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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jan 1913, p. 4

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-i8 liODpenri bianL, aiter the. ation. At the lime of writiagit p- m atI1er Jx'd b.@*i thoroughly diBeu" P jears -tha4 'the asecess of .the selini and uxideâtadîng- errived at, - tisa rests upon. the 'williugness -uf thé Whli.-thàè pDo'uitt mai too &alai, iLit 0ininion and*0ntüýri ovnnnt *ouidd b. inaeàd arajsidlyauLte ta subsdize the road;, privàeçl>owxi- ofgregatIan's8 finance&- Warranted it. ed roads. have received'sucit subsidies in. 'of thé memburs wee-',of iu the past,« and wili- uudoubtedly ob- th -.Opinion tiat lte -aiary tain thin in thejutu're, >se -iL ývuld obuiUd Sî,0,other,, 1,350, and sfem!n iy reasona;ble o-W et i La detsware made te titis effect, for a schème', of public- ownership. of btieChairman of tue Board of this ,kid. There is né douht tue two S4sea sggted -ý1wZiuillg nti gFeat ral ways in.etd nd te lbhgv pastur mas instailed, * the (and Trunk especiaiiy,_ whieh lualies oisg*ASfôn, was in- botter workigý sucli a -bald pretense of serving this - rder, ami their finances -in, -bettOr dietrict, -wul strenuoUàsly oppose an>ý uhape. Bulng Bo long wilhoi4 a pa.: sucit a8ssistance. ýWQIfeel, ta'owever, tor had been a dletimit. Thu lieder-' that their opposition wuill net Le con- AIor afflauned tise' final ballot, - Mir. sidered when the deninnds of 1ii 'peo- ilfte 48 and Mr. Yul. <64. À consider- pie 'are coîîcerred, and if it ena le able iuniêr ai itaos. mixa ad votesi showiiltat this lhuïe wo*uldproperly for tise atiia& =en dxi uDot vote an the serve titis idistrict, and reli ve te ire- finl bllo. I W~mv e t,~* the sent almost intohýral eonditioîs, vote b.nmade unanimaous far-. m. taIIthe- request of Toron to, and the Viii.. The motion mas. put, and. witit otixer nîuniipilities will net 15e re- verý, lew disaetingp mas ~fused Tite Pruabytery Ipets aà Bamman- viiie on Januair l5th, aI mInit itixne - itRRIO the CaU illiW'»Preseuted; Mr. Morris N. J.a fi' . hpxaa Ade te oprseu Lie sssonlir T- Hed-are ba-th 'lverv iii at present. Mir. meon ana ereenta-iv f4.thp j+I-ri.1 * of pre Ler I()a ednesday e ven Ingj,"J nuary 1a, hoeICme aofUMr. ai >frý- J abe W. ietPJicIeriixg, mu thxe cené of a' Mo8t PleaSant evu.àt;. ýwhen their. daugitter, ifliza- Mm, was united in murriage-to IMr. Charlea Wesley Fil- key, - àto. of Pickering.- At the hour of four odlock' t4e brii oouplQ ,. en- tered te dirawing, rïom1 Mirs. Uer- Jýron, sisteraof the groo ;)jim~Lgthe -wedding xxxech-. 'Tho, bride, who was- niost beconingy attlred iI White"sll wvith tulle velUcauglit up mith orange blossois, was- gien away -by lie (ather, The ceremoay was performIed bi .Rey. flJI. Joitasten, in the Pres- ëe of ai inediate relatives, whase many giîta to the yioung couple sig- nilied their esteain. Miss Minnbe Har- Iett, ester of the bride, -a.ted as, bridesm4aid, whiîtri r. John iStock, cousin 'of the*brdé$, asslsted "the groom; After te cormony and con- gratulatory passages, the coÃ"mpany Bat down to a daiýnty luncheon. The bridai ,PartY lef t on, the 8 e'clock train for Toronto and western points. Oni their retura theyv ill take up their adode la Pickering.--Pjickering News.* Donyt BeýB8Id I4E&RLY A-NhUNE MAY SEC[J1<E_ A SPLNDID CuiowlrI 0F flAIR. vu-- el - -5flIu Chapnian is' guffeiing frasil hie eld 1W have a redy that hlas a record anamgïrs, aM. w 15liapp nit thecoraplaint, heurt trouble. while Mrs. eof returdi-g bailcnes band proinotlng * e g a i n, m re a I ai t d e Ce <b ap ian h as a severe tta rk o f acu lot u 1X g rO w Li in* 9u U u t of very 1o 4. eszý when te cai - ispresented. indigestion. . Citti iV.liere utiud uccording to direc- R.V. Mr. Yulè cames frein Winches' Jamles Denny bas shipped' within te LIOnIS er a reasonable tatt a rOnt-, wh«ee h.ha. been very suc- PaNt fi! teen da>s, fiýve c rloada ofa i ue. lhal xnay àeew. lea troci statentent-it la, and we -lmteau iltat ~ ~ ow ri ~ ~be,'8ad Jne one âhuuld doubt il until ly«OW-theY have Put aur cdaims tii an sot- ual Lest. Weaxe se certain issxai "-93-, Hair Tonle wil radicabo dandru&, aot ta -prevent baldness, stiînulate te scalp, -sud haitromots, arrest premature lutsâ of itair and prodnote itair grgwth thatme prfonllygive jur poâitive guare.nxee te refuxid every peaux> paid Susi for il la every Instnc where iL does not give enlire satisfaction to *the user. Ilexîl "3" fair oule isnspl(,aid- - ant ta use as clear spriig wateir. Itin l W4,deiightf ulY Perfumed sud dees.- not- grosse or gum the itair. Twe sizea, 50c. andb$L. With aur guarantee back afitILyou certainly take o ne -ik.eld, only at aur store-The lexali Stars. A.L.Aln,_Druggiat. I UXIIDGE. r Friday mas a lield,,day for Miagis- Tue D o R IdLite Llaxniton. Th Ut laioro caee t ieary Joues, chargea w iLlu Tho. thàagôw b)igasmy camle up. A letter was pro- duced purportmng 4.to came frein b.is Yeu rememnher 1he fable of the t irât wxfe 'la Col. Farewel, written dog wha drdpped a real bone for since.the proceedigas commneuced, stal- It asba-aw which h. saw un the mater -Bea.r in mid that al h .cot gth iehabeninmrorIs Ooid Dust that glitters under the narne of washing Powder. Dont aotýept lgta h tdbe amr rJs a shadowy substituts; get the reel 10118tant cemîinuiuiîi wth -ll-.. * hildren; aoetfmhlom mas living with Gofd Duel WaahngPow er the defeadant, mithina-CMartey wth the 'ibid flust Tmuns on the parkage. trial but later released oni hisam -w- UFOT5GI I T1 bIng foîr.wsh' otues ar-d dishera cleanlr-.ci - bail, iund recognizances furnisited by USSS FOI work. O i c and tlflwarm, ïDoisIZ rg r,s work. relatives and fionde, Beelas te op Xa& y UR£ N.9. A BANX CO pt.N oc,0 treta1 ti mauîî IQ netà - & FA P, .SOAtin aif ieig ried by te Lu ty MaSsby PE It AIR>rt CC. PI\ ~ P Qllneri f F~ SAP. court Judge. (EO D UST è, '~s g~~au w ferp -jf John C.E. Ruttle once more houglt 'a large qunntity et goads sud tender- - -- ~ -' -euia echeque la paîmeas te k. LitQle, -- - of Goodwood. Te citeque mas on tse ~~ ~Home Bank ef Canungton,,adRt tic neyer had an account thore. As a 1 conséuuence ho was Lakea le. Witby by constable Stiner and wil shortîy, get hie trial. Experience i titis lino b as tau ht euttle nething. Ho has 1 Sevra ýÎes'been'arrested en a sin- 1 ilnr cha rge, -chut itas not been- senti , ~ saU l~mzra~ss Leted frôm . suceim-n as this. Bisf dgwa before. Msercbants muet ha pro- E k an ir, I a ay redeeming feature la his dosire La - cie bis famiiy, but -he must learn lîle taI hoiecnunot do titis by insane af tVYTTr~~~~v worthless citenues endered i amn WrIJLN - uU for lte necessary goods.i amn Wm. Terry ap arrested on Tues* SWEEF r day morning and appeared before Magistrat. Hainilton la 1h. afternoa absors thedus, On te charge,.ao abducting a girl I brighitens- the > un.der the age et sixteen years. IL ap- 1 peârs titathoand the egirl mer. ince, 01.0or, and densl arid in ý Aurora, au-c ltat excepî M - for an initial error Terry lias acted your carpet. ttenman., Re * was ceminitted ta tIA stand his trial fer te' cfence, and te V rc5, Orie week free tria.'. hearingg ml pr~obably lho held sean. -hé i1LI~\ Yura er halth - is Honor, Judge McGillivray pro- - ~-* DuTBA.. - sided at the sittings aio Lte fourtit «" T],àLN division 'Court of titis--eounty for te I ,.- ' C ~ - I , ~ ; ~ ~ - ~ t-first 'l im e .si ce h i se lev a tio n to t.e - beueh.'Befare takitg up te business *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~o o OfDSYFIA~ it.e day, Ris NHor mas lte recip - J - gient a or ne cougratulatory rems.rke. tilde ~ n- 1»"thte members aifte bar la-îé J McINTYRE, 0 b Çbridge, Lo wiich ho epedl m -urt ma a h.lholonger t&an aLte - ~~~Lust meek ane Of r ~. ~rg' bouot t ueT9*"sbP ofka y, a e y I e '3 B 4gockey has, been kndck(ëd gall1ý west0 t~o Wse a slaufg phrase, duiixi the paest week , y the "Jpjiuarý thaw.'> The weather lias been àa changeable, and for the ino3t part àa wet andi mild, that,'whàt'littie 10 would forin did not last, long. .The hockey - -match -ox Wedne.da niglit of4e-st wekbetween >s'0 we andWhitbýy juniores, was witîeesed b3 a large crowd,. but ýwaS a veÇy one sided affair, -so far as the. score"~e conseelUently the intereest in the 'gai was nt ~okeeri. The'Score at ha] time 'was 4-1 aid ,uat ;thecls7- i The .ice -wýas Mft and the work heavy *f avor of Oshawa. BowmanvilIe Interrne"iaea w iere bal. ed- ta play ut -Whit>y 'on ' Monda niglit, but -the i'oe was top Soft, leueÀ the ý postponeillen t'of the gaine. Th Io u tkok is nflot t ail encourag inglor the seasonS -sport, buýt Feb nmary ny bring sorne hockey' w9vath-, er-_enough- toa ahlow. the- 0. R. A. achedules to be carrid ou. OSRAWA WON AT IIETFRBOiRO'.- P[eterboro, Jan. 21.-Mhile the icc was good to-niglit. The locals were better- than Osha wa J uniors, but -a the surface softeîîed the visitors were norýe effective, and they won by s Score cef"six, to four. The locale were ahéad by'-the score of ( tao0 at, the Ond' of the first fifteen miinutes, but this lead iras. reduced t0 4 to 31 by half-tixne. The teamii Oehawe-toal. Wilson :Point, Rior- dan ; caver, ti acobi :rq er, Fair ; cen- tre, Hall ; riýht, Berini: lof t,., Weiler. Peterboro'-iG ,ai, Fliwers point, lavanagh ; e r ~r w rover, Referee-Wahy fera. Why Hesitate. AN OFLFE1 TILAT INVOLVES No RISK FOR TH.)SE WHO .&CCEPT IT. We a-re se Positis e aur reînedy mili relieve constipation, that we offer ta fuiraishit ilftrue af al cost, if iL faills. Constipation is caused by meakness of the-'erves and muscles aiflthe large intestines or descending colon. To ex- -pect relief you must Literefore toue up aud strengtten those argas aud re- store themý ta hienlthier activity. WWlaat you to try Rexaîl Orderlies on aur guamanlee. The.> are esten like Çandy, and are pnrticularly idoal for childrsn. They act directly ounte nerves and muscles of te bameis.. -They' have a neutral action on alter ergans or glands. They do - uaL purge, or cause any ineçinvemeaece mitatever. They net ta aovercome chronio or habitua] constipation sud lthe miyriade af associate er dependent, oitronic ailmcafe. "Tîy lexcîl Orderlies at oujr risk. Two sizes, loc. snd 2&e. Sold only at aur store-The Eexall Store.-A. Il. Allia druggist. Oiesew- For the Came.,, "M.gradmaliu'a ead~~the alIMes boy canaiuh biaez.swWs hlualeuve. «1%o lsd." nMAUSbis basa. witba shako et the bhond *'Y.. MUat take a day off for to grieve. - "r" aran lu me doms." wu thse bu.ý A 1»rUubbusl his knob, mIicis ma blar T.O'4 b«tte 5à" OU-.»' ssIdthse boss, wilsb nM eoradacis. ailgha makis you care.. MW re. t «tis. fore. mitEs ne lgn ar re. s0 tichoir relative. oi. 'Twasa ashames AU-th. boss wits a <lanie et hiscalen- Eng si elu out-*"Clone4 for, tise sme." Phlaelphia L*Sger. Moe te S. Commsuîded.- @1 W» eut la lihe moode buatlug yeu. NWEY, a"d 1 @hot a. man iWbo mai ftmg 0» r etise . uzzy hal&" ai MarnMfal people may think -1 dld "'Afffli -Wby, - uman. Ir they lhlnk bat-P 70 mii et ail Its. moescrudit.e Ufexpoet.d Fippanoy. W. hard>' look for humor tu a medi- il dietiusa.>, yot eone receatly pub. Wbs dellnes "about" as "an implos- Et Mois. prduced by aver.trafnInýg bae tiuct, for mhich <ment singera are M Wi aou an mall chlldren ane pun- h"-Bostoa Transcript. D wu a beanUtul-aoto.reu _Who. ue t ta adistant &leu&i aIl onyamnute, ofai a iIhtg 8s. look'tb. oity directou.y- Ob. a pebfor beri-lme sees esd wrt b he serambledQhurernsDs DMr budget e« breathiesa neis rýTM making a hit." aise -touS her friand- -ýA hii that cjL tebbea- . -he-miai.of 1h *ow wilji ever end. - Wlbu. N 1 nidk' ibae aays befère' thé- meetiing 'of00 Uu"1. JN.E. PARZWIELtL, -iJamtylek. Whitbs,. January 19,1913. CU of Sorts?. Lots, of -discowfort - -the. lus-and -ma*ny 'serious sicknesses'you wllaocif ,you, ,,eYour bowls/'liver andýl:mpchin- good work-. ,ng ?rer by timhely use: of BEECHA' souL DNOTICZ 0F TRE RBGISTflATION 0F Now titat te holiday seasan lias passéd and we have cénsumed ai the taric A BY-LÂW P ASS ED) BY T HIE geese, we look for w ad hopefully for a -pleasant and xs ra N w B COUNCRILOF TE-CfORPORI'IOx- That nmen and-women xaay-be prepared te perfarm te duties and W taàc hai OF THE ColaTy 0F ONT'jOUo t the lot af al, they require .bhealthful, appetizing, -stiiulating- foods in -g FOR THE ISSUo' DE N variety. When the digestion à,perfect therejs a cheerfulness and -bouyac3; TUR.ES FOp.fR 3[ "O T0F? spirIt that ightens labr ami makes for god coaradeship. $2UOUU.In fresit ieats w e have sirliaxi stek for breakfast ; ch ice- rost. of beef r Notice la hereby given that a di nner a d ee nt usage'rals for sueer.- Nextday -oe serve ch ace yei lam as pased by te Ceunit et the roast prk, then veal, lIg-b, spare, rib, 'tnderloini, et,. as taste maydict.ate.- . orpraton ofithe Caunty f On- In cereals we have the flnest of fresh goads at close prices ancl in suffici . tarie on.17t day cf D ecember, 191-Z variety ta meet the mantu 4alla. providing for- the issue ,of debenturea To enable us ta sûpply aur tustamners ýwith fleur and feeçi at lom prices te the amaunt of MWOO for the pur-,. have baught by the car loed. 'Farinera can g et bran- and shorts by the ton Pose of raising mony for theoomle greatly reduced prices. W. arc aeling-a higit grade patentlpure Mànitl tien cf the entargements and . flurfr a.ape ct preveaients of te County Court a flouse and affices, and for te ira- provement efthte qUipme4t for ituat. r' au i o ing te Couny' Gaol, .and te pur- rh II .-(. '..t chase -of addîÎtional W uend for1the -E 0- C untY In dlustrial fari, and fr the ~* u e s~ m building in mitole dr in part of per- WHITBY nuiI manent bridges asumed by te CtUn- .- ty of Ontario, and tlsat aucit by-lam was registered li the Regietry office of te County ai Ontario on the 131h Any motion' ta quasit or set ziridu T A . th ae n at t heef :: :mzuet T TJN RY~ madeevr o t fý,n tefirot publicatioz1 of thB notice,noto nd and anot b. made thereatter-- can be demonstrat-ethat wnse.cin ofs u re lhited thte l4tit day ai January, 1913.. stock ae aonfeto o u JNO. E. FAREWELL, - Counly Clerk. TRY SOLACE AT OUR EXPENSE ý R MüneY baek for any case of ileadache that Solace Ail the neývwest things in Papers, Pens and Inks, Qrcrie s - elIse th-at goes to make themost complete stock of stationiery in town.- W.J.Il Rchardson L oading Bocîkeller andîSta tioner BIROCK ST. WHIITBY I EERSH FIS--H.l Salace RtWedy isua recouit aedIcaldîscov- et- of thirve Oernuan Scientists that dissolves Uric Atci.i Crystal, and Purities the bIneS .Itiseilsyto take. îund ahIlot aifetthLe weak-est stoumach. Il k guaranîeed under the Pure Fond u 11rugs Lu i be abýioluteIv f ree troru opiates or harrnftîl drugs of any description. Solace ls aptirespseffir in -very vway. auJ ha& bei-n proyed bei-end question to ho the surest and quicke.st reineSlý for 17ric Acil Troubles knnwn ti) ileiica! science , un imalter how long standing. It roui-lies and reiluf,.-, the roci cf the trouble (Ur ai> ni purifie4 the hi cci The Salace eu. ofriat-le Creek, are tie sol- V. S iagnIs anS id av-e tînu.sanis of vtluntary lesi ijii'. ettens wlici, liii e een reeeived froîn lcl>IC t Ie-ilIbas restoredt i palth. itvtiiolaît lelterm, ilterature and Fr.. aox sent ipo ucrequestl I. J'e Morris Pieident of the First National Ilaîih (of Chiao, Texas, Wrote the Solaee Company i a,,t von to send a liýx nf alaRce touMy fath- 1in NMeuphîs, Tenu for whici 1 encose 1. lh srpne iv lia, been u ed by soins f ieids f (Signeti) R. L. Morris.> Cut ei 50e an cd $10 I oses. Vst'miciîîy fine i be Weil and Yeu ealu SOOn be se bY takIng SE)LRLsB. No qp-.ýiliTreatient St-benes tir Pnes. Inst -bol-em,,oi-5the wnrk. Write t-ay forthe frep i, ve. -SOLACE REMEDY CO.. Battie Cruek. Mich. Wue don't cobble shoei We Repair Then. But owing ta the advance cf 40%a on leather in the last decade WE- ARE on and afler tht- lat af January COING TO. RAISE OUR PRICES. -Orthopedic Appliances, Cripples and- Detoi med Work - A Speciaiîy. I.fQUN N -Whitby's Only Ropair,,Sh'op "ArOck St-,Sou th- s 'j - i .1laddle l2ic lbo iplUets 15C lb. Bloatérs 40c do XI eiscoes l2I bo Hailbut I5 b. Salmon' 15e lbo Herrlngs 30e doz.' e2od Pish I~0 bo MARMALADIE ORNGE arc comning ine now. We have -the nicebihtfu. Tryus for thegood goods.- - Phone i W T W W Ourspecialty ist and fitting them- ~, stited to their spe Our ch«*ges are Y ' Our ncw eyeFgla. * - reund our oey. 'W ;. Graodu oetu W hàd undgeta CSt 'W I We lfit you W W..T I*. officera--and Dup thieW. 0. T. U.araea tend an executîvenuaî oi Misa N. Hgarper, on january 24th, at 7.30, o rag or a dr'wig-roà edneeday,- Fab. 12u - kÂdmJack, -you teertota? Well, I. never would be àa milk-and-watE always did say as liow Ye along wàin yàu'd had em ejre, now, I see by- that Butor.signed a.yu i hadl liberty to look throu f yelbows had ]ibett tbrough my eotny h ýýlook trug nw f could scratchZay heed j ng iny -hat off. Well, Toi .d away all that libert, lyielf prisonedUp lmi-a -1 clothes. and I quite epj experxence."-Cîvie Les.gu Local Hamp Io., roduced ta 6e. atW. "The. A!'.P.A. e! St. . Churcli, gave an entertau Geargua' ehari , Pickerinl uv'ening last. The proc"e -te nearl>'$M. Hockey boots greatly. Miss Verna Hoçlge hbas ill for lte put meoit it aud branchLitis. -Tllare ii change fur 1h. beLter., - Skates isollow"-ground, W. J.- Luit. & Son'. , Sus aur large au ortmef skate, sticks#ptc. n J. Luka &Sons.- Misa Hicitie returned la New York, a4Lr a p Irolo' teeven menthe; ;an .lier re rOoa he vistai!May hi pupil., Short endasuàd edd àit regulrjrCss me. fo 95à sai, puibe, SaturdsJy, Jai - 1(k poryard a W. G. 4 OUSE 'ARCHIVES OF UNTAKRIC TORONTO

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