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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Jan 1913, p. 11

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Juy iful-. ýhis on- leats med al tfeitiirkeys peroüsi,$w Ycar. and tagks that, fait ng fooda in> great and bouyancyof roasts of bec! for -v -çhoice young ýe may dlçtatc., and 'ia sufficlent- at low prîces we tg by the ton at Cpure M.mnltoba c0u an succet.d- :4n of Our s. and, lnI<q, everything. plete stock ner WMTI- ear 4 J i 1 -" F I WhitLy * A A' g £4 A * A h * A t' A 'I A A F .1' f 53011 tlcian - j- Ontarid t * A turam:- rooms, on Fiday af*tennom, anay17, 'alt 3 o'cloek.g - topie -- "TbeDecrations, Table S«e-dos demiQataie.~ AI-women and sirs cqnçlally weloane ylra.G..Roa president Mma: P.- Ba3temaËn, e Ifenry !Coulsoôn, o~ne of the prospor. eus fariera, of! Burristownablp, Jeavýes' fer Xnas to, *pend a ,couiàple or ibhree monthe visitiug ai Vh6 aid boôrne inean Bradford, Ont. Hi. @fixai vwst iille to Whitby te, ses bi sui., Ver, lira. J.JY. O'Connor, wbqo le ia not accu for sixteen yoars. - 1fr. ýCoul. sou la- ýoeeof tha many. farineraWho, have made:.goodliere and Win nn. doubî advertise this district as Vhsý bt iu Cmsada.-port Frauisa Ont., Timeés, Dec. 19. - lien' . heavy wonk boots and lumber- .mes'. nvibbenu a speoialty ai PEEL'8 -A. Y..- P. A.'s VISITOS W. The AMglican -:Youtng PeçPopl' As. clatie», e1 Ail Saints' and St. John@ churohe,Whitby, vislted tlie Oalawa Assocation -on Mlinday eveuing Isat.. Tuîe,; Oabawa people are greai on en. -te were doubtiesa well red for ibeïrir rney. -The patronsses were-lirs. Hatcb, isa. Atkinson, 'Mn.s. Cormack, ira. Do"yy', irs.- Rosm, -lra. Melntyre, -an raM. MoGilllvrayi. The aiew aIdawee Mli.,Atkinson,*' Mfr. DmnonDr.Sismon, Mri. Ha #W,, CI, Cleatb, i Judge licGiIlivray lin Conac> 1r. ree , n.Victor Âinng thsepresent were--r.M Go 1f laàhin; lisa. 8. licLanghlin, lira. Cowan, lir. 'R. Hanilin, lira. Henry, jlira. -Bert. Smith, Mias Carswell, MIiss licCuteheon, Misa Hoig, Miss .Ruth 3ull, Miseslioliy liorphy, Miss Ellis, ,lrfas Luke, Miss I. Todd, Miss Vick- ore, Mels Trees, Miss louder, M -ise Rosa, Miss AmyRoss, lir. W. J. Dys lra King, Miss Smith, Misa Dryiden,-Miss R. Todd, Mas dold , ,!iss 1f. Gold, Miss Derry, lira. Code, lin. Ge"o.laugblin,- lMr. McCulloch, Mnr. R. amIin, Dr. Pentiýcosi, i.ro Code,, ri. ,Geoo.' Ross,, Mr. J.M. Dow- nay, Dr. Renry, lir. W.J. Dyaa, lir. Baton, 1Mr. King, g1fr. ~Smith, - li Dillon, Mr. Cecil Oowan, 1fr. Laidlaw, Dr. Sinale, Mrn. Thomas, lin. Russell, esMr. Reid, 1fr. Hays, 'Mr. CRI- lond Hmnry, 1fr. Ruaseil ,Hat, Mn. Fred Carswell, 1fMr. Scholeld.. Persona] Mention. - jteraiuingsnd aur young Mndoi ie- lis -Goldis Jenninge .pent New., port .an ,excellent tre.-Yearea witî fnienda la Myrtie. IL=r. Albert W. Jackson wiIl noV e %,,m uummmm41Vr Seoou euxlarge assontinent of hockey coive ibis fflday. skates, stioka, pueksansd atrapu. W. Mxa-.Cbsa. Stevenson bas been vus- J.. Luke. & son. iting in Torontto for the, past week. N4'. C. Te . Mn.4 lr. john J. Lynde sud -son, O- AL OPTION DORS NOT, IUT. HOCKEY- Grant, spent the New Year hioliday in tAqre jesi staieznaai made, by 1fr. p. The finit gaine of ths Junior O.H.A. Foonto. W. Pa~uo, exlaye s! ite own e 51iesini whîch *Whitby engaged, as Mr. liaffey, o! Toronio, spent Xmas Newraarket, a in whose position and played Tuesday ,nlgbi -ýai Osawa. andf New Years ai 1Mr. W.E. Thomp- m.pnatien gvea'peoiai weight to hiW Neithe&r aide, scored until Vhe at te, son's. j intewhn saw, bvint ied IMessrs. Hanoifi and George Stevfln- "i aa ayo fo -drney*a bfor Vh tib.> ynougam , nah aison, o! Toronto, visited their sstVo, Lesal Optioniraaaàdopted and for two 1-seven goas befora the gong aounded. lira. A. Bandel ibis week. oflat.Thai- Mnan ae * --.lr. Thomsneenand Miss Thomnson Beoste dpin ' Icloto ff ITRI AET expeot t4 leave .sbortiy for their new .0svéral of 01W Ieading, merChnta op- [. Mr.. A. Forsyth, of Sintaluta, Sa*., fr. W.A. Praser, wbo bas beau in poSedIt ;every suoe of ibeni à for it in1 reueowing is suba3cription VO "h Wyoming, Michigan, for nmre months, now. Buiess bait-gréatly incraased. 'paper, writes .'"We ara baving a VM bas netuxned Vo town. lianufaoturara are for- 1V VO a man-,L mild wnter boe, wiVh v5irJlitili 10ev We are ploaaed Vo ses Mrn. P. John- Labpr à .-more régulai aud --efficient. 1aithougli we bave aieighing.' The aVen Vo work again alter Vwo weeks -Two factories-have added oven .S800,- onopa wera '90od, and samples cf grain icirneas.' oWO csh te- their plant. The habits 01 the bes-t I have msee ince I cama i@ Biwebsbe oindt tds'poopte have rmu&himproved., Thorn.blie. lihing ite Caztte and Chron. Viebose- f o asois wscks i a bo iu almoaet * total absence cf drunken- acle sud al aMy o14 Whitby Irland athen bokse. laoreoveeksg ielay. o -ouaa. Ai Our Fa11 Faix, O! oven 5,000 happy and prospenous New Yealin. J. Boye, s, ellerisud ncldrn av ".pleThoVra dwunk no ods wa o *--- returnef bomena ater a week's visit with ss. Ton'. as e no.dy!. .a W1 LOCAL'OPTION VOTE 19M. tbeG, friends in Port IHope_ and Co- >1suel tl ou inat ay. if ete For , ........... 66 50 37 47 43-249 bourg. ,cansoÏt isî you laxe bro l ctiomn y Aani 6 0 65 7 5 Mr. Win.Isaasc, of London, la visit mie sto i d e roe. C n oun dsne -ing -his brother, James, canetaker af Maeafmpoeet ais.-(i ijonity against.. ... .......2Mo Town Hall. lpuos tkgat viU asOS. We bave à man who' ney'er Total votes polled, 524. Necesaxy te England shlpro taing atni beon LO.e to emaIre a shortiy Vo vi t elaivs in à ak as dur potoe l»lclMpinr35 i. Sain. Rice, s fainer resident ol bnit, uteh bs u 1ng Vh0--Wbitby, now of Arcela, lMau., la visit- pa y eya a saved enough miney5 E AL ID I'. îg!inal ou Vo 'buid for blumasîf 'and fasuily a TH AL BIEC igfreisnto . conifontabte home. Conditions have- li. Joseph Baker, O! WhitbY, wBu lis Annie Toms has returned borne unpnovsd all àaioug hs lins. Scitool muoli surpruaed a few dlay.8 ago Vo dlar alter a week'm riait witli len frienfi, attendanim alncreasing, aud is more cover en Vhs promises a flook o! a Miss Gertrude Viokens, Smiths Fails. reglar obiden avepietyo! eok dz chickeu juat hatcbed eut. Tih@ Mn. J. D. Halrnsley, of Petenhoro, and l*Vbsa, thor n lano poverty iand nohr heu had bidden ber uestaind, wam dtse.guest of Mn. and lins. John no call o! aid Iran Vths Vtowu. Pe1raps, havlg in »ilnd the aYnug Toms aven Vths holiday. TWO STRONO -TESTIMONIES. The Sarnia Canadian reperta; a oplandid local option meeting- heid iu Sùmla racsntiy, presldsd aven- by Bey. -John -Hall, sud addxïeàsed by Masyor Camerait, of . Stnathnay, and lMn. A. -Davis, of Neemanket. Bath me» vers frointLSasOption oeu,- sud kme Irhs1- ih e yn. aiirln2g bout. .Mn. --Camrousaaid:- I -donot believe thora la five Per tent., o! iii. Iicpaon aold o-dlay lu -Strailiroy .that thora vas bdelnsLa- âal Option 'came luto lfor%. -O!1hs- *117 msin our -employ, onfly esper- siila la drinkiug intoxioating liquors. Mn. -Davis -quotcd Vhs potice.satatis- tic.s a Nevmarkei, ebhicit showed in te tiwo yeanabelons Local Option vas lu fonce 80 convictions for drunken- -as, sud i l Vhs io yeaaoud three mepthe ince %ouly 18 convictions for drnkefnea. There von. 19 vagrats ,conulttainl te twe p"arsof! ilcepte that "the eariy lird catches- the worm,"p determined 4that lier pregeny sbould geV off ta, a goed atart. lira. Baker i a ssitiug the ulother heu Vo Vake- extra good cara o! ýse lntresing a fanui]y., AÀ NEW MÂLE QUARTETTE. A. maie qu-artette, wbich wiii be s vatuabie addiion ta Torqnio's ma. aical' anganizations, ha. been larmied unden Vhhe naine o! Vhs "Aeolian Qumx. tet.", IV, membera are Mosans. Arti Lynde, W. Dixon Shields,- Chas. E. Stanley, Melville Davey, vite area al advancod puils o!f1fr. Arthtur Bligbt. The ,conuequeut uniformiiy in produc. 'ian *inaures a valuabie syrupathy -asnd precision lu pnoduoing s gop4 blend a! tome. - Thes dais o a publie radial by tiis-quatet will b. annouuoedý eanly lu Vhs new year. Thetacst tai il Vh m~emnbero are salolatae ofmuni makêu thij -an suant o'o!ep"tloual inter naisd eut Vo b. leoked forvard, lins. J. S. Thomson sud sou, o! Miaidstone, Sask., ile visitiag lier par- enta, Mr. and Mns. Jas. licCiellan. Mrn. S. T. empthorne sud Misses- Edtb 'and Miay Kemptborne, of Sask- -atoon, are visiting their father, Mn. C. Ksmpthone, townline. liessrs. Arthur sud Adam Kean, o! Toronte., speut Vhe Xmas sud Newi 'Year's vacation with their parents. lin. Fergua Fenguson, af Tarante, visited bis paren-ts during Vhe holi- day.. - Mis Mamie Thompion sud lim. W. Thenipson have neturnef Vo Toronto *!tsn spending -Christmsan ad New Yea's hhMrn.sd lins. W. E. Thompien. lin. evi Dudley wam la Coiborne for Vhs eleotion pnulionday, assisting hi. brother Ssurnl, la his figlit for Vhe Réeeeship agaiuat Mn.- Robert SndV. singer, 1 at yea's Love sud Warden of ths Coiinty. The conteat eas a huÈ n Ijaflfda,. the size of-the . town being consideredv -: A general reader 0*f (Ontario Ies papers fiids two c>mlinsalmoat unvetsalinatowns- and vill"e.wl4qh are -nmiakirig progreas. One,-- complàint7 is rf ncrase taatin, ra!the -other- but inexlllnsive Cdwe1liné, bouses .fo>r -familes ci'njoderàte means. .And.-the are proslPerous the. town or oity ig the more grevious the complainte, Fallirsg Jiair - Dandruff, Scalp 1itch Vanishes PÂRISIAN $4ge wilI quickly end ail hair and scalp troubles and; maIre your hair so silky, luxuriant and lu- trous that ail will admire it. Banishes scalp itch -oveir nighit. Cleans up dandruff 'in short -order. ai kilis dandrxif germe. Alter the finit bottle your hair will ho lustrous'and fuil, of -111e. B3e sure an'd get PARISIAN Sage. 'Girl with -auburn hair on avery- car- ton. 1V isnot a dye-lhut a lean, refreh- Vhscolor. AIl dealers everywher Large bottle 50 cents. , Sold by AX .Allin on money back plan. HOLLIDAY-DEXTR. In Winnipeg, où Fniday Januari 3, 1913, in the presence of ae groom's aister and husband, 1fr. -and lirs. Preeborn, Petrel, Mtan., hse Almyra Blanche, third daughter Mfarcua J. Rlolliday, of Whitby, Ont., Vo 1Mr. Cor- nelius James Dexter, of Ethelton, Sask. The 1Rev. John MacL-ean, M.A., Pli. D., of Vthe M.E. Bethel cburcb, Winnipeg, performed Vhs ceremony. You Take No Risk: OUR REPUTATION AND MONEY 15 BACK OF TRIS OFFER. We pay for ail the niecicine usèd during the trial, if our reniedy faits Vo completcly reliev-e you of constipa- tion. h¶e take ail t.he riwk. You aue not obligated to us in any wayr wliatuver, if you accept ou; obfr. (2ould anything bc more fair for you ? la there any reason why you should hesitate to put our dlaim to an act, ual test ? 'lie most acientiflo, common-senas treatment is Rexali Orclerlies, whicb are eaten like candy. They *are very pronounceýd, gentie nda pleasant in action, and particularly agreeable in every way. They do flot cause diar., rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or any inconvenience whatever. Rexail Orderlies are particularly good for chikciren, aged and delicate persona. We urge you to Vry Rexail Orderiea at our risk. Two sizes, lUc. and 25c. Remnember, yoii can get Rexall Rem-. edies in this community only at our atore--The Rexaîl Store. A. H. AllUn,- druggist. DEMIHS. CHLNN-In Brooklin, on Friday, Jan-j uary 3rd, 1913, Mechack Fredenicit Chinn, aged 47 years and 8 months. liag dalene (Laney> Lynde, third dauguter, of the late Sylvester B. Lynde, of liaple Deil, WhiVby, and widow of the late William Pardon, died -t lier home at-Romeo, ich., January %, 1913,. in ber eighty- second year. Interment at Monroe, puneg thé e comug G OM I U UIu Vo by lovèrm of mais quart s vrk.-, es one, uuz . .ie a leVU sUdoly 2 in hs ive sud s quarter -.-ton 1>y thé amati m<argnao! ten votes. Aàgirl for gsuers, uauseworkt. AWpY yenmilat Vthse t an bsdds EETAERACE.LasV year te smremec yens oppan- te . ÂDEWhiVby>-. - So. undsy, Janasry 12. ente, sudlin.- Suetalugen won eut by FA- FORsz ;pILmonning service, n il -o'ok. subjeel <Vs votes. 215 acres la Eaçt Whitby Townahip,» -O sdNew.,,, Ontario County- d'ýay los, brc - - - Efeulngservice, 7 oilo.sk. SiibWne The Christmnas business this yean toas ba ràbai, utabling, oe 4o -7 I "The Beginnlng agd Vhs E&d." vasý if anything au fax, as we os» <attie -and 10 b'oxses,; vatereti b. Ilé choir *in!apa o h ixibi etxtta emr'er.Thereî springcrstudeeel;leodn Ueeiaaie~t ViAiltheif' ne* choir ljovu'an udd neV -appear teo, Vte numben of M kacre -fil1dàr elith-eda rails. Ã"ue of sa.pvusau.w il - rnden malo su tblVo Vhse s-people mvlgabout but buying ap- iteé buatNonthens ý:Bpy nhn uVs ~Local-r rKogs wilrendinube-Ga e hoa, jususitelgsdfiewateetd !furninôd»toc..rdsinth esmon, - earqd ~to.e b.more liberal Tite1xcel- ount u Vs fan.Wthn.mie -by rt.-vy-4much- -te do wlth l>timuIating G.T.B sV Myrtle, G.T.R. ai Broôklin, i.1g il ~ s ~ ~ ahb5U-"nWYdChriti»: tmmde, sud Vhs umber froi teesur- sud ths .,Canadian N(othrn.:- 5ho Pev0 -oell, 1fenday, Januaay 1I5. -Tbey -w1lb. sPsslaly lto b hm brSrn.ushppU vsmuait'îthe flâ ohman euO-0bw.F aiU '7.50M. AUl thae mbe"s rtre Jlwiït alias conane.ttnl exnysa.lll- fnhxptioIrapply tORC be- Orthepedic Appliances, Cipple a6ad Defo;..mc d Work - A Specialty.' Whit by*s-OnIy Repain sbrr-p Brock-St. Souîh 1. ,WITBY-liusae. L. liacdennsll, Clexk, Wiitby- Jan. 13, Fcb. 5- March 4, April- 3BlMay> 2, June July 3, Sept. 3, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 4, J au. 7, 1914. OSHAWA- Misa E. L. ilsaedonneli- Clenl-J an. 14, Fcb. 6, Mar. 5, Apr. 4, Miay 5, June 7, July 4, Sept. 4,' Oct. 3, Nov. 8, Dec. 5, Jan. 8,1 141 2. IWRUGHAM - M.* Gleésen, GýreoÏi- woadi Cierk- Jan. 15, lier. , May 6, Ju.iy 7, Sept. 5, -Nov. il, Jan. 9, 1914. 3. PORT PERRY -Ji. W. Burubosa, 1>qrt Penny, Clrk- Jan. 17, lier, 7. 1fay 7, July 8, Sept. G,, Nov. 19. Dec. .17,,-1914.-. 4. UXBRIlDGE,-R. J. Moore, Uxbridge Çlr-.a.10, Matrdi- 14, May la, July 1", Sept. 9, Nov. 21, Jan. l16.j 1914. 5., CANNINGTON- Thoile. H. oster, Canuligton, Clerk -Jan' 9, mi. 18, Ma> 14, JuIy le, sept. 10, Nov. 20, J ah. 15, 1914. 6. IEAVflRTd- Jas. M. Gardon* Beaventon, Clsnk-J an. 8, Mar. 12,_ May 16, July 17, Sept. 11; Nov. 19, J au. 14, 1914. 7. UPTEEGRJOVE Da_1)niel Leonaxdý, AthLerlsy, Clerk- Jau. 7, Mar. 11, May 16, 'Juiy 18, Sept. 12, Nov. là, J an. 13, -1914. By OraIer, J. B. FAREWELL, - Clork of ths Poe. Dated at WhiVby, Nov. 6tt,. 1912, Owlnig to Ibe efl'ects of shore Unes imid other tIpflueucem whlcli ore more or Isu obscure Itl;a very dimDeult te sc- ceuat for the peculiarltles .xhtbited by MM daivislu various parts -oft he Interfsng agvvesoaeue s a dar- -MWdas ai ansd luase@Omo ther places. vbil.on the othér baud tu the barber. butck etVhs 1010sOrWlght snd tu the Tay la Scettan d tote anstbrs tild., lu a day. The. latter baie boss aelbsdte oveildeaý. producei by ths modlfleatleu et M da]vves tannin saboe sd'rssmblUng Vhs siertousoe MM" «al uas-Nsw York 1110. MA& lue, murmursi lmasereit- if ýti uSnelb raeleclon etaIsb.mu- dlemie, 01have bai mmoeexcltIng es: podems.oemlng over ,list fron bad *, Ifslngte quiet thehs rmlgrsuta. ton IbUm hâve MMsu te bsavy nu AM UIbe.bIruds mu a 11lu Mpn sém OmI gant ote s ndev. 0 1 dS-Marne homs,"b. muKersi. Vs. mI. 1 dou't helloeum. euli bu !IV*so- enimat te mUs*-slm lité. 8»»4 I mey be a muli wtf*. btt uaiC èiWý US B chanbce' LItM ses bt a 1 mS Sida.-.d 1 If ai],oasw striets the woi of thc Ford easiiy demons, t oads 'and -bà midé- the. unda bèai Ford the it -adia» service, fo~~ Think of it-neanly zooooo Fords have been. sold-anfi delivered. New prices-nunabout $675 -tufinIg car 75756-1-del.ivery car $775-., town car $ioo- with -al equipment, -f. a. b.ý Waiken*ville, Ont. Get -particulans. fram W. J. Lulke & ' Son, Whitby- Agent-ex direct frein. Waikervii le. FOURTH ANNUAL Short Course in igriculture - In conneotion 4wlth Wbltby HMgh Se 1hool Four W.ks--ilanuary 2Oth to February 14th, .ISIS- Classes held i rooma adjeining AgnicultuaL Office,Bmok Street. A free couru, ne examination, ne tcxt books required.- Laat year clasg numbered 23 studste smre eldcrly men froei 5 140 years o1 age. Young mien frein 15 tO 30 year are eapecia-lly invited. -The course includes studies Which'are of special Interest ta Ontario County farmers. These include Study o! leading f arm - cropa;i, Judging seed'grain; Sait -cuitivation; Rotation of crops; Drainage; Fruitgriow- ing, capecially apple cuitune, includingpruningspraylug,insect pesta, dilases, etc; Agnicultural -botany, inciuding a study ef weeëds aud wced aceds e methodâ .f eradication, etc. Fertizenu sud masures, requineruents.of different erope;- Poultry culture; Stock feeding, breeding,' and.-geacrat management' Stock Judging wiilb. a special feature o! the course. Tni-pa takea te local stock stables, inciuding Wm. Dryden, Broakli; Smit- & Richardson, Columnbus; SirMeIr" Pettatt, Pickering. Young farinera of the county-cannot afferd te, Muib is op. portunity. The course cornes at a turne ehen the farma work la net. pressing. better investint couid net bé made. Modern farinera inuit study ïa rdon obtain the highest diegree o! financiai aucceas. Write for calendar. la ÏÏdtiug for caiendar, for any iufprmation or lu ending application, address semmua- icatfon te J. J. BELL, or te J. H. HARE, - Principal 1(1gh Schoot, Whitby, Ont. Office o! Agriculture, Whktby,-Oag D o Youw lPas * Whea Eggs - al Il ne, we have ROYAL PURPLE- F0008 to give them a staî't. A' and INTERNATINAL STOCK F0008 Itc is flot doing well> or help, the They also make cowsgi've -moi T4ly a package and sec za Lay -Nowf re ig and INtERNATIONAL POIILTRY- iso NAOKNIY'ROY'AL PUIRLýÈ ýo tone up that ho-rse that- fat cat doç>4 bttr re milk. ir yourseIlf A lulI Uine of Dry.!cbqo, Boots a-.na Shoe bèes Footwear, and he T reshest <iroceries ohand. *1 17 ýfi çJMAM ýT

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