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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1913, p. 4

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ati-prepare for thse fui >me sligisitroable mils y cosmay eeo nto a s s aimrent if it is neglect 'yok, fr Èmsl[ng au imu Ot Il id cake with- Royal %sking PO' Gratisto sny address. ROYAL. BAKIMPOWDER 00., RtW VORt Sun ay'Scho.oi Convention,' -(Coatinired from'-page 1.) awa, apokeo f "Tha T-feâoher and i thi 130Y., Mr. Rwiseili sa great boy -. aniad wefi Underatancis the boy nature. ' US1id sh!geitioiisas to h»u te teaeh -the boy tuei1rutbâ -,oftethse 'crip- tures wua new andi intsnsely helptal- to mati>'teach.rg present. Mr. ialpenny fullowed 'Mi.--UusseIl, anti i. le, tok Lthe. boy as hie& tieme, and lot i g floodl uf light upun thse - noulding 'of -th e- boy character. * t s D tasfot possible Ln tiselitd aC avtèilable to'içive -any synopsis. of tse atidjiem; suice to say -theéy tre of a_ uperick,~order, and thse wisole con- veution iras delightful anti inspiring. A Cof"4erabile numberfroin Whitby, Port Whitby knd -Almonda irere pre- OntariO- County Council. -WEFDNESDÂY. hractîily,,ail ut thse mornng gesi-j écun ias taken up ufîth thse reading 0of - emmnaintinaandi re"dng notices Inf t.he 'afteoo, Dr. -Cliton, Cisiel Medicnl Ral sO&Mtir for District -N6. 4, being presat, iras invited to adt- drus-athe Couna.ila hie district tii.iru are 115 muicipahtisn. lies rewered te> 1h. tact tisat a large aumbor of tiuseasa affecting thse- pub- lie heailh, miich caused nany déatiss,t - rore turough thse investigatitas as tu - the. causes ' of- diseases And improva. saints in Medical Science, no%% prevenit- able to a. great extçnt and to the mi- r portance 9f lnkinig mensures toulire-i vent disease. Tint tise.-rives uf Cana-j i4ie-ns mere more -valuable tu tise Dom-i * ica than the immigration of, for- -eignere. R.a instancedthéis large proportion o! deatla of chltiren- under 5 yars from- préventêble diseasos. Re referred to the. fact 'that indigent 'people sifering froi' tuberculouis anti cancer could not .b. 'admaittedt th ie House of Ref- - _ go, anti it iras inmportant tisat people Ao afflicteti shouud not 0e compelleci to - uader abouCthtie' County expoi-mng tiose who irere - hoaltlty to tftio from tliese terrible disease. - ge e suggeted tisat on the ilouse of _R Jefuge premises there should bis Lult a amati builliuîg vwhere these peuple r- coulti bis-ar for, and tme pliblic * hoalth euouldlt 1pretected, Re hbcd visited thp b Huse of Refuge, 'and thought thocra shuuld be inore r;ouin pVrovideti by an addition - touther build- ing. We noticed that tiers -,iras no pioper-epJýýcefor placing thse bordietqof maimates froikn.theUie of tbir entis uctýl,their buril.- nue apl>rtvi.1 ut itho .' management, and ýth-%t hle i-t %%as beng doe> tiat could b o ne ur-der thé cirewnmstances. fRe 'uhaJ tIt.lise Unol, andi iras plenteetiwith its eau- itniry conditions. Ho urgeti-the memt-u'rs )j (omity *-Cnc il -to sue- to it titat ni.cpabi irere phaed tponthse Muni(,)l-l.cî -of Henilth, and tint cv-ery i - (» - -b. paid' to the inatructis iLint the Deprtmnent -as- tô theu pr."i-it.4. tof,> diseauoag. Re would at alli Ïmfs ho gladi to te . conaulteti mier. information 1was deairoi,. as it iras hie-duty -1 ,v.rin-L formation iÏ4 such cases, ,and lie would - b-h pleaed to do au. - R. ref«ers to tise provisio>is o1 the Act oonaplling Municipal C roa tions to provide for Mcdi il u-L.ttenbll- - àc ~ 0 upopc anti cire )fiergu iîs ruffe-- lait' reinthe resulto of iàljccry o'r dis.- * ene mse n tse pinontf 1.6telit fi 01u -' ~ ~ o Po1iq ~rt sery. _Jhe býve namedgentlmen-naddress- heCounoil'as lias uecesty ef - red, 'nd 1urred tRal Use fheu . ý of. doitera expufflin buildinlg. iui uat was- praotioally lsies,th -oUÏtW keroad ii5ques4»Ua - There wa* Âittltw bunessdOns ýOn Thàurîcisy, muchuliu, bP uoiit in omInteO ~ ~~uo"ds aik preàwuated uieir iirat. reportis. - lias il. UatB. , pmcaatu recOm-ý mea<leclLai ut acl,.j . J&uore, sL aroctai ati a&r. kUaurd-ue a couiftit Lu oatteutlu tiei eutm9l O meC tjUoLI lioada seÃ"cuuatiuf, tfat.- grant ut 410 bu nXXa atilant a UwuI~ tjer of accouUntzibe pass4. L urriud. c lir. McGllvray, surfeon 'of thej liuuu Ofteuge pre*tetd liireport.1 eua the *utermuu &a nipùtttfl u:iiý tue Usenaiva U i-tttaI buix,'L was hecirci asing for a grant. îor Âe hu nstatu-. 14!e cnost Of the dayý was taken Upà ýWjtL the cun8ideriflg, and -adOIpLlig Ul' reports and Lby-lawkie. '- An eveng sessii nwus aU ekd. Mr. Ileuveuer cuinplainied ut the sinalineaks uitheinper <dum=e.lowanco. -au wanted au exapression of opîinion ab Lu its încrease.- ureconimnendation of thea R. arnd B. '-ow'nutteu hhx. iûoover wdlI aot in counUutiuu with a cosmia*sion iromn jor.. Luunty -tu put a b)ridcge IOPPO- site cou. b, Pickering, on boundary -1ne, in repuir. A iéwiourng Wasut - dereti put un the J1Luge U;riao. 'Dihe uouil Ill dtLaies st 8 op LO tîSUf as a jointLcouuty rond thut portion of the road around fiume àlWit, Scugc 'hp., cumimencing ut lut 24, cou. Ai, tg thle weterly boundary of S&ugog an-J Cartwright roadway, thes cont of om. pltion of said rond to be borne scj- ually by thse United Couatieg utouf hain and iNorthuinberland and 'ou-_ tario. A grant of $300 watt madle to ûm- prove thse Centrye roaci, between Uine- bridge and Asherley, la the Township of àMay, on condition.tint a aimiLar suin ho granted by ti Townehip. Thse foilowing ÂgricUItural Societien v;îlI receive grants as fùIlows: Uahatwe ocJ Port hI'rry, 1U Uxuridge, »0U; &Ott, $CO0; Brouli, $4'0, Thorais and lUeaverton, $60; Rana, e50; <.>n- ninlgtOa, $50.,Ž'orth Ontario Farmersi' lustitute' b25 ; llorth amd 8oyth Qow tario Women'a Intitute each $25. (Jnly one reply'hadbeen receiveti by the Priating Commttee to 'the requesi of the Clern for tenders for tiie Uunty trrnting,- so the contract was awarded to the oly tenderur, C.A. Goodielloir, for a period of iliree years at $400 pur year. A grant of $25 was mande to eaci public library in the cQunty comply- ing with thse Goverument requireens. À by-law wau put though asulming the Trenouth bridge o4er thse Black River as-a_ county -bridge. The fuhlowiltg irerappointoci care- taker.4 and oonanufioners of County bridges until next session, of this Couneil. Scugog Bridgè-Vm. "~dau. Rouge River Bridget-W. W. Sparies. Black'iUver Bridge-Fred Cooper. Beaverton Bridge-J-as. m. Gordon. -J olin MoRne wun be 'removed >from tise Gnol io the 'Orilia Asyluan, and $18 per -3ear wili J» paiti by County toirards his maintenance. '.by-law was put through increa'hing thse remiuneration to be paiti to thse (iovernor, Matron and àNurpe of thse HQUSe of Refuge. Miss E. MeKay mas granteâ:l $10 for typewriting audithrs' report. - Tlhe follo%%,lng grants irere robons.ý muended by the Finance comfittee and I. AN- ut1isi ».erma,. John W. Bt.- mana, Opuly_, Grand -PAat X"", . J., Luke, Depùty Grand Guide, -Jan. H $tepbengoa, -thse feilouing officeru vers instalieti for teyear- 1913. , master WnmnO& a :Foreznaa-__Wlu.-Watson. Reooxti.ra IKo. b t, Jr LýFin&ncier_.Ânizim x. Boss. -out" Watclrnan- m-m- -per AuditoJen w.Qateuiiananti W. M.. Vanvahkeabuish.- ,After Lite- installation mon ras 4per- fornsed,>, a yery plesing ai. inteteat- ing prograin of reathaga, rcitations, výocaL and instrumental mutsic iras ac- cet&biy -rendored. by the .followiaig la- dies amiti gentlemien;.Mvi. Frank L%~ Erskine, iss Jean Johaston, Mms. Willing, miss Sleep, Mr,. W.A. Hientier- son,- -Robt.. - Nicholson. -, Excellent _peces Xtoling tise. grand, prin- cplofthe urder mêes mate by Bro. John D.,Hoirtien, Bru. ýW.X. Vanvai- kenbargh, alec> Past Dlistrict Deiput,, AH. Hoover, Walter'Hoover, W . A. Fluller, andth ie ]Master Worksnen of Green Rivr Lotige,- Green-River, Ont. - Carpet Bail andi other.gaines were lar- dulgeti linmtil4-nidnight.- Personai Mentio)n. Mr. Naylur, of Brétftord, speait Sua- lay mitis friende initoman. Mrs. J. 'bisui, of Sengrave, hana been visiting With, ire. J. Rtotse àMr. Samn. Dudley, reeve ef Coîborne, mas in tomu on £U"sdy night. Miss Dora -Herron, eof Toronto, in viéiting iser aunt, Mra. C.A. Glodie- bmw. Mr. A. Reeti, of tise Standard Bani staff, spema thUe meek sud iith f riesad in Branttorci. Mtiss Van-tone- ha-a retursieti fromn -a tmo meeki visit wuts friendi- in Port Perry andi Stoufiville., Mn. Green, uho has beon visltcing her neioe1 iMrs. Dudley, lai"sroturaed tu bur humusin Colbornea. Nra. Harper and Ira. Norvoed, of Mnvkisam, have been viaitang vitis their ister, Ira.J. Pauser. , lin. -B. N. Granger and chikdrmau, of Scaboro, visiteti with thse lomW parents at Port Wlitby at ireek. .I -Mr. Adiam Kean anti frienti, Mr. Cqek, came domn froin Toronto te se tisé hockey miatch on Monday nigist.1 Ira. T. J. I{olliday anti bar daug-, ter, Mra. J.11. Roger, who has en staying mitis ier brother ince tise isolidays, left on Tuesday fer ir(M Rroge's honme iu Asiaville, N.C. Ira. ltolliday miilremain iptise 5.-fh un- til apring. To The Public. WE ARE AGE14TS FOR PAHISIAN SAGE, ÂAD"iWB KNOW THE UUABPMNTEE IS GENUINE. PARIS.IAN Sage, tise quick-acting hair restorer sn guarante.d- To, stop faliing hair. To cure dandruff, -To cure itcising o! tise scalp, T- put 1f. into -fadeti miv, To mank. hansh hair acf t and luxur- iant. To make hair gron' or money back. It is.tise moat del igthful isair dv.,.- ing medte, and in a great favorite wutS ladies mho deairebeautiful andi luxuri- ant isair. LariCe bottis anly ,an .ts. lisursA, t. OuwlI ~C4and W. Gibsola (aae wro - appoirnul The Secretary Reaà the Report of the 1>Irectors to iihe Shareholdom &Ma -ombunitted .the- Anînal Statement of .th&ê affaia -of the -Bank, whteh 'lu a The 1 Directors. be g '46 uubmtit--the Forty-uOecond Annuai Re$bort 14'thi mlrs -of -te Bak, and the result oftl èprattons for the. tirove mnoitbl suaG S jet Decsmber, 19 12, wmmci h .y foo e'l I ,b. -roceved -'with sattsftes tuou by tii he rhlet -Balance o of fiêtt atiLo.-econt 8tDecember, '911 ...$50,14 -Net profits for tii. ye«r, after deducting ail charges and maklng full provision for bad and -doubtf uldebte..........-901.515 4' Px.mlum .r.eieved oneno Capital Stock.................. 3710 KakIng &_ total of........................... s7,U8 840--1 W%1fhIehbasbeen diaposed of as-rfollomu Divdandsu (quarterly)- at Tirelve per cent.. per an-- Bou.Tir :per cent.....--- 0000ou ýTotal distribution -'te Shaeiiholders et Fourteen .per -cent. for thé year--------------------$688....8.. 58 contribution te OfIncerW Pension Fuud------------..25,000 00 Tranitfeyie4to Reserve Fun -,Preailum "on Nem - ' - -Stock----------------------------297,200 -68 -- Balance oif Proft idLosa carri.d tforward--------------..8..1.... Balaneat cr-edit of accouait OthisDecember. 91-------570,937 Traasferred frein Profit and LoisAccount-------------... f97,200 48 - - $6.000,000 O There bas been a turtiser gratifyln ir nrease-in the business "of the Bak, ml avidenAceti by the. figures in- the Statement presenteti.' Tis- proniperity of the. country and the-coasequent demanti for baaking acciommnodatton ýpermit- ted thie* employaient of Its funds to unusual -advantage through*ut the( year. reeulting In% earningg suflicient té enable the Directors to -distribut. -a bonuff ef 2 « Der cent.-ila addition to tise usual divldend ef 12 per cent. -- -_ STo meet thse genemat expansion of business iu C»s-ada. l micis this Esaik contliues to participate, your Directors decidedté to [ue te theý Shareisoldens- of record e>! the iStll ôf Frebriary. 1918, a furtiser $1.000.000 of neir Capital Rtock, at, d'premium et 100. - - This issue la a, part of tii . 800,000 of noir akeck'authos'iaed by the. Shareisoldersata the Annimal Meeting ef tise'-26tii Janudary, 1910, and -duly approvedl by the Treaaury Board at Ottama. Particulars oft tus allotient ilii b. given forthwitis to'tii. Shareisoiders by_ circutar. "Wiieu paymént ofti tusIsue'.has been.made ln 'fil thse paid-r4> Capital efthtie Bank mutl arnount te $4.000.000, and or the. total Authorlzed Capital of 110.000,000 tiser. mil romain unisaued $4,000.000. - Ou'lng te tise groi'ng Importance of the Bank's business thé. Directoru eoiètdered It adtviableio recommendt an lncreaéin tiseir number-froin nitse te cheveu. and a by-tawuit b. aubmitted te yeu covering thls change. 1 . You m-11ill ame- asked to giv. your sanction to a by-taw lncnea-InX tise reMuneration efthtie Direotors. made 'necessary by.tiiese additIons te the Board. lu connectign, mitis Bink Premines tise ye*r luat closeti mas on.s of, unuouu.l Importanace! sevêraltrttnsacttoits et great moment isavlng been brought toeôcmptetion. Tou mere Intot-med et tise annuat meeting iln 1911 et -the purcisase ef thse property on thi. Nortiseast cerner et King and Tonte Streets, Toronto, for tise purpousof et ead Office promnises, as your dimectors mené at tisai tiusnabte te acquire sufftcient land immediatety ad!oininx -the .present site. Lai4t year. :oirover. uiiey succeede t lupurcisasing thse property direotly south of that noir occupl.d. and extendiug te Meinda Street. A sale et the nortiseat corner-mas subaequently effected ýat a satIafactos-y prie.. Plans have been prepared. aid It ta tise Intention to besin active opera- tilona nitart carly date for tise erection et a building that ahould meet tise - ]Banks reciurementa for. ninny reara te 'cerne. Necesunry outinys have been made for Improvements te several i îfices alrea<Iy epiabllished. for itéw Branches opeaed, and for tise purchase ufthtés preisea mv,,leih the R.ank ha-s for-many years occupied. at tise corner et Queen anad SIierbourne Streets. Toronto, and at Osisawa, onat.. fitfeu mrt aise secureti at West Toronto- Edmonton South formerty Straltheona>. Elmiroofi (Winnipeg), and additional property mas acqulred adjoining our Windsor, Ont., Bnmncis.I Branches efthtie Bank wer. opened- lu 1912 ns foll "'s ;-In Ontari- Dupent and Chnistie fStreets. Roncesvalles andd111gh Park Avenues, Dufferia% Street ani Lapptn Avenue, Dufferin Street and St. Clait Avenue, Toronto; By-Ward Market Brancis. Ottava; and Port Arthur. *I In tb. W"tiin rvlce-uiICurrent, Moose-- Jair SoutishI Branch). Saskatchewran : Edmonton (FIrat Street Bancis). Calgary (River- aide Brancis) - Aberta; Norths Vancouver, British Columia. Neir Dundee a-ad Malton, Ont., and Wauota, Saak., Branches mèe elosed Iu 1912. Every Brancb of the Bank, bas been Inspected during tise year by Héid Office officiaIs. specially tinalfied for sucis dut!... and, an lseu8lomary, the. Balance abeet ef tise 11st December, 1912. inctuding tise 'Cash. Aasts and învatmentaeofthtie Institution. isas been verified by a Commutte. of ju Directora; Tenante, 2itis J&nuary. 1918. ThéRie ert vau adopted. FeIet A by-law mas passed autborizing an increa»e n the. number orfriwet. frei n ine te elevén. Tise thanks efthtie Siiareholders more tendered te tise President, Vicie- Prealdeni and Directei-s for tiseir services during tise year. and te tise Genei-al Manager and other Officers efthtie Bank for tise efficient pierformianc, et thoir respective duiles. Thée followlng gentlemen mare duhy elected Directors tor thse ensuing year :-Mfesrs A. W. Austin. W. R. Brock. James Carruthera. R. J. Christi. J. C. Maton, J. J. Foy, K.C., M.L.A., E. W. Hamber, H. W. Rutchînuon, W. D. Matheus. A. M., Nanten and Sir Edmund B. Osier. M.P. At a subsequent meeting ofthtie Directora ir Edmnunci B. Osier, M.P.. mas elected Preedeont, %ad Mr. W.D. Mattiseus Vice-Preuldent fer tise enaiIsg GENERAL. ,STATEMENT LIABILITTES. Notes la Circulation------------------$5.256.38800 Deposlta net bearing IiIta---------$9.664,569 61 Depesîts beerîng Intereat (imcluding Interest au- crued te date)....... -.................... 49,777.866 86 59-O42iqA ÉO -Depoultajmade hy and balances due to other Bat ilaCanada ...................... -Balances due te Batiks ln fereign countries ... Tie -.,.6o-i C-.,Ltd., Fort yrt,5, Total Liablitieg to th. Public ................ TeR . Booth mae. t ,Fort ie b tCapital SteckX1pald up *........... On.,Cnain aer. Prsieby Reserve Fund--------------------- A. H. Affin. .,,-lBalance et Profits earrled feorward...... - ý Dlvidend No. 1-21, payable 2nd Januai-y, 1913 - 91L Beaus lue per.Cent., payable 2nd January, 1913 .~nw,, -mer ividende unclalied ................ TRYSOLCE-AT OUR EXPENSI «erved tor Rebat* on Bitls Dîacounted, bR , I ael.E for anypase ft fExchsange, etc ... .................... RhIteomftlsnt, Nèuralgia or Ileadache, thqt Solace Falls to Remove- ', ASTS Sala. Reuedyia.eceniu UP Gi ery of ibee-Oermau Oetila tatdissolves Ulc Notes et ancd Acid Cryotals andi puriflis the blood. h i a eaay te Balances due take, and vill net-affect the weakesi stonsacis. Balances dut ju la naranteed 'uzder-tise Pure PFeod and -andi BanU Druga Lairto e b.aboutelfret froua opâtes or Uéla» e aunpure specfie lnéerrway, and bas beuap b eron&c -Mosqbeutresasd Provincial G' quie Vrnetvrp~46.oUb1es kmcmi teCanadilan Mi méalerlnce, Ùne matter ho b« ng08 to.nln.it - Freign tecises antiraemerastise »*testof-tise trouble Crié iban Cas Âcld) and purM@ theicabiood.-1 'T be SOI as. , ..of,, Sattie Creek, are he' Raîlmay and ole U.18.aentaandbaveýthonsanulso voluniary Loans on cal' testimulafletara w ieh mabien recelieti froua- graefl peope laee bas rosiored te issaltis. Billa Disceuri Ttaimonia l itera, ît-rtureaid Fiee Esa Dapouit wmus sent ppon cqueut, ofetNote1 &e Le.Mris. Presidant of the e ru.National Overdue Debi Batik of Chico, Texs, wrOte th*eBis"Company Ra sae -as folloms:*Ra riae 1I **rani yen to send a box of Sotace io my fath- Mortgagea o11 or ln Nomïp is, Teuni, for 'riicis 1 enclose il. Bank Preit Tihis r»esey bas bu usued hy some f riends of mine- bar. and I inust a»Y Is action vas - , (Signeti) B. L. Morris." :Pas nup la 26%, iccand Il <0boxes. gre . Mlgb. ty lime te be WeiliandyenAcceptances *e *eu ba- ",by. tekise -SO Iua NO, Specia TresSaint achoetéeor Pee s. Jui ofetCredit Boise.atone dose thre vork. Write today for tise - Ireebox, etc. -Toronto, MMEU i umrov ..»hit. buk. mu., 611,504 99 1.984,196 is $67.094,606 01 61000,000 O0 6.000,000 00 688.109 O1 149,092 50 100,0000- 648 16 192.324 78 *79.224,680 26 --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- 1.563.011 28 ivenaint eaind bie........7,614,872 50 d-Ciseques on other Batiks .... 4,402,526 88 ie trom otiser Batiks ln Canada . .-.-. 440,021 2.0 c by Agents ln the United Kingdom' ks lni foneign countries .............- 2,043299 322 15,963,731 18 rvernenent Securities ..... 437,2,74 0 Lunîcipal Secunîties andi British or or Colonial Public Securities other Ladian-------------------------------607.677 56 o ther Bonds, Debentures and Stocks 6,193.081 93 Il. secureri by Stocks and Bonds ... . 6.040.075 29 -- 29,241,840 91b ntcd andi Advances 'Current ...46.415,841 57 &Dominion Governaient for Security circulation-------------------------231,420 00 )t estiaiatedi ons previded for) .. . . 115,961 07 otiser tisan 3anulPremises ..5.. 6010 63 n ÂReeL Estte muid.......... ....978.167 57 tes ..............,....... .....226.3*7* ~ SI80 2,3643 792480 1 CONTINGENT LIÂBILITIES. undes- Commuercial Leiters agaînet Mercisandlet.........-9174,789 10a. Sci. C. A. BOGERT, Siat Decemnber, 1912. -General Manager, 1rMay ç ntircly cure tise trou b Our specialty às testCing ey and fittiag them with lenu leaving Sig" 4 MAW, Auctioncer G3rerié andMer Nov, that; thehoiy season. has paued'and ire have oonsumed a theý.turkeys geese-.look for rad hopeflyor,. a, pleasant and -prsperous. NewYar ~That'mon and iromen inay b preprd. to perform theý duties -and sksi that - ait to the ot of il, they require .healtbhl,--appetizing,. stimùlating foods inm great, varlety. heii the cdigestio is perfect- there fisa cheerfuinesa and, bouyancy of spirit ltat ightena labor and maikes for good comnradeship. la fresh mîeats.wce hav sirlion-steak for breakfast; choice-roastu of- bçef for' dinner and elegant ausage rolls for supper. Next day, we- serve choice young roas: pork, thenveal, IaMb,jgpare-ribs,-teudierloin, etc, au taulte may dictat. In cereàls'we have th i, finest of fresh goods-at close priées and In sumd.cint varlety to meet tRie iantu of a1l. To enable us to supply omr customers with flour andfe.d at loir price.. vs have bonght by the car load. Farmers <an get bran and shorts by the -ton -at' greatly reduced pr(ces. W.. are selfingZ a higRi gracie patent pure Manitoba -four for $8.do per cwt. wu. B.- PRINGLE & 0CO" WRIT---------- -------- - wo endeavor flot to b e, and .th at wecan succeed -çan be demnonstrated b ian. inspection Of 'Our stock of Abb the neweèst things in Pa'pers, Pens and Ink* Booksa and-Mag fzînes, Rubbers- and everything else thai 'goes to make thé most complete 34.ock of stattinery in town. -We J. H. Richardsoni Leading Bookseller and. Stationer - - - - - - - - - This i-s the Time to> Make. MARMALAD13 -English Recepe- Take 9 Bitter'Orïnges, 3 Sweet Oranges -and 2 LemonL Slce the fruit across the grain; remove the seedis, place in deep dish with 4 quàrts -of water and let stand for 36 hours. Then boil 2 hours. Add 8 lbs. of White Sugar, then hoil i hour until it wilI jeIly. We will loan you a, slcer. Fine Bitter* Oranges, 25c 6oz.è SweetOage,2 .3,40, 50 and 60c dot Large Leluons, !Ocdoge Large Grape -Prult, 3 for 25c.- spànlsh Oentons Plorida elery Jno. 13.WATIERiOLJsE -- phone il - PvoMpt Deival vý:suited co iii -O.ur, chargec -Our new cý rmoved thi fa-i :ligflf. Wu We -fit Toric Sdescribd a *~hu o ý Donomt put v thai exaînina 9 cuit ca!es we ,Rctiiooscope., We mil fit refund youri Gtaduat JDun, Whitby, W. C. T. 1W lic reular monthly nieetýing --W.T.U. will be iseld-at tiei- Ni. Moas -Johunston on-,Wedz - 7bruary ,12til, at 3.30. Will'm kindy bear m mmd tisa the_ f uis nom- due. WA TO. GO TC AURORA. Nuumarket, uhoae ame me - rns giving for -the, respect mt f or hi9-wileand fmly, at -dâý to-boozng,cane do' or more où our hotels. At abou hob was font-dead drunlel'iag tioevway e1thtie mmperial Ban] Yonge Street. Constable Dunhaz ,Wnt -for andte ismat mas couve hée lockup'wher"e h.remaiued- al -and Saturday morngiras bv -before Magistrato Love,' miso fine. 8 4 and co4s. It must have * e j>emsing saght, espectally to' tbe and ciiltiren of tisose iris refus vote for' local option anti put te tien- ontut ofIlà ay, 4teSuS a a n ably dressed-Lman in' mcli ca em&dtion.-Âurorei Banner. LO'cal Happeningt About tmof o tis- Whitby ha Stto Port Perry on Pnridaî le amtedà faney dresa cein la tlat toui.j S1aunta* church, lasna nelei eabrof tise corporatiea o U>- tniv"auty1bY tie graduatea imd Divinity of thnt In-titutio sincs xissHcid's netuna Ir prongeti visit te iber nepseir, Eryan.anti fsmily, -Newr York, the Hickies, -o!fiHartfordi. ase otiuur -elatives in.Toronto, ani Oiavisat to e br sst,'ra ci Whitby, Canada. 'JLI foiolo~g telephoues 1 -boOt. an4 isoe, Brock !Sf; 1p Eie, resideuce, Byron si.; 71 N, Baust; Bryton St.- 131,- }' iiiglsm, residence, Diuda L 91, l. .Greonmood, trav dence DoutsSt. oe a ,,,,,3r --mien, Meadowr Brook Iia;. -ASt the College Conversazion dey naglit il- cocfidntly thet BirJohn -,on, LieutIez - »Mil ho be-proesa. Tid8s- Iluepropoaà, uhoUI& ~consi Mr i Va.BOWoirOf,.etA"d rE-b 'U i TORONTO -cakes Perfec -mente *1 heir special neeci es are very mode çyeglass haî ali he old trouble--4 At sta->. on. ic Len..es- Aptl Li the wide angi nore turning yoij ta'cort4ect focus off any longe ition. For diffi ie use an electri, you correctly o mnoney. Ba4sseI, te Optician idas St., I -t'- - - t! BROCK ST. 1' WIIITBY ARÇI t'y ýýq ;;mmý

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