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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jan 1913, p. 8

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RamiItou for sosie v~eks, vas ju- governmuat. T~ia directors expeet one tom~ for a few' d&ym tbf. week. B. of tA. beât faire ~ver .h.ld la tida sas. wili returti 10 Haz~ia1~ozi fors timu. lion cf lb. ooualy. TMs.. Jaok Borlop, of-Toronto, speal Thé following doalli notice appoend Su.4ay wfUi hf. parmI.. w lit. fort William T~mo. of Ja~i. ~e Townsblp auditors, Maisers. D. 'IiB3'y 2nd. Deoeand vas a resideul ol W~ Misodonald and R~ Burton, ar lfrooklln .ny yesrs ago: a.gaged ~~lh hheir aUdit tbs ~eek. Tii. desil' ooourred ysetoeday ai bis The Aduil »ible Cisas of Ibe Me~W residence, 213 Leith alreet, of John dfslSunday Sebool will pr.swat ubeir Aiù~nder, an. old reoident 0f Ibis draina, ~ntit1ed "Valloy Farin," fa oity, afiar a skort ~iIlness. Tii. d~. lb. Town Hall, Colunibus, oz~ Frida> .ceased vas 78 yeai's of ago, )iaviug .v.nlng, January 24. beesi bora January 4, 18~5, aI lllwk- Mx. John DyeaÇ o! I>rinoe Rupert, a elitone, Norfolk, England. H. eau. former iesldent of Enfield, bas tison to Canada la 1876, residin~ la lb. ~risilfhg friende in lie village. - Me. Township of Pickering- 8~utb Ontarlo, Dyar bas anade good in the Weel, ~ad tintil oonslng to- Fort William la Jiuie, bas scqwred considerable woal'Lb. H. 1891, 21 years ago. Ho engaged viii Iiad wIlb hlm samples o! blacit uand tii. C.P.R. shôrtly af tee locating ber., wbhdt oontaina a qjuaatily of gold. as watchmaa, Which position h~. held This £ssays $404 a ton. Me. Dyer forlilteen yoaes. Owing b bis faith- is Ibm owner o! W miles o! ihis saad. fui services hp vas pensloned by -thé *~ cfsç> bad samples o! on, çonlala- Company. O! tale .yeans hé bas 'lived fig gold, uilver ana platinure wbioh a retii4ad 11f., n±er.ly 'attex~ç1iag 'W bis mains froin bis propeety. . gardon, in whiôh b. 'took 'a greal lu- &. poulti7 meeling wflI ho beld ~ tereet and la wonk about bis borne. Ibis Masonjo Hall, Brouilla, on lb.' Ho alvaye took an active part la evonia~ 0f Ttiesday, Januar>' 2Otb aI churcit work, boing à zuombor o! lie 7.30 o oI~b.' Me. F. N. K~rosllus, o!1 Baptisi cburch mince eesiding la Cana- tii. O. ~ Guelph, viii address lb. da. Up to tho tire. cf bis doatti' b. ,seotlat oi ho sub*t o! "F~gg Pro- vas llonornry Déacon o! the» First duotion." A number cf important Baptiet church cf ibis city. Ris- vif. business malter. relative to iii. Egg paeeed away Oct. 19, 19i0, being moine Circle wlll also b. diseussed. Tii. pub. fivo years his junior. ~esides 'having * , viii Circl:rnernbers,:re Ivo brotheri~, whostill aur~e hlm, £ 'meeting held in for, o! Long Stratton, Norfoik, Eng- oburcb ou Tiiursday evoning o! land, ho leaves to~ moura bis lose two Iset woek, Mies Margaret Gofortb sons and four dÛugbtees, ail rnsrried gav, an address deacriptiye o! ber and residing in Fort William and euistom Peed (rindinq AND ~AT eRUSHI~jG every day. Ail work done, promptjy. *-W-~ E3L )~XUViSS ________________________________________________________________________ t.ougn uomeay. Il oaa mlvii>, b. OU Ineeste>" altsraoqN ~5LL~ 5~VW MJA~ At. K~LUg A5V~ Mn. L. Beekelt~, 'o! 1O~bawa, ~j uadrod a1i4 IKty dollanu. viii Mes. W.D. »>~ Mes. F. R Harrison vas la Toronto Mr. Penfoiutd 'fa vlsitiu~ :~it'k Mx ' durii~g lb. week G . .2, 'j Mn. and Mes. E. Noebitt, cf Ircok- ~fiss Bessih Rabes~fa visj~e<j wit~ lia, spoat Suadsy ~vith Mx. Pringis. Mes: L7Ricbardson, o! - Here as a nemecly ibat viii cure oun- weeic. - ~oold. Why vaste tinse aad rnoae~p ex Mr and Mx.. Rcutled Sundayèd aI pirîmiing wben you oaa gela' pi.- Brookila. perelion liaI ha. von a world-wide Me. 1. ccoi- ~ '~ ~ reputalion by ils cures of Ibis disease caretaker cf 1h.- Preebytenlan ohurob. iiiid C~Ji' alwaya oe depoaded up<>a? ~ Moeurs. Smitti & Ricbardboa sbowed ~ ~ yI~~iem as Cbembeelain'u - Cough Reznêdy, and lu a medicin. o! a number o! horses aI Ollava ~ niera. For sale qy ail .bs!.ru.- aad received mai15' prises. Me. R. Honlop, o! Brooldia, . 38. Miss Brooks, o! Myrtie, visltsd aI , - -1 Mr. L. Ellins oa Sunday. ALMONDS. Me. W. Suhberlaad visited viii Ii~5 Rer. M. E. Sexsmlth la holding ns- parents ou Sunday. partial 'rival servines haro et prsent. Pensons troubled witb Mn.. M. Mack.y bas r turaed boni. aiiy'ils are 'oftea i'eny mucb benefitled aftoe apending a woek fa. Toroato. y messaging thé a*Yected parts Ilion- Me. and Mes. Sam. Ries, o! Aroole, oughly. wbea applying Cbambenlain's are visiting relatives ami friands Liniment. Tliis liniment also rolieves nbeumaile pains. For sale by ail deal-. aeound lb, Tovalino. Me. and Mes. T. Morcoinbe vistted ees.-33. - la Toronto ibis pasi weok. Me. Sam. Keraptiiorne and Miss May ÂUDLEY. Kepipthornq are visiting in Torquto Mes. Ta>Ior bas heen laid up villa aI present. la grippe. Miss Lizîle Fothorgill spent lie lasi a j.KiL~7 ~iD5 nusubor cf bek young frienda on Fnl day evenang. Tii. nov rural mail route -is aov assured, and a carrier will ho adrar. tised for aI onoe. Mes. John Bell, Se.. te tii. eeai o! us, -bas oeesa very poorly fer e long lame, sud doee 'not improve musa. Bon. Wilhings. o! PiItsI>urg, w spoad. lag a veei witb friendu, bavmg coma over 10 attend lie veddfng cf ils Kour besi vishes te Cbaeiia PUis>', vie eatered fate tii. bond '>1 main- rnoay last veek. Miss Lita ilalloll vas lii. bride. W. Pucinin bas recelved lb. appoint- ment o! oversoor o! Audley div. W. bcpeh viii do bis besi te bave greveliing dons. Mes. Geo. Levrence -'bas roturaod 'frem a visit vi-tb frienda la ti. nonti of 5h.. Frée - -to Stock and Poùltry Raisers We viii coud mbsolueoly fie., for lb. aeklag, posepald, on. cf oui large slxty-four page bookis, vida minou eh. commom disoases of stock aad poultry. Toila how to feed ail kiada o! hsavy ani libt berces, coite sud namres, milcli cove, cmlv.. and faeeoutiag mesors; al.o, how te koep sud fsed poultry se that thsy viii Iay se viii la vinter se suaninor. No farinai mhould ho vithout it. veoit vith relatives la tii. oity. Iiss E. Richaindeon is visiting viii ber brother, Mr. Aibeet Riobardion. Me. Wilbur Diagman va. borne from Oshava lasI week ovlng le Illnees. Miss Cody, o! Oshava, uns vihitAag ber cousin, Miss May Dingenea. Me. and Mes. Wia. Konrp von visil. iag aI Plckering lasI veek. Mr. Murray Jeffroy, o! Torosalo, fa spending a 1ev days viii bis uncia, Me. A. Jeffrey. Mes. Coxworth la hors frozu lie Nortb Wosrt visiting ber aliter, Mes. F. Harnis. W. exteiad eue- deepest syuapet.b> to Me.. R. Wilson on tb, deaub o!' ber motiior. Mn. and Mes. J. Draper, ver. vieil. lng relatives asad friands bore tifs vosi. Wben you waat a reilabie nsm'idv for a oough or cold tais Chanberlain's a cou o! ouly tvb lucres.. it 23 par ceùt. lu value. irpens~eiy cured Bots. Callc, Warms,-Skin Discases sud Debulity. Resores rnn.dovn mimaIs te plurupues. sud vigor. h wllllncnumoe tue anllk ylekt thees te lire pounds por'cov par day sud mahe tise mliii deNier. Royal Purpie le uo~ a stock food. Tiiorote ne 191er nanti la lis manufacture. and wcimportfrom Europealhthesosds.ima~ bsjks, etc.. sud griud them su aur ovn promises. Thenofore, vs eau gus-mntec k te yen ss-being absoluiely pure. W. do net uséehoap 611cr ta mako up a tarse package. We gir. yen tho bon condition pewdor cran Dut @u the maniiet Ina cornes.- tratoti iarm. - A tablespoon levollèd cf. once e day, i. sufficient fora laiD. greva animal. Iî-prveatb diseuse, Imepe yeur animais lu par- fecthealdi. and le ab~lu~yharml~~ it makes alx-veake.oW mlvis as largo as erdluary calve. at tan weeks. Von mn dc- velop six pigu roady fer market lu J ust eue mouih's leas tima than yau eau possibly do witha'iî lt.at a colt o! euh' 8180 savins yen a months vark qnd bcd. A SOc, package viii lait a herse 70 day.. A 81.50 psu or alr.tight Un. ccniaiatng four ilmesas much us a SOc. package. vil lust an animal 280 daye. Il yeu have nover ueed It. try I t an theiooroDaajm~ yeu have euyeur place, and watch resuita. If It dom net pradues botter resultu than au tl>lug yeu bave ever useti, or glveyou satislactiou, vs wili re~,ud yeur moaey. - Teleae. ôuî.. July 1. 1910. W. -A. Jenkine Mfg. Ca,, Loudea. Canada. -' Gentieaueu,-I have used a part of a package o! your Royal PurpIe Stock Speclfic.~ I Led It to cao ccv aceerdlug te directions. She g-alued sIx peuuds e! mliii vblie -'usi~gpartef a package, Tire rut o! my dii. eue salaud. I censider it iras ne equal. 7.-G. BELLAMV. Bondhead, Ont., Aus. 31. 1912. Tue W. A. Jenkins Mfg Ce., Landau. Ont. .Gsnglsman,-After experlruentini vitir - a semai uany stock feâdi. I vas about cen. viaceti tisaI there vas vezy littie virtiie in "i r douer iusisted on me 155 cuti.. This by lue!! us a G~ORGE MAPES. - Close Creek, Ont., Sept. 19, 1912. W. A. Jenisusi'flg. Ce., Landau. Ont. - - Doue Sire.-Yonr "Royal Purpie" Stock Siiecile le tise bout ,,ék 4outiltioaer I have ever bad lu my stables, sud ans acier ~' -wlulaeuî It. Ihatisbtoodsovhatbadmihklcrerva, b.d. Veair "Rayai Pueple ssved lier ilI e. Put ber on her recela thi~e tisys. Ihad three cuire. lait upnins tuai set seounlas -' very hadJi', CocU pot set h stepped until I neeti "Royal Purpis." Iidld tue von 0K. Voonu Cmli', H. B. MOULTON. Saskatocu, Sou., Sept. SOts. 7h. W. A. bains Mfg. Ce., London, Canada. Oartlolnsji.-Somé menthe age vs bouglit mcm..! neur Rayai Pueple Stodk Specillc frem Mn. Vogan bore. We have boas isalas le evor aluco, andvc Sud h tise hast conditions.- for drivlaag hocues ve have ove, ta-loti: if. F. McCALLUM, "TIas Pa~Llv,~v. Secte. Sask., May 22n4. 1911. Lande., Ont. Dean Slre.-Do jeu vaut a man te represeni yenr Royal - Putplo geede in dais district. K ans lrorn Oneanie sud have led jour Stock SpeilSc-goî it frarn Me. J. Cerbet,.. & Broyas. viDe. My cows, while ns ng !~, made the langeai average, sud Ieseed five peints over aveunge ai C.M.P. at Brevusville. I kuovyoul-aeeds are the higlicut claie Stock Specific on tii. maniiet. sud take great pîcasure lu represeut-lus yen la ebie - NORMAN G. CHARLTON. loyal Pirpîs Poultry Speoifis vIhi make voue houe isy la vineer. as veil as suzpmer. sud yst 5 sec pac go viii lest 2Fhons 70 days, oraSt80 ~lorair.~hi eouialniug leur Urnes as mncb as a 51k. padkage, vil! lau ~I days. h preveuis pouluy lrom h ai mouitins due, cures sud prevenes ail tise erdluary diseuse., makes thele plumage brlghe, and keepo diem in prime condition. Port Coiborue. May 11. W. A. Jenkmas MIs. Ce.. Leuden, Canada. Dean SIrs.-Tbi. ~ te certif' tuai I have need eue 81.50 du M y~nr "Royal Purpie" Peultry Specific. sud diere le neîhiug tuai eau equal h.'- J waui.d yours igain sud yeur agent did net have say, se ha gara me anodier braud. sud I can asenreveuit vas net venu tararluf harnoJfermyhen~layudb.t~,,,Afde>uî le. ihavebeeufpom 2ielodesene I bave nOS useti voue "Royal purpie.F~ 'bort srera~ voek sinoe CHARLES RICHARDSON. W -. STOCK 'AND POULTRY A second froua Me. Ridas tison sgloilovs a-'- Port Co!bbome. Ont. Aug. 24. 1910. W. A. Jeukina Mfg. Ce.. Iesugiou. Canada. Dean Sles,-Ple.ss Lad euctoecd express erder Soc 83.00. for vhlchr pissas asnd me tva tins M vour' Royal Purpie" Ppuiuy SpeciSe. .- - - C. RICIZARDSON. A ~lsleti lotter froua Mr, Rlejasedeon as follove a- Pore Colborae. Oui.. Ans. 29,1910. W. A. Issus Mfg. Ce.. Loiadou. Canada. Dose Sirw-I eocéveu evo tins e! "Royal Pueple" Poultay Specifie ail 04C. I have trisd ail kinde e! speclik ce inake my hans lsyaad ifluti that yen are eh. only'onos dise manuiseinre tise sesrala.srtieis. ~lltiseeest, Z drink, le a ~wasie e! Cime sud mosoy te boiser vi . su 555-pautiaiese. I eaano~praI.~ . Ponler, Specifie hugh'euougla. for 'I venté net b. w! iii! I lisé ta psy double eh. mcusy. tiiont Sherbrooke. Que.. Au. 1.1010. W. A. Jenkins Mis. Ce.. Lenden. Casada. Dose Sfru.-J have used your SpeciGe fer eue rose, mmd have given itîe mi' bleds wthgood resules. Seemy ai tue diferen: laIes, vhich vin teli the talc. MISS GEORGINP CAMIRAUD. loyal PirpIe Cougli Speoiflo Durlug eh. lau four yeaes drere bas-bien au epidemlc eough geing tirongis every stable in Canada. wbieh bas beau a &oat source o! annoyance ta hersemen. Our Lyal Purpie nuis Cure abselutcly cure dri. cough la fane tisys, vIl break up sud cure dietemper lu tan da~e. Ahsolueely aisseau- teeti. SOc. pue Un; by mail, SOc. - loyal Purpie liii Cuire vil! dure aIl sorts M open sores ou mau or bemet. WIU abas. lntçly dry aip anti cure scratches lu a ver' 1ev days, Ils. Ssii Ovare coachman for tire Hou. Atisa Bock, sayur By lelIovh~g directions, I Sud youe Royal Purpie Gail Cure vil! cure scratches sud mako dia seabe posi off perfocili' dri' la about leur or Svs days." Pries, 28e.; by maIl. 30e. * Sayal PuirpI. Sweat Lioei.wut loyal Purpie Iisiiufeotant (SIeop hp) Inelaisliuovo ihve yen ihe larsese velue for INis anssor 51 any tilelnfectaut on tire manket. A tin contaiaing 1 5-SgCs. Impeelsimeasure vllicoot yeneuly 50e. Aise niai 3 tise, loyal Pppl~ bmp Ours Mn. bulmage, thé groas beseder. e! Whuie Rocks. talla ais thas ho lies nover usaI a Ronp Cura tisaI u~Iih~rsIideoquisk, hi' te houe autorisa Iran Roaip or Onw hook Sella yonD about iL 25e. par lia; 80e. by malt. Loyal Purpl. Worm Powdors - t.. iUi..tiAKDSQN~ For-animais. Se.poetin:byaaail.80c. ueIn~ eue Stock Speclflc, v. gumanato. you bettes- rosulté by ualug 1h. ondinary food trovu on your faim, suds as Bood hay, Garland bran. for~h, dama >'ou c.a poeslbly obtula by uslag any of lb. snsay patent foode on eh. ana4et. In-eîee ehe perceatage of nutrition la ueuaily mail for eh. amoune cf money pald for eh. amine. Yeas- know szactly viat hay, este, bran, chop et amy fana producta coar yozs. aad E, PIJRPLE makes animais digest lies. foods poeopeniy. mat we' visb to Imprees on youi n~lnd la thar vo i~iaaufacgur. notblag but pure, unadule.ratsd gopda Ou, bâoklst ~Ives ovet a00 uisodatlons for oui dlfes'ent lin.. froua peopis uI~ ovor Canada. Wbils vs tIre 70U abois 1h. naines of a feor vho bave uesd it, et recesmmondalion le Lot you te mik amy perses who ha. ever umad amy lias vs manufacture. 26 Royal Pairpie Supplies and Bookiets may bu obtained froni - - A. T. LAWIER, fifocer, Whltby - UNS MAN F05 00., London, 0nt. AN ASSORTED ORDER IMOUNTINO TO 48.30 W2 WILL PREPAY. (1fr I hé woutd haad a sub.cnipllca liai viii 15,000 f~r- tii. exteation o! lia. hospi. lai 'schinae. "Tii. Boy Council" la lb. naine o! a aasw organisation ira tla~ lova, whi.b ba~ for fis object lIa. benefit cf boys. A çbnsua e! lb. lova la beln&plaanad lolaeoeel~in lie nimrnber'of boys. - Wilhio Henaner, 14 yeans o! ago. orn. ployed by Brooks & Armour, bulohers, lest bis lofi baud by- having fi caugit lu a sausago machine. Scout Master Soanes bas bossa, pro. montai viii a purs. o! goid. Mn. Soans lias giron splendid service to lie Sourit. la Osiava, and i. bigbly esleemed by ail membens. Me. and Mes. G.. H. Podlar have made lie 'splendid gifi 61 110,000 le tii. Oshava izespital for lie coasirno- lion o! a surgical vlng la niemory ci hbOir son. Hall tii. gift istof h. pald lu July, 1913, lie other bal! ~ .~ear inter. The "Vindicalor Pubuishuza~ Cc. Lmmited" bas boom organizod and bas taken o~ik tii. Vjndicalor, lie prlating plant and busIness berelofon. ovned by W. J. Watsou. - Tue mezu. bers of tii. llrm are, Chas. Calder, on- M.P.P., President; M.F. Smlih, Esq., Vice-President; W. J. Watson, ~d1Ior md managiag director; Misa Marlon Leasi, Sece.tary-Treusilrer. There will ho no change la tii. policy o! tii. papor. fie Oshava Railwa* fa accu 10 haie fa operation a double-teuck elea- tnic motoe-tbe lieut o! tir. kfnd usod la lb. town. tasI Saturday, Ernest Boss, a von- man aI lie Malleablo vorks, met vith a painful accident. Ho vas runnfng a ladie o! inoiten nietal vien eue o! il. foilov vorimea, vbo vas aise carry- ing a ladie o! rai bot motel, Inlpped over something and mpflled lie con- tenta aven Me. Boss' bàck an4 lEgs, burnlng hlm .everely. Be vas laina to thé 0sh~we Hospil~i viens ho fi dolng as yoD as oaa lie expocted. A quiet we&Iiag, aI wlaioi only hie Immediate niembens o! lia. family ver. pne&oat, vas celebratod 1y Rer. R. Allia, o! Rail Whilby, aI lie homo of Wr. A. Thoan, Columbas, on Wec&es. day. January~ 15. 1913, viezi Miss An- nie B. Hunhdng, daughter o! lie laIe Samuol Huaking, o! Reaci, vas unit. ed' in urarriage b Mr.--Harold Mecide, o! Ceclar bale. Miss Axuelia lTuaklng vas bridesmaid. ftnd Mr. Reglaald Marlow. o! Nestieton, vas grooms- mia. Tie yonng couple lefI on lb. 6.30 p.m. train for Tororato ar~d other points, auJ la a few days wifl taie np tiroir residene. la Cedar Dale. Tireir maay Mendu wislied tlwm "bon voy. age" t1aroug~lr 11f.. - POST OFFICE AT EVERY FARMER'S GÂTE. Tii. Rural Mail Carriers are nov equippei vili aIl the necesuary blauks for maiing ont Pout Office mono>' or- dors, aad postai n~otos. 1aud ti. Rural Mail patrons wilt riow 'b. euabled te secur. tiese formo from thp Carriers wiuboui going te ihe posi office as berotofore. fais viii mean a great conrealence le iii. country people. Pads cf, blani moue>' order formi, coataining 10 oaci. are ta b. placed lu oaci rural mail box, 50 tint uhe> may be ffiled ont as desired by tire patrons. Tire' carrier b taie~hlre mono>' for tii. mouey ordor or pout offiée note, give lii. recelpt for lis sapre, and on reaohing lie distributiug office pua- ciase lie moue>' order auJ take if te tie purohasor'. box on lire next tnp. Or lirons vili be un objection to glv. ing lias mail carrier îie open buse la viii ci lie moaey order i. te ho on- closed. Tii. carriers vil aise carry bisais. Carrier. viii accepi reglsiersd articles. Wiea a registered article l~ reoeived~a noie wihi b. sent by ibe Posi Office tut il viii h. sont by tii. followlng trip ô! bis carrier and advising hi4 patron to nieet Mm et tire box sud give uni a redbipl for lii. artf~. B>' tire nov mies, tie mail Carnier' viii carry mail frore oae box 10 au- otirer aloag Iris route iditirout la ira7- iag te go te tie Pnst~Office, ho same poubagé being pald. DISTRICT DOINGS. Mes. E. E. Starr; o! 'Wiitb~. addres a meeting o! theWC.T.U. ai' i Canniagtop on January ~3.. 1fr. Wm. Faed, druggist, cf Canaing. ton, died on Januany 11, agod 67 ysars. - Tii. Police Village o! Beechin virer. timosa by-law le rais. 81,750 te pro- vide a plant le- distribule eleotele povor ~ 1~. suppliai by lie Hydro- Elootrl~ (Y~,slarnfsiion. ON >RN OATS - FRED WI-IEAT Fced Wholesule la Ton Lots. Ckopp»i'g Ev~ry Dq I - S>~aia~: CALWELL'8 MGLa8E~ UEAI J;L. SPINI LINIT» Pichering, Ont. Hoard's Bus Lins C&rtite ~ad Teamiag. Smo. purchauing Uic bus 'lin. frw~ - Mx. William Newport, w have hem iavored with a ver> largo patronag. anci we fe~l va are giving lb. publie - good service. Ail ordars for tesming, furnIt~xre tnoving, cartago of freight, vans for pleasure parties. etc., will receive esar very beet attention. - Firat-clais livery in connection. 'Phono Ne, 89 JOS IIJARD i IONS Dis ney Bros Uiedei'ta&ses sud Embelisepe Whîtby, Phono ~ Raglan, W. If Brent, agent. Oshawa, Phones 47 md Sij. ~;Calis by day or nlght pronaptly ttended to. Chaeges moderate. COUNTY ON UNTARIO. - 1918. 1. WHITBY-Mlss E~. L. Ma~doaa.Ji, Cleni, Wblîby- Jan. 13, :i'.it. s, Marci 4, Apnil 3, May 2, June O, Juiy 3, Sept. 3, Oct. 2, Novi 1, Use. 4, Jais. 7, 1914. OSHÂWA- Miss R. L. Maodoan.1I Clark-Jeu. 14, Bob. O, Mer. 5, Apr. 4, Mey 5, Jun. 7, Juiy 4, Smpl. 4, Oct, 3, Nov. 8, Dec. 5, Jeu. 8, 1914. 2~ BROUGHAM - M. Giosson, Grem- wood, Clark- Jau.~ 16, Mer. 6, May 6, July 7, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, Jan. 9, 1914. 3. PORT PERRY -J,. W. Burab~,) Port Porry, CI.efr~- ~ 17, Mari-Z May 7, July 8, Sqal. 6, Nov. 12, Dec. 17, 1914. - 4. UXBRIDQB-R. J. Mooze, Uzbridgm Clerla-Jan. 10, Ma~eh 14, May 18, July-18, Sspt. 9, Nov. 21. Jeu. 16. 1914. 5. CANNINGION.-. Thos. H. Feston, Canniaglon, Clark -Jan. 9, Mar. 13, Ma> 14, July 16, Sept. 10.~ Nov. 20. Jan. 15. 1914. - - 0. BEAVERTON- Jas. M. Geedon, Beaverlon, Clork-Jaia. 8, Mer. - l2,~ May 15, July 17, Seul. 11, Nov. 19. Jeu. 14. 1914. 7. UPTEROROVE - lianfel Loonard, Âtherloy, Clenk.-~ Jeu. 7, Max. 11, May 16, July 18, 8ep1. 12, Nov. 18. Jan. 13, 1914. By Order, J. E. FARKWZLL. Clark o! lb. Peaoe. Dalod aI Wbitb>', Nov. Sua, 1919, WRITBY JUNCrION. ;olngWest :.::~:~: Coing Rast...8.ioa:~ I .atnnm Sunda>' trains leave - for Teroato 4.25 a.m. aad 7.56 p.m. Prom Tor- ente-trains stop et Whutby Junction et 8.15 and 9*55 a.m, and 9.30 p-m. tJP-1'OWN STATION. Oelng Narth...5.3o arn. Coing ~i7.55*.W .4.15 pm. I ~ -- ...6.4ep.rn. I -T '- ~ -- ...s.ogp.m STAGES,, - Leave. Wbllby for Osiava ai 10 a.us.- auJ 4 p.m. Jo.. Holdsn, pro. paloter. - I..ar.s for Brou<haj~ ai 10 a.m. Me. Edvards, propniston. W}IITBY MARKETS Aishke dorme, pet bus 011.00 le 812.00 Wheat, rai.............6.90 ho 1.00 IVisat, vilto...........0.80 te 088 Wheat, goomo...........0.8510 0.90 Wireaî, spnlng--..80 b 0.85 Wbeet, fali............85 ho O.9~ 0,55 le 0.00 R>,........................0.78 ~<> 0.78 Poas...........0.ss 10 0-90 Buokyheal..............0.50 te 0.50 Oats..................0.88 le 0.38 Clovor.............8.00 te 9.00 PLOUR AND FEED. l'ioiw, pot cvi........3.78 10 3.00 Choppai foed, cvi.1.50 1. 1 bO Corumoal..............3.00 te m.so Bnmu, pan ion---------35.0010 35.00 Shorts per ton....27.00 i~ 28.00 MEAT.. POULTftY AN» ?RODjC~. Bos!. par cvl..........l.O0loîL~0 Caille, lire veiglit-8.00 to 8.00 Lambe,.~............7.001o7.00 Hogs, dnessed.........10.00 te 11.25 Hogu, select............8.25 b 8.85 Chiokens, pen lb.........0.1610 0-18 Due*u, per'lb.........0.1810 0.18 Gesse, dressai, por lb.... 0.10 b 0.16 Turkeya, <tressai, pet lb. 0.18 10 0.90 Butter, per lb.........0.8010 0,32 Eg-ga, per dcx. nov laid 0.30100.35 Lard, -pan lb...........0.1810 0.30 Potahoos, per bag ....1.00 le 1.20 Apples, pet bair3l..... 150,lo 8.00 Onione, per bag,.......1.00101.20 Pe~ Ion.........4.011 b 1S.OQ HuDuls. Wool, zamymêsi..-. ... 0.lIiopj Oeil skis.. us' lb......, ... O.13$ssfljj LambukIasu<~j....,. ...4.MStsî Rides, pst ovl....... .., ... 8.301.0* .0.18101.3.8 . ~ #à4., pcg lb...,,. LOti. 8.30 'APBULANOE lu ooaumonou - -" - ~. EVANS - Punp Manufacturer Sho~ muid Rssldqmce, Diluas Ste's.~ WtflTBY - - Tire.. deors vesi cf Whutby Houa.. W. ans prepared le faste1 vood ~-sn inca pumpo -on short nolise, ais. attend loalH ~o!iu. - painlng. - Agent for lie ~>nlenjo Wind *11, aie. gasolins enginos aad lia. squars.gpg.. oci Magnet~ Cream Separelor. - Fiions No. 50 essidisaçe. p6.. IfivIsIble BI~PoCAI Lens.. t The one ip for reading, wnîtzng and~ other close range ~ urposea, the otilil, foi lon.g range. F. E. LUKE 169 Yong* St... TOROlITO Ail Deslrlng the Beat lu Business ami Sborihand Jlduestlon ans tnvited ta write for the large (~ataiapu. cf the Populer Toiento, Ont. TJIII sebool bas nov Ibis attendance lu fIs hlstory. Thons &?reason for it. vs have roon farneis. - ibis may b. jour best'opportunity. Deolde now te sites' eus' susssl. 5tUiiisael~date. I-'~- '.-"' 00e. Y Alexan I J.~ E. WILL Drugglsg and O - MEDICAL. HA-L Break St~ a - Profesaio~aI- LEGAI, dNO. E. FAREWELL. Barnister, County Crdvn A County Solicit<Çr Office south wing Court Ho A. E. CIIRISTIA eulstsr, Seilcitor. Notmw P 'Office, Brock St., Opp. S Money to-I4an. JAMES RIJTLEDGE~ Bar Money te Loan on easy Office mmmediateiyit>uthR r- - Whit~y, Ont. G.- VOIJNG SMITH, Barnister, Etc. Moncyto o! Marniage Lic Office - Sniith's hock-W t)BlNTÂ~ I - W. ÂDA~8,- IJeatisI, Street,. Besidene. No. 4, Bjrem St., 'Wbitby. P~.oue ÂUOJ~IO~E~ r JAS. BISH Oshawa. Lkonsed Audio sot b L. Fairbanks. Non datas sppiy to self or G. ,~-, ,by. WM. MA LICENSED AUCTIO AND VALtIATO Ail hindi o! mies prom b. Arrangements can is sales ai lIas Gazette oses. Terme neasonable Bell and Indopendaaî pa WHITBY.~ ONT.~ CONTEIACTO J. JIeWELL.fl~ Carpenter, Builder ~.nd Coz~ Plans dr~wn and estin~ates M Repaus, Alteraticus land Ja Opposite Stephensul Box 467 -WIIIT'Y F = Marriage Lis~ez~ &H.~L1Ji' [ssu~r ai ifarimg* r~. anse wîtnesaea rsquî~T"'~ dru1sto1 Insurs SUCCE by takîng a praitîcal ~ours1 of SHAW'S ~,GUUQLS, l'or attendance or by Mail, an~ doing quiokly prepare to good saiary. Hundreda o~ poople do Ibis evory year, net You? Fiee ctaloguc-e~ Write for it. Address, ~V: Fresident, Yonge St., Toro~ MONLJMEN o! ail De8JVIs aid laterial bp îîwlilpayyouatocailal aad Inspeol for. yourself. Dam'l b. misled b> agmata~ ~ mol .mpioy hem, çoIlSOqUOflhl aad do allow thé agent's 10 pst osa, wbicb youwill] savis by purobasiiig from us.~ - A Cmli Solkrltad. V~itbg Iranlte1 Office aad Wofhs Opposite Standerd Baiik, Ubi Wire forl ~ I lid le ,~II lire For Ixtures sud supplies, flouse wining, power Wl 3 If yoswaatuscaliuit moteus snd transformera. 01P5D5@. - oN'rARIo TORONTO ARCi

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