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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Jan 1913, p. 13

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or, Wid oven i. - is alm'é;L a é ed3c<ýd with e be-iL f.- L>,,1Ize veivet rv card!-a'ly n-t? w 'eiýr a ýes dre corn- esils l stii vexngx -ocion ic-ihr . C' . bg, mvlw11ber ofy tii-c-si - , yf rnîthe u~i fieuyçd ils the te î;cvIal h-e, Almenrl- lidiau, snd t9exflpr'rarr Taxi . >du'ty 5ke -ui WcpuùIld, drwn~ the folded peri às coat-pooket, b. handed h' toi. zou se , - posr Bilache bais dons wbat . ver "rwrmg; eh.-h su 'à 'Ia'tJ h -f'LhUA»L1 -- - -breken her promise Vo lier hus41-tn4 towAI a ire, and on-: h $ g2I v i& plsuc a fuy n d -brougit. misery snd diegrac sunt,, gunîaî face tgere was 8a stgît oahpse ht Iw e n&Il whùo elns te h1r. But t' '4ufor heb.maUch disUied the. pros- 7 dFti> - auydmx"pr.it i ~edetails, o! such scd w~o o tc daôssen efreîix.- .'*Never'-nd, it l- ic ,yo- tones dees 4utiidêrs a greàt de.i. -Ér r ,ýtod wthbio! hiY eflarn;and nov you have beej the. nianic-pioce, îooking oen ~wihvee renhl,"sdot vu , toicih aI a sure yeu wii nevel rbing hie bandea> it isfactteithe pomon and ouei.d ha ~ ie-.o ha voved that h is viiienver (Te b. continued.) -s-UY ait ut the writîug-tabiet, da-ken cui doors again. Tinuk - litenin"s attentivelyte what. pase.enudrslieviug bi feligviwat a reige of peace viliset iu." ee~~~"He 'bas really retired tien 1" DO lNK WATER AT IIEALS. by uavageîy diggiug hie peu unto.. ààîd Fuitie!. "I vas afraid it muet- - the bietting-pad to the great detui-j te -seÃ". 1I can't stand it, Roy ; 1lanY BBnfts DoctOrs SAY to BO *.eau't let yoa make suci a sacrifice Derived Fronu Habit. uuderstanding oufis mtter," Mnir me.-Tii. long a-cepted tradition thal Bene Hoesas sayiug. "t> you aîy eSacrifice? staff and nouseuse l", tie- nukinq ireiy o! water ai t suùll.ad Bey, cieeriaily. ',Ilihve net n>eals by diiutiug the- gustric juice understund tiat vhen 1. have oncs felt se fre sud cezfortable fer s eadsdgsinaeanastpsi~ id W tting I keep ,te it't- Eithêr ïdoc"sh -b el i ffeluti-arst Av e arson many expenai. tiîat Norvegian- muet go$ or wien' aga e. salb elrdc h nte.atfv er ay xei the day coomos- for îcuewing d or~" te"monteansd carefai observations on parto1sp9 icve us -a.,ne E t iscapital?1" hunian beings have sabovu tiat tie to re-enter--it" cieavay with hum," eaid BOY; taking, o! cons.doabl lsttes c rI oi t i ish t habot ii'm.tAn eic; roaby e ii hrtmasi reus -tiin tie qaantitysude tie' «-sid 'Mr, Boniface-. , "Bat 1 siiai1 fan mcre-Vian ha huts as, and digestive streugth ofi the'gatle csrtaitili' itot, part v'ith Faieck. Tor se 'rve hlm riglit tee. If thene's'.a jaces. Net oniy that, bat fasiugn sen hl aay ov oad b~ ostmanonca 1 Ideteet -it le my can hb- borne longer viii l, osi03 cruel-and u<ziiustifiabls.11 -'-' wdürthy cousin- James Horner:" of veigit -sud strengti vien an .~ . '~ .~ M r g 01 cthe aat lu tivenngwhon sup- abundance o! watr le alowed, thu. 'tw!ou1d-de merely folevwing fis ,te see Honr Sivsntsen about some nonucai nutrition-a ooa'uima 'tion dictates -qtemmon iouns and far -freeh vork, sud on returning te wiicix sureiy le devoutiy te be visi- nes.,rssy ii oito the:modal lodgings aud Svanhfid, el in theïe ds.ys o! higi prices. vhich you snd -I1do' net a~ " Wiere le Sigridt" h.aseked -eia soi-ie a 'eiul - àid s'.Roufac, vti ignty "Sielis gene in t e e RalHIi.. caleod attention. te tiese ecentob- -ai Mr. sooniy i dlshonety. elds," neplîcd tic littie girl, glane- smrvàtions aud revieve fie, subject bu me againet !him," eontiued mng up, frein tic nevepuper wvici'On"emore lu its carrent namber. ls.Ber."ti.he Il' . 1 - sic as s'eadiug. t -p ai !Every phase cf tic subjoot bas beau Mr.Sorer. hie isuffrai. "r9Yen look like th. itueo td. d Net only- stouuach se-eo- o- nes' wben lohier -inùgeab ote abad'l.eta Lnstiens bat otier digestive ferments, Ma_ bnI >re-ohrRbad' o tLnet"oseo!the paucreas and o! the. fud -in no fond, of," 1bhomid, sjuiling. intestinal glands, vois aise stimu- "I have neyer mymeif yeur Englisi muet ho getting'ou lated'b ae ucnieal Saytlaing-but a-perfect gsntîemsau,'-i o e yo oldn't cane for fie 'Daily ainounis. zid Mr' -I4rnif5oÏe. - Neys.' Anc yen rcaïdiug the praises, It vus uoted tiat very cold va- "IGeRtIema 1 iOh 1 l'y. nuxt.. of- tic'Nose character 1"1ter acted te inhibit digestion. The once yiw,4 ailtua ou-foeiery 1 Asi e q eholeaned overicb dirstve proesse dosnot belginu- wan aisopmn Urvio kuove h-8Boy' bcd msutioned ; bat Sw»nhi'd been brongit up te the bod-v tern- pliée and eau0 a1uwer vith proper JMa turued toe i -er sheet sud porature. otherviso va-toi dninking --vus deep lu viat 5sded dto er ith viimeule, unlees there le soe "Yenu do net understaud the strangely iuteret queston sdpatiologicai condition o! the. stoin- Nèrep' 4ý ," ai Ro. Nov- anevers coutinued dovu tirs. col- sia it-in wiicntnu-indi- -boe.i*u4é u»wspaper tsvery dayu c.Aiuno lDo t i .- ctes it, ulwvusdosgood instead a çq smple e! t."giuniflg sixeed Fritie! lu lange of hqrm, iu spite cf tic agc-loag Ik efldcd tic morniug paper t1> ed tradition te tthe contirary. * eges'I_ anim-rad ticintic ioiiov- "TE ROMIAUX DIVORCE -AI in& unes, taking a vwicked ilelight CS. AERIAL. LUXURIES. - .nti thogit e! hov it voald strike H.i tors tic paper aWay frexulicr, hoen: - - ousied it lu ils bauds, and tirev Someofo Thome Fouad on s Zeppelin - fi'Their noble umplicity sud fre.-,It straigit into tic flue. Svanii'd Diriglîle. dom of mauners beau vitues that iobked ap iu sadden panic, terrifled rtr nteWrl' ok the have neyer submitted te tic :-beyond rneasur.e by hie white face Al rteinVeWrl' ek - oke of a cuqaueren, co'i, te ira~d asud -Aashing eyes, termified stiîdscnbit ic CoZep suinair sp eve, of s peUty feudal lord; a peasantry [oeby Lie unnatanal toue iluis hie at ith oZepp eli airipleves --at once se kind-hearted, 80 traly 1 voice vien ho spoe. tc esing vtinoue cf ie bazlioou'a humble and neligieus, sud yet se, "Yoa are - neyer te réad suchlPullmin mtin,. te wjut iera dnebiy proud, viceepride is a vii-: thing," he said. veîementîy. "o inu tnsuuja san ted vtinmtionupor- tue, vho rosent any vauten-affreuit ye derstsud 1 I amn yeun guard. pecepte asd ep in mton upo te their houer or diguity. As in *ian, sud I iorbid you." an perfect roadedel tnfeontre - - tinace of ths, it msy b. men- 1- t vas ouly fiat I vanted tote direviulals atelanceen tioned tiat a naturuahiat, ou fiudung knov about Blanche," said Swan-fienivdstal-arpicdi that is hired peasant comp.anions - ild. mpos %itsdinhoodn i rv fed badl net dons thiir vemk cf dredg- ' But uuliuckily fie mention o!f ahasi sl i riavbfe ln'g te is satisfaction, scolded j'iBlanche'. naine vas iust thie, eue dining car in America. Tijere le fhm nvoeadauielnu-tbi tFiti*-c dno -r orp, a-n entree, a rast-al pipinsr luvoln sdausv luu--tlu ia niio-eud9e na;het-vegetabes; ealsd, cheepe sud age. The mou did net seceinteo take ho lest is self-control. "Dcn't bé oî" Mr 'adiurVa tic eligitoat notice of-ieis sô!dinge gin te argue," ho said, flencey. luncheon; snd ail served as-tioagh "4Hov eau yen istand fiere. &se eta-. OYoa ougit te have knevn botter the chef sud vaitere bcd tic ton- ýy dlysuapatieticaliy, ase tihegh tian te read fiat peisenous staff!1 voulenco-s o-f a great hotel at ihir ~tcmatter d4 dnet cnecru -you ~Yeu ought te be assamed of yeun- command. The principlos o! tic - adi. f1 or mlatd I sl "firele-ss cocker have been br;ug.ht le because vo tiink, sir, tiat euch This vas more than Svanhi'd irte servie lu prooaring ti-e feod, lagage is only asisgn et bad breed-'-coauld endure; vwiti a sense et intel- 'fie exiast frein tie engines beiug -ing , 0ele uuavdsuc h eraâble injuy aie lefitich parler, madetespliat mnuntains. vhom deven poverty îcsked herseif- inte - ber bedroom. -Tiecoceintnte are aIl tiiYae o! a eeuld net strip e!fie consciousiiesisand cried as if hem icart veu!d verv modern icteL..Tic -cabm -i A! is dignity.'? break, takiug gond cane. hevever, kýpt -at an anvarying oo-mnfcrtaSlp "Vou- ius-uit me by ieadiug sueh tte stifie ier sobs in the piliov, s*n-"e temper&ure by meane o! pipes fliAt tisai." eaic!Mr. Hornem.' ilut if se toc had- hem full share o! tic carry tie exiast heat frein fixe en- jeu lke to kéep tfils thief4u youn nation&]l pride. -glae. Ticre le more rooxu fox se- enipioy-" f Wien Sigrud retamned lu a 1ev tien tlian lu an ordinary chair car. ,-Excuse me, but ýI taunDot let - minuites, aie !eund hlm paeiug tic In tic lovatenies arc hot sud' eofd rPRa id te Faick.- Wbst doýyora says, Swaniild- a s scodinsg fiat she'11 netj Speed Up. "Is ui.u eevti-y W,~son -forget." upnxcsya- Sie-Wiat! Wihl vaiu debte quif atonéwithyou"4- Siedrldooked u 'iul, s-you have bongit a uo -tier', repli-d VRoy, witha keen- ing wiat ho had said, and iisteniug j ie-yes, tiat's fie 'eason-had Èeuse o! eniovMno th eVe tho neht 1 iti great dissatisfaction to hie ite h-ave some vay c! escaping my of pc,-qi"vbffinRg James Hou- J oi.-creditous.- uer 0 ~i+î' cee. yndid- very, -wrong !ndeed," Nvupto~ --a ---,'iud-qoening Sllow bas uaid, 'wsnnly "Yort bigot Nvrp a f ntil to-merrov h --yU-both 'fr 4ape;,'1. said Mr->Hou'- - tiat .Svawnild le penfectly innocPent hint yeun audrop te-cday. - -bore ïtbe signature 01 MiEss ow- Serve .With athbiù bol ed: iitrd 1 -",'q* 'Y. Iàd.he neiiaiuinder the mmde of the.yolk-1 cf tiK.-e M_ i i K will of 1863 ,chageta th !~a ghetti Italienme--Cok hA1f àa W 'W ' ýA y%-'b. th tu ro c t ~ is u Ii ~ a e d "s c o d p a ck ag è o f Sp a g h e tti i i>r a p 'd ly b o il- lin ' n br a suaa t o vui 1j j , forge by iss ob- ng wtér nti! tender. 01i1 tO- row of feathefr-stitcbed braid, neat! f4trO1<~Wt ýinson. -Eyery hàndwriting exPer't ether >one cup of strained ioà,te, siei n at ~ah'ie ~R.Hlnbvh cgenote in the*United States wa-n one sliced onion, two tapo~c When chuiiren'w's/E>esa re' wet dry e a*ick Town'Ooui1 h The ontntin cfthede-butter, one-haif teaspoon f S alt, thexu and appl ê,ilegyerecW&tpu<holi. eantswas stated-in thèse verdi one chopped green pepper-and one- ýwith a bit of ab&o6r6 tcdttbni TheyI thu Mo 'Paka os- il, volume 4, American Law Bopor- 'hall >tablespodu- ci cornstarch dis- will b. quit. sof în lu 't Oining. t ~ Y1d ~ tr.tsolved in oold water. Cook till thick. When it is:hard-to getthe-brýead ÏwS~ t.ti a-- "The 'signature te the ,will I*asDrain -the 'spaghetti, pour tesuet u nol'etepta orkOs w88 washed i%,i confeisedly Fenuine. But if appear- lover, and serve, véeyhot with rtwtrbgflIdwt o *fro edonsperimposing teoherw caw. in , aerbgflldwil ovefr n- signatures. which appeared on the OdFslnd- o fti.erfIycvee bed Te hovskÉedration, Ya dulctdý«n ar, vrtis i. ihoè igli$read ' pn.b ' duIctd scn pgs'ovrtiTWO-thurds cf a. teacupful 'of but- ue n ees should' e P »r 7. reý ,oevation a to ter,, two-third o!,'a teac4ýPfuI of planned at Icast a day before they 80,00Ay caeyg 3-e e- i. ugar, two-thîrds cf a teaoùpful of are wanted, and the sàups shou'dop.ib e,1 6xaees- ~i molasses, two-thirds >of- a t aupfel netbethickeniëd'tiil just befÃ"re they n75b ,s of sour nilk, tirce teacup fiis are ased. M.c.o'ila Umief flueeteacapful -oý chopped, rai-,- udpc sifig (if liked), two eggs, one table-_ânldelr~a~of àspoonfogroand, ginger, ,qur- THE MOST POPULAR SONG. tare .ae iy i. ure. h te eaponprfeinaý,,Oesent day ter easoonul o cinam~,neue- - St. Andrew'a A:mbulance Assoeia;- fulliteaspoonful cf- soda dissolved ý1We Woti, Go nme -Tmil rn tion are to suppily a, motor' amibu- in hall teacupful'of cold water. Stir 1m"J tI.ona. lnet elwt cdnsii~ - infieéod lat; Aslo ~rand Perhaps the most 61143V. cstab- Govan district. clos wathingsecu e od e Lahed"popul1 th i fe world,-is The Edinburgi and Distxiot FigPudig-hc fie /~pondthe airfaiirtasils"W ter Trusteés are te proceéd Wýtb au o!fg. d eecp e otbedWntG oeTl onn. f9orer-tat!on scheme at the Talla trubithrtb p O ç-ý 'su j ennfx'the fane is obscure, but vater works., - ci tetbespoons .ofmelteci tter, Mr LusEsnbeivs -There vere 4,934case ofiifectioue' ens6-cuP cf milk, t.wo wel -beaten oi lu.blee ht-h music was coxppoeed as a' love-song diseasea reportedf in Glasgow- on eggs and a littie sait. Mix veil, i-th 2n -l., pourint a geasd mld ad seam the tenth century or carlier bytie 2_ui.4u~wing a considera- pour.nto gresed old nds eue c.f the troubadoni,,,the-wander- bic nicrease. ý Oeehour. Serve Mwiththe folloIô nen intes t0uieu rac.iDaviciLaugmuir, stirfaceman, sace nrex one-half cup of but-i Chateaubriand, the French *rr'ter,. rvas ran over and-kiiledia tn tsr with eue CUP >of brown sugar, 'hourd if Sang by the Arabs, and be eously ut Berrie Station by a -goods add four tablespoons cf crearn'3and, suggested that it mighi-have been eun e which wassh'untiffg. one.ea'lwyjon tspoon -of vanilla. Beat carried te the. Orient _b theA Friench The. Caledenian - Râiwy e _____________________ ti an»bat hard before scrv- erusaders. pany purposes .yidenini the rai1way~ în.It ascertinîy .sang by iibridge South of the ýùk-t& tiat tiei: engwu8 exact, let- 4%vI' Food.-HIalf a cap ssci French soldiers drn h a i tien over the. Dumnfries Rtoad terforletersirke or troecf sveet miik and O! granalated iwich -tihe irai Duke o! Maribor- Anothk-r laudslip on- thife mo. and fiat net mcîely tii covering sugar, two squares of, chocolat.. I ugiwvn hefie tvstcli uthstknrs. toere exzsted, togetber vitb identity of Bell these util they are thick and laby o! thc baby sou cf Marie An- neuai tic vor-ks o! Babceck and Wîl-._ aIl the spuces between the' letters sinooti, and set aside te cool vile, toiuete.It beame u teo m osi ObetWeeun Paisley.audý Renfrew. and the words, but that the lccality You Prepare tic batter. , One cup Ipopulur songe o! the French R1evo-. At tie' FeIlhil! Justice cf the ou the. paper'sud the distance frein o! granulaWe< sugar, haif a cap of lution. Napoleo&n whistied snd sang.iPeace Court Mis. Deriond , Cross- tie margibae oi'the signatures .50 butter, aud tiec'saine quantity cf itthbrough hie life. 11ve sdgaeBeiil, vs' nd 5 o neariy oeicicled thut ticeô-sien- soar niilk in ici dissolve a ecant it us eue of tie theine of bis "Bat- having*'supplied a bottle cf whisk3 danseapored y icopiios o tasoonful cf sda, two eggs (Siv- tlc Syznphouy." te a ncizhber on Suday. sonie ci the best experts in tie lng ic wrhte-.o! eue for Irosting) It has beeri for more than a cen- Tie Stormn damnage ut the Admir- country, vere led te bring forward two cu».. of siftcd fgour aud a te&»- tury oue of tic moet popular street [Itv d<ckyard atRPosyti aud the tic theory tiat this extraordinary spoe' "'I of vanilia. A!teî ixngsonge in Europe.'A iicezs Amil,, alty exploaive -works uf coino .deuce vMs ibt the resait o! ail, thcesto i poai nt A narothbye' 'CrUtbei sise tuwreo chance, but of design. Tiey clain. in 'tic chocolat.é itr atc al giiiCnetaa vie dosenoy kor 200 cd ia tcs sgntueshacl -Pu '~t the layer, together vith boîled thc tans: Tiid.t dockers at Irvine ar ok iorged te hs pr by t ic comthe oi ing. A fiue cake and econozuical. The Frenci vwords, begiuuing iiig au average o!fLOOO -toue pet plinn, y rci~ti oiinl Iveland MeSS Jelly.-AIloïw for'a "Maibrook s'en va+ten guerre"h day, Wie tie Ardroasan-meln'are signature o! tic vilI. It vas ho- y9ud the beands o o! bilit h quart of jelly about a cup!ul of dry voie invented, by somne forgotten kicking..their ieeis. at tic Street cor. argued, that this coincidence cf a - sud vashi t in Ave waters French soldier daring the var o e! Ti., precse cverng culdoccu-inaiter It is measared. le faitifal in -4ite Spunisi suiccession. 'Tiey-,des- F:ribroiceout in tic' Unit-d Fie short. praeticaiiy au impossibiity- tsdcieausiug to 'get rid cf ead cribe thc sapposed death an sud Ciurcii, Broorniekno*e. ýMidioti. but infinitely incredible that juest adealty particies. Have rea.dyneacftiDuefMabooga, idhevle uligva the signature the plaintiff wanted a quart cf boiling water, the juie Ihich deati, lu tic word, o! Father buruedtteie oand lu a litti. ovei couId~~~~~ mao h uyoeaehîf t vo lemous, sud a upfuco Proût, "did net then take place, byý two heurs.- Thev. cliid the dispted signa-Igranuated augàr (scant). -Fia ver some inittake," aince"tie sabjcct' Acemniittee,,o! Edinhurgi corner - tares bore signe -of tra.cing." viti a pinci c!..cinuamon sud as <f the pathetic elegy vas, at tîý ation recommends fiat a tevu plan. Throagh experts Miq 1 P,'*sn g9148s cf sherry. Soak the waehed tmre co! its composition, boti alive niug scieme be prepared for the met the contentions of the defence mbas in enoagh vater tO cveritj and iicking Ail before îi-,."' . area o! the cid siaa ghter bouses-anc point by point, statement for state' vel sud leave it tiere for a-n heur. 1Fra ng w ad nearly died out'in khe ground in Fountain bridi-e. nient. ~ ~ ~ ~ rag ~ h 8spoe ehv anti heilig akedi >ii caarhit.it ap !rom the peasant nurse fiixg Company. Greenock viisup- s p n t $ 1 5 0 .0 0 0 f o r o o u n s e l a n d e x - r n e a d s i h o k d - m s s i n t o ,hh d e p c e o r b r b b ; p y t c a h n r o c i l l d r v e epete, fiate beipn bvfr she geat- ith m tsicsugsslvar Sinotheuu.-thîfereupon if sprcad rapidly, as vessel. wiici is, to be laidl dovu at e'tsai evr eperdedforsuc ~ ic essis îsslve ai O ix-songe de in France. Beaumnarchais the' Goverumeut dockyard, -Cha- ploymeunt in an American Iald-suit taire is clear. Take frein tic ire, introduced it ixito "The Marriage of. tbsm. up te that time. In tic end a corn- stiT in the iemou sud spice, lastiy Figaro. " ;nd if was used. by the proise vas reachcd, and the court tic vine, aud pouf into molde vet lied llepubiceans for incendiary did net deci'de the cas-.. This oo'- viti cold vater. For a fever pati- purposes ofi their evu. promise, a.coording te tic Law Re- ont you may substitute cider for Several sets 'o! vords have been porter. "is understodd te be tie tie vine. Let tie jelly get ice co1d suug te fie tune in tie course o! its - TE-4CU P HABIT EXPAÏDS. vithdraval cf tiecocmplainant'eS p- and est viti cream. This is excel- history, and ifhas itself uxidergene peai on. paymcnt c! ber expenses. lent for one suffering witi a col<j some modifications. But ifs iden- Shiould Be Cerresiponding Enlarge. costs, and counsel fees. etc. Th,- or cougi, sud is very uourishing. tity is cicar thrgggh alhetic danges. ment in Producing Ares. viii of 1863 remains tie vili o! Syl- If Yeu omit tic vine sud eider, fia- Probably it is familiar to a greater Tic teacup habit seems te b, via Anu Howland." ver vith vanrilla o bitter almond. namber Of- people et tic present g-iu evervvhere. -The vorld'g MQER HRMES ULET.time than any etier fane lu ie hé tea cenisumption hasbeen eàtimated NATURE PROTECTS TT. Dou't Let the Barber Shave the, Baek of Yens' Neck. Tiose wvie moquent tic barber ane pemisps net avare fiat it lsas mistake te shlow iim te ebave their riecha, for ho i. maklng' fertile, soil fer a bell or a tarbunclé. The back ot a man's neck le v eli protected f rein geims by long, , finehaire. They gmowov e3-the moat imàportant aeck iuscles. Tuis is eue e! Vie evi*denees w.e bave boy Naisire looka alter bér peopie. If you tiink boy th. neck comel lm contact viti ail sorts of!» erim-csrryiug staif-.eoat collais, overcoatocollais -o!fui sud voivet, -borrov6d sweaters, a- u ,lers, sud seratchinç,-'si11, !suderod colurs, sud msuy other artices of vear sud -,fear, yoa viii se.filtat soe protection ile sbsolutely neces- f;sry. The-fine layero<x haire down tic back c! tic- neck and the tick overiairsarae fier. for fie plirpose of preventing disease grecer- tain te be ouýoa- <els, etc., luom enter-lng tic- sUn. If you wiBh te: inv itelae, or tist di»dIy àgetiort, tic tlieeaibancIethon' by - al mneilifli -ave- tie baci of-[yoar xecii "apl ilt-vver osvvuilucu ol- Sceun kiteiçu beàidesud tables die ln Bàikan Wai. vt ot aecoehl eu Froi Vls oanry her hve so!t scap sud one.Iquarter pud gene te Bulizaria, te Meutenegro lime. Use s yen vuld soap sud snd to Servia filtv sargyeous vie are vasi tic vood vith pleuty of vater. lu cie rge of about- 2. 000 bede, wvnitee -A catiery hoider of strng denin, tie Vienne. correspondent cf the -viti pookets stiteied inte it te iold. London LanSet.tic varions sized fouiesud kuives, One o! tisai. Dr. Fedlcie, etife-s le a handy tig te tack above the fiat be ha. had an cpportanitv c! kitchen fable. obeerviung 670- cases e! severo A vaîm quilt for vinten is made wounds lu Servian soîdiers. sud ex- e! a pair o! berderod cotten bIa- presase is surprise ai tic r4îniditvý kets viti cetton put ins fôr auy o! iee-hing and aseuitie -conditions o!' otier qaulît., Tie viti vool1 tie even Vie mo-st dangemous injuies. saine as thé border.. Meu siet f moûsih the bodv'b>' - Housekeepens lu hotels and otici bullets, vich peetrated the liver, -places viere tiers are large qaan- tic Iang, fie anleen snd tic intes- titios of! iuen Vo'-darm are apite tines. recoveied- abter s frtnkhât Or' do them by machine, simpIy stltch- se, vithout mach evideuce o! uIitI- ng back-sud forti. ms~ehamn. -Aiter washing quilte snd cofrni- The modern ballet le iendered torssu n1dwvile they are stilh ou _= yt thr fe enerrtous ient <>i theý tic 'ins, ýbat'nal xyba hi bnigpovder aud it baidly even vlwti a canear ud, e>' viii- Eiatters lonot boue ntterfi b. vonetli- igt.radthyw vaIre veuv 1ev amptitlns--and A good lemon gavoring len made oui>' Vvent.- iistances l inlih lais-. b>' grlatlng tic, yelio part o! tie »ri cf punie bandages vere neces- in o nng.gruite agrt sur>'. bsorb Vhs cil. Mix tioroughly snd- --------put lu a lghibottleï Oh. en ay scer5V unke heli, A ciild'a -"stecking cap$* vii oh. où ikv u e attur hpsn ais s uood unuffil' vihen- peest lis But vile tic stalle, oeefliug ronde, Cap useinînees.- Simj>Iy cnt'O'ffti.e Dn't ovembook lu gond hard cash, -taseel end anud crochet au -edge aIl It coot uPu £Wentv-eigbts poiùid.- around in s-col te match., - U#avr u.wuuu upfjunos.- uncuin omdem te koep pace -iti >thk hîcreas- ing demand eue - -autioritf vritin.ç lu tie Times cou-.idei-s tidt at leuf 200M acres, yielding tien ô, tvelve million pounde, ough4-to b. added annaly te fie pmoduciun'g ares; Tes coneffmption lunIreat Bru' tain uomeaed dng 1911 by- oves', 13.000.010 pounde.- Tic per capita consampiion vas 6.53 pounde dar- ing tic year. - Ou the Continent o! Europe the. habit cf dxinkiug tes, j& gaiung- giound, in morne parts rapidly, in otoe r ýe alovly. - -- Jn Belgjxxm tco.hei.abolition,'o! -the dut y luin 1897 con usu p io as ad'vsnced about ?O per* cent.- -- Holand .consumies moreta l,. K nierf ir Useful Rints. ý Ranid Reetovt-rv - of wann' ilod qal.

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