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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jan 1913, p. 1

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'fi th:ug l -ad effie- j vr ~eéanudgentlemen of the. Councilil wish to Con atulate you on your electint ~e o 'olideI Co gb -thed el pr u c Uchonorable 'position on. hae ben laedl by Your fellow citizens. Er>r 21. ts citizen should b. radytt e alc.bs share of Uic re- spoziibility of looking af tteitonsela. believe y.ouhave *corne h ee atuated b n b et ~p: ~ ~ vz.,teuse Ourb l udmn4t and efforts for the WILLISi It gratifying to know that the« Council Of 1912 DrggAt sd fptieials uceddin inducing, heProvincial Govern- MEDICAL HALL' ment te locate the. -Hospital for. the Insane in- tus WhItby.localitr> 'and that they have already become geod ai -1 ý ilcust7ciers for light And water, And have aise added ______________te the prosperity of the town; which ne "doubt fill increase as the buildings and preparations ex- -. rofsio al Cz'd. tnd.It is aise, eneouraging -teoOur citizens te Seo the C:P.Rk. railwayânearîng complet.ion, as Weil as la SGA.L- te bruteEastrnau electric road--connecting JNO. F. FARÈWIEILi K.C. us with. the surreunin towns and counitry., and Brlster, Coujty _ w ure n with the G.T.R. already, established gvng. us County Solicitor. rail.way accommodation 9uperior te many targer - Office totsth wing Court Hou'se, Whitby. towns, and which ne doubt j in the near future wifl JL F CHIS71 -F add te our prosperity by inducing many mnanufac- A. . CIOSTIN-turers to locate -here. The introduction of the Brfaîter. lfldter. Nouery Publie.c. SyorPoeBotlgtn urtw ndàpl fOffice, Brock St.,_Opp. Standard B:ink. ÃœemourwerfrOr lighing pao urtwnu nandspol- Money to Loan.asgtiow r fersu rupnglatususuapo siton e spply cheap power and light for any \1 JAMES RUTLEDSEo, arorlatcr, Etc. purpose. Money to Loan on easy termos. The. arran~gements with the. C.P.R. macleby the Office imineds;ately south Royal Hotel, rce.d ocirgaigthsuwyi D dsi --------- Ont. ptreceteigcenilrgadn Ucsuwy naDna WhistbeetOea.t-has been opened up again, and1 O. YIJN SUINL.LB. ne doubt can be satisfactorily arranged. -Barrister, Etc. Moncy to Loan. Issuer A dewier sy§tem for the town will corne, up for, of S ig iBIc-Witb Ot.your consideration. very seon, and I would advise 1 OffceiSitha Éoc-W b-tl, Ot.that this Cofnicil- mae a start by ebtaiuing plans t . ~DENTAL' and'tie cost ota complete system when you can1 ~ inteligently consider titis pràject. W.AlAS !uii iie Our roads -will need considerable looking alterE St..; s.dsme. o. .4, the 1Tsrro, Byroa Si., Whitby. FLous No. 1l2. tisyu-ré -The. inmresed assessinent mac!. last ycar should e ÂUOIOEUS o-vier le rate sanie. Our Street ighting ws pretty a r JA . RIHO.P goo except lfltome clark, corners inu the outlyigv Oshaa, iooaodAucioner.Suc..-districts. !.;Thc centre of the town is net as wel~ 'OshwalÀS "Auoun" lighted as it should be, ad I would ask yoisr Fire d",L pl c fo . Robb, WWt. - and Light Cemimittee te make imprêvement in this ci - direction. li ~The Cîerk .repbrted the vote on the local option tl LKiCHNSE'DIA( WN5 and Water Cemmissiener by-laws, as recorded on t] - AENDVAIJAIONCR. January 6, The. fermer h. -declared failed te car- il Alkinde of nlu m 1plty attondsd ry, the latter was more favered,' and. received a bo. A g..u m asbu made for majority of votes. sals i e.Gaztte OMMs. Chief MacGtty' made application for an in- Tirne' rasopblucrease in salary to $500. His fees during the past B0ll and, Independeai paofles. - WIIT Y, NT.~: year have net, am unted te a large, sum, and h. feels justified - inas in the Cuclfra increase OONTRA0TORS of $15O'in salary. Carpnter, Bulderand Contractôr. Plansdrawn and estimates furaished. Repaire, Alterations and jobbing. Opposite Stephenson @ 10X 467 WtiiToV Phone 149 A. K. ALLI14 sou f Marriage U meuées Corner drugstore. Wblthy lins rè S ûcceSS ble takigaPrCtiaialcourse ini one ofA .'S HO LS,'oronto,by P atteiidance or by Mail, and by no 0doing qulokly prepare to eara gocd vaary. Hundrèdi o on people do- this every year. Why nosot You ? Fre Cata logne exp lains. Write for it.Addres@, W.H.Shaw, Proaldont, Yonge Sc., Toronto. MINIJMEN TS et ail D.a1ps ad latêrlilleKptin lu 81 It wiilpasy you i. uel -ei our worl amuI- Inpect Woryorssl. -D.a'i b. mlaled4b. aget, we d meit@mpioy iheseOona.ueftbly vu ce and'do'dalow-Om ieta o&on' c nnlsO 10 p«t cent, Whioh youý will cortaiulj iats, by purchadUi frons us. 05ol e mi W oreO flouse wlring, power wiring, Sf 'you vnt do cal! us at our Elitrio Instillation Co.,9Ltd. *lSe@ US ---------- 'huO 9, ACCOUNTS PASSE. John Noble, D.R.O.... . ........... $ 9.00 F. J. Joncs, D.R.O ....... ....... C .Stewart, D.R.O.: ..... ...... Geo. Ro,: D.R.O .................. JW- . Wilson, D.R.O....... Bell Tel. C. rent, -chief's house ... C. A. Gooflllow,- account .......... Jos. White, petty expeuses ......... Municipal Worlcl, supplies ........... Jos. He ard & Sons, hauling hese te Oke fire-.............................. R. H. Burtige, cleauing liose ...... .. W. B. Pringle, supplies ... ......... W. B. Priligle, B3oard cf Health ... 9.00 10.00 6.00 9.00 5.00 20.50 14.11 17.37 6.00 1.00 4.G5 lie above report preseuted by the Chairman cf Lie Finance 'Committee, included items belonging te Lie several committees. Tie report passed. Mr., Wilson put tirougi a by-law te appoint twQ members ofL the Board cf Healti. Dr. C.F. McGil. livray was appointed Medical Officer cf Health, at a 'salary cf $25 per year, sud. C.A. Goodfellow was appeiuted a member cf the Board. lie Mayor is tic third member.1 . Dr. F. Warren -was an applicant for tic position, CI but as.ie-had--verbally te members cf Council, sug- kagested $100- as the salary, the lower offer of Dr. McGillivray was accepted. Le Moved by Cclwill, seconded by Stephenson, tiat m Council avcept Lie tender of Messrs. Richardson & ', Richardson cf 828.22 for insurance on tewu prop- l' erty for - on. menti from January 14 'te February 14, and Liat the Committe. accept tenders up te Feb. lat, for a year's insurauce upon Lie property. Carried. Mr. Batemau>macle objection te duhs., IL appears tiat tiecoceiuii-ttee had early1 after last meeting t. askec! for tendersfor insur'ing tie property. Tiey hati reccived turc, aud, ad accepteti oue, tiat cf Richardson & Richardson. Later anotier tender came in a-t a lower rate aud tie Mayor contended istrenuously te have the tender accepted. The best thLe committee would agre. to, iowever, was te î nsure fer oue menti at tie monthly rate andi, re- oee the matter te tenderers. -This was wiat Mr. Batemian objected to. Mr.- Aines approved cf what had been. doue. -Chaugiug -thý date of expiry cf policy tllI a month later was &4 gooti move, as it gave the, new Council time te dew f t ift. 1have tiie assesament roll ofti.in~pft~ a rmade la 1912, published for dlItrnutiof amougat -tic ratepayers. MrRothery, General Manager,»Efths Tor~onto -Eastern RailwaywspeetluteConi Chiber, andi. Was asceci-toe add:rea,tbe,,COuncui. gr'."Roihery hoped theré would be nothing - un- lucky for Wbitby lu 't1c nu .mbei - thiftee4, but hopeti the year 1913 would prove -te ýb. ,O,o egreai pros- perity and progress for Whitby Rcferriugtohei building cfis ew 'n 'flue cf- rajil ailway he 'said iweUld make Whitby a suburs cf, oroüito. He' expectec that the lin. wien compIeteti would- give a service cf eue heur from, tie centre- cf Toronto te Whitby. lier. were many clifficulties lu -'tii.way in constructing a- railway, sud .tii.y were fiding some cf them. The Cempany had et;,last'dccided UPen a hune which -was the best possible, and their reati 9muld be the best'yet constructed' iu this province. They werc setting ýa high,-staândard lu electric railway .construction--spmêthing for others to emulate in the. futu-re. His klealiug wthth Councils cf Wiitby lu thé Past hec! iaways been cf the. most amiable and pleasant sort, and 'le hopeti they'weuld -remalu se in the futur'e. He thanced the. Council aud hoped the year 1913 %woulcl B.euoe of great presperity. - Mfr. -Aunes referred te another éleçtric. railway which had been projected, namely from Toronto to Markham, and thence through the ,vilages cf Le- cust Hill, Whitevale, Brougham,, Greeuwood, Kin- sale, Brookiu te Port Perry. Mr.-Annes thought Wiitby siould b. interesteci, as it night"be posai- Lle te get a brandi exteudcd te tthe County town. rie preject was being pusheti by M&yor Hockeu, cf Toronto, and the Govrmufwspbid ti novement, tirough the Hydre Electric. -It is sup- posed that the Goverument will assume hall tic expense cf construction. Mayor Hocken hati called a convention of tics. intcreste~ ,be Ield lu To- ronto ou Wednesday, Jan"ar 22, and 1fr. Annes moved that a.deputation cf tbre.--the Mayor, 1fr.i Stephenson aud himself-4houl<l. be sent te thei convention. Titis was carrieti, Messrs. Aunes, Col- Qill, Stephenson sud Wilson' votiug yea-, the other three et, the table opposing on -the grouud tiat they iad startcd tie. year with tic purpose cf smv- rg ail unnecessary outlay, aud, here waa a move àrst thing te spenci meney on a deputation which, ûight b. useless.1 The Council tien adjourneti. New Public ileakth Acte wériting icit6i. leal ýmboard hy any resBidezit iou!éhlèr. of'1. xsece cf a nulssnes cr7-u5as1niarycondition 0a Itho -municpaity the -local boàrd p ha! forthwiti cause the coispiaini to be lnveStigated anti aIlneccusry stqs te, b. iaIoenssaprvided Iby iisAd to ba e or re mcedy the mare . Alocal board rnay-provide .11 me& *sry apparabus and sitemidance lor- the disinlection or deaiructionot'býd., ding, clctliing or otier ertlcl*éisîlwci biave becoine infected --'-itycas muai articles. b b. 4icialet4dfrei Of charge, or 1niay make a reasonable, charte for disinfecting tbsrn. %l 'Counil of evcr uieplî shall appoint a IegaIIy quaiied làwi. ical practitioner to ehe *h incdicalof- acer O! -hesiti -for tic munipaliiY, and alec shall apppoint suai nûmber cf sanitary- inpectors for the nmunici.- pality as îaay b. deemced nceac.ry byr tlb. local Board,-asud as mayo be Pre-, scribed b1- the. reuinltionis. Every nedical -officer cf healti ap- .pointed by the CoQuncil siai hold oýf- lice duiring Igood. behaviour sud isi residence in tiemunicipality, orin..au adjoining municipality, and, if ap- poinbed by the Lieutenant Governor in Couni, chai! hold office ntil ithe birut day in Fcbruary in the. year fol- Iowing that cf his appointmaeci,1and no medical officer cf health chai! b. removed from office cxoept for cau»e sud with -the -appvoval cf tic Provin. The. Medical officer of beâlîbi shan h. bie executive officer- Of ibe local board, sud viii the local board shall h., reeponslble for 1h. can7'isg out of- tbc provisioncf ibis 'Act, sud cftli. regUlationa and cf tic by-laws -Cf tb. municlpahity Every medical. officer cf beibh, wbeuhër appolnbed by tiec ouncil or bx the. Lieutenafl.Governor iii COUs- 09, chiai! h. paid by the municipal ~crPoratîln a ressonable salary to b. id by by-jaw. Baptist Annuai Meeting.- The. annual meeting cf the congroga- tion cf the Bapit *cburch vau bsld on Thursday evening cf last wpek. Tihe businessof tiei. enlng vaspro- Tie "'<Act Respecting Public Healti" asse *injye. ýveal toasts vere propoced dnd rasponded teand .a ho urôd 1912 by the. Provincial Legislature makes seme amusement ithug folloved the. supper. radial hanes l Ui costittio cfloca bords The. buanciel reports presented vere radi al h ank s i th con tit ' t on f l cal oa cf o a m cci enoouraging character. Tic cf, healti as tà their duties. IL may b. interest- eh"rc treasurer reportedthe largêsi_ ing te publisi nom. cf tie moet important clauses: receipte for- generai and, missionary Tiere shall be a local Board cf Healti for evu.iy PurPOse for nianY Years. The. con- muniipalty i Ontn'o.tributions te missions werc over ou. muniipalty l Ontrie.hundred per cent. larger tiian in 1911. In a town iaving a population cf las tian 4,000 ne .finance committee présented a accordiug te suci cuumeration, and lu every muni- budget for the. year 1913wiich con- cipality, tie local bcsardi siail consist cf tic iead taispiates ciii! larger givinge, hou to the. general sud misionary funds. A cf the Municipality, tie Medical Officer cf Healti, most pleasing ,feature of tbc evening and eue resident ratepayer t.e -b appointeti as pro- vas tic burning 'by Master Clhfford vided by subsection 2. -MaLean of the. lait traces of the. Ther shll b a ecrearyof te Bardandun.churcli débt, being a note giveýn for lier sil! e a ecrtar cf ie oar, su li. mneyborrôwed, vhioh iad bacs paid less otierwise provided by tie Coundil, -tie Clerit offnearly a year ago. shall be t Secretary. The election cf officers vas an li-. Qratbut qulckly accomplisbed A local board niai! iold at least four meetings ctn f business. A nominaîisg com- in eacli year at a ime and place te be ireti by muitee ba-ing been prev~iousîy a. resolution cf tie Board, and suci aLlier meetings pointed, brougit ln a report, whli as may be prescribed 4~y Lie regulations, or b. r.vas S4kopted on motion.- The officers elected for bbc year wers as fdllova:- quired by tie" Boarcd. Deaoon&-;,4çesos. W.B. Watson, W.A. At Lie ûrst meeting of a local Board lu every Henderson, JW Bateman and L. W. year, whichitshaîl be ield net later than tiec irst Dudley- day cf February, the Board shah! elect oeeof its Traiiivrm«.B.' Watson. members te be Ciairman. Fi.-ec.-Mr. W.B. Watson. Ast.i. Fl.-Sc.--L. W.' Dudley. Any memiber' cf a local Board may call a spécial Clerk-Wesle,>, uttas. meeting thereof at any ime by giving notice in -Choir Leader-.-. W. ELvans. writiug te the secretary aud te Lthe remainiug gnstNmUra.a@ memerscf ie oar. *Sup.-J. Hl. James. membrs o th Boad. Aet.Supt. W.O.* Ruttan. Every meznber cf a loçal board aud tic secretary Finance Comliiteeý--W. B. - Watson$ nia!! bcenetîtled tte isum cf $2 for every attend- ..Duly .A. Henderson, J. H ance at a meeting cf the Board, aud Çlls necessary t.aee .A odeIWsdtcp- travelling expeuses lu goinu' te and returiug from 'Usbere-W. B. - WatsonY J.Hf. James same, and thei. amount cf such remuneration sud L.W. Dudley, -e.W. Bateman, Wcslcy expeuses shah! be payable by tic treasurer cf thce 0mcW.Iekr ..Gofl municipality upon Lie order cf thechcairman of tice ÂdI*trs -W.H. Smith, Wrn. -Mekcr. Board.DaObs..M.LTipes Tie proceediugs cf every local Board shall be r.- VwtIoIIC..a large eommiîtee. cordeti by tiie Secretary in a bock te b. kept for tiat purpose, i Tic secretary siall annually, on or before the 1'him bran' ndtito!te ic sti iBti day o! December, prepare. a report.cf the ai iebm ue of Irn. B. Lavre no.o work don. b3r the Beard dur*u the year,. aud cf )Ven datrnoon, iuary 20, a1 the snitary condition-cf the municipality. ai, meig.2.xec ua Tii. report as adopted by the local board shaîl dr-s item out District Pt"sdeai, Ht. Include the. annual report cf the Médical Officer of Brown, ons Poultzy raising an&, eg« Heéath aud shalt b. trausmittedti tethe Seeretary ffddticicnn o1, im e a fMU bOus. of tic Provincial Board. - 'l. Pr*o es~K. obs We a4ë glad tôe advise- aréduction, ii.,:oÃ"ui< mrces. WC can, now deliverý-Nut,- Stove-oi - Eat $8.,Pa at$.. 8 perýcént leus whe.t',taken ..from yards. - I Wear byers of al kind .ls oUgrn-as3 ta 38c, ]ýarIeCY 45.te 6oc, -Rye e, Wheat go t e gec, Peas . 2 te '$ I 5e. Alsike 105 ï1ê I .ooRed Clover 7.00 tC> $ 9e5o imehy 1.4o te $z.8o, -Mill ett '.0o t $14 e f2.oto $3.o, Flax .40t$.o GRNDING J! Brts Barley, Mixed Feect guaranteed. J. I-I. DOWNEy & Co.0 WHITBY, ONT. "1have 32 hens, and some days I got perdày during- Februa-ry* and March, while them Poultry Specifi'cgo 24 eggs feediig- yeta S he alqn. bcught more.; If it paid ber, it will. pay A. Tai LA WLERT. Phono 47. for WHITBY, ONT.. Prompt delivety -i GOOD H FALTJi Y Chemical, Closets.i - Price-io. -2, $1&Q The above price includes vent pipes aud z gallon of chemiêal. See the IlGooà Health " before yeu buy. We. M PRI-NGLE CORNER HARDWARE VRIT - - -t- k' 'j i. n liptly ~l'8t5 us. - 0od or aloo mi -1 ses Close mmmv,à À&- ý& ÀL LADY W-RITES

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