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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1913, p. 5

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rùent Rihgs Wedding Rings. lhes d ail -soc ~5c tip, loiup il laya- dye, auil ly gw*>as 2cgby ave nlaê* asd have lut lame- setc." lMer Cture of mie for t thm. 1 t', ot, quick. ý ou WIE HAVE SaOu Gr Speoa wU R Genuine Pearl -and Em. erald o r,Peari -and, Ruby. $6000 j Webave always a very., - large assortment of 10, 14 andi,î8k. Prices from 12.50"to -10.0 jrwcjler and Optician opposite Post Office Wiaby --Ontario, W. C.T.U. The -reguar monthly meeting, o! the W.C;.T.U. wil be held at the Meth- odist parbonage on W<xneday, April Oth, at 3.30 o'clock. Mrs. E. Ed- -mtnd Starr, Co. President, wtt! givo a talk on our work. 'Social hour at close ci meeting. Silver collection. THE SOT'S SERMON. Take it from me, there ain't no go lu inbooze. I've been agai'nst it long-enough tc ,Yukaow. .Y guys that stili have &trength enough to choose, Tak e water straight !-an' tet the reL eye go. I%~ib gam e of Iife's a hard one, aln't it, b ? - It's une'long t}ght from start to -itInah, née? 'you fighlt boose that méans a lot more woe, T4~ke i rom me. Boi e Rver boasts-It knccks ; it makes you Jose Y'er self-respect; it mak-es yer houghts, corne slow It gets your nerve; it zzuddles up ~,- yer views. Pl~I1 iè been against it long enough to know. !J The fun it hirings is mighty ikto blow,;qik -The woe it brings atn't neyer goin' Yoir guys that stili hav~e strengt~h enough to choose, * Tkewter-straight !-an' let the *the red eye- go. It's booze that put me in the place I bè, Talce it from ne! local Happenings 11evL W o ±eir, M.A., -ri,,- tom et 0O&aWa, will preach inAlil Saints' church next 2*Sunday, April 4, i 14HOCKEY TEAM RECFIVE PRESENT.' ITie neveu members of thé Wbl-tby Intormediate hockey toaz», With their trainer, Mrt. AI. Butier, have been madeý the recipionts of a very band- some'club bag, the gft cf lMr. F.N. Bunowner -of the Wbiitby rlink eThis was a very suitable recognfion w of the good work done by thete ai», Sand'no doubt they wlll appréciato it. fIt is understood that Mr. Burnit ls planning Borne oextensive improve- ments to -the rink before ano43ier hockey seaon cornes arodnd.- t at tend. 0 <> Y*~ 1 uSBdexSC? T- acres ,ot land on RaliroaW t.,0 tOi *11 Proceel -t6 4lutrfbute théesC- good iand sdioetoloa tatici. OLD PA-IRSONtate otth dqosaed auhoug. Ibn part- - For: further-Partlculars apply.té W. JG SOLD.oentitle tht, htiing rgr P Wslkbox 421, 'Wbtby, (or251 J W la n tberabav oiatebeaedd botua d ezzcu oitar1onage on Byrcai sitreol, now *Son'VUI h ahotbliiefrtesdm-- CTOSA. f copl4 y it 00.Dryd.n% bas OORpRD strs oramy epb aiorftohiypr ensaApi ,1~-.nt boom -purchtWed'by-'M]K. FrankJous, PH iElj aichosha n a.ulthon ALE i rc tet a d rs< iom p 1B iffOo t hl b e r.oefvedpartibe. -e>p f i. a es Bggio R ere F d y, A r l , ec e Execaior by o'oIoc» C. Wm a w', a cti, os- er io the Di]kintFellowshlpo. 0f Piay7 et.91 fas 'Ormntckirrivep e bt Bohieit.r *rs Troto, twnthSt.ekirz Centra mr aa ie21 Mac,193 Isceliau Adve s. J - __ ca, wheo h basbee fo so e tB.. - SEED BARLEy FOR SA E. "e"Sunrday, April 11, asoluthe COnU.uedayRattendzýg - - RE'Bilé rm-1 * - Srices thefunra o!Ms iserMis I ur--sae. Apply to oli. iep by the Deii past wh1 ori pea. o zdag a e.A SeMln..Pny.lu god ou sub ojec t0 . C~nido Crs. r. T o m andk Mss a mrie F. E. JO E S LIT .FO SA E * Evnln sujec"Com ez»~,, 'I'omp n t a im ew d-1Ay-s ast ra etoue on Cobor ne t.,7l o nd ii is a rnnc n Yo lIB e hAP T Ica, *helcoe ased. Son. -o e t e tS t n o n ai n, ' c e l tw.fo m e i t a e SudaYlsIt Slner ndfORly whAhve frit udaApril .1on Byro n sretuemvs famiyrm, tair fungRE ncEstoTe>found - 0 sce, baRln, lod , cn cod<Services insthe Taberntc e ueaci4ssseM s .r al. -Th amir i atrAînionds on SuateFR..bulin . A y tO b A le Or htby, sujc- 147 acresofChBase',Llne 1 sale orndrefut.maRie1. E. FR.SALE Morning service, ay lat -FrailousoY.Iclock.sun Eoveig seear; y o'lo . .sonar.P ssession a t ce ,phrcoecte. hsotftwjb - 20ares ne ar Ashburonf closeos Pr E G FR S hE S.'I S.kandeoranniza classes Wto h a t ofo r ockiaes. a1le t etn. As p.THEMe' TAB.C. leorga n- GE r e ICHRDyS 150Paebse n aro Stry PsessionFAM ORE ze, ndaetsAat 3 p. . o yonSre;esmvigbfiy oNom, bt. arf mace atoe fo»da- 100bae chuneand a numberotbeS. dialIy-Ing vI e ; ai l o enok et. Tede ccre0i5iceig p ares nwi shin obuyt coe s lacasielsewbere to meeot Ith on'I'bursday last of lMt. Geo. Ri1chý- orhavng ivsJ ame Smth Pot b. COUNCIL APPOINTIMENT CON- FIRMED. *The appointment b! Dr. C.P. Me- Giltivray, as Medical Offilceofu Healtb for thet. tovuo! Witby, bhm been cunflrrned by the Court, and hence may be said to b. settled. Dr. F. Warre n, Md.H.O. for sorno years, -claimed the appointment, aud applied te te Court in Toronto for a vrit quashingtbe by-iaw passed by - the Town Council of Whitby appolnting Dr. McGilivray as MIHLO., and for a declaration that ho (Dr. Warren ) vas the Officer of Healtit. Thte applic- tionh was heatd in Toronto un Mou- day by Jndge Liennox, who reserved deisien. On 'Wednesday morniug de- cision was given, dismisstng lte ap- plication, -and conflrming the ap- poinlment made by the Town Coun- cil. Cosîs te. applicant. "THE CRICKET ON THE- HEARTH2' LTite cast for te above play by lte Dickens Fetlowsblp lunlte mugie bal ion Frîday niglit o! bonI veek, April 111h, is a very strong One.-GoOd as Lwas lte une titat presented "O0ur Mut- ual -1riend" Ibis h s sil bettes,.lit. F.M. Bell-Smitb, lte veli knovu Ca- nadilan artisl, ànd the Pregident et lte Dickens Feti' owsip, vioteaites a leadiug part, is certainiy a very gift- led acter. The Feiîewship lu net oniy te largest on itis continent, but in jthe veld, lit. E.S. Willlamson, an- other membets. o! the cempany, le I vlt knpwu fer bis piaîform vont ln glvtng Dicktens recitale aIl over Cana- -da as welI as te United States, sud is uften called thte "Silver-toagued Oator." lters are Capt. Larklag, Lan Englitaitgenitleman, andi 50As lit. Watson, lira. Stafford, eue o!fte act- esses, lu te daugbhtr o! the late Dr. Wltbrow. Miss- Waltet, as "<Tlly, Sievboy," is a very chevet comeduan. Miss Coleman as "IMm. Filiding" and Miss Ada Bacit, as "Miay Fielding," and Miss Bengough, a menl "Whitby. gir-,"1 is alreadyr favorably knowu as an: accomphished - player. Il ptom4Âses to be a most enjoyable Dickens* even- ing, and sitould bring, lu a pot et mon- ey for te Free Public Libtary. Be sure. yen go and have a goed nigbt's entertainment -with thIese accomplisit- ed drarnatie interpreters o! Dickens citaracters- Plant o! hall open at J.E. Wilis' drug sjore at 10 a.m. on Mont- day. Persona] -Menti-on. rds or aiewwnor famm property, Rd- ards, ln bis 74121 year. Mrt. Richard dress F. E. JONES, Wlitby. bail been il] for more than a year, but had been coufine& to Ms bed fom but ----- a week witb pneumonia. The late Mr. Richards was bora lu Seed -Barley. Devonshire, England, and came t0 Canada flfty-fve yrears ago. Ho first____ oettled lu the Township of Darling- ton, wbere ho engaged in te pursuit Have a large quantlty -of O.A.C. of farrning. ' He came westward 28 'No. «21, pronounced by:Pkof. Grav- years ago, s elding fojr years ln lty, bond o! the Experimetat.- De- Whitby Townsbip thonrcmoving bu Parîmont Ontario Agriculturel Col- Plkkering, veee bas resided Paver lege, to ha the mont productive and sinoce. He marled Miss Elizabeth -hast baiiley for the Ontario farmert t Grills, by whom ho had three daugh. grow. The seed bas been teste&! and tors and one son, aIl out wbor sur- 96 per cent. gerrnlnabed. Free fmom vive. The son, W.G., lves ln De- noxlous wecds ; grovu- on one o!f te troit ; the daughters are Mrs. Wood- cleanest tarms lu Ontario. Price 70c. rUf"Powell, Pickering -lits. Ira TruliliDer bishel at thé 'b«rf 'l a few Darlington; lirs. S. G. Plckell, lDar- bubhets of timotby seed at $1.75 pet lington. lits. Richards survives ber bushel, and clover seed at $8 pet bus- busband. bel. JOHN J. LYNDE. The funeral vas held on Saturday, in-terment being made at Ebenezer, ln Darlington. .- THE LATE MISS GALE. The death occurred i-n Detroit on Saturday, Match 29, of Laura Gale, daughter o! Mrs. Thos. King, fermer- ly of Port Whitby, lu ber 26th yeam. Hem emains vote brought te Whtby on Tuesday, April int, and te funer- ai tock place from te Junction sta- tion lu St. Johtns Bay church, where service was heîd. Rev. E.A. Mcim- tyre, conducted the service. AUTO PASSES OXER CHILD AND Mouday eveniug an accident oc- cumed lu froitt of te Reformer office viticitseemed almosi, mimaculeus that il vas net attendcd wilh fatal me- nuits. As Dr. Rundie, of Oshawa,was ceming South on Simcoe Stmeet frein King street ln bis auto, àI the npeed o! about four or five miles an heur ho noticed two cbildren playiug on lte street in front of Be'aton's gro- cery store, and blew ' his humn. The power was cul *off and tite machine was coastlxtg. Thete cidren paid no te gel out o!fte vay and hie' was on lte point o! turntiig te go around them, wheu une 11111e feilow about 5 years cld, undetakiug to get out o! tbe way became confused and rai rigitt ia front o!fte machine. Thte Dr. trew on the ememgency braite, but te machine îkldded on lte greasy pavement andi bit lte boy, knockiug hlm down. Forlunalely, the ehilti happened , bu be about mîfdvay be- tween lte front wheels viten hit sud lte- vitole machine cleared i hm vitit- out toucbiug btm futlier. Those vbo witaessed lte accident and vere pcv- ertess te avert lb, as il happened s0 unexpectediy, nlod witb bated breath as lte bôy vas taken f rom under the machine, as il came te a standstilh, expecllng te, see lte lad's mangleti body picketi up, but beyond being frigblened lie vas net much hurt. Radi lits clotiting got caugitt in any part of lte machine, or itad a viteel passed over hlm, he would undoubtediy bave been killed or maimedI for 111e, and lte parents or guardiaus et the chiid woutd ho witolly te blame, -for allov- ing hMn.te play-'iu lie street subject t lte- danger qf being run ôver. For lte driver e!fte auto vas in no vay -oua ies itiriig and evezUng. Mr. Elton Bays, o! Toronto, vas s warulug te parents te keep titeir witit h-m parents over, Sunda.y-. bilidren off bbe sbeet.-Ositawa Re- -Mr. W. L. Elvidge vas in Beiwood, Mis& iLillian Thompsen sud Mr. former. Ont Maffey, of Toronto, spent E'aster On., lant veek, atlencing lte fuserai viit Mm. -and Mme. W.E. Thompscu. o! té laIe John Guliey, vito died on Mr. Durner NeIli and tiend of To- DISTRICT- DOINGS. Marh 2. M. Glie va Ui faherroute,- vote wiIh the orerts parents TItI Orefllia Packeb announces te o! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hr MsEvievtoig1 libteover bbe veek ,end. 'deabh of an ol land bigitly tespecteti heallt, vas unable to 'undertake tbe Mm am ltsBrt-Sepr4 t'rèdcee! rii. bouneyle elvcd.Mm.Guihley vasToronto, spcn-I Suuday viiitI su'ad IJe Oiiia valet Is toe omebemeti fer 7years o! age. Lagrippe vas tbte Ms eiSehr.lreue cause o! deabt. -tr.LySehr.ailroue Miss Tins- Ravin and -thé Misse The -Omilhia papers alte sdvemising a' Robcrtson"'rttutned, bu their ehooT -by-lav o!fte bowu te taise $30 0ooô Reserve Fmlday, April il, f-t bite dubies in 'k'erutc on Mipday. by debentures to psyfo mn9tl ',,Cricket un lte Hearti," played by Miss Heleusi Batcl4y,, of Sb. *lhdasusidewaika.--- the Dickens Felhowahip Ce. oetly-CoeoTrtopetStdywb avto epet t en.O0 au, rornto - ' - I - Psurn 1 ,, pet Sos osât Êaet IO vaiir ii.aurm FOR SALE. 1 Chathamn Incubator, 100, eM good condition, cheap. Can eggs. Rhode Island Red or Legborn. Apply te B. Baker, streot south. T'WO FOR SALE OR ONE -TO Pair of somidotacbed hbneu on stret Just ortb tot Diond on rooms eaob vith chone, n tys, eue flnisiod witth ar Town water la bot', atone ble, -etc. Appy to W. Newpeo Leo ave, Torono, Ont REAL ESTATE If you bave a faim or Othorprporty in or uuar the towns of, Whîtby r 0m niaY find It tu lie greatly to your avana Il witb nie. Moderaté conirnusaloeh I completion of sale. I will inluwht days each week affer the. flrst ot Ap1 15e. Address, II. O. W. STEVENSON7so Pishor Bt..~ Toronto. The LEasy Laxative» la Justice to yourself you should try Rexail Ordonnies, - yo money- back il you don't 11ke them. They are a candy- ce twtlion that really do give easy relief trous constipation. Good beaithi l largeiy dependent upon tho boires"Witen they become suggieh the waste material that lu bbrewn off by the system accumu- lates. This condition generates poisons which circulate titroughout the body, tending to create coated t= e, bad breatit, headache, duit ban action, nervousnesa, biliousness sud other aunoyances. 1Avid harsb cathartica and physims Tbey give but temporary relief. Tboy otten aggravate te reai trouble. They are particuiuriy bad for chil- dron, delicate or Z7 prsn Corne lu tablet form, taste Just like candz and are noted for their easy,. soetitng action upon theboc. Tbey don't purge, gripe' cause paumea, loosenee, flot the iflconven- lences attendant upon the use of purgatives. Tieir action ise pleas.- tnt tbat the taking of Rexali Order- U lisat becomes a deofre infitead 0f a duty. Chidren like Rexin» Orderlies. CAUTION: Please bear lu mmid that Rexali Orderlies are net muid by &Ui gists. You eau bîîy Rexail Orderlies only aI lite Rexali Stores.j You eau boy Rexaîl Orderlies ini thiB cLommunity onu a, t aur store:r Au H. ALLIN- WhtyThe :e2 Store Or.taric There ia a RexaDt Store in nearly every town und city in the United Statu, C, nada M Great uritain. Thone is a difoerent Rýexail Remedy for nearly every ordinauy hi-mn in-.i euoh eopreiaily designed for the particular Mi for which it is recornmendod._ The. Rexali Stores arc Amerlca's Oreatest Drug Stores rnons as weil as for thte muaI robus ~hey act toward relieving constipa tion, and abote overcome it@ caus and te make unuecessary iefro quent use of laxatves. Tbhey mrve to tone and strenglten the nerve and muscles of the bowelsaqage so- diate organs or glands. Makce Us Prove It We guarantee te refund every penny paid us for Rexsil Orderiies if they tio nuL give entire satisfaction. We ask -no promises sad we ini no wvay obligatgâ you. Your more word is sufficient for us te promptly and cheerfully refund te money. Doesn't that prove tiat Rexali Orderlies must be righttî You must know we would not dare make sucit a promise unless we were positively certain tht Rexali Orderies wil do ail me cdaim for thorn. There is ne moey risk attaced te a trial of Rexati Orderlies, and iu justice te yoursef, you hould nul iesitate te test them. Rexali Orderlies corne iu conven- ent vest-pocket size tUn boxes. 12 EATON'S Ma&y be tlecd, Sc Nobby Si THE MISSES POWEi 30 Are 9 t yles at North,-South, Eustwe bydefective or irregular action of die organs of dige-ti* a elimidnation. Headaches, lazy feelinsdepresiouo-fspr are first consequences,and then worse sickness follÃ"wsîif fi trouble la flot reznoved-. But*'thougànds hae di"cvee that, (The agaiSl f u aiin *0th.worM) arm the rabst reliable corrective, andth ie boit preventive of these com- -mon alIments.. Botter digestion, -more restfulsleep, grete tree, brlgherspifits, érrci ein.aéivnotoeWoueOCIn aly, this Uime-bestet borne remedy. . Beecham's Pilla wili no doubt help you-I .t ubuyo interent to'brythem-tor ail over, the wolid, th.y 1--' ~uppiy White lyo I 1 LET. pant. Lwood. for l'als ,rgd on rsoveral ER.BLOW, Agentt, WHITBY' eroceries_ and meats Nov that the holiday season has passed and we have -consumtd al the'*ttrh.r geesp, are iook for ýward hopefuliy for a pleasant and prosperous New Tnt That men and women may be prepared to perform the duties and tailca that Mi to the lot of ail, they require healthful, appetizing, stimulating foods in po - variety. Whenr the digestion, is perfect there is a cheerfuiness and bouyancy e spirit that iglitens labor and makes for good comradeship. In fresh meats we have sirlion steak for breakfast; choice roas4s of beef fèr dinner and elegant sausà,ge toIts for-supper. Next day we serve *hoice y..gý toast pork, then veal, lamb, spare ribs, tenderloin, etc., as taste may dictai. î-.1 n cereals we have the finest of fresh goods at close prices and in u all.i M'au pure Indigo ýDye. 1 luyour ineasure 'in 7 d W. CIean,1pe at CloseoP On. Door So'uth of'Ioa T Mauitobao, SaskatcheaMegT i=VHOgEsEEer SSDTTLEI ~ m d R t u r a - A a n d heff e c :I Rturn l 30 IICaL IlI voua".LuMpI§@CA» Un m APUjý na suim Cofortable bertbs, fnuy rh ApuIl, september and October, and a !pm O;0P.= .during lxay, J, J ety 4-M L - Tirougit TMIamaTorte to .wufnp. madW Fun paricuuuufrom any CEI.Aen rwit LG To enable us to snpply ont customers aitit fleur and feed sat have bought by the car load. Yarmers can get bran and short1 geatly reduced prices. We are selliug a high grade patent by eh. tom ai fleur for $s.6o pet cwt. pure Manimaba W. B. -PRINGLE & 00. loir pries. ir STATIO NARYZ~ we endeavor flot to be, and that we can succeed can tic demonstrated by an inspection of Ourýe-, stock of * Ail the newest things in Papers, Pen's and Inks,- ] Books and Magaziines, Rubbers and everything else that goes to make the most complet. stock of stationery in town. e Je -W. .Richlardson -' Leading Book8eIIer and 8tationer BROCK ST. -WlTlàY EPOTSand SHOFS. A fulll une'of ail kinds - o footwear for Men' Women anChireawy o ad A-e ea u soied Prices- the' lowest ".,. gods. M ~ & thier-covered stand, and ~i miss G (1h-a goQ-d jý pIonanut st h..9àýý - WHITHY' 'ONTARIO' Stree, .to'show

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