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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Jan 1913, p. 6

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&ke a4-ija«a twart o! the et±iètn< iFlagler nxoved t&. Bell ýe ie Qc4ered the.'4"ka ~Rockefeller»ia in ýW merch*jn levelan4 nthm iuny çarloads ity 01 ffent. Fla4ler ah kptet.4 , i>9l e* diruil ë,; inown1 jiQaxweu. m-' ti n -"giruitc oiinj $the fruit. iA 1ateT/ Jewisbh legê dexplaius thalinu corréting' serpent's- mlarepresentabi th woms.n cauld. not refrain from a tu nie'IV"Hteupn. i- lit - yubhed ber hand agalni1f tit'hl e' e sho e ouhed -it, and, o! couree, no- thInthéiêpp'ed. 'u ha-i.b'ole nthé pcmmnd uot te toueh-ad-r.üj hâve gnotd,dL- ,owYOU à eaub's ur&.tbat ý eaolty e tbie- OWC ep nation et h eec md, iz i thbe bhf hou oca e le, that tuile expression îs in"ezed -o tmean "beoome mortàl"; -P et.- harpa à the senné cf not being p; XL eM7 M . Flaciu' initted slter bie transgresidon to *aLI thtre oÂie."Th ~'.Agaluet' -the '- aines; hich'iiéfin twoo.. .Tawiah. explanation. -giwm , y-abandoned - wfth, a *btâaï in the Talmud is that wibh GA one count o! -$50,00. - ay1 .a bhç>usnd yarý', &rd; With thla aai-fortune- 'Flagle] that sua0. Adieuactually diddia wcnt ta, Sagiuaw, where he att-mp les j ~ OÛT'nly le huadred tedthe manufacturea-aI. Ai ail thlrby yoars , ýaid, the. thréat thé end o! thiree years' time ho ha4 was earried eut con-siteutly w- nt*ýnly lest his' $50,OÃ"0, but had Imm $toiOei-il-debt-Frb-inis îïe ô. Y@ shab haias Goo, k owjn14 Itivcs. by. marriage and a bal! bro. B~od ad vilTh teiper idauerh-ho barrowed e&nougb moncy at eOut-theboPefAjgreaýtbon ta be 10er>cent.'to pay h>ie -debts, alter seoufli bydieo4bedieicel "Thie im- whicbho ewont tai Cîeveland,- where mediSb. re aadroiî»t' tough lic cugagcd lu bhe grain and produce mal-aiougly put, for,,vard, -hua sets , co»i»aision. buaeicas..-- »Ut '01slght thé ei',tr enâAîty.1- ,TheReckefellers had started e _W. not4 alia bthesuggesti~o!o emal Qi1 reftneryijg. thistimneý g_ ioày or--euvy n'b pro (d- u-b'ii prn httheir ot inl the tempt-sr's ivords. business was destined ta grow, Ste- 8. Je4vah Qed walling in the, phcu -HRarkness, Flag-ler's father-in- gatdéen-'B6th bthe name and- the Iaw, lnvosbed îOu,ooo fer hlm, and nie _ ,POlilSm ac1haac er-,lewas taken luiro partnership ln k$io oithé primitive nalrabive, aoi the ceuceru tbat lias siuce develop- wih' cnr lesson pasise -forzmm Zî,,teîaeead -labo the- Standard Qi] Company. theb. htie magryof the.wriberlThée t9ry of Flagler' progs-ess tbeardénh il tht homne o! Jehovah, from this point on ie practicàlly the a id1k. smrne -althy land-hold- Rsame as that cf Roackefelle1's, on er,- hé ' gtrolls lu bis garden to en- a sinaller scale. joy. the'-cooling breeze a! the even- Flagler made maeh -o! bis fortune ing heur. Thé man and woman in in the hotel -business. Sine bis ti3s im*gery are Jeliovah'e erv- ycuth hetad 4rearned ci saine day anttq, appointed ta cars for his owniug a hotel. lie realized on that gitrden.dreain in -far grçiater proportions 9Tiie sugge-stion- that - Jeho)vah than hée had lever hoped. To-day lie did -not knçw where Adam wa; s.lao-wns'twénty-flve batela in F1orida, in keepilig with the general antliro- and if is said he Owns most o! the, pomorphiam o -t-be narrative. ,u InSbtt, beie. rbcouniie tbh ds-r e-ilusgifcàeo f o!hi, patio<ns lie has bit a rail- bhe narrative Jehovah%'aquestion ra.wt rcaeo 0 rls - ti.ma 8o seelce to deceive hirua- self .and ct-ber. .coucerning bis wrongdoing, 1O.,ML-.Èw -afraid, -bec.ataee1w as ' RIYS ER A>4LI,LE 4! naked-The man tellà only a bal! :trif 4h lu b oz niised -t ,---,-A -ortiaWeter s ay s it .k ' - hle bi dsobedience, techie! eenos l<e -easlse of hie. fear. - Britishî !ea-rSo! GermnanY's',pro- ý11, Who told tbecl-The nlan,,Mrgrm la -the roalm of military r- ançwer ehowed that ho pes.essed Ixanebip qeem ta be well justified, if- - - ew: knowiedgo, such 'as could only "ee m&Y beltvo bbc: statemeuts asý h&ive corne te hlm fr03 i~cfdie'tà'thUi'1Ai;asp5«44fu ý-te oride-tr.bure &««auime u ivehy4Fritz. -th fobldenLober'cht. in hiliet owbock, "Aerial- 1-2 Ti.-wma womthn av ruisre ain P4eeand Wa."P - io mplcation le 4bat the M1.1, - Heri Le recht>wlo sas-aas E~es a today mn -abll barev»ed 7CInam ObW cnoéal -bas real' O~* ~sd~bz xid ting erder"o éfor e rsonl'au~tage, y el-ins, Ma-i oeeauto évade respeliiibility- ib>kuplegrbcci- -for,' dlsdbedieuce and ,- abUt hé4>p>ý ba yrtges1ht blamne. TO «eh rm bÙrki thé,-D, emay âtMdei Wuig ee t, îthe WOMAnan,dtis an, J e muy asmdaluà .urà-, r xhmotos -u, PunanmSen con- gation. Ré particpated lu the ru'. tnenisurate wth thé degrea o! guilt. cn lrb.oàhurbogn -le Tlba w n l nakl,ll n<hr with her trial 0ffp _f.-1- _' new Zé --p-4 - nayâ4 hù%hand thse Puuishment. lufiitedalr,,hip fm soue,Gi. sny aros hIm~n -'t~êtardon. The -the êicte Ilerlin oWg-f -thesé Yeus sBribaïn by thé-e, aam: gad rLae cheii four8eI asé ýIsaaxrôÎd -uspur fI»UtdL ch ny, eosûM je cannot' age SI pyryfrsn ahi~d ofýgciirriedut under crosi1i tQIed with the operation of tbb s.Ini.for,, many wceks,. thow ~' n;thnibe~udon promi eeiv. " ~s~d a"in- there is ad~ ~I >t a ou~i~e 'bo 'a déi- - ciency whc annot b- ea15 y ~ reWe4id a shor&ge-d material. Th soeant s1tuatiqn, bas mide it qguitý,-c1,ear that tue pr~oductive of Brltlal hipyàrds ia not quate1 to audden increases l e mand, owIng ta the sukly ot4diled w*Orkmen runniug shr.GetBt tain bas to thýank the ireatriti;e epolicj of ;the trade unions 'i th re-, efflýô,thé àdmÏtsaion o! ppr iticeÈ for. thmttete - of ,.hings'. Lt la not àW ýft Gritfim' the commier- cial point !D view, butalso f ram tb e int bf iztionai defence. The trade unions have eeriously crip- pled~at Brtainand àffll crippl ie e Uthe Gpvernnient doeà CI -911r:0,s P~tre t là~j .a uaned Workmcri- tew maI&ýnt&i n by limitiug the. supply. Thé shipyards o! the United Sit9t alsaimasuifer from the lack, of trained mechanice, but for qulte aaoadthat la bbc-cal Oe-auo iIý-Ofcus --- net llkely that the present pressure Of -car90 eapaciby- wifl continue for ahy eet lepgtb cf bime, but-' lb présent,évdence,-'o! -iba ceming te auy'erly--clee. -On thc--cotrary, it-seema probable "thire- will be- an ahuermal demnd for---oceenii transport !acli±ieafsfo emre tW corne. Net ail thé vessais building are -availahie for thc carÈnage,' cf ordînary -commerce. A consider- able portion o! present ncw ton- naLge la camposed o! cil steamers and ôth-êr 'vçsel's o! special con- siûction -*hicb are o! no use for general cargo purpofses. rt semn<- unlikely, therebore,.- that there wilI be,. aany .maberial drop ilu freighl re .à the near, future, and as.- long as ship ownars can s-ee a Pro-j fit lu sb *ip-eowning, etan at tbc pi-e- sent -increaskd Capital ô004, thc'çý- will continue ta pi ac -ncw edders %vith tbe builders. _-: 4ADAÀiI KÂLE]H AN ELDORADO. 40gçd 1tkiug of.:;changing'tlhe ~cw~n ul i tW--deas area4 wped-onS.~mwà,are. accu stomed Lo seeing colore on their felloýWS they will ho preparéd ta sec radical chges of 'k' ';, &and suih changei would, eertainly- folio in time bon the 'adoption ;'of mor e eeridc Ora. If Men once accept pink saa c4ýloÈ, for instanü>e, they' will ini time se jt trousers,,are. not a' entbegatmcit. for& the erniplo- ment of pink, and will therefor adoPt some other form of nethëe covericg. JChange Âfreadj ieL "thhFnIthÏàÎtlereis mo doubt 'that within the next few yeara our dresa wil undergo. considerable clïàaiqges in style, color a.nd atr ial. 'The manufacturera ar e sympa. thetie ta the idcèâ n.arcd r. duce n'ibtr:aIs in beautiful colors whose onl>e fault in that they are ar littie in ad*anc. of the courage of. ne.Whatwc want ia pioneera, in- dividual with i.. litti.çâUX4ge who, wiJJ' not shrink at the idm cf wear-ý ing a green .wajet. t aim.ply be-, caac tsgreen. - oneers are al- wayg bhard to find, of course, but -,eyare coming. Theize ha. been> azn endrMous change î onward bright-1 ne'ss in the Jaet tan or filteen yeara if yôe ,ly tbkim cf, it. 1Tate suoli tti]9.sama J- -and uindercIo$*iag, U ie-:11ata ,are Iiddn. T m 1 Years ago they ýw.erc alor'th. l1. wo variee, witbopt color of any1 kind. Now leô-k àt socka and un- dergarments-they are produced in the most beautifuI colora. Go into the chambera Of any Well-to-do1 bachelor, and. you will, find thatý hlig.bath gownsa ndA~ressing gowns, -arn--f- thp- most-elightful "clor- sehemes, Men are fond cf color1 just as much as women, but theyf do flot like to show it ta the world.i "Fo qa rjilatie point of vlew the oightéenUth-ceubury faejiions were almost perfect. - To wliatthey degenerabed durig- the Victorian inb "th lstory o![Enfglaç-d, g.ribe thé changé ta aombreness te- thiein-ý fluenees "o! the Rep#blcan - move- tuentin France. -Peraonally Ibhlnk that 'bhe great industzialt andcom- mercial de-velopmont, the comingicf the, -age o! sbteam - and -chlznny stacks, had. more te, do wibia- it. Sijîksand satins and laces had te go, as tbey were net prgcticable for a business tif0, aitindQ.eiîg monre ùtilitaria hali-to - take thçirplace. But the chang'e was bar moreaweep- iig than #, geed bayve becu, and -we arefl on xprest b megîu a reoc. -' uat~i uuuîm fbas etrnvr.a t( Tunkish, Islanmd i l anho eRas No Swing in thé riglit directionf,* hul Laws, Police or Taxes. - there still remains a,,# dulineas iii r-.'European mens- fashions whicl, Aw-El'dcradg, whene there arc ne doas Mot brffly indicate thé tempéra- taxes, ne goverriment, no police and ment o! the peopIl, and -bbc iack ol ne lawa la bbc émaIl isîand o! Adab individuality lu ail classes rende' Kaleb. svbich is owned by Turkey tise mode o! bao-day-z-eharacteniatic and lies iu tbe Danuba ,whené bbce oaly o!fh omercial m.A Servian, Ilçumanian and Hungaî- tbough.:he, presoent ei umc- ian roOîersreet i b laneîitýer 2inartJtc non M. Fùtiék-Ere-ntano thé biator- l>unita-n, ce thé- day -salJmos.t rip)e tan, deacribes- this curious place ini for the avolution o! a more spirited, the Revue- k-b dbiïiWd aire, o! Paris. a, a rnere'cb-eerful, and'a mýojreattrac- Ifsee-MS that the island ewes T is tî is-e garbthan tbe vague '- o!f the strange position te an aet o! f crgcb- moment compels us te a-dopt. Wec f inesa on th-é par.t 'cf',the "statés- 'arc' onIV' waiting for th#- bold mian tien whe frîanied bbc famoCu-- Treaty who w-iil sinak self-,coisciousness andi of. Berl4ýn. At thée--tine oLf ,the azruay blensel! in the bnighber and key, but lb waa Cceloked la the len and textile manufacturers Ca'n debates on the langer issuues oi thé now produco batter thun lu any' une- Balka ttlement wlt the-bisulnt cdi age, if o yt e uld he atiild h - Kmuiîy'ceîn mi te INirkiehy- -.. -- -- ý '. " P-, "«Alfa, -ibv- aIP,'.oCîudedM-r,- C Separated s lb in brau th ièsZracey, "lt it-19é usdcetood bliat mothorounb'y" by. thé entire this la nôt a plea for what we used width of; Servie., tisé 2lrks W~ê to caWtbe 'mashér' and wbat lanc ver able te enfonce their authority, called the, <nut.' Wo vaut colon anti sud very -P 9aby cl-ot oar,- hr 4ntuQu -bat-,m wýajt lb aillui ince thé ialu i êèdofu 1 muyadta" importaice.11Hover, bmppul -~ ow orbb poansd! b tion, cf ]Itt. toe bian 100,- s' -n-êw Iteveeent. stiil entireiy Méhamidn M. Funck-Brentanoe 'toiho vieitedaticty qt4inot , exprc 14age 1lsoin uisrEasiiy Mfs. iW ybeau->'eôpl usin arIls madQ or. ~zoscI OiuT h rutLerina fnequtl oéher m~fe- 41-, lé siýapsl - r iughf-Xai< nî0» &8,yr.. - re bbe materiai té .ita originalI nazewu aus. 'c-cie zuy iradît* ku 0 -entalluinciaracter. It lbas itS bthe part in a mx=ture cf co paria!f bazaars and itosilwrksb cafes ,her ,1il1Piei le vro, p&v wte.Tbf -Iife gldés dô4 îî àatbby ad eae i '&1t411j w4ladapted to thse îEuy,- ujdsubd y4fa~rsosgo riibber ban&s uiffu ~èkk.Iare rch ans -t iôz y ad4briul. tie tou.No oQue iotr.aSlahd au ri.tm Rer(IIs lteueaOnê e ,Poaco f - break the. 'unning reco rd ab oi- he anoanders vcry fan- frenom e. - his ailowance ' n i '-.- stieSr'-r-A~ VtAeiem. -' ~- - - r-~ , y' ________St. a ý g;ep r iopojo urp 1onintrê ig.1he éureiý loana et. 'r $ , ü 0616M ho *hile thc total aseta, amounting-to- $69400.00, aho*IUe, .argjgaiý o! $1l,000,000 ýttèr"the'figure-s for thc pre.vouk:year... Another,-!cature,,of the.reportimrthy. of spcilmu moen, s1te .eg~ProportiOOn cf gold,B lver, Dozninfiôn -,notes -and, ta ,theJliabiities:toî the publel J1,The ,,Union,..Zank o! r Canada l place in.,theibum*nem efa.rs.of Xbe cÀftry,*LThejatth çtJ~ urrent, Icans for the yer40utdt.vx $45,000.000, or a gain of $7,000,000 -over, the peiu eicta tb4týthçjB»nk ladp gA!cpiu~ Iaý4s hr.sft.Qçpxtr'jui lb o p e ue d 4 à r n h a d r u b yeari. uc*r qoàboaIsnï*f tc- thé eM a eqipped, hank in.-the floululcu 'I' Ùds -raec a a sple'ndid revit,* o! the finan-" diI and' in2dstrial, coniditions pre- vailingin theecuntyAt thèpé' ne1t' time, and a'how&J ýthat t-he lôfli&als of the Banîr-kepyt iû'the *eiry clôsest touche>with>thé -progreas b n ji by' -the :Doamiirnon.- An teain festuré of bis report wâatth6&rtelït- ing of th6 history-&and1geô~*ïh o! theý Union Bank and'thc reasoct for -thé' tranafer cof -the, head offce -frern Quebea ta Winipeg. He showed tbab eighb and-onie-haif years ago wheu, -the- prescrit General Manager tec6k harge. the Bank's'capitalwcs juet eue-hall what lb la to-day, theý reaerve, fuud less than - one-thir<ti sand, total assets- considerably' les tban one-third. Altogether the te- port- amd the addressee of bc Presi-'l dent and- Géneral Manager borîný une ofbbc' eaet combinations iseued byý any bauk, this year.- Sir - WiIliam-;Ramsay Aima at, fou- ie Wila.,m Rârnsay express tbcth c<iction thatthebcmlniu-g and dis trihbution o! eceaIlje no longer nece-s- sary to bbc production and distri- bution of beat. 'He wouid trais. f<urm. ceai into, gas luintheàmines. Hée w&uki distyibute thia, gas to the consumera , troaclcast, from the mines. Na would na.ke central plants o! thé mines. - With tbe gas ha would ba'te the nîcans of gener- ating electricity, at the >'cry pithead if de-;red , se that there Nvould be a chOice fvr thbc coisunier bet-we-en lient by pipe ani heat bY Nwiie. AIl o-f the c-oial-c:î-r ving ciro would be eîiminated by - this plan, as %-ould aIl foflteco~st cuf inteîrnmeirte handig, aill cf tii- walte that is roW -snid t-6 reprevsent 50 petrcent. o! 'lue c'ua i nied. Garw -tIIflow 4cotîîd ha carried tte fan lýs wt'li- ras te the forge, to 'tlie hainlet asý Weîil as î-tathe City. Lt wot.ld aluni-, naLte -the côàai bin. thé chimile, â'nd- the sauim "nuiîtance. -- -Sir William 'Witamsay'-s plans em' brase not only t4é sluti*n of!tké lenu9--by -hrîn-ing-bôbh do*ii te bbce vcry -.Minmui-bue they aise cOn- teînplate reducing- clectria - -Ower for ýrailvoadà snd industries ;'teeu2e- flibli -aëd -- pogaibly - -one4tei ; oof their -présentaât cm. iareu-l t bht wouid a-asurred1y b-q followed b y-g- tion &,aid in&"DUfaetulng.-',Thet'e. thié maùy. hoe acâcoiïpliehed» h.lfi about te prove by aobnaldemotra' larg 'LslishetlIDà. ?" .% wigheul.bt-the -wOnlld V-s e> .wftl hlm lu bie ndoe-taing, for'bbc lai camne.-theset 1puds&W "40 :-x- ~usie.:'- 14~D5F riera Dt114on çcca a. Judge lie n~tsdbis nrofehài0» lu, 'Orangeville and I4ewznma]t. A, Ciri's Living Wag ajýta ee are disciiqeione- from time to tinte g '*bwat cone1ftute, a 'liVing wage ýfdr g%,rs lvin awy fomhome, iw Toronto. ome emloyers do not think that tbey' have any nersoual reePonsibility ots th.ià zeatter. Whlle that- in- an attitude that In dyîng out ila undoubtedly true thatl a great =mber f girls from the coun. try liv!xýIn . nboarding ouses ini Toronto L a iý 'e h a l5iý ' k t i e o u t a n! e i t enc 6 . O n . o f ti .: e a d a g e m p lo y e rs o f , la ho r recentir liéd. $6.00 psr wek as -the loweit - wiÏé- fheyý oul4 pay any 'il.It ay be, cojfdently sertsd that -t le-s quite- Impossible for a girl paying, bqîrd, ta live ;j if àny'léW Inl Toronto at t e present timie and,->retaln auy measure of self-respeet. In, fact. it -je quite likely that even $&û0 le' flot "actually a' living wage. It'may prove ta be snmii et toget' alng. on for al crven -tine, but, it can, make no pro- vitidn forj emergenceies or' sicknss. Even M4 best t, re cuires-n.counting ftihe pen- à ies'Ina wvay that lefot.poprlar iu thi. dwayor -greneration. plumvï efr' Capable -On... BoSme ila are, not worth..$6.00 a -week, auw Abey 'agravate the mlai.for thé m»ers ompetent. Andtuer. are opportun!- 1,tUos fori.clever gil' fo sais a greatdeal m or~ A b q tbi u e u t. T hýere, aw e W - ot4ééswbrs wemei hae rked thïem- i Beves lato -s or. the salary -le. as higli a.ssobaor$4M o er -year in Te- routa. fi waes »er r mre truea n.aa the resst day that tkere is rocia at tiie ton audtbàt.tiire le.-a ken denand for workers cf 'botlk' sexes 'who bave brames, thes physica1- anld,.-Meutai capcitiea to.do things and. what isaolmnng-ta be almcst as- rare as ether f tiise, .Indefatigable industry.1 Diverce- Court Prepoood. Mfr. B. P. B. Jolinton 'ILC.. by hie ad. ress at the BarÂssàe"u tc, hue Started atregli the discussion* as" ta wheuher Can. adaishould bavýe-as Divorce Oourt. Mr. Johbston argues that under the present stituationLonly the rlch ean secure, divorce, whicii teunfair. Mei suggestion ;fcr the eutaiilisbment cf a court whicb, -like otiier- courts for the settlsment cf prperty disputes, would coame ta the neonle ratber than make the vec»Ie corne ta iL. lias caustd considerable comment. particularly s:mcong Chureh* people. whO -do uci wisii. ta see the break- cig cf 'arriage madle auy asier. The p obe cangte A n the law leata make it harder toget marrisd. they @av. One of Oie greatest barriers againat any lncreàarstutii.th faolltles for getfing di. vorces lu ýCanada lies in the attitude cf -Oie - Roman Cathollc Churcli. At preen* diVorcés are granted by the. Canadian Senate, of which. eut cf the- 87 memberd3. 36 are Ro man Catholice. Tiiese 36. wlth 8 others. ceau -therefare at any lamethbrow -out -any'divorce application. -l r en yea r s § t h re -,an b een no m s -A n . The~ ~ ~ ý avrgel, iweebut 19 a vear. Binos- Confedera.ti.on only same 200 div>rc,,er al]htoý bave been, granted by. Parlià- Irent.Four'ofthé seallen provinces harvo Dvorce Courts ftheit 0*wn. and hl s i-, utllcant that eu-e cf uhese, Prince Edward [elnnd-: kas neyer granted a divorce4. Nova Sootia- avera esj a year. New Brunswick 5a, vear. aM dBritish Columbia, 8 a year Of Je. divorces runted b>' the Canadian Parliameut more have bt-en eured- freir eontrr ut together. As a thatter of faCi fies. tiges do netgive mucln : dit-son f the real nuaber of divoe-- granted iranadians becauEe a grenU-r por- 110W SIJCCESS IS WO'N. ThtWorld Pays Bi,- Priees to 3Mel I! there ii3 ay message I cat iFgis-t that miglt be of valute to yoaUn"g peope,.wrt Thonas AIsa Edis.-qi., t wnnUî be- his-td le intercsted - lîlite e ' u ndex-takeor m.%y be d e-Ling alt bc mn t-onat; tO dilsinir-; frm heir- ninds cverythiîîg _eIsc Jburt thée uie thiuig they are doing at J bue time, a-nd te think only o! that ., îing lu a l its be rings, fioin ev ery vewpin, and te b. mster f lbDn't mni.d tie clck bt koéqp aàt it, aud lot- nature indicate -tiae ncasodby fr rest. Af&M resmt'- 0u go , t thé work agaln With bbc' ésm e in br ea . 0o ao c î h t rptée'mudtfrst bea=ie of e Wa3 bc. bbc thewabehwôrd Mun b"Tn; ukceoubyiug hib ~ e-hea sd-athorougù h bhýelle -auS ùy>asuced. vifh the w ald sayis t t eb itar L . - expeiment, if you re really -ite- oisbd. Forget eènUrey thé Word "d & ~ oiof m en-.>' F a iures, so- cal:yiareý utfingen-pee pceitaug Ti e ae.omd day dreëw ta ,its ls "We b" ,aid e te> si- ercaasf~- Gerymany -- The . unda- inenltiéJdiffeï.enc lajhatwith utq these offiii os are executive dficers-offly, the.-rçal-captain i. the -people; while iii Germe.ny these offi- cia pesan ae te talgovéruora ofý-the peple, býject tjtbc om ma&nda3 of one who repeatedly -and publicly asserts that ieoms Sion âsfrom Gdd and not*fOithe Peo0ple.' -This puts whole, classes o! the comunenty- perxnanently into îîniformi, and the weareis of these,ý uniforma are alm<»,t af raidto- laugh, and woul-d consider it Sacrileýge ta romp. Cauti-on -i5 a very puny form of morality:. "HEe that ob-serveth the wind shall flot ýsow-,; and he tha-t regardeth the C1011,14, littl not reap.", It is aze truc politiCaliy as -of other spheres-of ho that "he -or ?she- who letgthe wordlor his -own for hlm lias- no need o! -axiyother faculty than the ap-e-like-one o! imi- tation'" Thus writes john Stuart hfilI, and what eise can be c-ààd o! - the political ativities c h ir mans? What journalist or %what patriot indat4i can takc eri aa majoritv taths erovr hat popie eau cail itself f ree txa whom itsa rulerz are mot re">consible I The Soeilal Democrats, at the m-ïunenlt of writiag, have--won 110 s-eats-in th eichstag, but the army-and navYY estimates are beyo)nd- tbeirÀ reach, the taxes are fixtures, a co-,j stibution ile'a dream,,andif, they, we cantankerous, or truculent, the Rteichstag- wii- be Adisnsiased -by .a,- will o the ehand. Say hat one ailte.re a xuanmia -people politicarly, and the string t Party in, the Reihstag is -mer-e]v ener- gehce politieà al goe.Tiei' leaders mÉoult opinions, they do not mould them,- and çould..nôttrans- WUY CLOUD& LOOK- BLA The ocr' ofa"- clcud "&,Pends On thé maner lu wbich the sunlicrht falîs upen lb acd ibe position o! the observ er. Lt wiIl be *noticec that hýigh elotid, are always white 'or lb uceler, and this fs'because the light, by which tliey are se-en i5 refiected f rom the under-surface by' thec numbenless droits of-mxoisture wýlîh F-0 o tfrm the c(.Inuti. Hëavy, lali elouids, on tht' M)her ha'nrd, are - foîsnd ne-arer tbee-Iiath. and se the light falis on themn titre -dirert-ly frcni above. 'ni- ~a Iri- iiing to iheètéc1 t-bough the îuer s-nrfae 3ppi-ars hIid , twtii-? the com- plete -el-eotî ,n ad-r vn-lýrptiOn o! Hie lighît b3'the ii -'i--ca.Seaýn Erom u-above bv an ýobs-- r in a bal- CK.e ce-n. the blackovt cIov apprar o! ~he -niest dazrhnrt hr~3-an-r white. SUb-s ta nt ii - Brea kfast -vr -plâaeaof Post Toastie Crisp, swetbiso 4D1re%4 F Paco -AIwyDIe -Sold, by Grocers eveir re I .1 i -1 4 -I .~it ~' kew life to mny1 -MY- atomacli, ani ;jeliect goo& he: Sdizzines madry appetite aire perfect.> R~ef use aniythim stead of- Dr, whlch are' suàre 25ci. boxes, ffe d.ruggistsl and sto -Vàffo thé 10-Ni Y Canada. _ wet fyiotoýry 841Unerd's LintMeýnt - Servet di y4u told,]ier she !~- Jac-She -sait aomething ta ea1 had 'te tase lier PILES C-URED *Tour drugrgiet. will ODI'TMEN-,r fafis te f ng, blcnd.- Bleedins 6 te 14 day.. 5-soc When ahe kised lier.>' - "Re!t Ued ta e-es Ã"!the' eve 1(inard',s Liniment Gentlemùen-Lae -benelit froin theu 3- E,.ST in. a severe 1 have fr.equently H ective luncael -&acampagný).l r th-e disrtniCtLAt -- ha-,. been iatic m-nent.- ]3rit-isalipoessx< cf the Aust-ali b re aupposed tcra _eîplinei -but.._ c reko! canni -- whiteýs are slaug -clviùzed Papne. -dread o! thbe r -' -Painful - Cori j- - oure a chunv i- '-Everycue cf tlioB - - - truc qu - se à& Dam 1 Slie-And ta t girl yen ever li 4 Be-Yes, dean Slie-4'ind-ta t; f belied it. SPENO THE WiW Àttramt.ve rates variable routes. a« eryî.The"Las ng Chicago daily 10.-16 fernia,Othe --San 'au lidleavin Chueag threes day.s en ut everything in railw and Japan Mail le 10:45 i. -for San t geiei I]lustrated -I Ont New Gîîie7a Nuit - ial But-chere- b-fr1'n nea waýs tîte fat planters îi-atped ma-nu Weber. br ,set upm b. ea& -frein the 1unexp. trace -c t.heir- ford. andi it- 1-- Wiendv nare. lbrngî£am- s-e -- -~;. j TORONTO 0 p T ci fi dý ti

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