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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 7

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*preylous estimates for mlost *o'.Mpé, but inasmuch au very - shnghad been -possuîble ý 4 F elarge p&MUs « grain. wée, tili ;ulUarveeted, it is f.ared' that> the1 ~I egtun ea after oompletiou of tii t4hee.hdng may. turn'eut lower than tte n Aproa 110W given. .For 4jpriag wheat the-. estimated oempàoed4 with 189,904,500 bushées as e<.For Fail. wheatj the es-1 -Amred with 26,014,000ý butlhe1s last - y.ar, tée total -estimated1 wheat productionbeing tharefere 205,685,-4 8>buhlas oompared with 215,-< 9185U ~roies i 191,a decrease . MRJES OF FARU ft9ollCJS 'Ir5" etCat , GaienO u ana 001V Om. Z-Pinur-Wtiter whoat. tope3.6 to 0.9, aioea- thba -fours--irotpatente.'in 0;j seco6nd patente. 85.20. and p.'*, 5, on track, Toronto. -Il!" 10o more. je eharted.- ewhq4t-lfo. 1 new Northêr. , o t97 1-3, and Zo 06 egyporto. 1Peed Wheatp 66 t6e il What-Nço. 2 Whie and Ta ý9 960. ouïtaide, aind the pooner o.-2, Ontar10 - orth 39c, ouýtilde and te44c, on trick, Toront -WýVu grade. 368 tSa37q. outaide. VWetern 1, Cau- ada e È-ioinloaL. .~anIorfonty~1gh b. barley 65c. -ont- Goru-JPe imarket _19 easy, wih No. 2 qlc Amerilpan quôted aM -Ze. ail-rail, p0ontô. &%ad No.- 3 at ' 4e, ail-rail. No. te 76i tçr No. 2. enteidé. BuckweutSe cutside. Bra"n.'i1ntoba bran, *23. -u bats, To. ronto - relîght. Shorts. '$26. OONTYPRODUYCE. Butter-rDM-rr roule. éooe. -26 50 27e; bakers', ifgior, 21 se 236; celice.dalry, tubs. 25c, eaerey, 28 ta 29o for noUs, and 26 tg 27a for solide. Egge-Oa<&e lot.seof newlaid, 29ESc do-ion; -freeh, 27c. . cheee-14 14p for large. and 1435-4e- for ]Beano-IHdd-pleked. $3 per- bushai; prims. 02. 0 In a..Jobblng way. Honei-Extnscted. in tins. Il te 12o per lb. ton No. 1, wliolesale; cmbe, $2.50 to 43, wholuoahe. - Ponltry--WlioleiBale pria.. of chelem 44reod poultry -O-hlcken'a. 14o per lb.; tfouilib..10 50 tic; duckz, il te 12c. g-se. U te 1201 tirkey. 16 te, 17c. Live ponitny. about 2c JôoW,r &au the abeve.. Potatoe-ffenlqp bave recentiy falien oiff, sud prieso are, firmen at $1 a bag, on track. - PROYISIONS. - -Cure4 iniate are quot.ed as follows Deoon,-'loni oleai'. 15 tô 16 1-4c per lb.. iu c' ase lots. Pork-Short eut. $26 to $27; 4ometà, *21.0,te $22. Hame-Medium te - Iglit, 17 te 171.2c; beavy, 151-2 te 16c; 1rlè 41-a2<le 15c; breakfast baon, 190; backs 21 to 211-2e. - Ls.râ-lieree, '1441-2c; tubs, 14 34c; pails, 150. BALED RAY AND STRÂW. Bale' , hay -No. 1 liay, $13 to $14, on -tnack. Toroute; No. 2, $11 to $12; dloyen. mlxed. * te iii. Baled .traw--$l0 tae 51.50. on track. To. rento. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Mneijjollis, Oct. -2.-Wheat-Decemberi 08 12c; May, 933-4 te93 7-8e; No. i1liard. 001-2c; - No. 'I Northern, 871-2 te 90c, No. 8SXNorthejn. 841-2 te 671-2c. No. 1 yeiioiv eern, 65 *1, 66c. No. J3wihte cats, 30 1-2 te li.No. 2 rys 62 tei 651-5e., rIeur-FineS M&atent, 4.35 to $4.e5; ,second patents, 04.- 't 46;finît cleâiti$1*320te0$3.60; sec- oncd olie,. *$4.60 te 44.80. flnan-$18.76 te e19.60. Duluth,'- Oct.'- 2.-Wbeat-No. i1liard, 893.c 6 -o. I Nothenu. ,883-4c; 'No. 2 Irothern, 6634p- Octoben, 86 1-2-, r.eminaL. December, 6*g1-2ce4'bld; Mfay, "M1 2e. - KONTREAL MARKETS. - tMentreal. Oct. 22.-Onts - Canadiani mmed, 564 U) 541-20. Baly-Manitoba feed. #t' Se69c; malting, 80 te 84c. Buckweat- No. gr74 te 75c. Floun-Manitoba Spifig what aents, firse, $6.0;-seconide,'$. M.18- strôcng bakera',.160, Wlnter patenits. ebicice. $535; straiglitroloiers, *4.95 teo5 te djmg, $2.35 >to $2.4. Rle aaD Srois. *$5.05;-.bags. 90 Ibo. 2.40. Bran-*23i -orots, *1>middlinge,.J28 te 30; moùillhle, -,ý $ 345 356 fa. 2, per, ton, car lots, *3'te '_U3.50. -Cheese-Finer3tWesterns, F333*51-2 t6 13&-4c; llneot Egstern's 13 to i83.e. Butter-Choieest creaffhery.- 29 te 19 1-4c; seconds. 27 3-4 te 28c. Eggs-SmlIeotw t d,'29 te 30c; No. 2 stock, 21 td 226. Pots. te e- bag, car lots, 65 te- 10e. - LI~VE-STOaR MAtRKETS.' Mqbntreal, Oct. 22.-Sales of- chelem steeno worem uade ut $6,25 to $6.50, geod at *5.- L $o 6, nnd the iowen grades from that- 4wn te $4.S0otpercwt. 4jChoice eows, *5.50. Sesp snd Iambe. $3.75 te $4 and 'the iat.ý tun at $6 tb $6.10 ver owt. (Juives, $5 té *2eab,* as te aise and qualUty. Xogs, *Jte vepr eeut., weiighed'off cars.' Toi-enta, Oct. 22.-Cattle-Ohoiee buteher, 465.76te *6.16; good meditnm. $6.40 to_$5.6t., ommcn. *4.60 te $5; ceira, $3 Sm *6; bulls, - 3 .ta $4.50; cannera. *150 te *2. Clve- Qecd veal, *$8 e$9; owmomn. *3. te 86.. teekmijg and Fed.nastiserm. 550 te 1,05q' LDe.st $5 '25 la .*5.60; f9edingý buhlo, SUS < Ïb200 lbs , at *2.75 te $4.M6. Mlkm su rinngers-$50 te $75. Sheep sund limbgo Llht -èwes. -14 50 $4 50 - eavy mires $4 ta. LJ;,ambo $6 50 J6.1.- Hogo-*8.60, foei "d wut«eol.sud 88.30, Lo. '71 are quaUty -01 OOEfl1911- (U per cent. and 1910 *Ç(3 per. cent.). . 4 Root- o ropu continue tio show eX* cellent figures. as representing av- erage condition during growi4i. The. hiiiêst, are potatees, 90.12 per cen.,and the. Ioeëst ceorn for fiod- der, 8.63*peï cenit., the aset namSI cr.op bas -imp roved by over.4 points during the -mcnth. ' THE CÂTTLE. EMBARGO. -a] essuure Belng Brought t. Bear on av llrltlsh Qovernment. A -despatoh- font, te hring P: bers of, th4 Goi a view te, 'thie de.medt- e bargeo -iCapsJ British perte?.- Commence throc are being ii .of thein -most i11 become delegate ltation wbich le HeRu8se cf Comm posibl«emonan~ hue been give-i supplies for -its exportation - la« It 'le tiienefore nouncemenàt on b. cf maf.rial assistance. moul< -4----- NEWS OF DEATU WITR BODY.é Parents Were Bereayed 'Wheu -Ce!f A despateéli -'frem Ottawmsys Tc h-e auddly cUfronted .mith, a coffin containiiig.tiideaid bdy co tbelr son . mitiiont iiavlng eei any prevï<eu-- notification cf bis de- mis., wa" tb. dot o!" Mr. and Mn. A. Poirier 122 Albert Street, Hul-l, parents e! tii. lite N&paleon Poir- ier,' wioz4 b6cy mas delivened by express on. Thirday..! Nspeleýor left HuIlifei th, shautieas six. weeka age-, andhibi-"parents heard .noQthiug f rem ii until , au-wering the. door. bell Thiursday,- Mr. Poirier wae lui- formeti by the e-press 1n1 an that lie bat the. body f PN. -Poiri er te deý- iver. Accompauying the body m'at a lette" stating tiat deceasti mc met with hie death by being- strneh by a f alliug trèe wmillet in the wootis.- ýMARCONI'S BYE REMOVED.ý Operation Perfonùed By Noted TurnuSurgeoh. A deepatcb -from Reine says: Wil- liam Marcou'E igit eye mas - ne- uxoved oau Thunsday by Dr. Baýyardi, a neteti Turin aurgeeon. Mn.t -Mar- coni iras seriously injureti on epj- tember 25 lp au automobile acci- deént near iBon-ghetbo. lRe *iv&- e- movedti te .hos-pital. o e!i.Naval- Depantinent at Speézià; ibene h mas treateti fer seveÈsi tiays. The. &evere <otsieni'anti amwellinge aroun t ti. njureti eye preventeti a thorough examinatipn -until recent- y, wien itY> .as foundt tat the. eptic nenve hati teen affected. ýThe op- enation -mas -performed lu-entier tiat Mn. ?larcoui's left iee might be saved.- BAD BILLS ClIRCULATING. $2 Note le Softer sud'IHâasLlâghter, Blackhasud Darker Red Ink. A despateli frein Gaît says: >'Tiat countenfeit Dominion no6tes -ar.e b. îng cinclated 'iii libs prtof h cenntry wma -siw uon. Tiursd, wben- Towna Tneasure RHooid dscav-ý' er.d tht cia. e ii. uicipà.f dé- panîmeuntsii ad acepteti & "pion-ý ley'.' $2 pote. -Ou ýclse exaxuluaticu it mas di-stingnsha.hle. frein- real <'cash"- by the". igter ehaade -of black ini ïusetifr pntîng anti, a darken-htied'r6d for tii. serla.1 nui- ber. Th. paper i. soften than that cf Domini on bills. WIW'Ds 8~011 th&t Turlssy y SI4RISSOPS. ri in. fp4iOy.variations ý A4zag6 miilbe.as r ad eyer.' e iksui i lesi iful iength. >,uad- w1tvo1ture tes cn, the ncw b ats. suite anr. made' ci )mbined miti satin. W14ie vneu a great 1--sashes this séason. are' decorated miwti -ws. A dank frock tucl morfgy if the. >ntrastini -celer., rialis are being very aîler4«d geis. -Gen- +ýWvare very- be- ér and aui iet' td.Mis. JÃœuuWPO1 sy, hle st hor ýhu.bè,and d usaciil eSetly. th'rough .,typiiid, aaid I» appar- ently h-cam. * aom what neettledý in lier r1em on through grief and thrughcoplica,in uregard te lier posemon cf tii.homestead, elew lier tireredimling children, : agd five and three-years, with -a' carving-.knife, and.tien asppareuÏtlyt turned tiiê saine eapon'upan lien- " self. The. family more Pouth-im - grante, saxd. the.tragedy wa -dis-e oovered by.Poliah ueighb6re., MIaLLION-DOLLAR CONTRACT.' ýEngIauil te Iake ShellsktoÃŽ Unitedu States Navy. a eznng epeeay sx.snp r A 'duspatoî frein Washington ;0 oemparatively - arroir.ý - ~ ~ ~ t' c-,ý siewoau.mic mse t A contr:ct. for part cfthe an- mor-ieringshels for- the,- Uulted lebine beiuty witii utilhity. W4-useStates navy,'on mih tiie Hatfleld< t eerg-e. ý' Blue and broum- are the . eë Cçmpanyý.-of Englauid recént-? ,y favorite colore; grayand-genae1 uebdal4unci pt- 6t- good. A dress o! serge' timedý tors.b en~gioîs~~~a xt ith black satin and lace à cen iliu.ola tie ýA ür 4- n t ver ~'% - -thoÙund founte.n-inch ahls, and - 'ý.Th- i.rt strikiug', noveltis 'lu byabut *$300,0o . cntt o! iv-eiliùgs are thei. anrious chenille a&bout *',oÃ"O,ocô fer 2,500 tirelve- d, dotfedtuxedo veis. Tii. cleèYer inch sheli, mii - be 'awarded 1t tiie -groupingof - ciiemlkdote Maies l B1 ugliah couceru, it mas -annouuced serte of'cemplioatedfloral suad sr l inWednesdiy l>y Acting"Secntanyl patterns with very effective nesultu. Wintiirop. Juet hemmaunyseli Collars sud -cuis 'o! 'bnight «ôl- wiii emd eb ii p~Eà]h com- ored clotii or velvet ae een QuTiayh Dont been - 7kù~hit ijt e orne -cf tii.- nir' suite,-. -For i 1 s said ouly -enongh- miii b. eutac stance,-a inuit of beige colon had a' ed i-t to -eVe,& a1te__- cellar cf turquoise'bine velvet, an th . olar o! -a gnay <aud white e tripe suit mas cf -chamois colored PHILPP INES lIS-TPON The sihnge lu askirta le net in thei'-Four 79undred Lives Leost ani foundation, but lai madg' by tii. gathered and draped tunics - th - $5,QOD0 Damage Wrou'ght. are ueed. Sopue cof the.tunies are A deepatci frnm Manilla saye: straigiit, whie soin, are cangit np The typhoon mhich smept several. in a puRf at tiie bottoin or-draped c f the. islands o! the Philippines on inrgular pl'aite at the, front or group October 16, caus.drmay back.- deathg- and ieavy damage te pro- -Embroldeny le freely. used. - Lin- perty.1 A telegram neceived hene -gerie dresses show combinations of- by tih. militany antiionitiese eti- emb'noideny-and malin. laes; tiren- jmaes that 400 pensons mer«,»kijled. -ty-seven inciiembroidery fqunucing, a ýntidamage amounting te .$;,- s forming tunie or skint draperies, OW00'iras doue by the stornin luthe4 1u msnounted- on accondien plalteti Islandi cf Cebu. Tiie typhoon iras1 rba'tîte ornet' foundation ekint. AIl- o! hutrnican6 force, andi leveled i ocver embnoidered batiste andi cet- thous$ands cf bouses, vessels irere tort crepes ferm entir-e dressee. swept ashore andi sunk and tiieir Lingerie i-s important iu theI creirs drowned. Many Amenîcans morld -of dregèý. blips, petticoats, and Filipinos are hemeless. cembinations, .aud rtight dresses are ___ mode te matc the dainty wan-drobe cf the weil dressed weman. Mati- RECORD NAVAL BUILDING. neecf Jýapanese crepe 'are bought by evéry1 one..Que of umoke colon Portsmouth Yards te Lay Keelpiate with a lining cf bine chif7on le a Tbree 3Menthe Before TiNme. model ranch favored. A despatch f nom London says: ft- Some cf the umartest new suite mas announced at Portsmouth on have coliar anti; -cuifs of fur. Chin- Tiursday -evening that Lady Meux, chlla, uîquirrel' anti skunk are used mfeoAdiaMuxmi lyt, -with excellent effect. FrequentlY keel-plate cof a new supendreati- -only the collar and revers a-re of1 nougiit on Monday morning. -Thi§ - fun, and these are se attacheti that is thi*e,-months earlier tha' the- >they can be remnoveti mien requin- appointeti time, and creates a re-1 eti. Occasio»nally bands cf.fur are cord in'naval shipbuilinig. Con-1 useti on the ekint aise. siderable significance is attachetia ,For yeung girls' afternnen dress- 1 aise te what amiounts te a -corn-e es lu munter nothing is more plete volte-face on the part of thef chanming than warm cashmere with Adiniralty, in1 ordering an armoret the irhol-e dresu cut in one and the cruiser, andi the dreadnought I-nflex- bedice fiujisheti iiti a collan of Irish ible te jbin the Mediterrrann crochet lace, a 'cravat hem andi maiet fleet.- beit ofnibbon velvet a danken shade _______ than the, cashmere.- HOP ALS FFWLS.UT -At present -the meust ahionable style cf coiffure, -completeti mith la -en short light fninge resting ou->,-heSequel te Charges by-Adma fereheati, demande a cirelet on ban- Aantti icpie - >dçàu cf corne sert. Fer day mear A despa4tol frein' Prince Albezt, tiis Ma.y b. luntiark on blonde tonr- Sask.,' asys: Tii..entire staff o! Yic- toIs heli, but.for eve-nug -tien. le tor"ia Hospital eveed- t - 1 nc netiiing,-more beqoming than die -tien mti that institution, ou n i,. an - day, mien a -moitii'e notice previ Diamnontiandpearli îeabt est lip eusly gi ven .eX pired., As Promptly 0 oven black vfivet-',bands wonn as. oid nexbers malked ont an al h arouud-the néck are just eomlng in- most entin e nem sta ff 1 took change.." te favo>r. Sometimes -tii. black baud .The' uem matron àe Misa" C. L. Shaw J is. entirely stutideti mltii diamiomids. ci èxilo.Thise iWthesequ'Ila Soetme l l ruamented . lh a tii.: recent chargo es ýai dixi '91n dismout cîasp, sud again it is fast- disdîpliuue,,ý the- h6épiW9 -ývaxh en c-with a eautifni qutiie a ieaa eae uni brocoli. tiiere 're'ba4. B., wifliout bree¶hg a bene, and killed, à mo6sEW350'y'ards ocf. Harky 00Oo-rby and George Gord4n, eléM.P 'e cf Bellvil1e and, Stiir- gpnFal, reepectively, havýebeeri -. -ppoiiited t6 vaant seats in tiie *igtHamilton youths, Who gulyte_ asauit upen a. 'iig on the mountain, wvere emitenoed- by Mr. Ju-itice Kelly te î,lsîOiI terme and.,fifteen lashes UNMTD STATES. é .eUni &Sttsgovernment may tae .official notice of thei1"an- vlogant attitude" cf, th&ýgovernmt and pieu's of Germany toward Amn- erican co=r.ia4. interests. whieh -have. culminaàted intii. formation-' -of a national étoek eoSnpany to citet the Standaýrd 011 Ce --GENERAL. Ccii prices ln Germany ire higi- :er than'ever befo. A -Pariuian has discovered'a me- thod whereby the. X-ray may b. maiýnipu.laed finperfect safe-ty. Col. - Diaz, nepheir of' Mexio's ex-president, uwlh ladnga ei rebeilion, us in posseasion cf Véra Cruz., H. has 500 -me-p. ' Defalcations already ag gregating the, huge sm cf $5t600,000, and »nstantly incneaaing, have' been aneanthed ithe officesof! the G&nd-Ternbuzan Railroad in-Bel- gium, through tii. accidentai dia- covery o!, false share.. centificatei' emong a sinal- paÉrcel necently sold. 'he manager of -tiie company ha-a ieappearod. - Canada'@ Notei¶¶legiiiuint »'Cele.. 'The. ioyal -Orenadierse cf, Toýronto,. one' cf Cecada'eemarteet ,regi- netnts, 1o'rganized, in 1862, -1&_tis year'h-old -ing à, grand re-union and jubiléeon Nevember- '2n.d, and 3rd,- it whiciiit l xpected eboiit 2,0001 bxtlnem: -wll be présent. Thie are pouring --in -.frein aWé p" f Canada and >_tUnited - States, and boa. irbo -have net yet sent in.their hames and addresses to the Royal Grenadiera, Toronto, should de 50o - ue adthua void, being aven- -NEW GERIIAN AMBASSADOR.*-ý A Plnce.to Represent the Empire - at Court o! St'.. -James. A despateh frein - Berlin - ss: Prince Chanles M XLichnomsky has been uominated German -Ambassa- dor-i lionudon inuj succession te th. late, Baron Màrsý,ial1 von Bleben- stein.- Prinçe -Lichnomsky le 52 years cf. age, .and a soldier- diplo- mat. Aftem 1ea-vn'gthe army-he- mas attached te tth. diplomatic ser-. vice in Stockholm, Censtantinople, Dresden-, Bucharest anti Vienna3ý retiring _f nom active duty ln .1904. He is a m iember cf the Prussian Housecf Lords. BRIDE GOING -T» BALKANS. Icelandie-Canadian Gr Ofrs 'Ser- vic es telRed Cross. - A despateli freiom -algary, 'Aibèr- ta, says:, Marrieti only two mweeks ago. -anti nom aecompanyiilg Mher husbandto.tethe s reat cf wiran atii, Balkans. is the - romantic story -, a-,Canadian girl,-Mrs. Peter Leati- ei,' fornterly Miss Violet Tjola .01- f non, of Winnipeg. This young me- man wIl - offer her services to-.tho - Ried Cross in,-Greece te o., te the freunt. She isan l2elartdeyby ,birti snd hei' mother resides in -Winni- peg. - BAIL FO R-,CONFLbbbEÃœ SLAYER1 Eaclng Ils Charge, Vaneoirv qu .t1,o. CONC ERLiING SOAP.~ Soap le tthe beet -mea ns cof remo,- ing dirt fromn mec. and tlbiings; but unlese la lein màd4 of, the.purent ma.- teniais, carefully 'And conscie nti- o;usly componnded,.. and usedi moderation, it l'O likely to irritate -the skin and maie la ausceptible to -dise&s. opathe. chemical compound cf al allcal-soda or potash-with the. açid paÉt of. fat. Potaah soap le the soft soap ýthat al: housewxves, used to make.,- They always had barrel oaf fui !lye juta. - *hich ' they threw, the refus.e fat from'tii. kW chen. The. ord'ary hard eoap, both 'for the. laundry n- fo te toilet1 i8 made f rom so"a, and its, ini-tating qualities'depend >on the amlut f frée soda -it containe, on the. knd 'Of. fat that le ujýd, and on what is used to adulterât;e it. It ought to Côntainiio fre.e alkali at al, but eve n if -there, ise nn, Bôme of the goda ije eýt free when the soap le put inito,*ater.: Soaps in which .Viiere ise a qertain -amount of, free fat in additio6 tb'that com- bined'with the. soda have -been re- comiuended onx the. tiiorv tb.at when tiie soda i. thns set free, lb c<>m- bineS *iWth tii. f ree fat of the, soap Mbeore it has time to attaclc the fat' of the ekin. Whether that-act-4aliy happens or net je uncertain. The -fattha.t le usedshould_.net bè rancîid,. and it should b. capable ýf taking ùp a large amount - f alka- 11.Tallow and olive-oil are( parïti- cularly ýusef ni in -soap-makink. Olive-cOil forma, or shonld form, the. baW otcf- Castile soap, 'but unfortu- nîtely *thîe oap is'.often aduiterat- ed with other fats, which are more Cocoanut-ctil nakee a soaptâat atrsireil, but erather irritat-_ ingandcottnsed-oùl- oap je said ,Benzin and paraffin? derivative dedto washin g soape increýase, their cleansing propertiei, --but un- ies they are. used witli great caie, -They are >likely te irritate Ii. -Ëkin o0f tiie.iaundàreos.-Eczema a nd other àkin -troubles .eau -often b. traced to- tiie use -cf chea'p 1».ainestly ruadi3 soaps. Be, very cariul, there-r fore, te select as youjr toilet SO&p1 one made by a responeible manû- facturer.-Youth's Companon., Hfints où!.SleeP. Nature' s swetýrer e--S eep- ie not a thing tolbegoe>idb any set of formai rules. Thé am,6un]t of sleep required, for ijistance e- pends on- the individual's age, con- stitution and ccupati'on. "Six heurs' sleep.for a man, seven for a womaa, and eikht for,-a fool," said the third G-eorge. But, as a mat- ter of tact, those whose brains are in exorcise, 'whose nervous systems are delicate and èeltable, need as mucli sleep as they can pesctsibly get. Every woman mnuet discover for herseif whether. or flot a late sup'- per suite her,. for wh atsuite' some may be decidediy harinful t others. Mental work up to t.he very 9Iat MO-. ment beforegigtoe bed. i nOt good. -It may banish. sleepi or -at least disturb, it;'Be fore retîring a short ýnterval mftybe ,.4ïantage- ousiy apent in reading à eoothîng I onslere wotbycf otie2 ut his fatal- ilness developed rpdY., TRAIN. RIT SLEEPING _BULL. Workmnan 3umped Prom (Car and -WàscrtmheL t.-Death. -A.d.êpatehfrom NorthBay say&1 ployed.by.tii, Superîor Coustn1i2eý tin C0.1 wae killed on TIhurda;- mien tii, Algnm& - Central 'wor train on *mmciihoamas niding coilid-' ed witii7a bull iying asleep acroué the rails. -Levesqui jumped 'froua the car in, which he mas riding; and iras er-ushed under la mien lb top- pied over. with the impact. - ÂIAIIDED UBAVI DAMlAGES. annJured in Fatal C.P.U. Wreek at Huil Geta OVrer, $2090OO. -A deepatçh f roui Ottawasys i C. iloy, traveler fer' Bàteand Bons, cf titis 'city, mie iras 1bad1y injured about, the ineck and- 'ahould'ers '1n -the-disastroneC..U reék-at Hullc laet witer',-was on Fiidày'award- ed $21-,075 'by a jury intheHiull: Supenior Court. He. ,clairnèI te have been. permanently dieabled. 'SPJJ EPIEROED FOOT. Pàiadul. Accident, to*orkmnan at- Prïison FaIm uilding. Aà despatelfrein Guelph, says 1 Mr. JamesCongn Duke f street, whue 'orkugen'ene- cf tii. neir buildingsB at'j the Prizon-Fiarm, on-- Fridày, j ùmj"e down off 'aecf--- fold, b is foot, stniking a four-inchi epuke project4ng from à board, the. ispike .piercing his, boot and- foot - righttiinough, -coming eut above the. - in'step. ules kblood-poisouing netg ini noe enius resulte are feaned. à SX-INclR RAT PINS. Boston Conneil -Will Limit Those - - Worn je public. - A despaich -fnem Boston, Mass.,- says: ,Becans. of numerone coin- plaints. matie' te him, Mayor Fitz-- geraldi saiti on Wetinesday that h. wîll send te the uext meeting cf the. - CÇiy C ouncl thé draftcf -an ondin- ance "which miii lirait !tiieleugtb afe hat Pins te bc. worn by momen on the st reets ant in upublic convey-. ances te -six înches..- m'Wat He .Reard'. - - Toi-nmy-!'Makr Iataày up litti. lo9nger?"' Ethel-"Whàt e4o yen mwant tO stay up, for ,, - Tommy- "Iwant ter sec -yow--and Mn. Green playing'card&s"- Mr. Gnen-"But me are net golng t6,play carde." - Tomray-"Oh, yýes, yen are, fer I- heardmiamma. "ayg te Ethel ihat - evenytiiing depended onou the mayz-ýin - wlnclr she played her carde te- SUMBESLOFNEW, CI.JI7JNS OveýrTi Thrt-ne Thou'sand Entere 1d Canada Durin-g the Moônth of .September. A eÉ ti atch --fr-cm: t' a ay weneat ocean ports-and During, the Siionths,À-pnl lutte Stàtes. O<ý,toer lut, fthé. current, fiscal fThe -immi1gration, te C y.Oàr .9M3,U49 iimigrants erive i in f -4he last 1h-alf-yé'auý -iÉ "- C~à4. ! uanumlber 183,990,1 greater, than the entirdé arrlved-iàt ocean ports, âhd 89,60-9 cf ,Meiteregrc,ý .ti from-th~tTuii.,s.... 1g-a le w ' da.y Sagéidec -"-~ue~ IEINCce TORONTO ihis iromen >y -J&Y co f mînd stands At fat as re - ecte in the le 4it §rua,. 1

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