ctiostatno«-search uI'd -bave thé. base to-ft ider Evans wl ccl»- gSt', seri!Ir p4b- d'the. Térra Nova lok 1health, and, bear ni i o the hardahipu thq -AlDetal ù«Wi Be Givn.- " epaihf rom Leà dn u«y@: I -rprt-o a Cablegra'm f nomth.i -1tor ciTe Daily Chýii eii- m Ing hlm <a that p.e"~~o £2a,0w. tOithe.'Scott »db .-lù 'and eaking foi rbhoe&s«'"iW, ollbe 82xp0d*iOl, Commander Evans begi ..t eeeuuqd fs-cm tg OW M hue 1 det4iJ., which »may be. painuuVin regard to i ti, eud--of . eus- ýb.lovéd eComrsade.."-- "Tii. viole histe.ry of 'tht. expeditionJ" acade Evanes'wii] ees-tainly b. giyen 'te tii. puHini-l Adu. couse, bt çsejtuucoin- ploeeus- vosk-k n qietbees. W. are paledg.d te 'do eus- utnioet Wo bs-lug tii. èpedilste a stô eas f35 1 termiination. IiieludedcLin 'that leatii, publlci iof,'th i, scientifc anid otiher'ditaisa. à &ting ti- but. e wcei oive nut beeu "re. i almnw .yoeau rs-a -.eo'ohiort. Bùt-y ia painful bs-ev., Ity neédé ne defb'nee," What Olilcial Report Sai.- -let. ainterà *ting to noté that LiuZ Evans, inu bis offciaireport, Baya lu parti: - "Befere Ter ra Nova leftI fr 'New Zealand -lafft arcii Surgeon At- kinson, wiio had been leit lu '0"arxe 1of -the weetern -Party until BCGtt'aUreturn, despatohed Gatrrsud and. Demnets-l, deg driven', vith tivo deg teamu te assiat thé soutiieru pârty, vihoee s-turn te Rut Point wa's expected a.'out, Mas-ch 10, 1912. Atkinson w%>'uld ,hýve uoeppnied, .--this pai'ty, but vas, kept_ ba.ok i-n medical -charge of Lieut.. Evamn, sîecond- in cc'mma.nd, who b viib - semembered, ueas-y ie c urvy. Tharelief pas-tyseached On. ?o DpotMas-oh,3, but vers e. uj- '-,pelIedto retursi March 10, oyiug -' insarily to dog food runuig . hort, ami> tô, pessisten*bad vea4- thes- sud'poor condition o! doge, on s.coeunt oe!btris -i --!*- ard. sasmu'e -Work. >Dcég teameS Teturned to Rut PoFwiM as-h 16, .poer animales jpooly , f!ro.t'bltten and incapable. of, cf frthes- vos-k'. ,G&rrardcVcollsd' tbrouïh over-3eà inttd 'heart$ RIEis couauion 'was ai-e siok, and if *ae jIiPoiQsub0ei te cemmun- wé ith '4, -and epen aea, lying, between .At-' kin,»'s and ý-Keochane. Oni.y turc mietn ddged eut te Cerner'CaMP -o render, au y elp thu.t might b. - n y' soutieru pary.They fouglit t>ei- way out ta QCfrnes- Camp against the, unusual1W severe veatiier, and, realizhlg they could -- b.eo! nb assistance, vere fQrs-e h> retus-n te RHut Peint altos- depoting On"xsOcrtober b' , 'j -tii. efficial s- poÃ"rt sà à r', "«.a large patty udes- Atkinà on, veil provisio1ned, Set eut.' It- divided' jute turcsections,sud '.ee ,the-ni, undes- Wrighit, ' h Tus-ernto' man, fouid Sett's tient, lu il ' ih vete the bodlemè cf Sott, Wil- - - - Evanos-ution of 011. NU ii ntalogps. BUET clnuredl exp dted. t- pIrneus s-a cs- 9I.METC., and T. cutR. - 1-UTRoiAL -the ELCG' uday ofs- tuhgue - Speciuly heThey il50hv LI5V uaviapL ovuSti.m uizI k j reair Cntineâte Once joiled > Théê folôwini are extraots fr0] Llént ~an~ 'a'y 1!thé- work a- coompliuhied bj> the Scott expierin $"The 1génera1 geological -wor] done by the'thire. part'Oi., outlh * -ern, western and4 norhrn, iii ike: * y-t prove of grteat. value, espoec aflytasf1î- hig veWce rea a omrow4nio*i etweet 1Austral asi adç &, th ýAà i6ié4 Sthrough the. Antjà rctic Continent.1 .After desoribing theé- collection,.ci fouril plant., coal, ooralp, of pri li tive for=, the. wMier tiontinnue:, "The notes of! t.h«,gielg*$tuar& neearaiy no t~preetavi able. Until experts have_ had a» ces$ te this mt.ilit à lu nw is to müake'dêartM nfrnc. "In general terme -it m~b. a« th'at there in...,pt'oof, cf 'temperat4 conditions co! diit. havng 'Sob, taine i the Antarotie at t»wori A tdeupaýc tch from4London' aya; "The. noise e! the> Mourning ofa mizhty n&tion'> sonnded th llig1y hère on Friay when the British people thýreixgh their representativi heads joined ' with London'. crowd ,in 49oiemn*-réquýie ! 4o t-ebrave dead new Iying in an -ioebounc tomb in, the -.Antuirctiç, deert.,Kinî, George, th ii embers of thé . Oab- mnet an'd the heads cif- the- navy anà army and other national services shared înu 1 &state4y -ceremo4nyim w hich also thé, nations of the worid associated'themsielve with Gr1iýt 'Britain th#oùuýgh tÃœeir Amb4ssadôru. The vat cathedral cf Bt. Pauil, which ii jhe resting-pla ce cf Neloen an!dinýny ther ýgreat dead *hoSe 1nameà are on Great Brit&in'id'herc roll, was manifestlythe. flttest plae for the lcfty rites W Ohâptain Scott an4doemrades.« BRAND POREIGN BUTTER. Nerchants are Vyýaied te Obei the Federal Regulatlnei.- A despatch froin Ottawa says: In view of theý repqrted sale o! New iZea,¶and butter in'Mbntreal, Toron te, ;5OttaWa. agd othe"places, Didry Oczmiuioxer ~.A, R0ddick, dÃrawB attùtdi~t asection <ý,ýf ile jiidpee_ tion and-sale act,. wiich requires that'îal., foreigu üI~tter or .cheese 1ok in Canda mui have th",pack- âges- duly bra.nded in letters not less than three-eighths of' an inch high and one-quartér o! an inch -wicic. TRIE» TO USE-.DYNAMIITE. Constable's_ Qglokness Savcd Llvei of Hinîseli a!,nd Prisoner. A : desjpà tch from .Montreal says: When 'arreeting Juanïi Nioolaick, a usian, working at Lachine, cn 'Weuldneà day, -Depqty * Uigh Con- stable Sullivan '-narrQwly escapled- det. Nicolack, on being ap- proached by the. office r, attempted to blow up himnsîlf and-the fie with a stick of dynamite, but was prevenied by the q'ickness of Sul- livan.. Nicolaclc was larrested for avsaulting a fe1low-workman_ with îi bar of iron. RESGNI~ONQFMAMDO Çlvill,,War inMeio Ended Through the Influe nca ,A_ ieth fs-cm Mexico City once dusing Tbur8day uglit's )at-, -aays: Prnident Madeiëro'resigned &t tde Madero had "given ut> ltc strug-, Fs-ida The'gl. and had secretly gene ta~ a ti ai'; 7.15e'eock u *uigî. fte leur. Abse city, but later 'tutrued icsigniatio-n of tii. Minitttes- of the tîo the Palace. r - l ýL3i4o.,Rafael -Hesnandez, ;ta- IThe ners of tbs resigrîaLtiîuJS il- .udit ly -llwed rauoisceu d,-I Mudero -und, 1eI'nandsz wags . -~-aBasr,. Aie"' pe.acemuikîs-of the out ut thse British Legation short,1y. - -Republie," ýils to b. creat#ed Pi-eai-.& -fter- 7 e'clock. Di Ta Bas--s a ]a deét (relona1), viti the cousent taken refuge et tii. Legaî.nT of-<èO salDiasz. Senor du la Barra Tursdiy ailes- Maderb angî-ily vaas th e â ai e! hitenmplora.'.Ç pis-Selhke' offerte m'iediate. - -'-governrnont iattr the b&nÃŽihmusz- - It- is taken- as !attbiithe- Br1t-' It wid-leas-ncd Madere ars-angPsd used his'Ãifluehcs tée â eutiivil, C io' *hie. fight'a day ilu&ai unoé. sund war. -.Tii.envoy' o! Gs-sal Briluinî hi' reignatien "- as, plac.ed.- luthe. iad epoken hie' siind "PIainly t-o. Ma- bMlIi let tube Rritisis Ambais'idà r ta odes-o and té ~csan h ?se We, ainounced wiieu he-was aafely ign Minîster, oîn Severil ccasions. of' the, çt ad '- n i lA i'sU hat ITheBritiekîMiiiter £amijK ode i 'o'réign vei'rshap u.d1-é-' ho' strsgt - poseul as-gis- n S'VerasOCruz - noms time 0ciîsing 0- motâte fc -Tde-o te rflir il uiguil t. ie people cf te ciAy ofl èdfs-cman 'impossible position, --sud ,-ito te et-ets aud shéuted 'foir de that the. LeÈatfo fidaisted -onî del -k.~&ra. h bcaie .2 ,n tatBarra as provimonal - Ptemiden$. UWIWUUuneUIlui Li'LflULLAb.h , zardfUIh ,V - IU *II.Thi ls W due, n bib,- tQ *INTERESTINO RIT*-0F 01:881I F'RO eting pu onthe.part cf theP po!ýe1iê1t -Yn "H 1UNOT May tie ifdite- n actual Anres.n m -,drloking habiti. Ce tain4y th number »o! - - 1*voikea monw p n~ uobevd on gT'hé Next Proevlnsial Tkeasjw.r--Dr. Fer Toronto #tr.slà la né heceftoLb 'ktr -and due& net, euhe-i tsar:, ,mpare, R0ý44 heClybot-heWior lue. rTh.y inûbeut pr.tiowtesk Wht.er wsl-orndd rCat. eor.te ý<>' lcf II an is prctcalofbld j u .vh o r'bonp a membe cf -l"Wh g~Thîgilancà be on u r t i. e Whthr iÃul gelde i or t, th bal tl>oue tifi ltle prati ely j lu as aper;eny ~e'iOi a Ah Tte.. &ilrAng0I ei theayer -b. ver et ti egsaure i 01o.flthe4ptivo mrder. but46 brglarduems1t'O6 A AmelA vnJ~biPon~DilObl qa trobbryvigiloance aden3partof esn elecIter -'potof 1 roi coalst p .ok Linig. * - -«l f s XI'LOOMn c . a*61 o>n abro b asu.47rrigeli-mnt Siîllâ -e Ds . w of. abt. ýlùp moano ls reeuthe, virnk- bu dlng te. aget maies go eb. i'Pth y1.9eqeary, te wboin hr. Lub e t u ke i 0.an ekn e ev nte> s e is g r.pbaneinAab.s'agia.f 5ad0.OAo i ,3- cle a edm i ve, vhole t= beroof trahe 50 v r emled - foi n arrisDw&'-, Cabet Inc mp a r espuh ecti i. li. te Amrv Abt a bae M&1« mesities baln in helavysr e-]l ~eu.W.J.Bainaïh oi-lmen adte, Sepem be . ii.vn tet a 17 ivcal ora oha . ' y arO v u30 cas4 d e s. T . m a u ds 1 iserAnuealn I note htheana 1 ýe bo . ule a le tiii hapy peuDisOr et a bsmWondb o&- yOut cg helulIcnu a.- nthe Ã-.m Ilg el*wd, er ui o a e ea vbloh 2,ff ý wrecord v ti <>nlyU c 'Ae , a gCa~ro on ame bksad ulitc ave1- le wt,1,3 arid hc a, on pei boy. onr ý Ã" the W âb-te FroZEv 1EAH, cf hatma Oua is thal lue bidintultypcrl I- to anho nmuql bs hn-otksut tbdoonkeer of Abs Lgialate hambe p y- tem Xta.ar Hemer ,14 ho. f-th tl"âeutilerft âere»«hbuut lva Adeth fr0"".Tisc=&ys, Sas- TherY tng e s-s~eicitc hewaEhibition ah ora id,, ge Mr -Tii. o la gte appyncidentet isrofms'e Try.nty-wo, 'w te oe or lier rigt. bt ml lm Le vul vthiei-r nhm,ftwd enty n, houthes lratmefrtihimhe n knmro.Lueae b idl a~erdfo om Us- iutroduced bumeel! a is urse . vter ae hîstubndeffh d' *ndiDrent. lnl. -a, tt.ralogagu wda iht n l i. sn e evle ortie Canstervatveaëndidate r- nd Fen doBut," . aded.. -'ta ueu the fl orta ie wy5h or itî-cèt Abse tcamthinselfnet lim.Ifmhods ha&nl nemv~an vot l'roth ara g I' "'pid ng katme sa8:f01'g- ia iAs hnirn et au incassi .lda entd girl ény-w, a - k6i 'jue IocfîAlla oaim I an homelu ardalle d l n, i.Rev cat..mniipl» aima a memer eopa ctyâlin, nd hlcii h laie' hUandW E anzeced. odvte Oal'W 'but 20s.00.000 ace al bitmurebof.tein hovte trumies a Cuhage à em R e, t Ab Ontalo GeMr.uma. ent. e WIisdeb HsiÃFaed t Eplde, henset As h, eutvoteresi tn in To - n m h g niointo. H.lua a era blgar u-n A despaith arom FpteWilliam - crnedî,t bà y mnetatiieniies foronsntg lu. oil roe tredvote b rcte e coservcnaton.as:Twome, M &teeginand "But." hoa-tii. ig bouter au s te - înju-red, eu. e probal ftlly, tý Bterte R. bu b.d n acnxttie. sdInr edBca hMy itne atc euting 11f.annd.g!t hi. Ionolant as b goteuJ»alog.H. a etenanet . Irne-lrlhrda fernon in a Prusta hn *arapd imuef iuAhe trytbem- Thel trujýo a charge fd- cfry-ie boyloinu ï.t rt cae l TenThe r ~ ~ o bull tdiie Mn . ev cnig eid lfitorit d fied te loe *1 prf jnen crciageTs. e FrelimanD okednDr. hoeenin Mab l eerbdn A- __________ Dr. Feprners ialledw Ta once fe AnTeFAV 2e. -.4Ws 'ankd W A,ýbs Fey. Ol r "er opllead Drhe Cly oit.F 7 RrFvrieAa m quelb:at ofrthe soran n On byos 1»> M v, e ,lensey u rltin einc-oamre le t dientîen u Ab ii oung lad tela Chaw rot* Re7. a inu a -lstA ae s. n bsateAh. caW-hfo uutysesiiv b:freuiterbu ot l as ortseer yavingbeteretasillta h. vue e te raie ofte cnservtion ays"M east cf e!.: an Dffes-Iet p etaerstry. ean hltiadeevrypr an. yti btny oeruncbt tis»&a ,AUtinwr ,kl n he arde artmenbigo t uer te ited <> ue, btone paly fat anedb aciet -et.g l o n Cte et alial'menuneres - ti. on tantdisae u ead- ý vhe u&lng.Reml arbveeting ftheel.ranc es 'hrdy f«ronwe ho et baet ben c onie as ening sia at- trorwhich I sflertoexd er acS. Tht Pleihardlycore, u As fet ayadoti e9uaeata ace. Dr. ernow,, led sncb eausintroeuepfrmmpilwads Francion. btb ol adyb c ,4», s Feond pacro-i T«nce-folyr isIae ae vae. te adysne" cutn Inenmltiil sti higpan "'i t o n Ah.oren poDr rns tts Ta sjs siwriucuei anTh s repeat tie traed imes , b utee cnais aeineF votii. s- n. d la n morbseIder mctin e! narl. Dr. is Hl$On-ý0;es St fiaieinn*eAls.. f ifts i cfe. ad.)telsho 187s- Honora, aAh Lidtes.enor 5ist "M3' econdton ialuly gtsenstiv- I mtr ut eideablse commý aetbefiouata raedvsdb ydc hapucan an os a bs henî n et AstaLogis- Wr te t te o f leatentofecked in a Indsor6'luierm, g"MY e pîtal.' Tiiere tiiey 7,i inllnvrsitsanin breeW es.t-sgv ewa spoe e. viT ti.y 1re t p ey rau e et. visIta cti e-fr Se6rlî rs i l ayati, deit com brecsel edonte nd etisle dmocae- 0e o., n'r - o.bek vis earntaineof tae us Absrteny oefru~ u av ie sin c heoR snigbt is. it eue te atit stu. thegauei inci ent ft Ottaoasail h. iaens unera 01-' te'an am hden. in four sntlethe eavorAhtitdmo asîrngau t Ste funcat ionsad dorsec.,SIn de fPrv y, ndofteeks.ses CeouniiDr. , voise of uch aoweasorns. "omgleoli. offee ilw and gut Eveji tie Depuîha Ministerdlave c ede- , boreu ouattcith g lnty fgid. Inte raOun't tayste righ twhate I o,0 bateto laewtt unctlonsl Qsi'ark.- ack Itnedvaics inbu Toto ave atinyîin eming tense uvtm -tepan fafgosqn tishre r d is niaters - noan.(tea s utedasigeio sLiiatI dran aen g rontet t l eur. ta te he ladea sujade tis e oe ecnsu of On t rio. bck the draf ul e, heudaches adrg C -Hca ional .'ll at~ inicerio.ch des. - tii. 'in fck-l .r' felir pHie Io te, ery o te ocasio.ba 1"MYneodyiot a packao goge cf b1 erdeeir0oerphl tome gnty eh ie Otok, I said,'tat's te goodSoff r Portoce e aitth eniie ofth euLogis.v id nte 1pta. hv Win» dso uiferi nd f'ainet Mi nisomter t ùt SitlTeete SieluennwtGoersti no t Trnto e l. his g fom bakat ups have n'e witse. B ectl. Oiea u seu i " eilt - iolder- uhnudutoue ayannedémcrtheemre hada hes, and wf ebetr ruw re nt an slders aisehdopnotn.y hanI &veforyers. Nae posevscr et mereiy wat aae ofderte gienedupon requcatl. IReaii. Inient Atn ervice tis ea nsd. -. Ware faidl .anusm i fu h esttned b? bis tholonel' nltiiormai -ltl b1,'Q h le e ' éAe li. C tise .andvedo $osnal,.onPr eae" Cos delorahtlosiinlgpio-eror- bmh..s- . db.- -me ,-f '-"e- rae pwtr. oforced wInsdtan, lur r ev mmes-inileetinv bîn e'inOii5h erea.m t bning i.olrt bcks'lk,lâeabo aiai nsest-p1-b Citi goden brewu.- ' -Te-on..-MHe ý.sd -utant - l cenvenient; -o SOM v or.mnli#twm&re 8 no waste;adte aoria Abs ymS- ishrantiîaoisapr lasuiom scld li greers- fr mou, -u ae"Set 'UWe- atisi e >iSAio '45 te 50-cup t 90 ý Ote 100 to durinrthAe, e dsprm ,Ts u- cuptin 60 eci. ' Ti u~~-~tiratr rsiiv' A-5Cuptri à i tin Wmai ed. for gro- hî anse vasnet mVado for *0afotact at a a' nucnt isatow suiMOne e 4ri Theia.'rs.postage. Canadian Positunsm eà be Aostut is-es.c .?4v Ce., Ztd.,, indsor, nt iv14; ~e turkeys.,'1Sote i--eee! te 10e. Dneei peultry, Zn te 3ae 'abeév« livequotatlone..,eeptAng dsodtr~u Bean.-Primes,' *2.50 nd - *260 fer iia-W P1tts-ntarie --potatoe,' 8se per l cas 'it,7eNeir »Dnusicks, 950 per- ba-rl-c StrAlcA -lnita- S3pauli Onies-Per case. 82.35 ta *40 Simoked 'and. Dry -Oïalted Meata-BoUs- sm ~ 14 ;4c te 15e;' bans. -medini,-17oe bacon, 141e a. 9e ,,>g el aobcpn, to " asi aqes,,141- ete »3-4;_baliko OnUeen .Xmetu--Osst c!f eia, i.lmgstiian smuçked. ePrï-à orA eut, 'te' *28 perba mesrk. 21.10 .to *2 14 1-Ue - . aledý Hay ansd, itraw. Buled ba' * No. 1, 81Z te *1150; No.2, 89 -te *10; lNo? , *8 te $9;'Baied etrain;f - MontreaiMas-kais Mons-el, eb -1. -OuA -Canadian -Weelern, Ne. ýz,:411-9, ta,-,42o - doe-., e- . 3 40M te fie; eXtre No. 1-MÃŽU,41 i*44i1-2e- lb. 2,'î léc whvite, 3e. e.3do.1 37é; lie. 4-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~éd doa~6~,Bre-aioa uu,6 te 54e matig, 6 e 8e.Buckwiest-Ne. 2, Patente, tirets, 15.40;- de., eSlcudo,, -.o etroug bakera.$4.70; Wînter patents. ebeice. 85.25; straigiit rollers,. *4.85 te $4.90;, dg., bagu, *256 te 2.30. Rolled Oaa-,- Bas-rrelu, *4-50; bage, 90 ibn., *2L121-2. Bran *-310% sborà ,6 *22; rnlddlAngu, *27; Mouhie ]Rai-No. 2,_ per . carlots. 11nÉt Eètrnu 11.-R-ta1234à Btter-, Oholcest ereamery, 211-2 te29c. iseccude. 24 te 26e. jEggs-Fre'_35 te 37electedl- -Mtao e- W.-'L istock. 21 te23c;'Ne. 2 sok15to 16é.',ota bag, car lots. %0 te 62 1-Ue as-e Live Stock Markets. Mentreul. TFeb. 18.-C*oed cattle sold ut *6256e*.6.iS ttai Whek-brouglit $fe 5.60 te *6. and tise- lever grades frern 84 t6_15 per'100 Ibo. Bet butohuns' coins sold Mt W.75, a'nd tise commenen .stck sold,- oS Abat- dein te$4 -pur 100 10 l11t' T id, - tý bulle rauéed frein '*3.10 te er- n100 %b. Bheep - soid ut *4.60.t te~ and lamba ut $7.25 te 87.10-per 10 b.: Citl*iinne rd frein $$ te- -12 Oeas te iss- nd quulity. -Belecte4 lots' .of hoge seld. att 89.50.to 89.65, and ilunmre ln*taucem u as igiias $9.75 te 810 vas paid fer a tein amanilots ineigbed- oit cas.. Zeroutd. Pub. 2.-<Jholce butchers nuîsged froin *6.10 t *7; medium te geod- fs-en $5.75 te *6.10; tair- froni $5.25 te *5.75. sud 00amen from $ 4.75 te 85.2. Good te obols butoises- ceis« sold ut frdin *4.75 Ae 85.5; fais-toe medium at 83.75 te 41,_75; ceà mmon Irons 83 te *3.75; canneraifrem *225 to' 42.75". cutters frosu -$2.75 f' $3. Bulle trous 84.50 to $5.50, sud inferîien tram $3.75 Ici *4.60. Mlkereansumpyingeru solu. ut $M3 ta 05q. Stokers and ederu ciiang- ed bauds at freni $4 te 84.12 1-2. Lumbe rungéd frein *9 te $9.50; evqs tfrom $5 te $6; buc<ks trom *4.20 te 85. Culves vers otead.e> Veals from $9 to-SIC. 'and roUgis as loin ut *4. Ho,0989.21, ted and vat- ened. wiSUs$9, vasg tven, for hearier grades. FANOUS POLICE CHFIEF. Lepine!, of Paris, WilI Reeign the Office lunliareh. Adespatch fro>m Paris, Frandb, EMys: On. of the mocat promineut Meu in Fs-ac. slaýrtly wil'1 disap- pear '4rem publiec il!.. Tii. Matin anunces that .aie the Parie Prefeet, of PceS, iùtends ta take a weil-e.arned reast, and vil-i retire on Marsch 28. Lepine vas ap:inted Prefeet iu 1893, and left the Ps-e, fecture ln 1897, when beo beca.me Governor- General o! Ta.ngier. R. returned fwour ye&s-s l*ies-, since, viienh.hu a held tbe a.ppoint- inen uninterrupted-ly. Hiei laki'est achievenent vas tii. s-unniug: to sas-tiio! tbie netoiious auto bandit -ang which ters-orized, Paris and, suburbe for several months. FATAXJ FUE- AT OTTAWA. Auisex te Oblats", Fathers' Seholas- tic Destroyè&. A deapatoh froin Ott&a a ay*: Lus-e wiich broke eut 'liith.-anisez to thec9scolastilcate <À. the,' Oýi4te Faliers, Ott&wa Eu.t, ,r'e~ p Thur.Iday'mornang, totally destroy- ed -the buibdi4g. Sistef - ste. Il si- noule, a 'nun, vas burnea 'te deati, whiletvelve chers Jsad nus- s-s- tapea, being cunnied dcvibbe fis-e- esçape-s by tii. firemen. 8 Wer Ste. si mone vas- seen oocmiug tovard a fre-ëecape by the. ottes ite's,, but shc ia supposed te have fa:lnt.ed. mmnd eu- unable te oreacb4-ýhe vmndevwa. The oengin ti - e fis-ele unkiovn- leturna Fiom aà SkatligNry n - A depxta B hem B- ~flord uys:.* ivart RUùhbÙii, l6 yéi-sôld, a biy mnpted' byFP. Caùner' lntii. Vil- Àge'o o! Haircy, ýoiidtted sui"id nw Th-u nsday nighîby h&tugith' ilotgu 'n.'Re. bd jitat r .tùi'nÃŽd Irom a ]l-skating ait-tyanti îotiied ethèebar,im wb,*len a shot 'was ileà rd. mes *à iiha'-e"- h'd -p eéd. i ieart a Hm notes- xsRid'ea'u iin qýrriit, -and tiie lad lES4 ut tinîis eén 'subjoi'tte broding apolls. N tie 0sknwn IMAPFNlN<l FR011 A LL 7 TufGOIau.A OVEN Ca ta ie 1mi Ore am-an eWoli j Forty-eigiit' ébuîren died in Te-I - -Ts-ete>,- ahoo, Pstimetds fer 1913 aire ovçr four mïiion olar. -New -Brwueick.and -Nv& otia Legialaturs2 penedon -T-hureday- 'TheL econd Legiiature o! A1hîbsit'-; ,opened î'- foiurth,..eoei>n où.. Tlîe- ay.- - cnfft&bl, MeCai, o -e-n vite a .briken arm tppd-aln -Tes-ente, &-heol0supplies viii cooo thirtY-four tiiusnddollrsm ore, tha-n Ia"t -year. -,, . . -Richard -Mâtchell, formes-Ci. Clerk e!f GuelPh, died on.Thuruday,-- in is' eighty-seeon4ye&r. . 'A. Naeon,, cfiWesleY CoUege and Manitoba University, W'npg hl", heén seected as, -a Uhodes Ris Rpjal Rigiiness tii. Duke cf Conuaugiit received the. honoras- degreo! Docte-o! Li ave from Qucen's 'Univer-sity on Friday-. 'I Tht la.rgest shipment cf ailvel. ever * made f rom -- Cobalt or -in the- Dominion ai- oee tinie a sent on Tuesday, te be taken bytie Cr- sican te Lonidon., lýit lavalued a;t- $187',665. Four Pen and oee oman were arrested in Montreal on, Friday on a charge oi opes-ating a wit. slave trust, their vctims being Jew-iah girls duped by a meck - mas-nage' cersrnony.- Ghreat Britain. The. Hnitlii Roei is a- ruthiIg' threugh a bill aimed at forelgu ais- es-alla, wieih have made frequent utyste-kune visita 'Of laite. ,- Premier Asquith pxo=mia-ed, on be- haîf of the British nation, that -Cupt. Scott's appeal would net LaUl on dea! cas-TProvisien vill b. made 'fer thoese depeudent on the. Antarctic berces urbo gave u-p their lives. United'States. The defendants lu the Bath Tub Tr-ustv e-i* found guilty e!fiireaeh oi lie Shes-man anti-tiusl laur. General. The- Kaises-'i daughtes- aud ii.s- eance, son cf tiie Duke of Cunubes- lUd, niade -a State eutry inte, Ber- lin on Thltrsday. j Diaz ad1anèed his fightiug lines9 in Mexico City oit Thus-sday, sud demanded sus-rendes-o e! .Nation- aI Palace. A tererifie as-tilles-y duel ltook Place. Just Breatlw Oaavezm,-"-# in sure prte7stlon agianà t Qou9hs, Bronelttis, Catarrli.«,ad--. Ne Drugu Ite tuko-,st brothe the TueWr. se to-ay but fe*w7 partà Of lb. - vos-Id. mb vwiî cis al-bPefl )5no# h. - 'ý ngletter, Mr- 0. ian iated over thea resuto Of "Cb- tsrhocna, Toba:,-bnlt iç , t he,- tréautrent ha&'eured x m; . i.aeii,d9ne aU Abat iseart -con] vWIaI v s4 -never'bettes-pesd.nt ,W AbAng tit: 'wis vis çtars-bc.cnei tb di lAs .ýes-k 'vu satlied, snd.viii' neyer fer- ýgtti. endes-fui voimedy.I -amgn&Ae ,l-for wvat it ba 4dope tOn me,- and, vlti. grealm Bus-k." secendest JUSTaREA G o-1 JCTRHIZONE Jeu West Âfricas. 1sRbrsinie " received a sample etfŽCatazrbiozoe tbrough a- loc al mendiant At- ' desas in tise preparioný n. cdtoUnd it'hau a mersveiieus effect oun asal -CatarrL- - I ut once boit- a :dollar CutM and*-ni'owvue 'pleasus-.inlu aylÉig Abat tor -1- first lime lu muny years -I arn abîs tni breutise freely Areugis nirnoue, Bad lineutis -isappeared, iseadacube-ove! thé eyes ucut uvay. IbreýatlIrritation bau - entinsiy oeased. Catarrhozone cured me... Yen cun neadily cure bad, tasts in the meutis - ii lise miornins-, quiekly - reliesO avgedupnestrils. ..easanai irritatel throat. stoD a ceagis, cure esunie and s-unung eyes-ulithis je - aoomuUb.d breatiiu- tise sooetig--b6ai4Sà -vor os (Jatarrbozou. Tu'-4ý .01dallas-ouflit eitaIns lu addition te --tino --mexittAk nsfication.. an indestructible isard r-ubbér inlubuler SinUler i sewitb glaa tualess. ,5q 50e., aIl -drugeist -end p-tee4eepeg'ox- pestpaid fronai Tise <Jutasislowns -0e., mIt. - aie, N . à 4- Kingswen, Ont. A JWUSY>ELEVATOR. - Port Colhorne Huandled More Than-, 12 Mfillion Buishels. lu- 1912. A despatch frein Wellaud -sys f Thse Goverument elevator. ut Port COliiornie ha.& had a wo ndes-fully succesa.ful yeas- in 1912. Wiftb ca- pacity -of 750,000 bushels, il handled ,last year 12,100,000 bushelu, vhioh isa the las-gest quantîty iiandled- by any el'evatos- on the lakes, except the. Grand Ts-unk elevator a,- Tif- flni, vhich baudled 13,680,000%iush- -' ela, but its capacity is bure million busiiels. Port - Oolberue haudled mos-e grain fhà n Kinigston. Port Celiborue eleî'atos- is nov being su-.- larged te thetwour-millîjoîs-8BiZe, so W1MIDOv '.tuit U- twII ii&pdiles-e Whî'tLuc ~grain the coming seapkin thaz Fond Mam a-Whai hve yen in ocher elevator nou.thie lakes. Daughter (breathiessly) - Ã"h, She--What, you, Ms-. Joues !'-1 mamma, -mcligod luck! Clarat neye- expected te ses you Ires-e. I .Gray's. eut hmd six kitétIs aud.hes- heard taIt youî hud met vith an se- m~ai voul.d ônly jet her *keep ,cident. Hels--Oýh, no. that vas nil eue, se eh. gave me the, othe- five!I brouter. ShÃe--I'm seser-y. Gross Revenue fo 91:z Ov-r Ten Million Dollars.. Net Revenue Was .$',222,0,55 A ýdespatçh fs-cm Ottava aya:. large searninga and" handsem, .pro- fits during',.tiie 'puait-.Yer, -ae'o fothi ra-port tabled on- Wed' Hon, aber'=>chrne.- Se falum n à - 111 sd, he ctul nt rvenu, afler de- dutn axes v--as as olov Canaian xpi'ss,*283,281; -o Milon Exp'ress, '64 l2S;'aua an-Nos-hïein EFXPrese, -: $192,496. -Msaurig tt.'saîns caita i- 'bilitllythe PeMcentage of, net rev- enue 'vas :---Canudiau, 8;Dut- ion, 31.6 ; Canadian Nos-hemr, 19.9, Tii.-averager 'receipts -fs-oui épela- 'tilu -were -T,e64A8.10, Iseu -ex- Press prlvilege8 0o!'$4,a92,242:49, ýMaking tii. operating reveUue .$0,.. 1075.1-. TheOperatigg expenu. tal nlet rîeveuaie $1,222,OU -Tii. op-, - Pantiei 18returned - ah 30,44b, ai- against 27,586 Ân 1911. - - -t lbas explà in.d in' conneetion with->the report ci last -year ïthat ià had1 been found ', impracticable to ,Inake. an aecurate separati-ofe the b1A,ine8sdone.by Anercan expreas' -comppanies operaMinÈ in -Cauadý from tieir gWregâte businosu. - t -Thse- vol urjie---.of biesu Bdoué iuf fiundial piper, 1 uch-"iîï,ney or«. an» -- <ihèclu, ete., vas $569",12, an, aeo oe-*,0000cr- --I *Thie -Christc-hurch- correspondent, l 11 tol'Lndoûn 'Daily MaiV tele- >ay~ - '1 - p i t 'n