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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jan 1913, p. 3

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sand niobles, relatives Dif the ,dressed in-garments wonder. di wrought. .U_ OMPafyfet peârmen peee t ing. fle rode in an. impoeing an 'ot, uigi abovd the sunrround- Le n uUlti1tude, and %yore robe, of asig magniî,cence, --and.a nd mitre upon hus head.. BybÎm [S ked two hundrecid- his the MOU le kinsinen. Tep:.thou. s, arriors, bearing epears with (4 cf murler. tipped by headi of op. X& d lowed the royial chariot. e d king'a _horèes ,forty in'number, hthzrty tosandfootmen, eOncu li'e proc< i~ ira à or0ne mdistan ce followed t»Le other and wife' of tii, king in a riebs noa a mpanied by their in <M o hcrseback. Fifteen cars 'ed th e kinàgýs 'heildren,>. 'theiir ra and nu.rses, and isix hundred els, gxiaï.ded by archers, be el royal trea.sury.- The friends and relativés of. the ladies foilowed, wih*the ecooks and eervants; Liglit- armed troops bnought up the. rear. upnlstroops and Saw their, .hand spiendor, it is no WOTi- - elt proud, and wlshed' te blaùk('e u-- - thead tçtbattie. - Suoli an am Fiù"sd'tewrter turn emsn çen oty a hme, paper' ever te discever that it 'wa minsony-Wr n. tryenocul VIedeo ma' li.se them. Other nations, must In- the LIping of a Coach. knom loir po 1. a king he was, In one cf Thaokeray'a noveîî So iie-and lis. % wers niarched mili is feun»d* in the lining o! an old away, and -warAélf énquest lbe- coacli. Such .&, hidiÈg-piaEm vas gai'. . s actually u-sed by a teaatr irbos. Peoples wirî ý " - tegiv tiierli- Post-Mortem &àffaire figured injjl5. selvessup Vo e! r, sither fer Frenc oui eur in180 while tiiere conqu.sW,, -oi' 6fense, and the -great, is astkory cf &a laer French. Cae .hmmdPeaee weuld, have miiere- a ientleman in perfstiiealth, d- dta- commerce and pros. -pote hi din -"llad testament Ybecame ïnilitary ras over -tehiieiIV wass fôundl '-r teck ita cruel way. 890, "Ounlesities cf Vii. Se ~ A RU .PSEGR PuoomPIare _cle meian in A.POD.PSEG O ataneesof cuýricus wmua; Vhey, E-o Interesting and threir tuch, list White Cookatoo Tryrannlzed Over on the. inner irkinga cf thé,- an Everybody. midha' one can only regl fi Sailing f rom Sydney,. Austraila, tàch a bock dies &amid he èf for Ne* Giinea, on tue steamship books that are publisiied. 'Pl tttn r. C. D. Maclellan en=ý VIe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l mctcnesc 1-I.' ~ countereâ à»n indubitable "person- mils Isèrein coilected lus t cfa; je";nameiy, a large, irhite cock- Frenchman irlo died un î Ii'atoo i-iVa yeliow crest, the be- Vhs ast haus le ireced~ levec preperty cf Vhs first officer. i express and formally :-iesire "Scented Ishanda and Corai 'tiiatny remains, may be e!dlcï& "'Mn. Mackellan says tiiat for bunial in my large leatiier trun, 'tÈe."br rannized.cruelly over al lnstead cf putting My survivora Vjo he pas. s .y tIe expense cf ja coffin. I amn at- Ho is i t chaîna or roeos Vo ached Vo that trunk, wiid shan auiron 8 n, but no bonds gene round VIe world wlth me tiireé can keep' Hè' R gnauws tiirugli, ines."rs The clause rominda oesof a dm irncaùs, digs Hamshie cergmanrefrre h' ed un thê k, gnct is a, perfect HamÈhie cergmanrefrre ý0fiedcf L' -f . Once'free, you by Siyvanus Urban: see -him' *tà ng, aleng" tIs deck ~"Tliougî le poesessed a- liberal chatternig 'd lucklng te himself, inconié, ho affected Vhs dress cf tue saying Vii 'îrouié' 'hings lu differ- lemetidigence. At Vhe age of 83 ontlanguÏ6, anid looking exactly -le married a country girl of 13. Ho like one of 'he'atout, important, desired in lis wili that ho might be white-waîstcoaV'sd. old men mIse are buriïed in an bld clest which ho "8omething in' tb city." ihad for smre time kept by him for This bird makres straigît for some -that purpose, and that VIe bearers one,-general foi' me,-never goes *houid have each cf them a pair cf round anything in Vhs -way, climbs tanned' leather gIoves and a fl5W Up one side cf a chair, over it, and pair cf clos, which were given as- dem Vthe other bide, even if a doz- cordingly." on chairs aro'on thé route. Once iV On. more instance may be taken reaches you, it cflmbs up and in- frein thi. 'entertaining bock:- sists on your scratching i on ths One September afternoon in 1874 polI and under its wings or hours 411n empty learse was seenistanding atstm.-nateptehaeo, at >about 4 b'clock at VIe entrance or a hasty movensent cf your land, -di the salons cf Vhe Cafe Riche, Rue and it turns instantly and rends LUpelletier, Paris. On onquiry iL. you. It las the most powerful w&as fçund tIat a frequienter of this beak. We are aIl afraid cf it. I ýfameus .est-ablishment lad inserted arn so tattered and tomn that I shal In lis mwiii a clauise te Vhi.effect: have te go inte hespital te b. "I1 def3ire that on tii. day' cf my niended. .. buriali I macy hoe ariied round by TIe creature dees net really ike Vhs Rue Lepelletier te» visit one'fCme. I feel sure that it despises me, more thse table irbere I Have spent but it is' welI aware that I have a ge many cf tIe pleusantest leurs- cf terrified respect for, it. L-t is a My life. usual tbing te seo every oe Shorteat li on Rec«ï'd.sq -4meng, notemortly ils are some cf Vhs shortest. it meuld net do Voi Oali theise curieus, fer brevity, in al legal documents is to e eouu- a4ed. Wlat iEl probably oe, cf VIe hbortest million record iras that 'made by the, ýste Mn. >ickîrn, for- - rely assistant Vo thie president cof 41. Pethnsylvania Railrcad. Thbugl '0 ieft ne leu. asun Vlan £3,000,- '000, lis iii bequeathlng tIi. te Iri Wfdew eitaited enly Virelve linos of ypemntlng. - *But an -even - alerter, mli. ias imace by an Engliahman mie died in - ay, 1908. ILt as -au fllms"l fier mtIon," mitI VIe Initiale cf ieti * $stator. TIc.. fei rdond,written -on - thé >. ba-ak 'cf an enveheem asu rounded by the widow-mbcm rhuband had tliu. deslgnated-1. stretcled eut ln silence, o0verc4oMe- by beat and inertie; thon there- is a Sudden yeII-sorný one las for- go>tten to go on scratýzhing. [i yen lean over ths sid' of Vhs ship, " «Pretty Ckly" *e sarcastical-' ly caîl it, attacks VIe calves of your legs. Feor ahi lis pretense cf au- Vhority-,.J have seon Vhs captain ryîng obsequiously Vo curry faver with it. - Who Dld the Taiklingt "Do you talk oven VIs pelitical ,situation iritI yeur irife, Blithena 1" -asked Neddies. "No," said BlîtherÈa.ý "She taiki it oven mitli me..-1I don't- geV a 'BaSrly one-seventi cf VIe pepula. -tin ol thé,'BitisIsZmpire is.com- posedcfwiomn Cleveland capitalists Pro)pcs bo istart a gla:ss factory at Xiïrror, 9Alta. ThenAme of the, town -suite - the business. -f There are, 2,798 miles of reaiflwy z.i Alberta. ' 'Fo;r -ih first ten a nonths -of 1912, 098 mliles' of..new s- railway were -built. * Turnipe ran ing inweight trein i17-to ý35 pounda ,Yere 'grown laat ,y ear in thé Rolia .d and Dirlipgford * di:trits of- MaWntloba.- There 'aie ord4rs for sixty-five cars On the bock &t CastoàrAlita', nearly as nany as have been shP- ipdsinice the. "sas openéd the Lnumber sent- ut beingsit.gli The àWash' and dooôr factory at Veg. 1reville, -Ait&,, i.s .running-day and night in an effirt to fil the great' rùeh cf orders. resultin g frôm ibuild- in oieyin th ,wn and dis- Mr -~d ,Mrs.. Wilkinson Ridley, tcfthe b st known residenta .6. EseaSaSk., left fthis:,week for týheiraold home at Newcastle-<>n- Tyne, England, where they wil wake 4beir home. Fred Hclýbo, cf Canera,- Sask. is hauing 'grain te rnarketwitW/hue 20-40 .Oase gas ta .Tii. aul- ing cffour, wagon loada et a tim4 a distance.ef aine miles, lie daims,- costi Only two dollarÏ.,a trip. Oý. MoKinnon, cf Kincardine, Ont., lias beers appoititedcliýsicÂ.I maeterixn. Sashatoon Colegiate, a a salary of, $1,900 a year. Mia. Jean, Divkson, cof Portage -la Prairie, ha. been. appointedtoacher of, drawing. Traffie was se eongested in tiie C.P.U. ' yard eý-t Minniedosa one- day reeently that tihere were twenty- fninelocomoti-ies there at one time. Quite. a change f rom the day that1 the M. & IN. W. only ha.d two old,1 leaky locomotive. altogether, says1 TRUE IIITRSRU8E. Rom Ro Saved Rimself From Cern- mit ting Lese-MaJffste. The passing cf Vhs ceunt fool as an institution did net mean that kings lad ceased Vo take pleasure in tIse sort cf nonsense that VIe jesters laïd been licensod Vo, perpe- trate. King Frederick William I. cf Prussia mas. an incorrigible joker, and greatly enjoyed Vesting thle cleverness cof lis ministers and adir by planning embarrassing situations, frein mIich, tIey couhd extricats thcmsolves only ,by VIe ex- ercise cf VIe quickest Wit. Hoir- ever, VIe king iras almost as ready Vo enjoy lis cwn discorufiture as that cf his intended victim. One day, at a sinaîl dinner, VIe king, happening tç, ho in ths mocd to play a prank, chose as lis victin oe cf- lis ministers, seated at his left. Af-Ver s moment'. thougît,' lis najesty leaned temard Vhe cour- tier- on Is rigît, and giving lin a genthe slap on ths choek, said, "Pass it."' As VIe Vap mas passed frein guost te gustround Vhs table, Vhe king's intentions becane apparent. The minister at Frsderick William's lef-V would eitîor have te commit lese- majeste by slaping his ?sovereign, or admit hinsei beaten, and be the laughing-steck cf VIe table. Ceunten ofe-.Aberdeen., Vhe homes cf Vhs poor throughout the country, are nome of its activi- Reeently a ratIer 'unique work las been started-a sysbem cf' Isealtâ lectures. TIse association sends lady healtIh ecturers eut te, varieus districts a&nd tley give Valks illustrated by lantern shides on sudh subjects as "Tht, Breats cf Life," "The Reaith cf VIe Chihd '-" "Towrn Planning,". "Making Gardons cf Waste Places," etc. The lecturers travel in a luge van, VIse "bluebird caravan," dramn by a pair cf splen- did herses, and create muel excite- ment as they go througl Vhe coun- try. In some of VIe poorest districts branch societies suipply mo-als f-or tihe sclool chiîdren. In others, Vhe wcrk of VheS cleel is supplemented by classes in gardening, poultry and bee keeping, or in musical and dra- natic soci eties. Indeed, every phase cf life, plysi- cal, mental and social is minister- ed te tîrough its relation te VIe health of VIe comnunity. TIse anglings and wranglings of parties andý policies ar ced befors the Vtraightferwa tca, commen- eçnse basis cf ÈucIsmetIs cf, ser- v'ce. The plan, its systeým. a- Iog and its effective operatien are due oô the!,ir"isdom, and clear vision of tho leader. The Countess cf Aber- deen, in Vhis great sans work, is preparing Vhs ground for the neir era, mIen men and momen may anite polities and lumanitarianism. sg d p e U RIENT' $400 PER SQUARE YARD. Paris Tenant Pays Enormonus Surn iiitnougn 'the company' was al- An interesting case las juat conie' ready in a gale cf morriment aV lhis beors a Paris (France) court, exponse, VIe minister ires net atk mhich las reserved judgment. IV ail ready Vo acknomledge defeat. tIroirs inte boild relief both- Vhe Just as tIe blow wias passsd Vo him, enormous renta asked and paid lu le ]et a knife f-aIl clattering te Vhs Paris, and tIe tyraunical temper cf floor betireen Vhe king and himself. Vhs French landloirds. Evsnybody Immediately a servant sprang for- in Paris kueirsVIe! "Quisisana" au- mard, picked VIe -knife up, aud tematie nef reshment slep at Vhe landed -iV tteh minister ; but mIat corner cf VIe Boulevard des Itali. was VIe lackey'is astonisîment to ens and VIe Place de h'Opera. L receive,' instead <>f a mord of occupies exacthy thirty-five square tîariks, a tap oni the cheek. yards, and the tenant pays the pro. -The minister, . by lis mit, digieus 'rent cf £2,400, wirhlimt lad saved Vhs situation mithout taxes, etc., césmes, te £80 a squar violating the. rulea eof Vhs gaine. yard. With Vhs veny naturel deainé The. king was VIe Aret Vo jeu'lun Vhe Vo- recoup some of Vifs rontal le lot laugîter sud applause-that greeted lis windows and malisfer adver- the minister'. clevenrnesa. tisin,' but Vhs noV being specified - in Vhs contract'*the, landlàrd las oh- g. jected. and fcrbidden hlm te con- tinue. What damage.Vhis mdli- An EcelentDevos. dual can suifer fnem othon mares, An excellent device against slip- being advertised in the mmndcii in- ping on youn front door sto-ps tisu stead cf tVîsin being filled mt Lcy meréigas o, ocrr Vem fÉom sandmichies and bottles cf- beer' and top te etemWiî your last aum seheër-ry, ;-it - la -difficulttVo dônceiV-e.ý mejr'së sofa cushions. '--TIsse,-,suitf-- Thî Venant r eds:, "Wiea I1-pêy; ably placod, mill prevent- youir, -611- ixty.thousan f 1rançio for, thirt fv Ing and chip>ping tise brown-'- temno sq 4'ae metn p mpy bcu,ý ' or lfranite stejie mitistI&iacçk o! poii iite.c -y1hcîsrew7av pour, celuloid'ciIa 4r s ngtteouÎ,. IV îna adout.> r~ ~ ~ ~~ý ýrtre, tr time they vrn Ieîtr-'t154te' .- - vî quarrele~d and iipàrated. 'T Turkswee - ttling for da ie ~ -7 l~ fband caim cl in tue along th e D anube again st horde s .àj 0 eo n o t -4-r I n ibank as his ry n the of R.is;iansý In the following 'Sep- o tidJewish clendar tis wol& Ctourt décided q-operty, and tomber 25,000 Britishi troop8, a corresppnd te çur. mentis o! M4Yý Lt.wcud ~bisf~vr.. siinlar number - of French, and -ona~ fVsgetdeep t. o 'isusband ** ndifférent if 0' ur.weF ade ut, p isains . oflieýr c altlso _,,coldhae ti, urîn fr riiTurkiss;ii &od fre ti.grh4 th'have e Aucamera and 1eirself. That wopo p aeerty g!ronce errilewinter, adsubterranean -waters broke forth cleaq,, as she,,can hcf Ireland nignl-t1and covered thée.'Bùf ace cf 1,h8a ~her c w n rig t s ncé ~ 2~ . B t t ore acro ss in to A sia f rot f ou l i oavy on - a t . ~ws eevdnce t hwta ieln ndsa nLno tfrze Winde o! ' fheaven-Openinigs in Isuban, hense~in ~for six. weeke withut 'a break. the frmament., - ~intended lier te'have rom13nnay 4thte ebuar -12. The rak-LiterallY, tý forhTésel, .~ IJ>U524tii-,the,,thermometer, waas below ,heavy raizr. ~- ~ Ri reezing vryngt. In Vhs Cri- ýot Ve ood asfeafu, nd ur Fotydays--Theiarallel account, i-OnIy Tisr!sleeme&tecldýýa eâfl n Qu s entionsi 1a hundred and O!ý ay I t miy- have beèen à f aet,--and it Army,' disgracefuily .catered for, (verse 24.)' ay 1i scbtess5in many cases, that sfee oril.-" "' et 14. vr id'Qeeysr the husbnd intenda the wife te 12Q,658 men, and $f thèsêt ony -P Every w ing d 91 c etur, sclrt n hav an suplu sh ma hae gVtwelvepercent. feIl in baltle. Tlii.isee. l3rdèare nntione'd sep- %wYn'teber earefujneSs; but tsa es r eatrye y cldan 'raey i Vhe precedig piiasezr, es. o prevlent him .turning round dsae.agaaedb otn 1.The. selfsame day-The. day an'y time helikes and ohaimiîig.that comisarit. specially-imonticned «i verse 11. supu'ormef . n nonditionai Surrenier 15.T' . ad.tw<*-Accrding te * UThé eonily thing Vo 9nsure that -tie In 1870 came the biggest war cf, tlîc paralleL eccount '(versés-2 and1 iwife shail bei "Wf-in heepîng the th latter -haîf cf- Vhe nineteenith 13) there iere seven pair of each cf 1surplus>w ertheyafteryvrscetrthe -tîtani« eonlfict bethoDse, animais regarded as clea', - fÈuarre i .¼5epaxate. at ail, 15 te t -enFrance -and Cormanyý.-- By and aise seven pi vr-id have ià pneisclear that' it is a gift October 29th there wares- 850,000 -c id arof evrykid' te lier. Noir 'âa-gift, te ho 'good iniGerman -trccps in France, .paris -18S. The ark-Fcr a description ofr law, muet be evidoenced by either iras be.sieged, and there, began ths -the ark,' including_ the mainnPerai a deed or- delivery cf the article.- tour months' investment, with fur- itz construction, compare Gen. 6 That isclear by à casîë' decidcd -by fgtgonoV-ies Agn 14-16. the Court. -Jacàk Frost came,-Vo, the aid cf -the héfc h iaes-h p- *The- wi!te ceriainly gets delivery -Getnana.- A long spoît cf intense per surface. of Vhe moneY, but if-the husband cold mMde life almoat impossible for --9 The waters prevailed exceed--, shod saï: "Oh-, yes;ý I gave lier tihaf-aveFrnlwleteingly.-This and the folh6wing verses * the cash. ail right, but it iras 'on the Germains, 'wiio b.d V.twhbl oin-~ (1-9-24) gives a more detailedde iunde rstanding that -she seturned try teW 4law on, be.sides their cm spcrii.tion cf, Vhs great çlepth, andm any surplis;" then i sci creclinQ miarst, suffered uniNversal prevalence cfi~efod wor agint ls. f hs our b. vrylittVë.; Be January the city 20. Fifteen cubits-upiiard-That lieved him, the wife would be held wsi erbecniinmucl abàve Vhe toer cf ihe highi Vo be the, trustees-or agent ofA tue tiiat it endered. etmutis h x~ egl mone f~ lir hsban. Egjsee ndre ani sveny-of VIse cubit varied greatly at diffeir-, Thexl what is VIe best-way forthe seven -mas th e date cf theélas t great ent periods. Thse cliit referred Vo wife Vo insure that thse surplus -1s a warlirhidli Tirkey -'igaed here 'iras probably a littie lbas than gift tb lier? Simply hs: GeV IeTe ukswraatah gge.tire feet, beî-ng 'detrmined hy thp th Ttý ursweëby an l"-c h husbandIto sign a letter saying lie -encrmousiyr superior forcoe o f Rus- 1blent o h forearm from tIse el- gives ler a.ny* surplus. That seomns sians, with the,.-'Tsar hima.f * wt Veint ftsemd formal bêtireen husband and irif,-commËiand. Osmi ý&sUaPash iitl 40,-.; g r but it is easy 000 men, hurriedqhi1nd-to Plevna, 21. Creeping thing tiiati--eepetIs Whou xiTiey Are Corrcsponding. a village which- steààkpon, a a li," hn tsam eand' there lastili entrencWeéd lim- etii. The only other way is for VIe self. The Russians lad ioo,)eo 22. O! ail that mas on- VIte dr.v husband te make Vhe stateinent de-mn btOsmanand is a " adNt, Veeoe,-n dn finitely in the presence cf a witness. . abuodun fishés and other aquatic animalS, No doubt Vhe irife il know tsbn fae hemifor wiidliere thus, exempt from Vhe best way, Vo mork hIls. cessive battles. * gneral destruction causèd by Vhe, If ithr o thse wo oures ere In November irinter set i hé2fod If sthercf hesetir couses wieeks eariier Vian usual. Thë l Dd adopted, tIen there le only One5 Turks had ne minter chothing, and 23. AYestred-andeii., ttdyut. thing that could defect the wife's ittiet s u az.ordead 2 ude n it asI riehit te that surplus. Yem, Vhe arm hoÎseflesh. They suffered fearfuhly. n'ýsé .12, above, fcrty day are men- of V-te haw is long. -It is that if VIe At hast, on' December étii, tley de- ~ sts time- duration of thse- husband were so unfortunate as te termined-to break eut. There weefi. 'The divergence is boat ex-_ go bankrupt irithin ir e ars cf Vt ol 000let u i uhe,1phained on Vhs tle<>17 of Viresepr gift, bis, trustee in_ bankruptcy 50 tremendous that they carried ia'te -rina ccuns s ugesed - would dlaim i itfor Vhe credit5rs. thiee linos cf Rassian tronches be- Vh-frtprgp. fore Vhey were surrounded,and A V sing Rler. ferced by enormeusly ,'supérier ilot the fRoyal Sainte. "M da, us-ad~ yunumbers Vo surrender uncendition. Lt .'happ.ned Vo the Queen as ,~Ver Vo marr. mmanf e v aly -11 ..L. "Nmy dear. TIaV lai a terrible misitake. Many ýyoung girls lave madé 1andI don'V irant- Vo see Iyou4 ru-~r fie that iray.'> "Wl, ýIsat cug'hV I tedo 1" "Give y&rand and ieart to a Man wo ir a*OrV4y cf iVin evsry may-. Coée'fiý-*man irIseis kind,9 courtecus, hSerabls 'an4 temperate." - "Are VIese Vo be, foreiiiny' among tIse poor young me 1" l "Net at aIL. Tat la just MY Point. Nover rnarry a mÀsi for1 poney, but1 use al your effortt o min Vhe affections cf a Young man, mIse las ail tise qualities I have . named, ,snd menéy ' - FRIENDSHIP. To Be Truc Must Be Imbned with. Vintue and Intelligence. - Thc fniendship cf mon n &ýw4imen must b«-,'Ibslutely, - fréeý f rom al tiiet ýt: ove- naking. Tiiere mu&-#,be-Vthe frank recognition on ý*Oba ides, that f nièndsiuip is oe ng and love-is another. Wîore the. element cf love-makring enters, lioweven elusivsly, tIeefniendship is îat an end. A neir power las as- aer'ted it9eif, and "Love milistili be lord c"f aIl."- Ahihf-e, ail expeni- once;, ahi art, al1literature acknqm. iedge Vhs samo ýimperieus aira-y. Fniendship muit ho cointentVo diril apàrV, and te pursue a paVI mIens Touhs donxinsIrispassion dees nettsr- Touiet(atInm$ ete)-You Wlen once VI-e footing of honoat Éeem tired, Pat i". Waiter-iy'ssi and d isintsrested friendIhip h firm- sorn. Up. veny sanly- this me nn, salihdtIere is noeunit te caîl af-pas~t six 1'" Water ced uiol Vhs man May recoive ( ~ k l ~ t < f ~ 1 1 e a r . fr4 m h ie w e n a n -f nr ie n d . e i is toipt5 w'd m mi restrain hMi mpulIses; hon cniticiain miii discipline is perfoi- Youngy-"Dd yU e >er no icemnce$; ber' suggestions wIllin tat Vhs m atrimnoial priecoa's l1.11k.apirei*him, ith ligI ýambitions; 1 er making a coU! 1Yon, go, ,te adoT., sympatiy miil oeheeunin'fai{une- y ou , rin g tjihe bell , and -y cu p e a d e p n sn y o é a i t ycun name tehsmaidi ylus onswiliIVirue aditlie - sYe, and then you're taken i." iieorieall mannen ! vof a. Mn.. Cnawford -'Dk you tbink fcins;mlelévate thVe iuan'sa ,that hs-b"éaet mate vin a-1man'a i dealandpufyh,1f.Wetr leat as tlrugh.s hi.e sterach?. ' ths man'. friendSiiip con ever be: MÉS. Oaii -" smy 'deanr;- cf ecual, or o-fany servicewteh hut aftsr lie ias become a. dys p ep- lan, a question whide a marin tic it i.: i iibI. "te liv tbladbÎtter noJ t-ny -o newer....G bimP - - - W~, Rusei -ons cf Vhe, great citis. cf Uppen India, and la bers quoted from a receDt bock entithed, "cAn Ament-- ean Gilait tIe Dunher."y Tii. princess misled 'te sýethe place quiethy for lersoîf, and'asked, a yeun polios cffloer Vo esceît lier, an'd te he ure Q tefllne ens about iV beforeiand.. Seooff -they started- on foot Vîrougl the bazaar, an -Ve prnoness,- mIe was dresaed ln a thick veil and opi, enjoyed it al imnensely' *But at tIe firat Police o.utpo.t on the- road -te constables, eý thsirpolice sahlib coming, .Vurnne out~ in fuli force., and, saluted vith a clatter cf- arma as they 'pasýsed. 'Nom I particularly esked that thens might bho nnocf tIig," De- proaaed the priae*es.- "O, t' nt'yQur royal highna.a Vthey -are salutng.#its Il"ex- plaîned VIheiyeung cffierÉ, bInshing mihtiiy - 1 ,Liirea tVhs p inces ssaw lier mnltake, n"d -*Iàugèdý at hersaI! nlgîhtîIly, vins. o,. -JOhnnie-"I - miii I oould be Tommy Jones." - Mther-"WIy I Yeu aire tron-- ger than leiel, -yon ha-ve a botter -home, more, Loya and mOE. -oket money. ùe' eau iriggle bis ars'- Ž- - - J% - MaIE a à 0, - -&& a- L % à ume AwAU<>U 141te juigýii PbateCourt decided . was b 1utely ini order-waa fcuiid. £7,Oop nW a Rulibleli eap. -In Ireldnd a fkw years ago a ' man. died and left and extraort mary aocum1atioim of paperz,- d« mejit4, and valuible property. - TJ wiff was reoovered together Îîthj Immense amnount cf pr<openty hi&d in r7ubish heaps',- the ,property1 'oluding, £7ioO-.ïg~ bank noteg ai varicus,&ecirities. The, Iriah M. ter Mthe Roils, before whom't] matter- am,-esaid that Vthe litter< the. etairs w&s 'lmçst kneemde« tothe floor. we:.ud l ln another case before the EEt lish-, ourts- not haif a dozen yeni ag will, was admitted to probai tound ini the iining of a very oJ fashioned silk.hat which thie test tor had given to a, friend.- And.i a succeefulý action, for th e ta1blis1 "Ment cf a wil a year earlier it wa ten on 9, haîf sheçt of note .and-pla.ced between the, 1eavï~ blotting pad. After the d k' hetestator a relative *o4 been pre.sent, Weni Vo tthe.1 pad 4o write a letter. 'A haitai8e lof note paper waas found and ýus« for the letter. An1a filiHne n. i

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