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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jul 1913, p. 3

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mantlet, nomw supplled te-tii. boat ingtl4e institutiolis tii. vi.iv of --New ,Ewald ile Couflrmed( -- lu Wbc oheli f umwici Dr.front oi bhat._E Jý6 chie! -aleohol la ordemed. stands wo' conditIonis,' lunsevere -Thcý ,ùd ,a a'uuesna o!. outhan- j. e em -déebin'u hoelezs 7 dis- st .enligiieuedphyicin erealize üot only tlii. lu- tlu. serions luamnfuinese mer- frée.-uoeo.0cf aicolilc - vun- dispoase. T%4. Iyman. e aadrink -te wsrm Up um' that 'the. ar miug ase- a' te - ralaxation, -idoui»g od ',sels cf the. akini at- more,-or less stagnation na blood -withiu i/hem, au4e by- an' e'ffort cof the. iieart te, oves'- porfiial.'aud tiier internai emll 'itiiels t/bat necesitates au luee - 4t tiie hearti action, evidenced by fuoresed pulse rate. Tii. self-reg- ulàtuuug-pomeris ofth. 'systo ohmi--ý aa~ll<dosês cfposqu sud rein-, »t/ste neoimal lheat 'ctiou, heuce, ne lhme&.cate, unïorable .change le ot4'Not seaoi disoaSe. H Rem. evéyy drop of -'&Iria'hol shouid ;bO *atëhiidiý the',-r'aseus fon ts ad- zuljûjqttro.clï,-ibuê fscle7, pro. soibe r- of ahooholim. tiul'nts ueeds wýAhin9 by a, obnsuhtsinb. eOlUiKliO-BMW MILK. T1. b4 ~t Mauy Jueetios. Dis- .es eCaft huaiBe Escaped. inu 41ew of the. tact that -lnnumier- abl. ess"yo, diicuiàis'inlu edical and ay secietiet, monographsansd otiierhIfteratume ou ,the purIfication a manlichave a.ppe.ared durlng the. lest twén1ty yare l2tb6cexnesmat/tom for àie if net conoemu t/o béiu- fr&byse. relbii u stlin/ &.a tiie Boston Medical sud Surgi-cal Journa-in, las let issue that epi-- demlies of milk-borne discases are -on thicurease. It ie statecl that è00 C&5seseo scarlet tevéi aud 1,000 cases cf t>naiitie irere reported iu "'Boston *thre.. years age, aud that typluoid-fever ii4e visitcd tiiot-cityý ' d ifs1 environs five tlmeés lu- ma"'ily *men-t/liasd t/mo-epideios o! dangeroas 80;ethtoatlu tw>-years. 'It le a matter'of record that/ al vthe. ep ideïnics more traaied jto ram or iuupertootly pasteurized -milk, and that th~e dsus4,sed or dî- mîniéIied i"eù'tii'bc"rd 'o!fiealthl ài5Cqvered. this- Èwt-and - s.feuard- ïd o. milk ompPWiyÀ atuiza.. ti 1o1- 'as -akertainèd that in- - fspc~i -iflarge experieuce hav- ung stated_ t/at il .!er daÀry 'tarai! -were gtiardd by an in&peer -h. -wi>uld ot gua'ranted'Mfe milk.'And' t t suâtiotal 1commission'- ci i' Iîlk ad&ai'4 has decreed that ail milk ue.t àiecýt6 ka-temperaturme' M '4yèa Fiabrenheit for thirty iitç4, There le ne record cfa --e iieIug 'raoecit-ulk d*/ ré.'retuer enumes-ous records. ,loùcrbitjug ciecl-ed o r- dby au.bètbgthe milk sup-. ,>-'te jr.erpateurizatioà.-- ine the man i Wo Qa wânïbiv-cM"Imtifraidl e back. , suit -may fÉlls, whiclappoar to forn anlP- standIng- uclued collar and cuif s. 3uveui1é coats are smart Made -O! imIite sre, with"t/hein colars ,sud cuffO o coloned satini' Bail buttons ovedwith-the same-mat-eîI are used te fasten the sceats. «' -A smuant-aket f rock le devel-peèd' o! ûne$t mbitesexrge- sud tiieý.îhort, 'Wabstecl coat lias s veet o!floiered silk7 .-whlt ii sappears - beneat.11a -bioad girdle. cf'blaek satin.... 'Tii. wido crusli-girdle o! satin, finlsiied'with a large-bei tled Bseh endsan udloope extrntd .b'cvesund below the -girdie several inches.~ la yer Iecomiug te-tithe ginlish figure. Tii. transparent UhaVins sen. -.'It lai nide -o! tule, met eÈ)u5ou,'poiuut dl'esprit,'sud lace shirmed oveî ten- datione "of wl-ne sud -tirimmned îithý lace, 'iüaline, fiwemes, l bbon, or feathens. Sthe- silk ratine is s lovely mater- lal sud ila effecetive for both mïomuning1S sud aft eruou wea< gowu o!i this ingray' tiade - !yeIiC*or chamois us 'very lovely uit/h à sm- - ilar ceîler o! ratine lace. A-tmong'.tii. pu sud müst attrac- tive dresses are tiit or.mnu îitii the. high neck ruffies "3çf' pl'.Ited tulle, suad ,1ace' -Tiie ileeres are. trmpmed, wihbuIr ùfflesmof .tulle strapped- îitii' br acelets e!, ribion.' Tui. . asil4e in y effec- ,tive usys fortIîé. neck. It ile ce- cîally pretty arranged'for the nom collarettes macle te cover tiie loir eut decollete iueck. o!f some o! the. toilettes de course. Mâny e! the smartest goins are adorned with the fisuuwif e asl of brocaded silk lu bnilliant coloring. It shpuld b. drain meli over the. hups sud tii. long onde are bordered with iiea-d or euhk fringe. Frequently robes of mousseline de soie sud flaited kauze are trifai- med wlth a ivide scsrf embrobdered lu orientai style, mmchiinjeturned about tii. lips sud tied inu-a double kuot,- sometimes lu front sud agaiui at tiie side. Tii. summer evcning irrape are Oriental lu effeot sud,' ar. macle o! silk, chiffon, sud transparent crepe. Brillant estern. colore, embroid- emed' wth -huge' golden dragons cm large fio'wer -deelguas, arc lined îith chiffon. ,11' " 1 "Tii. -ehI $ressed-woiuau turns te thé6-bïkad -white -batas the ses- condaese, because su«cii. lisean b.. uoru mIt/h -aIl costumes. - ust uou.'ýin"tbe sîePsare- soae 'amant black lista îitiijaunty whiItewlugeÏz, birds-, and feathers.- - acind, maiel. -When,& a -n takes a. vacation hié, neede-.a reit; mien -i fau-nily takes - 42»e'4O,000. peeple dle daily. -Mutk'e! us are good beccuse me, ~dare not b. bad. The belefs oI fthe Paheuins, sa West Af ican tribe, miiavc,'the head sud fhon dyD'it yell-ou. - - Tii diffeeuce bétîen genusu and iussnity leý tha-t f 'ti. latter. geta -m-en lbs. aa o-tcf -mouey thaough the bole ln t-ho teop of th'r pccetfI The. Neir Zetland bu en sau ex-- Tii.- at- ot - recsut tak. our Mnotiuy wi'tlieu' when uo die la à -source--o-! great oomfort/t/ot/h.lair- u"ve me any oe Àbitilsupc Wi,l as eu-usecl te,>by -'W.11k pliroushion Wiy'J?:Wlfe - "Be- kuob- red for a boy wayi lot 'me gat up te à il naHubad- -Wieumanigolda doý ny love .t - Yeur gett.ng aselgu -et ;aIn. ie fire inakea me. 1ev, A Àzman iù love talla lQC~ - 'wouniulovdeuIs,' gauneci Mae ret big sueces. .rhur Pinero'js puethod cf' -play I. eetinly unlique, fWt dievises the inafl scne, >m tiiatmorks baék t&hl.i ý Wieu he ià ab<iut te- me- à. play lie las planeed out uteet detail-of brusiness. -'He i4y' autocrat at rehesmsaqs, - actor or actr4'.s yO doos ow buis -direction leaeo to task. " ESCÂPING TUB TURKS. Terriffyiag Experl eeeaungli War Correspondent.- Qp the, îa up thue Adriatieooeast te Ragues, duringthe ~plal U'.zegoviin lu1876',- r Mle Prior, tii. Eugiiaii. w'r orospouu- 'dent, passed a . niglt' that, lue , de- clames-inu 'Xampalgus -o! a,'War LyoýriépoudeiÏe," irwas onue o! the moat temifyrzg -experienes o!'cis Party o! ci e.rl odea u tboy mowre liIkly, at auÙy time tu en- eountÉer-a large baud cf Tuirkos. 1W-had desceuded,,lute la Valley uhlienme hea'rd-firinig. A i.men, sBaïd, it mas fmrom t/le 'eu.my, mwe do- trmîu.d te -pase tii. unight miens me meà-. sud dothe dangerou. four hours' trip lu tbie eçrly memniiig. Otur.'guides ve-ry: ýsoon discovére 'as but. - It. was.actually irlthiIn & amille -i! a. Turk"aiifort, wuem. tiierem no les /han, tic huùdrïed goidee ,Tii. m-orst iras yet te. coeewme ire thimty-twolmn 'mor.-ailhud- dled'teýiïther ilu thli cattïle-sed. I, w-se Iying 'ii.. grond, miih nothiug except a rugroiled ever. me, mien I--heard a stoaltby noIse,,sud then a eudden rush; -I felt certain that the ii.emyiras -upon us, snd that I mas goiug te be killeci. Whil. 1 'lay ou the. ground, 'somethuing muaiied over me, sud jumping te My feet, -I ma-de a daulu at t-te 'Ied that it mas oniy oee of- s flock o! siieepithat lia-cl ome mb tii.hehut, unhi' tiiey hlatibeon -accuetomed te use for siielter. W. very socu tumned them eut, sud tried te go te sleep again; but as .hàrt time afterward a man crept in and iroke us ahi up, sud told us tbat a friond cf his, uho lived lu tii3 fort, had teld hlm- that h. iiad heard the. Turks talking about us. They kneir ire more there, sud they intended te attack us lu tii. moruiug, sud had actual-ly decided upon the. exact moment mien tiioy î.ntended te do it.' This pût MY trieud' Monteverdi ou the qui vive. Ueo iras an old colionel. lu the Rus- iâau armiy, 'udti.-sceuit o!danger- .qu iekly deeidedmat iras -tiie'bestý ting te .do.- "Prier, ".- ho said, <ire muet stant, at once. ý--- W. musrt' trayel at -ý niglut bun -the.darilese', sud got a f ar îs me, eau on the road, se that mien the. Turks ceine dem te look for us they mnl be mightlly disappointed. W. hail slip tiien." *Th;e rain"was comlng down lu' ton-' -rente, but thât could net b.. lilped; there iras uothiug for it but te keep en' our herses sud ride2+iirough lt. I -veaU? ýbelieve thet lodts -o! offlceerâ h ave e'smnedtei.'..mI/fls ag"ou et- tl4st il I TIurks,. my t3roughth Waid eveui '4Paviovii otiie afely d ' b- rters niai jan-own a&n triitts P'er- riu, Italy, ade before tî%ùhiüe in- Lil named- iled, per- rmted, The ý the met h- LiI and1 ulw JAs vJYflu cipitate or the upirîtu.: Âusepara"s flrattendër msnercies of theê the earthly froni the- heavenly, the' Verse 23.,Is"=h referaence Tt jete Jcb s i. mmdana- -au c'ionE<' Ai! thé"s have gàined mrtal,'from toi I -ptaJ, the cestor. cf the. twelve tribes. Thsepo- ptéty u ~a-w4ls rosfoiti riceless-1 Qtial-ormcf he'.efrene m s o erlittle'heur. -The, king jold. -Death 'telle us,iff.de tue~~~~~~~ ueiclspr* ty'eculisenjoyed his 'brie! zisomeut ot me-,notthat la 1 the . ul thàii at S - ~oterf t'teiame fr ue ane.gal po'wer, -the, milli naile - ha. ne- Worth 'iaving. How fltting. the, u Tii. velled iu the glitter bLhis gold; the 'scitjOn ouni.u ItRoman- Terlnd iHa # p,. onuoisgeur has stood -nap trd-omb: 'q have 'exp,ènded, *I have 24 nrlaed him-Egyptè. gel "ý befiemany a great; canvas ýand. givei ; I ha.ve kept... What"-ex- y4 mazica rare 10110peopee.egr1atly 1- have "Aud.the echildren Of lersel ,were han - .dymay ar y 1o pud ,[be what 1 gave, hve fmuitfül and increased .abùndantly, itwhtbaete abdhit vhÇkp I>s.-e Jn and niultiplied, sud, waxed.exeeed- 1>gmn ht uhe5ria u yiesoi ingly migiity; --and the. landi ias -'- filled with th'eni" (Exod. i1. 7). - - ~ ~ ' "*~" S3treuger -than.theim adversàries.- znirror abovýe:hus iead, and saw the ne,ës t upýsde -du" with the. --four. Stroiiger than'tbie'Egyptiaus, -whqm itl auieotl h*,isd h mfrec A it'illa hwnrrralee 25 .-turnéd their beart-Thegtê .~ t-ws'tieamyovhad" q S, histled Fâther Robinasud poiuted is8 t e tth . E gypti s , ' - w hose h re ,-f à i b r dz n l m 1 ~ n s haidened sud ombittered tward - -. . ,. 5iàote tii. Ismaeltèe, wbom the -" came - Ths Redbreast I- dow lu w to Bbhyes o th crnit ! hebreakfast .fefldo'n bute <urnr eit Fradually ofeierbecaUse7 of their ob a nte-o f h --Inreasing uùibers. . bugalow - piaassu'îo i-up, r~4 ~h~up 1 ,Chirp" To --deaf s8stly-»Céitiufly' Or up, up te the boar~d.- roof above. And ' is l what- that stupld tieachero'url.' What do -you suppose w"as p robin. reçlbrea3t. faiùly alirsys ..'oses bi&servat-It j sti th.r J teglit about the "or. -big,,. at, Bervantýof ehovaii sud hie roepre- ibl.cid . -rt ti . in ù~wr~l, ~byb.uh t sentative te tthe. people that 'M6sos round neett h t ]q r s ther te.YuheÇmain appeare tiiroughout the Ez-c4us nar- Pvobin had built out Of usud'and dry -a nrative. grass. flobby watched .them flybng INEW SPECIES '011, WILDi)UUK. Aarou n .. hoso'rs -- Chosen back' sud forth'ail day.. Aii nowik te ere Mrns s soksmn sd fho iras sormy, te see that they irere- Carnieii Itti- Young. on Uts Buki- other7 irs'ys. --afr-aid* Of hirm. -Mi idPeaDeiu 27: heyset.amo g t -o .s fobby kueir that there wero g- , A brsnd noir species of wild duck, and Aar-on. amoug thi.egytans. because -Mother 'Robin Est- ou" the Hii igus-Tii. manIfestatIons of, nest a long, long turne, sud thon bilnty-ore,'hh ae its hie poirersud mIl. - later h. kiiei that there were little- yluug On"'sbok sdti.yo 28. H. 'sent darkuess-The Egy P' birds, foi, h. heard tiiem o f whlch ib.,megülarly fed by thï. tian wer worhippre cryheng, aÉàe -bIrd *ile 'the. iemale bird is tlnsmee omhipeu ! hesu- Chirp 1 chirpi1 ohirp l'1' 1 day à"?in god, suid -wuthAtiemîi,. thereëfore, flue ln.. stlgou, aisecond httlo f egg4, plague of darkness would b. - eaPe ohrsu aie obn-wr la'be ouud znear'Laombe, AIý- cially calcuilated te oinspire fe ar.cfbuyitigotenetsdcar-bta -- Jehovalu up'ou theni. -This intempre- ighm ift uc"om rm h id e.frtdic rd b tation cf -the plagnueappears 'th:'in OÉebgaron.. Sometb -me ahr cromPeter'T.aibot. When 'th.- more probable from the -uêxt sou- gbn ld- bifs-aeerd hiyunois teÙce, "«And they rebelled-not bbn -omefafoiht rtds-have mad otherawtees againat -hie merd," ibu-whiciuh rdchnyb h.bthadto a ne foifÃ"mirtwi b. ýaet ta 'e pronon ~'iiey i. enerlly akên noise thuose little baby robins madele orfuti1reud. ' 1 te refer te the Fgyp)tians.. 4 ýtabut-t! îï thie rOa.d o- uhl snenethrfoe fi Iwisii I could se. the lusido ofidSeiao tii atitdecf ii Egpta that net," eabd Bobby, sud hie suc u-. 3iam, Aidq- i father ureplied, "Look to-morrow Tho eetljidzuuu~1 toirard the. Israélites;,whs e te ' 108 morning, sud you il see the robin fn,"u aeatat parture eut if the. land the. people f~ythm"-great deal of atteu tiqu. ,Tii. male uer reeucledmuc ealbe tan "-Are you goiug to bning a lad- bid at thopr #uttMe tek.. .care iras their*stubborn king. wt 4-fte-yi-h eale irdg 29. Tei iatnsTios ti.demr 1" asked the itti. boy, wt i !i. yi g, ie dheafl- 1'Tie river. (Compare Exod. 7. 20-(_ ie pn i th g - iou moe ' Ieggn,-d'ai- 25.) - ,Wait sud se.," said hie father. togimn ioi aebeina 30. Frogs--According to the, Exo- "sso ei eîgr. hâds -not qd bthi.~on e e t dus narrative, the 'second plague. Weu-tresu iok Bbb u te ird.do et aeartebeti.l0 (Compare Exod. 8. 1-15.) next momniug, he raun ight eut sud abietlighteed.The al.ruitd ole a,. Sw *rms ef files... lice look.d up buto the corner. There Epaetyal wenu a bd -Ltr9y.sam !do-fe udia itie e r rfastened just sud ingi into a kidnd e! boat, sud;- guaa. Comarealc Eod.8. e-above tiie neet, sud he couid 50 SS io ren 32e. (Cmaeas xd -.v reflected iu it the soft, round neet,- the back cf the parents lu tb.is fa- 32. ail . .. flming- fie asd four of the. funniet little baby shion. Ev' eu ti'pue'thor Hall accomnpaned by thunder sud robins. - g sude 1' 1 1 eu. eea th higtung.Th rferuc I.tos Where dcl you get - sucii big al oug'lsud the. ýounge? eues are singie plague, tii. sevonthl, acc-ord- mnouthe ?" asked Bobbv, with hie scraped cMti they-alay.naag ing e .he oderbu xodu owl muth winde pis. to rcramblo ai nt Li ah 9â .th 45.) E<ýd'(Exod. CpenwitMsOrprseof their- parents, aMd a. far as ire -9. 23--U"And why didn't your motiier buy have beenaubahi to _jVes mail, ne 33. Smûte théir "vines. you -eome feathene 1" jot oéit Ir hmevs h ira, te teesBymeas o ti. ChirpiciipI hrp-t" cried alefr ositfrt.slets brak the trés-B meas c the ýp 1chip! maiWe bird" feeding theun constant- halsuIightning.- (Compare- Pea. the littleroissuthyloeh 78. 47, 48.-). aorry for themselves. -thatý Bobby y. oo-ltenwSèesof 34.Locet . . raeboperrau eut ibuote igardez' and - dug i - Tiinl. oio 'fii. nî peclea e!n -Agin-referrlng:'to s single plague. for wiroma until ho hadlfouud« four duk heoa-eheave boeu ocid!g nfoecto tiiose whobv enw4hu The,'HRebmev word probably denotsg a, juicy on ufr&h1tm xejteradktek the loé'ust i-n itè lerva sh/t., and l ittn hngy o.ý hi-tni,£o h the Enghieli revis.d version le thenç- Bobby climbed Up on ah charrungfo ii i a m~ fore; tmunlated:v- aukerworm instea4 sud at.ood on hie -tiptos ad.Ohatii. b-s4ad of S'Iw. mula cf as-lu our text., - etnetched wsy, -waY, 'iry uP until h.uek sd use 85.', very. hon-Grass and- vege'L ho could just reach the. neet. re colon. -Te mcan rssao table loiage. -Chirping louden than ever, tethe 'ba i ir. areb:ajè u.ceer mul ~T1i frit -o! hei groud-Thibaby riobins huddle'd together over hbcklalç3 expnoseiqn,-may,refer te suêh !hùlbs tiie edge of the nest,suocudJ'Ooe-u .viniya vr as vee uedfor fod- teirmoths way doun, sud fo)uglut seeu ducka cof that.kIdnd Befor.," as 36: Tiie:mdfrsorutel . fothe four iftjuc onssaiutSenator Tea1b;bt, -"and althoiugli n orth-furbh,îA c Osî r aemade 'esquWres -0l-_ektbila Botiu o!catte sd o! humi~nbeine' t5t m~gged tms.Province, - e -oxict ~ Itti sud thereforè th echie! 'f ail- the î into a kmot. i- streu5th.' This Was the tenthliand Bob,"cald ierct Iparinc~o esJýisseeuiia ~ aud~.pmv4d-so cÃ"vuuo~ conud drees 1" tBPrvn bl' lae gue,* 'Phaprvokmss ôvne ly- DbY'rute hie iothàer, but asuch ' - irct ±iAu -ut ai xs-w-axe 'tii. I.- s oluir~as hadb h ct Â1OR10,~hr ments that worn-out È PePlpseem to Reca suff persuade a "per- -Son Who la not to iadly off to sta.rt. the treatment-by a few days lu bed, and thea ýto.rspend que, eutire-day there -every wek. f 9rseb ýWil do no. ,good. -thé patient bounçes. .ot..activelya l mpa,- tiently- bètwýeen, the- covens.. By '<bed," theélisiindoès notmean meeya.. plae LchamberAf ui- ture, but 1-ong, ho r.1de-breojth- in2g drowsiness. lua areclining- po95- ture l èlvni~e u il lighted, room.-Youth's Companion. Digestion aand tie êOoMpexioa., The digestion i1as v e zy rea t 4e ai, ijudeed, to-do, *lth, beauty ýcf ,comPle4xosi, or the reverse. But the. complexion and .he ýeres deter-- lu cases ,where no dysM - sia aybe complained oL -ilfthe -b1oodbe l ýthe. slightest -degÉo,-,vehatd, o ever s0 littie cagcLihbiltrôom ihaÇtiVity of, ,thel,.,i~, -the';,i kin te to #ief, 8aêijr-is-tîê --k1n of -te face thM.t ýjiffrs rt h best cosmùetic ýever inventbed could not cureithis satate of atters tilt the, blood gets night a;gin. Nature Lwill effeet &a cure, however, if the- diet b. lowered, sud ouly .coôling f.ood b. ýpartaken-- f. -When oné, in oummer, suffons 7from thinet te-a considerable degreo i1% la aisgu that maore-than the ýsyfitem requireS ia's been esten. :If -thon large, quaûiit- tie. ot fluid b. sw*al1oed matier ýare ý-renderoëd far -worsei perapiration la induced,~ and once agàin tii. oin - pleion-b suffers. No better drink èau -be pataken of for -heaith'sà sake than the juice of a lemôn- lu soda Wattrî, or sirnply -in co , d water sweetéed with sugar. -What med- ibal men cail acne,- or pimples, are 1Véry disfiguring. Ihey usually de- note, po .verty of bl,66d, and, there- fore, amal doses Qf quinine' and iron shou]d b. takeu twice a day for, say, a month, 'while codlver oil aud extract of malt, if -taken alter every ineal, a dessertgpoonful, often sects like a chafi&. The GIorIès o! Byde Park. The Ro«v Faily hJàýëé doue mucli duning tii. Loxiàlon eason te revive the glènieù'-,f Hyd* Park, W'hicii, to.- gethen with itis surrouutdings, la far a.nd away 'th-e mclsf beautiful park te be found in auy capital of 1E'u- rppe..H M~etby ii, eanl mernug rde, ccompauied by Prnuce;5 4a<ry, lias op 1i' otten lRow, auld thé Qüeeîà' Who) his neyer shçw;l a- l4kinâg, Jor ho-rse exrcseLh6 ed the.,1wàsy lu, re-stor- iùg ase10fa libb1eaftoruo% -driveê, sud. has"this eredthe Pïirk a-b-out four ocokbrthire f tennroon la npW fMdwith equ;p- 1:, e9 ,,morè wor-thy tlieir .lieaütiful setting tiien the rmotýorcar could, e vex be,- for t.ho lutter,. eV'en though îit.ma-y-have cout $7,500, arouses but littie intere&t. iu the- spectator*. It doe -not adTd to, the: attracetielneas of the scelle. Afraid -of )I-achinery. Alittie city. chap-wa -,cird ýchauce to epend ia- Week il he o oun- trbut refuked., Osxnped ing, -arg-ging,'ruebgo îtl -wondeýrs alikeirogtfm in * but hé not" bsrmzn ak liesTu ,es o! the. We the ywes'e Ku a'ugry autorn- Alph4ne', 'isce vie- t/qning to ' c te visit ad of-aný )holim' o! cu.utered roe Hie 't-o)M>hle itch. The.-- whip et as they Neals on oûw faces' widh21 a n alinfiot

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