oold 'water snd stii, ln- ~tith, caramel'.(Cook until it thick- HOUSEHOLD H eue ,-.Flavor with vanilla. Bake ~ wl o e wib top and bottom crusts. mxc ii i~ ue aI rame with Serambled Exeenfrcain hthe, braine carefully water in wbihieipotatc. înalted water for twenty RbhetI>otl ~e:Plunge into colci water. , ýasbthe th mie a-AdIlver iork tear spart iuto walitndw ohtrd4p 4ices, Put one oniou with a Se~ tinc b reme pa6e.l, i-f butter iii a hot f ry- , oî~b-rlbn ~psu whn ezzlng dd uwith a cloth dippeci in' *nS'. and four weil beaten eggs. or4 ~*le -&Il together. Flavor with --Ribbons and .11k os>] with a- mixture of eqi Szmushroom catsup, seasonan& ser.ve aléclol and highly teo'tî very hot on rounds of butter Teecirqfcra toast.The fvr Z. ean f sai a1 MorithCream Grav. il >neyelaigi L1 30 .ti o hn u -.Of eheopped' green pepl lifying pan, and cover with sweet aDpzt l ak milk. Set it Upon thë stov0 aid ncmlorationslon 'take bring slowly te the hoil, sud coottoneo-cp pork ie-freahenei.' Draia oftf thecaei 'tàndar rdemÎlk into a. saucepan and keep' hot wliekdgvs "t - - fy heprk~~ ,gently witli bretdcrum brown. .Take up, tii. ieatad k wearing they w-iil- keep we hot -> inthe. open oven - while youlogr mû.e the gravy. Stir ticur into- te .If cream l whiped' fa l te anuntlyn aainstead of in a. bowi; smothpate.Thn dd gradually more quickly -and thpier the mdk in the saucepan in wbh r ssteig. the pork4was heated.' Dcii u-p once Euaprt fln h* snd pour over the meat. Xoù uco 1uldetder vines arnixe t ,ohi not teli this frolm fresh pork. g hra"sa xe S Macaroni Croi'iuettes,Èfilioem E" ýsaue.-For the. croquettes tk mû. two oupfulu -when cut luto L aniail pie.... &dd to thîionie tes- e, poonful oi leinon juice, oee-balh jt1e' teaspoonful of onion jubée, a. littie Ad celerr esîlt w4rn6assonngtotaut.. qùL4uJ8i o! vuite 'o! grated ableanoon- rul 'of cuoppeca vaînut meas..- Honey O4e.-Ilhree, cips cff sifted 'twice -viti- tvo tapo o! bskiug p,.-wderi..eue-half cup"fwhite ungar, sud ' the a of milk; one-fouiti c-f a cup of ter, eue egg, sud acnpf i st raineci iouey ,. - Sub sud beait butter and, -gugan -to >a. cream, and., bea t ut ii. tiis "mýilk beateni egg.; Do thisa giadm viiipý,ing liglit as yen prôocee.« ad&c tbho ney , lu -lûùi-maner vhayen uhave àalielt, sm~oth ter, -vIork lm the leur viti a W' en soon.Theré shoulci b.,1 %'enoughm toënableyutemk4 ingredieute bu ite a eoft deugi, L U"UiUu~V Ithe iren wiU net toip pal.1larts of l a, and m'ake it ahiny. fted benzine. d poatees Put a'piee-of bren -ad moat eat chopper after c few s., ador rasuiný. 'You wil] persaread-culty i waubiug it CI 5 .'Ci the dis Mark the-ehildren'e sud sauceirs di 'fÉerent colora. B., b1,88 wasbxhng. much time eau bé sai ar&' ru'bbed ing 'aind putting awa, bl»aftereach To Wasli-aWhite p dean miuch- Wash in lukewarm s clean. Thenrns. ià 1in. a p»lteer Squeçeze -out tjîe vato la .wilhwbhip sweater.upon a clean ré is ne waste and- roll-the two - gether. WiDn the geed oil aund throùgh, exehange 1 ;orcughly te- ancIol up lu this Jlent dresaiug peat until tieý garme * j Wii look 11k. nev. oit in dry.. . h In Auf-I.5 WiI~you I fo~nne'r~ w 'COUP !Ask!gour EOroerabout if SUGR a fDIRI oe ouf»A t hecks? ecash prizes in rîces (108Sin ail) test for Canadian D succeseful in awak- e on the fariu, ~iat a es as mnaay pims arc totice cluses, -«A, irt Prim "i' * 1: Cheapei -Y' j

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