ptresentative o t-- - Wo-a peensasDirectýýry .of -Cauzadîan Bre drsof..MAâgoraý Goats f A II D A IJIIh Le rePort-i - sair a p f ti er w o fw s p e e t, 3 5 andi M ilch Goatsý the L .v tç k omii ~ ~l~ i~l~a firan fui neofthe meting Iwand i peselto reevef o ueý i e e i nfr w s u a v u I~ u ~the ircu rniâtances leading Up p t 1e u e ilmt o ea r4¶ ngto ec ive respenfv io 0F WIIT PINK report with -acknowîledgement5 - i Te elg atifollowgaing ints sp floc andwithout aybia un "tise iatter. e - 1 . K pants bro ot et fr 1h. mus s ~~~ * * - 2. Usual nme o al -I er i~nl treliale an effi- J. ierpon Morgn; caleti he fiancial Czar of 3.Aproximtltiepessk4 remedy foi ail ICoùg t& - U Ù1JW dS tates, died inRome, Ital onayt . f osil abresae nt.gidgteex Colas, Bronchite, etc. Ioon. lSpersonalweaitis' sa-id to amut Lopnefoninesay-n te r-rn w hh ma i *~~~2,036,995,00, andth ie holdings: of tise Morgan be-expected by one engagiin raigthscsso flmt ver ten billions. Mr. Morgasn is,,one.of tise stock. - P R BOTT L - able t ' tanirs Lt W or ,ani cntrolled, gi- , Communications supplyngthe bve inormatin antc nt~ess. u January ise lef t'New York-on shouîd be afise ojheLv t~c.Cmiso. -a trip to Egypt, and wisile ou a voyiage .on te Nule er, OQttawa, Ont. Sucit letters doflot rqie ot Ia nddeulNItaken ii. -Since vitici time iseisAs age. J. I WLLUS gradually'decliued in vitality until Lie end inï Rome* * * f)rugglttand 0ptiklan whither. had à been Laken. EDICAL HALLÉ."O * For almost two years novWhib a ufrt Drocks~. * Whftb ~Tise dreatiful'conditions of te roais trougisoutfo aiitake make by te 191 1 Counci.Tsems ____________________ tsecuntry bas been bati for business, country -peo- Lake was seen inlrediately after iL was made, and ple doing only whJat travelling was absolutely nec- altisougit ample opportLuiity lias been given for iLs1 -P4ifesé .,:C rd ssr.Hoeer a our roads may be we have correction in part at least, utiin ias been done, LBGuALLn yet ieard of anytiing as bati as an incident and to-day Lthe fault is an pen ad, inexcusable dis- JJHIGALtisat.occurreti in Eglingtôn, (Toronto) lasL week. grace Lo te community erfr-o ie osri In a prticulrly bai spota teamof itôrse s became ion of a-hr iceo eetwalk on Lise soutis JN. .FAEWL, . . mireti. .., strenuous labor one horse vas gotten side of Front street, 1adý from :Brock street Lo ~ Conty rown Attone but, but -tie other coulti not be rescued, and was the Junction Station. IL was a miitake in Lie frst Copunty So!icitor. smotisered in tise muti . IL was buried îh ieepae v eivadw rget5 tts ie -Office suth-is vlnÇourt House, Whitby. djt wewereptaewo eln. 'sohishe is, 't wnt dwn--Thi ÃŽs "going'spme"' Reports to place tise walk on tise soutit sie. Witere te( - -A. . HRITIA - from lil sections of tise country indicate a very board walk was onite nortis side.vas very mucist Bmidsur, -seIitor. Ntai., Publie. Etc. muddy conditidn -of te roads.-moecnnet.Tsscnd rora icn *Office, ýBrock St.,:Ã"p. Standard Basnk. mo* asrecnLie w n ly ahporion ro Lqise ncso- JAMESeLan Ontii page is shown a picture of a prize wi-tie street, leaving a mdiole between tie end ad * I~E UTLEDGE, Barrister, Etc. ning Buif Cochin- issu, bred and owned su WluLby- te station'platformi; and te tisird, error was ina o ey melto Loanouth ea tes Rev:* Dr. J. J; Hare, of the O.L.C., is a great lover earing up Lise wooden, walk before tie completion O Wh eitblysout.sRylHtl of pôultry,_ ad'for years han been 'givng mucit at- of te cement walk Lie entire distance o Lie st a- - entibu Là the breediug - of tisorougis bred stock. ion, In tise spriug or faîl or ope n wter weatissr 0. VOLINO SITHlf, L.L.o. lhé heu itere sisovu is one of itis rearing lTe nil- persons going Lo Lise station.- from Brock street - ariteEtc. M-ney te Loan. lismer verware sisôvn'beside tebird are prizes won at te have Lo vade trougis mud aukle dà eep sometimes. pi of Mrrige Lcenes. Provincial Show,. in Guelphs in December 1912.Titis JThse knowing ones go up or down Byrgu street fora Ofice - Smith's Block-Whitby, ont._________________________________________________ - D EN TA L - -- - W AMIlientist, 'Offle., Dundas- -8&bRuidmc No. 4, thse Terrace, ~ B7ros St., Whibby. PhocueNo. 12L~#~.~ JAS. 1BR-HOP shavu, Lleensed Âiîeioneer. Sucoso- @orte uL. Fairbanks. For tomes sud "dates apply bu self or G. Robb, Whlt- WM. INAW A.LICR.NSED ALICTIONEER . AND VALUATOR. l 'kissda o! sale& promptly etteaded -toi- Arrangements oaa b. made for S ais. at bth. Gazette offier Tormes reamonable Bell aud Independr.,b pnoue. -WlIITBY, ONT. CONTRÂCTORS J. HE)WELL JAMES -- Carpenter, Builder and Contracter. Plans drawn and estimates furnished. 2- Repairs, Alteraticns and Jobbing. Opposite Stephensonsâ -Box 467 WIIITOY Phone 149 Miarriage Licenses. *A.H.ALLIIU Issuerof Marriage Li.-entes *Corner drugstore, Whitihy rio WttueUUCB required.- * SPRING TERN from March 25th foll0wiig Eastel merges into our Sumnmer Term i ail departmnents of "4SHAW' SCHOOLS". Toronto-Cen t r * Business Celege with Four- Cit Branch Schools.. Thel Centrn Telegraph and Railroad School and Shaw's Civil Service School Free catalo.gue explains .course and advantages. We invite yo to write foi it, W. -H. Sham Président, Heud offices, Yonge Gerrard Stse, Toronto. MONUYMEN~TS of il ,e Dg a nd-Iatril kOPt IDB81 it willParyu ou «U at our w< aud inspei ,for youruoL. Dobs'.f b. mi"Iedb)'agnt4, wm -aot .mupioy them, -conequentIy vo sud do alloiw the aget'. cMmige 10 per cOul.,ý which You vill oertati gave by purahasing from un.. A, CaiISâollcitcd. IIilig Graite oi Offic -and Worke oppeit. Standard Bank, lViMby, 0 I d ande iuI re. For Yod * House virivsg, power wring, fixture.sud supplies, also motora'and transformner.. If you vaut us cail us at our *-expense. 4 Elutrlo Installation fGo.,9 Ltd lien von the folloving prizes-medal for the bcst Asiatic'in Lie show; cup for the best feniale in Lie show; silver service for Lie best bird in Lie show,' either male or female, 4,800 birds competing for titis honor. At -Lie same show Dr. liare won prizes ou sigit. entries-lat and 3rd on cock ; let, and second on heu ; lst and- 2nd on cockerei, and lsL and 2nd on pullet. Mr. W mi. McNeill, of London," Ont.,.Lte rost experienceti andi reliabf e poultry jutige in Anserica, described tse hen siown in te illustration as "lTe Best Bull Cochin Heh I1 ever Saw.-" Once again Wiit-by lias madie good. the distance of a block, and thus avoid the mud. But strangers get stuck. This evil las exssted now tbrougli two fals, winter& and springs, and iL stili continues. 'Elle streets Commaittee of Coundil te- ceived instructions -last fail to have t.he cernent walk at Once continued to the station platîorm. it was not done. Beyond question, this sliould be the first work of the 1913 Streets Cornrittee. As long as this taud hole is aliowed to coe~iuue, it wîil be , "bad ailvertisement>' for the town. ÃŽhe environs of a railway station should, of ai places, be neat and dry à nd cean. A muddy, unsightly railway The folo(winig editorial note frum, the 1ot' and first imressions are very important. We have thougj , on t riâg 01t te chair- - opnin 0f otn strLkes us as enuhs referred to titis situation on several occasions., but mans, and the costveistion proceeded. Compaheofur Bos . , _gi wu£worty we thik the present condition of things amply - WHITBY LOST MOTION. So L tehritrPut9iCity that Orcirculation aflords.MarWIIBada oimtt T'he brave Jittle scout lias many rcomrades titrougli- Justifies a return tose cMaorvenion dlad anot uiIk ft ozt r, dut the land, and if the organization fosters anu &etat this tim o»eet ani in cultivates sucit a sterling 4irit of itonest sti i oebah oJy-osm to idUa al boy rnanifested the movement is indeed amply just- à M r eth 'dy -osm NO 1INO1 NO1 NO l'" howlOd y iiied. "'On a atreet-car in Biuffalo thte otiter day a t~he <1&gaes Oshawa. al womnan offered a boy witu happenedtaiteidhr"Wcm ert-aYfru P- > a conterfeit nickel that the conductor lad refuset. pul eeeydy~ naj rr ue-pose, g houted a delegate, and thé. es Sie explaineci to the boy tiat le miglit be able t i e pe de v r ntarioses meTuber-," sisouted Swaa- f pass it ,sumewitere. leqùtytakd-le n culoss-at the rate of une person evcry twenLy-four son, of Oshawa, "4wlio have no righti & said, 111 don't want it ; uiamtlScothn. lher ans- iours-a total of over 2,300 deatha cvery, year - t>o be here. There is Major Dion, wer amply- justifies the witole Boy Scout Movement. equivalcnt to thte wiping out and losa Lt eiC M Louie huke, licenseinspeebor o1 Our' * But what is to -be said of lie wQman,»; munity of a good sized town. owis, and Mark Smilth, ail of whom bave no voice inttis convention, ansd A-u appalling losa uf life. The dreadful pity is tise chairman shouid ask tissm bu re- thiat this continuai sacrifice is quite unnecessary. tire." Te whole continenit.grieves and sympathizes with Thlese lives, or rnost of thlem, migfst be saved. Major Dillon rose to speak, but waw IOkthe flood sufferers in the States of Ohia, Indiana ansd Pioneer work in te crusade against consurnp- Parldh w.PrPeyiialgu mk» New York. IL is estimated titat the deaths wil naum- tion lias been done by the National Sanitariu As- a chanoe to say a word. do ber thousands and te property loss will rua into sociation. The hospitals at Muskoka- and Weston "Oshawa ba a grievance and we cma the hundre<ds of millions. The press reports Lell- are Lo-<iay. standing evidences of' the magnificent will abide by what Oshawa. says iu ion, only a fragFmnaysOy0 h pafn cne civmnso h soito.tbis convention and we will stick Wo 6ny hOuhwWrnh fent rsryf te apan cn ies c- vmnso Lt soito.and elecet the man who Is Oshawa's "'1Ythrugi whichthesuieres psse, ad oly ime One brandi uf the Association work-a free illus- choice. Thiere is a sotid isortis behfasd will reveal te full' exteut of te catastrophe. Whule trated lecture with 'one hundred lantern views . Canada hias'not been altogether spared from lOssý delivered by Mr. J. B. Watson, te Field Secretary Thewn ars tifrothe udceer or amgebyspin fooawehae ore throughof the Association. and cheered. They liait won thse day 9 comparatively'scatiteless. Again and again we Te lectuire will be given on Wednesday evening, for when vote was taken tse.chair- hear te exclamations from 'grateful Canadians> - April 9th, at 8 o'clock, in the town Uhl, hib:mai declared. Usat'tise motion tu ad-1 )et."Wel,-Otaro isgoo enug4 or eý,1 Whtb3journ was lost, sud that tise couene-1 ~s.<'el1-Otaro s godenogi fo mV'Yes, On- The lecture explains is a simple, interesting and tien proceed te name a candidate. 4 . Lario is good enougit for anyone, and without fear complete way ea1ywa iedsaejh~to Ts hl etn rk pm of successful contradicti-on. we as residents of On- avoid iL, and how Lo treat iL. Parents especially hundred meetings here sud tisere over P taio an ay w hae tse fnes fiest nd îoud kn~w o -thse hall, iseMlnd tise ftage settinga, on the flcnSy clî ae th iseiorld. estcuty n iud nw hto protect «themselves adtheir bise plattorma and even ezteasded tbu the uiet cimae in- te wrld Weare indeed a children. Every ' private individual-mà n., woman, tise hubsi acrosbise etreet. aordpOPleadshudb-ahpypeople. and -ciild-is in danger, and'should know how to PUSO H I. combathe it. fI is flot tOO much to say that titis lec- A u Dr. Kaisr. the astfewmonthis tise Live Stock ture has been theé means of savn ay ie. HÇo ue at lessgth, explating tbu urc o h fÃŽno çaieto giut ing t tse nmen uf Souths Ontarlotsat 'ail ~13rnch f th D~uîon eparmentof Aricutureansw'ers questions -e'vrybd saxost ~w ssw stdwali u. tias been in receîpt Of -nuhierous inqgliries as .tgI t is simplici-ty itself-a liid csanxiues ta n. T oir01oshw ate watfer play.Mkiag fwIhere ,ft might le possible purchase Angora or attend such a lecture .igS, -a ,ege WIUr'til'1te1b' ftitsa-il * â.y laa ak Milcb,. goats. <t would appe that in rmgny parti com n n o Q fre d r.Olsawa vno lé oe p it . ff ÃA s sdiat thse -lose c pse (Comtùmd -- V aa m sju .lw csmsveuf vit i û 0Tory 1e4tIr' <rom every polllssg sub-divisi o n btse j Tise fun. starited pout -flve minutes ftr Dr. J.' J. bro5 o raiu had -read bise n-ýew -conUstutiou. Tise coss tý0iuton uIted Abie Oshawa dele- gation, and 'tdey -wanteê ýto gset tistUghists 4 as lfut as-ýPossible aUd- get' downu -tabe important, husi- ' e s, but -.o iers--did, mÃ"t M is il t dat z aaf begais to kck ut different veand-ts eeiOf o!tise ofier pîoceedeïd. 'Wisn-tise name of Mark Susit, for- mer chairmais of tie- anks t Osiawa, was - meutloned as a vlce-preuideut ut thse canyon-bleu, tse Oshsawa delega- blun hoote&.ud isowled until Chair- mans- E. H.- PurdY, uf Port Perry, vas ored bu -witdraw Mr. Smitis' nume. A LONQ TIME. COMING. Tise trou-bleis n tise camp 'dabes back fourteen mouts. Previous-teobise hast ProvinmW alic- tion certain (onservatives realizd tiat Charles Calder, the bIses candi- date, vas neot stroug lenougis. Mr. Cader vas defeated, and athough tise Osisawa workers deciare -it was nuS tier Iut, stili 'Oshawa vas, aud is, blamed. for tise change iu Seuts Ontario. Mr. Cader til hed tie patrouage, and Mr. Calier decidsd tisai W. J.o Watson, of the Oshawa Vidicator, one etishe, bet kown ewpapermen' a - Outarlo, wutse mais for btse Po- lie magistracy.- And ie sà id so. H-eaded by Drb T.E. Kaiser, ast, president 01thUe couveation, a deputa;- tien submil-tited to Sir Ja-mes .Wisituey alist of seven otier names. The mat- oer keptbisang lire for a yar or so, anuintie meatnie confereasces u the party were -iteM-and pouVtions or- warded to Use Cabinet. -Sir Jantes Usteuod Su Mr. Caider sud 1Mr. Wab.- 'Tise sugent paty at Oshawa vere Ip agâlutan 5sd did ot kuow iow n0 move Imili a wesis or ten days ago ,t as decided te cali a covention, md 'nomist- a candidate in place « dr. Caider. Thse new Mau wouid tamen Lave Lie patronage o!tie ridiug and ilsore unexplainable way Would ho à e to put Watson osse o! iia zew ab. The meting-isme "isaternon jas Use resuit. Oshawa sent, a deegatiou of5. Weis Use credeisbiala committes lad aported, Major Dillon, of Oshawa, adl a letter from tise bava cleris ab-divisions and tiaS according to 11 cousttUtion could only ýbe repre- ted by 535 votera o Ue convoi- n. B. J. Ssanson, leader 01 tse uhawa buneit, was on his foot inaa winkling, and du a fighting speechs der à red Usat Oshsawa had eleven sui- ivisions for -parliajuetary represei- dispute bis statemets. Tie delog- tion backd hm up viSesbce nsvd tie adoption o! tie report of b. cre- deatials committee. Mayor WWiUat o! Witby, could nt s i5 Uai way sd e Uougisi itis Whitby delegation sd thers Mta u it il at ai rej au s cla du 3 3à -For peyar. additio.salLp;requl, 0*5 erYar'Tise o'sly-s*ipUlatié m.p. soid for every~ mile uf linebul er 55 watts (or ieýss)ý with no higi muat mot b. used,'te hscreasc -he 1bo 'aid for. For fturiler Iflformatkrn. applyý WHITBY BRANCH'- c-xMcQdnan ager. I ~ ~ ~ J & m é s a . i DC . J I . . .2L~ -4- They Actually Fly tise bicycles we repair. T because tise hght, yet si construction b as been 1a after and thse bail be. action perfect-ed until practically run themselv, 'GeL yoýr 1Bicycle and you needn't take an Sit on, you can give evei good iruu. Came and pi W. J, L 1 DUNDAS ST. isat qs strong soked earing nybody's dust. if -yen lnow oniy emougs bu m the most expert rider on inferior. viseel a ) ""' -hat ù. w esay. UKI &SON IM WUITR % JLu NAM ~ a 1AA ~YWVVVVP#~ EASY EASY ~eê~ 4 4 4 4 EBASY It is easy to make Marmalide whien you buy your bitte oranges at Lawlers'. WE LOAN A SLIeER with each-bpurchase"nd making becoM« a pleasant and profitable pastime.- Seville Orangés Grape Fruit Au- TLA WLER WHITBYr ONT. : 25c per dos. 18 olb&' - Phono 47. Prompt diivery Martin-Senounr-100 p.cent Pure an Martin-Senour zoo per cent pure ýpaint is composedý only of Leà &dg Zinc,- Linseed- Qil and Turpentine Dry.r, which are the best known indiensfrpit Covers -400 to 450'uet Per Gallon TwO0,COATS' W.' M.PRIN-ALE hib~ CORNER 1HARDlWAIW. coal." and dry. dtes. rone nny- f Smith. itity.- L. 14- - 4 - A: -I '-4- %e**44~ la 1 Phone 47. -PromPt 0, livot7 f. - . .