-~There je'o othr -season when th' tlW ils 0 much in need of Purif iing and «enrivhing, a*pd,-exveq~pf cf these pilli hebsO"Ohflke new," 'rioh, red boo.- féels weak and txdD - usina' Pink Pilla griâ - h ' tho 6pring' the lsZ}ýttmihï velop 'the' sppett,'t 'i mach suad' ea u n - in in- the ao>in i tâ-poisons in the b1dod. ftnd a outiet iii diafiguriiiË pir6ples, erJ'tions .nd la.j1-Dr. * Wilias' pit F l yti of the troubleinteho~'l the' spring anaemia, rheumiatism, an sd many other troubleis are mont pèisitent beeausê 'cf poor, - weik, bioodi and itià at this tn'a' when aHl nature teltes 'ou- nèw li t 1 at f -the ble6d 'moit i eriouSIly xieèdà a. - tention. ýScmé peopile dose thoe-' asîvs wili ptrgaivesà t ts sa- 4'so , t hèse only fü.fher -weaken theueles. A. purgative merely gallops thre h Ve Sstem empty- ing ti. beweli>'-ut iV does, not cure anything. On the ether band Dr. WÎiliam's' Pink Pilla actually niake tew' blood, which reaà ches- every *nerve andr organ in Vth. body, bring- ing,.new stitength, new health and vige 'r te weak, easily tired mon, we- men and cliludren. Try Dr. Wil- liama' Pink Pilla' tus spring-they willnet disappoint you. Sold by - al inedicîne dealers or sent 'bY mail at 50 cents a box or six bexes for $2.50 -by Tii. Dr. Wil- lim'Mdcine Co., flrcckviilo,- Ont.- _,liiRadium De8troy tho World I '- -Mr- Frederick Snoddy,FR., lect-urins in Edznburgii on "R1adio- ACtivity,ý'- aaid that a cruat o1 rad- - UM ' twenty-five miles deep woui b. able' te 6upply aliltiei eat lest 'by the. .artii Vo ou-aid. space. Un- les there was n<> radium a.t albe- low this depth-whioii seemod ani improbable vîew-the interior cf the. globe mu.st b. getting stéadily * hoter. Sucli a staite cf things inight' go on for a very long period, possibiy a hundred million years, without t-h. inh"bitants of the sur- face sufferintt incenve-nience. But, sooner -or laVer, a world se hoatin.g up wit-h-in iuint burst and reverti te that primary condition of incan- descnce-in whic-h it is usually sup- * posed Vollave lad its enigin. CHILbREN EiN THE HOME_ '-Wiien therç -are clilhdren in the hoeme it- requires constant atten- tion bo keep tihem f ree from the niany childhood ailments which corene o quickly-some of them proving fatal whIle others lea1ve the little1'one cross, restiese and * wek. - Tokee littIe ones well Ba.by's Owx &Tblets must be kept * in the Luusè These Tabletis regu- L-- late ýbe :stornach and bowels, break up colis and fevers-; expel worms and make teethixxg easy..ý The Tab lets are seld by rnedicine deal- ers 6i by mail,- at 25 cents a box fArom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., Brockville, Ont. - "Let me se-il you this encyclo- paedia. " "No. No use te me. My son la coming home -from college pretty soon, and' ho'll know every- thing that's in it." TO CURE A COLD IN OfNE DÀy lTake LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tableta. Vrugglats refalnd moner it flu.ta cure. h.W. GROVE'd signature in ou oaoh bojL Some people Sue for divorce now- adays on causes that wouldn't even .tart a good spat in an old-faehioned fatnily. EOZEN1AON FACE Yerq Bad Case, Little Blisters Broke and Formied Scabs. Tbought Would' Be Disfigured for Life. '.Used Cuticura' Soap and -Oint- mnent aMonth, -Completely Cured. M oap and Ointmnengi certalnly cured my littUe lof a very bad case of eczema. Sbe ha4 =erena on ber facefraI Ms w aru. F'infr ai-1,1 whit l ilieru covered lier face, thEén these would breaek ad farin acbanisd they were very It.chy and bîtrn- ig.1uâed tohavo great r , trouble In gettîng ber te jdeep ab nlght. Sule scratched @ô 1Ibad ta do afi 1could to prevent ber, forsometimed she would sçrateh -the ac4b. off and thon It would be vèry sors sud burring. Shewà aiicertainly agreat cars It tr.ated herfor It and aise uaed dlfferent brilda of blood medicine, and ointnxent bub gob no cure.1 thought she wouid ho disfig.. ured for 11Ne. 1Ili bad iaaled about two yauwhen oana 4&d a* aawanadvertiaoinent-for Out4cura goap and ,O(utteurs Ointmant lal, the pape? ao dSedeltoglve thom atrial. 1Ihad nob Usod ýthon fSr more than a-manthl when abs was epmpleteljr cured. 1 cannoti praise Cuticura $oap and Outiours Olinent onough. 0f coure I continue to nue Outil- -dura 904P n!sà d Sl t the. bout aop 'BTSthe Mareket fS "hidren." (Signet) Mmre.John l'iewman, Dec. 30, 1011. Oulicur Soup and Outicura Olutunent are "Iitby d Ioglta and deulera everywhere. l'O? lb ioea frsimple of euch, wlth 82-p. -book. Bond pont eerd ta Potter D)rug &£ Ohein r -. OGp. DOQDu0tQn, U.0. À, ot *og'hmn. Th ýV napoIlygy, oo0upled with iýhe ezplfflnoth&t the orders of'&upériora had to b. à Y One a sx- . a~su Gý the. tp< Mount Revard wheu »h. notieed ehadowîng h a eeiwa-S an oc- ixirtunity -to IpI.ytii. aeutha aa -trick., -Tfié'.king ontëèrè4«.. litt: - wie, '~.ahppi, ce4hi 1:s : stick and gl0ýon Qe of-à open 'Window, îsat don at a-tabIe juait but cf sight of.thî «wi*ndow, and 1 - -d , asrf be4r.in- e, ewe bk'doorpulled'cbuti -if hia pocet a cap -te take the place'of the* liat he hadleft behind, ch-iibedà fence, and got.away un 0uticed. The, w atih éra" oo dis'overed their niistake an~d began ae once a eearc:h for ti. trail. They' found the king ýtbree- hours later ttrlkig Vo some woodchoppers on the higli cost of living. - .The tragic death of King George his brought cut' anothýr reminis- coe cof this -demnore.tic rnona.rch ëntered ini a piotograph,-- whieh shows the king climbi«ng over the seats bif arailroad passenger car in au endeavor to catch a canary bird fluttering against the roof. On the express f rom Paris Vo Frankfort an old lady oras travel- ling in cosnpany-witku her pet van- ary; the. door of the. cage elipped open, and the. bird escaped.- The' king, travelling.inoogito, was in the- noît compartment. Heariug the. clavir * of thie od lady, h., came in and, afÊer a. long chase, isuoceed- ed in capturing the fugitive bird and restoring it te its delight-ed owner. Meantime some one teck a snapshot of hi6e majesty. Fiers in Czar's§ Wardrobe. On furs alone th.~ Czar spends at leas $5OOOa. eaand somnetimes more. Ever y e r Hia ,Imperial Majesty purchase~ two fur coats that cost him 25(0 rireas each, and evcery three years, or &oelie pur- chases a couple of coats that- cost liim double that figure. In addition te -these coats the Czar buys a. uum- ber of fur cap>s and gk>ve's. The value of the furs in 'the Czar's wardrobe ie generally estimated as being f rom-$l0,000 to $15,000. llow Ilued Warms Plants. Lt appe&rs that plants, 1ke ani- mais, axre warmed by food, and a. German botanist lias fouiid that even tropical plants are made more resistant te cold by introducing nutrients into tii. plant oells. Vani- ous substances have different de- greos cf effect. Tii. ugars give, greatest resistance te celd, witli glycerine next in protective action, andi after them corne the alociiole and ace.one. Ob The :il Oh 1161 aiyPrimn o4td;5 ne faIilnz r lsfor Croup ad0 «Couâh. One Way. "So younclaim to be a'iiterary man, eh?"' "Yes, sir; I wrote that book: 'A Dozen Ways te Make a Living.'" "And yet yen are begging"' "Yes, air; that's, oe of the ways. " 1 S.-Btdiii yen even sce Vhs' prîsoner a1 this ebar?1" W.-"Yes, air; and took a glass' with hlm once or twice." S.-"Then'iiow long have you knewn-Vtile- minu1" W..t-"Frrn-.2 -feet up-to- 5 test 10 luches." S. (plaulantly)--"«Stan~id &wn!" W. (cheer!lly)-"Cani't 1 1 vau only stand upt-or aitclown !" cully ktt -bht; a fâq--, After twepniyemes ,, te 1>rothera l t4eastier iiturmned t.e in9gl.d u4yiio eà :a hgo - Mtèr î aip~au~ tho Mrdn tat.,be ~ee t iiveà n. thé ht fil'1~ !inbtone.s prvedsatjsf actory and they 'bdu h~-~èetato.- Th' broter an ister have dled, but-Robert, -nthe.cevecf -us, lO2nd -s istill atrc Ong. H-eis *a non- sinokea and aimeet a teet4>taler, but hikes a,,pin;chicf anufF . Up Vo the .&ge"cf 97 -he played billiards with sces kill, but failing aight maie hlm give up the, game. Are You Droopy, Tired, Woru Qut I Here la Good Adyfee to AU -Who Feel as If Their Vigor andi Life Riad AiU Oozed Away. ;this,fleijhb-ôyhéod.- fft e xu î 8i7Vrbab1es #6uke'by Siney i w, .~tt 'OlShewski là 'oné '! heeI" 'aýâ cirilû l _ee leBasya,, 1? lii heiV i~V n d'was ai.: lieda 'harhhï 'ry-feln; iib -wete heavy-and'IlidaYrPgn sensatiô n acrosa hlen. - " , on sûltéd a d obua diii -noV 'appeax Vo im prove; I de- cided>tdtry Dod.ds Kîdiiey Pulls. I usmd six boxes, - nd'-now 1 am al Dedd's Sidney Pilla always stand Vhe-test. Aek your. neighbers. WAR- TillE-TABLES. _German Rallways Are Al*ayp ln .Readineas. At ail turnes, even.when there la no- talk cf war lu Vhe air, Viere la locked up lxx évery German station- mater'a deak a set of war ime- tablefi- separate time-table - for every Co untry wit-h whioh- a -war is possible, including' France, Britain aud Russla, while " even Austria- Hungary a nioVexempt. Wiienevr ,wa.r is declaiped every stationmiaster iplekseu t tii, particular tà nie-table required, and at<>once ail the train-s run automaticafly - on "wa. ime, aud foi' war purposes. Eacle tiie-_ table la -revisecve a yvar, li cr- ier .te fit it with any, alteration that may bave been'nmari in the plana of carnpaign. Eaeh maie liable te serve li the resorve is in posses- sion at a11 tknies cf a warrant for travel, 'andi when war breaks eut dees net require te wait on instruc- tiens, but muast report himseof at once te hie ipprticuiar territorial de- pot, or at leset by 10 o'clock in the morniug following the deviaratien of war. Othiw'is, » liehable Vo a heavy peînalty. Ail carniages are mark-ed with the number cf soidiers tiiey cen carry, trucks with tiie size and weight cof cannon that cait be loaded on them, and the nuniber of horses that van bo talcen on ach v8hicle. O f course ail the railways belong te the Staté, and hIls simplifies niatters; 'but lin tilie of war every- thing gives way before the, army. If Breathl-ng is Difficuit If Nostrils are Plugged, You ilave Caîarrh TE Ut tiins à HE[N. A 1HIIA~ GOES TErni Aie Guaranteed Why tako chances lnx buying a pair otgioves when yau can get a positive guarantes backed by Canada'& largesi glove faotory in the 9.-DqK. Plo ShelGioves madoý framn speclaliy tanned harse- bide. Guaranteed wet proof, winct proof. steam and heat proof. Send for Illustrations. HUDS01N9DAY KNITTNG CO. &n&bExpert lovea*NâdUt&kM. "No.wmy man," aidthe-Mag- ist.rate at a Police Court to an od; oDffender, an- rihman, 'wa' bsogtyou h'reé gaÀ-'-" V' W policemen,-' ye r Honor,". wàs the- re-- ply. "'Driukiii;1suppose?'" inquir- ed the Magiitrate. ."Yes, sorr," answered Pat, 'both mv'them." '-Fiveé dayso r twfO dolla rs.;" 6ïder-' ed the Mag'strate. "Thank ye kindly, yer Honor," added Pat; "if it's ail the same to you, l'Il taire the two dollars." ' Try Murins Eyo Remey Vo ~ o~mainh Fine-AÂct QuÎily £ ln. eaçh lPackage, >IVRINE loiCM. *, d 'dý> tPraeuree for many yeas ew sgdeOcWAre tîhePublic and sold by C ,rug tt.s 25 c40e ;ert)ottils. urine Calo Su,',s lueýi spl ue,2,5ç sîýMurine E»e Remedy Co..-Chicago P>atience Gives Ouit. Scene-A Police Court. Solici- tor-"Do you know the prisouer Well?"V- Witness-1 'Nover knew him iiiy I consider bhiÈî A1DS LINIMENT the. BEST Liniment in tuse.i I gat rny foot badly jammed lately. I bathet lu well viti M INARD'8 LINIMENT. and it was as wel ae ever uext day. Tor eytrul , -j -"Befone marniage I used te ait up until midnight -wlashing ho weuld -go, home." "Yes?" "Yes, and msince' we are married 1i ait up- until miii- night wishing that h. wcould orne home." PILhE URED IN 3 TO 14 DAYS. . our dr Ttwguitll refund maney tf PAZO ' OINTMENT tirfalle ta cure auy case ef ltch. iug. Binut, Bleedlug or Protrutiu Pilies lu t ta 14 dayes. S6c.- Puzzles -of Seience. -Everyocie, kuows that hs diamond ie ouly oharceal crystallized-; but tiior. are q, great many othor things ln Nature that, though poisaessing widely diff eront pnopenties are ccm- posed o! exaetly equal quan-tities of Vhs aine elemeuts. Tii. white of an -ogg and nattle&nak, poison are formed .of ldeuticahly Vhs saine ameuntis ci iie &amie elempents. ThQ c-il cf roses and oerme-n coai gis arch fonmed alike, both being e onrpoked of tour atema of hydrogen and fo'ur aoms of varboiq, Sugar ami, gan ralare lukewïse bnoth- ers -et t4e saine weigiit anff extuire. Mike-Why do hm tales syca b. mIace ef glads, now'1- Pat.--.Shure, an' iiowes could tiiey sethrc T AV OT ERli'-014 19 - UN1>nZn 00oD l . arme la tiff erent-eectid$no of, Oitanre OffMr -118. Il Fou- ,wanaFkr3ôass nie. H. W. DWO. tb-t- -- l'ain; 2 acres orchant:- bulihsfuiir. Prire Four ITheusand. Tii. ýWeater-n .koa1 Estaëte Excamge, London, n1t F xed: lun * .'muet 9- eiiternis saur. Perrv Love. w gdn ak. --. MALÉE NUL?'WANTED."'- daily -lu Tarante ipapers alune. Can ,teaob vou lu stx tô elght wéekR» Send-tfer ilata. iogue. Maler Clee -21Q cEaitt- .To' riTAMPS AND-CUWN&. S eeut Foreign etampa. :Co(talogizo6 Album. onl.v Sevén Centa. Marks' Starne Cn,,n.Toronto. - C TUMOHu8, LUMPS. ETO. SinternaI end externat. caret vltb.w eut dalil b, "isîr bns re et rt ve before ito late. Drn-RelliaW Iedicai G der Stonem. Ritey troubl&. OraveL Lumbago and khtîdred ailuxenti -paetlvell eured - with. tbpneu, German Remetp "'Uanol.' prie.*550-'Anatber neu -irrné for Dtiabeteu-Mellitue. ant -sure -,cure, le tu:rt" C, ompany otCau"da. LiUmIiol This Condition Can b. Quiokly Cured by a Gond Cieansins Medicine. t-aur experience le probabiy somewbat similar.ta that dosoribed by Ur- J. T. Fleming iu Vhs foýlowIhg lotter freni his bomerne u enoayi 'Iulk I met hv tW. mogJt *siuggl.b sort oet a livor. 'Iu thi morning =ymy nluthwaubitter.* and that foui.- malt ,tfeùÇng thaï telle you, *N'o bre'aifà t - needed bore tht, morulng! A cup ot ooffee wolt sort ot -braoe me up, buà t in twa heuris I vas dieposedtot quit work ail energy haying oaeed ont of me. Supper wais.my only good meal. but 1 gises. I tidn't digest~ very well. for I dreamt ta bealtihe band. A trient cf mine put me wlse.te Dr. Hamiltan'u Pilles.'I think tliey muet eave tahen boit of my liver, penbaps =y stomach. toa. bbecanse at thé very start they made thingu go rtght. Laok et me nov-not sleepy In tho daytlme, but hustling for the mighty dollar ant gettlng fun ont of liII every minute. That's wbat Dr. Hamilton's Pilla bave doue for me-tbey have rebuilt eut rejuvenated my entire systein." Te keep free frein beadaches. ta feel young and brigbt, to enjoy your meals. ta eleep .ound eud look yonr bout, no- thing eu heip liko Dý. Hamultan'a Pillu. Moe. per box. five foi 81.00 et &i1 truggiutus and u3torekeepero or postpald from The Catarniiozôns e O.. Buffalo, N. Y.,. sud Kingston, Canada. SPINSTERS WED COXVICTS. Siamleso KRing Unhellever In "Un- - apprepriatei Blmsing."1 Kinga of Siam apparontly do nôe't - boieve lin tii. wi-A.dem of allowi'ug isingle women Vo drift unattaehed about the. counetry. Inx certain dia- tricts atter a girl he.s reached au age where bier securing for hersoîf a huobandis e oneudered doubtful, &ho beconues a "daughter cf Vhs king." That le, th,& king takes upon him- self the task of asettling her suitably ixx lite. Hie prove.is quite simple and te Vhe point: Ho i)roeeeds Vo the Siamos penitentlary and looks ove-r tii. various prisoners. There le a law inx Siamn that any prisoner van obtain bis réleese by xnarrying one of hs clase of girls, and, ne- turally enough, anyr prisoner whexn the king picks eut'le not liksly Vo be baekwand about cônsenting te ths ceremo'uy. Nor cees it ruake any differenob if leie l xarried, for the men of that country are net re- stnicted te crie wife. As far as van b. learned, there ia ne allowance made for the inculpna- tien et the girl in' question. Sh. has f ail.d"'in ber mission in hfe, -as fà ,r as herseît le voncernied, and -ah. m iuat'abide by the -declaion oftheii king- Employer__(te his clerk)-"'Is it true that when the dlock strikes six yen put clown your pen and go, even if you are in the. middle of a word?". Clerk--'-Certainly not, sir. When it gets so near Vo six as that 1 neyer begin the word at .IIL . 4 PARUS FOR SALE., tH- W. DAWSON, Ninety-Colbarnij tre4? Teronto. - 00)STOCK FARM 0P 6K0 AURRI 'iireî Hanrses; lreBen!k- BarD. Mgut et soit quirk.Pr.I.vsyl . EEt -DESiR.ABLE ,,- PAù-R IX- Manitoba.AAberta eut R&Aatc'bewam that can be bougbt. ,Wortb .th. mloney fo nuick sale. At Laut a Rsmody That Already Kas Par- Manentiy Cured Thousude. Porbaps pon haveu't beard af the. new remedy-it*s 50 pleaent ta use--filiu the nose. thront eut lungs 'with a healing baisamia vapor 11k. the. air of the pine isoode. 1'.n eally a wouderful remety-ý utilizes tint marveoua auttueptiaonly fount ln the, qlue Oumn reetfAustralla.* The nume oethIis grand seoeiflo lu Catarniiozone, eut yen ra't fBut its equa.l on earth for cSoigiis. colts, caterri or thrent trouble. Yau se. lt's ne louger neresCary ta tmug Che stomneei-tiiat speilu tigeetion-just uirnpiy inhale Cthe balesmia essences of Ceterniozane, wblci_ are se nlch ln healing tiiat tisp drive eut every trace of Cetarnh lu no ime. 'I look upon Catarrhomone sthe. moot valueble médIcal tluoovery of recent yeers," vîites IL. V. Patter. of Prince Albert. "~A@ a long sufferer tram nasal sud Ciroat ratarrh I was oblget te Cake censîderabiWedeiue. and, altiionghIt1 helpét merny -digestion Wva aapudis- tulbet suddCthe catarnh idîtt go away. With Catarrhoeonelit W-as 'différent. 15 eleanet rny noue andt hratuf &Hailegmý end tiacharge., enablet nie tobreathe freely. reileved -à A tuDfy ,feeling -iu MY nos*e-and <nont theà iab-. Today 1 arn entir.ly Ires f'rom catarrnh. Axit I use rnp Catarrhozone - lâhaler a littie 'every "day in orter te préveutt he dîsease tram vo. turning." WIth Catarniiosone experimentlug ente. A permanent curative actien begîns. Last- iug relief frein Catarri resuitu. The large size ooot5 $1.00, last twe moulu eund lu guaranteed. SinUei aie .;,empie sie ?ic. Ail storekeepers sut druggists. or The Catarniiozone Ca., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. Notiiing pleases some foike mors than t e, t hs firet ta pediile a piece et unsavony gessip. Mînada Liniment Cures lihhris. 011h the Other FoQt. John, how mucli money have w. in tii. baAk 7"- "W.e? I have a few hundred dol- lars, Mania. - - Why Il y "Nothlu-g,- only I just geV & let- Îer Vo-day frein the.lawyez wlio settled up -my-father's estate. There l' more pncporty Viian anybody an'- ticipated; a god demli more.". "That'.s fine! How muvii de we geV eut ci f V,à Maria?" -1 "Wé 1 I geV a te,' thouaand dol- , lana, John. Why V, *iarss LalontCues seetla com-a 2k4-m bond -Vo foot in, a few-nomenttj. "I amn, .d tore<>rd Muy iéof', thsevlda * ihe ho e tÉèt V ,Poiies luii'a .r'wojkietsand Canuubas Dylng Ont,- Tii. people &f thé. Siis (ti.0 CAnnibal Islands) are ra'î'idly de- ol Q'if, iieiè,â oile -li thel iuianu, delaree tÉthder,~ ld po)pülatioh le due t6e h ftc>that tribal aar <j*n natives ne o gi .ileeani6Vher.' This war-fare used to keep the, na-' ives "fit" sud energetie. N they' have become- lazy :dinet, and - th-&. race is fast deteroaig aud -seeme likely te cdi eout in oou-re of -ime. if Ba& Water Causes -Diarriioca Use Some ýcrvIIine'I-, Promp.t Reliefta sInitantly -Assured, anti Thousanti a Us.Nervi- lins on This Aceount.- A Travolle "s£,perience R.iatsd. The. experlence *etrlMr. Norman. P..-Hon.' drtckaS là ,net an unusual eue. Wnitlng- 'i Irom, Prince Abert bie says: "Mr, busieý-f- noua@ rails me tram ge place ta another,- anud à p I ~frequently up agaliju thé uà .' ba water pi'ebiem of- tb. Oi&dien '"North.; Weot. Ini D0 many places, the' vater, dt-e agrees wlth me, sud I usedt talb. kexit - vory lsellabie on that acoonat. Ân oit' aettler toit me eue day that notblng Saý 80 n8effut ta newcomers as Norvilute, and he explaînedtot me bew valuabie Ji provet to hlm under ilmilar cîrvun- - etance, twenty.ffl vsyea.re ago. Y n woi3Ù berdly -believo how hiappy aut comfot. table rny tripe are silice I learnot eti 'Nerviline. I loak upen 'Nervillno' as my trusty frient, and give It a place el hou- or lu my haut bag. Inx tact, I wouidt tbink of buing wltiiout it lu a eontry like- this. lu cures any litti, stema7nh- troubl, or digeotive disturbances and re- lieves a cramp ln ten seconds. Te cure Neuraîgia, Enreche, Tootiieche, or pain lu Your muscles like Bheumatlsrn,3rou sixnply cau't bosS Ner-s'liue." To cure littie ilii beforo they grow big sud te relleve the. aches and pains of the wbole tamly get !'ervilin tOdaY. Pain- 117 site. 6k.; triai' size. 26e-; et ail store- keepers and truggistu. or The Catarrb. ozone Ca.. Buiffalo, N. Y. GRUESOME JUBILEE. Franee's Offiiai -Ileadanin têe,-.e Ainique jubilee will be ce.le- brated in Paris this year. No such ju'bilee has ever beeri celebrated be- fore. Lt is that of M. Anatoe Deib- ler, thec headeiman cf France. Ho'w the, cuttiug off cf heads could be as- sociated with the word juibilee or rejpicing is difficulti to se. Nover- thel-ess, M. Deibler, or Monsieur de Paris, as ho is popularly called, and hua friends will e.esay the. t, k. M. ýDeiblej' began the cruel caîl- ing of cuttireg off heads a quarter cf a century ago, when ho was a young man of twenty-five. Thus ho haa had twenty-five years of actK'e ser- vice. Ho is a nat-ive of the flourish- ing town cf Rennes, the ancient capital of Brittany, where he was born fifty years ago. The exact date cf M. Dei'bler's birth was No- vember 29th, 1863, se that the jubi- 1ev festivities. in his honor-will be- gin on that date of this year. The position is a State appoint- ment, carrying.with it a salary, an appropriation 'te keep Vhe guillotine in order, aind a pension.> M. Deib- 1er is paid twel-vc ehundrod dollars a year. He recvesv& iii ddiion one thoueand si"x hundred dollmrs year- ly- for the upkeep of Vthe guit e.- Upon retiring"'i%ê -getà -a peninc two.thi-rds of bis salary. .'s aides, of whom theTr, are seversal receive similar pensions in proportion Vo thèir -salaries. And -shoul14 thé heademan or any cf hie assistants leave a widow or chldren, they are att aken care cf by tiie Sta.te. Compensation. Tomxy-"Don't you' hate house- cleaning 1" Frecky-' 'Naw. When ma cleans' lieuse she doesn't clean me."y inords Linimenti turas Colds. Ea Robbie 1 y e"No." "-Thên van I see your sster? "Net lin. She expevted yqu, tee." GIN, PILLS DRIVE AWAY Mn. Thçmme ptephsaognt of lachute Mifls, P. Q., wnîited "Ic 41wu troubleti for niany years wlth iCdxxe Disense, aud a friend toit me to take GIN IP1144S1Af 1Aer taking a fe,' boxes I1ivfa greatly rel ieved, eut after finisbiug the tweitth box tic pain coin- pleteiy leftiue. My wtt. is naw nsing GIN PILLS and finids that abc bas been greatly relieved of the pain over her Kidneys. I soc. à 7box, 64f0r $2-50-BSanple fTee if yen wrtet National Drug mnd Chemicai Co.,ot Canada, oisnited, Torouto. 133 y Co~ Limi ,i t i i,,iijtio n a l S to i a fE#iaUy.rGoocllor Oôws mu lmeaitrwsem kov tger aeiut. ymdketivug&ambe rwGy a epiiMdIsAe@> laie ustbe umbuotiud ef stock gMn eliasud vs lia gir. ?u @ e .a oepye(eer 48.M00 Sk BSk-Fias.-Millel Intruaieoi Sç4Food; Poulury Foot, s"a Velrieai 'iIOAX SO~K 00»CO., LIN 5$ gsi. -aUPERSTI*TIoJ TOR TREAT1 Introlduetion of W1est - Destined 1te -The. intro'duêtion i -welstern knowledg e vork a coxnplete rêve, cal -an- surgical Flewery Kifigddmý gone, is what le ure" or- prieking i moeof treating dise eckng' long nendiefle gokdimito -the body- the aufferer- and the Out, as housewives sJ their cakes witii a bi see if they are dons. ~ eliable autiiorities CÙases in- whici thîs bas brougjet about cu ; > thepPatient was scar, cured, ax4 clded t ther than be stuck-ý le d.eclared- that-thie tors.à ire able -actuall the heart and other 'wtÇter nees wi >1 death, and that-the pr cause -any consudezab SuesiinLoou A large amouft e *Î and superstition le Chines. medicinle. - Chinese remedies afe of Value, but in most' 'employed witiiout mi te their actual mediciI examnple, ginseng Is. but Vhs roots that ar prized and that arý_sx meet efficacieis are VIi 'Pen te gr-ow wîth Vwo roots soas te nesembIlo t he hum'ân fo-rr. Ther 40gs is supp-osc.d-te b. sumptives, and. evèn i -traveUçer ofren sees Cases stil for sale.' C beulexjed Vo le -a very the peels have suclia, in-fact, that oranges Some Odd ieu The Mongolian -Pl - feeling oespulse. tii pçchap& botii together decide that a hlittle di per je thé proper -,m used. On thi. other -Celestial 'of Vhs nativ poses, by Vhe actioný that the diseasei cond some otiier.zfotrin cf V - ii:nese drug store possýesses almoat elven the sun as a prèecript Oftentimes Vhs debil' le. said Vo need a part aud unusual moslicine, ample, smme _prejiaratiî cf- the, pulverized dry tiger; treatment is c-9)n commoiiplace when the -sician prescrubes cinly ary things as dried--le semis, dried flýwers, trees, etc. -'-f s -i 14 -r j j - I. - An"Unpopular '.I asked iiim iiow les ge ridî5 aud 4ie told me,'but 1I-Shian1'ttoe,- fil advîce'>" 'ýWhy noV?" "I den't like hie methods." 'Dishonest?"J -2 "Net at a.1l. Ho said h. simply saved his money instead-cf spend- ing iii for everything h. thougli-t ho wanted.' Mginards lAieiCue lsep Danger. - ' The Vie. ee ot dangerous enteqr- - prises in Vhs 'worhd: Firet-To intenfere betweeu hua- band and wife. 4 §eecond-To recommend a decter, - - lr<i-To't.ll Vhs truth. je the, dircctýand-inevatuIè'müIut ofr è, irregular or vo3nsUt d baweis and 9loggdý-up kidneys -nd..sin The und*gs-eC féiod and ott er *ate mat- ter whic i a o cr.2dto'-accu lte systern. D.o~ aRoPl nct directly,-on thfe boôweliuiulating thei--on 'tl4e-kidà tyo -giving theni eassa iý' trefgtl 6 lto r.lyfter the biood -d anthe ski'an, oennaup the pores.-For pure bloodavdgod. health take India..00oo Pille The Chines. doct6e niany ideas peculiarhN ;Where is much mà ystery isiveness in hic mannero, According Vo Mongoli the Chinaien bel-leve 1 inheart je moreilikel î6nflanied at noon duning ,season than-at any -othe: -wise they' regard ti.he he suggesting-the conditiox d'eys, while- the -moutiiï -dicate the cond!tion o~ ad Vhs temaeh. Doctor John" -Ci evolved -a wonderf'ul s3' nosis that depenison 2 ies cof pulse, but entirel these ths-ne ate 27 other miner varietis tint P death.- One fundamei Whiy. the Chinaman cof t Iv telignoraùn ukuýow- mian anatomy is be-ca ancient cii-etom cf ths- -neither te (iIssect nor .t. mausçles and internai oïr -ni-n b d.Ti.hé asi luctance t<) investigate- boylel- ii.theances- ihciexiste. Tii. Chinese revers t suci an extent that -whei -of'a Chinaman occurs 1 ton three years. At the. tîmel the 'body le dîîg boues pliiced 'in a vase. for aIL future Virne. One way te cave mouî -whenstou &ses a friendc iGiea Qul~c - That'La 9t.l ARCHIVESC ¶ sitBYucCEst5FU LrPLANTERS. FOR 60 YEARL' WRITE FOR CATALOGUE J~ A. 1IME R s, IIE TORONTO '- 0, NT. - Maypole Soap strakancl-absýot t 24 coloma will «v sh dade. C ta lOc. b"ack15C. at Id "How. Dys" from.107. F. L BENEDIOT Q C0. Moniroal Ir 1-1 1 i