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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 6

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When there ia a grpwing f&muly to care for and the motiier lallsillII, I sa- menOus Matter,. 'mny.- -thers Who art en the gÃ" from mMr-ý ilig Vo niglit wIo. work, appawt- 1 y, i.n noer, cle,, heroily tri te, disguàào thoir sauùîrings, and keep snu appearance of cheerfulnes e b- lôretheir !amu'ly. Only'thentselvo" -*iw how they are datressed bi iàaaaché's and backaches, dragging 4own pains and nervo u weakneff; hwtheir aights are often aieep- 3ess, aenI th.y arise to a new day'a- wOrk .tired, depressied 1and unre- - .irhed. Such - mothers , hculd know that the..se suffriinge are asÙally due te a iack 'of good nour- fmhing blood. They should know that the. thing aboveali others they n.ed ta give-thent new hcalth and stresgth is rich, red bleod, and that Ismong ail medicines there is 1; none can equal Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille for their blcoo-makins, ealth restorin;8 qualitiee. Evry suffer- v lng woman with a, home and family to care for should give these pillzaa £air trial,.or they will keep ber in hâalth and .trength, and make lier4 work egay. Here ià streng proefi that those Pills do -what is clammed4 .16r them. Mns. lH.nry Thomas, Drydene Ont., lays. "When m seoond.ohld waa born I was se weak and run 4own that- I ould scarcly wralk sorras. a eorn. My-baby vas a maIl andi weak aise, and cried an~d - worried night and day uàtil I dis- covened that-the -ohid waï starv- 1 - Inig, aa my- nurse had turned almout tô water. My husband geV me a * upply o!fDi. Williams' Pink Pille, a£Ibegan taking themn. 'Tii. * £rs4.benefteial effeota vere notic.d tht -hld began teo hrive, aýmy nurse began te improve,,ani b baby alept botter and naturaliy. I r * * vai net long until 1 began te Lfeel t] thil improvmentan I daily gained uiew tegh an - *baby *as growing 'veryt rosy and h -fat. I continued using the. Pulla c. wii I vwei nursing htm and founid - myeif with &H tiie vigor of goodià - liealth, and able to- easily do My L housewo'rk, which had been e great 1 a drag on me before;- I at now lit neyer without Dr., Wi liams' Pink «' ' Pille in the bouse-, and take an ce- t cqaional- dose viien ' I feel tired. I -eau strongly recomîrnd these Pillea a * . to ail nursing womcn, esPecialiy if M' weakor run clown." b( *Solci by. ail medicine dealers or e: -..* by mail at 50 cents a box or six d boxea for $2.50 !rom Tii Dr. Wil- P liame' M-eicin, 0Co., Brockville, f - * Ont. 1 - GREAT IUR ON HUNT ENDED. Bpecimea ofEYé~Wry flird and Beaàt Obtalned.- N.Demers', who, with lement- 8.Lewis, contraeted to colleot the launa of the Yukon for the Dontin- ion Oovernment'is Victoria Merntr- l Muscuin at Ottawa, bus ieturn- ed home -after a mout succestul ex- pediticof.ol veral monthé' durs.- tien. Speimn'foevery heagt and bird * from InousBe te a moose and front a r hununing birdte a bald eagle were obtaaned. * The countr'y in which the hunting andtrapping wore-carried.on is at- the hea.dwaters of the Liard, Nuset- in and Hoole rivers, a va.st area that afforded opportunity for eb- taàning apecimens of every known bird and animal ini the Yukon terri- Mr. Lewis i. a fur tra.der of long, yea.rs>experlene and hroughiy acquain+We with the country and the Indiana e! the district, withbut' whose aiîd it would be s.hnoet in-.; possible ti* make a suoceas o! such an undertakinpr. ,Mr .Deniersspent years in the wilde of-.the Yukon and madle a particular atudy of Vthe fainna of the aiorth. Mr. Lewis i. e tilli n-tii. Yukon finishing up the work. In the. collection are two a.beo- lutely white lynx and aise 'two white poroupines with silver-tipped quille. These albinos are, o! course, freaka cof-nature. k Mlii F Breakfast iAU on-L Post Toas hSuppose food with esgr,88Pa fuSt or 'aipp YOU May wili 'b.a-di "The Ilemoi ig thé, ofuses Island"b shaîe ou attention mu ali inak'e a st"Iy of anthropology. MJi ti i reoèn1lvcannibaliuin vaspreva lent,, but iel à no,ý ooMlned a tribes, And, vhenAzihbiehop Don aidon a.samog tèt ome yeazi age hoe feund that 1iitheaves, manl of viion'had.bebn conv.1rte4 t< Ohnistianity, werex«trenilyun. wVfiling te 'talk iabout. their li ways. Mr. R. W. _Willianisen, wh4 returned laat yea.r from a;uta3 among the- Mafulu aava.ges, had, hoviver,'aitoth.er eto1ry Vo V.1, foi this s5etion of- the peoqple can stili enjoy a banquet of humas fiesjj, They de net alaugliter their vie- tume mcrel3r for greed, but wait un- tùl a batti or private fi.ght ."n givà theni both *, meal and te excuse for takiig.it. In other reslpects h-e described Viiem. as being a eimple and qulet>Iace, with an extremely oop icated, religion, the origin of vhich tbev did not, ln the least know.- Th.y believed thst the fig tree and cértain other plante vere iiaunted, vhile, tlk~ir lives, wereî Vo a great &:etitept in fear 'of sorcery. Dr. Landtrn&n entirely confima the&& stonies o! their wonderfully imagnativeê nature, and he relates iovW 'bley tell reniarkably long and onmpiiated tle.o!o roat&ne, in u'hieb the fortun-Ws O! hero anc ieroclne are marred by tiie maehi- nations o! witehe. In t of t heiîr stariea eau, b. -seen a lint reset- ,ianoe te the !airy legends of Eu- rope, a point wiih shouid attract the &ttontio.ý of the atudent-o! eom- Paratiîve -religio>n. O! their morale he epea.ki iný the. iighest termes, yet he relates that their code aUlows a ceremoinial ex-eiange, o! vives. Much more matter o! interest is ïkely to b.' published when Dr. ýandtmnan bringe out tiie whoie lis- 5ry o! his 'Vra.vels asmong tli. irange people. Tii. Papuans, vie6 oenprise tiie majority of Vhe inhabi- ants are &, people of fine physque, knd, acording Vo the latieet reports, bre fond of aporta, in wiih tiie vo- nen join with-tii. men, thiegaine ýeingfPot uiïl*e our Engiieh bok- ý. Many oeUh. tnibes in Vthe toun- ains etili live by raids on lovland listnicts, but: in other parts tii.peo- 1e arýe quietly earning a living ont cultiviating Vhe soiu. GUARD BABY FIlOU COUDS Tiie motiier ca-nguard lqn llttle ones front colds- duning the. damp, coid fal days, by Vii. use o! Baby's Ova Tablets. Tii. Tablets act as a - geutie laxative, kee ing Vthe bovels workin'g freely- ami tii.stontacli sveet-that in the secret'e! prevent- ing colde» 'Tii. Tab-oVa ylnoV only preveat.or banisit colds, but viii cure constipation, indigestion, expel voLps ami make eething easy. Thy are sold undor V1e guarante. o! a governinent analyat te oontain no harmful drug ansdr may sas!eiy bo given Vo Vthe nev-, bora babe. Sold by mediciue déal- ers or by mail ut 25,oents s box fretn The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvilte, Ont. -Amengtbc uations o!fViie- vend thie seven !ani0us Bibles are: The Seriptunes, o! Vii- Cliristians; the Koraa, of!-th. -IMohammedans; Vii. Eldd*s, eo Vi.Sdandinavians; Vthe Tn.ipitaka-, o! the. Biuddists; Viie Five KXinges, o! the Chines.; Vile XiireeB f 'e! iiRindoos,- «and' the. Zedvsta, -cf -the Persians, -Won Fate -on its Meits. - The. unbouuded popularity itat Dr. Tiiontas' -Recetrié Oil enjeys le noV attnubutabie ta a&ny el-aborate aclver- ieiuig, for it hlasn qt be e ve der- Vised, but îs enVreiy due te Viie tenita o! this 011-as s teclicine. In every city, to'wn ami hamlet la the oouatny t in sougît aitek ýo1e1y le- cause o! its good. qualiies. -ROB WOMAN DEÂD 200 YEARS. Valual. Jevel Ta-ken Prom Comfa Ion of Duehm sa t. las :>erSOn)S acte!i If udon vandal--the robbery - -u.etirrnith tIcndignation o!fVthe te'very morn- picue IpeopIle e1Conty Tipperary and. spurnifg the Irîeh police in an inesVigation - vhicii pro'mises-te le-e' wivde cia-e.. db-etcuo ie aid graoye-yar.d -at Né,to,- Ansër found oUe'Mrn-, v ing tiiaV Vii ancient ,tomb o! theý ducal famiiy o!48t. Abans had been entereti. 'Tbe 'olib'ronze foor'hati long bunied vWe , ecattereti. about the va-uit. Re. netified the rector, and the. eleèyn msent for the po- lice. Investigation proveti that Vie giteuls 'hic oeased- thelix-grevsome vork aV Vte rypt viiere a- famious Duciiese-of St. Allias vas l'nterred tve oeatunles --0. --f vIt is stong Oock accen&t, vi-e7 deùtly Loadeners, h reniinl ~~T;ïeÏ i_ Mt of break. I wa a fua-- li i. GUIT4ROW"7 IN LOJNDON., 8moke and Fée PsU te InJure 8.,- Despite. Vie amoke, iiorticulture flouriahes .luninner, London, -Eng- -and. Ripe edible fruit growing. in the ui.erî, of -tic metropolis may seesu an absurdity to Vho" who .do uet know- that bal! a dozen varie- teas.or more are grown and enjo-yed .arniuaJly- vithin. tie old !ashioned cab radius c! Charing Cross. In. Stale- In' tiere are the de- IigUluùi oldi "i _ bern'es, frot whick hetii=etO.luscioesja and- jelly àare male, and the gardes o! a famous old hou..e in Chelsea, are as g«od as C~e Kentish kind.. Tien in Finsbury-Square there are mul- hernies vhich. grace the table o! the Liord'Mayor, and there are two vinoes in -New Square, Lincoln's Inn,. which yieid well and- are.'tic pre- requisite of the benchers. Peaclies are grown in St. Jahn's Wood, stravbarries in Porche4ter Terraceç, and rhubarb on a roo! in Que.n'm GaVe.11 GOWNSFRONLONDN@-- WIfe of iNew Mikado Dresses- in the European Style.*- Tii. nev EmPrese o! Japan, likas ber predecexPor, dresses in Euno., peau style. In Viie Past ahe, bought mcst o! lier ova govus in Paria, but the. "fitter" o! the &hop in the. Rue de la'Paix which site favored vas, offored a pnineely saiary by.a firni in the. Weet End and ntigrated t<> London and vith him couse o!fVthe vealthiest Clients of te Paris On.a year or so a- representa- ive- la sent te Tokia for porsonal instruçtions and onde-ns. Tiie Bm- press hen-sel! li& o! course an artiat vith al lier oountry >s instinct in -colo.r. 8h. !requeutly designa her o'wu gevas. Soinetmmes Gets Siek Llk Even doing gond te people ia lard vooek if you lave toe much o! iV te do. i An ovenvorkeci docter telle lis expenience: "About tliree yeare *ago de VIe nesuit of coing tvo nten's -werk,.at-' ending a large practice and look-.- ing- alfter tiie ', details o! another' business, ntylhbeali- broke clown ompleely,an a-ittebotés" "I suà,,erncd freiagk to u constipation, lýoao! eïglit and appetite, bloating'and Pain a! ter meais, loas o! meniory and lack o! nerve force for continueci mental -_pplicaVion - "I becamne irritable, easily an- grdami despandent >without cause. The. he&rt's- ectin beàm(é irregùiartg>d veak, vitI frequent attacks' o! palpitation durlng the. flrst leur or Vwo after-retiing.., "Sont. Qrape-Nits and cut la- nanas caine fo« my lunchi-ose dayý and pleased nmeperticulàanly vitt -tii. resuit. I EV'tmoire: sstlsfctiop fron t Itthan front,e4t -gI ha&I eaten for mont-is, eni on furtiten investigation andi use, adopteti Grape-Nuts !onr nty toraing- sud evcnlng meals, served usually vith creant anti a aprinkie o! sait or suigar. -- f (,My -iniprovei ent vas rapid ami permanent, la çkeight as veil as in physicai and ujetal%nduna;nce. In a word,_ I ut filied viti Vth. joy o! living again, a.nd continue the daily use o! Grape-I,ýuts for breakfast- and aften for Vile evening meal. "Tii. littie pamphlet, 'Tii. Road ta Welvlle,' found iu pkgs., is ln- variaiily saved andi handed VO oset needW patient alang vitI thelie di- cateti rentedy." "There' s a reassn." Naine given hy Canadian Postuin Oe., Windsor, Ont. Ever read te . bove imter? A new one appears from tim te time. They ari Tcur new Dreadnoughts are ta, Mebuiît.in Engljýnd for the Dutch ýX4avy; but the guns are to, b. sup- Mitards Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. EdiVi-"Wly titi aie manry hlm ?" -, -Etiei-"To cure hlm o! drink- Etith-"And titi she suceceeti 1, Etitel,-"Oit, yes; sie's so extra- 'vagant l-h -cannot afford it."l E D. 4.ISSUE 49-1. give UP hape, butI. T wedd Ibs, onee M 17, and uà 1 ius4 aEltOe uas olntmnu, And4 IlWlp lme lroni thêe mrt. I oontlnuM d uihgIt snd ln six weeloe' 1h.. wàs: coipletely curai, snd cmasasy 1 o-ôul67 advleeayone'oeutferorm ski* dUsuuu.' to use Cuicu Oumâtoeiî, mes 1* W'thebe st, heallng balm luthu weud." (Slgne4yRoSeoe FOUND iRE.LIEF ONLY PROM CUTICUÀ SOAP ANI),OsNTMMoe 'My llttla-glrI Whe nly a féwew ~ou, broke out on the.4tofaier dbead lIe came asolid scsb. Thehehe elgbcm raw snd Bore 1Sud . &mer t igdigémte-, rernedies found relief only from uslngCuti.' cura, Bs.p snd Olntment. Itlàlated aft mnontba or more, but 'fter A thorough 1reat. ment wlth thé Cuticura Soap sud Olntmsepî neyer b.d any returs." (Signed) Unr.W.. Owen, Yadkla Collage. N. C., May 26, MIL.' Fa« more tbis a generation Cuticuua osp ad Olutinent hai*e mfforded'the maOst sua.: cedul trestinent for akin and scalp troubls af Infants, cbldren and adults. à single cake oi Cutieura Soap -sud box oi Cuticura Oint. ment aru oflen utiffeleat. Although eold by druiristis sud -dealiers- througboug the world, a Ilberal $ample cof eacewlh 82-p. book oix the skia, wl1 uelt free, on Application te Potter brut k, 9 ZCoep,,54 Columbus * LAND'S SBRES. R~pn~gln -lb. ,Rnîrald laie e! Tvo neish outbreaks o!foot a-nd, mouth. disease are reponted in. Fer- tanagh. 1 'The deati took place suddenly of Paul Stokes, a resident e! Silven Stre>et, Nenagii. Di. MeDonnell, Dublin, las been elected tuberculosis medical'- officer o! Ruoecomanon, County Coundbil. P. J. Kelly, assistant surveyor o! County Penny, las been appointeoc chie! 'Surveyor for County Donegal. Dr. E. M. McDonald vue a- pointed mnecical officer o!fiieglti un- der the Insurance Act, for Cariev County. Tib. dca-tih a-s occurred at bis residene, -Meanua, Ca-stie Isla~nd, o! John Horan, st, Vthe ag. o! 102 At Ba.liyclare Petty sessions, Mn. Johin Furniss, o! Straid, vas gworn in ae a magistat. fer Oounty An- Vnim--. Mte K èly, etontirty-mine. yeara achool inistresa ln Tlpperary Union,r ha esîgned lhen positidn os Pen- Sion. -Gunner Underbui Burton, o!fViie R. F. A., met viti a fatal acecident at Nevbridge wiieu ho vas Vhrowu off a gun carnage. Misa Wiudnoss, vho neoenfl r e- signed a-s-Matron o! Wexfond Ucun- 14y Infirma-ny, lias bee-n gnanted a pension o! $180 per year. -Severai thiou-saund pound.e' vonti o! dainage -was aone by a fine.viiicii broke out lunVth. faotory e! McDonù- sdi a-ad Son, ILim.niek. Tii, body o! a tan naxsed John 'William Lough, aged abitut fi! ty, vas found in the Ullster anal at Magiierarney, Stithborougli. Tii. premisea and wa.rehouses o! Myles May o! Ballinnobe, have been destreyed'by fine, and damauge Vo the. entent o! $5,000 vas doue. Mn. iR. G. Elnefy, Dovnpatrick, las been avanded ;with a testizmon- il fromtheti Royal Huntan. Society fe aaving some persons f rom Mn. 'W. Luttreli, con o! a nier- chant at Roscrea, vas knec-ked dowi by a train at the junction ef Vie Birr a.nd Nanag lin..sud fa- tally injured. The Right Hou. Gartois '¶lomuas William, Baron Emiy of Tenvoe, Ooun-ty Limeick, lias been appoint- ed a deputy lieutenant for the Oounty o! Limeick. The. rorld isfuli oi men who have Lade good, 80 do"t get the notion àat. you are thie only one. t1 W. have no eiiatio-n lu saying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg's.Dysentery OCrdial le vithout doub thVe -be-st mecicine ever introduced for dy- senteny, diarrhoca, choiera anti a-l summer complaints, se-a siekues, etc. It proniptly givea relief anti neyer fails Vo effeet a positive cure. Mothers should sever b. vithout a bottle viien Vhir chidren are teetipg. In one- yea-n the cotton- cnop o! nsràd's Liniment fer saie everywners. Mi 'ThIiLodon (Eugland) Exp ress esys: A valuaLie cow belougiug Vo Mn. R. Brown, o! Blue State Fart, Poanbnitige, -on being f ighteneti by boys recettly, jumped inVo t-le ci- pal and swat througii a tunnel omten a mile longj emerging at the, Coi-ne end. On the va-y it. tet-a.-team týus Vowing a-n entpty bout, esc! 1V 3 supposei- that tiiese veut over it, as the-ne voulti not b. ncoon enaugh for. t-hem te pasa eacli otier. The c4v vas very nurch enliausteti by las uvnanti -la!te be helpeti eut o! remuvaer, but IV reoovered af ten- -~ LSQs-an. t 'rs he cor-op àfor the -nue taof (Caiad ePoie oj .srge areàas of LEt ahd ýWest, ont or W.eco ex aVo ok. bub .asd y Spro fr-tI ias ui oaused uVe quent-.-IOwern. durin& 8 fl1eRtI t -/ *~~~~~DF Pui antue ~uxo nesn SPENDS $95,811200 FOR WAUl. Italy Must Inerease Taxation to Cover Expeadlture. * Acoording te an officiailreprt jut published the van with Turkey coe IValy exaoVly $81,600,000 up Vo August 3. This -aum -represent4s. the expenditure 8auctioued by Parlia- ment for the. War Office and Navy- Departmeut 1and viiicii naturally, ha. already becs exiiausted. As the daey -coet of - tii. war is, calculated. at -*236,400 a -funther-, sut. o! *13,711,200 must 1Le addecl te the. above, vhicii ,consequently.-,iuP, Vo the end o! SépVenberionits to $e5, 311';200. IV is bced_ to pay 4p tii. coets o! the vaxrjy the. "rp1ug f rom the budgets front lltl9lt98. Thc average yearly uâ.la ab ou t *13,000,000,_ so that ifiîcreas.ed taxa- ceet of thé va-. - RAD BAD SORE FouitE YEAUS -i Zam-Éuk Ras Healei Itt Mrs. Wilson, 110 Wivkson ,Âveý, Toronto, saye: "About- four-yeans, a-go a- acre, spot appeet en, tii> night sic!. o!fiy face-. This sot in- creased in size until, iV became -about hall au n chiinldiàmeter and very painful. I vent te a- douter, but th ii.oltmtea h e gave me- dcl-- not -have any goeà eftect. The. Bore - continuked te iipcarge fneely, and "fI vas inoat painfi. I had iV cauter- T. lzed, trieci poiticôes, a-nd ail kinda to iroi o! s alvet, but it vas no good, a-ad W I coiitinued tow suifer !rem it for ble- four yearsl t1vl "A saxuple -of' Zamn-Buk v as one sels,-tâ day given Vo me, and I n-sed- it. AI-> bard - tugite quAntity vas s sa l ttie b iV seenete c ao me sote good-, so face, ai I pulrciased a furtler aupply. __ froli <-'Ea,ëh box -dc me more and, vandel more god,a-ad, Vo xnydeligt, b- sues, a fore I lad been usiag Zant-Buk mrou t Vire. weeks, I aw iat it vas go- tilhit c ing Vo heal the sore, la le ls Vhs. oring. a ntonth it was heal.d 1taIn '41 knov a lady in Vhe e-mutic e!Ytplim city, wiose husband sufferd!1V years with an opea acre on hie leg. - -a Ou nty recoontendation, Za-Buk by tii. vas Vied in at case. Tii. otier blu, sp day, viien I sav her, se. old 'ne Pilla l4ti ad healed the acre cent- sn Za-Buk s a ure -cure for ecze- sure ei ta, Plies, abcesses, ul-cers:,.calp digestic sores, nîngwom, cuVa, bun, Vie at scaldis, brui-ées, and ali -n iur- Panineli ies andi d$seass50c,'box, a-Il drùg- brougi- gisuts andi stores, or post free front otiier el Zam-Buk 0a., Tarante, for price. erable1 Incase o! skis diesa-se use aleo ed to w Zam-Buk'Soap, 25c. Vablet. sertien. foC u At dsi No itanees o Ait aml a doneieeno iessae bèlthe Entil va as ke Vo sta bnfly Voui.etvyVakp ik ! re -soning. railybr Hn o ahevrovas.cet an yoie shouiti leave iV jn tiie cow." - A Pili That 1 Prized.-Tiiere have been ntan'y pille put u-pon Ie market anti presseti upos public at- tention, but none -has endured so long on met with se mucit fuvor as Permelee'is Vegeuable Pilla. Wide- spread tise o! t-hein bas attestei thein great valueï and tThèy neeti ne frther ativertisément Vin Vhis. B:aving finmly éstablisled thent- selves un publie %est-em, they nov rauk witiiout a peer un the liat o! British Empire in the Antaretic region antounts ta 1,500 square miles. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neursigia. - Only testlng. He yelled at the top of hils veie for Vwo houre, and. then -utopped. "Well;," said hie inqther, " iare you going ta be eod ? Have you finish- ed crying?' "N'o, said Tommy, "I have not finished; 11m only rest- India-gRo'ot :Pilla are just tho 'right medicine for lte children. Wt'en theyare conhipatecl -when their tcidneys are'ottcf order -wben over-indulgence in êome favorite food gives themindigsion -Dr. Mr ' ndaRot;i~,î quicky and surl putthr~lt Guard yOur cudren s- ealth b eetpn a box cf Dr. Mor ' in b. hou«eTey Ksp h. hlid . 1 W la Licenses for publie-hourses diti net cone inta force tutu tii. negn o! Etivard VI.,y vien lan 1552, by au Act o! Panliament, every alehouse lia to b. licenaed eitiier in sessions or' by at least wo Justices o! tii. Peace.- -A WelImKnown Man. Minard'e Liniment Ca., Limited. Dean Sirs.-I can recomoeuit yanr MINARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatien sud Sprains. as I bave used it fer bath with excellent results. To u r s t r n I L V E 3 3 St. John. lae of.!tii. hoicest oui thât fiew augura eau boast. Asolysis shows, "M. 1 Il Pre Ca nleSU Br.uI.AWEENCE SUJGAK Ià ibandou.d for -nexb pr The1â àien el t.In± code alida.- - roc, shirt smooth, -but- tons seaune. TORONTO color O olod i. due chiefy 4êi iel kept in -thffse iittle oel h , are, living am-i lins- around in i. bo d-e . le cler i.5 -ret. Rit the si niougl -Vto break smie- o! ite blioo -v essels beneath ,thVii n- r- ý md tiie lti.retioceiles e;ucape_ Vihe iaj-ured- blood-vessels, ,r about for îa -wile in1the Vis- mid dies. - Wl-sa hey ie, Viie bhat * ai thent- reci. beor îfanges te -baock ami Mlue col- ,Altr a vhile the iren is upîby the.glands -caliedte Iîtcs, andl tade, ever again ice rel els. The mron le ap -ery-m~xuciimore- quickly lymnphaties'if Vhe black-asd- pot la rublietianti mns.ssged.. iThat Have Bertefted Thou- -Knovn fan sud near'as af emedy in te tremprent of l-j .n and all dersu'gentents ci tomach;l; iver ac!. kidneys,j lee's Veget-ble Pilla hiave it relie! VtoItiousands when~ 3pecifies have ailed. Innum-~ Vestimonials can le, prcu ýsta-bIish tiie truti thiat -Once triecltbey vii e superior Vo al othler plei Baient o! tic alments for A ewYeys ago i Vie United States ottoà- va- w"usedti o fil up svamp-holes or vas Viirown in- Vo streams; now it is niatit ta yield $135,00,000 a ye-ar. Sveet anti -pal-table. Mothem 'Graves' W'orm Exterminator 15 a-c- ceptable Vo iidren e!it d-ocs its' werk surely antipdtr<tv Little 3erry -Clancey vas invited Vo a- -durci picnic, and ais le was a generôl favorite, b. vas -supplied geneneusiy viti the gcxodthiage that Lad leen provideti fOr the' c- LaVer in Vthe day oas io! Vtheladies nioticed.Jerry sitting ina-s obscuÃœr. part, 1f the grounda a-ad wea-ing an expression o!mclu.apns "Wiy, Jerry, wiiat's the, mat.- ter?,"sit ahaked, kindly.. 'ý]aven' >-yeu hadenloÙgh te eatl,' id "Yes'm,":éic! the boy, listIessîy,. "l'y-,e.lac! eneugi. I ledl as- if 1 -dda't vant Il Ive ge . - PARMS'FOR SALIR. - N.W. DAW8ONus Nlneity Coibtw - Toronto. or**s Btr, GS& Oood ase; Buildings; OrabaaA Chexip 'and on easy levon. S EV TY.8L -CE WITH (100 - IV~buildings andi appie Oïchard, iaIwt ive milôs frais Hamilton. H. W . DAW SON,!Torote. 0- Hfait miles Ifremin uluuitkl mail, Clay-Icam an&_ Band" 1aanebifc b'Ouse; gaod ont-bufldings; gooilt mai lu good condition. Western. Réail tate, pLondon, Ont. - RE.AlL, STATE WANTII. Y. L OU~ R PET lfJL IJfnCash. -so onItter whene qt4 Pantlculans tree. Real Relate qie an Ci la .Lincoln, Reb if - .-U . MAL .ELP WANTED. - y OU CLAN RABILY BARN $6a TO *1 5. mothly lifter '-attending here six iontba.,> .W.-teaeh raflway station iotk fan -Canadian Ràilwayj Fispee Rook 4U ex, PlalPs woirkand wages, Dominion'gebaqi- 'Rsilroadilg.,Tarant. - t~ -lérnalsund 'externat. suret -1 Oy- UT home leement. WJe Euir tIca ste, Dr. Belimnan Md~I L EARN fs'LvER PLATINe-p 1836, Winnipeg- Myou ia 1h. --mail, ondeje inaklng froua 825 ta SAG weei eu -Vasa;ng. For - Dailticulars gn d etiiamp. Wallae Wsnitvh. Lodon,)n,. L - A NTED--LADIÈS TO LEA.£ PAI TV and light sewing at home; w*boe or apare lime; god.pay; vnk saunt any- distance; .Charges #aid'i; oset stin»or fult particularig. National ManWCnurong, -Compauy, IMontreal Men'S8uitsm~u DnRITsH APMI 1CAN DYEING CO lasom M N-sa Pr~otuot Pralaerv. es.tj BaouÀPleB anA BbàkIata on Appoiatiaim JAMES LANCMIJIRý & GO., Uimitod Maypole Soap - eLLEANS 1Gves ich glowisg 5 color,fadeleasli n - or suds.Dyes côuton, 41 ak.m'ol or mixtSneà. -t Usc ityoursclf a. home No toubl-, - no MU*s. 24 colora- wdl give aiy sade. - at your dealr' S pos>pald with boakWe "Flow ta Dys from -- ------------- m5i. - Tact. Sie-.Herels a tan saya vonten are not-honest. HEe4Weli, aren'-t Vley alwa robbing 9umen o! their peSceo! mind anti their heurts i Thene ntay le-otha-r cens cures', but Holioway's Carn Cure stands at tue iiead o! Vii. Eit so fap S& ne- suIt-s are concerned. O0! the 3,424 knowu dialeetsin tVile - wonid, over on,-!ourtb a-ne lati. Mwinards Liniment Cares DandrUif.- Changefi. - -- "Wlicu My tve -girls .wey e orn I8e tîst o vnder viat - e s - Vo make o! thent." gî "Anti nov 1" "Now tiýy-re grewn -ùp and in 8,teîetY.. Ive begun wendenàéiing w-lîuV Vhey'ne ,going Vo:make of-_me.' Çôd, veai, $8 ta 9 Stockers and Feel l..at. 52 - &5 tel.2W 1bo.*. at'OZ.75to ppningevrs-7$50 ta $75.-- qbgteies, $4 t 1N51 9.00- axnba $6 ta $6.- ftb U un i TORONTO ÀARCd M Im 1 ke 1 1 teme ls-aa md as o -déi * pnevious te Urepehinb the threshing -laFothepfigur- production la i tmmate à ,8 Pared4 with 26, production -le, - - 200busheja1, as Y PRICE OR - ;{ roduce ai 90 pier cent. patent lianitoabafi tebakç,$5. $5, -ootton -bags.-Ik- tMinit<eLs- wheat 99C. BayIrports.'NO.- --aI 95 -le, . E a i>o 67e, Bay porte. ew wact. 94 t-o 95ë. o _ffrxàdee0lwn to 71 Oatt-ta. 2 Ontai g.raded. 35 to &ic.C &do at. s.noeinaL Corn-UThe -narkêt çld Amer-cean quo Torantà.Ea NSo. * 3. s-t E v<prtle, 63. Roe-75 to 76c for- ronto freighî.Sx COUNTRY -Btter-Oiry roi] bakers*. mtevxr, 21 tubÈ. 9-5e; (rc-tvmery and fZG tg 21à fore Egge--Oase laot dgzeni; fresh, ;cý - Che-e6e-141lie for twins. primes. $.9; n -, lb. foriNo. 1, -hall 3.Whôlesaie. Poultry Whcoutey-a ~fow1. lb., 10 ta lie- -Il to 12v; t'urke- a&bout 2C 0o-r tha Potatoe,-offeriugs ORf, aud prt.t Satti track. ase lo-ts.Pr - * rolls. 14 1-2 t>1c bs-cks,ZIl î Lar&Ti BA.WD rH-Jý Baled th,- Io trac.- Tti.no -ronte. ENorjtt-rn. S4 -2 to eorn, 65to.66c.'N. 'r- 6to- onld 'WvrS- Duluth. 69 3.ke. .INzli ?torîbcýrn t3 - Ch66 5a ebid. o : juien. 1 In IL L t r A Lot of Them. CLEVER Cow Tiffis,

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