tom, emmme 17= 1 1ý -11: ý iss- 1 k>-, - ~ .iruisL d .111Pd - w ,u~l hv cmolç.s Ue ou Ml5î aur cfUs.earh,'se o s J4s, Pro~ bndig i sia ICS5j *ttooo e * IIU sk U~S ~~d' sl i o ao Tudyrsi jî inýî treit."", 4l1 ça5 u*&~tos; a tob haur iahg seprteW . is L~UU hsi~ iie asI ed hae coËûîwrâ* u' '_ as. 1ýt ia b.~,eosd~ * jvas e u s ny vit b s t ve r.: p ro. isi-_ep, j. oonMode.I j in~ 1640 l s o.lf ibre ac e gr » aKxsa n lu " yÉ ah l l ncenýà b, buit tie W -1 ctrva1 theq=wýg artnpan - g e Uxlhh omg3onMay io. t a pruain o Q ,ý seo lrnot tu bg ielatr ucas ed tos sdob ,a ibaç r ln , -no1 bote r S WUt ici et trp tu11 chiM tne tia e! =*'.lie necellt, lxbe un Id idj~s5n syan155~roy a hpe p1~ p a __ai e moe h sorudsa su 50 jetta it uiawahCLRsuud'- ltii A rm ro~ X'sVo nM~ irwby54 iI5. bt e is y la oiiroor susiadlyguIL o! Pikoin. iolon Jauisla s miset ut ehby aU dofok e ss.-adb - a*l è ejdd but3eda ai e chjs ns- *ide theopmOSthe »ios l4inga sl ý4 - nna a b~teu 4 -, W bu of nalvii K.e11 WNlt Wa~p isnsyai M. isoseOt'.is jï " - IdNSALE. sum"lnge, oryho atvution curljhn u e s.bpiu Miss lIaase od i siiny'n - b£. Âà y bondY j1a #orsa'oîb je.sdabojut tw enty naov rn- noe er gu ise laotcs.ioen. 0ly ove Ssnay. a one h snpwhtsd05L1 EUIiU OX j H ondr ise dotos crs hiI S 05 bsn uesva d pvr IZ sioseh tIse otiser&'to Ms. Jo..Pr r, anohlrea trip' t5 o Ux.r. 1XU Mo cai tmoncrasu lasiv.,t s nov ain& Tayre ceà e . a Nvinveewue * s.Jaestuolastohet sbvl g i rtesul n w t e' hattor ureaed PaIf adeout 1 ev 0, PraahOU. tli '~isrife ou a'intheda lest, te se a Royeil uovuà 1cie l, pa .cam cene Baliilmet elekt.ilu o Fdua nian sud om'Idn a U levnS oat en prtialy stin e l. ozit am oule amt&w iwuy me.nnisd fv 4o U. ise djuifgeme à iî as giv&U eti rely bylocal alent6 nin vas haen u,pain auatn r e ius ae andva a reil o isp. ile~~- eam n d wby a oe ast& bis eu Sgive eut y thuh . M. U n tilla parea il i sues a sort te. P re. y, vile rontunpar, it a cse if p ur urc, the a stirngoteerge à " à Mhe le is sagetopenam-g1110Ibis kimietgalu. hldng*. 0nd andoutf juV'6ebeek;esto k ~mM . . J M.~rin~ 8080 sseser B. ilson of ro u'ugie a , et o t~ hen; te aSs r dll. lls Mlii V., vie . bse oliesofuigt.f ýmand oiereus ain iautifuisud uxas Mise oisteb boublu QInTrcelWtip da r eay prba. tretgneadis;tecealitindseest byMt uewgda nt e icind ov nem 92jvdetsits wLr fay -----.-----. Ys s wi £h* ~ o miat ls, Maazine ye asuss ors e ot oi Voe sley ail d woal e vu 5t e adeltiv te nth us rlîin a ut- BIC>LN by meuMr# 1lngly - ,8 - ta eïthîe .a n m er e d (îoga owu -od b Mr. Wîl Dry en iipd oa 'e Mr -,W-. ehlm; sud b be 1. - f thes any n etue y. or eait prebelcie Chaoou o- mans lthrespect Ibereof, ho .htiinikcur liseucusruivalpowerd hors one.huncdai MU. asn oek a sufenig fr in ain ay et P. e"Oig latatnitînalrgesoa sMre si lis arrippe. Do yen know tiad on. nea aLçet spgy ew-to, but oly a fevn i Ms. GeorgehDaveiidbottofiCeacagoinidnks tor silAecl vlS nioisors ocehh. ot er «a l d ti0, sscuu uy coslirtume. ale AÀIA a a enmegaein@Asemr>laell uPru Mr. J W. lioihrdo-os i-ad #d ê car a s o aoCabnanu ogsMsac alo rdy vuîglu inopua io ! cer aI I ilTR ar d. l orautRiuly, @tairtuhleliablhed wre vAis ve&i aen thes dia tor ofs lew cl6y4. '-ho i, isal nid yureei lt!tseca aa e o wnte e entiset. »dhec Mn. evar r yslm ted biletefoa- q dcUy S pu l. is rsmup t e a( fo t f h atud newa reacheale er. b lyg ts o ,Él t o ise , on Suuay t i4 y 'anail m-d f harpepasudden dat lb eiâ th. B rgs coapte vueS s ud brriek aisw wnusn.. iset Ouaw dgermdae. tr t n -Tihere ieu en MSýonhd a er>810. i eutetuauDth, Jtug t as.i t, throki.T. foth Ca ai bsn ttaer. rsidn e, iareiçil.Mit *V bunent, K ,NsLE. * be lae o BrieyO te Grovusid ta ic Aun ean , e cyb od ~ jcalelné wstknit egbri-adIl"10urer o PAIIN ae et n . asant* rs ises. tpaearswo * l. is.e raei t ueSothO- ;v ou th ug A.a-Alitba l~eaIon vs vot and *favrabl .aso W y o cni' nttutà v in m ît . Pbeovu uln Iis vacshort, she. avbo Ibm home e Ms. R.a nicase o n ur'P1CKne .t e srIng.s vrgvn - tva lin.sois bre yanaag p ier bils ia e bwenty soventis of F i> ss ;W.tlu wny, e rl egleune cillerr m eesileG. Ciareunn0001Silo ru r ai hailpsn, o InBrougghotiam, iià tpomu. ir vas n sr mmt a artin atus vonon u ppnvi igie ndte t c nt;eu care aaiul h iug to he u i'is-~$nda Scholandlus ii.V .1 cfing terety 46-be d&ingu ed. gad rcvr. "'ile eev od o of 1to " toube nd onsipaiontohisdutes:TheOnari. eatue ox tesapetr tiseygenou. ules to -KINDLy BEAR IN MI1D12HAT THE NEt atth~e wu fanT cne eeohumn umî,I ye> of ov. Johuaton, B.* .,mof e2adethmUtales toth blcdoa"l n Miiid y h, ROcuIedti. pli i te gîve 11d ie r-. us a cai t . nAudiga týe r.eWi' chyncs m e aeabi 'o PRD - pr aiioba an for br egld. o * - SunoPlrebd a le . Jhcagon vaù'Mo- 'I a large co, androrgation,à Ibut taimehe dth ChocePa.ryandGrhamFlur;aie ivese tnd Puriiy Falliosfr Thcpeid lm b le aor en oal ot Un Jnsr-oo i sférngfrm a1 at"Çof $5. rosi. Hela usow scie alre crovrd VV . ...L12l.. - --e o yu.kow J tmorVrol d erof tetaaotile charge.i Ur._George__________ofChicago,,__________a __________________in any costume. f 'le aUU iie usuu y elin thé *Great-Cl-earing -Sale* -OF- WIRE -PENCE U06 R003 0F 8fIBAR FENCE TO SE SOLO AT LOI CASH PIE 2 ePr Rod. Fonce 47 Inehes High, -SUIyS22 inoiiSApait. 1 will sell, FOR TWO W EEKS ONULY, all of my.wîre stock w6mw on hand at the low price et 25cper rod, for CASH ONLY". 1 purchased ibis fence just as vute comnmenced' te a4vance in price, and arn in a position te offer te the public one ainore chance te bujr ai ibis exceptionally low price. 1 seld 15,000 aoà ds eft iis fence Inithe year i912. My guarantce is Aatisfaction or nny, back. -Couicand get your spring'ssupply a d cave 25 ter cent. On yu meney, as ail steel maierials, a7e rapidly advaucing in. price. - LSTEN -ThIs la wbat peopi. aore sy!ng &bouit Wew dnet take $Sooo for it. -t lethç mneud it te ail your fiends. - It doee".verytbing .You dlaim it"will doaà ndmore; Ladies- ibis. lucthé best u'ashing machine yeu ever saw. It wiii wsab a tub tuii'ot dirty cloîhes - in six minutes and won't Wear the clothes, fray the edgei, or break the- buttons thý way other machines do. It jqît druYes soapy water clear through the fibres et the cothes thewsay a forée - puüp rmigbt.. Let me send you a '1 s00 Gravity"l Washer.on a mnonth's free trial. 1 wiiJ deliver il t0 your doôo and if, you don!t vwa t 'the nvtchine afier.using it for 3o day's free trial 1 wili taice it awIay again aüd it wili cost you-notîing. If yeu -aesatisfied it fa Worth tvice as much as any' Othe r và er you ij egh, Uer.uuéd psY me $ 15 and keep it. Uria hJoI es Trot, Feb. 8, 1913. Tise Mdtor Gazette andl Chreuicie. Dear Sir,--On thÇ 26, 27 sud 28 o! this meintis deleg4bes frein tise violo et Ontario viii gathpr iluTorout-o le attend lise aunuai convention efthtie Ontario. Gooa Reasl Association. 'fiat lb. Gocd Roads Movement la. beceming ensetftise gre-ateet.aud *most important in thse Province, you Snov . Both public sud Governusout sSeu tully couivincea ofthtie nesal ef better highwsys, snd tise preblei tisaI now Mtands eut most prominently for solu- tion is the method of socurnig theoi. 1 Tihe Governmen's proposai to spend .millions - on , road construction vili launcli_ a big discussion as le how tibis -mono>' shoulal ho spent. If a, permanent anal comprehensive systens o! geed hiq-isays is le o eueured le O3ntario, e sysbeus troxu vhicis allmu- nicipalities wii derive beuefit., tisere sisould he concerted action on bise part et ail *coucerued, andi the firet step bo- verdi securing concerbeti action le le secure a large andl representative aI- tendance at a convention euch &.s that to be held ints bs ity at the end of tise mentis. Tise usual notices have been forwarded oteierorf t he varieua ceunties anal teoson emuni- ciPuil officers interesled lu tisis maltet, but the intereat in btter reasla ilonu tisaI extends beond tise offices et mu- nicipal clerks snd if tise attention iýf the public vere calleal to lise coming convention the _geieral conceri ala- Irend> shown inthue .Geeti Renode ýause migist be eniisted in thse definite con- certeal action needfuilte progness. . 1 Come'senî * suthoniies viii -cever overy phase et the subÃect. Among tise speakers villi be Hon. L.W. Page, Di-. rector of. thse 1. S. Officeý o! Publi«e Wors.; Col. Savyer, Chairmian of lhe Massachussotto Rlgbvay Board;, Sir Ionien Gîup Premier cf Quebec Smr unamdWalke.,Preu4dent ofthtie Ca.j nladiân Bank -et Commerce,; Hoés, Dr. Reue, iuter oe t Pblic_.,.WosÛks; W .MOLsýan,' Provk0nof aiMigvay aunbesd 1otheru, the coun. EveryonA satisfled. ýThou-S- anu8'f dollars worthlu of -gooda ,. ýdistributed., 'Sale aStîliin ful -swing, .ad i cntnue, every. da an vening tl Wsydnssay Fehur ____ i. 201h. COME'WIT-H TIEE'OROWDB SHÂRE IN THE BARGAINS.* * M.lWRI3EI3 BROOIN, ONT. Dspla Adverts'- Inserted in This Paper - will be by Others-.--just as You are-reading this. j a a Ask Us for Rates on'a Year lySpac-e Freete tockandPoultry Kaiisers W. iiu bow lutly fes or thu akl e o9fn rgue ozy-fouw npae booke, vit& Iaaes, m the common =di Ofsases=fsoc nipolrTelle boy to Mfes i lnds à 'It h.ayat it- bosse, coltsund F re mares, mili ucalvesWantfatmgstairs 1 alto, how to e.0 sudfo.1 od ulty 8so tathu vWini.ia" as woni bnitor s u mmr. No fermes cioulti b. vitisout It. NOW lu ths Urne te ue loyalPurpie 3&ock,,ý.At -' sat ioey v-thfidu ai a cent Den day Per k iii lnenrssl2ï pèn cent. la value. Si pernmanenily curei Bois. Colle. Worm.. 8kîm Diacassand Debllity. Rewtores run-do"u animal@ ta plurnu and vigor. It wilI increase thse miJk yleld three te Ev. ouda Per m Per day sud ma-otise mSfticher. Ptoyal Purik14 nota stock food. Tisealane 62er nuet l Its mà ntfactuie. muid'*efmportfrorn Europe ail thesede. herbe. banks..etc-..nsudgnnd tlieni un our owu premuiss.Tierefore. geea uaui kta yeu as belug abuoiutey pure We do net uecha iertexa eusS palarge package. W. give youtise haut condition pevdrnn ever put on thse marlet maa conoe- t.aied terns. A tablamen ievelaed off. once a day. Ia ufficient for à ful- Ipovn animal. It prventa dlueaae. keepu your animais ln par- ft Stadla a huel armies..It <nakme ax-veekm.eld calvea s arge a etrdlnary calvesa t tan vesa. Yeu eau de- voiop six pigi ready for manke ln utaione mentis ls. Uie ihan yeu eau poaalbly do *lthout U. at s'cost etOnl0Y $1.60. cavins you a montsior ansd food. A Soc, package viiLoa shors701 day.. A $1.50 pali or alr-tlght tiu. eontaning four timesa n mucis as a à ôr. packsoe. wlllh lansuanimal 280 daYe. * If yen have nover usd l. try It on tise pooneut animal yeu have on yeur p:lace, aud vateh resuita. Ifiai dosa net produce btter reault h ia anyhngyou have over uued. onrgwvee menfactio, en. a il neid oun money. -Toledo, Oni., July'1. 1910. W. A. jenitins Mtg. Co.. London. Canada. Geulanmin-I have uéd a p= ofc a package ef yeur *Royal PuIple Stock Sprncfic., 1tWd h te eu@S ow acrdluag te directions. She igalned six Peunda Of MIlS vhlle ulag pa r ca packagte. The resi Of MY bond reduced lu milS vhile ibis eue gained. I cenide-r t haaneequal. __ Bondisead. Ont.. Aug. 31, 1912. ~ The W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co.. London. Ont. GenL-ein.-Ater xpnldmetlut iti i gs m aum y stock tee. 1ysa about cou- vinced tIsaitisane wmu very ltile virtuq ln any ci t f.but Foun dealer lualased on me trylng RoyalPupi Stock Sueiflc. salg It vas dlfent reniauletheni. S have siuce used *prt lot 01 t, as 1keep fton ian to -twenty houas anS about tise cmnea Spedfc iluniy opinion, iu certainly I lua u conditioner. sud l ise haut 1 have ever uued. GEOIt . eWth SacS. ayld.11 1" W. A. Jmku mig.Co. Lada".0nt Deu r uMDe yen vans a mm o reg mnu% vous r a POTp& zoon d t.disrict. I1rn amt d ar sMd hava W i our.Stock Spelflc-iot Itinoni Mn. 1. Coebete. et Nnevua. Mv mv.. c whwaieang i. radS tIi. lmngat a:a=U,. testeS ol=lu ovin averfge at C.M.P. et BrDWUYIJ.. kiso vor soe am thse hlsheeteia Stock Spetil en tse. bleauuru W«M n e lurrnpnin gYen luai-i NORMAN G. CIIILTON.-ý lRoyal Purpie poultry 3pufI vii nmae ous banslay lu vlntsnm. mu vaS a .oansd Yvota sOc. package viiilmt 25 bhmu70 dan .or s 85.5mgsuoril.i gin. coatalusn four tuas mau mucis M a MOC. paehgea.vlileo plumg brit. sud kapu-tisat prime condtion. Peot Cethere, M" Il1. W. A. leubluS Mtg. Ce.. Lonon. Canada. Dear Slim--Tlà te ocerslftat 1 have useS selmSicOU ofyeur "RyalPupe Penltrv OpacIfieand tis eralunotsi have amY. soe agavé me auotirnsbnud. sud 1 en smmr vtIt vas neth ortis home. for =yiheun d yibout wm i t bave am uun te Sd un-- iote -@ww a t S have net useS vouriclw 1>131PýW.F»S 9 CHAULES RICRA>fLE3mj -STOCK AND) POULTRY aPM df sat>e.This iby lit as s AÀusend tsoa Mn. Rkladumum folios. Pert Clisiseme.Ont.. Aug. 26. 1910. W. A.4allu Mis. Co. L«Zonde Canada. lu.ah. ....pI.... *Md .eloudaccrma a.. us us s.#Mr Uaerbrooke. Que.. Aisr. 1. 1M. V. A.muse <e.,London, Canada. DOW W--hmsseusai our Speclfic for ocm 7m.- mau et the diSaint tair.a vI leS -lteU the tale. UMSGitORGINA À IAD loyal P , mple Cb"gI peoiflo Dudsg the lmst four vairs thre b a bernau mijMmis- ses meuffes cf ane se e leseseil V us Ka m OuhCurea iisheutely cure ejulu conc ialufour au~ Matiteaan a iitpn utan dam .Absmulygu Royal pnrple sai-1Cure MIL SAis Onu. ceaCnman fortise Hoa. Adams E9 Uc "y fellovlag dlrecilnu.Iflnd *yo)us iRoyal Purgk aiCu ie s«Mscratches snd maS.tie. mbs ei p5Idry Ine abent four or -i"a daWy.. Prlce.&I45r loyal Purpi. swoat ,Liuimmt- sairanteLndob. aay: >Wehsue &Milekidu troubla v.itia tOnisbel Imm atiUnie.. 1 bave d envm Li- Roye all s ue paee i TS ICS M 'theParpe L ierkifor ut undestanud thse 1 P Of etnianufactuze 5111 lice killmr. you Wini bave teornai lm nme ethan Osie ortva applicationu. St smaShm stIu Pdlou Uc.; by manl,IOM Claun CresS. Ont.. Sept-.19 92 wmM ete i rmya W ol W.A.jeihins Me .Ce. London, Ont. Relfe oyal- Pirpi. Iiuotnt -(Skoop NF) Dm Sln.-yeur -Royal Purple'" Stoc&Specifie lqtisebeusk C. RICHARDBOI. l lpln a e e ia au xmk conitionrnr1Ibave aven Sud iu rny stables, anS arcnenver o h.larri *forils uMme v 1 shm1 I. ila sbred âo- tisai iadtmilk for v7bad.- ~laeiau té I kl. eOaiema 1 " au. Yeun Ho Pnph"sradba 1fe. Put han atla A Sid dlettonrboni Mr. lt-8rdumufolbe..- tIrsodava Sadiseceales t uprng tistApgt uceuu'lns very bolir. Could net set h t oPPed until S 'ued "Royaliesm, Oo. Ai.cure1. Purpwl, 1t Si d tise verS lvai- - lèy- Cue - Veunsu ny. H. i. moULTrOmK W.A. lojmkinMfs. c..e-___odeuCnda.-M.Dlaetepa uea.tWleRcu ai -ia Saskatoon. S, Sept. O. D r e 'lPh @lt a iooe ui opCr ta i ie*W m sequ-ah J,!t:.Ce. LodonCmuaduSpaik &ai O.LK. ave triai iids5of sfetifie 0n.s v-1 SL ametigta op nktdridiuiasa.'oe The W. A. jonkm ignC- dn.Cnd-haeula>.ind1S fnl tisas vou am th. eldosy -samuta-um ba S-#s- timien l.c. rst; mi. Gemtlnmn,.Souanietiu goe bebgbt to f t the 50gmngaariqle.AUl theraS.t, InS lavutetti îu Mn. Vagn haSe W. tebethon vlUit. As sunugi-Prod ~ur~avn ac. ndwefiS i hehat udtino nOukr"v Soemfe hisis tueusis. kwZ sumoat hbe Poj îri Wr owuêrs- drivlpgrcaulesM te hvayavonbleiehe - w. ~LP MCALU-."The PalaeLiveoy. - * -C., IICHRDMO. Feumimais.;bv ml.e. Jouelon tokSPOCIC4es guaraatoyou bettetrosultsb bY uala gthse @dar odrwao orfraucsa ot yoà t&snd bran. Sud 96 f, ttissayca poWsbly obtala uii - a7yof tisé mâamypatmnt féoos on theu Maimt.- I. tises tise pescutage of!nutritionluaususil avv~maIl forths amuzof Mmoaq Pald for the samà e. *TYuÃœ know ecly* beisy,-oà ts, bran, chop or am-ta',' pro cbCe tyu ~ PURPE mis. sais dijt the.. foodi ProPerlY. Wha w.~,listo hIpme..0n car suIà "laibtat va mufacwture nothln bu 1pr..undultesateldo O booiet. gué vïaes8M roommodslon or ourdlo.t ii rontelealovrCnba iiu w tvepo bus. bi naine'«! aa ew. Who -bhaveu. e -'u bit ocmpud len15for you to msanMWporionWho -has ovriusoé uye. emnua ie -' 2 - ' Roya~l pe Supies sud'-Beekieýtumy b. otatýi frein A5 Ire LAWL£R vcw' hty IRA JNES Hardwar erokII -W* A-. IENKiNs MANFGRO.Go## - Londo n, Ont. * -' . a i - » ý - - 1 ..0 ý ý1-1- v w COMPUN»SYR 0V WITEPIN AND TAR is ýthe Most reliable and ut remeay fiai Coi Colde, Broneti, etc J. E'WILLIS Druqqlst. and e)ptig MEDICAL HAIL 1Brok St. Whj Barrister, County Cro wn .Atte Cunty Solicitor. Office south wing Court B-ouse, A. E CHRSTIe Office; Brock St., 0Opp. Stan - Money to Loan.1 JAMIES RUTrLEDGE, Barris Money to- Loan 'on easy te Ofifice immediately south Roy Whitby, Ont.- G. -YOUJNG SMITH,- Lt Barrister; Etc. Money to Lo of Marriage Licenses. OÈce- sm4itWs Block-V- W W. AD&KSp ini 9 O Street, Beaidenoe No. 41, tho3 roen Lt,., Wlutby. Phoneo t aawa; lAcésed- Auctioneer iidt pplyte self _or G. io _WM. MAW LICENSEn AUCTVYI" ANO VALUATOR. 411 kinds'of sales promptlfy I.-i-,aïeM@tscan be G . atte office. BO m nd ependLc pnone WIIBY, ONT. ýCONTLaACTOP.S J IE)W'ELL'A Carpenter, Builder *nd ~n Plans draWn--and- estirnates f ui Repaîrs, Alteraticns and jdbt - pposite Stepb enso'i x467. WmtT Y Ph~ Mzarriage Liê.ueni Issue? of %arriage ULt enfes N o Wltnesses requmred. ;wSuc;c _by tiking -a practieaI courset of SHAV' SCROOLS, roro! attendance or by ansd doig quîckIy prepare teQ peopie do this every ýyear net you? Free matalogne exi Write for it. AddýroiS, W.H. PresidetYoeSiTont -MON IMEN{ of 81116908~' 8aiýd latorial kept Il Wi p&y yô o unlà ou &nal i»ut foi yogurself. D.u'1 h. miuled b), agutn., net employ the, onsequeflt3 'nal de ailow the agsalt'm uosm 10 per -cent..-which "ouIl *ave by purcasn frose A Gall Solic-ted. office anal Wcrks ppgt and & o wili W jIeo TORONTO Vour Pisoise