it iis oi e~Iu- ,i- :depth, ven fe saw 5.JM wid ovAr lO>? Irev -jit1bt iu'e, alter Dick oame te re uoss young.ducks were-uhiut s wire fence.- "o poor igm l -aid. "I ame ureyo n not find rnuoi te eaitiiere," 1he let them out into th e gar- iwhere thiey began te gob', e %.v>"-. yyOung greouplant t ey ild:-Ad-1, and hasnob a-foend.a-s ýy nvem ha-il hatore. )iek bega-n te -hink tra-t doing A 7deeds, vas m uch more fun tha-» =ag it1il,.iu a- clair, a-ndl boudes,, ïvïe, himl eel &à good. The Boy ýs -onfr "ia-4 t<> do one -kinci deed t4 A d-' aüd hoe'.d-don.e ver ,& iu -es.- than~ an hour. Were ,re.a-ny muore ta lue doue t-and- Ck: 'be8an to look, à rounil; but >t.then b boa-rd bis aunt's voioe ing Wo hdm that it wva-s time te )à th-,wa-hè told henjof a-il the i&ýe sheo haci doue, and h. à 1d- n]6t na-ke eut w4hj jut at tt ' ixomint bis a-unt seemeil te be en'11~aIwstas it us -weuld aýtYeotwhy she, ieezedh old- e! lis É- aiUherie4, "Corne-along homo .quie;au yoU an, an-nllot Us pe a ýi1 never, nover flnd eut po hâa done, l." ' ,)ë hought thia was uot very Lii~,thoùgh h& knew it was t riglit te boa-at o! ono's good du bhotoulci net se. there was y ne.d to hlde tiien up as much a-Il thà t. - LIFE FACTS. e ge at-Wheà People Are'More Lia-b. t. De. $herea aire'certain as.wheroin ithisvers iamuneà tf -.and e! a-u ýe athemost, penilona la stlie- 1)«i ,f -,a-i our. or two>. Yet' ilb la ter bttrfwi thltWe a-ne in meut ngp-r o!f'death; a.nd thii.e-nert inoat ilieus age ft6 tus il; 71 ~ae !Iue a-g ftire.- is thi etncat le.11 la-at eiùe moà >04! itretched ou.t -bthe. floor. 130 trained a-notais the about tVie'tu 1gh woiid gpve &1j n ins-»ia-s.- How a-..Fox Terrrà Was WCure4 ut - Bad Habte. Attadhed ',tethé* epa-ol f fox- try onii'both-sideà s'o! thre border bie- byeen » ngland a-nil SOtlà nd id a little ba-nd oet trniera-, viose mai-' neso it ilutofocllow up the chas., to go to groud . vii.» equired, a-nd te dive ordr w out the fox. Sua-h la- dog va-s Pompey, part e!' wlise histery là relateiiby a- cantributer tote u ngliab country Lite. Pm pey wa- a.. ischlevous creature, sud moe.tia» hacrea-son te, regret iiaving ..ttnacted lia no- tice. 1 Ho aima acquireila aaste for Mut- ton, but gâo' uuuing and - stelt.y voro .bis inetiedâa ta-tiioha-ilcern- mitted the crime o! sleep-killing soveral turnes before b. vas caught red-lianded. Thus couvicted, wo sent hi eut te a- hîhlfa-rin viire thore v-a man wlio kne-w h6w-ta break dogs from a-noying siieep. Tii. aid shephenil pron* ed that 'within a- week Pornpey would not "bide iu the. sa-me fid witi A- ishoop.". Wiieu tii. .aeplerd began the treatinent, 'en innocent-looking 'lit- tie terrier'might liavo been seen chaineil up, te the lovoat rail in the. aheepfolds. A numbor o! alort Cheviot nains kept hlm under coni- stant surveillance, wviii. hey snert-ý ed anil sta-mped their feet tlireat,- IAfterÉ airhe ur or' Ao!tuis,' IPompey- wa~a chained l te one. o! the. rai, -nd.téh haperd- drovei the ps-ir bac kwà rd a-nd forward. 'h. orcie sh'oe Wherover hAoùgt lon bi jl terre va-s dr er hdaiot o hisa 1ep 'the nain ehA-rged 'and- butted hlm until LBs ibé vere uarlyj nat thaie, b.,, satib are carieci off -45 590 .fty These hume-» .Ut-Àule, u bt- cave6a asd tfunne&« lnlLhe w4 & mountain 15uno, eadly pra-otioable' frein a mitsoey, view-p>oiaxL. ,But the aituatW<nlà th, de.- foýnder., if evraooane, iad4 evwa t'ho la-at a-eerti of r-etreatin< to t"i sud 7larsGquanat" es o! ood sup-: plie. providsd ia-gaine>st b c - emèency. Acerdingly, lin tèâe.sbraaxe part of the wold thVii. flor dùSevms soattered evee the lamdecape, inounta-ins whlii ihave ~b"sai nha-I ted& end -fortlfiûed by the a-»t pOQple ever smno. the dA-ys of Vho- Ph&r- aohm, end iprobsMy for a- nucii longer perioci.*(lUe o!fthe meut in- tsbrea4ing o!f'tenmi sia-Viitep o! a great. auga-rl-c«.-ohaped lilhl, witl the. Point cut-off. It is calied Glieurmssa-, a-nd nocupiee a. <itua- tien eo wild anad difficult, o! aoeS as te b. wea-1-ngh impregn&ble.ý Anoblier i Chini, whee inf -int ol inany -o!fthe caves axre coi,- tya-rds a-nd a-madl buildings o01 r- sn. Odd tbougb it ina-y a-ppe-ýr, tha- town lias a6great, reputaý',on for wokery, a-aid one oft lt. most famoum chef s was auxniùoned te Romne a f ew yeare a-go anid ma-de chie! pastry eook te Pope Lee XIII. - Cbirous Structures QuiMe' intereating.aa the honiey-olbed mrntain .peai-ar .çersln -Lewnaci the sa-mçe eien, but in "he paine, bent, wli ma- be sa-id te cenoet o! habita-- tiens built, 1» imitati of !cave ' . Whes n entructed ainigly they have the. fera» o!hal-f.yinders, -wth -the, oon.xvex ae. ,up, but coommonly tliey are 1superbeèedto eilt tfour or Oive atries. -Ma-ny:etthese cùni- oua strùôtures - are storateusa, *hile odJhemare fer,.domniciiary ~purposfa-. Tii-rq are no e t inr- 8ide or outeide, but. thi nbitants go iup or dow» ltiif!ron'ts with oaa. ascevding co'.-decn>ding by 1ithe 4eip ol s en s which. -bave.béxmorn efithh y centur- lies, o!, nt&.- 's. rua aid ,8v Ot the tunneL being at-VaUbil ch Siseh auaTablea-aaI ee me ne ar imreg egv-y o! ' hw, ma4t.ase .tffl d t h Etiquettei ,sajm ,Dr. Johinson, fer- bii e a-a aprclI ansy Other nxu' hloneaiz- enýOugh toe leok tue. iesd ao! tUJiouseeiiha.a-v When . mas. wassu wlfe ibuym her fromein eparenti- wi6h a ortak~ nuxnber o!fgeats anadlémbô a-ndc a- utated quantity of olive 'oil _barley a.nd whe&t.'To pý< ]T"l dtfln.itely fixe! by ouctoum;, but a woma-n whio isblinc in lu on. ye or ,Otherw-ise defectivoe eues heaper. T'he gzoom ~ reteci te «iv.hteb * prospecetive. !a-tli-n4-w'a- n.>w fez &-d a- pali-r of yeflo-" éthe&r slip- Pers. - .erbScives 'wlii the girl sa d-owry ot a-bout $3-hbalf- down, anad the other haif paya-bie a-t the. end ot & year. Sucii pit villages axe much m:rs defen>slble agasept,.a-Ln enmjiia-n mighIt b>e eýuwppoeed. -Theare ,simfila,- oubterra-neaun to'ivn in Asia Miner, éaid history reocrda a- as- Sa-ul it pe >ee! fitiiesm, ,n compar- a-tvey ieet tii».., by a-Egyp- tâs-» T'he inhabitants sought refuge'iu the und>rground romaIL roihin1,ghugo oitonlea agaset the en- tra-no., ~othat i nv'aders were una-biete frc herws-y lu., W-len tii, latter loà wered, buekets inte the cister te get- water, the nopes wene -ut. Tii. upahot ot the affair ws that the moen were o6mpelled t-O witlidraw, deati fron thirst being the aitern-t.ive., Sua lu Googd C.aI Mine. On'e square yard o! the. eartli's surfac 'e'recéives ea-ch -day*a-vers-g- i±sg si Xheurscet sunshine.,an amount o! hea&t equal te that'contýainýed lu 1.08 pouna o!ceaI-, sccordlngto a-n Itahln ciimisk.At ',t 9s-ratea- ares e!f a-bout 1,200'mileu- receives' during îye sran amount -!ofeniergy froen7t1ueae-n eq,_uivaýient, te tha-t oh- taia-bofrn. ii 1,00,00,00tonsii oft ceai nned ý- annually 1» Europ andi the. lhitod _Biatleu .1- th leih ýtieCessai-y te teseribé nting aihùent te any -one turini the summer inthis 8trang.ers, however, on îg the. cause cf their spo- fort 'during a iiot speil, iitressed te discover that '1raah 'coversr-theîr ski». ifeel vi2ry uneasy until f rm an _ experienced froin tiie phrsiian, that ise la an acute.inflaxuna-p ed roocI or th. taking et liot soUp or tee a-y bring lb ýon. -Irritation cil the' ukiin by the underclothing,-, especia-lly if tb b. o! WOp1, 1a.y aise precipita 6 în attack. hI$ uptien- ins properly tre*Mr- ys,- t Vlaley terecur hn 1èv6er thé weath.r - beéomes "mu r* -hesuerer-ýfrýoin-prickIy t ahould- *eari light underacit- ingi, proIerably o! linon, silk -or o4t- ton, 'and chanûge it frequently lha bedclothing, lould ble-light; hé, slioud st sparingly, ýa-nd.a-voldi fend or drïinlctha-t'la hlhi4y piceà > orhot ;it,à wel te ta-ko modera-to, exenoiso 'early ù- 1iothemorningor in- tii- evening, and, to drinlE.-,pienty: o! cool water, 'which ma-y be mixeci with -lemnof-Juice' or -tome eother acid, but net with .a-icoho in »a'n>"' A amah daily dose o! malts ta-k.»ý In the. morning la useful. Twco té four tablemspoonfuls of borax and baking-soda added te the bath holps te prevent the. eruption, or to re-. lieve -it wlien lb la present. -The itching la iemsened by prof usely- dusting the. ski» with powçlers of zinc exlci andi chahk, or by hathing it witii extra-ct o! witch-lia-el, or- with a wash tia-t conta-inaà zinc oxid and calamin suspended in glycerine andi rose-water.-Youth's Compan- ion. Ta-ko LiteSIowIy. It la- e comme» thing nowadaya to read in the new-spapsrs accounts o! men and women suddenly "break- ing down," a-nd in some -cases de- veleping insanity.- Tii. only way te account for this trouble is'tho fearful Pa-ce a-t which ifieeow is led. Everything we do is done in a hurry. Doctors s-a-y'that ma-ny of-the casos which-they have te attend te Are 'thie result o! ner'voils break- down, which'they attribut. solel3y to excessive and unneceaaa-ry buat-, 'Compotition 1in every walk o! lite »owadays is ve-i-y keen, antd oe muat 'Wor'k'bard and th6,ough1y if ons hopeste -sncceed; but, at tlio saine tino, it is wron g and- very unnatural te do -thiugs a-t fe'rei pitcli a-Il th ii.tre. UnJdue "ha-ste la an enemy, , not, only o! hea-ltl, biit o! lonlge'vity, tee, forit ,wa-steà tiie lite-force, o! wiicii tiiere isa only a- strictly in itdqù-tty. the, wen1d woul-d. be a great es- bétter ýoff W'ere lt- net for .tii. bu-t- ling mania;and the M4te) "Tk il!, skwly," should'ho foiund »i' evreÉy- bu,%iness coâce,-- the sudclén ,lapsruc t~7s Th:ii. loMi din-The' Miîan- ites Ibe Ingxiomada, any referenéeeto thie land," iwhièh iliey dwelW la of .necessity gomewhat~, vague, -,sincee they occupied diffeient and widély. ,sepa<rated lecëalities -at different times. Their principal settiements, appear, iiowever,; to have been on' the èaà terni aide of-tii. gui! of'Aka-, bah, extending froma there north- -Ward as fà r as-?'the ý'land o! MÃœoab, and east.ià 'rd iz-to »e S inaitic- pen- 16- Priesc i- o!Midian-Compare> comment on 1Reue1, vYerse; 18, be- 17, Moses itood -up and iielped tiiem-T<ook-tieir part,,against ,tii 'dîsobliging siiëpherdlz and'iwa;tered thiiey flock. ro (Exod. 2. 1-;4 ; 1-8. 1), thougli *ii nan<e 1Reue1 occurs aise iïNunf- bers M. 29.' Tliii; ajparent incon-ý a istency 15 explainable, on the basis. o! 1various earlier narrativess whicb. in oùr-book,ôe! Exodu8 have beenl -oombined into arisîgle continueus his'dr4Ats'id sechthey could. creto nô othéi, conclusion. ý20: a bea-hon aiisg of Oçiental hçspiuà liËy Àla-thà prof- ',21. Content te- dwell ,-wlth the. mýnan -The -Bible narrative divides lhe 11f, ci 'Moses into thre.e qual perioduI o!f Qrtý yegrs, each. Ac-- ording te Acta 7. 23 the î frst fort y yearrmswernent inEËypt,;,Exod. î. 7mksh.tay in, Midian or like 'duration; wUle the last forty"ea'rs ~~.i ~ eDut.. coinggt toEodu ÃŽ 2. G.jshûmTh naineisappar- 11,tlyderived, !rom nitii.ehrew ger, xnenin asojouýrner, -ai4d sliam, meann ' thre. The: Incident shows-titti.hato Moses was 'withIii ëountrymïei -n Egypt. In Exod. 8 4 and iCh-Clron." 23. 16, 17 another son of MesesB Eliezer, is Mentioned. HUM~OR AN4D .MATRE3IA¶ICS. Said to Go Side -by. Side ia Some Men's >Nin"s. Prà fciency In mathemnatics, -po- litical 'economy and "dry tbpies" like that are frequently found- aide by aide with a fine quality of humor in mon' s minds. Lewis Carroll, who wrote "Alice in'Wonderland,', which is the top-notch of the -world;s huimor up to date, was a profession- ai mathematician-a mathematical lecturer at Oxford and author of "A $yliabus of Plane and- Algebra- ical Geometry," -o! the- "Elemaent- ary Treatise on Determina4t9" and of a goodmany 9ther mathematical yorks. Ante ra uoit Oliver Wendell Holmes, was not exactly a mathematician, but'lie' was the next thu'ng to,-it-a à .profes- sor of' anatomy.' Ris- anatomical. workis were terribly seriious. Edgar Alla» Poe long ago establislid tho iimate connection betweenmth ematics and poetry, or, rather, be- eticà l mind. Tii. same relation rnaey exist between xnathem4tic-s and, bu- mnor. And yet tjxere are some hum-. orstwlio are not.altogether great ,ýn mathematica. * % ThoMoniteur Medical 0o7 Parisý -the a *ie ;ô a .aIMjIiÇ ces tiest of -the new ia ma-de of-pla{n, fioweredvol est trotting- cos- labit inpdel, and coilars 'and cûf s. G~owns for intermai amterneOn ýtesatid grdexi pairties are usually 01 otoef -tep.with a11ové-jrem-, hroidery, Éshadow lace,. Saxe- bfue andsand colar are great favorites-- among the,- silk moires iiaed for ceatS. Boin o! tiie'socea-ta are- trimmed with vel-- vet ribbon. Lingerie is more simpIe and fi-at ýthan- ev6r-pet400ats particularly. are ma-de up wiflhout. founda -ons3 andï, have their flounces put on per- foctly flat., The, three-quarter lengtiiNýcoat of niavj7bl'Ue br)cà i1ed cere e hine-. bas a "double collr 'of ixiesselhue de soie "il3 o~aJ en1 _tonesý of blule, mauve-, nd w*hite.- A noew and attrac"tive trlmming for the. uleeve .is..eathter,ona hall iengtii sIeevv of striped ffaked-voile in red -and wiiitel. Tiie cuif carnÃŽeS eut tlie -white and red ýcolora. The. e4dges o! the. cufare curved and on the outýer line. is held ýtogether by atrapa and buckles of leather. * NOT TO ,BE "RNJBBED). Sqluted is Fashionable Fend WhUIe Comflng.rom Work., Cicu f<sc>rced!JamnesKe!ILiti to leave scolia.ndearn -b is-i»ng before lie wa-S. ixtbe» 'id., Like m.any another boy, h &n-0 bent toward any par-tacuIsar>trnde.r and ae toek the-firat job thaît oer- ed. That happened te be fwith a tinsmith; and he. beSare 8an ex- pert workia.n. H.Ig waa pretty weU-- aatisfied wî th hi- job a.nd- with thé6 inoney he miade a-t it, and li mw-,ne reas-oîh why lie sa-l1d tiink a-ny the, lesa -of himaelf because -thé, useful. work he did obiigedhin.te soi. hu bandsa nd sometimes his fac.- One- eeningas -Keith, beni- e w .ith dust andi 8oot, the êfeut Of& Ja.y'e liard work;on .hot roc>!, wa-s going home, lio Met Mra. L.&nd>n, aun old friendo! Ithe fxi.Mms. London had al-wayz lked Jîmý; for fh. hafestly adniired lubis cheorful ýspirit, isi.aturdycharacter, and hie, afoontedevo'tion to bis widow- od mother. This eatrnoou, iwvrh-ha been caUiýng upon sorne of lier fa.ah-- jouable a-oquaiota-ncea wl» li7ved not faL frein Keth'E -homo-, Sâa-aid dun- spirit thaitpweailed à mong thei.. It7, ms-y ho that Jin.wasa a.littl1e dirtier t.han,,nouai'; poriiap Mn. Lande» f-ered -tia.t her new f riesida would 'net understaaid if. they Shouki aselier ,speakng lx> tua soo'ty young wOrkna. At a-ny à e a& he &aproaoed, aGhe -rld: _ta- avoid bis eye. . But Jini -!êlt! quite ao worthy of repect in ha. workdig clobliesa-s 1 in à Saeday suit. Nor. iiad lie any intention o! paming .» rie fend of the !a-mily, .wýithoîut oereeting,,her. A"!dà e a- bc% iiVu.S ARCHIVES Ã"F ONTARIO, But