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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1913, p. 7

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walX-la d ffleuite1 tzmat6e b. ae ô&>ne., No one ffere te- any àarin.g extent, ,t the, cumb.r of Vhoao aff4ected Il be in-tho hundroda. A ca-ier-, tve esiiniate is 8$100,00.'In -thé ruing it rai nrd,.and jubegfome on a vei-y - warnî broze pran g aIn aji hetrtis wii1lwed ýy of the- wind ocould net- have en - eas thp-n oo mles an heur. dwa, nUpetehmneya8, and cretd a4voegeneýraWly em. on. Frida-y, -eau ing dam~Ae 1 tte sextent of Several -thousaxd- del-laï.ra. Thuglh bricks and heavyy pieoes of!-weod were b-ing oo.6nWtatly blo-wn -to tVh îtreets n n ie W&-5 iinured-. &aéag at -Guelph. - A dga]ptC& f rom Guelph tseya: ,-- Thousahdm.o! dolla' wrth o! dae- -agé MWàa don. e . eon- Eridaýyby the Guelph-. Tie ,ral cime .down mi -torrent,&.; al hs e e>on, i-com. -panied by a inilci wind, but-about, -neon the wind increased: in velocity Vo(>ah alarmmng extent, and coutin-- uec! &UlIthe_,aftemuion._ - The ain Ptc.pW dabou- 1 io'1Zok. Reports, - froni ail parts cof tue -city and eut in lte country teli.cf d"Mage te -prepexty<, Telepbe 1ne and telegrapli> -wimes &a 1e-dowu in bite oountry, bad- - b crippliug tUi- service. --Ma-ny tele- -phones-in the city are -qut e! cern- -- ChathamnSho 4ekd - LJI lOLS desp~h rom- Chtla ess ;Private-Secretary -o-te King,-a-ho A 4-errifià1'windstomm pased oer*ill aonfretire.- this distict on -Frrday and th-ou.- V e;and-s co! &l)lars' worth cf damage - PRr,.SIDENT -OF MEXICO. -- has bec-n doue. The- Central Sool in Chatham -wac5 badly wrocked. A Discovery eof, 'pn Alleged Plot te luge eêhimney was-sblown down, AssiaeHm -craehing over the-mcc! f s acorner ,tower. Tise top -Ithe. tower W&~S A despateh f rom Mexico City blown off andlandctl on tho rstreet. says: Mexico City i4-seethicg witli The chiunney cra,-,Sed fhrugh thecxcitemeVtlirougb the iscovery building aud oompletely do-melislec1of Cl allèged plot-by malcontents in a s yccm ou the third ficoor a-uc! n-.]hs Palace Guard te assassinats --other on lte second floor. R. S. Presideut Huerta. Net far' froni Duàlptlithe'om asi the iOdiscovcry of this plot came t-ho building at the lime but escapc4. anneuncement that the city a.uthori- - ies at Monteroy"ha-l grMedtesur- Ileuses Razed at- London. mnder that city te Govemnor Car- - dsptei rm ononsas:ranlsas, leader o! the "Indepe-nde-n- A"«pàch roi Lodongay- 1cia" party -of the n-ôrtali, whose -Saveia thousanda of dollars dam-.'forces are now saic! te be marching a1@e woeodone by a very destructive Bouth. Tliree meembers of tho gale 'thàt',swept ovor ILondon nnd- Guard - a-ho protested their mueo- district ail day en Friday, razing cence, were arrested and taken te 'hou s, tripping. buildings Gcf prisoan, where accu afterwards, it cllimneys and -a'sing an ininite was aepote-d, they bac! been killed amtouinî o! dama-ge of a more cr les 'while tfying Va- escape." - oeriou1s imaure.-- - èOf oo.ENGLISH ENTOM~OLOGIST. A despaltch f!rom Berlin sas: The To Investigite Outbrcak of Cut- Ver.rific gale Vwhich pssd vthis woriff InSoutheru Alberta. - - .- ' -A. . Q.f.A able cl amage in thi city. RugI win-ds tome the roo! off St. Jorome's, -college sac! other buildings, and -ctýikrhou.se -f Kiminelfoît Cern- peey nuffemêl in s similar manner. Windows o! soeao! the business bl-ocks' along King Street a-cc of --qîite a nuniber e! nesidences were blown in, auid lad te be b-aaded up. - At Ingersoîl. A deapatel ,f mcm Ottawaa ys: The Goverument lia-s secure-d tbc services o! E. H. Strickland, an Rîlglieli eetomologist, te condust an investigation inte, an outl)res-k o! cutwomm in Southeme Alberta. A nea- - vaiety o! Ibis peet destmoycd f rom -30,OÃ"Ã" Vo 40,000 acres of grain in Southern Albei-ta lasV year, ho- i§ides doing serions da-mage to gar- den une îcotcmopIs. Mr.Strickland enters the service cf te Depa-r-t- A d.èspatch f rom Ingersol nays: ment o! Agriculture ais a permanent Repoatsïrom surrcunding districts oùfficial and *will go, West next Itel! of éonsirable damage f rom rnonth. He is a, man o! mucli dis- the- high wind that prý,vailed for tinction in his line and lately re- keveral heurs -on Friday. At times fused an effer of the position o! thewind attoained cycloniec pt:or- Gevernmept 1Èntomologist in Cey- tiona, pid, although details f rom Ion. the outlying districts are very mnea- s Rich ]aker-"So you want to be ~ y sen-in-law V' Suitor-" Well', ~-@~5 i,~PI'm. not exactly iceen on that, but ouakistp aiNi re ele 42 hui as I want to marry your daughter tibgs lung. t : sces. I suppose Ishalhave te ae h BRlTIS'H ARMY'S AIRSIIIPS Typp of FIying Machine Far Superlor ta Any in Pos- session of Any Other Big Natioi A. d-sapatch from ieLnden says; their speed te -40 mls nheur. An TheBritish army-possesses the best army biplane-.recently ha-c pas.ed, aer6plane' in-he- world, and ias &Il -the tests at an averagô ispce4 of perfected a type-,e! flylng macohine oi% miles an hour, Col, Seely said far auperîor te any in the peosses- the British amny would have 148 -Wln:of other, nations,- eoor4in t e ro 1 e s b'QneI&May- col. JohnSeely, Seiretary Lio! a ela . Iîta v erd for ar:'wh-Ca-used a ensaton by ately rejected large airebIpqas bé- - iaking thi& annoufleement in the1fk iisleuao e! ~4a n V estIllDte8 o Wedne.s . a tÀn 'il day Fo eartimatresson Y &enea. i>e A-f)ina i 1dirigibles whioh day Fo â#ýg ý ? â4 ePicked up a-ndaent abroad , eeJy sàid, theayýoce greipQkle îad with expeditionaryfores Te been. te mecure ýan àe1'plane that Secrètary for War id sc tha-t the 7- 'ourld fiy both -slow a-cc! fast. ithe mechanical probleni ef- repelling- at- Britis.h. rmYýMnw hâd macbiiee, acks on air cr.aft had been Bolved that haci beaten,,-0 miles an hour, by.,experizuents <,grs4ed out hy the ànd --15 MGai I-,eueariny se:vr . Pt-tees of Cattis, Cr-iuŽ C hasse and- OUISV Producii at Hom aî ndjAbroad. TernlL Mrct 2.-'Ior--90 PCX cent. PToron~$eto, p.98, Meni.eaî or, 12k'- "nKi.' ag $520; second ?ateiitl5, in Jute, baga.,44.bU; gtwi2icbakerl-1. n jute 1)5, - hanitoba Wheat-No. 1 Nqrtitern,. 97 1-20,, at Si-teliay porte. :ntarew.neat-INO. 2 whita and red wiet eo .v, ouosade. anai spt'ouziOd, 7 O as~-ttarîo oats. 33 te 34C. outalde.su ai ~, n aratit, îronse. w ebtern tan- atia otts'. 4e i-ze tor No. X anal .,oefor 24e. *I.ýzpY porte. tu -± o$1 05, oniside. liaaueyi-kortyeight7iU. »arley of good quatity.5M4 teaswc, outiie. Ireeti, 4U teo k.. i %»n-âo. .à auerivaîlicorn, o6 1.2e. ail- 'rau.- - -60,otie ji~ye- No. 2 Ït 60 tea 2.olie jbuckwieat-t40N. 2 et oàts xbac, outalde. ara-,-siuit0abran. *5e te, *ku.av. u Counit-y Produzes. Butter-Daify prints. cice, 25 to 36o; do.ï taies. %à te 5.0; interior, 2SUwS 1; *ury 1 te-3£a, or vous, anti tc our tgs-New-laid, 23c par dozen, in case lotis. uneae-14 1.2 -for large, and 143-4o fer- bte.%n-Rand-picked, *2.60 pér bucadi;- primes. t.itsin au ajubblng way. jîoney-Skttaçtetin iin nus,- l2 té 130 Der lu. lQro.1. wnoies.asu;combe. 8Oi wo ~ par dexen 1o0.. i ant a, fr geuttry-Cblekens. 18 ta 20e Der lb.,- tewl U.a we tc; onc&s, il te 19e per4-b.; Vogee. il te ide; turxeys, W0 te ae. î4ve potuury, abot mo e Iwer tnas e sbova. L- ±*otatoes-Uýood ontarioe srack, 65c per ba«. on &Tack. ana I Diaw'tresat ai oVepr »aeoù-n-og lear. 14 1- te 14 3-4e par lb., an case, iota.- --- iborz out, $26 te taint teligiat. 18 te 181-4e; ieavy. 11,£ Zete 1e; relts, loi-Se; breakîas1 bacon, iU ta l> uA4e; .b&cksî, Sac. Lara ircaa14 1-4o; tubs. 14 1-2ect pails. BaleS Hay and Straw. Balad Iiay--Ne. 1 aS Ç11.76 se $12.410, on trtack, Toronto; No. 2. $10.641 te $11. Miixed hay as quoted sa $6.641 to m1. Nýaled r3traw-*U.60 te *9 , on track. Te- Montriai Matkits. Motreal. Marcb 25.--Comn - American à4o. 2-ý yellow 601I-Ze.. Oato7-taradian Western,. Ne. «J. 41 1-2 t6 42c;t <anadusu 'Western, No4. a. 40 te 40 1-2c; extra No. 1 feed. 401-2 te 41c, INc. 2 loal white, MO,; No. 3 local white. 37ce No. 4 local white, 360. ,Barley-2an. ileed. âî te 63c; maltinif, 73 ta 15c. Buckwheat-No. 2, M6 te 48c. Plour--Man. sprîng wieat patenta, firstî. $5.441; seconda, $4.91; atrong bakers'. $4.70,; Witter patents, choica. 85.26: traight roi-.. "Ir .845 tae $4.94; straight reliera. baga. 021 ta *2.35. Rolladoast@. harmeis, 4,ib;. bagas, 90 Ibo., $2.415. Bran, is20. Shorts. $2M Miaclings, $25. Mouillie, $30 te $35. Hay, No. 2, par ton. car lots, *11.GO te *12.60. Claeese, ineat westerns',12c; int e ast- ares. 12 1-4 te 1234c. Butter. choicest creamery. 20 1-2 ta 30c;sconda, 25 ta 27c. Egga. fresh, Z5 ta 26e; eeiected, 18 te 20a; No. 1 stock. 16 te 17c; No. 2 stock. 14 to 15c. Potatees,per bag. cçar lota, 65 to 67 1-2e. - Unliod Statos Mar-kets. Mineaaolii, March 25.-Cose-Wb'eat- May 85e; J.ly 871-4ec.ilepteuiber, 877-8 ta 88e. Cash-No. 1 bard, 851-2e; No. 1 Nortiiere. 83 1-2 te 5ce; No. 2 Nortbern, 811-4 te82 3-4c. Corn-No. 3 yellow. 47o. Oas-Ne. 3 white. 283-4 te 29 1-4o. Bye- No. 2, 63 te 55c. Bran, $1650 te $17.00. Fleur prices unchanged. Duluth, March 2.-Wheat-No. 1 bard. 84 7-8 te 853-8c; No. 1 Northere. 83 7-8 te 84&48e; May'. 8578e bld; Juli'. 8U3-bid; September. 88o bld. Lias Stock Markets. Tomanto. Mameit 25.-Cattle--Cbolee butait- or. $6.50 te *6.80; t-oaS medium, $5.50 tu $5.75; cemmee $6 te $5.25; cows, $475 te $5'50. bulle, $3 ta $.25, aneers, $2 ta $2-. 60, -83.26 te $3.75. Catres-oS nemi, $88 le $9.25; comman. $3 te $3.25. Stockersansd Peeders-Bteera, 700 te 1,000 pounda. $2.- 75 te *$4.25; >Vearlinîo,,$*3.10 Sa $360. Miik- ars mndS Sprint-erg-P'rom8$0 o$2. Siteep sud Lamba-LIt-it eaa-e. $ o 72; ieary. $5 ta $6; lamba, $8.25 te $10; hucha; $450 te *6& Hegs-$9.60 te $9.65. ted aud a-ateted, sud 89.20 te $9.601 t.o.b. Mou)tram. Mret 25.-'PTherc -are - ne ex- tra osee on lte Market, and trade wae duti a+ about lte fermer rates. qiomîltI- eonaidered. Prime bëevea. 63-4 te 7;m=edi- uni, 5 te6 61.2; common. 3 3-4 te 5. Goaa-s $35 te $70. Siteep, 5 te 51-2-, lambo. 71-4 la 71-2; sprint- iambe. $6 to e8achT. Hoga, 101-4 ta 101-2..- DIRLGIBLE BROKE IN TWO. Was a Recently Launehed German A de..patceh f rom Karlarushe, Gem- many, asys : Another Gemman mili- tamy dirigible of the rigici Zeppelin type sssas dea-troyed near lier. on WedneTdsy. IV ase tbe rece-ntly launched airship intended. as a substititte for the autiquated Z i. The dirigibla broke in twd a-hile landicg during a- stenni on the avia- tion -ground. A dotaciment of sol- diers wa-s holding the balloon dca-e, but couic! keep oely the test end' on the gmosind, snd tle strong a-ind buffeted lte cirigible about in eueh a magnner that sh - broke in halves. REA» OF PARIS POLICE. Resigncti on Wedneâday AÀfter Twenty tears' Service. ?t "o!Pari% poli--h la s eigu ect office after twenty yea-rW er vieS, int-errupt.ed ccly by Wanba- sen.ofet ta-eyears, alin o erved ns Govemnor-General e lei frcm 1897 te0 1899, X,.-Le IXme is 87 yenms o! a-go. , eRe qrvethreagh the Frauco-German 'War in 1870 as ai ergea t-major in: thiýo1ýre~ ofrte, ara , t ' ,iii axt îté vnthé seeîiouUS . LegiKal6ture. HcAct las rsms0vUpl'e"à uniyopaally, n.i t-etuofore lt ' £à--olbld 1 ry,1lv te aryempkjyrret l*bomiAùntbi.rovloe . atigprmY moeponIzed titat tlaere must be ýsema el- eiptlit, thè«boueè -ueticiff-twbsfthéétes exemptlquo shOl. bc2nust,,ba tht-rbed, eut ha- ut. membeN lin the Hous. aNe dubt a -g Oreat nuniber-oet eemptIons *1-,be. apk*d fer ,ajd ieAt *M1I ha lnqky if it. escapSe esaLto.-,ý AAa fr as the ccntzroveroy; batween- the Labor Unieesa-nd, tIi.,Manufaeturera la eoncerned. Air- Willatn-eemsl o -have been able - te br-l- bout -a- certAIn ainount, ef t fee!pnt. On-1he. face ef t I t looks as Io h bsüeç eo h aiteward the aide' Sir WiI$sma-ll uewbave suore free- 4iom ttân for smrnism to del'oteId«bis flowersanad bis gardenint-. which Ja thte eblet bobby of bila lite.. Titere la probgbIlv nnu intethe Provine rio han a greas- or love forfloesr, and isb orne .Whli sitands aboeste EaSednis rarlus. lla very suxnmer a real living home eft ower 116e. He b'ýas 'made gardenlsg,,a b ealtl.gliitg relazatign from s strenueus lite. Tiie ar- rangement et bis g-rounds and leser beda- la, particularly pleasinm. Nom la ir Wil- liam enaet Ib tosgardeners stite likeoi te let other -peepbe eï d-tbe'-werk. Like- GIad- atone.. tito ,cught meulaeieabat hnet- U tnir down.treês enù-bic faim at Hastarden. Sir William lwuyé dellabta le the actuai labor .et , lii eA .banda. Thé m#$tetry4 Bloak. Torote's z"myotera- -bIocke' atîllremins a mystera, Hunièea havo'recautia- bae way.-ls ltae wtwrbull; these bave beau deuled. 0Of the namesmentioeei lu cou- noction 'sthlie preparta-culir front tbe T.S - to -Cmay bas 1titre beaune denial; sud teé hipressIon .til-stepuds tbalttie lrm proposes, sooner or batr,. to..uiioye. rem itsjresqtt leçatien te 1h. site beuuided îy Oaltôu, Yonpe. Church and- Alexan'der. As Ibisdt-wuld =eaun-a treondeus .dislocation -eft,,buffiinoosa-on YOu eSt.,-'bèe e 1 katest intereît Tbee tatemint, bas beDnmade by a-man, suppoaad to- kuca tbct the- myotery wi11 ba clearad ni) belote the sud efthIe mentit ot M[ay. If titis laotteocas Ibere wstî be h freait activity lu Tomante eal estate. Nothieg more apetaular titan the myatary blQc-itbas beon 11beard -ot le real astats recorda le titis country. The an- tire block. conslatieg et 'hundreds et smnol parcala et property. a-as .bouCht up by ag»hs tio aa cl esate ftrm sitin a t es steOli. That a-as ito yeara ago, sud a-be the reaiL-este ste .. - ctad for la se ranch a myatery as l15 aastheb7i Ie ilaa4- o!e course. levolved millions. Meana-lille, Eatona econtInua te make improrementa le their preuent promises. Friedmann Wms Pleased. *Torontoe - piysielans are gratified titt Dr..eriedmaun situld bave given se muet attention Se Toronto patients, sud that i be wasa se empllmenlary le bis- remarias concerniet- bis operattana tare. Ha said that> bis locad l clea aas the Meutsastis- factori' that te baS baS, tiisbeint- due Isrgeîy te lte systein et - registratian a-blet preraila. sud .'shicit eveala lte bisler If et aciicase. Thte patienta Irsat- cd ar-aoetcourse, balen« aat4cit5d sit thlie ,ure4teat aexxaty. particuiSrly hi aufferars from te disase. Local pitysîcianq con- 1 inu e ha uetuaiatic, but topsfui. li Dr. Friedmann a-as grestly impressed stitit the cordialita- stawn le Toronto aeS lother Canadiata cîtica.- particularhy a-ben contrasteS lb ithte disposition et ainat-I nees stiiotgreeSeS him inte Nw York. Oua stera- ta te te-affect ttthSie reasan ot bhis cool recaptian le New- York waaltae o=ostion et the drut- trust. stiicit.ofet 01121 'a.fuSa one et ita citiet sources et ->rofitinl the mediciaes whicb It sells te tubercular patients. But sncit a atari' aeem toco diaholical for ballet. Clvie Troubles. Tarante bas bec itavîng te ttroublas le Çiri fieaucîng. Iu round figures lu takes about $10,000,000 a year te run lte cîty, aund as sat-test proportion eft tiis amount Ae reoulted for capital expeuditures.iti means ltaI much cash tmp te b. aiseti ha- sellant- bandsansd debenturca. Tite ,market for te last year net itariet beau t-ooS, abers ei on tend an accumulationi of unsoid bonda.a-lt ltereault titat lte citi' bas bt-en perilous)y close te lb. point et net itavint- eadi' cash witb wiieitte psy current exp)euditures. Ie receul a-eas emali bond issuesatare baendiaposed et ou mars or les@ satiafactery terme and te situation ba beau temporariti' relier- As resut cf Ibis isituation thte Treamanty Depurtmant bas core nefr a t-tact Seul ef criticlent. tYnfortunstet', LMr. Richard T. Ceadi'. a-be bas bçeeCiy Treaiurer-' lor tw-eta--fie a-aursansd teoitehmlte eita- lcoked ta Bell ita bonds sud keep the itronc-box well s uvplieS with reasSi cash, as been serloueli'11 Il.I s doubtful if e w-ilaven resume bis Sutles. at lIst, as actîrala- là formerla-.- Mr. Coadi' bas fait Toronto more if ana- mue bas. Ha tas haei u ite cita- ser- vice for 36 yeara. Chit Accomittant lu 1877, Cita- Treurar lei1888 sud erer stucs. Prenions-'te that te a-as a lumbar mer- chant. Ha tas seau aigitean mayora ceme- and go. He bas seaulte cxta- 0 popula- tion almoal quadruple. .Ha heaume Treasurer juat -ahan lte fabulons boom atruela Tarante, a-sn e i te late IW., -Itont resen, titousande a ped ubeir itruuka anti moreS te te citi tram lte ceunît-y- dietricta. Tii boom burt at.sd te neit tene aas -as lte lt-ast encourut-- ig llte iitoryo et liascti'.But jenltae lait decade figures tare beau gain- aiteud Ie jumps. expendlturea have morethata deubleti seameetsasnd mil atteèr figurea baundint- ateai lu similar proportions. -Mm. tCoady le euh lteé paymaater. But titers are etlties a-be lintheatt a aucces- aor must san be appoinîad. Betars bis ilines il as ebargred taS bis depar't- meut had nors kepS puce'stiti the Steimes, sud a-as-raUlla aebatie ceonditIoni. - Whto- i sucoeed,,Mr. -Coada- ie an-o'pen cuatloû.a; -Centmoellet- McCath* - bas bien ahea-let a spectal intereat le Tu seauury, Depairtmenîr s apd -le1io,baeae .rMnreS titat 1b. l"a-tI 6ew tito-exaMple sett-y MayrorGesm a st, year anùd stan from lte Board o eÏtoti nte a, seftSlite job&- a sabsmy ot sèmre _$11,000 a year. -"But Cee- troller -XeOmmibiy' Saies abeolutaleltaS be lsas candidate ortlitS e a-ouid aeeept ltse position if offered te bum. Tne reiiàins cf the aIe King George ol Greece will.b-e cônveyed >Vt Allons en a witrship. Ja meaRaymoud- wuasesotenced at' Berlin te6 2§, menthes for psssieg 1 *etrthles hqusu -A six thousand egg inoubator just openod 1ini Morrlaburg 4marks a for- _,ward -novement, in the developrmnat ,lf ýthe éegg dpýultry .buuinas M' A: retired4eI znn nLidon. Daheedtow.oo .Ox. dian -Pacifi.]aiwy-brakeman,, wh<se home isý, iî pndon, tocollect hfee, for pmaryiýigJm J. C, Hill & Sons, Licydminster, Saskatchewan, have, been awarded tuhe Colorado $1,0'00 trophy Aor thîe beistl~ushel of oats aliwn'at the National 0CornE'postion fheld at Coumbia, S. 0. Hfon. J. 'D. Haàzent Minlater of Marine and Fieheries, ha ge9ne to Wshîington te conWer with the new Democratic Administration regardw ing ratification of a treaty- <ver fisheries in boundary waters. During the dêbate on the draft Adçlrenss luthe P.E.I. Legisiature,' Hon; Charles Dalton, the island's millionaire "fox kinig,>' intimated; that the Gôvernment intende to in- troduos uléasures te gÉive fürther- protection te the black fox indus-' try. Great -Britain. Miss Sylvia Pankhurst gained lier f reeddnm by a hunger-strike. .The stiike**o! London taxicab d4rivera la sended. Sir Fredeick Banbry has intro- dueed in Pàr1iarý*éent a bill mnaking- tho viviaertion o! degs unlawfu'l un- der any conditins. Upited States. Dr. Friedmann trealted thirty-five patienta in New York, Most -of whon wero defermed babies. The stormn on Friday caueed heavy Ios o!life andpreperty in the United, Statea. M. Bar'thou may -form« the mew French Cibinet. President Benilla of the Republic .6f Honduras is de-ad. General' Louis ýAndre, former French Minister cf War, is dead. DYXAMITE EXPLODED. iTwo Italians lroiled nt Woodstock, NewBrunswick. *A de-sp&teh from Woodstock, N. ,13., says: Two Italians, Angelo Spagreti and Romolo Ronald, were ilblownf Vo pieces by dynamite, on \Vednosday. The mxen were werk- ing on the Quebec and St. John. Jiailway construction about six miles from hiere, and, it is thouglit,, upset a can cf dynamite into a fire over which they were thawing the explosive. A JoIIy Good Day Follows A Good Breakfast Try a dish cf Post to-mnorrow moprning. IIourIsJi1u~t.. - SaIIMyInj P. mde b! Pare E-ced, Ysctories cf nadlàanPio e sunCrsai Co., ýLtd. -,wliitsor.Ontarlo. - usevr th. revenue cf-I 4ig fiscal year. T-héo W iditure fer theyear h s t [ORO KN~[[YS 10 RETIRE -WAS 1 FRIEND AND, COU'NCIL- LO R 0F THREE RULERLS. Lato NRing Edwaàrd ÈLot tAil Hus Cerrespondence, te The Courtier.r It îS neot evary oneWho is fitted for the ole o! courtier;-,there are ieed few men who aehieved great-I ucesm ie thsdirection send etil-l fewer, women. But Là-rJ- KutiIys, wliose1 reVirement after femty years service1 as a -royal secr-t&ry les ppaounced, l waes t-hé ides! man fi).the ponst,t saya a recent London letter. 1-I -IV wa-s in 1870 that Lord Keollys, thon Mm. Fraiicis ltnollys, relie- qu-ishcd his place in the Treasumy Vo become a private sedretary te Vhe Prince cf Wales. Tact andi dis'- - etk.n, those invalulableý attributes ofa courtier, he pesessee t-o a me- mamkable- degree, and ,tIc-sei promptly gained for him an excop- tiona-po'sition in the ectourage, o! Marlborough- Hou-se. Hie esmeer in the >ouselold of the late Éipg is tee well kno-wn te neeci reoapitulation. Practically Vhs -wliole of the correspondance ef King Edward, bolh a Prince-of Wales andc!as King, pa-ssedltrongh hi8 lande, stith the exception o! ofthe very few lettera which weme opened hy hie 'la-te Majesty hixuself. Thc privato seeretary natumally became the recipient of'- an *enommous ameunt of. information, much of lt requimiug te be eautiously -deaît witli, âud for hs Lord Knollys was eminently well fittccL It Was a Strenueus lIfe, a-cessioù o! King Rda-ar!,a-hec the work o! the private secretary a-as almeet treb-led. Hie long stuc faithful services a-ere rewarded by a pearage ie 1902, sec! in 1911 hie pt-eset Majesty raised hi-m f rom a baron te a Viscount. The tributo onee pa.id te Lord Kenollyn that "no ene.c-ver knea- se mucl or said &a littIe" aa f iIy de- aerved. Hie vas pc-culi-arly versed in lbe art o! sayieg "no" without givieg offence te thoe a-ho ap- proached him witb occazionaily îm-' poanBible requeste fe-r hie good offices on-thèir behaîf. Perlisane eue, excopt those whio have actually been about the coturt can have the remet-est concept-ion o! the ninazin g1 dcai ms put forth hy applicants foi, court favors. Letters o! this <ds- cription are abways ansa-amed and the greatest came is take-e to avoid . hutng the feelings -o! thecdali- sets. Lord Knolly-s'e appoi-ntne nt ca-r- iec! with it, ne less Vlan .t-lree cliarmiug residenccs-tle pictuir- esque little abode cnext the Lord Cliamberlain' s office and ferming part o! St. James's Palace; tIe recuis in tbe Winchestem -Tea-er at « Windsor, and Craig Gea-an, thc Pretty Cottage near Balmorsl, wVlaich lihe cupied during t-le au- tunin residence o! the court in the Higlilands, siece the Kiaig's priva-te socrc-tamy mu-st alwasys be wti' roadli. The la-o lutter lie elin- q1iishes, but tle apartmeet in St. James's Palace le etains for h-f e, togetîher a-ith sme other privileges, incluc!ing the use of a royal car-7 nrage. Il a-as a!ter King Eclward's. ac- cession that le wae raised Vo7 the d{'gnity- o! -a- peerage. ti; saei iii regard te thid hvor t-ha-t Queen Aea dm-cesired Vo be t-h-e first te acqu 'aiut him e!thVIe Ki ' ng's pleas'ure- ànd ,.that tue first inMtimation . te reéchl hima-ws anote idithe Queen's ~ia4witig adréwed Va "Lord nl-ya o! Csvemsharn." Lo-rd IKn4Ilyefihled .a post et Queen Vio-. teria,'s -court sud lias -thu-s served under three Mouarclis. - One o! Vhe miner pint fe!inVer- estI bout Lord Knc-llvs is thp na-o- 4 than the- G 1- ýyoar. Qi Ceuis- thii c- ture il - d--on capitsJ -about $43J calling that euee!fthi ishing deatlibed-utte-i #ime was an ssertion The DoiagerLa who for maey yeams was lu Queen,» Àlexandra's househoid when phe~ -was 'rincese, h"d a goDvernei5-lke instinct for setiixg'people - jight-- which lad alienated meet of lier Iriénds. Som e years a-go, in.Kiug EdIward's reigu, long after sle had moetired froni the,,court' int4 SJot- land, she bcm sroayitandc it. wa.-evident, that the end. was near.- She bac! bec-n 'unecaious fer~- some -days, whon a leIttier writteu,.by-- Mis Charlotte-,Knopllys -for Quéen Alexandra -çýam-t askini for ne-ws of hiem'. The: docter, - believing - thât thougl she was ucable ýtaspeak her m\nd Wasl cléar, read her the- letîte'r.- Yo aigu cf attention was visible un- til he reached,-the sig.nature (which- he pronoýuneed-"Kuoll-is"), wlien ho wvas startled by the >voice o! lis pa- tienàt, which ho had net: .heaid foýr. manv dayx, -utteming these wordS: - "MOre cem monby p>'oncunced Knowles." She ivaoe again. ZA31-BUK DOES CURE PILE.- _Mrs. C. Hanson, wile of the, pro- prietor of the Commercial Hotel,' Poplar,-- B.C., suffereci fmom piles >NTY- "ltill. jc,1ng te Ilium>. .eann, a-TO., aMedeyi ira, la rANS doctor in vain. , Finally vent* to. Spokane and had an_ operation. Twelve months afférwards she was as bac! again. She says, "One day I read a&bout Zani-Buk and. thought I would -try it. The first one or two boxes gave me more ease titan anything else 1 had tried, so I went on with the treâtment. In a short- tinie I' began to'feel altogether dir- fep n nd better, and I saw that Zamle-Buk was' going to cure me. Well, I went on using it, and by the time I had used six boxes I-was delighted to find inyself entirely cured. " &>c. ail druggists and stores. WAS 111 VEARS OLD. Xichigan's Oldest Resident Dicd on Tuçsday. ;A despatch from Sarnia, says! Mrs. Mary Daly, agèd one hundred and eleven, Sb. Clair Oounty's oic!- est resident, died at the home of her son, one mile west of E.mmétt, near Port Huron, on7 the anniversary -of lier birth,' on Tuesday evening. Deatb followed an ïllness of thiree weeks. Mrs., Daly was boru in- Ire-, land. When but a child she) met- Napoleon Bonaparte. when he was ini his suprcmacy. Until- the -end she recalle-.3 the ýBattie of Waterloo, and often narrated, with interest thrîlling i.ncideénts of!'the engage- ment. After the Battle ofWaterloo. and while still -a, young girl' sheï moved to Canadaý. The London,' Ont., Canadian Club has extended an invitation to- Lloyd George to-addresa the club in'the autumn.- W:HY. p -L tri. ter, clin. able i Itn- t--a.- (eu. - v

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