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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jan 1913, p. 3

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W ÂW- loy et.LaJ1a IDy 1=eLV L. m "iwhy, -SwA<nhild, where, on earth do have you lbeen to 1 We were i et - tbinking of having. 7ou cried' iue owJ LA! ULý i>_vr I ~hS0i~rn ~ok ~"~~> We 'were preparingý an adver- Y,,," Mean 1V?- sobbed, vvuauaottl tiier& wu a moretigetnent p .in alI.the papers, swanlïna. ~L Sgiacn iyobaefound no- ht fBTO 8t Bo licrpio;yo'1 ~ e .t<>ld ler exactly what had Pleasiug brinÈsge y te yurm hardly b 1i e me, but your guardi- happened iu the shop un that Mon- Wïd every oeelese. I kM0 you had't th' 1 »et niOe1n what Col- day in June. *ý8Ji toe doriglit; but you mue doo3o ye aare." "We .kept it froin yu" aùiF1 Mors tJan that--you muet reol F'-Yrthiof drew hler toward -him,, thiof, "becaue I .liked to feel that yogie Ur body,,eul, and -spirit smi1$4g.m eenwLcs i, there was, at any rate oieperaon ever lestag n'_h sibtn-cause you seereno80youug te be * She tooked.- Up once. more, speakr;. ticing,»a ospiciâns mdistV~e in the troubled with smi thing8.ý iiig with'the v-elemence cf deepair. bine'Iëeé ie ÃŽneý longer teased lier,ý "But how cain t have happeutId ?" "eoh>"" eue said, <'t Booms ail but mad1e lier sit - 4own- on hieýknee eaid -Swanhld; "w-ho t<eok the note eal now *hile I talk te yen, but I ad'àrew off lier gloves. reai-ly f roni the tiîl? " know t wiIIl fade awav. and the !WhatzLeà the rngtter, dear " lie "ýIt muet ihave been DarneL'," temiptatione w'Ill Wmuçh etronger. ssid; "aeu look ,eod and tired; said Roy. "ne -wa preseut when You don't ku'w- what the world is where ha.ve you bee to7l Sardeni'got the ch-ange, he saw -y-Pu.are gqod, and yen have-nO 'I have beqn tk eçee Mr. Os- James Horner put away the note, tlre È>eeowih ourew ees mond," said Swanhild, yeu: know lie must have rnaraged cluring the how, niiderneath al that Lese -re.. we often go te hie c"iu,hSg tm htyou twq were .alone in sikctabhe,_t Le holl.ow and wicked." and 1, and there ,Fan eomething 1 the ehop to take'ý it ont, and ne "1t wiIl bè your own fanit if you waited te Sk hi2i about. Lust doubt if lie had been searched first, are net stronger than -the telupta.-i summer I dmeraprO>xnise which I the other 'five-pound note weuld tiens w'th *hich God allows yen te think. was 1ront, and j wanted te liave- been fouzid on him. What a be aeeaied, " lie said. "And ni,> knew whether - I miglit brook t." blackguaid the man muet lie te, lie sa'id at length,1 "unlees yen have. "IWhat. did -hoe saj.y 1" é4ked Fri- have let you enifer for hlm 1 Vl' aby other -friends te whom yon thiof, '*hile Sigrid. and Boy listen- have the truth out of him beforeý -would'rather* go, j amn geing te ak ed iu silent astoniahrnent. rrn a day eider." -.Yeu te cerne home wit4 me. I eaun <He said thut a;' wrong promise "Oh, Frithiof, fr'ithiof 1 I'm se,- promnise yn at leset rest and shel-, ouglt te hobreakeni and heo man- dreadfully sorry," sôbbed pe ter, :and a.welcome frornmy deai' aged te get me leave o tesmpakfrorn Sw anhild. IIthought t wouid- -old nýüther,ý who,'b.ingvéry nerteprso ewliom I rn&e te pro- have belped yen, and it lbas doe te the etherËý worid. d oosnt judge, mIse. Anondtnew .l'arn goiug te tell -flothing but harrn." peeple ,after tlie 4setom of this yon about t." -(Te be oontiuned.) eue?' ~~Frithiof oold' feel 1wtepr -"But," she said, with a Ieok cf littie thing waa4rernbling. GERMAN'S YEAR 0F FATE.. migedrelief and perpiexit,. l"how "De-n't lie frightened,'ý darling,"' c an I let yen do noemuvh for a, mer. he said, "just teil ns eyeîytlhing, Propheey of the %rat Seerees Le. strangter 1 Oh, I *liouid like te andne e-enehail iterrnpt yen." cerne; but-but-" - She gavehis hind a grateful lit-oran IRecalled. ",Yen are nejlonger a stranger," tie squeeze- and went on. -Germane seem to elim npree.ed he replied. "And eu in nst not re- "It happen ed juet after we had witli the idea tliàt 1913 will be a fumeme hie -M so an hi wde corne back fiom the sea, luet'June. yearef ft for hat untry. Ti liîvewith us. They, tee, wil ho 580 1'W'as,,oeming home from scheel on Lne*videnced througlqu-t the pross glad. if we eau be of iuy -use te -yon. ,Suturday mornig hnjs u- editoriais and reviews, Lu whicli Ooie, I eau not leave yen here in side the ecourt-yard I met Lady there are nurnerone articles-warn- thie louelines." Romiaux. Juat lMr a moment I did ing the people ni>t te forget God "Deyu mean that I amn te oorne- net kuoW hlir but elie knew mie di- lst a great catastrophe should re- now Il' she gaid, scarting Up. , reotly, aud topped me and said call them te their duty., There in idYeà, if yon wil,". -lie veplied. hew she had met ydn and Sigrid aitliardly eue optimistic note eennded "But I will go and cail. a harm'orn; a party and had ever since. beau no in the reviewe of the. New Year. and ei.uoo I arn in rathier a hu-rry, miserable te t-hink that we were goThU North Germun Gazette, the or- periape yen will lot yoûr muid fol,- poor, and somehow she liud found gan of the Imperial Ohau.cellor, re- low, with your things lafer ou, inout enr address, aud wanted t.1 calis tlie dark daye iif 1813, amd in- MJe evening." , - -kuew ail abo>ut us, only when shevgleainttI.apencutu Be in a few minutes they wéie actuully got te.the door she did net Germany. It soolde Germaus'fer dniving -tegether te 'GUillbrd like -te cerne in. A-nd ehe mid elie their worship.ef Napo]eou'e genius, Square, and Blanche was tréana>l-an, wue eo glad to see me, and usked as lse hown by the thousupds of sta- ted f rom liher miserabie lonelines ail sorts of questions 'and- when she tues and pictures of a man who a inte the heart ef,.oeeof the ha -hudta onmatt a f century ago, breugit- Pruesia te, the est hem..s- Luthsecounntry. Lea'd. the debtesthe looked se nad, and very duet. lier Lu -the 'study. Cliarles OSM40 ishmid thut thé bankruptcy w-as Despite lt-s science and its intel- -weut Lu seurcli of Swanhild. ralil. er faunit, and she usked h-owletiui3an m iiii9rud !'It Le aIl riglt," -lie mid, hLàbd- mueli I thonglit you lad get toward- a large portion o teGerman peo- Lng 1er a Uttle note "in Blançhe'e itf, and seeemaed quite lierrifled to, ple are e-t heurt mystie and inclined writlng; and while tuie child eegerly thinli wlat a littie t wus, and what te superstition. The gloomy ont- read t lie turned te hiesanglter- yeurs the wçrk would take. And erloek on113heeme nte leaegn in-Iuw. then ie mid te, me that sIe want- eraleytou the durk cla spthetnof "#Will yèn tell tliem te get the ed te help, too, juet a littIe, only pretof h eiia seto epare noorn ready, Erica, dean 1" lie- thàt yoû rnùst nover know, and s-he Europe. andc the psychological in- suid. III have 'persuuded Lady thouglit I'oonld easilv pay in a fluence of the feet that it je just a Romiaux to ty with ne for a lit- five-pennd--note t-e your account ut century ince Prussia saw her clark- tle-whle."- the bank, see mid, without your eat days. Here and there ie mon- -Swunhid cauglit the words, and. knowing auything about Lt. She tioned the fumons prophecy of the longed to ask te eee Blanche, but made me promise to do Lt secretly great seere-as Lenormand. Prince the remembered tha;t Sigrid would and neyer te) tell thut t was f rom William, who wa-s later the firet net like it_; and thon witli a sudden lier. - Yen can't think hoýv kindly German Emperor, is repnted te recollection that the aftern-oouw-as mie mid ýit el, 'and how dreudful-lv have called on ber Lu 1829, when the almost over, and that she muet go sad she lo9ked-I clont think I pro; hetess le saiJd te have told him home, she thanke.d Charles Os- couic! possibly have suid 'ne' te that she would an-swer four ques- -moud, reluctantly parted witli the lier. But afterward I began te see tiens. Prince William asked lier: baby, kisd oic! Mrs. Osmend and that 1 couldn't very well puy the "When will 1 fight at the hea1 of Erica, wl->6rnde lier promi2e to note into your account ut the rot- au army 7" pome and see t-hemi again, and hur- office, for JI hadut got your httî0 T hssh eee: Ad12 niec back te the model lodgings.' boek thut yenual*.ays take, and be- sideways and upwards, that je,4 '"Oh, leowI wish it were over !" sides, I didn't kno'w which office voil benoath the 9 of 1829 place the fig-1 ehe -thought te herseif, as (;ie went te. -Se I worried about t ail ures 189-9 vertically and add. The m&rched on te lier disagreeabîe the ncxtday, which was Sunday, result will be 1849. werk like a littie Jnejan. Big Bon and Lu the eveninq at chuirch'i t sud- "W'hen w-ill there be an e:id o-* ~wàs striking five aï she crosseci t-h.denly -came into my -piul that tevitIes? se tePice. cebnrt-yurd. ,Shie had been awy would put t with yo-ur otTer -mofney To this the seeress replied: fre-m homne m6re than twve heurs. inside your waist-Liat-pocket" Rov'ra 89tesai a s12. She liurried on te the porter's of-,j niado an iuvoluintary . novemenTercIia 81 fice., aud âEkèd breathlessly for the'Sir drew a littTe near-î, uîît "When w-ill 1 cie 7" asked Prince k-ey. - Fi itiof e-er surd u 'îidWilliam. .i~ ta tinq g oact at once. It's thngedcoldt-h tbecornes trouble-- sente aud di .gcrocs Thie îéond î &nat thing te do la te. talie Na.]Din- 0' pof L14useed, Licenice and C iord'e, a.- epit up tlh od dsapp entt-mo 1 q y-D e-nC ýp of Llnseed, Licenice - - sud Chlorodyne is âbàolntely freec f n iiarutul drugs., &4d cen ej9ely bgi- even- .tomodèratel Yyoung -Cbul4etç raccus, prouîotlug expectoration, and check In' t-le colel.- uïYérruggist lias Na-Dru-Ce Syrup- itý$peeed, -Licenice and Chiorodyne la- *54lj4 50d5o bottles, or eanu nek1l get it Compoitlded by tly t.~e »ru-4~,.lIO5ii&lCe. eCanada, 1 n'as «afrad Ltf,în,4 hotitat, yet jA poiseiscsomet-ing yen dareel net speuk about 'it, a-uc 1 sheOule kecp wheu yenu give Lt-. t-ied te - fiat-iout- froffi Signid, but- The will cf t-be Pçople bi:s dis- ise only said that yen ha&L mauy boa-rt-oued ma-ny a candidate. troubles which I wae -toc> young te - If - mre mon were wermm t-bey undorst-anel. It oIt-en ma-de me wonld lie t-co luzy te tura. yery uuliapy but- I.nover qu'it-e Que irs elelom disappeinteel lu understeçdtia; J,h ~ w9g y as long as lie remaLus a iach.- ti.ll t-le niglit- ye un enxiué noaeiug1 ~ho pape n n<, hep 1'ýliought t-ha-t Ç~e ttb apn utl I ultntt aema-de the prom- world L% due te t-be fa-et that-ignor- Ie te Lady Remiaux.' This is t-ho ance is bbiLs. net-e which Mn. GEdnonel breuglit- Wbeist-he'uvýrage manu uta-rt-e on me frorn ler. t-be downward patbh-ho wan-m re - ,Frith-Lob toittho-lit-tle crumpleel siily woman- toeccompa-ny hLm. eheet-, a-uc reJ i. A wern ma-y iot- wallow ail t-le - - complimenta men baud lier, but- t-e. "gDean Swunhil-il-You are quite - lfbiks there Ls e int uthem just free te ,peuk a.bout thut five-punl't-he sa-mo. ý,imuce ý é.:a litte abtraetet. At thé4 maaee in,-question-ne doubi -d in hile own plans, whieb en but r*en -g but havie âtured and reflected the border', ofbogile nîce. HRungarlan> Cabbage. -.Material rëquiÏed: OQue hllicabbpg,5 three' tbikk suâlces -cf fat'sait.penk, ou.- ,hall <epfu1 of thisicem eehl -cpfnl of beiling wuten, sait aud pealnLka. Metliod ef prepal4ng:- Re- miove the, enter lov-ue-of calibage andc clip the remaindeçr.-Soku ,cld salted wat-rfifteeu -minutes. Fry t-l at from tise pork and re-i ineve tlie piecos. Drain:t-le cab-, ba-ge and put iu t-ho pan--with thle 'prk fat; add t-he water; cover clemely and cool i ffteen : minutes. Drain off the water, add the creain; se ason with sait and paprika. Re- heat and serve lot. If ceoked in the oven there. will ie -ne edor from w.' LA. -~ 'a!, i or se.' jeep "as, 'QNa ai'd. ~,eD - -- boul rr- I. TIse ,;y. jus, 'me vo.. -Itb. - - nIe las) ID. 'Si-- 'ely lu 'OU rea. If - sot *1 '05 z She-Of course I'm mnclihî hoered by yotîr proposai, but I muet have a few days te tbink Lt ovrer. He- Weil, whon nîay 1 cerne for mx- au- swen? Sbe-Let'c sec. Menday tho re'm thie - washiug; -Tuesday 1 must put up dlean cunt-ains anud ueduesclay I migst ma-ko some jam' Ceme ou Thunmc!ay. GIRLSMiss M6 This It'ls the 'Be9t Ever"s Send Post Ca-rd to-day for particulars. 74 St. Antoine St., Me'À)i'ea-ICa-n Wh.p-n yen ca-nuotobtain -cei'tified Steu :Iized rnilk. yct yen doubt ltm ptirýl-', try sterilizing it yourself.l Ec-re' l a Imet-lid* advised by oe Put t-ho niilk Lu a glass jar, c over t-ho tep with, stenilizeel cloQtb and -stand t-bejar n a asaucepan of ccli waten deep enougli te cerne te tho level of t-ho milk. Keep-boiIiug 40 minutes anuc cool qnickly ýby put- ting t-ho jàir-lu cold wat-ar. -- Se of t-liequautity. .c'f - miik-Luin. lt ui tbas wa-y, but t-lie'*qnuýlity' Le improv- ed; onUt of germe. It Lenet no ito stenilize milli, espeaiaîîy -ber babies, uniesu tle ut-ens in wbicli if-be servee - are free f rom germe. AlI! botttes- auc -elninkiug mugu e ýu-el bo scal4de 'anel ninseel well-Withi lot ed~ wat-onwlienoeàeaed aua hould le ninsee a-gain, befobo uuing. Mucl dns- i -ciletee ev n t-ho dean- .est cioset,, and -uc wlo au sËay 1when go ciesn easrnney anaId'a dryjî ' -tLmed wiek. Ohlmnneys nuay be ->easily _eleaned, by bloWiug> the' breuth ite the chimuey and wiping eut with a uewspaper- or- a, dry clotli free from. grease. Qf these directions une féiiowedý theé ill lie st'rouble from- pour THE' CLFE ORMNG -UT.-. lse s Greatkl]ngenuÙity in Breakiug Ont of TheirCages. Flew animais &are-diffien- tet keeép ulive Lun a etate of captivty as. the greut aîtlinopoid apes of t-be BEest Indies.- But they have liad!u- nenai Iuck witli these creatunres,»,t the Zeelogieul Gardons in Regent'm ,Park, Leoudoi, andth-ey no10w have t-we fulge Sumatran - eranÈ.ý utune, oeeof whioli las eccupied.hie' cage fer elglit yeus ,ac!theoetler -for fivè years. -The Lunden Tirnes siaye cf tlern: Tliey - re iu excelleut condition, and t-loir euormnously powerjuî juws, bande and -arme maiet-hem very formidable. .Hit-henrte, tbey 1 have beau quiet und neasonably do- cile, and it las been possible for'tlie keepers th enter their cages. Re- cently, liowever, tliey have sbewui a dispsitiLoni te ne.aet intrusion, and! as eithier of t-hemi couc! very, easily kili-even a powenfni -man, -Lt is ne longer sale te trust t-hem. fBoth the orang-utane have dis- jplayec! great ingenuit-y und pati meute Lu breaking t-brough the interlinkeci wire netting that forms the walls of their cages. This netting is fixed to an iren framework urrangeel lu panels, and wonid resist the direct assut of mucli bouvier animale. The eraug-itaus, liowever, hi;ve pleuty of spane time and ý" epenc! heurs La elowlyntwisting t-be junctions, alt-hougb thome have been fixec! witli atrong plions. Tbey ue t-hein teeth anuc fingere, asic if t-bey get holcio any sul-tableo bjet,j they use Lt as a lever te wreucl ont t-be links that t-bey have, looeed- Receutly ene of t-hem ceutnived to diment-angle a place of 'wire about aJ yard ini length. Ho thon pa-ssed this t-hreugh -a ioop cf thse uet-ting, braced hi eet againet the sic!, cf tho cage, auc witb eue end of tle' wire Lu each hand, mawed iti buck- ward and forwarcl ntLiliehéhuci weakeue t-ho uot-ting s<N"-uh that ho couc! break througb tbe loop.. No doubt lisernethod of usit-g t-ooe lie a lever and fret-suw' Le t-be recuit of what pbsycbeîogists caîl "trial and! errer" ratber thun of constructive int-elliga-nee, but t-be practicai ceusequence Le t-bat Lt is aime-et imlessibile t-o keeptbe ani- male lu t-hein cages. Twice latt week they got onut, and had a wild rô-mp Ln the service passage, clciig mnuch destruction te ventilaters, nipping bearding, and breakiug flowcr-pots. They were quit o od- humoreel in this irough play, oxcept whan tbe keepers triced te approacb t-hem. Thon t-bey became danger- ens. Fert-uuately t-bey got eout cepa-- rately. auc after a rather excitiug- timo, ea-ch was induiced te return. St-oi- bure will have te be substi- Lut-ed far the wire netting, anud a- sniaflier buciosure made Lu which the apee eau be cshut, up wbule tho keepers dlean the cages. Chleken Hash--Chop fine t-le -et over bita of cold chlckou 'and cher *ifî t-hem an equgal quntity of col< 'boiled'putatoea.,In- a fryiug pur moît ene tubiespoon ef butter,., adé eue-li!tablespoon ef choppped on. Ïon and let cook'tLl soif, but nol Ibrowu. Turu Lu -tle chicken mix ture. season highly wýithi salt an<" -peppor and a duaah of Wonoester sbire saue, ani!d dd, if ut hand -one tublespoon cf viery fi7neiy chiop ped greeu pepper. Lot cook'til' weliliheutoc, add one-foutl cup «. crearn, remeve t-ho pan t-o tleliaci e f t-le. range and lot eook elowly til well browuecl ou t-le bot-tom. Fol( iou a bot plattorn-!serve ut once 1 Hot Pot -or Hodge- Podge.-Ma tonial requireci: Two pende of leur beof f rom the loeo part of round fz)ur or five potatees elicecl, twt tublempoonfuls fleur, tw-o table spoonfuls cf fat, eue-l-o f a pop. per ebredeld, malt andl pepper, Met-lid of prepariug: AIten nemov- ing t-be fat from t-l ieaeutct it L pioces te serve. Try ont -t-le fat and if there is not enongli tomako tho two tablempoonfule- required, ad-d button or clanified fat t<e mako t-ho required amount. Peur tle but Lu a bukiug dieli, blond withii tt-be flour, put Lu a layer ef petut, adel part ci t-le onion; t~dd t-le meat, season witl sa-lt and peppen; acIe t-ho roma-meo of, t-le onien a-uc!t-be mbnedded pepper, cever witl sliced potate and pour ovor Lt -eue cup of boiiug wa-ter. Cover cloey and bake lowly for two bonne. If at t-be eud of a-n heur it looks t-be dry, adel a litt-le wa-ter. Serve lu thé dieh Lu whiehiis ecookel.' Curry et Vègetabics.-Muterial required: Oueernaîllcauiiflower, oua-h-all cupful of carnets, oue-balf cuplul cf t-uruip, two* cupfls io! po- t-a-te,oee nion, due-half cupfnl cf ceiery, -oeecuplul cf et-raineel toma- te, t-we tea-epoonfuls curry powcler, twe tublespoonf nIe cf butter on clanifleel fat, t-wo tableuspoonfuls fleur, -sait andl pepper, eue cnpfui cf boileel nice. Iethod of prepura t-ion: Divide t-ho cauiiflower Lu small pieces. cnt t-be carnet, -t-uruip and. celery Lu dico asic! t-hopotates lu one-inchi cubes.: sîlce t-be onion. Put tbe carrot-anel turuip on te cook lu boiliug sat-oc wut-er, uned wlie t-bey have been cooking five minutes add t-be enion andl ceiery; ceek un- t-il soIt. Drain. Cook t-be petatees Lu beiling cuitoc!wuter uintil soft. Drain. MeIt t-ho fat in a stewpau, adc! the fleur auc! curry powder; wlieu well.'ble'nded ade tise tomate and> eue cupiul of th-howuto in wbicb t-le vrget-ables were coeked (discurd t-be potate wuter); acIe!oee- ha-if tea-epeenful of suIt, eue-fourth tepocuful cf peppen ind tle -vege- tables; cimmer ten minutes. Serve iu a border of rice. This can ho made cf cookeel vegetabies. To Stcs'iiize Milk. -Served a---a OoCq, becaù&eit. wonld - require t-lie iskill -of àa-Beiiart-o i-: mnthern. HEt 'teirr etaagamnla-1 tinwaïs muabject, thait -lienveri >ft -t-le Yildiz- Palace eoet teay, his prayers -once -a weoi . -at- his,- meeoque, a-nia î. employed. a, 'ýas-M ter," like any medsaoval in'onancil. The- ex-Snitan, as ea1 -"tiworid knows, - was ,and iLu un enemy te- p ro- gÈrees and relo rm- and,,-exoessiveiy, nar*row Lu bis -views. The : Yeung- Tunrks -had. a-bad time 'ci-it-.under- LM asway,-and woehen- a we-rse one.1. .1o eufnrced strict -.ocIuslien'U for Tur-- ,kielý wemen,. ferbade t-hem; ever t-u louve the counltry - after -tleywere- oic! ,enouglite-be vti1edi and obligeid ailrep etablewemen te beinceos, iby sup -t. Even now under a more- enuiglit-. oued nul., - .aithengli they go 'ont and about. t-le streete disgnieed. in -yashmuk and, ferejeli t-le Tnrkish-, ladyl islucky, if a: s py, d<oue nen't foi-- ;~ lu i er waké ready t-o rpntt 1a ljealous linsbaud t-le slight-est in- discret-ion., Que of our party pused, a higluwall, on hie vay t-ot-le Selar- likçT whicl lis dragomun iuforrned >him wus that of a harem. "The, w alli muet lie higli," said tho Turie,- - "ince wemen-are se bac!." -. -We waited long Lu our pavillon, fer t-li Suit-auanc! wero reiieved- when ut last hiscocmLng was lien-- aidecl by men who scat-tereel grave' befone hlm ou t-l ieli. Alidul Ha . miel was a liandsome olel man witli- reflued- featuree,, a pronuinent nose, and -a g0o.d -capiage. Ho -wus, dnesced simpiy and! le w-oee-ee de- corutions. As, le drove puest t-le t-roeps cheened- hLm in- a strange1 lew key, unlike- any et-ler hurrah, I have ever hourd. It lseieiquette- that ah eyes ebonlc! be cust down as t-le miglity Sultan :go)ee-by-. Behinel Abcdul Hamic t-ho ladies of his haremdcrôve Lu ciosed canniages, but t-bey diel net enter thle mesque, womeu Lu Tunkey huviug ne seuls i- EABNS LIVING SLEEPING. Pi'olonged Nap Ã"l Men je Empioyed. -o tAdventise. To eSIeep fer oue'e living May ap- peal t-O morne as a more attractive, alternative thau-te wenk for oue'e living. Butt-be bat bas boots a-cbieved. Iu t-be Daily Courant of August 9, 1711, t-be foiiewing ac!ventiiemeut uppeare: I"Nichelas Hart, .whe- siept la-st year lu - Stj Burt-bo-' mew'- Ho-spital, Londen, Lntend-s to slcep t-bis yeanut- t-ho Cociea-uc!Bot-' tle lu Lit-tle Bitain." Sorne fur- t-ber panticulars cof t-hie profession-' ai semneliet axé t-ebe feune iu t-be Spectate>r for Oeber i of t-bat; yean. It appears tHa art was eveny' yoar seizec! 'it-h a peniedical fit ofi sleeping, whicb began on Auguet 5 and euded on t-le il-tii, i-tes varions stages are t-bus descnibeel: "ou theý Ist cof t-baît meut-heh grew duli; ou the 2ud appeureel drowry;ou t-ho' 3rd feul a-Yawnsng; cn t-le 4t-h be,- gan te nec!; on t-ho 5th dnropped Eslpep-; ou t-be 6t-b was boa-rd te sucr-e ý on t-be 7t-h t-ned -himself iu hic bcd; ou thbe 8thli ecsvered lis fermer posture; on the (lt-h bUl a-st-rot-dingi; - on -t-helOh about midnigbt, awukeued,; ou t-be iit-b, lut-bey monuiug, ca-led for-a_ Bmaîl been:" T-hie penfornance, l-, is asserte-d, guineel for Hatù 'eennugl to suppeat himmeif for-àa Anegro preachen, allsng te 'the Story of Daniel su t-elienos' -don, msc! --<'Thene ho sut ail niglit longO lookiug ut t-le" show anpd it dîds't ceet him a cent-" Old folks who uoodsemiething ol thle klud.-Iid meet aeffective witbou lucreasÇtdoses net ng - t.your drnîggsî's. NaUssiugm iadciu1 Sbr John l[are.- greateet creait oun Wmaelf andc!t-ho st-ugoele se worthily adonna-lie carne te t-lie couplet-: ' Lue! heurts a -re more t-han corneos, a-uc simple faith t-bau Norman swerds!' "But lu t-hiuking cf hie meot-ler, penlape Lu conuection witl t-be cast el a- play lie wa-s shortly t-o produco, lie rendereel Lt t-lis: " 'Kind e!uart-s are more t-ban corouete, andl simple fait-h t-han Normun Ferbes ' " îSir John Hune sped a- greut- por- tien cf hie leisune ut a cliarming-ne- sideuce ou t-be Norfolk cea-st. But- ho stLl maiutaLus a London rosi- douce, unel keepe lu teucli with hie oic! ia-unte andl t-hofIonde of hie ounlier days. LEPERS SLAIN AND BURNED. Mode ef Exeention Practised hbi Chinese Governon. Thirt-y-uiue lepers necentiy were put- te eeat-linL an at-rocieous manuer by erder cf t-be provincial a-ut-boni- t-Les kt-Nanning, Province cf Kwaug Si, China. Iýie suiferons I rom t-hodrendeldiseuse first -were shot andeltbn their bodies wene burned inl a hinge trench. Those ac!vices were nocciveel Lu a lt-t-er f rom t-ho Catbolic mission ut Nanning. The letton-c st-at-ad t-bat t-he lepers livee iu t-be woodes a few mile outsLie tel t-h. City cof Nan- ning. The -mission 'sougit permis- sio(n te builel ut-lt-s own expen-se a lazaret-te for t-hem, a-uc!t-he provin- cial aut-beriea, pretendlug te con- sent, dug a pit Lu wbich was placeci wood soukecl wit-h keresene. At- t-be peint- cf t-be bayoeet t-be lepers t-bon were driven inte t-be pit- a-uc!shot a-nedt-ho pyre was ligbted a-uc!t-hein bodies buned in t-be preceuce cf a large crowci. The aut-borities ofered rewanels for t-le discovary cf et-hon lapons, anuc!t-bis offer recultee iu t-be shooting cf en-o more man aflicted with t-ho dis- ease. The Geveruci- after t-ho massacre isseeela proclamation, Lu whicbho accused t-le lepers cf buviug comn- mitted cuitrages. The lot-tens from tise m"ission say t-bore is nQ londa-- t-Ltn f-î* suis c bauge. - THIGU BONE TRANSPLANTED. A.mazing Fout of Snrgery Perform- cd by Danish Surgeon. The world-larnous flaulsb sur- geon, Professor Rtovsing, bas juet made kuewu a woAderful operat-lou, a boué traoneplant-ution, which.lie ba-g nndont-aken -wit-limarveliossr-e- sulta.- The patient lu -question is a yonng lady, a relative of Professr 11ev- ei. She had a swelling lu t-be lo4wIer, portion cf the thigli bôue, which under ordinary treatmeut would nocessit-ute t-le amputationa of tlie leg. The Professor thon de- cideel to*perform boue-tna-nsplanta- t-ion. The affecteel 4high boue was remeveel, anud!pouding- t-le oppor- t-unit-y cf eb-taiuimg a freeli thigli boue Professer Roveiug.lu t-ho, meautime ina-ntoc!a-n oic! bone se as t-o prevent t-ho mngcles from cou- t-ra-ctig. The patient will lie a-bic t-o wulk. ~ - Excuses donlt 'amnount Vo îuucb, a-s People Seldom balievo t-hemi. 1

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