mkwm.ià v ddres. 1h msoquartetU Y - aÃo enmd 1.U. itttau sang a dùiet andi Andn~ isl id*5 Muio servioe 'as lauc. m oyo iii.Mt4)isihodl5 prsna wusi 'asremoved o0" Who asi Toro «!,>eoz'Tqnfrl a lop f la lroin ait e vs oidy Bov - x.1wies ',oas nont4 Mise Werny, o! Tooto,,is stii der o iaut Wiltbv eul\ 'i à Mn. en . Wmn. Ormiston. YSDX5 id l ac ived liilong E.J l~s-R a!o ;W wUui i is W' in lac ie. fiadsfrcm Duabanan ?ckig M. vo a~fainr i ocuptinbut lfi t e vek forithe, No!tili haé beu - liv4in thlie' viag, lot rY sr 1U er ~t< mà in o!dysarm l>s1 i. survivsd lit4luod, 'of Oshawa, upenLt lt "mdone daughtîr. Wih h î. 50115 da '4y- i ir. ac! MJn'.. Whi> o!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Xa £dadadM. .Wakd h asIith Bnown, of 'Whitby,ip wel eître.Frdi n St. iJohn, - 1, lsiw.k b0;WilA ,D ~auphu, MAU.; 1i h iaeîsýek-,-ý- ý JiUÈI iii ich altürau v n y». r. John Warrenu, o Jci nt>,W5 couve; Charles; in Winmeg ; Bnanjc ths gueml 'of B.F. (Jaaikeli o in Ratis,, Sasi., -&g4 Donaldid n â&.T :rnetCal Deoensied w'as a »m-Mr. Barthu and da,.phUg, of T ber o!of-.,stdhei. Lu- noto, bave been vW t ingw ih L nan! araneaent veunder the c! ra . SRebrai ' iduiecion 0othe local M. . . Ucrfi wo h be Mn. Soberi Spencer, second son-o! out lWest 1f6r serai ve064, ià expiai- the iat. R. H. i3psmoir, vas lier. fon raft's inetià o . t f r a -r a bifvisiùt lait 'veek. a ranch- rfP seto.t ptafra * ~er oarCalmry an ~ o' ~ englhy t'O .the West. th, sasi for aanumben of yem. h loiaywth'~Vakr lt .I.Wilson buascomploted h hie olTilhiet wok fo this yearin the couniis o! ob mso eiIst AndeMkmor Troto, Prince Bdiard and Lnoand an- wii i y'i jmi o mn eci'hron- Tuoud&y Cisa Launa and Mr. J ack Mortop, Mn. live Giben, ho he h i Toronto, 'veto with their parents Tonnto~ora f* 'eek,, elunsd<~ Miss Vers Vipond, o! Toronito, opetit *bis lic eri a fe ag , but l'as ibm holiday 'iti bex pa retts.. th inol 9 'vi! send i. B. H , c!ofBç'vman- 'W vinle, 'vas a gue. . éhome'of Mn. Mn. D. A. esson, o Brandon, Man., W. J.ayerait on'Sanday. W"asthe guss I o! M. B.L. CampbellMiss arrean MronSp, fora short visit Ai the of, last isgsMrae n ain t wui cf Toronto speni Ihýe holiday ~poSo ri me seicua lefr grshparents liane. 131 liw eto, arodtioue that u 1Mr. Jmiiil Scoît, cf Montral, je -tO be gen tnugoî~visità ng -'with hie patente, -Mr, and1 ince a. 4m been aqeton'uM rs. Franncis Seoit, for a few days. Sou. theb. rop is 'vonilihar- Mn.'Ruasol white, o0(,,Guelph>8 - t vesungornoi oglhile Yki inthe, holiday -'villi hi. Parents. aâbndant. Tho have to buzy are Mr. E.Â. Olven gnd son, of Ottawa, miahesia bthe. prie sh and, Mr.- Irting Jiogere, of Toronto, cenlaini>thon i'vin h. et 'vere e end vîilons ai the home cf Rater.Mr. ÂL Ketchen. Mr.W ton lies a teani cf Ire. Howard, c f Friendahîp, K Y., Weoh P lmeï liai are mue' admined'are fonra vuit- wiih lier -lathn r Speci4~ soetC eveNÀt. "à ULSTERSiROY'8 OVEIGOATS, MsorsREEFERs -sizes- 24'to 3 * l regular $5oo to $5.50 each, ail atoner price ~. MEN'S OLSTERS-Heavy.;wam garmensno seUting at $6.50-arid S~ O MEN$ SHORTOVERCOATS, or-Re elers-Sizes 3710O 40, heavy friezcê goùds 'and weljlmied, for -$4-.75 rThie msas 'ondeiful oppomtunity te get' these gbods just indine for thie cold 'veather, 'su-d at prices equal te the best offers cip acte et the end cf te. 'inter season. IBROOKLINQTAI Clearig Sale of i,,:es&WrPec 4 4 fi. i12 fi. -Steel Ppis fIotas, . Ai other sizes at redticed pries A car load of Wire Fence just',arrived' to clear at our regular piCes. Buiynoïà , ai al steel prices ae a aancingý. r-- 'We seni Stoves and Ranges on, 30 days trial.. Write -toi our prn-ces and we 'w 11 save you money. "THUB BROOKLIN HARDWARE. STORE" r RIAH JONES Pl Perhapstherýe is nothîng that will please your Thank- geitig friends better -than Goôod Home-Made Bread. Better loo6k up our lines- of Bread Elour and give it a triai. ~OOEIZN. te hleo'. vifi! b. cousur ~*, i OW able tu 1~(>Y aho~e~b ouse a dite on ér Pc..r. Zsix 'e ~X'ithroc-, days hli y on- ibaok - vae weiht iiaed J ýt bu ti. Hie Cherfuinas~Iw sg~e .dayuatj nihs fwa iuhtr -nat%~ es;r aivwoktu bé ýIW .his been ii cause of remrkt jýr-anlwhoý-hiiee a the opporiuniiyv for oboerviaig it. Thu4ý henycontinUe to iniprove tand soon be ail welLagain ie tlie'-wisli ofhi many Lriendes. Mr. Jas. 'Scott, who«qiaèFjý'en. 1~r niaW o! the Greà d- Tnbo m,' otreai, anid.wo: t r o u l t o a e p o i i n .~ anefi= et Bà tuýhe w".efitertaine4 .a- aý.banquet' evenmg là 3t, and, a !iost beautg.ui im e1~ j;iea1îk tcase with a taeligset attacinient. Mr. Scott in at hie homi here- where. he expects to reinain for a sh7Ortdilne before going to Batll Mds.W. J. H&ycr4taft s - 'R tamru, ho avehad qii* mauex- tnp troug the .Provinces, of Maenito7oa and. Saakatoh(wan, arriviâ7 baca on Tuesday evaning. Tb.: lie been away over * mn je k. .Liycrnaft inteïde ieaving Lbr tise w ,s lgiiaew dayu inc rg ofa shipment of c4ttlegonto alr. 1rau whO lare inteeM zý hvn the Local Option bj.-laW repoéd in tstownship have had BPti i circulation and now have if ready f£or presentation at thie Counciü,mâéug next Mondia3;. That there., is lfttIa Cham efor Ibis rnovemen t b b. ue. who -are opposed t ha~n~h roo" ~ re-opened 'vil!0"ta'v :inj forw granted. .b'avored by good wahr~ç the P»eebytori44 bd 04oli or Vary suég&essfutead9lemertaw_ meiti ti e. ohiwch on th*@ OvOa ,0 ,xhanksgivmng - Day. khearly ,3M --sat , th. weII suppliodtablai,' enç manner ,îîis eving 'vas ithealscbet grmethat f oaaýeIIoed ib üIga r ayyas ls . andç Mi:sCoSley, both .f~Bw ville, gave good satisfaction in E. erîeylcf ôroloWho 'vim *pending -the aCvil ransna hae and hiaeýe.b rset p& riyand w '1 iSd vithfavcr b, iDfy ieds, ttrehunon m t~he audience. Bv .8 .Gasou o>f H*zib hurýh,.' Troito, .AvWO ihâ Prinoi>addrusW. 'Ri u a "'pa and Miss" h. e aime4 iii g laâlr u e, aad lie made it*plain liai .uhe succees or aueo!ti 9 id f' country, iùii fsbuai rou~QM of véry -i-argely 0n aie Bympaiheiac, intelligent h.p ihat the >oys sand girlsgiutji. heomi,6 uhti ane i; nenl ad hi. -'v9çdfve -ons~rtie to l.thé ~ eol. rI'q.wero~re n ilarge uaibors. f ~1'~iien o tie~ reign tsso Lxarsare alsoo doing taoellent Mteiison ,wonk,1, e ~r ir.~ailey afd ,Mur. ,Gldssford. hnopt &UAoi -tihe sale of ticketar zgd -hank offeringe 'viere 845.0 <Laat. vear ,thié sociely contrà ibutedh.<i gain d â%#s§-y---i.i h Il41 hi M in M Il If ou aveYoungohildFma7y h 1» eiponbdt that disorden e! h stmae ar ihir mo eo- ~nnaliments. To. Comretbis o Liver TablaI excellet. They-aees ant peasnf hobooand *multiand gieati!- in efféei. formalby a dem Mr. and Mre.. R. Camipbell, Tomnto, visite« viii hie latter's brother, Mn. 0. Do'wa.y, necenily. 1iss0E. Todd, of Toronto, speni th holiday 'villi len nother. th Mr. Louis Simili, ofBosicn, je vis. iting 'villihi. fathen,,'1r. Â.G. 'Bmitll Tne. Myrtle Station Soiial Club, Lad' -n vOnY gmucSafusocial bal la 6tus Assocation Hlall on ThnSdayý evun. Mn'. and is. John Quinn spent Sn.w day 'iii fiends ia BroIij. The lMisses ()stertogg, cf Toronto, ver pleut. as lb. j!frnie Houes over the holiday. on unday ai 4"tl ami à 2u s nvary ,music. un vas, eened A ho ,101an 1 U V 1ha i 0 e vices on -Sundgynzi iîsrvc will he il'.he fenogg. 'i .C" bmdtbýs aà eb adis kuaace viid4a ~.For.,"l b Mn. and- Mne. Chs.Smith; of To- montE>, 'veo v k-4-4. ' 1he lonrgwe ,par-: 'enls.ý, Mr. oncIIr.Jas. Smituh. Mis ,Jsei W$~sj0fToronto, 'vas à Id fr the W Ms'Teng' 'Sluep,à ad Mr.' Ennui $lep. a(*. To.m' - qxapet Tbnksgiv- isaiý_ 4ârà à ý !IL Fr i W a~lb .q ubhu Se8lg.moans t e b. isode 4i [s NOIt#4SÇtCUI h Aimnurmd Ficlà -dW terunelier dt.,a e speding lien vacationhl'e. MIis abel Mý,aekey apeal he hoU. da'iya*t home.- "ao Gertrude K-enp and Miss Lla- lien Rocws havo e.beiea viting ai ýui-. ton over ihe holiday. Ers. T. Xoroombe b hi been of*d t'O lie houté' h aVany sséei. Yinmà tmi id Perrin Badakley uil~ ~ ~ - hoia i> W u Hal'a. é 'v Lb oliday,,, ' 19«Ia ry, MolGoegor l'as etied b&»m-frosa Toronto aller spe"dr ga mOPofpeo '~h 1WO Rêen 'Conor v41 kome over Mn. Il~/rroncVisited ait Mn.* 1eOnqgare:"s mding a o<pl.< vees,3nPiecunngvisiting Niýod ' v p:aidsa ying vieit lot Nm Hallc )a ho »iuik'asuvensany of ieir weda au f1l"NkugiùigDay.. - Miesm D ra J é hâ« 'as .lom e r n ~eabro over thé. holiday., misa DeUon.'vs iLa.vs eki.s Atidié FMip wasaiNiet op Iuýtk teiateiig he Provinét 3unday Seéhool Convention. Mr. Chas. Cookcand mon, of. Cookà ' "amp, have loft here and gene up ta, ."belph to work. Hair Health. IF Ye>u HAVE SCALP OIR TROUBLE, TAXE "DVÀNXTAdz 08 ,W. eould not afford 1.- Mdorse -Rexahl '9 3ontinnet e Sl il-as- iot do mil vo oIaiu6 un enthusiasu "" ose failin là s ando~pslmss tud in OonseqUeeS-'nbjieineupkeet. go weuld suflr. lie assure you int'-if, your liait ls mginning to naiurally, fal oui on if u l'have any -'scalp troubla,>Boxa» '9" -Haïr Tonie iu 'vithout queStion, ho ee .,a -e dy'v kno'v te eradicat. 1ndju, stimulai. liair growth andi ,rêvent prematuro boldnes.' Ont fà itl in ibxali11193p' Hait Tonie aosine * ý twpaslc otiy it n<1 du gantie tuai your r.fuünded if it ous hot do '% Me %lm.-;-Iwo uses, ~. nd i. l~,i;obly i ont store- me BossU Stoe. A.LH.Alli, drug lti. 0 IR lu i l or Ti 50 Dietoy The !Bell Teloplione Compan ofCan a d a is ,4 o n -à o p r i n t ,a n e , i s s - o l e OffOWa Telephone Dfreotory-for te Disirict o entrl icld g ' H'fT BY, Y i heir prisnie try sho udPld pisoheir orders 'vithe.loca»4nar 17po to- insere imuenfit or%, t oltiertô the lededi t.~ ~ "e jh pdL,~ct Depert ment, 4 pu -Bodt ....*.. ......p4.06 t... .. fat...- b. Clve.........S. M oo #*0 haut, m Pm. 1.. 411te * ButterIpr b. ... . .... ses eo ." Lard, per lb...... . .... O-S*le *08Lb Shrsper bton.7..... .7.. 0 o 21.00 Neuf, par........ , ...4... I." 318$J mite, pe b1>............. to l0j.2 L iB r . . . ..a r.. ...... ...4 . io8 o 1 .0 0 - Hq5. I*Weai -à .7to 1.25 .7.e0to .00 Turkeu dr.sed, pet l b .1.0 Bute, p l....02 oO '1~t, UODUST T1N doy..,. wO*m 771. D, end You rm»sm.rthe.fablesof the V gWho dropped'a real bon. for ft4s ssdw whioh ho sa* la the watr."Ba nmdtatalano Oold D u t-t it glitters und-or the n m ê a r imi o d er. Don't accepi a. sbaowy sûlntibatt; get the rouI' f ahn Pwe.Dotm=t Wfththe oidDizt TwIDS On the package.- worlc. 0il cloth. silveware and tfnware Porasi workU clanng beb room, 1PMpe.tcL.and uiklng fne s 0soap.é xmadby luEIf.N. ePFI"""NCOMPANY. Montres],p.O. --Maceraof FAIRy SOAP. IMM I~ê,~'ot P à # -Ni. 14 Nu. , m.7, 1 ' idyov,18 -Uxald.-Jm.12, Kat*h siMay 149 Juiy 28, Supt. 1MNov. ,Jin. I. ANNINGTON -00,,Gog 27, 'sept. lit Niov. Gorlo% Eepwutoa-Jaa-.»q0 ma 98,rt I.'J 1 1Sp.1,Nv lo, May ,170 up s et 0 14v i8,ja>m. 1 118 ~DyOr~ J.. aREIbo , 01*d*a I l 7.', Pif Gie our'. Stove the "oFrying Tests" P.OBABLYyou think frying such asimple form4 'ilfco kingt tai stoves should be equal in this resp?ýct.- Thlat"'is just where .you are in itaken. Thé <frying 'et)Pproves. conclusively a stdve' s real Fiyine wieh the "Happy Thougýht" sho uthis. A smahl ire Moo more and.beteer work than a big f're ý lin* other stoves- *pesyou more 'eat, ngi rthe id 1119_. Beids ~h mo ment you lift the lid and put the frying pa~h place, you' get te very -nmxurm of heat that the lire can produce-just where you 'vaut' it. When you replace the lid, the heat goes straight oven and..concentrates there with ail its intensîty . No o dher noeî d td do this so effectually. That îý teason vs hy the "H¶iy h'ught" hÃas a superior value fory AUBUCK STOVE CO,' LIMITEFD, BR.ANTFORtDONT. J. KINTYRE, A handful ia lune WHNYOU SWEEP- à -bsorbs the dust, bright'ens the <ýfloor, and clean your Carpet. One week free trial, Ycturs for health, DUST1lANE.. 'AL GROCERS o4»; con1c - Aiee the p term. mad5'e., - 'thing jOb 2s Where 4 L And i :That t 4. - -.: 5. 'Vi * priestlj .periodi do mne i *' smeth. ' down SI rier or whichi teeai self wa bthe a éarth. 'wate rs earth, the soli above the- for 24. 2, ge the i idg o thi to eas, and rcu Herbs yie1di aiso. -w They arr adieyj' tiles, cri -monsteri eth.-Bc >tlures thj 6r creep 25.C& though -27. -Ctr this 'vor Introduci phaizes tion is a of Gçd 9 ),or't 111e (ver 'A' 4 -- >N IA TORQNTO a m monum 1 1 - 1 ýi 9 1 wr -l MUTLE. f/... 1 Ti M"ARCHIVES OF C 9