are Q6 a& a. seng1tire i 1*$Icon upos "10 -Wil b. te be, .ind -ý odu * i eopenëd - th Fjîrscno tà eyenuvhwo - are ignorant0 A <ouîg *ee, avetreisea dti h l Otf thee Question,- May hai Mentoinuît, hIq~~ie talklii e 'r, la n eeec aKlgamk a~Ç ~ le - à mre - t d chat .ao $_aaâne Ran i li r.- çà wa:Fll içD. eo b 4Qe marked ater 'e had leif lmbhld à "Au d on w bavî,Iaee t , arilnay nohe -lieul ltleraditS.;but WhataY cuir irlession'of th, - owarSew c! o m le î tbl M- ' ou b4ve meqa hip" çf W da'my fthei, .bcle oari01 eues, keeplng welli-dwn te -tiie Wter ladr, aInaad ( Yogs hà veaevoIc eod, w be ti. mnd ne sDr.d abotuetr livie to th~e tudy of tii. mysteriei fo(tIljld Tie m-addin. lbchIlined ai the Buiddhist fatth. .Be is, 1 take It the caset formed a contlnuoum-ride upan a. or ýwcrmipper of the God Our ieft, outting us .~îrl rm ail - 0 koeS dghe,the gcugae cf whlcb huma obsrvaionwhul onthe riitila the adept. This -maan e cma the broad . Channel--stretched away-with Iions bave net attained tLahe upas. bardly a mà ail-to -break it 'il.yuni- tien or they ceuld net ha-ve' croîeed tiie i1ormity., The Buidhlst prient and 1 were sca wIthouýoonîà înat-On lut la prob- absolutely e-oue witb Nature. -I oould ne1 able chat ther are al advanee-î cirelau belp rèflectn#g that iWhe were really thé. Whbhpe la tirne 4- taian toe-ie m -dangeleolus m ma-a'hat the- mati affected'l»reme honor Of adeptshîv." te -coasider hlm. or that inigit Se tini- **u father,- Interrupted' my uiteri ferred firom the wordse o General Beath- "thla doceii ot explalu why men ofi mci eretone, I1Iiad- plae.d myoefcomxiletely sanctJty and attain*zncà a houi'd eboam * in ielmp6wme-, et muni waa the majestic ta take up thlr 4?Ãaters Ount.î boiesr belgity 4ýô1the man's aspect,-and 'ýt of a -desolata-Scotch bay." !- unrufieda4 erenlir o f hlo-dtop dawk aye - %"Ah., thero' roii get. beyond me," mu t'bat coulci aford in hie - preene.te father answez-,d. - "E May agMet, how- let fia-r and suspicion bliqwas , q -_!yu It I ..? bsvnm -lightly as,the wlelch 'wnîla ther -wn, a gloflg ý tiièb"ilthe&eWp round ULim Bisface migbt be terxi, and. and are amaenabie t U-Iaw:-Of the à 1a- *evei-rê;;-ý-but i fit 54-b ôu R -'ave bôu.- era neyýer 4 nn.t.Ã1 -z&eI gY nceLrômo ,woro ee oi hie jet blaok beal. ih'-" 87î1UU Ar tweed -traveling suit utruxclçme than a-tb 1 . I f i; whîvh lenti,'Eà a'j ru 'pleru a oth g an w e ora ncnre u t -a'4u e t h e a ti. e o u èwn sn y of mu c l te -thel n my 4g arS wh i o ve mà y, t i qverIoba abt e , modem Dot ýdetrà çt rom, theii.dgait.y an' rce tI ;eb..ËY p@ liote pw of the wearer. The. place tg Whi 1 led me vas a wMmli fimhez ca bad been*de!wbltch. '"a-Ue bad beW~deartu..,..è .". theaý a vîndicttve lelasa cf nth"~--4e eas befare, by pe?Iaked. "la chers aay affeaee 3nr -ý - *l rto ailu aad bare, them.b-wîich a-nonly bIl paec the- *Inoad add rer inr. Ntthat I know of," my tath'êrau ThiIs dwelila 'vhich the. poarest Scotch 'wcred, ralsing hie white eyebrows la beggar wouljhae shiunk tram. was tiie surprse. - You appear te Se ha an ia- que wiici tisse miagular -men bad pre, quisitve h4umer tis aitemao-wint je lerred ta the. praierred bocplt-iity ai the ithé obJact oi ail these quetione? Bava lalvda bouse. A emali gardea, naw a aur Ea-Ltrn neigibars aroused réar cuir- maissof tantled brambles, stâad round lomty ci" suspicion h nanay wayP' Il, and tirongii tus my acqualutance I parr$.od the question as Sesi Iailgit, plcked hie way to tiie ruiusd door. Ha- for I was unwillilng ta let't h. old ma-n glanced Into:the. honnussud tien waved Ikaaw what- was mm d,Nogood Pr la baud for me ta tllow Su. ' c-e cauld' corne tram biîle No ur- -'«Youno bae a oporjxnty.. ie ieage and hehelhdemande«- reet "ld fur a mabdued, -veverentlal voice, "aof ratier tia-n auxiety; sud indeed with tise seeipg a spectacle-whis tew Europea-ne'et wil la thse world I éhonld have tound have had the. prîvilege oi beialdlng. -aIn-1 t difficuit ta exjlain to anotiier wîat wam sida ubate cottagera yu will fiud two Yogis Sa vary obscur& ta myseit. For every -men who are only oua remove tram thse reason I et at t iwss beau lia-tli. hiiiemi plane ai- adeptship. TJiey are ehonicib-Pt In tise dark. bahwrapped la an ecetatle tra-uce, other- Neyer lu al mY experionce have I knowa Wise I mhidld net venture ta aobtrude your a day Pa5so .0 lowy s did tisat avent- * resacs upan them. Their aestral bodleis fui liii af Ociober. Ia svery pasEubia have departed trini theni. ta Se present, mauner 1 endeavered ta whilie swsy the at tis e tn.t of la-mpa tu thé bloy lamie- tedions houri, and rat li, aeemed aseif tery aif Rudek hn Thibet. - Tread lightily, 1 tlnrkneesî would nover arrive. I tried ta leet Sy atimniatin g ticir corpareal tuuc-. read, 1 trîed te write, I paced about ths lions rau necali tiseni Sabre uheir devo- lawn, 1 wslked otah1e sud oethVe Jane, I lions are conipleted." put new-fiies on 1 hiaigho, eIS- Walking lawly aud au tibtce, I -picked1 gan ta index 'mY fatiier*' library-în à a 'my way through tise weed-grawu gerdea. desen waYe 1 endoavoed ta, relieva the and peered tlirougi tie apen doorway. susipense whicii WaEL Seoing iutoIera-SI.. Tlhere wa-m no urniture in tise dreary Iu- My sl.î.r, 1 could are, wonseuffering tram teriar, non auyîising ta caver tise unev,, ttis amit fcverish restîcsonsuss- Airain mlo aya a huter- af treai traw in a anad eaanaur good fs-lier remaueurated1 corner, Among tliîs mira-w two men were with us la hismimld way for aur erra-tic croucbing, tisa ane mmalii a-d wizecej. beisavior a-ad the continua- inlterr-uption -the ctiser iarge.boed and gaunt, et o hie -work wiich ar<me tram it. Ai - their legs cr'oeed iu Orienta-i ta-ionansd la-st, howevor. , t es wa brouitad' their headli munis upon tiseir, breasts.the. tes wae ta-iss, lie curtains were Nither-ai ihern iooked up cor tbaisthedrawa, ithe lampe litsud a-item anoer ernallest notice af aur premenas. They interminable . interval the xra-era were wera ed stili sud ement tiat tier mîght read sud th«&eetvsnîe dinmuîs.J ta tielir have beau two branzes atues but for tise OaMe. M.y tathar Carnpaunded a-ad swal- slow sud mea-i~re'i rytîm of tîsir breati- lowed iis nlgiuly jarum cof toddy, sud fita. Their faces, howsver,"had a pecullac then hhrfliad Offt t hie roam, ieavlngth asiien griçy caler, very-,diffareut tram lihe two ai ne la the. parloir 'iti aur nervea healthy irawa et m- campanlon'm; and ina a-tiagia and our mInds fulio eti. I' abîervcd, ou etoopîna- my haad, uhat mant vague aned ret terrible appreleia. oniy the white@ f aie aes waravisible, suons. tho balle -Seing turaed upward beneath th idsd. Ia iront of tieni upon a emali (JBAPTER XIV. rua-tla-r aueCrtienwaro pitcher ai wster twsa"reps enclokbth sud hait à , loaf af Srend, 'togethar wtî a a- Itae Quarer pît enm a cocs r t seot of paper. inscrisod with certain proffti-r im , an e fEum ster ndeat cabalhiitic eharactere. Ram Singis gla-ced self togehi.-roni. sud e i eslor sed r- at tht-me, aud tien, nutionina ho m m edi t aetiir. Weheard hkingetalorstos witisdraw, iaollowod'me eut lata tise gar- digaa'u i.cekn-sarae den. unîfi the.-distant aiammîna- of a door a-ue - I- an et a istristioniauil announced chat Se hail reached hie a-uc- amclois, le said- Yu îahem ns en -tum. The simnple ail lampuo h ablé ap'erccueue aise g r hae nit euin tirew a weiru, ancerain lIahi aver the. aueraaccu hone ofathe tisedimnitislof ot ad roani, fickering upon lie carved aak ourfflultPhiosohy-thedieocitio ofpanelicg, sud casuica- trange, fatalstlc -spîiit ram Sbody, Net laul tre the ai rt hdw fron tihe igh-elbowed, mraîgit. )i tiseaahOlY men taudiug au the. rie akdwa îue.M -otrowita meut marnent by tho ba-nksa oCthe. Oaa gem uou rnae tnre.out inîthere wblrte ana- but t-boas sirite a-re ltied lu a mater- oet-esadotl i.oouirwi ia orn o îiduetica iheir reaj trtigeacies fpoi lieone il areaett amang tieni.; This i ac table, witiiine sound breakine tic @Il.-CI - van')ilised by aur power of resaiviug an suc0e sa-vo the measamed ticki-ng af the. abject ilai luechernical-atom aioon- ock a-ad the.intermuiltent ciirpiug aifa- veyiug themEpA-touw i~~ti a- peed whi'-h, értket heneati tise.grafe. Thero wam ti exceed tisa-t oa igllgiig toa any givea soneiing aw-e'ipring lui tii abeoiuie spot, sud oi tiser. îS-Precipita-îtinitenistilluesi. The, whietiing eft a bela-od peau. aud COmpellîng tiienita reake tieir orig. -tupon theii, hirad wai arelief î< ineal fana, OfC adid uwasenecesary s, nesd we strained aur sari to, catch lief olvytewisole bady iu this way bvut la-et at his notes a-s i. pladded ateadîly eave tie fudal yhameward. ti a-ad more cacvenieut ta, transmît Mater. At firet we iiad ma-de smne preteace- al i#1 enougis marely ho build up an outeide mile ai kaîuting a-ad I of readiug;- Sut w. lkie or, sembla-neofaC a- Say. This wa seau abandoued the. usaless decepion haetermed ii. atra-l body." sud at uileaely walthug, startlng aud "But If' rau eau transmit rur m gla-ncing at eaciatier with quettioning no rea Iy 1obesrved, "why sha'-uld," ' ety rce wieuever lie iaggot crackYed iu tisa -be'acoamipanieci S a-ny bady at au Sre Or a rat Scanipsreci hehînc th. Wallus- "l nrmmncaîiag wltis brother iaid. ct iew- e for it 10.1. eerixg- a it hIle dekriseana-d tien une madeC back te the - parler agala, visera ir wa-titlg-Wsitag, w. ku no e ka¶ lirbi 4lefi5W-u "0E I "Vc wma I occock or clame o UC ~ whe my iser eudcdenar prng )RT I esta-a bMd up lier -fluaar te) attetin. ."D- en rau hur othIn1 I miiad m sbu fb M Il S Id a - < la n s - f ~ig~ta, ~o eceived a verdict $200against a New York phlpecîa for injuries reeve- Wbilée ou hosBpital duty. Injuries rcceived "wiiî reader coecf liar arma eiff fer life, STRA'NGE MALADY. -New DISea-se Wbh hLe EPidemie ln England. Englisis doctors arc puzzled hy a new disea-se whicli ha-e appeared in tiie 'Wcst counfry1i-nd a-pread with almoat-tii. ra-pidity cf a-n epidemic. The'chief rypmptomiof tise disea-se le tise a-ppea.rance cn the. toneils a-ad brck cf the burent cf a mnem- brane resemblina tisa-t of diphmisor'- ia, t6geblier withia- weîlina o! bbc lymhaticglndala- ti.neck, 'vory lia-h Vampera-hure, sevare erysip- elas, swelling, in tise joints -ad isea-rt fa-hure a-ad otiier symptems. The hea-ni wea-kaess often persiste iadefinitely afIer a-Il tise blroat eymptoms have disappeared. luI wais firet theuglit tise disease was diplidheria, -but exudate from the. tisroat wa-a forwarded to tise Clin- ical Rese-arc-I Association la Lon- doa, a-ad no trace o! tise diplitieria bacillus -wa-s fouAd. Bince tison it ha-e beca suggested iat the « dis- ea-ae may prove' te be a non-typ- ical variety af sua-net lever or mea-alca. Parie je suffermna f rom a similar epideil, 4nd there bihe deaih rats a-mong childiren affeeted avorages 15 te 20 per cent., wbicb la worse than tise mertalitv from diplitheniai before tue da-pe cf antitoxà n, 'Big Trees to Block Napoleon. The, belfry üf Wrabness Church, in Essex, locks more like an ancient summer-house thzn a belfry. Its ,hief interestlije& in the fact thà .t it contains two huge saws made at the time, when Na.pole.on wag supposed to be cil the poinb cf in'vading-Eng- land. eThese saws were, to -b. ued for cut.ting down trees, with:,which the roads were to be blocked against the invuaders. Ayou on. lof thone te whmo every meoal 13 Saeher aO~eo hei holp yenrdlsorderod storiach dIgest any raoalomas sd'1 ,wona rostoro itte -10 i perféect- co ditîca- tisat yea'l nieyer f5ler Dglt'. Ma-de by is' N o- Ding 'sud Chemin-aI Co. o! Canada, 14-veniu-g, dç , teP nuj.i ~ pa., hen o S-W above- him os the rocks two c>iamois witli' tleil ,~young. Oe-hm .lgfulll -was -cin'ling the chamos idet -,opdtae.flnc safety ýin ii lht : for _they "camn" Iboundi ng dow6n the rocks tcuvari thepo, a >er the guide had hid- Before they oudescape, low- ever, t.he oargle cneswcopin'g-af - ter tm nd izd n c teyoun chmi hath-aged '; behidd.' Im Jeiael he two old chamois tur and attack d the. id~ fi4l.I . hat, lie had ta drap the littie animal lie had eseized in his --lW. The momentary adirantage, that tlie chamois lad gandddnct * 1tst long, 149 a foir lig etge wit. rul sroescf, his long tai- .1ons. Nd" thatt -lie figit lied a-ct-ý uâybpgun, .thei, c-hgmoiB would not rerabùit- br&veýly .stoc6d theýir gpus. the youlag, trembling, ~thear, aDd bleating piteouslyr, cr-ouched againat their parents, and- ùunwittingly hipered their de- Every turne the aWOOWe do-wu on -the group, the twe older sha2mois,ý rising on their hiud. legs, c-ffered- their horns. 'The long, deep -açratches and 'the dripping blood that eppe-ared aftier eaeh atta;ck showed that-the !battle was telling oný thein, although- witlica-ch swoopj toc a clou- o ffeathers andte agesjj re s h*,wed ithat the~ chamois' littile'bornes were à ]" flnding their maark. After -escii at- tack the eâgle would retura teaa near-by rock, wliere -h. Bat gazing -wi-th hie hoady eyes-at thse group be- Iow. Th-en hoe would swoop a«an. Soon t-le fierce encounters, hegan to exhauet the chamois. The littie %nes were bleating mere and more anxiously, anad thse animale were aIl pressing more closely tagether. The eIder cnes were clea.rly les alert. Finally, atter the ca-gi. ha« takenI a particularl -y h5ng rest, he came swooping down a-gain. The:mother goat struggled to:get upon hler hind feet, but was toc weak ta raise her- self. As the eagl-e came on, hc'w- ever, tlie chamois buck rcse to meet it. There was -a-flash of clawing talons. Then, witii a suddea vu- clous bliruat, the chamois dug bis borne intc the breaet of thbc great bird. With &.wild beating of its wings, the ca-gI f reed iteif, and tried te fly away. But the wound was toc deep. -Re thraslied about belplesely on the ground, and the chamois, quick to, fcllow<' up their advantage, gored and tramplea it with their horns and hoofs. /i Whcn t-heir enemy was quît. deaci, thse little fasnily, limping and nursing their wouxnds, made off ha-- yond a prcojeciing cîjiff. LITTLE CAUSES-fIG ENDINGS IIow Some of the Strikes- Arc - froua-ht. About. ' Tha threateaed strike an the-Mid- la-ad Railwap, cdue te the dia-mie-s- e! a gaard for stickina- too closely te the letter o! bis instructions, is net tise cnly instance on resord cf big ave nts cf tue kiad epringina fronu littie ca-uses, sa-ps London' Tit-Bits, A Leeds la-ber va-r a--e duc te the wenkspeople declinina- te we& liet elippersnla a-milI visera dloge era' rega-rded as unsa-fe. At- Sund-eland a fareman ishipwrigbt ca-,sua-hp told a- wcrkma-a te "hurry up," ^a-nd, tisa implied repircof bciag reeented, a-a unusua-lly bitter strike was tise, resuit. At~ Ja-rrow-on-Tyne workaien struck beca-usa tlicy cbjected -te the ume cf brais checks., -Thero havé been a-t lea-et a-a-ocre ecL strikes,- big a-ad littie, over..the quest ion c! y éier air ehcl persnitîed-- e ear - "fri*ges lai milis filIled witli da-naerous machin- ery. -ýTIe ae'tual -cause cf tise ou- break o! tIe di;satrouste-Va-110y-- llà llvay strikp waÈ th à t à aC-0I ùple-Of §guadg we'"è'ciim ledr t6 iCh" b nevauaagainat ýhë1r will, . ~8ôme CL H a t a-il 4 hof i t he1-w hitea - S-afve e gge - Md, iùihI-h p po!fa î f o t-a w bt'ie$Y- - m' ih youi cAve Icrusiéd, 'an-ds-weten i beetalIyPu i 5i t o - a - h o j te - d i e l , es e t i n a r o d a t e Ioven for, twen ty 1 nie.ue a'nd Serve a-t occ with cold --,whtpped crea-m a-s~-ue If-..tii , souffle, i. allowed te stand it .will- becons. hea'vy. Strawberry SucL-ýCraz- te- gethor -taîblespoon -cf -buttera-d a-hheapingýcu~p of:po< er ur âdd Ithe Whte of ne egg bea-tn te a eblif frotl, a-ad a cap of ripe bar- ries, mahed- te a--tiomughly soft pabp. ,Séiervecoîd. Straivhetiry- Sauce, Il.-Whi Pa ha o f t ea-m liglt a-ad add a- * ha] t pL crushed tra-Wberries, wellii âeeten,.ed. Beat la-iwell te- g ther. .Fitiem o ne côf th .. sau es *m.,Mà ke, a-dl]iciotusdisis'ocf a- plai c _..h1 dd,É à , clee 1d, . PSa Ii dbaih ug, e e- - oi 'tchérm hex;aai-' 1_gmte fruit. To each Pound, of it aI-low« a-pcund-cf gr.iulated-ua-ar."CQrk sagar a-d juice-4ogebier în tii. pre- servina- kettîe îouitil thse saga-r le 'diseolved, tIenla-y in the berneés cre.fully. Cook quîietly atlagete simmer -fr, S'een 'minutes, theu tranfer te- shallow stneware dish- es andst in -the. botisu. C-ver each disl with-a pane cf -glgAD-e o with etting a-d,-put tha dishes la te ua every day until th iseerup is tick. Turn hileo preserve jars -ad kep in a dark, dry, cool closet. Stra-wberry- JaM.-To six pouade o-, hullea- bernies allow -four a-d a hl-f 'pounds of sua-a-rCrushu îlte bernies witi te back f a weodaa spon a-d put pup a-nd juice over the fie laa-preservina- kettre,E bring, te a boil -and after thie cock for hlaf an-lôur, tirrina- ofen. E Add the sugar at'tie end of tii. hlf , aor, cok twenty minutes more, a-ad put boiîing hot inte jars.r Sh ud'thre i-.mors juice than you -wsiAip oeut part cf-il ad coavert ltif ite jelly. A learty' raapberry pudding, "" yichis lewloesme eauah for chuldirea, le ma-de tisus: Tiiicken a quart af hot milk with a- tbé poonful o! fl ar rubbed sm cth in ' ' i a- few tablespoonfuls f milk. Cook 9 it fr 10 or -15 minutes. Then add a salspocfuil f salt, a- teaspoca2- fui f v-ailla, a- cuplul of fine bread e ,a crumb, the beatea yoks of four ~ cag , h l -f a- cu p f ai o! gran ula ted tb S " ' -su aar a-d tiie siffly' ea ten w hite O d e t . h o of oeuegg. Butter a bakina- disis a-ad put the batter la l. Cver lu 01 ua-v u i -s-nirea thiru ma-f ull eo on- att îiy pttj g îof ras-pbezriefe a-cpver tiiem wiliJ'ponina-zd potïrinùïçh ,do.ugl. Be carefu-1 te let lt reach on it. on oa» :to ili -ainchoffthe jtop . à if mtshave gottonrio- i-o!f- the. aups. - Stea-mi, tightly ccv- pet, work powd redbezax~ arod, over - - bciling -w4ter -for -2f0 carpet wieraver fhoie - minutes. -Sérve immediately hiethétieinsects a-nd acatteï ti hbardf sauce - u niture. Fcr the sauce ca-sa- a-culpful cf Thora je nothinga-. bett granula-ted augar 'withl lis s mch waelting soda a-nd hot- butter. Beat tiie whites oi two -scrutbbing the deal 1kitchn -- egg§stbiff and *a-dd them te t-lie but- -Ker-osene Aplic it rù~i ,ter a-ad sugar a-ndlies-a- few, me- 'loth makes -a- good silver cle&ùerà mente longer. Ada- tablespoon- 'Riwiun scaldiag watfer. ful of -brandy ami a little a-nated Hj rilib.oe ma-y b. iÈlrnM4jl autmoeg a-nd put on -tiie le for ha-If whiIý stili ý if one 'Wishew,ý. a-n leur-befo-re senvina-. vthm-a eatiff -~ - If-bp accident seat 's <Irappeci <ý Useful Hints. - tecarpet,~ra atoe Lace veils mia.y - waeshed in aswee~p a-Lup togetier. - atrna-la-ise cfjitit eo-~pa- .'-As summer- comes 0n5 it .sv s watel Lt tlernp i e-kdal1 oftr9uble te - .26 iùU tIe hn squeea ediri edeeseitSý rJ out- of- 111m, 5of 1'-aF in.- Aod<Idize several waters.' - Thiý na1. 1 5 on' gcaxiphýor à gurndg-ad J - sou 'Ild 1 v sun djedatebum e ehr. - -- Of befled starc etifnth-ilace, lomyamchaire for 1h-, ý-réh, Contry lousekeepero ca-n 4ye -re ma-de cf French willow' a-nde. ariticles, lu be'auifuil -lia-des of fa-st Ù&ave -a pocket on -one aide. hbrown, by drying a-ad nsing thie A amaîf clear vegetable 'brul -green a-ad-brown lichens forocks siouîd-be kapt handytbrhet treesa-rtd fances, JBoil thi ess the fringe- on dailies. wator- té, more tbaaa cover -it. Strain Temseonomical wa-y to bayI a-ad put ia tise goode, soap-is,-la large quanetities,- then-let- To -blea-el ia-ndkardiiiefs a-dd- nome it dry before uelng-. Blices cf le-mca tte .wate t .y-Ciseese ,baIIs te serve witl salad a-re boiled i,. Another metisod je- are -ced- made 01! -and to wa-sl-tiiebandkerohiels, and then -cttage cleçese. soa-k tlem over aightlit n water with If Paint sticks te glass remova.. itl,, &a ittIe cream cf-Aam-ta-in is with$eioîiv-gar- >.- la hana-ina- up a- waehina- -b. -sure Softca liard water f1or toilet -useiz te put clothes pins la wisere tle -by a pinel '-of- -borax. - wilI nott bave a mrk, Shirtwaiss Lnn st îe-iidon thi4! should ie lana- fIm the hotterk., dosa 'aga"5..-- a-ad shirts from the boit, - Cereals with fruit-ma-ha vampflhfeettoM.- -- - econoinical inaclean desserts, Tii. Whatis thi .pr.aliffrë& cereal sisould b. molde-d aad emts-between_ meznderù -;.and J aacj.I4ýt ered in'fruit-eitiier fresii or stew- 1timesi1" èd in a syrap, Oreo!tiiaina,points -W" e4h#t Boss wa-x a-ad sa-lt wiîI ma-keh.i. moýdermrte-nthéir, liv$nsj -whuie rasty fiestirons clear ad~ glass, IUub.:theé-adcnt ýurnd théir- deal." - - ItîIaepsut 1ftéllee9ýep à - ~Meumcoment test' < y w ,a_ à 1iiuet sa'm ItMeà cmi, onnt, dol'Wb cf= çarea-hi q y eut cf ud edfi fS, for a cenceewauhg ruah ou c4p use - CanadaCmn witl Comple. confidencel di-tour coacr«64avrr&,ws, beà lehrougihly «macimfcay Yen u 4hit telia-va m.qfleçeutîeL evaue tIi facuitieB for teme na-itsqmiteg, mcl paa-.'t b, cotain o brzfs, h q~oalo i.oge.r~ i~ j~ i e si.eunaera kaew tint wl.a cament haw peemi the. tees Made Upon itat à Cad Cenai nuiin- -i er. Le la - em d t- le . reaponding bt'Ot Quete'&th-e ban York'State Banker held here u Ti lafter éloquent, re il.undre-d years cf pe tha.t ;there woiild- ital is the Mqt cs cIlzu be wckrld. 'Fr ngs of. hum&n intèec '-bilken d&>wn imoreebý 'ted mà zs--e bonds Than and navies of t».hj '~~'to-da:y furnishes the wayr For noue can long On UY-where, as a ruli ever be -begun, of -thez -word hir - ru-g-t fi nanc it. a~e~nd agentsof mat oppi4zent everywliere, it_ irtethat -they sh îd lier. and to-day. -ce-ntutry has-wie pnited States a reco rd neye, jnçqalled. lb has. Meantrve t.our neighlx>rs -cf- the ne mnada îs 110w, in regard ~puatixî, about wher lntdStates waïin u1812 eethe United Stteýs- d * Tii. apparatus pient- is subota-tiai ,d the procers i.s g4 cat astartlrng ýPaee. Commercial RelationsC -4In spite cf ail obstructi. commercial relations betveý da amd the. United Statc ,grown to suclipr-opor*tions ?î-tonish e-e thos-e larniliar ~official figures. Accerdin- report of the United State , ini this, city,. the, foreign 1 Canada reacheod a total o billien dollars fo&r the calecnt 11. the increase ox-er i 23.5l per -cenit. 0 f the tota Uinited -States.- For the sE endar -year the ialance-0L t: the wh ole United States -wA 000,000 ; and.-f thls $2551-00Ã" due teo ur coMmnerce witli 1t ,Eýupplied fbrty-four per -the 1a-lance roll1ed- up hy o merce with the wholé- worid >Canada Second Best Cus "cla is usual to speak ai * of Europe as the -beat cue the United, States;adl ,dliii; refers to the IUnited Cana;da is !ar and awaYth best custome r - that we a stati .sties ha-ve beesi .broug to cover the- first t'en -mont] curirent fsclyear, ic on Juky I la"-' During _t our.exporta tth be UnitedJ were '$524,o0o0 .: ito <0 .$291,000,000; to Fýance5$ 000 t' te Cnadà , $338,0W,( te aý il -Europe, combined 000,000. No,-other ccà untry Gr,&t . Britain and Germai1 a-,ppro*aches-Canada as a-b themarkets of the United' lier ,pur.Ch"sesË were a greater jilan IthOseýoýf GC7à Thè -e; wre ,2o'-per cen-tr 0 combinied. Norir at-is brade uidae.d affair.. Tt loik 'when con-sidered- as -,a ,hoj practical way. By. your ýfaciitie-s eau be- fu tlircugli Wbat appears tO lh tical way. " BY your sYsem faciliîties éan be -furnislied.-i br.anch office, as theY havýe .s1 the com nities of coin iz~pTheance. -EriCE. carsp0 nto gr& _ mitatte. -uner Fwoa 4i~Â -C, il (n C s- Iii uuLO. I t. ~~1