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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 May 1913, p. 7

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S~CT -FR0xM WUI4 w. uunx, I-1Vfëeg which heéuÉO cf t hevun 8iadyeost 4g*.>exeàv6 the veînmnt fb ceni- _4e ~bebttêr forti. 1sle- erghtm ePtOf 8uc rihtacannot. nwb:on Stili Cornes Pretïy lè, Grleyst n~. uecn bndb<noi 1e"-- <eat Britain.- ,TIIIi*iMrkf I4 - publiahe4 simulta*neoiuly.with 'one ACTheadIgF ur.Ditin hwsiof I,ê jùgt 1I ph . - of -an"inquiry into the, diet o tb n't e m m cad ig. i de.c dt i ýn sh workers cf GIaggow, an<Ia Onmte'ar- c t Tem0.vèiMrg. 1auli. inr, itoti:aTherOrnted, mrtiaid o hedea Briaj. aY-aeail-.O- Of- the.two gives oee furiousiy llnitd -States Congress, Oscar 4 n n -a.r.hiwa t tSdly-gr<>wjng r 0 etik h- -Glasgow Underwcodchaîrmnan cf the Wffya 'vre. ~OTpl bu te jt ttâeý, ~:natôii b?ws that tâenitet skiful an adMans Cmnittee,.adý uiuroThehéqatr - h oe' on <t i s t is ut ou dng 'ager-canÏnot feed afa mpily oc e f the tarif b h j , cf c u se he Saa1 à <l p Jtj0r Un on>'arth b at is he m i nf un i -i ' M I orn sunder $5 a eè ; a cc did-ne w ul s df lot bcu id th " à >n y i teresting urv y cf e Y c '<oinýo ü g & re E Vhen ÎÊ ' thepeaker -ànd'e ÃŽited a tem it ua ti cii by G eorge, B Wî cn e :b. fe w hen m ost h u e i es a e rid es' h d t us ai d 'U'ter Wl.Iig n I fr "â klfl 'Ãœ h od s:l!oor leader lwould sti e j < <ýîunitc~ed " a-trclwcme t Whc ti Ji80 p ingot -i far.<m si1f1an teaverage in rea w iic peW e î so o i t ,"u t ,0 f r l y, m n f w ic r e n re - h o sts . c o m m a n d c f th e ,mcr t c l w a lk b e ta i i h e d n ô w ~ ', er o G eat B ritain ' r e p f m r h n ~ 5 per W eek m iln , c ndid, a be- di t ridow ntfwL 4Uh o f è l e o a r e i h pe d e r y $ 0 a y a n l ç h j sr ç fL s-4 ,ngele . a&t nifht. um'r,,Ilthetîndsnealy$goa earoiialçho. izever in conciliation, and- compro- ?The United St?àtes Senaeisto bei e±tr'a t&xatiOn ývhio-hWthey incurred mise_______ . the costautin irei<leii t *uuldei Llocyd-Georgsfarncua bud- AAES 7GIE NfOT., aktic.. ide fraage det ~-ge4ýanri4a hu ge -Éum b sidéswrites CE INO.TS.. P. Beiins on e . ~ o ~ d o r e s o n e n . o l d P e p l e l u A w e b y l c a s ' *.- e 0 . HN . Y P . s u f r aiBe li l )*Qodig_ýoilon, the sum _inE o ot h sel'cni XÃ"Lintoxidcants in the unied- ron. Râde. :. invite W-Or k suefPankhust tei lic6 n- Ts pend the gummer with -ber in, her Khepdmnin audW5re$ae0of $6,19,-T, epincg - 1ùkio ,have beenW -l no- Fanl 'rprsetiga eceae f$821,- igthrctgh a. hot-tUie during tii. villa, at Deauvillec h rnl 46elâs oSmpar.d with 19 1,. snd that reoeht rnota, hbrought~ abo-ut by a,- flotvftht4ndinÈ then, abounding Parltamentary crIsis. Several-letGeerl Thsterlvs-in battie wit~h the mcb, .Mneer asoee h a might-be thought, onîy az wave .con- which flred the stations, and razeio pee b grhaeen 1 Vo- e eicicring that, iii ithe'prp3ceding two -thexu t<>the -ground. 4peation fo areen oa.pr year-ut ih, nRggrs çrnk is w ~Ordinarily, the gu,>rdian ci f-the- Gwh1«aicn fraFecain na, ith 1 p87 4 Ù e gr, g o i n g b ac k f o e a c e i t h e la n d c f e a r th q u a k e e'h e ae1l a e f i h t f r o i B i r it z , 17,emnstrat6 clearly thattein- hbaraÏher ýa 9gM .tie. He - Franbso tÎýe, Ko-hm, olnd -is-tz peranice really is on th, inçrease in' dressed inbak rm ecit ettnce, t o-fnaly a thousand, ales Thesea lacsand somietimea armeci wîtlx-a -waftawn a p ne&Éofa *10,090; mles - oaji'ppears, the. consinp- like a short, billiard-cue, wothcugho $-000, tiened petý. dc tii population, usually he carnies a more fermid-WL VSt T - meeat trns f'gallons in-ne- a.ble weapon, wichi lie handies with.JH FD _-~ tberandl pinta ini regard '.te consi<knable dexteiity. ILtis ,anPiceAbt edlkWI1Go- aln. pirits, 5.44 pint; wine, the end f the rod is P iae ribrtg and a Fhli-, 0 tso ilis-aa follos: ee- 2.6 oardaburifflng and at Salrnon sng rato~ ~ > u x 1 p , hig b en ou g h b eavy lagh , T h is k n tted las ii is- sp t h fr - i S . o-in . N d , :btiý89tle fgures wr:calculated toreentier and Oscar W..tnewod aa Pic'ùbr-ndeik Beei, galions 32.40; spinits, pinta .conmand ýrespect fer the law and nerwo. secod snP' iKnAl eoret- ~ih;wine, pinte, 3.28, anti in 1874, 'ta re.presetati-e n ti ns hrfn alaapeie ush 'ahtsn-city onJue2,ord- ih ieer, 33.84; spirite, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~10; wine, pne n e oserve how rapidly an u Iin- d rne à wàY& l ny c ii gs î g t e p t h r- h nta .2. uly cncowýd will meit &W&Y on-ti.he ' >ilingt givenpa otgéIn talty eceitoi by Gve. rnor T7ii. ae4~ge ezpenditure per appnoi>h cf the Japanese plc-it tc bolvu aterin crn Wlte Dvo. 1Tii. Prin wl0 Id fo iur~ a2 a.*75,man, witbI bis lah iready fon.acticn. mitte u.c n n oat i.wrhpCm zii e~-fmuy -f~v, 8 -u0 s The, man-with tue noti bas it ai-l- benlanti for two wee.k, Pidig ompre wih 18 erheaia.d, moat alI bhs own way, andi offendens GVNLS H.NET A.tue welst wosat o-fithejilani ag Inh 9 erfxuh ni91 hmb le ýcides toe arrest generally A4_C_______heWet___to_ o sind The compiler cf, this astonishing follaw bini ike 1hamba. TMias ~ontreaî udrrIiib oeil IEA OAT sigtwsthet Great Bitain's indignity- offereti te & pohieemaiï,f ink billcf iearhy$8808,000,000 is tii, slightest opposition -to hie de- Fed. PIEA hAT ed as lange ~gain, a,5 the. receipts mantis, is vsuinmanily and S hil epthfeii~ote aa uleIcieao a eto, t fBritish rai ays, andi a quarter punisheti;-lafact, it is7lesaskeey otlnes Tasc om.Bernrialgeys: Pu-Lies $7,OOo. s aig ai~ ste a n a au ii a ctiz en than o fend one f murdere r of, Louis Strole, b-sLuc-S fe ONi o at a f all private - wllings inGneatBri- these men. -csflrvlfrti in iAg.-iewibsatt o nn.nn in iimles the sunis that-,the H. has one wealrneas le is- týolina Regîa ndrae t a fircauseh at.o rdayatro-,a nited King om sentison is ar y pre e to yiel to ~rgum nt wien bs ow accrd li witrbe eti frh- iastoyed hToCbalPT ublnPublctgi id avyseei isigifuant thse ackd y a aufficient qusntity cof ibhy. Bernardi bas taken practi. Incinerator. Tiie Iozas tn Atim eing reapectively, for the land the curirent coin of the. realmn. If a cally nothing sinc hiaaaret- ntu eihenod f 700thm ,re, -$138,245,000. anti for thte bunglar, when caughltwill- only ed on Apnil 22, and wlien h. aP- There wasn nuae.Ti uli .ivy, $440,o.consent te o (. "shanes," lie may .pear.d in thie arraignment court on img ta 6,(00 feetuacede b te Wn When 1loyd-Georgeý put Vite rialy upon escaping before the. police Wetineaday morning . ollaps.ti andtihte local finetiepartment was h rews Çn-tii, mexubens cf the Bni- sbatiop4 is reached. Tradiers finti it froi weaknessq and afterwartis be- bhelplesa. t ah Beenrage by meana coLincreased ativisable to renember'this wesak- came uncongcious. The case Was cal. b ~tiolr, thier. was Ioud squealing ness; if tbey ferget it, it is net at a-djounned te give Brnardi a1iat.o ed motfl'cnldt -that yhe al] unlikely that Fwobent will finti a cbance to elat. ABOLI81 PLURAL VOTINO. tr< ,ewers wereticone tot the work- burgiar on bis o-wn account, anti - ' Pt> ra ss, but Wlaou's report shows the mereh&nt's memenY' is réfresheti RIFLED THE CS EIS8.B-ts omosGv Bhas.thi îat the men.&t malt have madte by tue unpleasant tiiseove-ry that he. eend RR e ill.e.na ýpsùnex, bear -their-atideti burdens, bas lest tiiree or four times tiie Montral Cook Loced Hie Cern. Ateptbfoi oto ss d bnuleted, ira1m'cf a, pretty penny anount cf tii. tip required by the pnon n Aefiertr. T es, cýfCommond onTgars - lu, acitiont- Tey have tone this policeman. Pnosia ergat. Th1,ueofCm n nTur the thesipee PeinofcagnA eathro otelsy- day night paseedtheii second real- mni simpleor expedient cfys Wlsogn AdsahfoMntra ay:ing cf tue Plural VotinBiwibb "rnfo ter. aily Wilsn: IVageà and Pnices. Iniung two coip anions, a wait- eut tiivisiom A motion te rejeet àitn M & MD u 3 1,n g 9tii . f < n ial e ry ,e n S o iacg i atetin ' t s e r n as mt P il p P h lip so n , a n ti a w aa d e fa te t b y 3 14 to 2 2 7 . T h is i a c a ei 31 the' oeee y 100 o il g t to - s -i ha e P u h o a ,Rega L 'xon, to en- a bill te aboL-êi h plural voting at rels-on which beer tiutý, was paliti evay tbey .work the help in this ter a refnigeraton at a St. Cathar- elections in the British Igies. h. e Jubrewer-s produceti 1,006- bulk store? Fifteen heurs a day, ant ime Street restaurant, whene he was intreduceti in thie Houa. by the. ýrrels,, but- immeciately the, war wages almoat nothing 1 was enployed as chef, C. Thanasa- Governnint on April 8, when it Cei x cf one shilling pefr barrel was Companion-Why do you trac!. kuà, it is alegeti, locked tbem in,pastisfrsneingyavoec posti n 10(1tii grvit wa hee? ifiedtheii cash register, anti de- 303 te, 107. Kq>-d, and- in that financial year Social Agitator--Ob, tbey sel campeti. Phuiipson andtihei Luxon . ~ .. 1,00stndrdbarrels repre- tngse ucebpr.woman were nearhy suffocateti, anti BIITISR MINISTER. COMING T teti,023 bulk barrels, andthe. were badly frozen before tii. former Ha Lowing year- 1,035 bulk barrels, Net M.î.h. forceti a way eut by nemoving ÃŽhe Int.m~Vsta i.Dmno u thç [ 1by -the year 1908-9 the ratio- hati ice blocks covering a tap doon o enssiigte Samm bThi ue en'fro n 1,000 te, 1,046. Iri te I b. r Brown's been promoteci a lane. T e p lie re now oo in pro o Yin ear wben the brewers'agin-for Thanasakus. Adsptlfon odnsasTu ~~4tya.neuningte bou "Y~*"Siyr Jobn Sinon, So-icitr-Gneral, ahli eç pence a barnel, was inpsei That'a splendid. H.liemust bmote COUJNTRY 18 PROSPERlOUS. intentis, visiting Canada titis Sun- peri àr&avity was %again ineiteyqi.an important menuber'of tn.-me. mJon son1o ii-bi i grt i anifLuo h vaors c lA ies atci~r m' uaw sa at ni eesis ere TAlifv~. ~ ti hu htthat yn rn liî NAPiER - .kA In] -.-----. -r - reovn. Brunfi,,.L [UN O'CAR des at a 8arfa YTIJML--paenger ~yinder i mported car ELL.M.OlftOIkCAR Wj4ç IIITEdi zne ume ofv amlý -. 4ý"%Pvu 'romm ee - LAULVIoîv~~ ,nj ble' I «itr bôok. I- j, eatimateti -that cf tonnage Caùaia: ehsippi-ng- laat142i490 men anti boy e: eupo. year fhoioéciu subbtantial in rease, on hps regigt.red iii Canada dur-- '~~Piie ~ o tea.ibr tii- egistér J ing 1912. Canada lis now the ninth ho-oies waa 8,380, n.asurnlg 83Mj278 -poiition in 'the ahipping oet ail 0eoiin- tons, !an incneaae cf1292 v*eea anti trié, Greart Bitain anti- hem céolo- 65,832 tons, oupanedti It j191. -nies %_6ing first witb 12,-580,8tes Tho numibes cif teamera wae 3j6çj eý jsççxiwti3,3,4,m witàh a groas- tonnage eft641,>28-,eliteç»" S tate t3,0wih4,1,- Aaaunina t4 a.vera eV&-lue t . 9. -ttà hr it',1 $30 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~87 pe oti ee4.nt l n 'w~miping- laeti year, Ontanr- -registereti tonnage cof Canad, t the fo led with iii 70 Iona, Bitisi Col1- end cof 1912 waé $25,M 'Mae.i. nbaa ocdwih1,7,Nv nusrthebr cf new veaseis bil nbiota tluir4 wîth l53 , nQu negisteýretidurng*the year ,Wa.-420 .fOur'ah.wib é74 rckis un tie opnae 34886 andth te. vulue bered, fra6ýýntini nitia $1 5 9 8 0 )u ing t iie v eair- 241 osses .- . - A despateh fro-iuxToôronto "sy age of 21.Te any u-tSan. persen -orI Neanly ninety -barsw"nt o-ut 4cf e-msn.l supectedtj tebe n business witii tii-e laut daycf pnil 'san.-- To n* eal ybar or ne4 any- roeniatjacent t a ie - e t h ~ a s t h e r ti t i e é 1 o t o u e e Ia y s e t a p a r t i fo r dt ir n k i n g -or in, nesponse 'te petutina etO uneas -fine net 1 9th: oOo -License Commuais uerî ore tiia 15.-orn,,.slhn Legisis&tien cane ut ïfc u.iqo ea4oiinu'--I3n - Queen,%la'nd, Austraixa JanV- montb sîaýinssliall ho finet 10nupîo l a c n n e ti o w î h t i. î q u r t a f d f r o n e m en th . - s a l e -h o u r s a r e > fic, whicliamong other penaltîcë*cn between- 6 .m.-anih r1.-1 tains. thi. folhowng Sllgutx as~u nSluntays,Godir rcatipg dninka,te an-i'ntoxicateti, per,-.day, Christmas Dai,,. arion7penihruîsî à'on on habituai drunkaurd.Selliniýeday.ý,in. eitiien the -Stateu.( -ý #A Ahnerson cpp2re-'tly iirnder ,the o. alt e-, -ns T*fË PEIWECT SHOE FOR SUMMER SPORTS- ASK ,YOUR PEME».. ~s.' ups tlî e - -oa-- At the. conciualoa cf'hie' pauatora'teai Sherbeura, Sltreet, a -VIA» .was-made for belrsg te. thé chair ,tte ngih.Bb. Neiw, alter ýtu er.griitIr,, e mon Jackson la, decnibed, a a moet love able man. The téaching, Which, ig micm mtragY. asaléd la that. concerniag the himiocal a'd aclentIifo alué cf thé do- meiton 'o'thé creation et thé we-rld iu thé fint chaxtere of Goneais and o! morne 1o! -thtother incidents cf the Old - l'éma. meat. There -h", almo l>één morne question ms' t bim te-aohint. coacéraiag the Falli. billty cf' Christ. Natnrally. him diseuie s'on o!--theme Pointu gavé offense -to. thOeé Who accépt thé litéral inspiration o!- the 'Holy *Seniptuarea. Hi. criesahavé flot lhé. maitated te deicnille' hlm as à "destroyer o! faitb, and hope." -, Ris friendis bitter. 15' néséat any mach comment. RH. ha. ehowii the capacity cf aroualug thé wanm. st loyalîy. both by Teason ef hm intel. lectual poWers and hm personal gualitle..j The, latest co-ntreveriy amoue fron ai r.éwsPaPen report O etofetha addrees. This, Dr.' Jackson maintains. wae abea- Iutely' unfain,,miîleading snd inacetaraté. Ris éneral attitude la thsLt itfi Oanly lu book form -that 'uueh discussionsasai le bai te offer ehouid hé given broadet te th. publie. This gives ample copportu. nitv te mahe ameaaiag cean sud-en. sures panumalndér cilrumstaces wliere réadana will not' get.faise impreasions .wger ,mIrM. The hante, ljou<n. NTWED, SERVE$ Y0tg trade, alwavi ber. Ouar lO- practIce aEL or eîomi tIi ýaIogUIe_ Moler rite [PR. ,P.ETO.. I. se '-ltb ilim an eit ,aled aü~d conditioni. R, CAR TORONTO kIg a -pair of a Mexican gi fve y>Uu paie (ram rive howes~ . . . . . .st -. . ... . . . . . . mai netiaa eamomg9faqr at------------ts Ifm qeothe xmtreceredfýêint-=sios botnds 'huim Davces Ceppany , Litëe a blids?Win 1853, IAns bouse in dia Bani hDominin wn ag ingf linussï cTrcao and .Nonlruj, and 75 seu largeai cusof -Toonto'anýd*M-on era 4 nd 7 fol 3Com a Ewieooa EsKànýs"sjSt. Cabainas. Brntfd, C r~ radvl1~Woj~j. Lnda,-St. Tho=",-d -10. pduti.Ma& The Cornpany la a*-velyd e iCndand lupedu o rafound b iwhOlesaý Sçucil cirularon renesG FRIES [AM RO[J3 I YLIE RY TRUCK( 30 H . - REPORTS PROM Tif!ELEADING TRADI O SL 0F ASOp ERSCA. I. FOR 6-GI u, M£r. 8id. Catlrnan of I4areer,ae Ont- needetiGinPiUs baly. ,He saya ll 12ey5s ud tlrine. tii p!iwo somethingàvifO, and no reat at ni ght ihçard ofyogxr Gin Pille anti sent zy t t a" nl es 4> -Jp - ch eratao ras up I tdmËa bidoce.arihe aioaFie aetiJt ated'an tfr'a al-a-huror r iai éf CateaN, C' Nho- n 01Z "RUSSitE is' nMLnLo heur'a ride thrdüah aheHome and Ad rea en, tTýa.w -S' ports; Nu. 2 at 96î:i - - - etldsrito oto. ICa s a 9c, Baypredi.. J CO "- "' ' 'i Lp ipcsse ir ams wt h eor c f-OtroWea-o h t n rd100hands oe Sto erial vehicle orae man 1'aani Bis-ames 'W ofhutae 75sToon0.ie.My6--l--6Oe- .ai. hie!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Ln rerao a enrdn bcce rihu aloa-ia aetl uoCstH P c ESPh ono 27 tfeng, dfay wheandiiewt l n g. a oi fine ai,*53 eondaten33t , ute idgi moai- 'bven acas tom snstitôak hl on *4.and tr3éon ak Tola oto.aWeste.60 FOesaed go fr.-saan èýjfâÏng rc a.nad a ts.e eafo No .and 91-for ~ P LL M TO A Idcotaldmribi cf ontert of-etal- No3 , Bay pot. 2wht Ne lPA ! LMT D susnésaa iit er. iîh th. pen e e Onani5o h1oato . adrd - l atan e' i nbi w et hin ter uhen théy wera shat. 96 ot '9e. outl aid e ud o uteod 00 .ramlO u St We t R N idithg' Péeaier. Sird JâewysInda:. N i s ais-O51tnl5caao 3tsi e3e, 40uteide. - !mwi l n nibîo doùhfnthatmoile Coi- n o . a orts.62-.al gréai convéniénce and comtes-t, but eomo jrail. and at 58e, cJ.lf Midlaad. RTS, hOME STUDY >1lkm have thein suspicion ilisi whén- ha Rye-Picea are nominal. ia trne and Oôppentuaity Sir James~ will ]Buek-héat-No. 2 at 52 te 53c. outido. EDUCATIOI,. Thé Arts courge entiaue ooeasionally te tahe a spin on Bran-Manitoba bran 19, lli baga., To.- -MEDICItIE., may ire taken by da old bicycle. . rente treigh.Sot,$1Trno.c When Toronto Was Capturad. - i.Shots *1. onatobut coretdas sr Tos-ento hai so litile lists-y et a ne. Country Produce. Iag ta graduate antie sort thai conmiderable site tien utte-Dai-y printi, choies, 25 -te 26e; Nh1ERIO meat attend one ben Daid te thé éventseto 100 4~r do.. tubs, 24 te 2?5c; intenio-. 20 te 21c; Ars umieLr ssin go inis month, whe, for a hont-n, creaméery, 30 ta 311-2o for- rollu and 8- .é town wam lu the possesioin of thé te 29e fr souid. I - Session Frclnit rt uléricans. Thé chiét incidents o! ti Eggs--case loti, 20o hère. and ai 16 te à .Y ýOVý lemonable action wére thé landing « 17é outoidei J_03! 2 ýt Ang 16 Ki -gnt-., ont. eo Aménican forcesmetai, point.jusi west Cheese-13 1-2 te 14o ton twins. and at fthé prese Exhibition Grounds, about 13 te 13 1-2e fer large.I ,bone the new Buuaide Station stands. Beane-Raad--pcked *2.40 te *2.50 per ae blowiug uP o! a powdér magasine ai bushél; prime,*2 te 12.25.in a jobbing le oldý tort, witli the conséquent dée way. Xuction of a' lange numbér of Âmes-.Hey--Extraeted, la- tins, 23.4 te 13e ni and the buralug et..niany public Dan lb. fon No.- 1, -wholesalo; eombm.,*2 S8NT uildinge, including the parlianient lieuse 50 te $3 pver dozéi ro Nor 1. sud *2.40 1 t that -day, which mtôod on thé Day ton No. 2. -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ont néar thé foot et, thé présent Panlia. Peultry-Wall.fated. cdean. drypiceéd eni mîréet. The Clanadiana were over- stock:r (hickenm.. 18 te 20o pan lb-; towl, Uilted 4tatem Markets.' :wenéd by numbrsm there -being smrne.15 te 16c, tunkeya, 20 te, 21c. Livé peul- [fig lika 5M British 'rgularsu" d ICa- ry, about 2e low r than tls aboy. Minneapolis. May 6.-What-May, 88 5-8e-, ,dian milita, whilé the Amrneican fore- Potatee-OodOntario soek, 60e per July, 913-8e; 'Séptenibs-, 921-8e. (Jlosint nnambéred about 2,400 strong. Thé bag, optaead Delawares ai 70o per cash-Ne. 1 bard. 915-Ée; No. i Northn, allness of *hese figures shows us liow bag- on track.- 901-8 te 911-Se; No. 2 Nýorihéra. 881.8 ta Lr ldeaq -r &warfara havée hangod lan- 89-&; No. 3 whéaî. 86 te 871-Se; No. à re aa é cntr torsy a thehénbthéProvillni. lyelIow corn, 553-4 te 56 1-2a, No. '3 white ws ateen conry. ieri aîîy hethése ias s 212te 33c; N. 2 ryé. 56 ici 68 1-2c.- -gazinas wérs blowa up by aocident on Bacon-Long clean, 15 1-4. te 15 1-2c eré jFlonr-r-icei unehanigad. Bs-au, *16.00 ',to- ,design of thé Canadians. Ia the -mec. lb.. l aeu.lots. Parkr--Short eut *26 ta *17.00. id explosion; Gobes-ai Pike. who was la *27-, do-, mess, *21.50 to $22. Hanis-Médimo -Duluth, May 6.-Linseed---<Jael*133- nniaad o! thé inva<ing foese, was to ligbt, 181-2 td 19e; boavy, 1561-2,te 17e; to 133 3-4. May, 81.33- July. *1.35 3-4; Sep- 2oag the nUmbén blown iap. roils. 16e; breakfast bacon. 9- oM;tme.$.8-2akd tb.ÏU- bacs;:23 e 2c.aakéd. Wliést-No. i1liard, 9 -QSe; -'No. Lard--Tierces, 14 14c; tuba, 14 1-2e; palle, 1 Nos-thén.915-8e;, No. 2 Nonthera. 891-. EXPLOSION OF DYNA31ITÈ. 143-4c. te 896-S; May. 901-8c; July, 921-e; sp..- tembér. -93e md. - - Balud Hay and Straw. unsîderable Damiage Doue, But Baled Hay-No. 1 at. *12.50-te *13, on - Live Stock Markets. - Ne Livea W .r, Lest. traek, Toro ate; No.' 2. $11 te *11.60. Étized M o r al M y 6-P me b é s, 7 t No Lives Were Lost. hay lecjuoted ai..$10. otelMa 6.Pi bee;7e % Baîed Straw--*8.50 te $9. on traek, To- 71-2; médium.. 51-4 te 7; common._4 te, A despatch (rom Timyninsays: rente. . A Àunbérern ilkrna stnipéfs on velve tons cf dynamite ator.d at -/ thé market wéné mold ai 41-2 te 51-2. Mont eai arke s.'Calve, 21-2 1te 61.2 Sh ép, hor , 51-2-t e Qpowtier bous. cf thie Curtis Mnra akt.I6; . yearlings, 6 1-2 te 7- iping lamnba.-$Sr rvyCopnyo teMeea Montréal, May 6.-Oats---Canadian wémt- Ite $7 each. Hogm, 101Xý -2>. irveyCompny o 'th MOnt ès-n No. 2_ 43c; Canadian western No. 3. Toronto, May 6.-CaLtI&-Cbie éxpori.! operty, a mile west of the town, 401-2c. Barley Maniteba tééd, 56o te 68e. I$6.50- to 87; cheicé butchéns, $6.40 te #6.. - w u wih aterifi teont~ 5lour-Manlteba îpring wbeat patentu, 8 0; good *médium. *6- te *6.25, comme:;, cw u wit -a erriie Jepor Onfiret.- *5.40; do.. seconds, *$4.90; atrong *5 te *6.25, eowa. $5.25 te *5.75;-.bulle, $5 25 ustay night, anti did consitien. bakeri. *4.70, wiatin patents., choice. *5.25; ' te $6-75; cannés-s, $2 ta $2.50; entters, *3.. e~~tih romaelliueoursgpr. $4 85 te $4.90. straight roi. 25 te *$3.75. (Jalvee-Good véal, *5 to - *7 le dmag to suroudin pro les, aga 10.20to*2.35. BolIéd cosbar- choies,-$.0î 9. coumon,,- 3. 25. rtics, as well as te buildings in res. $4.35; jo.. bage of 90 lIbo., .05. hnan, Stockés-a-sd Feeders--Steani, 700'-te oo - -O minus. No one was hurt, al-, t e2O Shorts, $21 te 1 Mddln, 1 poundu, t-4.50 $t 5.75: eniga*.0t «e2 t 25 o illie. $28 ta M a .No 36; extra c oce h f éê- edes- 900 )ugi niany narr-w escapes were -2, ver ton, ýcar lots, *13.50 te *14.00. CleaéiPOuntis; *5.5 le 6- Milkens - sud'Spning. ,ordeti. Pravtically evcry Win-. 'hira et ; lc e l j4 -2c; ed-oo.,oc a tes, $60 to 4 Sep _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,__ _2 7 o t e 2 7 1r e , a n d L a m b 4 -s - . L g ,h t éw e m * 1t $ _ 5 . - v y , w in tewn was breken. onda 26o 16l.M ~Egg, reéh.2le to 220. 15 te *$6; lamirs. 8. 25 te $10.; bueks, $&50t> Potates. per bag. cas- lots. 50 te 60c. $6. Hogs-9.70, ted and waterad; $9.35 te $9.40 t.o.b.. sud - *9.85 to M10off cars. yearsthei9118è; N o. , d., oi-e, o.3.WILE-GO TUROUGH CANÀDA. ALD ' Tesamuiunted to do.. S7 3-4c, No. 4, 54 1-4e; Ne 5. 791-Le; No. 14,026 po-untis, -or 200 carloatia of id. 75c; féed. 64e; No. i neJeeted. meeda, 5 e No 2 d o. ';No o g i, 8 1 2 ; E ngllsh Mem bers of P arhianient - No. 2. de..3-412ec; No. .3.do., 81-4c; No. 4. yen after tuis enonmous increase do.. 77'3-4e- No. 5. 721-Le;. No.'-6, 671-2e- - WiII i vlit AUsri. ~. A D " a s h d f n t e r ~ tu d, 57 ; o i m d W i te , 9S -S * odo ., 88 3 4 ; N o . 4.-d o .. 85 14 c. o ý ti - leq ' A tic ap a tc h f s-cm L o n io n , sa y s-: tac in the, first 14 we ks f-Vhs 2 .W., 34 3 .8oe No. 3, do., 32 1-2;. extra No * Thé Em piré al a e t r s oi ý-r o-f- a hittie over a quarter-cof a 1tée& i33 4'-No. 1feod, 323.4e - No. ealaeta~ soi do.. 30O3-40. ýeY o 3 49c; No. 4, 481-' 2e! Ation on Wedncsday. receiveti. a lion pountis,, equal to 21 ca r- réeeîee, 46. Flax-.-io.' i i.w.. 1.17.4 .' cahie invitatien fron the. Austa-- No. 2 -C.W.. *1.151.2; No. 3 do.. Ïl. * i07socaioÏo- 0 Eglm memens ofParliameat te viait there this sumnuer.-.Thié1-invitation« was accepteti. The membens who; S, - ia Canada. Thé -Party wihh iun- cal Optioh- an04 Some Other causes ContrýIbUted f chaide mnèmbers on- iieth sides of, the - th Resit flo>.. Tiivisit-is beîngrnadp, [GIoves- ring glevea t ory. Scild h.e Pinte'. rING Co. -- lIt Makero. eet oftenr hl -othos-. - -y 1- -t- 1 tu.

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