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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jan 1913, p. 6

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irsyou sue res xesussy 01 iuen 'vr. S'hiped. ---- - -4, The firetIlinof lo!--is flock and of tise',fat tee -a Jewsalilas reqired, tut thse choicest animal: and- the ohole-est parts of tise aul mas be res'çerved for sacrifice. Cons 'pare NU m>. 18. 17.-- - 5. Unto Calin and, te -i offering lie bad net re pet- i ader ib left te inter 1the.' rç.ason fer Ged's disP,easure fImm fthe equence of the:e narrative. Prom tuis it lu plaij i, 'hat it rpust have-beentsesiri aud -'metve beiund thse sot ,rathii a~ss Iesct itssif Vhiois eremiu. ~d* aué in tise sigit o! JehIevis. ýroth-A gry. - Hl - p4tenance feli-flé beosmne vnic' dsule.' 6-f 'Why art tliou -wroth -inl tâce a-se o! Adam aud Ev., Jefiovah mes 'by menus of a dirtect quiestion te rouse thse coniscieneie-'oi t e gSuil-, ty iÊan, and to-ýeicit frem in ina 'coaf"Suion CEf-hie- guilt. 1 Ut w-hiie --Adam n sd Ev. s>ouglit only ýt e x- ouse lhemselves, Ca-n does iet hesi- ta-te te tell a- delibora-te - !aisehood, eVen defia-ùtly denyiug,_lie. obliga- tien toward bis bro>ther. 1. If7 tI4ouAdeest 'ei-We1i in thse sight e! Gôd. - Lifted UP--flrigbt andi 'epeu, tise Q ppbsite of doivuoastatsd--ullen.- 8in couchetis a-tise de-er - Tise -figure let tbat oe!-an éenerny, like -a - vid animal, lying in 'vait near thse -- bdb4tual isaunts o!. man, ready te s pring at-thtie firat opportunity. S. Cam teld Abel-HEeb., said un- te, tsat-la,. cquvSrsed- witis. Tise grave 'vamniig -cf Jeisovais proved futile, andin.spile of- it Can yields - - th ie promptinge o! bis aulIen 'and -- envious theugbts; ise invites bis brother té 'valk 'vitis hlm te a soli- tary, place in tise -field sud there-' -- att-a-ku andslays hlm. - are a r se a *fa-stel threab o! qu thbe n" phd a tise bi gulari alwa-y and p erthel Tise bang tii thse thien1 tise. tise nE by. Pr four a neat. tee- mi tered bably male- E menI Q QMI 551ruler, Prince. Miehk>iwhoseattue nioldsit étheI'.nea4, êe. goos aderns ,the maricet- pi e at Be!- uhe*isctly .amç PrOceu 8;UCOESSFUL WA.K-SA D~THE rade d Ser an: ra4ition sa'z' wýé eirois. t-bh. unest in the.that theé h&nds-of King Peterl's 1a- .~~~tés no-io. sEy~ TR~E. tewere moraly et in1y 'th' 8. aboutthe tpp6arakhce -of ti thei ude flot muc ihl À-ý-à niashed. 'néstt> '-shoW -n hchi- 'c-Ùàýonder.tha.th,sle'p CË~on thserobinà last t4r'ed ;but JKing Waa >faklng P0remp f tos !Peter Krgogvtoii ru îemejabere, and by, turnig ini Reig heu W Ica& ldad one is îlot rpie t< rpoite direction. the ne-xt* see hi. heks are suànkon. and bhis h.Produsces in -the end & Iiievlt -able., face- of a -eathly paller, 1k.- that cf -CPthat i. even and sine-. - - ataline. ' Tearing de-wn -the palaceý CliP * - -. ylne Wbile all the Blakan YýaJ housesweentemrorefbspeee. oroi,'n thrh ave, atrengthened',hei hod up-n soreitoe lac ad bui6,ling pre af Le ilonthse ohe and, is their respective people. by, roe-n en e tý> las n buli g-himban a molde rpotrbut a wea- nwoe . sno rughthi YIm Here again -the fernale lu the tseTre-B1an i efcee hehtd ui ter àh th'mae mrel, oerbeen there-ry salvation ftise royal Butinthfaefte tdTu, -r hond maie nrterely.vitover- -adencouragee tIse wo k. -The boseo Krgergvts ail is, new for.gotten, and amid thse ,e choo3s te fork 9f "a hang- Itla an oeen secret at Belgrade. generai rejoicings of victory no one that King Peter was makiàg premnakes repre-aches Rn Ptr a bradi,,an'. iilu -oun-- heparations te resigni untîl - it became iived during the war at the head- twis ~~<~ <f ny <>I~ erain 1ýhat war w"','inevitable. qua.rte6rs df bis brave ermy. He en- S'ghe càn And-in th è_ nigb9h The partisane of the m urdered King tered lsu,,h ncetcptIo 1The oher-sndselo the fibere Alexander aud of Que-enDrg Servia, at the, head of a victorie-us allowed to hansg os.. Then eleets sçveral other twigs "ýd- were pblôtting' againet- him. They ar-my. Ris.-seldiere -shouted njAhbest ih'"i tes fe-und theinselveà ieft out in the "'Long,-Live thse KingIl' ri rate i aiecoid, and aIthosigh the royal*huewih was' the firast hear-ty -cheer ,untii h ribc(e! the neat i. e-f Milànoviteh became extinot witli that >greeted the earG of Peter since nedI.ý Ths e 'ng 1o! t1her tbe assassinated sovereigne, the he aucended the thir.ene e-f Servia. Ldsintothbse l done by means plotters,ag8ainst Ring Peter cared Ris brother, Prince Arsene Kara- lck, sbtte« emovem ents of- littie *ho e slould succeed uns if th-ey georgevitchgllnofle -neo ru gi.1o- TieS -ii- tliÉs t 'lu b could get himout. True, there the me-st brilliant cavairy charges- ing-o ir~ece o! as throcacesha 'I eft-handd heir ef King Milan e-f the war. Hi# cousin, Prince tiie aime or ifleienttredwhooscilates between Pariea and 'Alexis, ne-t having hacl,,eamilitary 'ttra onstantine-ple , but be is ne-t taen tannelite's is aie i ailla it bàck ai A, point a- littie eriul. igaesnie erge, Ris, er aklng.'Th us 137 a TOry r4- > erin ditiguisbed Servi ans cgiven aW omm ionce GHi econ d ternte rt - .-dpl- o! Whod etapeveo gPtrson, theoCrown Prince Alexander, ei th wain ;-one, irre- went se f&Èas-ato hold 0e-un6el- witb h emlal uta h haw- [y,~ ~ ~ c it.i trSSiide t not some Englishmen for -tise purpe-se the sýrmy, whicb waaral ase s tiesin ~ butvr that iu i. o ef ofering the Cr<>Wn cf Servia to by me-st competent geuerals. And ulld, ut érystrngl, 5ý- the Duke céf Connaught, uncie Of bis daugister, Princese Helene, ess of thngongeorgeV.ha niece -of Queen Helena e-f Italy-, end o!tis log fbre iht Rng Peter had beigbtened the, gra-ncdaughter of Ring Niche-las e-f down remnain undisturbed un- dislike against hum beeause cf his Montenegro, wife cf the. Grand Bneast is well ale ng; the orioe strained relàtions with his father-DueCnttnoicam frn gets clown inside o! it, ýpulls in-lsw, the veliant oki King Niche- St. Petersburg te lead a- red cros ends in, and 'veaves tiai inlto la. cf Montenegro. Princes. Zerka battalion. Se- that the 'visele family est fabric. Tihe bf"rd watclied cf Me-ntenegre-, eldest daughter of K h arageorgevitches, imistead oiessor Herrick teock about King Nichelas, 'vas tise 'ife o-f Ring cf -tbeghtd aen- l-edn and.a hall day. te, finish ber Peter. She -died in 1890, and wvos Sein a. e,,r o wdi Her me-vements- were epften buried in Cettinge. the capitalas erf iaenme. hree a etba ~pidte eliw, ad se cat-Montenegro. A couple cf year. a-go unluicky for tise royal famiiy e-f Ser- iueeusaintly a# her work. Pro- Ring Peter- bad the remains e-f bis se enjoyed it as much as thse wife tran-sferred frein her nativeivia. The greatest -f the Kara-- georgevitches was born. in 1804. Tise enjoyed 4 is -tineful id leness. Montenegro te- the royal vault at Tisrks 'vere beaten in Servia in - -' Belgrade. King Nicholas disliked 1813. Alexander cf Servia, father- tise request, but could ne-t refuse. o f the present king, became chie! cf 1WAIN'r 0F WOu<." - He showed b is stron-g diapleasure i the Servian armY in 1840. King by orde ring those who attended the in4.±.4.1-- -2-£ 9. ;Wisesse h Abel, tisy brother ?- Tise SuîsPlY Of DLubor l Eves-ywisere funeral procession tue retumu 'vier Agai.n Jehovah attuempts te- rouge thé Saine. they reacised tise fr-utier and vith. thbe conscience and brhug Cain, uow W a&aot-h epl f a ut eutering upon Serv ian s-i-I. tieconead conesone! ith a gulît- b-or, sud tise dem and for miseor, but, A Regioide King. tionandconesson c hi gult.evideutly, tise-se are- only relative ],ut a warniug- query ne longer- su!. temms. Tise supply e-f miser is Indeed, a- large section o! tise Sers -fices to awalceu tiseiseartarayypelo onKgPtr isardened lu sin. everywisere the same-two ha-nds vianPeoi' ckuos igPt al'ays coin- into tise world vitis as _& regielde king, for tuiey knom 11. Curued- art tiscu f rom tise eue moutui, tweituy-oue .beys te- well tuat on the nigisto! tise mur- grûuud-Fmoà luntiesenmse of a'vay evemy tweuty girl&; and the demnnd dem e! Kiug Alexander a-nd Que f tom. Apparcntly tise Word for la-bor mueôt ai'vays existu as long D ra-ga Peter wns over tise border "gmound" hoe-emsfers te tise culti- as men 'vaut tisg - wiici la-be-r aw'aiting tube signal te enter. HiE vated soit more particula-rly, in sioe ca-n procure. We t-allea-bout eldest sou, Prince George, incmeas- entrastu tuetube fc fteerhi j cd the. gre'ving dislige again8t thb genral I-- acecf iseeatisin ise"'a-ute-f work, " bu-t, evidently Deu seO cf Kamageorgevitci, for regins, a-r In.ild a~nd ukon .t is net work that iu short wviile tise.- vis live in Belgrade know re , frindthescene o e! 'aut continues; oviclentîy, tise sup-tuatis-peuarotshacrel présen't pmospeiy, Cam is to b- ply o! miser cannet-t e tuo great, isatf-civilied. Tbe youres cai ey crine an outea-at .- 'vnderer. The ne-mtise demaud' for laie-r teo amali, hkillcd a servanth'ie 'vas no suff s'-c&uedig erss gve n otail 'venpeople sufer for tise laëlk o! ciently prompt teo suit the 'visises of reaut.etfthe echrse. -tisingu tisa-t miser'producea. Tisetiepnc;b-h.he'tsehe -12. 'A fugitivea-d a 'vauderer - mca-i trouble murt be tuiat tub8te s fpolice; e! Be rerou e n moy Tise word translated "fugitive" pîy-jeofmehlicerevntecl rein s-t- b il a-ttroyaP mensa iteraliy a ma-n of unsteady isfying demnand, tisa-t sone'vber- ae sw,'io e ur tirs~ a~ bstcl ou a political missiou te, St. Peters- urtncertahu ga-it',atetterer, like te 'vabosacewich preventsbuginopay'tstsepre- oué net- kno'viug 'vier. te go, or laie-r frein psoducing tise thing-s prime Mini-iter, M. Pascissi, he fairiting *for la-dk ci foo.d, or, under tubat laborers 'aut. slsed'ihbssreosytp tise influence o! drink.Tarthcaeo n 6eo es lhdwthisbe slyap - 13. Cain said unrt<fi Jehovais --Tise T-ets aeo n <n ftss estries sud pictures 'viicis sdorned se'erity eoftise curie alarmacl hlm, va-st masseso! unempIoyed men, te tise suite assigned bimn at tuhe Win- t4uegh her- h ne'ioin, thougis be nv b eard Of ter Palace. It is aise ecalled tubs: ptlhuhene- noes t'eintematedn u Malthus, it te-day sems tisa-t tiser. a certain Frenchs officer vals- ap- ptie nes tb Hebrew word me tee r nauy people*lu tise world. peinted tuter to, yyotng Karageorge- tshsent, 'visWcrd transla-ted Pu' n- uis lovn 'vante,.iu tise needu e! viteis, aud that tise -utis atta-ekec ishent whchmenus aie iuîquîty, bhie anxious 'vife, i% tise demnanda bis miiitary instructor 'vitis bis as ic marginal mading lu tse Re- for hie isaîî-camec-for, pensa-ps even m'ord. Tise officer gave tise Prince vised Verion iudicata. lIsba-r-b -M mgy witistsi iouh o one- ngry, siivering, ehîdren, tuiere a souud drub'blng sud tison sent in sicn cf 9'uilt ve would have ýto trans- is demand en-ougis ser miser, Rea- bis resigna-tion. And aitisougli lat th phasegretertha 1 aaven kuows! ' In bis owu willing George resigncd bis rigita a-s bear tu renld greater tiian eau bel bauds ha tube supfly. Put- hlm ouna Crwn Prince lu fa-ver -o! bis forgiven,-'viichislapesimirsble (cous solitary isl.and, and isougis dut e-ff ycunger brother Alexander, neyer- pare marginaI reading). - f rom ail thsé enormnutus advantages thieless ble semi-savage auties Whoa~ve fine-ts ~ w bici tise ce-;operatien, -combina- brcugst mue-b -isepute upon tise 14. hs6e idt ewl tien, sud ma-eiinery"ïe-f s civilized royal be-use. sle mOThoconcince6! iseguu- ommssnity give te -pr -le po'vers But tise'vamlias revived tise giery ty mann-la at,'lest sufliienetly o f man, yet bis -tuwp an4s 'éàn',fil o! tise Houscf Ra-ra-georgeviteis. aroused teý impreus him with tise-It-be mentis, and keép 'sm-tube -Sèrviane tsew recail th isbstery cof ilistioe e!oftise punisisment and ne- backs tisa-depeud upon thein'. Yet tise founder o! tisatuHoua-e. Hoe'vas veal. te hixis bis preesmrieus position 'visere productive p qer' le a-t. às the. pea-ssnt-liberater cf thise- fore- au, a euipmit'frein justice. " hest developusent lieý caunot. fatis froi tise cruel Turk. His 15.' Vengeanc sal-be taken oun ? It is net keçaùsein tise ou-e usine 'va-s George Petrovitchs, sur-, hini sevesfold-That is, moyen e! tise case hee bas accesa te týe material »usnmed Rama-, or binack. Black mu derrp'amily shah b. sîsin t te cre o.ntr,à.l n mi, e- a.fre f aue -idi ieGeorge'va-s a- brave ustic freintise tn by î etiser luiss acess '»Iviliage o! Vicheuzi, 'vier. b. 'vas ti ui. sp eted b ela- § -.1 jnh tlv'e -o! -the tfsse'reman. - - Nri"'thterimaite g- ilT -A sign-it m Caiu-Cleamly a- igu A f aIl. austene man; 'vio.w!c' -,vi- o - Ptils-egnof for bis ur-et-: nd ýappareutl desîta strasîger ici tisese parts, su-J attpuobèd-direetiy te his persen. tered'a churcis in a ;usaIlite'vn lu Fotight Turk Sueeesofully. Juet vsatu tihisigu 'vae4, irve'r, 4M a à ,I ýak~ et iuthe mca-r is, nota tateci, ai it is 'violly ie e-of'thbe echurchis aad steneid, apf?- utiesryea !tben- leas for uis te apecuinte cenceruiug ently iuterested, fora short 'vbile. teentis century Black George fougst tise mâ*tter, After tisa-t e began te show nerv- 'sucSssfùlly tise Turissi oppresser. cusues Leauing over te anu dl e 'ruled lover ServIsaa Hospodar - .~ <gentleman on bis rigbt, evidently An frein 1794 te 1813. His son, Alexan. od me-miser of tise congreàation, be demr I., suceèeded hlm, sud 'va-a " ia' 1 menfit b 'v - graft 1" gs'id 'vispered: 1 rehgu.ing. Prince o! Servis, ecog- thp iuquiring foeigner' "Gniftu. - Ho'v long bas lie been presl nized by Turkey, until -forced te: maid thse mcsident et eà grent city - '<iq ing?' -1 .aidicate in 1858. This soun'va-atise nr eo'rrne-linék liAtPYe'll i .hrtifv yeara , 1 tiik, " re- fatiser of tise proseut Ring Peter, a arge portion icf thK' i sponded tise od lmAn.,- "But 1 clen't Who 'ecbed tube tuisone lu 1903 by rssùto c.aeei"cnc,.tintlv knew sea-ct Y.' - 'vis- le scribed by bis. esemies at 1<-m -'c~ .'lp' ~ou""and tise e- 'l'Il stay. tisen, V decidecithie Belgradie a-atube red route. trqii-dremtr) ex"pIa lu he' they get stranger. "R1e =sut b. e mely fln- t eiould b-eneted tisa-t Blsack -- - -ish ed."- George, tube proasut king's grand- -reter mciint-euithe Sfrofle-0 fbis Ïn ancestors in 1903. King Peter a-rd h- bis whoie fansily have waged a suc-J cessful 'var aga-inst tbe Turk int mode evident te hum that oniy in ÉLtisa- t hue stemacis emptiesi wtsde ptcis. As Dr. Meunier ,r EOUCL LRETLE eelingly expresses it:-'In every w À R SOUR EI U REP ILE. case these oxpermeuts confimmed r- b Darwin'% theory tisa-t primitive U Ursele Hlenry Tells About a Queer man, our aimie-human aucestor, >r Thiug Tisa-t Iappeued te Hin. 'va-s a quadruped. Acrding te At tise village groe-ery the evening Bell. littie by littie tube cisange frm egossip ha-d tumned upon sunakeis. quadruped te bhped waesdeveioped, r d er. hac been tise usuai tales cf 'viicis, guided by tise intelligence, deus cf reptiles uneartised by e- gave te ma-n bis -sîniversal demina- ~cavators, e!fiseop-snakes ta-iing thon.- But in the procesa of evolu- e ieirtala n tsei motie ad ml-thon. isave tise situation sud fune- ing aphdly- do'vn-iil, aud tise like. thon o! tise stomacb adapted tbe-m- Tismeugis it ail "Urie Henry" Car- selves sufflciently or insufficieutiy fpenter Bat sulent. 'vi-ti a look cf ti el- tiste ehanged conditions? Te- ae- ýeranteuperiority upon his face. - certain this, radiographie sud t «« Have y e e a a y e p r- ciemical experime ts 'ere br;ought -ences with suakes, Uncie Henry ?,, hfto plasy, and whast I suspected bas t asked oeeof tube lsteners. been confirmed-iarneb-, that lu e "Wal, I did haÈve a queer thing man -digestion and evacuation o'f -happe-n te me _abiut ths-rty years -tise stomacis contents is 'mirch more a[a-," Ursele Henry respouded. ma-phd in tise qssadruped position -"Tise minhater isappened iu te din- tisan in the b iped.' t uer eue day, and Sary Anisad me ' "As was said bef-ore,- tise Freuchs - g tetis chcke-yad sd kli do things lu a much more simple -Iat rooster. Wbile he 'vas floppin' ratitical fa.hien than nnyothber round, "a-s ciikeus do 'vitis tieir ontion Btthuh hs ihtb iseads off, ise' start-ed up eue of cniee tisese pe-sky joint snakes. Iune A I'irtîre in O0ther Matters, time I isad him broke in two a-t every joint. I'd heerd tell, thocsgi, in tise case -of 4'velving tise essgeui- -hew tbey go together again. if y.: cal ma-n or -'veman, the progress of j aeve tise pieces layin' round, se I tise historie suail-sud surely thbe jest teck tise piece 'vitis Mr.1 re-educatien -o! eaci o! our organe Snake's isead -n it sud burued it lu uecessarily takes a long time--is tise iteve. hardy te be e-ncouraged. Stilolt "Wal, 'vo was eujoyhn' cur dim- us net delude ourselveil'viti tise ner unusual a-nd tise minster 'va- theugist tisa-t ju-at because our pres- callin' for a-sotiser helpin' e-f cick- clonce 'va bea-utifullyLdevele-ped i-n en, 'vien a- router began te crow tise suatter o! seleetiug parente 'vitis eut lu tise cbicken-yard. souud organe, this, mustmca-n for " 'La-ud',s. sakea,_ Henry,'sanys us tieseanme quota e-f iealtis,sud> Sary Ann, "vhat rooster's tint? tisa-t re-educathon, slow thougi tise I'm sure tise enly eue we've get ha preces ma-y appear at ai-gst, 'ili right bere orý the table-sud ise's.iun ne-t bear better f rut tia-n so]me oi ne condition tue crow'.' -tise viiçnary- maunderiugs of!-a "Tise minister and me, va hurnled ýdYed- in-tuhe.wooi eugenist. Of right eut into tise chickeu-yard, sud ccuree 'valking en aIl fôturs maýy ffler, çnPough wgAhCerd q,4-th-r, çgush our spirituaîitv sud Increaso cr-w., sormt Jhuxly icu, before 'vejotsl' àitM-l1Y, 'bu t 1sat e-ftbtht got tisere. Wal, it 'vas simple 'long as ise sigist educatien ha be- eneugb 'vien ye stop t-o thnk. Tise sto'ved on an crgaru tubat shows a j'ints ef- that nke has a-Il j'ined rebellicus spirit directiy sometiig1 togetiser ag4in, suad 'vien iisey -i put mte it tubat do-es ne-t ceuferm cosldn't* finàl thir'e-ow-n Iead, tubey withis ts o'vn peculiar (?) ideas cf jest teck tise roo8ter'-s, 'viicis I'd digestion î- Better, indeed, l is e left layin' isandy."Y French mtbod cf stiviug teva-rd a Tisere 'v4a. a moment', silence. eugenicai uta-te tisan some c! tise Wben tise conversation 'vas re- tiseories put forth by reaIly intel- eumed, it ne loner 'deat with lectual men at tise- first interna-tien- suakes.ai Bugeules Congre&s lu London iu July, 'visen quit. a number o! tise« E upp.<-Sedly 'veigbty remarks couid - enly b. met by 'vba.t a-n Englisis cri-T "Woman la considered tise,'vesi- tic receutly saidlu regard toa- Fu- orý vessel," se remarked, -"sund tunist _pqinthug-ua4meiy, that h t a- yet-" "Well," b.-queriéd assse peared te hlm te bo 'a Friday alter-t he.htated. . ."And yet," se cou-I ucendevelopiug Lt. s pair -of trou- tlnued, "ma-n la -otener 'breke 1" nées. TRE NIEWEST' CURE F OR ÂAslmalsWhich -Walk- on AilPolir. Do -N SuFr rM, nd.!- -gestion., The- latest uthsng nil-the 'ay oi théapeticpratice ià - locomotion- on al-rfouïg.. Anjimal.d nt sie Sre-m. indigestion, ,aild they waik on ail-fours. If 'vo edesire. their;l-Îm- muýiîy , Irom-m toemacs -troublé.s, whih e velet in aeasing t uprigh t. 5re', 'v muet g cown, <mcu our hxsçi-and kne es at least oc- oasinalyays-~heLiterary Digest. Tihis i- ne-t'the àa4'ie_ of sosue hall- erazy -fadht,-but" r.Lçon, Meunier"-,à a FPý'Bcis hysiciuih anc sdregua tning, 'vie *rites in thè -Gazette' Médicale, de Pari, on "Four-fo&6ted Walklng." We',are te-id by axi edite-rial writer iu tihe In-terstate IMedicai' Journal (St. Louis,' Ne-vember) tsat ths ew plan le part e! a gené 'rai sseëme fer the- «"ýe-education" e-of tise organs. Hewrt. in a ha.lfý-skeptical veini "ýTse- làteat organ te- réceivé re-, education itu Frenchs medi<ýal litera- ture, ltis te, -to-mael, and, theugs 've have been raah enough te write the 'lateat, we may be sîtogetser wrong in making tuis sta-tement, since, sta-tistics are, lacking- anud fre-m wbat we baye read. in French journala o!ftube re-education o! leso.. er e-rgang, one 'vouid tisink tsat 5 important s member e-f tise body au tise réceptacle o! heterogenecus feeds, 'shovelled in', so te speak, in most Indiscriminate Fashion, wouid ceritainiy before ne-w be tise objet of modern enlightenment.1 But ne matter wisether or net tisei fiubjeet bas been teucised upon be- fore, 'viat Dr. Leon Meunier tellsf us . . . . . 15 new and 'novelE eneugh te give us pause for consid-j erable tbinking. According te this educator, -tise best means te. expe-f dite <gastsiceévacuation' is te we.lk 1 on all fours after a meal bas been 1 taken; for _by radio-grapie and -Tie Hufdson Boy Cempsxy-had s- «60,060 Are. in -Hazoltou last montb-4; -TisYear iome wrk 'iii b.doli'> ô n an- asbetes daim near Okana.' #an f-alis. - .-ý I u e iowna the bo teiliquor il- ceuses are te be raised f ro&m $300 te, $600 'à year. - -Mr-.-, Tnkine a n-asbeeu n ember cf »eschol, board in Victoria ' for 16 yea-e. Tie Grand Trun.k Pacific Inn at PErince- Rûpert 'rceuàtly- de- istreyed by ,fire. ;-E véry day at- M olson tiseî. L m era 4ie. déliveriisg.moreetian twe car- loa<i-pôe! grain.- -Lastumentis autos 'veo-till run-, niug bet'veen Edmentký sud Atha- bases Landsng.1( Two steain siovei4 'viilsoon ,'he at wrrk on, tuhe railway grade West of Caimnnt. -lu ýtise Leadville -*amp, 21 ie f rom, Obter fiat, there is six feet9:- bf: suewat tIe Iniana cabm. ýTiseniglt eciool. e!iVancouver emloy 62 taciera, and are tten.zd- edby mAore, than 2,000 pupile. - For tise.llen estate at, Vassean. Lake, intie Okanagan, - ,000 fruit trees have been ordered. During Ne-vember 83 new tele-ý phsones 'vere put iii t Ra-ilep e.ý Tiat town uc'v ha. 359 stepeajve-rs. Adam Abrahami, for siuppyin-g i- que-r te Indiana a-t Prin- -Rupert,,- 'vas flned $300oo r six me»nths lu juil. ,Ceunt Vas, a cousin e! the Em- peror e! Gersziany, bas be-ugitst ev- erai more r&nc1ý&s in tie Nicola. Valiley. T'vo otel men lu-Dawvsonu 've fiued $100 each last wek ,for rmn-- ning poker games in tieir lieuses. .Last 'vek potatees 'verela a ton in Newv Westminster a-nd'dr-essé- ed dueks and ciikens 25 cents a pcund. At Hope,. James Raunnesky 'as given three montbs in jaffl with lisard- laber for suppiying 1hdiaus with liquor.. Seutis Fort George.is seeking l- corporation as a city. Anether- town in that vicinity - 'viii 'be ca-lied Price George. The pre-prietor of tise Bagle res- taurant in Prince Rupert 'vas finec $10 laat week becauseý hie cafeé'vas not kept clean. The Canadian Pacifie Railway is; putting on seule cf its largest em_- gines te mun between Letsbrl4g&C- and tise Crow te'vns. -M - More than 5,Oo ottis.<e-f ged Is siipped f rom Greellwood ýevery- seonts, and ne real estate booster hais ever mentioned ti fa-ct. Tiseri-are 2,500 me.n .werkhng -on h.i Grand Trunk Pacifice est cf [azelton, 'and more men.- coming inC ail,.' Tise, grade te Tehk'va viii ber uisbed thie ments. Child Druulcarela. Remarkable tatements hocru - iug 'drunkennesa ame-ug Rusla-nc scisool childreu are macle by H. M. n poru, on thee trmue of to!etise st dis-'Uzy I->U i-.' ~irace s-s-n Mîcewdis Ica-villers. Tiser. ha nio doubttha- tsict. It lsa admitted. b e writes, -tise "sweet la-vende-r" business hadi tisa-t iuebriety la ve-ry rapidly luî- we tums-a -good deal o! pleaeantry. c reasiug a-meng tiese chool chiidreu Otiser yells freintube gu-tter got lu in Ruisa in gene-raI a-nd i-n Moecow nu it: toc. You would isear a boa-s. ansd tise Moscow provinces ins par- bowl and beglu te condemu it,' sud ticular Tise Moeo' Townr Council tisen stop. After a-Il, 'vas it not au rsoently macle a- n iquiry inte this "d London cry?" But te-o mueh Subjýet, and st 'a-s stated -1that cLf Mi!k-O" bas atla-st pricked th4. tie adultua 's io are addctd t4 b ubie. A complainat at Hgigate - drink it ha.d be-e-nim tie-lta Police Court înrontinently referired 90 per cent.lers'i- drink whj'ilt-) this city ns I"soinetiing bet'veen atili at seiseol. Out o! 18,134 sesool-Itise seream ofe!a byeua a-dtisefa- beys lu tise Me-scow Province, Ire-m btuto e-f a de-ukey." "ýChairs *-te- tise agea of! 6 te 13 years, 12.152, -0r mend O" usay ho tise next te- sùc- 66 per cent., drink' strong liquera, cuib-Londen Globe. aud eut o! 10,404 girls o! tise same ages, 4,733, -dm 45 per cent., alac drink. WORLD'S RIGQEST ORGAN. tien of tue Prsne. - , -Re ie Ns -ai -ct1 nany 'vise-are in a- posiion te- loew te-b ye-uuger tis s i-years.- --One o! Tgar'e Baugistera.- - Quit. IateIy, ltàchas b..n -angîestý_ ed by-mauy tsat tise-Grand ]Duchees Olga'.cf Russia-ma-y prove-te- be-tii. future. Princessu-o>2£Wales. -Ilu n case, iý eeems quite- Jikly thatth Priuce's choie. iîl1 uitlmately -611 on e-ne e-f thse- Taar' four da-ughitex-.. By tse>'vay, it ila ontinually -bèibg aseerted tsat ilajeià possible for thse- Prince te, wed an- EngliishPtInces. Why?1 There would seein te be- ne reason .wlia-tever,, a-isenld tise Prince -se- diseose, 7-why -he, houli- flot ma-rryoeneof'; tise cia-rmxug - daugbters of tise1rinces. îRoy~al.- Tier. are- tie Princess es ,V itoria - - and' Relena o! --Tektee. Tise Ducýhefsl of! Fifs w-ul, pensaps, b. best sdited toise Prncms. Cf WaJes,- -but isue" is More 7than three years - eider tuban tse. Prince. Prjncess Maud, bosmever, le enly oe --year snd twoi months eider tsan lis Roy-- aI Higsuess. Princes, Mçud ile'of' course,,- thse Priuce's fimat- cousin, - and tisat is elten used as an -argu- ment against tise alliance; but m,, any case i-t is more tissu prebabile tisa-t ise w IL marry se-me one rlated te hlm. It is said, at tse, time . f-tii.- Pririee's irecent visitteO Paris, tiat tise Kaise 'va-s verv disappointed, tisat, Berlîn 'vas riet tse city ehosen <for the- Prince's' flrst c ontinental - sýtaY. -'It, i»,,'eli kue-'n tisa-ttise -Kaiser su-d tse Kaiserin 'veuid like - notsisigbetter* tisan -for -tise Prince- - te :xnhsý tiseir daugister, -~--'iePrinces, - Luise. Thi- Pvinces -la - to years eIder tissu --the Prince -.cf W ls.S- farf there ýe ne- grouuds for believing piqè And 'int e! tse Prince hlm- se -UT 4tYpte epresèe h su 'gven ne ii,-ions-on thusmportantmat-__ ter.'- -n !aèt ie dose net sieem -to, bave 'iYten tse subjeet a moment's- thoug -,as, -o! course, direýetiy h. - -eviuced a disposition -tD sa .'în n 'vioni bis- choie. 've-Id b. lýkelYte ýfallï--thsere- weuld lmmediat~y rs agreat discus-sion as e th merite aud demerits of his, enjeu vits-thse lady, 'visever ashe ýinight Ibe. Speculaticu is usèless. ISoon it - will he tise Pri'nce's duV to teook- around end decide for himseif. It is eincerely te be boped- tiat ise,'viii choose for isimself and ne-t leave -tise natter in tube ban-da ef otsers. May is ul-timate Choice be a ha-ppy eue. Old Los-lou Cries in Peril. Tisis is a, daning age. Somebedy has actuaill dared te criticîze thbe. vocal efforts cf tise itin-eraînt ven- dor. It wns ("Sweet lavender; buy - g'mthrt The zed Emr' 8 ugt ie, Tise ne'v organ 'vhieb la te-be pThise fa-ge mpÏs4 ugnc--pî. ac lu tise greatthemlne-w pixthete ÏfigureWu(wadays'-has, in ln course cf ereetion in Liverpool six rrite bxe' ttlhè KIimes o! neo'viii proba-biy be classed a-me-ug tise fe'ver tisa-n2,824 perse-ns, aIl.e!f'vonders o! th ise ozc, a-s î it 'vii h tiseinhem god-cisildmen. Sisorly b.- tub.larg,lu eorgan -exisitenos: ACo- fore tise - advent of- tise li-fa-ted cording te tise Musical Timnes tise, Prince Imperial, thse Empemer Na- orgah nlu tise- Sydney Î (Asralia) poisn sne-uned tisaitie sud bis Towvn Hall ne-w haî tise <Ptinetiôn 'vif e 'ould become sPeusers te ail e-f'standing firetinu po'int .éf aize-. taise blde em l Faceo.ts Ts-Liverpool organ *111ta-k. sa-me day. - ~four>yearste couatrue.t si ou Se t'vatiatteEMESa.tain -15dma-w.tcps, speaking sud "ste)od"-.o! course -by proxy--for m.ochanicali'and-thc ie te-ta- numiser more cildren tisa-n any otlier WO- of pipes 'vili reaci tise reinarkable mna-n inutise we-md. ' 5h. Presemve-d 1 nnsser -o! 10,J567: -It;'viii e-ccupy an exact list c; a-flhr, sugç-,nd f bercsamg I two speia-ýiCiaràbera e-neon--each- bas, as far ~- osb:,followéd- aide cf tise chancel.Lt le8-tise fr tiseir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lp caer..r <hst sd- Mme. James Barre-w of W.~ cf ~ ~ - ,-cc:ryeue , ,near Lvrpo1oj, and vig.,0s 10,597 Pipes a-nd 215 àraw%-stops Go- - ~ ans.on thse tQtiau St merapi&-growthin a niet m4 a be gauged from thli: In1907 divid nds-týOtaîled Cenerons Publie X S Tise- genereus-meaïure &dte railway Geonstructie- dd-is showvn by-tise fact tota Federal, Prôvîincial î, cirpal cash aid- now - ~4- 808,00,0ewhile l-a-nd - tai -Over 56,000,000 acres. suid Pro.&inèial bond gIT grýegate 1$245,070,0461 of Domiuiou's liare is $91,9E ber'ta- -ha;-pledged ita- cre( êXtento-01 46,489,00)0;- B, lumbia, $38,w.6832 i Sh $à*2,50000 Manitoba, 660, -and <Yltaiio, $7 860,( aid te railways -totalled fer tise t'vel-ve menthem,ý $4;,994,41à to'h Grand T - 'cifie-under thse "implemen - - IteorÉl GainU nTriu Trafichosa recerd ga FRENCH D0C-TORÉ'ÀIà ED ABOUTIRER Preservative Powers Are ErnanateFrons B Slcientiesain Paris have ~ time ben, ocmiderably ex, the disvoveryeof' a woir they îare now oonvin ed,- serve vegetable agnd aii mere1y by lajy*ng lier haà theiiL ye They cali ýher "The -A *Lady,; and -déeclar -that * seses a hithert-o unknoIwn Of li uran em u ia, o r em a eeme preservativ'. poWer I hands. The namieof thiis aot Made publie but D}rs. &ic Liaguet. of -Berdeaiýx hi m zany experiments -with this, able w man,,and ý1iie théj lbey dO Bot asL to 1haVe.t1 coTOÉeèesacce:pted un-til oàsi ', 1sOexerimented, they pu temsp sonror xtî, ng their entire bealief -n the thie we-man has te- pier vegetabie ancFan!mal rnatt These Doe- F xlerimdei Tese dcctýors h avi knïown -man nearly five yearýs, and ;4that 'timel ,ha4ve known tha.t à ~ by her, varionsus plantes, vei ~and siàll anim«ls, alP~ .preserved and fre e. from--th î4ëgn o'f'deea or putrefa-ctîi YThey theniseIves selected. *1ty oýf Objects-ro>ses, hi bearing ieàves,""a rabbit-soý cleaned fish,-e- number--cf< * lants and -in. Tlhese brught, te thé woman and S her carefuliy. Her handi ) "washed by t-hem bo mak&- she had no sort. of, prese uplon-them.. Sorhie of the obJ their bidding.., she handled, eadySre r BreakfaW z ~- Di~ Fro m Facki Ty Posti ~ weetfiaor and sib.s-t t"alnourishnt. - post Toasties i pantry mean -man yd -cnouabreakfasts.. Direct -to your Jtabl ages. 8t > -Sold byGrocers0 vei where. "The Memlory Linge ARCF TORONTO r- cf il it s- It te d d s e a

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